Future manager business school

Elenco future manager business school

  • In deutschland gehören zu global university systems die university of europe for applied sciences, die berlin school of business and innovation (bsbi), die gisma business school, die berufsfachschule für gestaltung (htk academy) und die trägergesellschaft gus germany gmbh (ggg)wir suchen für unseren internationalen campus in berlin ab sofort eine/n campus manager (m/w/d) in dieser funktion bist du für den reibungslosen ablauf am campus sowie für die koordination, verbesserung und sicherstellung der servicequalität in der hochschulverwaltung und den serviceabteilungen verantwortlichvertretung der anderen campus manager in hamburg, potsdam und iserlohn wir bieten dir: einen arbeitsvertrag in vollzeit abwechslungsreiche aufgaben in einem kleinen team eine familienfreundliche und inspirierende arbeitsumgebung service zeiten von montag - freitag und zu klausurzeiten gelegentlich samstags (sonntags und feiertags dagegen nie) verschiedene online-trainings sowie die möglichkeiten der teilnahme an online kooperationsangeboten (zvertretung der anderen campus manager in hamburg, potsdam und iserlohn du bist erste ansprechpartner*in für unsere studierende, dozent*innen, interessent*innen und mitarbeiter*innen in den serviceabteilungen verantwortlich für das tägliche management aller servicefunktionen am campus sicherstellung höchster servicequalität für unsere studierenden sowie für die mitarbeitenden der gus gruppe am campus betreuung und förderung der strategischen und operativen zusammenarbeit der einzelnen institutionen am campus (gisma, uswcareer center, prüfungsamt etcunsere studiengänge sind das ergebnis des direkten austausches zwischen unseren professoren, mitarbeitenden und unseren studierenden sowie der nachfrage potenzieller arbeitgebertäglich tragen unsere mitarbeitenden mit innovativen ideen dazu bei, uns unseren zielen - qualität, service, internationalität und wachstum - näher zu bringen) sicherstellung der ordnungsgemäßen abwicklung von neu- und umbauten in enger zusammenarbeit mit externen dienstleistern aufbau und weiterentwicklung der services und prozesse im service center gemeinsam mit den fachexperten (studierendensekretariat, stundenplanung, int) sowie facility, arbeitssicherheit und gesundheitsschutz planung und optimierung der raumnutzung, -auslastung sowie vermietungsmanagement entwicklung, koordination und umsetzung von sicherheitskonzepten (pandemie-konzepten) auftragsauswahl und verhandlungen mit externen dienstleistern sowie kontrolle der externen anbieter wie zibm design thinking oder sprachkurse über rosetta stone) gestaltungsmöglichkeiten und teilnahme an zahlreichen events aus design, technology und wirtschaft zahlreiche corporate benefits mindestens 30 tage urlaub interesse? dann freuen wir uns auf deine bewerbungsunterlagen auf deutsch oder englisch unter angabe des gewünschten einkommens und möglichen eintrittsdatums via e-mail an: dein kontakt bei fragen: cathleen kaufmann • recruiting • die gus germany gmbh setzt sich als arbeitgeberin für chancengleichheit und die unterstützung von minderheiten ein und diskriminiert nicht aufgrund ethnischer herkunft, hautfarbe, religion, geschlecht, sexueller orientierung, geschlechtlicher identität, nationaler herkunft, behinderung oder eines gesetzlich geschützten statusglobal university systems (gus) ist eines der vielfältigsten bildungsnetzwerke von hochschuleinrichtungen auf der ganzen weltgus bildet in einer vielzahl von programmen aus, darunter bachelor- und master-studiengänge, englisch-sprachkurse sowie berufs-, unternehmens- und führungskräfteausbildungencaterer, sicherheitsdienst, reinigungsdienstleister etcunsere institutionen zeichnen sich durch besondere praxisnähe, internationalität, moderne lehrinhalte und den persönlichen umgang mit den studierenden aussowie erkennen und umsetzen von verbesserungspotentialen planung und steuerung von projekten zur optimierung des campus schnittstelle zu den fakultäten, prodekanen und lehrenden sowie zu den allgemeinen verwaltungsabteilungen und studierenden budget- und mitarbeiterverantwortung koordination und sicherstellung des reibungslosen ablaufs von campus events wie campusführungen, zertifikatsverleihungen, erstsemesterveranstaltungen, mitarbeiterevents, fachvorträgen sowie entwicklung und durchführung sonstiger veranstaltungen enge zusammenarbeit und ggfsdu bist erste ansprechpartner*in für unsere studierende, dozent*innen, interessent*innen und mitarbeiter*innen in den serviceabteilungen verantwortlich für das tägliche management aller servicefunktionen am campus sicherstellung höchster servicequalität für unsere studierenden sowie für die mitarbeitenden der gus gruppe am campus betreuung und förderung der strategischen und operativen zusammenarbeit der einzelnen institutionen am campus (gisma, uswan 57 standorten wie großbritannien, kanada, den usa, der karibik, irland, israel, singapur und deutschland bilden rund studierende ein internationales netzwerk, um gemeinsam zu lernen

  • La figura prescelta sarà inserita all'interno della unit business consulting che si occupa di misurare l'efficacia e il roi delle attività di marketing sui kpi di business per i propri clientiprincipali attività e responsabilità: - realizzare le analisi a supporto del business dei clienti gestiti al fine di identificare le leve che hanno generato un incremento o un decremento delle performance di business - curare l'attività di reportistica e monitoraggio delle performance delle campagne media su dati di call center, visite al sito, conversioni per i clienti gestiti, con l'obiettivo di identificare le possibili ottimizzazioni future - sviluppare modelli econometrici per identificare e quantificare il contributo delle attività di marketing alla generazione delle vendite e quantificare efficacia, efficienza e roi -raccogliere e armonizzare i dati di performance delle precedenti analisi con l'obiettivo di realizzare un database di benchmark requisiti richiesti: - studente in economia, statistica, informatica o similare con forte predisposizione all’analisi dei dati - possibilità di attivare lo stage curriculare di sei mesi con l’università o business school - conoscenza approfondita di excel, powerpoint e altri strumenti di bi - buona conoscenza della lingua inglese - ottima conoscenza della lingua italiana - entusiasmo e voglia di mettersi in gioco - assertività, affidabilità, puntualità, predisposizione al lavoro di squadra e al confronto - la conoscenza di linguaggi o soluzioni tecnologiche in ambito analisi dati quali r, python, sql, knime, datastudio, powerbi, tableau o similari costituiranno titolo preferenziale sede wpp campus in milano (con possibilità di smart working per qualche giorno)

  • Le principali materie trattate nel percorso formativo: il contesto azienda fondamenti di marketing management digital marketing management strategic communications il project management per la digital strategy l’evoluzione del marketing: tips and trends opportunità di carriera: alma laboris business school rappresenta un punto di riferimento per i partecipanti del percorso formativo di alta formazionesei interessato/a? invia la candidatura e potrai fissare un colloquio di orientamento (gratuito e non vincolante) con la business school, in cui valutare le opportunità di carriera legate al tuo profiloalma laboris: digital marketing management and strategic communications per favorire la crescita professionale, alma laboris business school propone il percorso formativo in digital marketing management and strategic communications (320h di formazione, 160h project work, 640 in azienda) l’obiettivo di: fornire conoscenze tecniche, attraverso l’esame di numerosi casi aziendali, esercitazioni pratiche e la presenza di esperti del settore; costruire opportunità di carriera, con il supporto gratuito di consulenti qualificati; sono tanti più di 40 gli sbocchi occupazionali per cui è pensato il percorso formativo di alta formazione in digital marketing management and strategic communications di alma laboris business school: junior product manager, product manager, marketing analyst, marketing coordinator, marketing consultant, marketing manager, marketing specialist, brand manager, content manager, content marketing manager, content marketing producer content specialist, content strategist, content writer, digital marketing manager, digital strategist, internet marketing specialist, paid search manager, sem manager, sem specialist, seo manager, seo specialist web marketing manager, web marketing specialist, campaign manager, demand generation manager, e-commerce content specialist, e-commerce marketing analyst, corporate communications assistant, corporate communications manager, marketing communications specialist, media relations coordinator, public relations manager, digital product marketing manager, portfolio marketing manager, product marketing manager, senior product marketing manager, community manager, engagement manager, multimedia communications specialist, social media editor, social media manager, social media marketing manager, social media strategistagevolazioni entro il 21 giugnocon la candidatura all'annuncio riceverà info sulle attività formativela carriera dei discenti è al centro delle nostre attività, grazie a un servizio placement gratuito che nel corso degli anni ha rappresentato per i profili che ne hanno beneficiato un acceleratore verso il raggiungimento di obiettivi professionali sempre più ambiziosiil percorso formativo prevede 640 ore di tirocinio in aziende

  • Le principali materie trattate nel master: il contesto azienda fondamenti di marketing management digital marketing management strategic communications il project management per la digital strategy l’evoluzione del marketing: tips and trends opportunità di carriera: alma laboris business school rappresenta un punto di riferimento per i partecipanti del percorso formativo di alta formazionesei interessato/a? invia la candidatura e potrai fissare un colloquio di orientamento (gratuito e non vincolante) con la business school, in cui valutare le opportunità di carriera legate al tuo profiloalma laboris: digital marketing management and strategic communications per favorire la crescita professionale, alma laboris business school propone il percorso formativo in digital marketing management and strategic communications (320h di formazione, 160h project work, 640 in azienda) l’obiettivo di: fornire conoscenze tecniche, attraverso l’esame di numerosi casi aziendali, esercitazioni pratiche e la presenza di esperti del settore; costruire opportunità di carriera, con il supporto gratuito di consulenti qualificati; sono tanti più di 40 gli sbocchi occupazionali per cui è pensato il percorso formativo di alta formazione in digital marketing management and strategic communications di alma laboris business school: junior product manager, product manager, marketing analyst, marketing coordinator, marketing consultant, marketing manager, marketing specialist, brand manager, content manager, content marketing manager, content marketing producer content specialist, content strategist, content writer, digital marketing manager, digital strategist, internet marketing specialist, paid search manager, sem manager, sem specialist, seo manager, seo specialist web marketing manager, web marketing specialist, campaign manager, demand generation manager, e-commerce content specialist, e-commerce marketing analyst, corporate communications assistant, corporate communications manager, marketing communications specialist, media relations coordinator, public relations manager, digital product marketing manager, portfolio marketing manager, product marketing manager, senior product marketing manager, community manager, engagement manager, multimedia communications specialist, social media editor, social media manager, social media marketing manager, social media strategistagevolazioni entro il 21 giugnocon la candidatura all'annuncio riceverà info sulle attività formativela carriera dei discenti è al centro delle nostre attività, grazie a un servizio placement gratuito che nel corso degli anni ha rappresentato per i profili che ne hanno beneficiato un acceleratore verso il raggiungimento di obiettivi professionali sempre più ambiziosiil percorso formativo prevede 640 ore di tirocinio in aziende

