Communication sciences
Elenco communication sciences
La funzione risponde alla communication managernellâambito delle attivitĂ di comunicazione di cesvi, il/la communication officer svolge le seguenti mansioni in coordinamento con lâunitĂ fundraising & communication: coordina la produzione dei prodotti editoriali, occupandosi della definizione del timone, della redazione (quando necessaria) e del coordinamento dei fornitori per il layout grafico gestisce lâelaborazione e la redazione dei contenuti per la newsletter e il sito istituzionale di cesvi coordina i fornitori per lo sviluppo e la produzione di prodotti creativi per lâarea comunicazione e altre aree dellâunitĂ raccolta fondi (anche video) gestisce la regia e lâorganizzazione degli eventi istituzionali di cesvi coordina la produzione dei materiali per campagne ad hoc (escampagna sms e campagne istituzionali) coordina la produzione di materiali fotografici e video di cesvi partecipa, quando richiesto, a missioni per la raccolta di materiali sui progetti di cesvi gestisce le componenti di comunicazione e visibilitĂ delle progettualitĂ cesvi in italia affianca la communication manager nelle attivitĂ di ufficio stampa requisiti essenziali diploma di laurea almeno 5 anni di esperienza nel ruolo, preferibilmente nel settore non profit eccellenti capacitĂ di comunicazione scritta attenzione ai dettagli dinamismo, spirito di iniziativa, creativitĂ e problem solving abilitĂ a lavorare sia in autonomia sia come parte integrante di un team passione per le cause umanitarie e condivisione della missione di cesvi buona capacitĂ di comunicazione in inglese, sia scritto che parlato buona conoscenza del pacchetto office (word, excel, powerpoint, outlook) e degli strumenti di navigazione e comunicazione in internet dimestichezza nellâutilizzo delle principali piattaforme di comunicazione online (microsoft teams, skype, zoom) requisiti desiderabili la conoscenza delle logiche e delle tecniche principali di fundraising è un valore aggiunto familiaritĂ con il panorama e gli strumenti del mondo digitale safeguarding cesvi applica una politica di tolleranza zero contro ogni forma di abuso, sfruttamento e/o danno arrecato a un bambino o a un adulto vulnerabile da parte di membri dello staff o dai partner dellâorganizzazionetale valutazione sarĂ a carico del medico competente dellâorganizzazione, che esaminerĂ anche le coperture vaccinali, inclusa la vaccinazione anti-covid19tu cesvi presta particolare attenzione alla salvaguardia della salute di tutte le risorse umane dellâorganizzazione e dunque a tutela del collaboratore è prevista, prima della partenza, la valutazione di idoneitĂ alla posizione per ciascuna missionejob description la collaborazione inizierĂ a maggiocontesto lavorativo cesvi è unâorganizzazione umanitaria laica e indipendente nata a bergamo nel , e operativa in 23 paesi del mondo a supporto delle popolazioni piĂš vulnerabili per il raggiungimento delle loro aspirazioni e uno sviluppo sostenibile nel rispetto dei diritti umaniquesta procedura è finalizzata a garantire la protezione di bambini e di persone vulnerabili e la prevenzione di qualsiasi forma di abusoa causa dellâelevato numero di candidature ricevute, non ci è possibile dare un riscontro a tutti i candidaticontratto a tempo determinatosolo i profili che rientrano in shortlist e contattati per un primo colloquio verranno aggiornati sullo stato della loro candidaturaallâinterno dellâarea comunicazione, inserita nellâunitĂ fundraising & communication, cesvi sta cercando un professionista in grado di contribuire allâimplementazione della strategia di comunicazione dellâorganizzazione, da inserire nel team per un periodo iniziale di 6 mesi, rinnovabilitali verifiche costituiscono parte integrante del processo di selezione del personalelâimpegno di cesvi ad essere unâorganizzazione sicura inizia con il processo di selezione del personale che prevede controlli meticolosi, quali il controllo del casellario giudiziale o la verifica di condanne precedenti
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5+ years of relevant work experience in technical design and/or engineering in the field of renewables, energy storage, distribution grid, sub-stations etc we highly favour professionals with some previous experiences in e-mobility / ev charging projects working experience in several of the following areas: ev supply equipment; ev batteries / engineering; grid interconnection; power conversion systems; power system design; energy storage; greenfield, brownfield developments, re-purposing development projects; energy related-real estate developments, tendering / contracting with public authorities, health and safety regulations, grid codes, scheduling, progress measurement, risk assessment, estimating process and planning, electronic document file management⌠advanced computer sciences and digital skills of any nature a definitive pluscertification in autocad (or similar), project management and bim are considered as a plus while the role is for site development within italy, candidates must be available for international travels, for example to support other offices (france, spain, portugal) fluent in english (spoken and written) is a must; a second language is a plus (french, spanish or portuguese) what we offer you a permanent full-time job an ambitious employer; we only want the best for you; professional experience in an international environment with frequent contact with other colleagues and partner around the world; strengthen cross-functional communication skills; learning & development programs; be part of the young (36 on avgbe quality and customer-experience obsessedwithin your responsibilities, you will select, appoint and supervise external consultants and contractors as required to complete the detailed engineering, procurement and construction/installation of the charging stationsyou will then continue following the engineering of the solutions, detailing the specifications and working with the procurement team for equipment selection and/or tenderingthe atlante project is the result of the partnership between nhoa â which develops and invests in the network being owner and operator â free2move esolutions, in the role of supplier of charging technology, and stellantis automotive groupcontribute to the creation or improvement of digital tools and systems as part of your work culture; promote a culture of cost-effectiveness for the benefit of the end-usersit/en); a fast career track like only few other companies can match; always room for new ideas! location: full remote (from italy) or hybrid remote (from italy) / milanwherever possible, you will coordinate the addition of on-site photovoltaic coversyou will be in charge of defining the required gird connection(s) and support equipment / modules (e) and international (+20 nationalities) group and work in a dynamic and fast-moving environment; a revolutionary way of remote working that meets your needs (wwwmanaging the timing and costs of engineering activities; day to day management of resources and budgets assigned to you; drawing up reports on the closing of the order, in order to capitalize and spread the results, solutions and anything else necessary to increase effectiveness and efficiency in subsequent experiencesyou will be involved from and contribute to the early stages of the site selection and the planning & permitting assisting the development team with designs, specifications and early stage plansyou will interact with all internal teams of atlante and/or nhoa, and will ensure upkeep of all relevant nhoaâs policies, contractual and quality standards, health, safety & environment requirements, financial targets, as well as schedule commitments from beginning to end) and external consultants (specialized engineering firms, planning advisory etcat atlante you will be in charge of the design, solution configuration and engineering of our charging stationsyour background: an electrical engineering degree complemented by practical and relevant site development experience (see below) is a mustafter handover to project management team, you will continue to support as required, including for the commissioning phasetask and duties: contribute to the definition of standard yet flexible charging stationsâ configurations and features; define preliminary and executive design of charging stationsâ solutions, managing a portfolio of site development projects at various stages of development; support the site selection process, especially with respect to engineering/technical topics, planning, permitting timeframes and/or potential technical redflags; support the development team in liaising with all external stakeholders necessarily part of the development plan: site owners, public/local authorities, local communities, consumersâ groups, planning authorities, fire safety authorities, utilities (for connections and supply), etc; liaise with internal teams (development, procurement, project management etcatlante is nhoaâs new global business line dedicated to build the first ev fastcharging network enabled by renewables, energy storage and 100% grid-integratedverifying the requirements of subcontractors also in terms of safety and preparing the necessary safety measures for the site, with the support of the hseq manager; proactively design processes and work methodologies which are digital, replicable, and scalable to the maximum extent possible for all of the technical design, engineering and configuration activities (appropriately segmented by categories)), direct and supervise their work ensuring timely deliver of their deliverables on budget; provide feedback to the commercial and development teams, for continuous improvement and optimization of site selection and development; contribute to the strategic decisions and goal setting for future site acquisition and development