  • Sei interessato/a? invia la candidatura e potrai fissare un colloquio di orientamento (gratuito e non vincolante) con la business school, in cui valutare le opportunità di carriera legate al tuo profiloalma laboris: pharma medical affairs: la scienza nella direzione medica dell’industria farmaceutica alma laboris business school è la scelta migliore per l’inserimento nel mondo del lavoro, per la riqualificazione professionale, per ricollocarsi presso un’altra azienda: la formula unica “ formazione-placement-carriere ” è la soluzione ideale per tanti profili professionali, che intendono raggiungere nuovi obiettivi di carriera e/o acquisire le skill più richieste dalle aziendealma laboris è l’unica business school che si prende cura della carriera del partecipante sin dall’inizio del percorso formativo con un servizio placement completamente gratuito, dedicato allo sviluppo della carriera, con un complesso di azioni mirate alla massima spendibilità occupazionale! le principali azioni del servizio placement: promozione del profilo, colloqui e matching con aziende fidelizzate del network, coaching individuale, carnet di strumenti di presentazione, target mirato di contatti aziendali, sessioni di training sul mondo del lavoro e tanto altroagevolazioni entro il 21 giugnoil percorso formativo di alta formazione in pharma medical affairs: la scienza nella direzione medica dell’industria farmaceutica in aula (roma e milano) e online (live streaming) è la strada più concreta per adeguarsi alla crescente richiesta di figure professionali del settorele ultime tendenze dal mondo del lavoro, infatti, segnalano la necessità di professionisti come: medical affairs manager, medical affairs advisor, medical science liaison (msl), field medical advisor, field medical manager, clinical monitor, mclinical project manager, r&d manager, medical area director, patient advocacy manager, clinical project manager, medical affairs specialist, direttore medico, direzione medicacon la candidatura all'annuncio riceverà info sulle attività formativele principali materie trattate in formula week-end: il ciclo di vita del prodotto farmaceutico: l’evoluzione accelerata del medical affairs: ruoli, responsabilità e competenze generare evidenze per creare valore: medical affairs: qualità, autenticità e prova di ogni risultato: la ricerca pre-clinica e clinica: dove nascono le “evidenze”, elementi di metodologia e statistica: le “evidenze” in medicina, come si progettanoe realizzano le “evidenze”, farmacovigilanza e medical affairs: il paziente al centro, affari regolatori, affari legali e medical affairs: un rapporto indissolubile, farmacoeconomia e medical affairs: dare valore economico alle evidenze cliniche comunicare valore: la divulgazione e comunicazione scientifica nell’epoca moderna: la pubblicazione dei risultati della ricerca, marketing farmaceutico e strategie per creare valore autentico per il cliente, il valore della comunicazione nel medical affairs: formazione, informazione e diffusione, la comunicazione scientifica in pubblico

  • Sei interessato/a? invia la candidatura e potrai fissare un colloquio di orientamento (gratuito e non vincolante) con la business school, in cui valutare le opportunità di carriera legate al tuo profiloalma laboris: sistemi di gestione integrati per la qualità, sicurezza, energia e ambiente alma laboris business school è la scelta migliore per l’inserimento nel mondo del lavoro, per la riqualificazione professionale, per ricollocarsi presso un’altra azienda: la formula unica “ formazione-placement-carriere ” è la soluzione ideale per tanti profili professionali, che intendono raggiungere nuovi obiettivi di carriera e/o acquisire le skill più richieste dalle aziendealma laboris è l’unica business school che si prende cura della carriera del partecipante sin dall’inizio del percorso formativo con un servizio placement completamente gratuito, dedicato allo sviluppo della carriera, con un complesso di azioni mirate alla massima spendibilità occupazionale! le principali azioni del servizio placement: promozione del profilo, colloqui e matching con aziende fidelizzate del network, coaching individuale, carnet di strumenti di presentazione, target mirato di contatti aziendali, sessioni di training sul mondo del lavoro e tanto altrole ultime tendenze dal mondo del lavoro, infatti, segnalano la necessità di professionisti come: ingegnere, engineer, ingegnere energetico, ingegnere, engineer, quality manager, environment manager, ingegnere ambientale, safety manager, consulente, dirigente, auditor, progettista, certificatore, lead auditor, progettista, responsabili qualità, business administration, esperto in iso , iso , iso , iso , addetto alla gestione qualità, addetto alla gestione sicurezza, consulente qualità, consulente sicurezza, consulente ambientale, responsabili qualità, responsabili sicurezza, gestione qualità, gestione ambiente, gestione sicurezza, controllo qualità, responsabile del controllo qualità, quality manager, ispettore qualità, responsabile sicurezza, responsabile sicurezza e qualità, responsabile sicurezza e qualità, consulente per l’ambiente, responsabile ambiente sicurezza, tecnico ambiente, salute e sicurezzail percorso formativo di alta formazione in sistemi di gestione integrati per la qualità, sicurezza, energia e ambiente in aula (roma e milano) e online (live streaming) è la strada più concreta per adeguarsi alla crescente richiesta di figure professionali del settoreagevolazioni entro il 21 giugnole principali materie trattate in formula week-end: la metodologia di audit dei sistemi di gestione - corso uni en iso - esame corso uni en iso , iso - le dinamiche del sistema di gestione per la qualità - esame lead auditor iso (qualificato aicq sicev n265), iso - le dinamiche del sistema di gestione per salute e la sicurezza sul lavoro - esame lead auditor (qualificato aicq sicev n269), iso - le dinamiche del sistema di gestione per l’energia - esame auditor interno (qualificato aicq sicev ncon la candidatura all'annuncio riceverà info sulle attività formative266), iso - le dinamiche del sistema di gestione per l’ambiente - esame lead auditor iso (qualificato aicq sicev n

  • Le ultime tendenze dal mondo del lavoro, infatti, segnalano la necessità di professionisti come: project manager, esperto in project management, project manager qualificato, project management office, project manager coordinator, junior project manageralma laboris: project management alma laboris business school è la scelta migliore per l’inserimento nel mondo del lavoro, per la riqualificazione professionale, per ricollocarsi presso un’altra azienda: la formula unica “ formazione-placement-carriere ” è la soluzione ideale per tanti profili professionali, che intendono raggiungere nuovi obiettivi di carriera e/o acquisire le skill più richieste dalle aziendesei interessato/a? invia la candidatura e potrai fissare un colloquio di orientamento (gratuito e non vincolante) con la business school, in cui valutare le opportunità di carriera legate al tuo profiloalma laboris è l’unica business school che si prende cura della carriera del partecipante sin dall’inizio del percorso formativo con un servizio placement completamente gratuito, dedicato allo sviluppo della carriera, con un complesso di azioni mirate alla massima spendibilità occupazionale! le principali azioni del servizio placement: promozione del profilo, colloqui e matching con aziende fidelizzate del network, coaching individuale, carnet di strumenti di presentazione, target mirato di contatti aziendali, sessioni di training sul mondo del lavoro e tanto altrole principali materie trattate in formula week-end: predictive project management base, predictive project management avanzato, gestione dei rischi nei progetti, agile project management, strumenti informatici a supporto dei progetti, sviluppo di un project charter/plan, certificazioni - linee guida e simulazioni esami, preparazione per il conseguimento delle certificazioni, una sessione di simulazione degli esami pmp, capm, psm, pskagevolazioni entro il 21 giugnocon la candidatura all'annuncio riceverà info sulle attività formativeil percorso formativo di alta formazione in project management in aula (roma e milano) e online (live streaming) è la strada più concreta per adeguarsi alla crescente richiesta di figure professionali del settore

  • Le ultime tendenze dal mondo del lavoro, infatti, segnalano la necessità di professionisti come: project manager, esperto in project management, project manager qualificato, project management office, project manager coordinator, junior project manageralma laboris: project management alma laboris business school è la scelta migliore per l’inserimento nel mondo del lavoro, per la riqualificazione professionale, per ricollocarsi presso un’altra azienda: la formula unica “formazione-placement-carriere” è la soluzione ideale per tanti profili professionali, che intendono raggiungere nuovi obiettivi di carriera e/o acquisire le skill più richieste dalle aziendesei interessato/a? invia la candidatura e potrai fissare un colloquio di orientamento (gratuito e non vincolante) con la business school, in cui valutare le opportunità di carriera legate al tuo profiloalma laboris è l’unica business school che si prende cura della carriera del partecipante sin dall’inizio del percorso formativo con un servizio placement completamente gratuito, dedicato allo sviluppo della carriera, con un complesso di azioni mirate alla massima spendibilità occupazionale! le principali azioni del servizio placement: promozione del profilo, colloqui e matching con aziende fidelizzate del network, coaching individuale, carnet di strumenti di presentazione, target mirato di contatti aziendali, sessioni di training sul mondo del lavoro e tanto altrole principali materie trattate in formula week-end: predictive project management base, predictive project management avanzato, gestione dei rischi nei progetti, agile project management, strumenti informatici a supporto dei progetti, sviluppo di un project charter/plan, certificazioni - linee guida e simulazioni esami, preparazione per il conseguimento delle certificazioni, una sessione di simulazione degli esami pmp, capm, psm, pskagevolazioni entro il 21 giugnocon la candidatura all'annuncio riceverà info sulle attività formativeil percorso formativo di alta formazione in project management in aula (roma e milano) e online (live streaming) è la strada più concreta per adeguarsi alla crescente richiesta di figure professionali del settore

  • Alma laboris: energy management alma laboris business school è la scelta migliore per l’inserimento nel mondo del lavoro, per la riqualificazione professionale, per ricollocarsi presso un’altra azienda: la formula unica “ formazione-placement-carriere ” è la soluzione ideale per tanti profili professionali, che intendono raggiungere nuovi obiettivi di carriera e/o acquisire le skill più richieste dalle aziendesei interessato/a? invia la candidatura e potrai fissare un colloquio di orientamento (gratuito e non vincolante) con la business school, in cui valutare le opportunità di carriera legate al tuo profiloalma laboris è l’unica business school che si prende cura della carriera del partecipante sin dall’inizio del percorso formativo con un servizio placement completamente gratuito, dedicato allo sviluppo della carriera, con un complesso di azioni mirate alla massima spendibilità occupazionale! le principali azioni del servizio placement: promozione del profilo, colloqui e matching con aziende fidelizzate del network, coaching individuale, carnet di strumenti di presentazione, target mirato di contatti aziendali, sessioni di training sul mondo del lavoro e tanto altrole ultime tendenze dal mondo del lavoro, infatti, segnalano la necessità di professionisti come: ingegnere, engineer, ingegnere energetico, responsabile energia, specialista energetico, consulente energie rinnovabili, project manager settore energia, energy consultant, energy engineer, neolaurato, esperto ingegneria elettrica, direttore energia, analista energia, trader energia ed altrile principali materie trattate in formula week-end: gli elementi cardine dell’energy management, strategie politiche a tutela dell’ambiente, la diagnosi energetica (uni cei en ), le fonti di energia, efficientamento energetico per gli impianti elettrici, efficientamento energetico degli impianti di climatizzazione estiva dd invernale (hvac), la norma iso /sistema di gestione per l’energia, il project management nel settore energia: strumenti di finanziamento e business plan, realizzazione di un progetto integrato di efficientamento energeticoagevolazioni entro il 21 giugnocon la candidatura all'annuncio riceverà info sulle attività formativee, auditor energetico, auditor sistema di gestione energia, consulente energetico) in aula (roma e milano) e online (live streaming) è la strada più concreta per adeguarsi alla crescente richiesta di figure professionali del settoreil percorso formativo di alta formazione in energy management (energy manager, e

  • Alma laboris: energy management alma laboris business school è la scelta migliore per l’inserimento nel mondo del lavoro, per la riqualificazione professionale, per ricollocarsi presso un’altra azienda: la formula unica “ formazione-placement-carriere ” è la soluzione ideale per tanti profili professionali, che intendono raggiungere nuovi obiettivi di carriera e/o acquisire le skill più richieste dalle aziendesei interessato/a? invia la candidatura e potrai fissare un colloquio di orientamento (gratuito e non vincolante) con la business school, in cui valutare le opportunità di carriera legate al tuo profiloalma laboris è l’unica business school che si prende cura della carriera del partecipante sin dall’inizio del master con un servizio placement completamente gratuito, dedicato allo sviluppo della carriera, con un complesso di azioni mirate alla massima spendibilità occupazionale! le principali azioni del servizio placement: promozione del profilo, colloqui e matching con aziende fidelizzate del network, coaching individuale, carnet di strumenti di presentazione, target mirato di contatti aziendali, sessioni di training sul mondo del lavoro e tanto altrole ultime tendenze dal mondo del lavoro, infatti, segnalano la necessità di professionisti come: ingegnere, engineer, ingegnere energetico, responsabile energia, specialista energetico, consulente energie rinnovabili, project manager settore energia, energy consultant, energy engineer, neolaurato, esperto ingegneria elettrica, direttore energia, analista energia, trader energia ed altrile principali materie trattate in formula week-end: gli elementi cardine dell’energy management, strategie politiche a tutela dell’ambiente, la diagnosi energetica (uni cei en ), le fonti di energia, efficientamento energetico per gli impianti elettrici, efficientamento energetico degli impianti di climatizzazione estiva dd invernale (hvac), la norma iso /sistema di gestione per l’energia, il project management nel settore energia: strumenti di finanziamento e business plan, realizzazione di un progetto integrato di efficientamento energeticoagevolazioni entro il 21 giugnoil master di alta formazione in energy management (energy manager, econ la candidatura all'annuncio riceverà info sulle attività formativee, auditor energetico, auditor sistema di gestione energia, consulente energetico) in aula (roma e milano) e online (live streaming) è la strada più concreta per adeguarsi alla crescente richiesta di figure professionali del settore

  • business acumen: understands business implications of decisionstravel 50%+ high school diploma or general education degree (ged) and “industry experience & tenure” as outlinedmarchesini group usa, a leading supplier of aseptic, primary, and secondary automatic packaging equipment, is searching for an experienced service manager to manage our team of us technicians and their deployment on service projects as well as administration of the departmentover the years, various companies that were complementary to his business merged and were even taken over, thus transforming the marchesini group from the once small local company to the impressive multinational enterprise it is today, capable of creating packaging technologies for the most important products of the pharma and beauty industriesa self-starter and team player who is motivated to succeedreview projects and define sow for service teamparticipate in interviewing and training of the new employees as well as coordination of training sessions accordinglyprovide feedback to management for department improvement and efficiencybrings strong network connections and relationshipswill not sponsor visassalary: negotiable please email resume toensure that service department has all necessary tools and equipmentadapts strategy to changing conditionswork in collaboration with the hr department to maintain best practices for service departmentreview service reports and ensure administration of reports and invoices on a timely basisassist customer care coordinator in resource identification and planningcustomer service:focuses on serving customers as the organization’s top priorityresponds promptly to customer needs to meet commitmentsability to travel full benefits package including health, pension, 401k and paid vacation timeliaise with sales and after sales teams on upcoming projects and installsindustry experience & tenure: 10 years’ field service experience and knowledge of pharmaceutical packaging equipment and 5 years in related management experiencemanages competing demands and changes approach or method to best fit the situationmust be fluent in english – reading, writing and speaking must be fluent in italian – speaking must be able to read and understand european electrical schematics for new machine installation and troubleshootingcreate detailed reports for upper managementpromote/sell maintenance programs to existing customersdisplays orientation to profitabilitycollaboration and teamwork: balances team and individual responsibilitiesthe marchesini group designs and builds stand-alone machines and customised lines for packaging pharmaceuticals and cosmeticsexpert communication: excellent verbal and written communication skillsunderstands needs, creates distinctive value, and builds meaningful relationshipsmotivation:sets and achieves challenging goalssuperior people/customer relationship skills as well as strong interpersonal skillsplanning/organizing:: prioritizes and plans work activities while efficiently managing timestrategic thinking: develops and implements strategic priorities to achieve organizational goalspivotal experience & expertise functional experience: brings strong commercial experiencedemonstrates persistence and overcomes obstacles and measures self against standard of excellenceunderstands organization's strengths & weaknessesmaintain customer satisfaction and company’s good standing through pre-service planning and post-service follow upcontributes to building a positive team spiritaligns organization and resources to deliver on customer commitmentsaligns work with strategic goalsnotable requirements and considerations for position: applicant must have a pre-existing legal us work statusinnovation: displays original thinking and creativity and meets challenges with resourcefulnessresponsibilities: manage all functions of the service departmentsdriven to create value for customersgathers and analyses information skilfully and develops alternative solutionsmanage emergency calls and warranty worksoftware proficiencies: microsoft o365 including excel, word, onedrive, outlook, powerpoint, project manager, sharepoint, teams, crm systemreview and approve service hours and overtimedevelop and deliver in-house training for service team including service procedures, company’s policies and procedures, and machine-specific trainingwork with management for tradeshow preparations and set upanalyses market and competition and identifies external threats and opportunitiesit was back in that massimo marchesini had the original idea of building packaging machines and built his first one in his garage at homelearning: curious, open-minded and an avid listener who welcomes broad input, criticism and feedbackproblem solving:identifies and resolves problems in a timely mannerability to read and understand european blueprints and pneumatic diagramsdemonstrates an independent, results-driven work ethicdemonstrates knowledge of market and competitioncompetencies: adaptability: adapts to changes in the work environmentmaintain neat and orderly warehouse and workshop

  • business acumen: understands business implications of decisionstravel 50%+ high school diploma or general education degree (ged) and “industry experience & tenure” as outlinedmarchesini group usa, a leading supplier of aseptic, primary, and secondary automatic packaging equipment, is searching for, is searching for an experienced after sales – regional sales manager to generate and handle sales with emphasis on sales of modification and formats in designated territory within north americaover the years, various companies that were complementary to his business merged and were even taken over, thus transforming the marchesini group from the once small local company to the impressive multinational enterprise it is today, capable of creating packaging technologies for the most important products of the pharma and beauty industriesafter sales forecast planninga self-starter and team player who is motivated to succeedsoftware proficiencies: microsoft o365 including excel, word, onedrive, outlook, powerpoint, project manager, sharepoint, teamsbrings strong network connections and relationshipswill not sponsor visassalary: negotiable please email resume toadapts strategy to changing conditionsitalian/spanish language - not a requirement but an advantage full benefits package including health, pension, 401k and paid vacation timecreate and maintain strong working customer relationsplanning/organizing: prioritizes and plans work activities while efficiently managing timeresponds promptly to customer needs to meet commitmentssell and promote formats, modifications, and sla contractsmaintain and manage customer data base and reports in crmmanages competing demands and changes approach or method to best fit the situationdisplays orientation to profitabilityexpert communication: excellent verbal and written communication skillsstrategic thinking: develops and implements strategic priorities to achieve organizational goalscollaboration and teamwork: balances team and individual responsibilitiesthe marchesini group designs and builds stand-alone machines and customised lines for packaging pharmaceuticals and cosmeticsmotivation: sets and achieves challenging goalsunderstands needs, creates distinctive value, and builds meaningful relationshipssuperior people/customer relationship skills as well as strong interpersonal skillspivotal experience & expertise functional experience: brings strong commercial experiencedemonstrates persistence and overcomes obstacles and measures self against standard of excellenceunderstands organization's strengths & weaknessesaligns organization and resources to deliver on customer commitmentscontributes to building a positive team spiritaligns work with strategic goalsnotable requirements and considerations for position: applicant must have a pre-existing legal us work statusinnovation: displays original thinking and creativity and meets challenges with resourcefulnessdriven to create value for customersgathers and analyses information skilfully and develops alternative solutionscustomer service: focuses on serving customers as the organization’s top priorityanalyses market and competition and identifies external threats and opportunitiesdrive growing sales in expanding marketresponsibilities: develop, generate and manage sales activity for multinational accounts as well as small to mid-size customers with the emphasisindustry experience & tenure: 5 years’ broad experience and knowledge of pharmaceutical packaging equipment and processesit was back in that massimo marchesini had the original idea of building packaging machines and built his first one in his garage at homelearning: curious, open-minded and an avid listener who welcomes broad input, criticism and feedbackproblem solving:identifies and resolves problems in a timely mannerdemonstrates an independent, results-driven work ethicdemonstrates knowledge of market and competitioncompetencies: adaptability: adapts to changes in the work environment