Du bist gerne an orten mit viel bewegung? dann bist du genau richtig fĂźr uns! akquisition neuer b2b unternehmenskunden, fĂźhren von professionellen vertriebsgesprächen betreuung und festigung der kooperationen fĂźr langfristige zusammenarbeit beratung von studieninteressierten und vermittlung an die unternehmenspartner eigenständiges projektmanagement und erstellen von dokumentationen relevanter kundeninformationen fĂźr unternehmen und studenten zusammenarbeit mit unseren nationalen und internationalen standorten und kollegen, sowie sicherstellung und ausbau der unternehmenskundenzufriedenheit organisation und durchfĂźhrung unserer informationsveranstaltungen und messeauftritte direkt am campus, in deutschland und online abgeschlossene berufsausbildung und/oder hochschulabschluss praxiserfahrung im b2b & b2c hochschul-vertrieb sehr gute deutsch- und englischkenntnisse in wort und schrift gute kenntnisse der ms-office programme (word, excel, powerpoint, teams) anwenderkenntnisse im umgang mit crm-systemen (salesforce) wĂźnschenswert ein hohes maĂ an eigeninitiative, organisationtalent und empathie runden dein profil ab unser angebot: eigenverantwortliches arbeiten an herausfordernden und abwechslungsreichen projekten in einer internationalen teamatmosphäre vertrauensbasierte gleitzeitregelung (40 stunden/woche) mindestens 30 tage urlaub zahlreiche standortbezogene campus events aus kunst, kultur, wirtschaft und wissenschaft wechselnde kunstausstellungen aus fotografie, illustration, game und kommunikationsdesign nutzung von datenbanken und hauseigener bibliothek angebote zur gesundheitsvor- und nachsorge verschiedene online-weiterbildungskurse, sowie online kooperationsangebote ein vielseitiges und interessantes arbeitsumfeld mit internationalen kolleg*innen und kollegen gestaltungsspielraum fĂźr viele eigene ideen und deren umsetzung interesse? dann freuen wir uns auf deine bewerbungsunterlagen auf deutsch oder englisch unter angabe deines gehaltswunsches und mĂśglichen eintrittsdatums via e-mail an: dein kontakt bei fragen: cathleen kaufmann ⢠recruiting ⢠die university of europe for applied sciences setzt sich als arbeitgeberin fĂźr chancengleichheit und die unterstĂźtzung von minderheiten ein und diskriminiert nicht aufgrund ethnischer herkunft, hautfarbe, religion, geschlecht, sexueller orientierung, geschlechtlicher identität, nationaler herkunft, behinderung oder eines gesetzlich geschĂźtzten statusunsere studiengänge sind das ergebnis des direkten austausches zwischen unseren professoren, mitarbeitenden und unseren studierenden sowie der nachfrage potenzieller arbeitgeberfĂźr unseren standort in hannover suchen wir ab sofort eine/n studienberater b2b & b2c (m/w/d) als studienberater:in teilst du die leidenschaft und begeisterung fĂźr den vertrieb und fĂźr privathochschulendu fĂźhrst Ăźberzeugend gespräche bei unternehmenskunden, wie du auch studieninteressierte bei info-webinaren und events vor ort berätstunsere institutionen zeichnen sich durch besondere praxisnähe, internationalität, moderne lehrinhalte und den persĂśnlichen umgang mit den studierenden ausgus bildet in einer vielzahl von programmen aus, darunter bachelor- und master-studiengänge, englisch-sprachkurse sowie berufs-, unternehmens- und fĂźhrungskräfteausbildungenglobal university systems (gus) ist eines der vielfältigsten bildungsnetzwerke von hochschuleinrichtungen auf der ganzen weltdu managst deine projekte und pipelines erfolgreichin deutschland gehĂśren zu global university systems die university of europe for applied sciences, die berlin school of business and innovation (bsbi), die gisma business school, die berufsfachschule fĂźr gestaltung (htk academy) und die trägergesellschaft gus germany gmbh (ggg)täglich tragen unsere mitarbeitenden mit innovativen ideen dazu bei, uns unseren zielen - qualität, service, internationalität und wachstum - näher zu bringenan 57 standorten wie groĂbritannien, kanada, den usa, der karibik, irland, israel, singapur und deutschland bilden rund studierende ein internationales netzwerk, um gemeinsam zu lernen
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We are currently looking for a senior marketing executive to join the marketing team to manage marketing and communication content to support campaigns and events across the businessan understanding of the financial services industry is desirable but not essential experience of managing content production expertise in managing web content, backend and user interface proven experience of using different mediums of communication and expertise in the content and delivery of the message experience of hubspot or other similar system advanced knowledge of microsoft packages especially powerpoint excellent stakeholder management skills and a proven ability to collaborate effectively with teams across an organisation given the technical nature of the work we do, exceptional written and oral communication skills, and high attention-to-detail are paramountbeing a 2nd pair of eyes to review any marketing content or materials to be published ensuring correct branding and format is adhered to for all communication experience in identifying interesting topics and writing content in a compelling, engaging and articulate way liaising with internal clients at all levels provide any other ad-hoc administrative support to the marketing team, as requiredsuccessful candidates will have: ideally 3+ yearsâ experience in a similar role, preferably in professional servicesbovill is an independent, specialist financial services regulatory consultancy with a global offeringexposure to journalism and content, article writing at any levelideally, we are looking for someone who is a strong team player with a âcan doâ attitude and happy to roll up their sleeves to get involved in anything and everything marketing relatedif you are highly pro-active with a good editorial eye and a natural interest in news and trends to translate these into interesting articles, this could be the role for youin return we offer the opportunity to work in an entrepreneurial, fast moving, stimulating environment strong career development support â mentoring, coaching, relevant training and development the opportunity to work closely with, and learn from, our team of marketing experts who are truly committed to assisting your development a small informal company environment with minimal bureaucracy a competitive salary, performance-related discretionary bonus, and generous flexible benefits package bovill currently enjoys a hybrid working environment with a minimum of two days per week in the officeresponsibilities will include: managing the production of content, including drafting, editing and publishing across multiple channels owning the content pipeline day-to-day management of own projects and campaigns; liaison with consultants, tracking, measurement management and delivery of projects, email campaigns and other marketing operations publishing monthly emails on hubspot and having responsibility for content on the company website writing, reviewing and editing content with focus on the content, structure and language liaison and management of relationship with pr agency management of events including leading on meetings, advising on structure and managing content where appropriatewe specialise in helping clients solve difficult and interesting problems, so we look for people who thrive on intellectual challenge, can roll up their sleeves to delve into issues and get satisfaction from helping clients, conduct a thorough analysis of a problem and translate that into practical adviceexperience in a pr agency, professional services or financial institution