  • Alma laboris: comunicazione e relazioni istituzionali si segnalano le seguenti figure: manager delle relazioni esterne, responsabile di public affair, esperto di comunicazione d’impresa, consulente di agenzie specializzate,esperto di rapporti pubblico-privato (ppp), dirigente delle relazioni istituzionali nazionali ed europei per favorire la crescita professionale, alma laboris business school propone il percorso formativo in comunicazione e relazioni istituzionali (in aula oppure online - live streaming) 100 ore di formazione con taglio pratico in formula weekend in aula (roma e milano) e online (live streaming) con l’obiettivo di: fornire conoscenze tecniche, attraverso l’esame di numerosi casi aziendali, esercitazioni pratiche e la presenza di esperti del settore; costruire opportunità di carriera, con il supporto gratuito di consulenti qualificati; comprende iscrizione pmi (project management institute) e preparazione esame certificazione pmple principali materie trattate nel percorso formativo in formula week-end: introduzione - la comunicazione e le relazioni istituzionali il lavoro delle relazioni istituzionali la collaborazione parlamentare il giornalismo d’inchiesta la comunicazione stampa tv, radio e giornali la comunicazione e i social network focus - comunicazione dell’energia tra mercati regolati e liberi la statistica e i dati nella comunicazione opportunità di carriera: alma laboris, già durante il percorso formativo, propone per ogni singolo partecipante: promozione del profilo alle aziende interessate a fissare colloqui per diverse posizioni aperte; consulenza di carriera qualificata, per delineare con efficacia l’ambito di spendibilità; portale “network”, strumento esclusivo ideato per proporre in autonomia la candidatura agli annunci di lavoro che le aziende partner e la business school pubblicano periodicamente; assistenza individuale con un tutor esperto delle dinamiche del mercato, per consigli utili e strumenti aggiornati; sei interessato/a? invia la candidatura e potrai fissare un colloquio di orientamento (gratuito e non vincolante) con la business school, in cui valutare le opportunità di carriera legate al tuo profiloagevolazioni entro il 21 giugnocon la candidatura all'annuncio riceverà info sulle attività formative

  • Essential duties and responsibilities: develop and run milano office during its inception stage being responsible for local business strategy and operating plan; meet sales and financial targets, with fully responsibility on p&l; drive significant future growth for the italian organization; build a team of consultants to help deliver projects and develop new business opportunities manage relationship with clients, technology partners and head officein order to grow and to pursue additional market opportunities, we are looking for: consulting manager – milan, italy the best candidates have a master’s degree in economics or engineering and proven experience in project management, with significant experiences in consulting firms or digital/media agencies, working with international companiesplace of work: milan, italyhigh understanding of web analytics, media performance and cloud for marketing performance; strong knowledge of the adtech/martech landscape (players and trends); past experience or good knowledge of luxury cpg and automotive industriesthe successful candidate will be ambitious, hard-working and independent, with an high level of energy and commitmentour customer, part of the first brandtech group, is a global data consultancy multinational company focused on developing innovative solutions for the strategic use of data and technology, in order to increase clients’ marketing roi and improve customer acquisition and retentionyou should be fluent in english; french is a plus

  • It operates through its three global business lines: nhoa energy, free2move esolutions and atlante(formerly electro power systems - engie eps), global player in energy storage and e-mobility, active in the construction of the largest fast and ultra-fast charging infrastructure in southern europe, develops technologies enabling the transition towards clean energy and sustainable mobility, shaping the future of a next generation living in harmony with our planetwe are looking for a treasury and finance manager who, working with the cfo, will be involved in the following activities: support to development of company tms to support cash flow activities monthly cash flow reporting 3 months rolling monthly / quarterly / yearly internal reporting, variance analysis vs actual / budget analyse cash management operations, support in identifying and recommending areas for improvement monitor payments activities provide support to develop and implement f/x hedging strategy be responsible in managing banking relationships with italian and international banks including bank system reporting, account balances, corporate guarantees, kyc maintenance in collaboration with the cfo, coordinate internal resources and external consultants on extraordinary operations (m&a, capital increase) support the cfo on shareholders and other stakeholders management preparation of documentation for the bod education & experience: master’s degree in economics, finance, business administration at least 7 - 8 years experience in finance functions of which 3 - 4 in treasury / cash flow management role, preferably in industrial companies fluent in english, both written and spoken chinese speaker is definitively a plus proficiency in excel skills excellent interpersonal and communication skills, with the ability to build relationships with different stakeholders ability to work under pressure and deliver to tight deadlines with “can do” attitude; able to work independently and within a cross-functional team, managing multiple priorities and deadlines in a fast-paced environment what we offer you a permanent full-time contract an ambitious employer; we only want the best for you; professional experience in an international environment with frequent contact with other colleagues and partner around the world; strengthen cross-functional communication skills; learning & development programs; be part of the young (36 on avgpeople with disability status are encouraged to apply) and international (+20 nationalities) group and work in a dynamic and fast-moving environment; a revolutionary way of remote working that meets your needs (https://nhoaborn in as a technological spin-off of the politecnico di torino and milano, nhoa leverages its best-in-class technology and engineering edge, developed in over 15 years of r&d, paired with strategic partnerships and global procurement, to deliver the most competitive tailor-made turn-key solutions that allow the integration of renewable sources with all forms of energy storage, from batteries to hydrogen and even electric vehiclesenergy/sustainability/familyworking/) a fast career track like only few other companies can match; always room for new ideas! location: hybrid remote (from italy) and milan we are an equal opportunity employernhoa, with offices in france, the united states and australia, maintains entirely in italy research, development and production of its technologies

  • For this reason, weve always adopted a 100% digital approach to our businessmr key shop is an official easeus reseller easeus deploy manager server with easeus deploy manager server, you can manage system deployment to your server with a few clickseaseus deploy manager server, the ideal solution for system deployment easeus deploy manager server is a professional suite which simplifies os management, deployment, and distribution operations to multiple servers at oncewe designed a unique journey to help you grow your business and successfully serve your customersbuy easeus deploy manager server now from mr key shop, one of the brands official resellersorder easeus deploy manager server from mr key shop now, save on the msrp, and get fully operational within a few minutes! download, install and activate easeus deploy manager server is fast and easy with mr key shop thanks to mr key shop, you can download, install and activate easeus deploy manager server within a few minutes from the purchasefurthermore, we offer professional tools and suites, including microsoft sql server, windows storage server, and the best backup & recovery solutions like easeus deploy manager serveroperations with easeus deploy manager server are fast and straightforward, even in case of bare-metal deployment to multiple servers: youll never have to manually install your os to each single machinewith tools like easeus deploy manager server, you can manage system distribution, even of bare-metal type, on all your servers from a single, centralized app, with a few clicks and with no complexitieschoose mr key shop for your genuine and guaranteed premium software! optimize your operations with easeus deploy manager server and help us protect the planet the server ecosystem is delicate and requires care and workdesigned for system administrators with the same user-friendly approach of the other brands products, easeus deploy manager server is one of the best tools in the market for server deployment management, and one of the easiest-to-use products of this categorythis is why easeus chose us as their official partner! whats included with easeus deploy manager server purchased from mr key shop? complete your secure checkout and get all you need in your inbox, so that you can immediately make the most out of your easeus deploy manager server solution: - your easeus deploy manager server license - official download links - clear and simple instructions on how to download, install, and activate your easeus deploy manager server software - invoice - free, english-speaking technical support find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements supported operating systems: - windows server 2019 - windows server 2016 - windows server 2012 r2 - windows server 2012 - windows server sbs 2011 - windows server sbs 2008 - windows server 2008 - windows server sbs 2003 - windows server 2003 - windows 11/10/8this is a significant benefit because youll be operational right awayyoull find attached your activation key - always genuine and guaranteed, clear and simple instructions on the whole setup process, secure and official download links, as well as your invoicevisit the official mkreseller program page now, or mail us at sales@mrkeyshopa server infrastructure with dozens of units is a high-profile management challengedigital delivery is the only distribution channel we usequality, customer protection, and ease of use are also mr key shops pillarsthis means that, with us, you can save on the shipping costs and get your products in real-time via email, as well as help us make a difference in the world! were a 100% eco-friendly company and you can be so with us too! are you a reseller? 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  • Establish a strong partnership with product owner and tech lead to ensure effective prioritization that balances business value, quality and other constraintscontinuously evolving the plan to reflect current reality of the project and view of the future scope management: embrace flexibility in requirements change to maximize the stakeholder value whilst balancing management of delivery and expectations of required objectives within a defined timeframecsm or psm (advantageous) educated to degree level (advantageous) a degree in a computer related subject (advantageous) relevant professional qualifications (advantageous) experience 5+ years of experience working as an agile project manager, iteration manager and/or scrum master 3+ years of experience working in any software development team role experience working with agile delivery methods experience working with a cross-functional software development team skills an inspired sense of shared purpose within the project team a defined roadmap and well understood success criteria aligned to delivery needs consistent transparent, and accessible communications to all stakeholders internal and external realistic and regular expectation setting and negotiation risk mitigation people support and growth creation of deployment systems/processes to reduce-friction-with external dependencies reduced cycle time of stories from grooming through deployment clear escalation paths for issue management through project stakeholders clear “definition of done2 continuous team reflection and improvement creation of cross-functional teams that have the right balance of skills and capacity to be autonomous and performantbuild high performing teams: enable a group of people who share a common vision, goals, metrics and who collaborate, challenge and hold each other accountable, to achieve outstanding resultsthis includes learning, practicing and experimenting with tools, techniques and frameworks that foster collaborative working environmentscontinuous delivery planning: create a realistic, achievable roadmap showing how and when the project goals will be met along with the required milestones, mitigations, activities and resources requiredthis includes personal follow through, making and defending difficult decisions and trade-offs, removing blockers, driving collective progressbuilds a high performing delivery machinefacilitation: steer team and stakeholders to work well, both in defining a common vision, making decisions, achieving their goals and creating a relational climate where trust prevails and communication is fluid, empathic and honestopen gi is a leading software development company and a trusted partner to the general insurance industryrisk management: map and comprehend the risks involved in several dimensions of the work, aiming to prevent them by reducing and mitigating them when possibleagile & lean principles: guide and champion lean and agile principles for achieving quality, adaptability, speed & alignmentpersistent to complete tasks and a strong commitment to take action that moves things along to ensure delivery of objectivesgiving & receiving feedback: solicit and engage with feedback on a continuous basisleads a team to successfully deliver to stakeholder expectationsownership & accountability: takes personal accountability and ownership for their workable to execute plans through to actionunderstand individuals, their motivations and provide them the support needed so they can excel in their rolesserves the needs of the team by serving its team membersbased across the uk and europe, our support and development services make us a truly diverse organization that offers a range of it solutions to insurance brokers, insurers, and managing general agentsour values are central to this vision, as they represent how we collaborate how we work together in synergy and continually deliver for our customers: accountability: we take personal pride in finding solutions and achieving results innovation: we lead the market by being proactive, product-led, and forward-thinking teamwork: we work collaboratively, recognizing and celebrating success trust: we build trust on integrity, transparency, and respect benefits package competitive salary depending on skills and experience company pension bonus opportunity life assurance and critical illness cover cycle to work scheme perkbox – an exclusive platform offering a wide range of discounts and benefits holiday entitlement of 25 days per annum, increasing to 26 days per annum after three years of service & a holiday purchase scheme a hybrid approach to work opportunity for a more flexible approach to start, finish, and lunchtimes to allow you to better manage events outside of work social clubs - whether you’re into your cycling, crafts, or other hobbies, we have a number of groups at open gi where individuals who enjoy the same pursuits can get together wellbeing – wills at work scheme, employee assistance programme and mental health first aiders to apply for this role please click the apply button and send us your covering letter and cvshows curiosity and has a keen interest to drive learning for themselves and othersunderstanding which scope management techniques to employ based on the impact of the changestakeholder management: identify, analyse, plan and implement actions that engage and build relationships as well as sustain them long term through effective expectation management, so as to enable each party to reach their goalsyour key responsibilities delivery management: manage and ensure the progress of project work, "continuous flow" and adherence to team commitmentshaving timely, actionable and meaningful conversations about performance for the purpose of shaping behaviours and fostering learning, with the goal of strengthening confidence and improving the effectiveness of self and othersincludes tracking of work, management of risks, and remediation of issuesemotional intelligence: recognises, understands and manages their own emotions and recognizes, understands, shares and influences the emotions of othersaptitudes drives to outcomes: focuses on results and desired outcomes and how best to achieve themmission and values our mission is to be both the technology partner and employer of choice for the uk general insurance marketservant leadership: leads by exampleresponsible for managing scope, schedule, budget and quality levers; managing dependencies and raids within the team and across the organisationput the needs of others first and help people develop and perform as highly as possiblecontinuous improvement: advances by ongoing, incremental improvement through continuous learning, questioning the status quo and trying out creative and novel ideascollaboration: works jointly with others to co-create and achieve a common goalthis includes the practices, techniques and tools that support those principles, and an understanding of when things may or may not be applicable in a situation or context

  • A minimum of 2 - 3 years experience as a business development manager or similar role is requiredin line with the ulaw's continued expansion strategy, we are looking to recruit an experienced and driven business development manager, to play a fundamental part in further establishing ulaw's as a globally recognized brand, with a focus on the canadian marketthe role holder will be responsible for managing and developing ulaw'sbrand and business in canada, through the utilization of various student recruitment channels including, but not limited to, engagement with educational agents, attendance of recruitment fairs, institutional partnerships, and corporate tie-upsresponsibilities business development generate new revenue from existing streams and accounts assist in identifying and supporting developing potential business partners and growing existing client relationships to perform potential client research including (but not limited to) meeting/engaging with key players in the industry to actively seek and conduct meetings and presentations with potential clients; to represent ulaw at client/agent meetings, local and national exhibitions, and conferences in order to recruit potential students and build upon stakeholder relationships where applicable other ad-hoc duties as requested for the overall performance of the company customer focus to provide individually-tailored professional advice at all times and be a trusted advisor providing individually-tailored advice to all prospective students consulting students through the full application cycle (direct or via agents): from initial inquiry/conversation through to finalizing and closing their application to study with ulaw exploring possible career paths for students and matching it with specific ulaw offerings handling student inquiries regarding different programs from potential students building commonalities to gain trust and engage potential students/ agents provide outstanding customer service to all students, and all stakeholders, which is timely and efficient, and encourages students to choose ulaw handling student inquiries regarding different programs from potential students’ business partners communication and liaison agency network management, or ‘account management’: develop and train potential agents sourced from fairs, business trips, inquiries, referrals, in general searches in line with business development responsibilities outlined above constant clear and effective liaison and communication with agents and students ensuring that all relevant product developments, including changes to admission, compliance and course requirements or start dates are communicated externally to prepare, assist and deliver in performing customer/agent presentations analysis, reporting and data management to research and provide valid information and market feedback on industry trends, which will become the basis for strategic planning and forecasting for management collect and compare pertinent data on target markets, making recommendations and writing proposals when requested provide management with relevant data, competitor analyses and feedback where relevant assist in presenting strategies for expansion to administer agent accounts and produce reports on local performance in response to management accounts position requirements a university degree in the relevant field is requiredwe can trace our origins to with the formation of leading tutorial firm gibson & weldonknowledge of the uk education systems specifically is preferredrather than focusing on academic research, our aim is to be thought leaders in the issues that matter to the legal profession and the next generation of practicing lawyersability to travel throughout canadaour courses take an in-depth look into key areas of the law and provide a broader overview of the legal system to better contextualize what's being learnedexcellent verbal and written communication with fluency in englishwith a rich heritage and a reputation for innovation and contemporary teaching practices, we continuously focus on developing the best legal mindsthe university of law is one of the uk's longest-established specialist providers of legal educationthe university of law is an internationally recognized expert in the field of law

  • Al fine di potenziare la propria presenza sul mercato, si ricerca la figura di: field manager (fm) scopo nel rispetto delle indicazioni ricevute dalla business unit, garantire il raggiungimento dei kpis assegnati all’intera rete di informatori medici scientifici del farmaco (italia), attraverso la predisposizione di una strategia adeguata agli obiettivi relativi al listino dei farmaci equivalenti e il coordinamento attivo ed efficace di otto area managerpartendo dall’analisi di risultati e obiettivi delle aree geografiche, individuare strategie e modelli efficaci, potenziativi, alternativi o correttivi, da condividere con la business unitcon cadenza regolare, affiancare gli area manager nella verifica analitica e nella valutazione delle azioni intraprese da parte degli informatori sui territori di competenza, della loro efficacia territoriale, analizzando criticità e opportunitàassistere gli area manager per curare e sviluppare, in modo pertinente al raggiungimento degli obiettivi, i networks locali e nazionali, al fine di promuovere una collaborazione proficua e duratura con opinion leaders e tutti i principali stakeholderslinguistiche saper comunicare in modo chiaro e preciso saper parlare in pubblico anche in modo interattivo buona conoscenza della lingua inglese formazione formazione in conformità alle classi di lauree previste dal dforte competenza nella gestione attivo degli area manager, supportandone lo sviluppo e la soddisfazione professionaleinformare tempestivamente l’azienda in merito a problematiche relative alla performance, alla motivazione, o alla soddisfazione professionale degli isf e degli am, anche finalizzate al contenimento del turn-over e alla promozione della cultura del valorecapacità di stabilire relazioni durature di networking e di collaborazioneprofilo competenze professionali precedenza esperienza nel ruolo di field manager, preferibilmente a livello nazionale, coordinando un team di area manager, saper trasmettere alla rete in modo efficace gli obiettivi di performance territoriale, ispirandola e supportandola al loro raggiungimento capacità di analizzare sia analiticamente sia sinteticamente dati e trend di mercato, sapendo trasferire alla rete in modo chiaro e specifico i temi rilevantiverificare la corretta applicazione delle policy e delle indicazioni aziendali, facilitando la comunicazione e lo scambio tra il field e l’organizzazioneattività trasferire agli area manager, assicurandone poi l’adeguata implementazione territoriale, gli obiettivi, le indicazioni e le linee guida, monitorando il raggiungimento degli obiettivi assegnatisupportare gli am nella corretta valutazione di dati, informazioni e trend di mercato, relativi alla loro area di competenza, verificando i piani di trasferimento efficace a ciascuna squadracompetenze personali leadership personale; capacità di comunicazione efficace e adeguata alla complessità del ruolo e agli stakeholders anche istituzionali; forte capacità di coaching e di people development orientamento allo sviluppo del team e ai risultati predisposizione all’utilizzo dei nuovi media comparea di competenza: italia inquadramento: collaborazione di consulenza a partita iva data di inizio: maggio viaggi e trasferte secondo programmazione periodica, a livello nazionale saltuariamente presso la sede in svizzera selezione e assunzione avverranno ai sensi della ldal jakin group raggruppa a livello internazionale quattro società, attive nel settore dei servizi alle principali multinazionali farmaceutiche, con focus particolare sull’informazione medico scientifica, il market access e la distribuzionepromuovere la cultura del lavoro etico e di squadra