Furthermore, the role will require market research, customer communication journey optimisation and external relationships managementresponsibilities ⢠liaising with various teams involved in the process to ensure campaign delivery on time and within the required quality standards ⢠analysing customer communication journeys and monitoring competitor activity to identify key opportunities to improve player experience ⢠ensuring that all communications meet advertising, regulatory and legislative standards ⢠supporting the marketing team in daily administrative tasks ⢠documenting workflows, customer communication journeys, campaign specific test cases and checklists required ⢠strong communication skills, able to work with multiple levels across the business ⢠good knowledge of ms office ⢠results-driven, flexible and ambitious ⢠highly organized, great team player with high attention to details ⢠eager to embrace new challenges within a very dynamic environmentlottoland benefits: competitive salary annual bonus based on company performance 25 days holiday and 12 days gibraltar bank holidays international premium healthcare subsidised gym membership within a variety of locations in gibraltar continuous learning/development opportunities and progressive career pathshonesty, integrity and trust are a givengrit and determination is a prerequisite for all lottolanderswe like it here and weâre sure you will too! our corporate website has lots more information - check it out! wwwevery day is an adventure and youâll be joining others who have made the leap for this unique lifestyle opportunitypassion for innovation is a strength that is valued in lottoland employeeslottoland is the worldâs leading online lotto provider, we are a disrupter that offers jackpots in the hundreds of millions giving 13 million customers worldwide the chance to win enormous record breaking pay-outsthe successful candidate will be actively involved in each stage of on-site campaign life cycle - this includes opportunities discovery, campaign initiation, planning, testing, performance monitoring and results analysisemployees are empowered to do their best but held accountable for their actionslottoland could be just the place for youputting customers first is key to lottolandâs success as is collaboration across the businesslottolandcorporatemanagers need to inspire and develop their teams to get the most out of themin september lottoland was awarded with a guinness world record for the âlargest online gambling payout everâ of âŹ90 million! take a look at our vacancies below and start your journey with the world leading lotto betting company, revolutionising the gaming industryâŚcontact lottoland today! looking for an exciting challenge within marketing and a steep learning curve? we are currently looking for a results-driven and fantastic team player that will play a key role in supporting the business to expand the marketing strategy and deliver innovative marketing campaigns across various domains concurrentlycom right to work in gibraltar no agencies at this time pleasetailored relocation packages to meet your needs to support your transition our culture: lottoland is a dynamic, creative and technologically advanced organisationdesirable ⢠previous involvement in project activities (familiarity with project management frameworks) ⢠experience using evergage/salesforce interaction studio ⢠familiarity with analysing data and recommending improvements ⢠html/css basic knowledge ⢠experience using content management systems remember you do not have to tick all boxes these are just an example of skills/experience that may support you in the role! a subtropical mediterranean climate, eclectic cultural influences, breathtaking landscapes, and beautiful beaches make gibraltar the perfect european holiday getaway â so imagine how special it is to live here! furthermore, since gibraltar wages buy an almost luxury standard of living in the south of spain, many people who work here actually commute from one of the nearby towns on the costa del solitâs an exquisite part of the world, filled with luscious coastline, amazing surfing spots, delicious food and unique andalusian customs, traditions and cultural heritage
Proven experience in working on client site ability to work in a fast-paced environment and confidently handle deadlines, priorities and constraints experience of scrum or any other agile methodology experience of the software delivery lifecycle must be proactive and show due diligence effective communication skillsrole responsibilities: undertake the formal requirements analysis of functional and non-functional requirements, translating them into the appropriate product documentation, including user stories and uml facilitate the elicitation requirements using a number of techniques such as online and face to face meetings and workshops outline the parameters of the project, and determine potential solutions ability to communicate (verbal and written) at all levels, with external and internal stakeholders proficient in writing user stories, scenarios, acceptance criteria, uml and concept design take responsibility for the quality, accuracy, completeness and usability of requirements in the form of user stories and any project artefacts work with customer product owners and project managers, ux&d, qa and technical teams to validate captured requirements support team members throughout the product life cycle, including pro-active raising of issues, dependencies and risks to either the senior business analyst and/or project manager work in a highly collaborative and multi-disciplinary agile/scrum framework core skills effective communication â be clear and concise in your day-to-day communication, be able to express yourself within a multi-national team, ask good solid questions, listen to the answers (really listen)as a ba, you will facilitate the technical teams regarding what is in and out of scoperecruiters â we have handled this one internally! thankshands-on experience with jira and confluence what's in it for you global company with huge growth potential small, creative, close-knit engineering/tech team who love to collaborate meal allowance multisport card full remote + a contribution to buy equipment which makes your work from home more comfortable 25 working days per year vacation entitlement 5 sick days â per calendar year team events sponsored by the company free refreshments in the office we are committed to ensuring that we provide equal opportunities for allwe're fully flexibleyouâll work to deadlines and juggle multiple tasks, which gives lots of variety the role is largely office-based but travel is expected as we are a global organisation and we have world-wide clients â we take into account current global situation with covid as the well-being of our employees is paramount work with some of the top names in media, broadcasting and sport become passionate about technology and digital video on demand and live streaming applicationsthe role requires a business analyst with outstanding business analysis capabilities, experience and a hands-on, positive, can-do attitudethe role needs you to be customer facing, therefore a professional approach to your tasks and activities is a mustcompetencies and skills essential minimum of 2-3 yearsâ experience as a business analyst excellent customer-facing skillsthe ability to be a strong communicator in a virtual setting (via conference calls or web meetings) is equally importantwe push boundaries every day to offer the most reliable, scalable, engaging end-to-end offerings that continually meet and exceed fan expectations and maximise client valueability to work in a fast-paced environment and confidently handle deadlines, priorities and constraints must be adaptable and flexible in their approach to both project and non-project work desirable worked within a technical analysis of large scale projects with an emphasis on back and front-end systems and third-party integration extensive experience with preparing and conducting workshops online and face to face hands-on experience with jira and confluence background or experience in broadcast and media is a plus, though other areas will also be considered background or experience of working in an agency is desirable, though other areas will also be consideredwhat to expect you could make significant change and impact within your role, making a substantial difference to the success of our company and your project and ba team, which can be very rewarding for the right personwe are looking for talented individuals who can contribute to their assigned project and also contribute to the growth of the global ba teamthis is for a well-known sporting brand based in usa who has an award-winning app in the market, they have a strong presence in the sports and entertainment field in north america and europeplease let us know if you need us to make any adjustments or if you have any special requirements for the interview processas of november , if it suits your role at deltatre, you can work full time from home/remotely, from the office, or a combination within the same country as your contracted office of employmentcritical thinking - while discovering the problem / business need to be solved, you must listen to stakeholder needs but also critically consider those needs and ask probing questions until the real need is surfaced, understood and documentedwe are a supportive and inclusive organisation with a wealth of experience in streaming sport and entertainment content; we are looking for someone who can utilise their core ba skills and experience and also develop new and existing skillswe're an end-to-end provider of premium products and services for global sport and media operatorsyour focus must be on owning the requirements and being able to articulate these to cross-functional teams, such as developers, designers and test team memberswe will support you in your career progressiondepending on the role this normally includes a written test and interviewplease note that we will only contact successfully shortlisted candidatesas an effective communicator, you must be able to facilitate workshops, internal and external meetings, ask the right questions, and actively listen and take in new informationunderpinned by data we're able to determine the best experiences to drive business growthdeltatre provides strategy, planning, consultancy across all stages of our client's lifecycleproblem solving - bas facilitate a shared understanding of the problem and business need, and ensure they understand the scope of the project