  • Atlante is nhoa’s new global business line dedicated to build the first ev fastcharging network enabled by renewables, energy storage and 100% grid-integrated), direct and supervise their work ensuring timely deliver of their deliverables on budget; provide feedback to the commercial and development teams, for continuous improvement and optimization of site selection and development; contribute to the strategic decisions and goal setting for future site acquisition and developmentit/en); a fast career track like only few other companies can match; always room for new ideas! location: full remote (from italy) or hybrid remote (from italy) / milancontribute to the creation or improvement of digital tools and systems as part of your work culture; promote a culture of cost-effectiveness for the benefit of the end-usersyour background: an electrical engineering degree complemented by practical and relevant site development experience (see below) is a mustmanaging the timing and costs of engineering activities; day to day management of resources and budgets assigned to you; drawing up reports on the closing of the order, in order to capitalize and spread the results, solutions and anything else necessary to increase effectiveness and efficiency in subsequent experiencestask and duties: contribute to the definition of standard yet flexible charging stations’ configurations and features; define preliminary and executive design of charging stations’ solutions, managing a portfolio of site development projects at various stages of development; support the site selection process, especially with respect to engineering/technical topics, planning, permitting timeframes and/or potential technical redflags; support the development team in liaising with all external stakeholders necessarily part of the development plan: site owners, public/local authorities, local communities, consumers’ groups, planning authorities, fire safety authorities, utilities (for connections and supply), etc; liaise with internal teams (development, procurement, project management etcyou will interact with all internal teams of atlante and/or nhoa, and will ensure upkeep of all relevant nhoa’s policies, contractual and quality standards, health, safety & environment requirements, financial targets, as well as schedule commitments from beginning to endverifying the requirements of subcontractors also in terms of safety and preparing the necessary safety measures for the site, with the support of the hseq manager; proactively design processes and work methodologies which are digital, replicable, and scalable to the maximum extent possible for all of the technical design, engineering and configuration activities (appropriately segmented by categories)within your responsibilities, you will select, appoint and supervise external consultants and contractors as required to complete the detailed engineering, procurement and construction/installation of the charging stationswherever possible, you will coordinate the addition of on-site photovoltaic coversafter handover to project management team, you will continue to support as required, including for the commissioning phase) and external consultants (specialized engineering firms, planning advisory etcbe quality and customer-experience obsessedat atlante you will be in charge of the design, solution configuration and engineering of our charging stationsyou will be in charge of defining the required gird connection(s) and support equipment / modules (ecertification in autocad (or similar), project management and bim are considered as a plus while the role is for site development within italy, candidates must be available for international travels, for example to support other offices (france, spain, portugal) fluent in english (spoken and written) is a must; a second language is a plus (french, spanish or portuguese) what we offer you a permanent full-time job an ambitious employer; we only want the best for you; professional experience in an international environment with frequent contact with other colleagues and partner around the world; strengthen cross-functional communication skills; learning & development programs; be part of the young (36 on avgyou will then continue following the engineering of the solutions, detailing the specifications and working with the procurement team for equipment selection and/or tenderingthe atlante project is the result of the partnership between nhoa – which develops and invests in the network being owner and operator – free2move esolutions, in the role of supplier of charging technology, and stellantis automotive group) and international (+20 nationalities) group and work in a dynamic and fast-moving environment; a revolutionary way of remote working that meets your needs (www5+ years of relevant work experience in technical design and/or engineering in the field of renewables, energy storage, distribution grid, sub-stations etc we highly favour professionals with some previous experiences in e-mobility / ev charging projects working experience in several of the following areas: ev supply equipment; ev batteries / engineering; grid interconnection; power conversion systems; power system design; energy storage; greenfield, brownfield developments, re-purposing development projects; energy related-real estate developments, tendering / contracting with public authorities, health and safety regulations, grid codes, scheduling, progress measurement, risk assessment, estimating process and planning, electronic document file management… advanced computer sciences and digital skills of any nature a definitive plusyou will be involved from and contribute to the early stages of the site selection and the planning & permitting assisting the development team with designs, specifications and early stage plans

  • Implementation of other specific tasks assigned by the line manager and preparation and transmission of additional information requested by hq)purpose of the role within this framework, weworld-gvc seeks to recruit a project manager to and lead the implementation of the two projectssupports people overcoming emergencies and guarantees a life with dignity, opportunities and a better future through human and economic development programs, in the framework of the agendaunder the direct line management of the head of programmes/program manager, the project manager will be responsible for successfully implementing weworld-gvc’s components of the projects, in close cooperation with the project partners and the consortium coordinators, beneficiaries, and stakeholdersposition: project manager – water development reporting to: head of programmes/program manager collaborating with: water advisor, senior hydraulic engineer, and support departments managing: field team of 5-6 individuals location: lebanon, bekaa, zahle office with frequent visit to field areas type of contract: a first 3 (three) month collaboration contract subject to verification of the achievement of specific objectives (these objectives will be agreed together with the country representative upon arrival on assignment); a second collaboration contract of 9 (nine) months renewable, following the positive evaluation of the first three months of contract starting date: asap gross salary: to be defined according to the candidate’s profile application deadline: 25 april working context weworld-gvc started operating in lebanon in and has refined its water governance program for over seven yearsother tasks provide inputs for the update weworld-gvc strategies, by conducting needs assessments when relevant contribute to the development of competitive and responsive project proposals the duties and responsibilities set forth above are not exhaustive and the role holder may be required to perform additional duties (iweworld-gvc, recently constituted from the merger of two ngos, is an italian secular and independent organization working since in international cooperation and humanitarian aidmain functions and duties projects management (70%) plan and supervise the implementation of projects’ activities ensuring effective delivery in line with all donors’ regulations, lebanese legislation and professional standards ensure satisfactory management of project budgets in collaboration with finance and logistics conduct procurement processes in collaboration with the logistics and finance department closely monitor the contracted works and directly liaise with the consultants and contractors initiate and conduct assessments, baseline surveys, beneficiaries satisfaction surveys and end line surveys ensuring stakeholder participation plan and supervise the implementation of communication and behavioural change campaigns monitor and assess the progress of implementation of activities and devise corrective measures as and when required, ensure that project impact is maximized and lessons learnt are continuously documented and shared ensure timeliness and accuracy of internal and external reporting, in collaboration with the meal department communication, coordination and representation (15%) ensure effective coordination with support departments establish and maintain networks with operational and institutional interlocutors involved in the realization of the project represent weworld-gvc at relevant public, coordination and representation meetings involving local stakeholders, authorities, international agencies and ngos prepare visits of donor representatives / hq visitors / other stakeholders whenever requested participate in all consortium relevant meetings, as well as relevant sector meetings or other relevant coordination bodies in the target areas team management and hr (15%) ensure the appropriate staffing of the project, planning and implementing specific actions to recruit, manage and motivate staff ensure that directly line managed staff have clearly defined objectives, understand their responsibilities and receive meaningful feedback on their performance provide support and advice to project staff, ensuring clarity over project plans and priorities and encouraging effective teamwork establish and maintain a collaborative and high performing working environmentat present, the main donors are italy (aics), the eu (dg echo), unicef, ocha, and belgium (dgd)essential requirements qualifications and knowledge advanced university degree or equivalent in the field of water management, development studies, project management fluency in written and spoken english professional experience at least 4 years of experience in project management in development programs proven experience with impact-driven implementation of activities and team management, as well as logistics, meal and budgeting for programs above 1 m eur skills and abilities strong interpersonal relationships and good communication and leadership skills ability to perform under stress condition capacity to work autonomously and in problems prevention/resolution proven organizational skills and ability to effectively manage multiple tasks while fostering quality, team spirit and positive working relationships with colleagues integrity in line with the humanitarian principles and ethical standards cultural, gender, religion, and age sensitivity and adaptability strong commitment to weworld-gvc mission desirable requirements previous experience in lebanon or in the middle east previous experience in water programs availability to commit for a long-term deploymentpresent in 29 countries with 128 projects, weworld-gvc operates in the following areas of assistance: human rights (gender equality, prevention and combating violence against children and women, migration), humanitarian aid (prevention, emergency relief and rehabilitation), food security, access to water, health and hygiene, education, global citizenship education, quality teaching and international volunteeringits approach is three-folded, and builds on (i) infrastructural interventions to improve service delivery, (ii) capacity building to water establishments’ local offices, and (iii) community engagement to promote water accountability and public participationweworld-gvc works mostly with girls, boys, women and youth, actors of change in every community for a fairer and more inclusive worldcurrently is implementing two multi-year water projects supporting public water and wastewater services through funding by afd and eu-madadjoining the weworld-gvc team means being part of the development of a dynamic organisation where the contribution of each staff member is promoted and valued, working together towards the collective achievement of shared goals and vision

  • Collaborate in business transformation activities providing expert support in process diagnosisthe impact: provides effective business solutions and optimized / integrated processes implementing the best systems availablewe are currently in the process of recruiting a candidate to cover a position of junior project manager (internship)guarantee full support to it teams and corporate functions defining and drafting business requirements - collaborate with all it teams to drive end-to-end process design, with the right technology and data solutions, ensuring a robust integrated landscape - execute the relevant it projects (enegotiate, together with management, the best conditions with it suppliers - degree in economics, management or similar - fluent in written and spoken english - good knowledge of excel and powerpoint (good knowledge of access will be considered a plus) - positive and business partnering approach - open-minded and innovative mindset - data driven and problem-solving approach - team working and communication skills - curiosity, proactivity and agilityprovide regular updates on the status of projects, their progress, problems and solutions to the steering committees, through the collection of information on the project and its timely distribution - manage, through support teams and technical bridge calls, the critical issues related to the normal conduct of operations and the activities of elica users related to the business, until their complete resolution - ensure the necessary training on processes and systems for key users, encouraging them to participate in the key user's community - have well trained key users, providing comprehensive insight and intensive training for business process and key users as needed, and encourage them to participate in the key user communityover employees play their part in helping us produce about 17 million items a year between hoods and electric motorspromptly manages system issues in collaboration with the maintenance & support team and external partnersour production platform centres around five countries including italy, poland, mexico, india and china and makes us the outright leaders in the world in the sector of hoods and among the leaders in europe in the design, production and distribution of electric motors for hoods and heating system boilersmain activities and accountabilities: the trainee will support the tutor in the following activities: - implement best in class systems and processes, enhancing them through new features / improvements for development and customizationbuild a detailed project plan, govern the project as per plan identifying and managing conflicts, resources, costs, risks, time and budget)we have managed this because the elica group is now in a class of its own in the market thanks to its experience, attention to design, refinement in the use of materials and its interest in state-of-the-art technologies that guarantee maximum efficiency and energy savingswe have transformed them from simple accessories into unique design items capable of improving the quality of life of those who choose our productsthe company has been active since the s under the chairmanship of francesco casoliour expertise has led us to revolutionise the traditional image of kitchen hoods