Excellent verbal and written communication with fluency in englishresponsibilities business development generate new revenue from existing streams and accounts assist in identifying and supporting developing potential business partners and growing existing client relationships to perform potential client research including (but not limited to) meeting/engaging with key players in the industry to actively seek and conduct meetings and presentations with potential clients; to represent ulaw at client/agent meetings, local and national exhibitions, and conferences in order to recruit potential students and build upon stakeholder relationships where applicable other ad-hoc duties as requested for the overall performance of the company customer focus to provide individually-tailored professional advice at all times and be a trusted advisor providing individually-tailored advice to all prospective students consulting students through the full application cycle (direct or via agents): from initial inquiry/conversation through to finalizing and closing their application to study with ulaw exploring possible career paths for students and matching it with specific ulaw offerings handling student inquiries regarding different programs from potential students building commonalities to gain trust and engage potential students/ agents provide outstanding customer service to all students, and all stakeholders, which is timely and efficient, and encourages students to choose ulaw handling student inquiries regarding different programs from potential studentsâ business partners communication and liaison agency network management, or âaccount managementâ: develop and train potential agents sourced from fairs, business trips, inquiries, referrals, in general searches in line with business development responsibilities outlined above constant clear and effective liaison and communication with agents and students ensuring that all relevant product developments, including changes to admission, compliance and course requirements or start dates are communicated externally to prepare, assist and deliver in performing customer/agent presentations analysis, reporting and data management to research and provide valid information and market feedback on industry trends, which will become the basis for strategic planning and forecasting for management collect and compare pertinent data on target markets, making recommendations and writing proposals when requested provide management with relevant data, competitor analyses and feedback where relevant assist in presenting strategies for expansion to administer agent accounts and produce reports on local performance in response to management accounts position requirements a university degree in the relevant field is requiredour courses take an in-depth look into key areas of the law and provide a broader overview of the legal system to better contextualize what's being learnedwe can trace our origins to with the formation of leading tutorial firm gibson & weldonthe university of law is one of the uk's longest-established specialist providers of legal educationknowledge of the uk education systems specifically is preferredthe role holder will be responsible for managing and developing ulaw'sbrand and business in canada, through the utilization of various student recruitment channels including, but not limited to, engagement with educational agents, attendance of recruitment fairs, institutional partnerships, and corporate tie-upsability to travel throughout canadain line with the ulaw's continued expansion strategy, we are looking to recruit an experienced and driven business development manager, to play a fundamental part in further establishing ulaw's as a globally recognized brand, with a focus on the canadian marketthe university of law is an internationally recognized expert in the field of lawa minimum of 2 - 3 years experience as a business development manager or similar role is requiredrather than focusing on academic research, our aim is to be thought leaders in the issues that matter to the legal profession and the next generation of practicing lawyerswith a rich heritage and a reputation for innovation and contemporary teaching practices, we continuously focus on developing the best legal minds
Essential requirements qualifications and knowledge advanced university degree or equivalent in the field of water management, development studies, project management fluency in written and spoken english professional experience at least 4 years of experience in project management in development programs proven experience with impact-driven implementation of activities and team management, as well as logistics, meal and budgeting for programs above 1 m eur skills and abilities strong interpersonal relationships and good communication and leadership skills ability to perform under stress condition capacity to work autonomously and in problems prevention/resolution proven organizational skills and ability to effectively manage multiple tasks while fostering quality, team spirit and positive working relationships with colleagues integrity in line with the humanitarian principles and ethical standards cultural, gender, religion, and age sensitivity and adaptability strong commitment to weworld-gvc mission desirable requirements previous experience in lebanon or in the middle east previous experience in water programs availability to commit for a long-term deploymentmain functions and duties projects management (70%) plan and supervise the implementation of projectsâ activities ensuring effective delivery in line with all donorsâ regulations, lebanese legislation and professional standards ensure satisfactory management of project budgets in collaboration with finance and logistics conduct procurement processes in collaboration with the logistics and finance department closely monitor the contracted works and directly liaise with the consultants and contractors initiate and conduct assessments, baseline surveys, beneficiaries satisfaction surveys and end line surveys ensuring stakeholder participation plan and supervise the implementation of communication and behavioural change campaigns monitor and assess the progress of implementation of activities and devise corrective measures as and when required, ensure that project impact is maximized and lessons learnt are continuously documented and shared ensure timeliness and accuracy of internal and external reporting, in collaboration with the meal department communication, coordination and representation (15%) ensure effective coordination with support departments establish and maintain networks with operational and institutional interlocutors involved in the realization of the project represent weworld-gvc at relevant public, coordination and representation meetings involving local stakeholders, authorities, international agencies and ngos prepare visits of donor representatives / hq visitors / other stakeholders whenever requested participate in all consortium relevant meetings, as well as relevant sector meetings or other relevant coordination bodies in the target areas team management and hr (15%) ensure the appropriate staffing of the project, planning and implementing specific actions to recruit, manage and motivate staff ensure that directly line managed staff have clearly defined objectives, understand their responsibilities and receive meaningful feedback on their performance provide support and advice to project staff, ensuring clarity over project plans and priorities and encouraging effective teamwork establish and maintain a collaborative and high performing working environmentat present, the main donors are italy (aics), the eu (dg echo), unicef, ocha, and belgium (dgd)joining the weworld-gvc team means being part of the development of a dynamic organisation where the contribution of each staff member is promoted and valued, working together towards the collective achievement of shared goals and visionpurpose of the role within this framework, weworld-gvc seeks to recruit a project manager to and lead the implementation of the two projectscurrently is implementing two multi-year water projects supporting public water and wastewater services through funding by afd and eu-madadits approach is three-folded, and builds on (i) infrastructural interventions to