  • About the company: per azienda leader nei servizi alla persona, i nostri recruitment engineer ricercano un: it business analysttechyon: information technology recruitment experts | head hunter techyon è il primo head hunter esclusivamente specializzato nella ricerca e selezione di professionisti senior e manager nel segmento information technologyi nostri recruitment engineer selezionano i migliori profili it per prestigiose società di consulenza informatica, banche, aziende di servizi, gruppi manifatturieri, start-up di eccellenza e digital dna companycore responsibilities: la nuova risorsa inserita nell'area information technology, riportando direttamente all'it manager, si occuperà della realizzazione e implementazione dei vari progetti che gli verranno assegnati di cui produrrà la relativa documentazione e reportistica inerente la definizione di obiettivi e rischi rispettando la strategia itsi interfaccerà con le varie aree aziendali (in particolare le varie sedi dislocate sul territorio) coinvolte, organizzerà e parteciperà a riunioni aziendali di aggiornamento sui progressi dei progetti in corso, individuando tempestivamente impatti, necessità o implementazioni it necessarie, rispettando gli obiettivi in ottica economica e di timing, fattibilità e ne definirà le prioritàdovrà coordinare le risorse coinvolte sui progetti favorendo la diffusione di know-how relativomust have: laurea in informatica pregressa esperienza come analista funzionale esperienza di project management capacità di stesura di documentazione tecnica e reportistica disponibilità a brevi trasferte sul territorio nazionale buone capacità relazionali e di comunicazione attitudine al problem solvingnice to have: conoscenze metodologie e tecniche di sviluppo web aggiornate linguaggio java e tecnologia j2ee web api, servizi rest, web services database relazionali più comuni (ms sql server) disegno di architetture applicative tecnologie cloud location: caresanablot (vc)si occuperà inoltre dell'attività di scouting volta all'individuazione di potenziali fornitori per le varie soluzioni tecnologiche

  • Per un progetto a forte carattere innovativo, in collaborazione con partner internazionale, leader in ambito iot & smart home, ricerchiamo un/una: project manager cosa farai: all’interno del dipartimento di r&d / innovation, sarai letteralmente il punto di contatto tra area tecnica e area business / marketing per la realizzazione di nuove funzionalità su prodotti e dispositivi esistenti e la loro integrazione all’interno di un reale ecosistema smart home / smart deviceanalizzare la fattibilità di quanto richiesto dal business, in collaborazione con il reparto innovation, contribuendo a creare le specifiche funzionali del progetto, creando e coordinando un costante e reciproco feedback tra business e r&d / innovationin particolare ti occuperai di: raccogliere e razionalizzare i requisiti e le aspettative del business e del digital marketing rispetto alla creazione di nuove funzionalità dei prodotti esistenti ed alla loro integrazione all’interno delle piattaforma smart homemonitorare quindi l’andamento del progetto e delle attività (sal), con stakeholder interni ed esterni garantendo la fluidità delle comunicazioni e coordinando il rispetto dei tempi di progettoe’ prevista assunzione diretta a tempo indeterminato, ccnl commercio, con inquadramento e retribuzioni commisurati alla reale rispondenza ai requisiti della ricercala sede di lavoro è monza (mb), con una quota di remote working pari a circa il 40% del tempo lavorativo totalerelazionarti con referenti di progetti locali e globali, all’interno di un contesto realmente internazionale cosa ci aspettiamo da te: laurea specialistica in ambito stem o gestionale esperienza di almeno 7/8 anni in ruolo analogo, preferibilmente in contesti internazionali caratterizzati da lnnovazione tecnologica preferibilmente in ambito iot & smarthome"il presente annuncio è rivolto a entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi e , e a persone di tutte le età e tutte le nazionalità, ai sensi dei decreti legislativi egruppo scai persegue un trend di costante crescita basato principalmente sul continuo aggiornamento di competenze delle proprie risorse, attraverso percorsi di formazione e certificazione personalizzati in modo specifico sul piano di carriera e sulle aspettative individualigruppo scai é un network italiano di 16 aziende specializzate in information technology e management consulting, posizionato tra le prime 30 it companies italiane di medio-grandi dimensionicon 15 sedi su tutto il territorio italiano ed un organico di circa dipendenti, gruppo scai supporta le più importanti organizzazioni in ambito banking, insurance, pa, telco, media e utility in progetti di digital transformation basati sui driver di innovazione più attuali tra cui big data, artificial intelligence, internet of things, smart home, robotic process automation, cloud computingottimo livello di conoscenza della lingua inglese (livello c1/b2) forti doti organizzative, capacità di prioritizzazione, rispetto delle scadenze buone doti di dialogo e interazione con stakeholders a più livelli forte passione per l’ambito digital e iot e per l’impatto positivo che può generare nella vita quotidiana di milioni di utenti

  • We firmly believe that we achieve more when we work together, and recognise that people are the heart of the businessat the completion of the project, develop and ensure recording of the project’s historical cost information and “lessons learned” for future usemain responsibilities provide support in the management of project budget and cost control functions including budgeting, scheduling, change management, estimating, tracking progress, forecasting, and earned value management provide support to track project progress and perform analysis of bottlenecks, trends and critical path provide support to track project progress and perform analysis of bottlenecks, trends and critical path identify and communicate project risks and develop mitigation plans prepare project status presentations, highlighting key accomplishments, risks and changes develop custom projects reports as needed to facilitate project discussions monitor and maintain daily production reports and update the project schedules and reports accordinglywe deliver an unrivalled range of services to all clients, both locally and internationallywhen you join our team, you will become involved in supporting or delivering some of the biggest and most complex machinery installation and relocation projects in the worldreview and validate contractual compliance of project invoicesadhere to company policies, regulations, procedures, and principlesmonitor the progression of the projects as it relates to the project scheduleour people are experts in a diverse range of industries including automotive, aerospace, infrastructure, print, packaging, fmcg, metals and many moredevelop reports on actuals, variances, trends, and re-forecast as necessaryat beck & pollitzer everything we do is based on our core values; colleagues working together, passion for our customers and the work we do for them and being consistent and persistent in all we dotherefore, we pride ourselves in consistently delivering excellence, no matter how complex the projectpurpose of role ensure that projects are completed on time and within budgetstrong communication including writing reports and presenting excellent it skills and relevant knowledge of planning software including ms project four-year relevant bachelor’s degree plus five years or more of relevant cost control, planning & scheduling experienced setting up and monitoring complex project schedules basic experience and understanding of estimating and benchmarkingwe are passionate about our customers and the work we do for themwillingness to travel and visit project sites track project deliverables & monitor physical percent complete (tracking installed quantities) plan / actual / earned / forecast curves provide project cost data and supporting documentation within the project controls systems of recordassist in other duties as needed and directedoversee standard operating procedures to help control the risks associated with projects, as well as monitor key project metrics and perform quality control initiatives and reviewsutilize job cost accounting techniques; create project budgets, monitor actual results, and report project resultsdevelop customized schedule reports as per project needs (two-week look ahead, variance reports, progress reports, milestone reports as needed)complete and submit required reports, which include, but are not limited to, financial forecasts, project schedule updates, and project progress reportsensures proper change management throughout the project phasesbeck & pollitzer is the world’s leading provider of industrial installation and machine relocation serviceswe recruit people who demonstrate these values and are good at what they do

  • Per storica e prestigiosa azienda di grandi dimensioni di trento selezioniamo un e-commerce manager l' e-commerce manager ha l’obiettivo di · sviluppare l’e-commerce e partecipare attivamente alla realizzazione degli obiettivi qualitativi e quantitativi definiti dall’azienda; avrà la direzione della nuova business unit (canale e–commerce) con lo scopo di trasmettere una nuova immagine dell'azienda ai consumatori, oltre a quello di aumentare le vendite on linela risorsa ricercata ha maturato esperienze nello stesso ruolo all'interno di realtà strutturate nel mercato e-commerce, sarà responsabile del business plan/budget e deciderà le diverse leve del web marketing da attivare: sem, seo, affiliazione, social network, creazione di partnership, eccinquadramento e retribuzione da valutare sulla base delle competenze emerse durante l’iter di selezionesarà il riferimento di un'agenzia di comunicazione esterna, oltre a collaborare con diverse aree aziendali (esil profilo ideale è una persona curiosa, appassionata di sfide, che sa come motivare e coordinare il suo team per raggiungere gli obiettivi prefissati, adattandosi senza difficoltà ai possibili cambiamenti del mercatovendite, marketing, operations eccha competenze comprovate nel campo dell'it, del marketing e delle venditedovrà sviluppare l’area, attraverso il monitoraggio dei vari scenari di mercato e la pianificazione di azioni di miglioramentola conoscenza dell'inglese è richiesta ad un buon livelloè un esperto di nuove tecnologie legate all'informazione

  • La risorsa, in affiancamento ai nostri migliori senior manager, acquisirà le principali conoscenze e competenze in ambito governance ict fino a diventare totalmente autonomo nella raccolta e gestione dei fabbisogni del businessin un'ottica di potenziamento team della sede di torino, scai fast, società del gruppo scai specializzata nella consulenza sap e nell'ict project management, ricerca brillanti laureandi/neolaureati da far crescere nel ruolo di junior ict project managerprincipali attività e mansioni: apprendimento dei processi ict e business utili alla governance del servizio; monitoraggio degli applicativi e dei progetti di area, con annessa gestione degli incident legati al mantenimento applicativo; redazione e aggiornamento della documentazione tecnica; partecipazione a meeting di allineamento e interfaccia con i vari stakeholders coinvolti sulle attivitànato a torino nel , il gruppo scai è un network di 15 aziende che operano nel mondo dell'ict e della system integration, con sedi in tutta italia e progetti di respiro internazionalecon i ricavi che ad oggi superano i 100 milioni di euro, è stato caratterizzato da importanti cicli di crescita sia in termini crescita organica, oltre dipendenti, sia di nuove acquisizioni, grazie ad una forte accelerazione ed una altrettanto forte spinta verso la digital innovation e l’experience designil/la candidato/a ideale è in possesso dei seguenti requisiti: laurea magistrale in inginformatica, informatica, inggestionale, economia, e discipline affini; spiccata motivazione a lavorare nel mondo ict - esperienze pregresse anche minime nel settore saranno considerate un plus; ottime capacità comunicative, gestionali e di problem solving; spiccata dinamicità e spirito d’iniziativa; conoscenza fluente della lingua italiana e inglese, parlata e scritta scai fast crede profondamente che il successo di ogni azienda risieda nella soddisfazione e nella motivazione dei propri collaboratori; per questo motivo offriamo: interessanti percorsi di crescita basati su piani individuali di raggiungimento degli obiettivi un ambiente di lavoro giovane, dinamico e sempre disponibile all'ascolto attivo delle proprie risorse una realtà in forte crescita sul mercato e attività di respiro nazionale e internazionale contratto d'inserimento: stage finalizzato all'assunzione orario di lavoro: full time sede di lavoro: torino la ricerca è intesa per entrambi i sessi (l

  • Working with the program manager to maximize margins and comply with contract requirementswe firmly believe that we achieve more when we work together, and recognise that people are the heart of the businessreporting on contract performance regularly and to company standard requirements, ensuring all potential opportunities, variations and risks are identified and reported to the program manager as soon as possibleexperience managing a project team and controlling, organizing and motivating internal labor resources and sub-contractorswe deliver an unrivalled range of services to all clients, both locally and internationallyknowledge of current safety requirements and risk management processes must be willing to travel 90% of timewhen you join our team, you will become involved in supporting or delivering some of the biggest and most complex machinery installation and relocation projects in the worldassist in redefining, improving, and ensuring all on-site contract controls, labor management, and engineering standards are metbeck & pollitzer is the world’s leading provider of industrial installation and machine relocation servicesexperience and qualifications required essential experience in site management of projects particularly with regard to the relocation and installations of machinery educated to an advanced technical level in a relevant discipline and/or experience strong commercial skills and project management skills, particularly: change management, negotiating, and planning strong it (ms office) and numeracy skillsour people are experts in a diverse range of industries including automotive, aerospace, infrastructure, print, packaging, fmcg, metals and many moredesirable project management qualification or specific trainingat beck & pollitzer everything we do is based on our core values; colleagues working together, passion for our customers and the work we do for them and being consistent and persistent in all we doreceive and document vendor-supplied goodsdevelop a positive relationship with the client and end-user client (if applicable) ensure a project complies with safety, quality, and other company systems and procedures maintain non-conformance and punch list records, manage resolution and completiontherefore, we pride ourselves in consistently delivering excellence, no matter how complex the projectwe are passionate about our customers and the work we do for themwe recruit people who demonstrate these values and are good at what they doensuring a safe jobsite for employees, subcontractors, and clientsachievement of high-profit levels through effective contract management, cost tracking, and financial control, ensuring efficient utilization of labor resources at all skill levels and disciplines, sub-contractors, equipment, and plant suppliersproduce estimates in support of change orders on the project effective liaison between the client jobsite personnel and the b&p program manager, providing meeting minutes of site meetingspurpose of role to provide jobsite leadership on complex automated logistics/ material handling systemsenable effective internal and external communicationmain responsibilities the management of jobsites associated with new installations and or relocations of equipment and or systems on behalf of key customers who operate in a high pressure, high-quality production/manufacturing environment effective planning, control, and monitoring, both internally and direct with the client, of the project effective and accurate project reporting to the program manager: maintain daily and weekly records and documentationconduct on-boarding and site-specific training for workers on site

  • We are looking for a finance manager to join our finance teamto provide information and advice to the head of finance and other managers on financial matters, including projects and business casesrole purpose: as a key member of the finance team, the finance manager will be responsible for supporting the head of finance in ensuring the effective and efficient delivery of the company’s financial operationsfinance manager - 3 month ftc salary competitive based in the midlands - hybrid working lgps central limited is a fund management company, regulated by the financial conduct authority (fca), managing the pooled assets of nine midlands-based local government pension fundsthe finance manager will play a key role in supporting the head of finance in the management of the finance team and the successful delivery of financial support and advice to the company including financial and management reporting, operational finance and treasury activities, tax and administration support for the company’s alternative investmentsto participate in cross-organisational groups and build effective working relationships with peers in other organisationsto assist the head of finance in identifying financial risks and take steps to manage and mitigate these, reporting as appropriatewith a focus on value for money and performance we want to aspire to be one of the best because this is how we will deliver the superior investment returns and low costs for our partner fundsour objective is to be a leading investment management company working with and for our partner fundsnon-financial: health and safety performance management and reporting need to do outcomes: to play a key role in preparing lgps central limited’s annual report and accounts and the report and accounts of investment productsto make a significant contribution to the work of the finance team and the wider companyto assist in the development of a range of policies for approval by the board, and monitor and ensure compliance with these: procurement policy treasury management policy accounting policies to assist in the procurement and management of a range of services provided by external suppliers: bank external auditor finance system provider payroll provider tax adviser procurement adviser to assist in the liaison with external and internal audit, including working with auditors to develop audit plans and monitoring performance against theseto operate the company’s computerised accounting system, including the operation of effective controls and reconciliations, training and supervising the work of junior staff in using the systemto carry out daily treasury management activities, including effective consideration and management of the risks inherent in treasury managementto assist in preparing and monitoring the annual budget and cash flow forecaststo promote the work of the finance team within the company, including the delivery of financial training and financial advice and support to managersto manage the day-to-day delivery of efficient and effective operational financial services (supplier payments, debtor management and banking)to assist the head of finance in ensuring that the skills and knowledge of the finance team are developed to a high level, and to be an advocate of continuous professional developmentto calculate charging bases and levels and generate income accordinglyto contribute towards the completion of periodic returns required by the regulatorto use and act as administrator of the company’s computerised system for monitoring alternative investments, including the entering of transactions and the operation of effective controls and reconciliations where requiredto actively identify opportunities for continuous improvement within the finance team and implement them swiftly and effectivelyapplicants should be ccab/cima-qualified or ccab/cima part-qualified with strong relevant experienceto support the head of finance in working with partner funds to develop effective financial reporting for clientsbased in wolverhampton on a temporary 3 month ftc, the successful candidate will work with the head of finance to contribute towards a high-performing, professional finance function in an exciting environmenthere are a few of the valuable rewards that you will enjoy: competitive salary 30 days' paid holiday plus bank holidays an extra paid company day in addition to paid holidays excellent learning & development opportunities welfare and family-friendly policies an enhanced and generous pension scheme enhanced pay for new parents access to our employee assistance programme- 24-7 health & wellbeing support hybrid working brand new office spacewhat do we offer? we are proud to provide our people with a premium and exclusive benefits package and we are continually improving the rewards we offerwith combined assets of approximately £45bn, and representing the retirement savings of over scheme members across over employers, lgps central limited’s partner funds are; cheshire pension fund, derbyshire pension fund, leicestershire pension fund, nottinghamshire pension fund, shropshire pension fund, staffordshire pension fund, west midlands pension fund, west midlands integrated transport authority pension fund, and worcestershire pension fundto support the head of finance in the management of the finance team, including line management responsibility for a small team, and to deputise for the head of finance as requiredfinancial: wide range of financial responsibilities as set out in the authorised signatory list and financial policies and procedures as well as other relevant policiesto support the head of finance in monitoring and report on regulatory capital requirementsthe role will be responsible for financial reporting and management accounting, budgeting, regulatory reporting, cost-sharing reporting to partner funds and operational finance

  • Nell’ambito di un ampio progetto di digitalizzazione e riorganizzazione dei processi aziendali, siamo alla ricerca di un application & operation manager in grado di seguire la progettazione, lo sviluppo e la gestione dei principali moduli di oracle retail sulla base delle esigenze del business e nel rispetto dei vincoli tecnicisin dalla sua fondazione nel da parte di thomas bata, la società ha costantemente dimostrato il suo impegno verso modelli di business responsabili e innovativi nella convinzione che il capitale non sia solo denaro, ma, soprattutto, persone, conoscenze e valori fondamentaliil gruppo bata è uno dei principali produttori e rivenditori al mondo di calzature di qualitàoggi, i principi pionieristici di bata consentono all'azienda di adattarsi rapidamente ai cambiamenti del mercatoil/la candidato/a, inserito/a nella funzione information technology di un gruppo internazionale della grande distribuzione fashion, si occuperà di analizzare, sviluppare e gestire i seguenti moduli della piattaforma oracle retail suite: xoffice (xadmin + xcenter) v16 e successive xstore eftlink orce integration layer con external provider (crm, e-commerce, etc) in particolare, sarà responsabile di: ottimizzare l'infrastruttura aziendale per supportare la gestione della domanda strategica del business, anche attraverso la definizione e il monitoraggio di kpi analizzare e valutare le proposte evolutive della direzione aziendale e definire i driver decisionali convalidare, le soluzioni applicative e architetturali proposte dai fornitori e dai system integrators, dal punto di vista funzionale e di compliance alle policy di sicurezza aziendale e di legge del deploymen t dei progetti ottimizzazione dell’architettura aziendale e del relativo supporto hd2 esperienza di almeno tre anni nell’implementazione del ciclo di vita di oracle xstore pos esperienza nella gestione dei problemi di supporto l2_l3 su oracle xstore conoscenze tecniche su db oracle esperienza e competenza nelle tecnologie j2ee esperienza in build deployment, packaging e shell scripting esperienza in data migration, rollouts laurea in scienze informatiche, ingegneria informatica/gestionale o discipline equivalenti completano il profilo: buona conoscenza della lingua inglese ottime doti di pianificazione e programmazione tenendo conto di obiettivi e scadenze leadership, abilità organizzative, capacità negoziale e orientamento al cliente (interno ed esterno) cosa offriamo: - luogo di lavoro: limena (pd) - modalità di lavoro ibrida dopo il primo periodo di onboardingcontinua anche la lunga tradizione di bata di essere sensibile alle differenze culturali e nazionali e le consente di funzionare con orgoglio come azienda inclusiva in ogni paese in cui operaazienda globale con oltre dipendenti, oltre negozi in più di 70 paesi in tutto il mondo, bata fornisce le migliori scarpe al miglior rapporto qualità-prezzo, supportate da un servizio impareggiabile, da oltre 120 anni

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