improve service delivery, (ii) capacity building to water establishmentsâ local offices, and (iii) community engagement to promote water accountability and public participationsupports people overcoming emergencies and guarantees a life with dignity, opportunities and a better future through human and economic development programs, in the framework of the agendapresent in 29 countries with 128 projects, weworld-gvc operates in the following areas of assistance: human rights (gender equality, prevention and combating violence against children and women, migration), humanitarian aid (prevention, emergency relief and rehabilitation), food security, access to water, health and hygiene, education, global citizenship education, quality teaching and international volunteeringother tasks provide inputs for the update weworld-gvc strategies, by conducting needs assessments when relevant contribute to the development of competitive and responsive project proposals the duties and responsibilities set forth above are not exhaustive and the role holder may be required to perform additional duties (iweworld-gvc works mostly with girls, boys, women and youth, actors of change in every community for a fairer and more inclusive worldweworld-gvc, recently constituted from the merger of two ngos, is an italian secular and independent organization working since in international cooperation and humanitarian aidunder the direct line management of the head of programmes/program manager, the project manager will be responsible for successfully implementing weworld-gvcâs components of the projects, in close cooperation with the project partners and the consortium coordinators, beneficiaries, and stakeholdersimplementation of other specific tasks assigned by the line manager and preparation and transmission of additional information requested by hq)position: project manager â water development reporting to: head of programmes/program manager collaborating with: water advisor, senior hydraulic engineer, and support departments managing: field team of 5-6 individuals location: lebanon, bekaa, zahle office with frequent visit to field areas type of contract: a first 3 (three) month collaboration contract subject to verification of the achievement of specific objectives (these objectives will be agreed together with the country representative upon arrival on assignment); a second collaboration contract of 9 (nine) months renewable, following the positive evaluation of the first three months of contract starting date: asap gross salary: to be defined according to the candidateâs profile application deadline: 25 april working context weworld-gvc started operating in lebanon in and has refined its water governance program for over seven years
Wir benĂśtigen zur prĂźfung ihrer unterlagen: ihren lebenslauf, ihr promotionszeugnis, eine Ăźbersicht zu ihren bislang gehaltenen lehrveranstaltungen (umfang, thema) und ihre arbeitsnachweise/ berufsrelevanten zeugnissebitte senden sie ihre bewerbung per email an: ihr kontakt bei fragen fachlicher natur: profbitte beachten sie, dass wir nur bewerbungsunterlagen berĂźcksichtigen kĂśnnen, die den einstellungsvoraussetzungen des §41 hg des landes brandenburg entsprechenmba) planung und durchfĂźhrung von forschungs- und entwicklungsprojekten einschlieĂlich publikationstätigkeiten beratung und betreuung der studierenden abnahme von prĂźfungen, betreuung von seminar-, projekt-, bachelor-, master- und promotionsarbeiten aufbau von partnerschaften mit unternehmen und institutionen fĂźr die weitere vernetzung der hochschule am standort berlin administrative tätigkeiten und gremienarbeit beratung von studieninteressierten abgeschlossenes einschlägiges hochschulstudium (ztäglich tragen unsere mitarbeitenden mit innovativen ideen dazu bei, uns unseren zielen - qualität, service, internationalität und wachstum - näher zu bringenan 57 standorten wie groĂbritannien, kanada, den usa, der karibik, irland, israel, singapur und deutschland bilden rund studierende ein internationales netzwerk, um gemeinsam zu lernennachweis der befähigung zum wissenschaftlichen arbeiten qualifizierte berufspraxis, mindestens drei jahre, davon zwei jahre auĂerhalb der hochschule mehrjährige lehrerfahrung an hochschulen (international von vorteil) durchfĂźhrung der lehrveranstaltungen in englischer sprache publikations- und forschungstätigkeit erwĂźnscht ausgeprägte teamfähigkeit und kommunikationsstärke organisationsgeschick und einsatzbereitschaft wir bieten ihnen: einen arbeitsvertrag in vollzeit (40 std/woche â 18 sws) fĂźr unseren campus in berlin eine professur fĂźr allgemeine betriebswirtschaftslehre mit dem schwerpunkt marktorientierte unternehmensfĂźhrung durchfĂźhrung von einfĂźhrenden und vertiefenden lehrveranstaltungen in den bereichen marketing, unternehmensfĂźhrung, allgemeine betriebswirtschaftslehre (insbgus bildet in einer vielzahl von programmen aus, darunter bachelor- und master-studiengänge, englisch-sprachkurse sowie berufs-, unternehmens- und fĂźhrungskräfteausbildungendie hochschule strebt die erhĂśhung des frauenanteils unter den beschäftigten anin deutschland gehĂśren zu global university systems die university of europe for applied sciences, die berlin school of business and innovation (bsbi), die gisma business school, die berufsfachschule fĂźr gestaltung (htk academy) und die trägergesellschaft gus germany gmbh (ggg)/ woche) 30 tage urlaub eine mĂśgliche weiterentwicklung zur studiengangsleitung vertrauensbasierte gleitzeitregelung angebote zur gesundheitsvorsorge und nachsorge zahlreiche standortbezogene campus events aus kunst, kultur, wirtschaft und wissenschaft abwechslungsreiche aufgaben in einer tollen teamatmosphäre ein vielseitiges und interessantes arbeitsumfeld mit internationalen kolleginnen und kollegen gestaltungsspielraum fĂźr viele eigene ideen und deren umsetzung interesse? dann freuen wir uns auf ihre bewerbungsunterlagen! die einstellungsvoraussetzungen richten sich nach den bestimmungen des §41 hg des landes brandenburgâmagna cum laudeâ), dwir setzen uns als arbeitgeber fĂźr chancengleichheit und die unterstĂźtzung von minderheiten ein und diskriminieren nicht aufgrund ethnischer herkunft, hautfarbe, religion, geschlecht, sexueller orientierung, geschlechtlicher identität, nationaler herkunft, behinderung oder eines gesetzlich geschĂźtzten statuswir behalten uns vor, die probevorlesung mit eingeladenen bewerbern in abhängigkeit von der aktuellen corona auflagen digital durchzufĂźhrensie lädt daher frauen mit geeignetem profil expressis verbis zur bewerbung ein und wird diese bei gleichwertiger befähigung, eignung und leistung vorrangig berĂźcksichtigenthomas burgartz, dekan fachbereich wirtschaft ⢠ihr kontakt bei fragen: cathleen kaufmann ⢠personalabteilung â˘bwl, vwl, wirtschaftswissenschaften) erfolgreiche promotion (mindunsere studiengänge sind das ergebnis des direkten austausches zwischen unseren professoren, mitarbeitenden und unseren studierenden sowie der nachfrage potenzieller arbeitgeberunsere institutionen zeichnen sich durch besondere praxisnähe, internationalität, moderne lehrinhalte und den persĂśnlichen umgang mit den studierenden ausglobal university systems (gus) ist eines der vielfältigsten bildungsnetzwerke von hochschuleinrichtungen auf der ganzen weltwir besetzen zum nächstmĂśglichen zeitpunkt in vollzeit (40 std
In deutschland gehĂśren zu global university systems die university of applied sciences europe gmbh und die berufschule fĂźr gestaltung (htk)gus bietet eine vielzahl von programmen an, darunter bachelor- und master-studiengänge, berufsausbildung, englisch-sprachkurse sowie unternehmens- und fĂźhrungskräfteausbildungunsere studiengänge sind das ergebnis des direkten austausches zwischen unseren professoren, mitarbeitenden und unseren studierenden sowie der nachfrage potenzieller arbeitgeberin dieser veranstaltung werden die teilnehmer auf ein studium in deutschland vorbereitetglobal university systems (gus) ist ein internationales netzwerk von hochschuleinrichtungen, die durch eine gemeinsame leidenschaft fĂźr erschwingliche, branchenrelevante qualifikationen zusammengefĂźhrt werdenfĂźr das studienkolleg an unserem standort in iserlohn suchen wir kurz- und langfristig freiberufliche dozenten (m/w/d) fĂźr mathematik (englisch), englisch, deutsch das lehrdeputat umfasst jeweils 6-12 unterrichtseinheiten pro woche ihre aufgaben: ⢠durchfĂźhrung der lehrveranstaltung âmathematikâ in englischer sprachewenn sich jemand entscheidet, an einer unserer institutionen zu studieren - ob auf dem campus in europa, nordamerika oder sogar zu hause - schlieĂt er sich einem netzwerk von studierenden weltweit anunsere hochschulen zeichnen sich durch besondere praxisnähe, internationalität, moderne lehrinhalte und den persĂśnlichen umgang mit den studierenden ausden kursteilnehmern werden grundlegende kenntnise vermittelt, um sie auf ein studium im technisch-naturwissenschaftlichen oder wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen bereich vorzubereitentäglich tragen unsere mitarbeiterinnen und mitarbeiter mit innovativen ideen dazu bei, uns unseren zielen - qualität, service, internationalität und wachstum - näher zu bringen⢠anwendungsorientierte gestaltung der vorlesung mit bezug zu wirtschaftlichen / technischen fragestellungen ⢠interaktives vorgehen mit einem hohen maĂ an einbezug der studierenden ⢠erstellung der zwischen- und endprĂźfung ihr profil: ⢠abgeschlossenes einschlägiges hochschulstudium ⢠lehrerfahrung ⢠ausgeprägte teamfähigkeit und kommunikationsstärke ⢠organisationsgeschick und einsatzbereitschaft wir bieten ihnen: ⢠einen unbefristeten rahmenvertrag als externe/r dozent*in ⢠ein vielseitiges, innovatives und internationales arbeitsumfeld in zusammenarbeit mit partnerhochschulen und kooperationspartnern ⢠die chance, sich persĂśnlich und beruflich weiterzuentwickeln interesse? dann freuen wir uns auf ihre bewerbungsunterlagen! wir benĂśtigen zur prĂźfung ihrer unterlagen: ihren lebenslaufbritta ruhnau ⢠prodekanin des fachbereichs wirtschaft am campus iserlohn â˘â˘ durchfĂźhrung der lehrveranstaltung âenglischâ⢠durchfĂźhrung der lehrveranstaltung âdeutschâbitte senden sie ihre bewerbung per email an: ihr kontakt bei fragen fachlicher natur: frau profwir sind in einigen der grĂśĂten städte der welt ansässig, mit campussen in london, birmingham und manchester, auf der anderen seite des atlantiks in toronto, chicago und vancouver; und auf der anderen seite der welt in singapur, deutschland und israelkursinhalte sind Ăźberwiegend die mathematischen inhalte im grundkursbereich der oberstufeden kursteilnehmern werden grundlegende kenntnise vermittelt, um sie auf ein studium vorzubereiten
Career center, prĂźfungsamt etcunsere studiengänge sind das ergebnis des direkten austausches zwischen unseren professoren, mitarbeitenden und unseren studierenden sowie der nachfrage potenzieller arbeitgeberdu bist erste ansprechpartner*in fĂźr unsere studierende, dozent*innen, interessent*innen und mitarbeiter*innen in den serviceabteilungen verantwortlich fĂźr das tägliche management aller servicefunktionen am campus sicherstellung hĂśchster servicequalität fĂźr unsere studierenden sowie fĂźr die mitarbeitenden der gus gruppe am campus betreuung und fĂśrderung der strategischen und operativen zusammenarbeit der einzelnen institutionen am campus (gisma, uswvertretung der anderen campus manager in hamburg, potsdam und iserlohn wir bieten dir: einen arbeitsvertrag in vollzeit abwechslungsreiche aufgaben in einem kleinen team eine familienfreundliche und inspirierende arbeitsumgebung service zeiten von montag - freitag und zu klausurzeiten gelegentlich samstags (sonntags und feiertags dagegen nie) verschiedene online-trainings sowie die mĂśglichkeiten der teilnahme an online kooperationsangeboten (zwir suchen fĂźr unseren internationalen campus in berlin ab sofort eine/n campus manager (m/w/d) in dieser funktion bist du fĂźr den reibungslosen ablauf am campus sowie fĂźr die koordination, verbesserung und sicherstellung der servicequalität in der hochschulverwaltung und den serviceabteilungen verantwortlichunsere institutionen zeichnen sich durch besondere praxisnähe, internationalität, moderne lehrinhalte und den persĂśnlichen umgang mit den studierenden ausgus bildet in einer vielzahl von programmen aus, darunter bachelor- und master-studiengänge, englisch-sprachkurse sowie berufs-, unternehmens- und fĂźhrungskräfteausbildungen) sicherstellung der ordnungsgemäĂen abwicklung von neu- und umbauten in enger zusammenarbeit mit externen dienstleistern aufbau und weiterentwicklung der services und prozesse im service center gemeinsam mit den fachexperten (studierendensekretariat, stundenplanung, intsowie erkennen und umsetzen von verbesserungspotentialen planung und steuerung von projekten zur optimierung des campus schnittstelle zu den fakultäten, prodekanen und lehrenden sowie zu den allgemeinen verwaltungsabteilungen und studierenden budget- und mitarbeiterverantwortung koordination und sicherstellung des reibungslosen ablaufs von campus events wie campusfĂźhrungen, zertifikatsverleihungen, erstsemesterveranstaltungen, mitarbeiterevents, fachvorträgen sowie entwicklung und durchfĂźhrung sonstiger veranstaltungen enge zusammenarbeit und ggfsibm design thinking oder sprachkurse Ăźber rosetta stone) gestaltungsmĂśglichkeiten und teilnahme an zahlreichen events aus design, technology und wirtschaft zahlreiche corporate benefits mindestens 30 tage urlaub interesse? dann freuen wir uns auf deine bewerbungsunterlagen auf deutsch oder englisch unter angabe des gewĂźnschten einkommens und mĂśglichen eintrittsdatums via e-mail an: dein kontakt bei fragen: cathleen kaufmann ⢠recruiting ⢠die gus germany gmbh setzt sich als arbeitgeberin fĂźr chancengleichheit und die unterstĂźtzung von minderheiten ein und diskriminiert nicht aufgrund ethnischer herkunft, hautfarbe, religion, geschlecht, sexueller orientierung, geschlechtlicher identität, nationaler herkunft, behinderung oder eines gesetzlich geschĂźtzten statusglobal university systems (gus) ist eines der vielfältigsten bildungsnetzwerke von hochschuleinrichtungen auf der ganzen weltvertretung der anderen campus manager in hamburg, potsdam und iserlohn du bist erste ansprechpartner*in fĂźr unsere studierende, dozent*innen, interessent*innen und mitarbeiter*innen in den serviceabteilungen verantwortlich fĂźr das tägliche management aller servicefunktionen am campus sicherstellung hĂśchster servicequalität fĂźr unsere studierenden sowie fĂźr die mitarbeitenden der gus gruppe am campus betreuung und fĂśrderung der strategischen und operativen zusammenarbeit der einzelnen institutionen am campus (gisma, uswin deutschland gehĂśren zu global university systems die university of europe for applied sciences, die berlin school of business and innovation (bsbi), die gisma business school, die berufsfachschule fĂźr gestaltung (htk academy) und die trägergesellschaft gus germany gmbh (ggg)täglich tragen unsere mitarbeitenden mit innovativen ideen dazu bei, uns unseren zielen - qualität, service, internationalität und wachstum - näher zu bringenan 57 standorten wie groĂbritannien, kanada, den usa, der karibik, irland, israel, singapur und deutschland bilden rund studierende ein internationales netzwerk, um gemeinsam zu lernencaterer, sicherheitsdienst, reinigungsdienstleister etc) sowie facility, arbeitssicherheit und gesundheitsschutz planung und optimierung der raumnutzung, -auslastung sowie vermietungsmanagement entwicklung, koordination und umsetzung von sicherheitskonzepten (pandemie-konzepten) auftragsauswahl und verhandlungen mit externen dienstleistern sowie kontrolle der externen anbieter wie z
La risorsa inserita si occuperĂ delle seguenti mansioni: reporting e monitoraggio dei kpi dei concessionari; raccogliere e analizzare i dati del rivenditore; analisi dell'affidabilitĂ dei dati; supporta e collabora con gli specialisti prim per eseguire analisi; supporto operativo sui progetti (preparazione ppt, organizzazione meeting, riunione verbale, follow up, eccsede di lavoro: torino nordorario di lavoro: flessibile + possibilitĂ di smart workingral: + incentivo di produttivitĂ bachelor o master o senior in supply chain, ingegneria, economia, matematica, fisica o computer sciences; italiano e inglese fluente; competenze ict avanzate, con particolare attenzione a excel, access, powerpoint e, possibilmente, su qlik sense; mentalitĂ numerica; consapevolezza dei principi di base della logistica; appassionato di numeri e appassionato di analisi dei dati; in grado di lavorare in team interfunzionaletipologia contrttuale: somministrazione fino a dicembre con possibilitĂ succsiva di stabilizzazione); assistenza in tutte le altre attivitĂ del reparto e supporto per richieste ad-hocsocietĂ leader nel settore automotive, ricerca una risorsa da inserire come addetto/a alla logistica dei concessionari, appartenente alle categorie protette (l
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You must become a subject matter expert (sme) and be the central hub of communication between all project team memberswork with some of the top names in media and broadcasting become passionate about technology and digital video on demand market and applications role responsibilities: undertake the formal requirements analysis of functional and non-functional requirements, translating them into the appropriate product documentation, including user stories and uml facilitate the elicitation requirements using a number of techniques such as online and face to face meetings and workshops outline the parameters of the project, and determine potential solutions ability to communicate (verbal and written) at all levels, with external and internal stakeholders proficient in writing user stories, scenarios, acceptance criteria, uml and concept design take responsibility and accountability for the quality, accuracy, completeness and usability of project documentation and any project artefacts work with product owners, ux&d, qa and technical teams to validate captured requirements take a highly consultative approach in managing the customer and provide clear recommendations for solution strategies and options support team members throughout the product life-cycle, including pro-active raising of issues, dependencies and risks to either the senior business analyst and/or project manager work in a highly collaborative and multi-disciplinary agile/scrum framework essential minimum of 3 yearsâ experience as a mid-level business analyst extensive experience with preparing and conducting workshops online and face to face ability to work in a fast-paced environment and confidently handle deadlines, priorities and constraints work in the agile sprint format using jira for epics, features and stories and have experience of waterfall methodology experience handling multiple agile projects in parallel (where applicable) experience in coordinating agile milestones which include user story definition, grooming, commitment and delivery software development level experience with debugging/result analysis skills ability to use the same toolkit as business partners must be proactive and show due diligence effective communication skillsrecruiters â we have handled this one internally! thanksyour focus must be on owning the requirements and being able to articulate these to cross-functional teamshands-on experience with jira and confluence what's in it for you global company with huge growth potential small, creative, close-knit engineering/tech team who love to collaborate meal allowance multisport card full remote + a contribution to buy equipment which makes your work from home more comfortable 25 working days per year vacation entitlement 5 sick days â per calendar year team events sponsored by the company free refreshments in the office we are committed to ensuring that we provide equal opportunities for allwe're fully flexibleyouâll work to deadlines and juggle multiple tasks, which gives lots of variety the role is largely office-based but travel is expected as we are a global organisation and we have world-wide clientsthe role requires a business analyst with outstanding business analysis capabilities, experience and a hands-on, positive, can-do attitudewe are a supportive and inclusive organisation with a wealth of experience; we are looking for someone who can utilise their core ba skills and experience and also develop new and existing skillsthe role needs you to be customer facing, therefore a professional approach to your tasks and activities is a mustwe push boundaries every day to offer the most reliable, scalable, engaging end-to-end offerings that continually meet and exceed fan expectations and maximise client valuewe are looking for talented individuals who can contribute to their assigned project and also contribute to the growth of the ba teamwhat to expect you could make significant change and impact within your role, making a substantial difference to the success of our company and your project and ba team, which can be very rewarding for the right personplease let us know if you need us to make any adjustments or if you have any special requirements for the interview processas of november , if it suits your role at deltatre, you can work full time from home/remotely, from the office, or a combination within the same country as your contracted office of employmentwe're an end-to-end provider of premium products and services for global sport and media operatorsproven experience in working on client site are highly desirable hands-on experience with jira and confluence background or experience in broadcast and media is a plus, though other areas will also be considered background or experience of working in an agency is desirable, though other areas will also be consideredwe will support you in your career progressiondepending on the role this normally includes a written test and interviewplease note that we will only contact successfully shortlisted candidatesworked within a technical analysis of large scale projects with an emphasis on back and front-end systems and third-party integration ability to work in a fast-paced environment and confidently handle deadlines, priorities and constraints must be adaptable and flexible in their approach to both project and non-project work outstanding customer-facing skillsas an effective communicator, you must to able to facilitate workshops, internal and external meetings, ask the right questions, and actively listen and take in new informationunderpinned by data we're able to determine the best experiences to drive business growthdeltatre provides strategy, planning, consultancy across all stages of our client's lifecycleproven experience in working on client site are highly desirable desirable excellent customer-facing skills
We are looking for someone who is: driven to push the boundaries and lead change and performance communicative to leave no-one in the dark and to manage other engineers successfully reliable so we know that we can rely on you when we need to deliver on time passionate about the latest technologies and standards proactive to suggest improvements, identify and fix potential issues we need you to know most of these things well: bsc in computer science or similar experience strong written and verbal communication in english 3+ year of commercial back-end experience inapacha kafka) communication technologies/protocols ability to problem solve complex technical issues app (client-side) development experience redis or other in-memory key-value dbs git power user powershell power user what's in it for you global company with huge growth potential small, creative, close-knit engineering/tech team who love to collaborate meal allowance multisport card full remote + a contribution to buy equipment which makes your work from home more comfortable 25 working days per year vacation entitlement 5 sick days â per calendar year team events sponsored by the company free refreshments in the office we are committed to ensuring that we provide equal opportunities for allrecruiters â we have handled this one internally! thankswe run everything in aws in a mixture of cloud services, containers, and virtual machinesvideo experiences serves both end-to-end clients and those who wants to internalize part of their platform through products and componentswe are a group of talented developers, infrastructure engineers, qas, business analysts and product owners who will work with you, challenge you and support you on an everyday basiswe're fully flexiblethe video experiences unit is leading ott products and services provider delivering best-of-breed products and components as well as comprehensive end-to-end solutionswould you like to work on a back-end designed to withstand millions of concurrent users? learn latest technologies and innovate? in a small team where every contribution counts? if you like that, read on! axis is an over-the-top (ott) platform used by leading telecom, cable, broadcast and media companies all around the globe to offer and deliver their catalogues and channels to end-users via axis apps for phones, tvs, tablets, pcs, consoles⌠basically any device where people watch videoswe try to be agile driven, progressive, respectful, and continuously improving how we worknet core (server side) cloud technologies (ideally aws) docker, containers (ideally hosted in ecs/eks) unit/integration/component tests http, caching sql, sql server or other rdbms mongodb or other document dbs ⌠and we will probably love you if you know about some of these too: kubernetes or similar container orchestrator service discovery, service mesh modern synchronous (ewe push boundaries every day to offer the most reliable, scalable, engaging end-to-end offerings that continually meet and exceed fan expectations and maximise client valueall these apps are powered by the backend that you will work on plus an editorial interface used by our clients to manage their offering and to configure the appsplease let us know if you need us to make any adjustments or if you have any special requirements for the interview processas of november , if it suits your role at deltatre, you can work full time from home/remotely, from the office, or a combination within the same country as your contracted office of employmentnet based, but we have some important nodegrpc) and asynchronous (ewe're an end-to-end provider of premium products and services for global sport and media operatorswe continuously upgrade our technologies to the latest versions and best practices, but we need to maintain and evolve some legacy systems as wellwe are a proud team that tries hard to meet commitments and loves to celebrate successes! our technology stack is mostlydepending on the role this normally includes a written test and interviewplease note that we will only contact successfully shortlisted candidatesjs components toounderpinned by data we're able to determine the best experiences to drive business growthaxis product team is mainly based in prague and turin but has colleagues in other places around europe toodeltatre provides strategy, planning, consultancy across all stages of our client's lifecyclenet c# 4+ years of experience in back-end development architecting public apis, open api (swagger specs) high performance and scaled services microservices and event-driven architecture
Expert communication: excellent verbal and written communication skillspivotal experience & expertise functional experience: brings strong commercial experiencecreate detailed reports for upper managementunderstands organization's strengths & weaknessesbrings strong network connections and relationshipssalary: negotiable please email resume togathers and analyses information skilfully and develops alternative solutionscollaboration and teamwork: balances team and individual responsibilitiesdemonstrates persistence and overcomes obstacles and measures self against standard of excellencereview service reports and ensure administration of reports and invoices on a timely basisaligns work with strategic goalsdisplays orientation to profitabilityliaise with sales and after sales teams on upcoming projects and installsassist customer care coordinator in resource identification and planningresponds promptly to customer needs to meet commitmentsprovide feedback to management for department improvement and efficiencyinnovation: displays original thinking and creativity and meets challenges with resourcefulnesspromote/sell maintenance programs to existing customersmaintain neat and orderly warehouse and workshopanalyses market and competition and identifies external threats and opportunitiesmust be fluent in english â reading, writing and speaking must be fluent in italian â speaking must be able to read and understand european electrical schematics for new machine installation and troubleshootingdevelop and deliver in-house training for service team including service procedures, companyâs policies and procedures, and machine-specific trainingsoftware proficiencies: microsoft o365 including excel, word, onedrive, outlook, powerpoint, project manager, sharepoint, teams, crm systemcustomer service:focuses on serving customers as the organizationâs top priorityover the years, various companies that were complementary to his business merged and were even taken over, thus transforming the marchesini group from the once small local company to the impressive multinational enterprise it is today, capable of creating packaging technologies for the most important products of the pharma and beauty industriesdemonstrates an independent, results-driven work ethicwill not sponsor visasmotivation:sets and achieves challenging goalsa self-starter and team player who is motivated to succeedit was back in that massimo marchesini had the original idea of building packaging machines and built his first one in his garage at homereview and approve service hours and overtimeensure that service department has all necessary tools and equipmentcontributes to building a positive team spiritmanage emergency calls and warranty workproblem solving:identifies and resolves problems in a timely mannernotable requirements and considerations for position: applicant must have a pre-existing legal us work statusability to travel full benefits package including health, pension, 401k and paid vacation timeunderstands needs, creates distinctive value, and builds meaningful relationshipsplanning/organizing:: prioritizes and plans work activities while efficiently managing timesuperior people/customer relationship skills as well as strong interpersonal skillsmanages competing demands and changes approach or method to best fit the situationmaintain customer satisfaction and companyâs good standing through pre-service planning and post-service follow uptravel 50%+ high school diploma or general education degree (ged) and âindustry experience & tenureâ as outlinedadapts strategy to changing conditionsdemonstrates knowledge of market and competitionstrategic thinking: develops and implements strategic priorities to achieve organizational goalsmarchesini group usa, a leading supplier of aseptic, primary, and secondary automatic packaging equipment, is searching for an experienced service manager to manage our team of us technicians and their deployment on service projects as well as administration of the departmentlearning: curious, open-minded and an avid listener who welcomes broad input, criticism and feedbackwork in collaboration with the hr department to maintain best practices for service departmentwork with management for tradeshow preparations and set upbusiness acumen: understands business implications of decisionsindustry experience & tenure: 10 yearsâ field service experience and knowledge of pharmaceutical packaging equipment and 5 years in related management experienceparticipate in interviewing and training of the new employees as well as coordination of training sessions accordinglyability to read and understand european blueprints and pneumatic diagramsresponsibilities: manage all functions of the service departmentsthe marchesini group designs and builds stand-alone machines and customised lines for packaging pharmaceuticals and cosmeticsdriven to create value for customerscompetencies: adaptability: adapts to changes in the work environmentreview projects and define sow for service teamaligns organization and resources to deliver on customer commitments
Expert communication: excellent verbal and written communication skillspivotal experience & expertise functional experience: brings strong commercial experienceunderstands organization's strengths & weaknessesbrings strong network connections and relationshipssell and promote formats, modifications, and sla contractssalary: negotiable please email resume togathers and analyses information skilfully and develops alternative solutionscompetencies: adaptability: adapts to changes in the work environmentplanning/organizing: prioritizes and plans work activities while efficiently managing timecollaboration and teamwork: balances team and individual responsibilitiesdemonstrates persistence and overcomes obstacles and measures self against standard of excellencealigns work with strategic goalsdisplays orientation to profitabilityresponds promptly to customer needs to meet commitmentsinnovation: displays original thinking and creativity and meets challenges with resourcefulnessanalyses market and competition and identifies external threats and opportunitiesdrive growing sales in expanding marketmotivation: sets and achieves challenging goalsover the years, various companies that were complementary to his business merged and were even taken over, thus transforming the marchesini group from the once small local company to the impressive multinational enterprise it is today, capable of creating packaging technologies for the most important products of the pharma and beauty industriesdemonstrates an independent, results-driven work ethicwill not sponsor visasa self-starter and team player who is motivated to succeedit was back in that massimo marchesini had the original idea of building packaging machines and built his first one in his garage at homecontributes to building a positive team spiritcreate and maintain strong working customer relationsresponsibilities: develop, generate and manage sales activity for multinational accounts as well as small to mid-size customers with the emphasisproblem solving:identifies and resolves problems in a timely mannernotable requirements and considerations for position: applicant must have a pre-existing legal us work statusunderstands needs, creates distinctive value, and builds meaningful relationshipssuperior people/customer relationship skills as well as strong interpersonal skillsmanages competing demands and changes approach or method to best fit the situationtravel 50%+ high school diploma or general education degree (ged) and âindustry experience & tenureâ as outlinedadapts strategy to changing conditionsdemonstrates knowledge of market and competitionstrategic thinking: develops and implements strategic priorities to achieve organizational goalssoftware proficiencies: microsoft o365 including excel, word, onedrive, outlook, powerpoint, project manager, sharepoint, teamsitalian/spanish language - not a requirement but an advantage full benefits package including health, pension, 401k and paid vacation timelearning: curious, open-minded and an avid listener who welcomes broad input, criticism and feedbackcustomer service: focuses on serving customers as the organizationâs top prioritybusiness acumen: understands business implications of decisionsmarchesini group usa, a leading supplier of aseptic, primary, and secondary automatic packaging equipment, is searching for, is searching for an experienced after sales â regional sales manager to generate and handle sales with emphasis on sales of modification and formats in designated territory within north americaindustry experience & tenure: 5 yearsâ broad experience and knowledge of pharmaceutical packaging equipment and processesafter sales forecast planningthe marchesini group designs and builds stand-alone machines and customised lines for packaging pharmaceuticals and cosmeticsdriven to create value for customersmaintain and manage customer data base and reports in crmaligns organization and resources to deliver on customer commitments
Expert communication: excellent verbal and written communication skillsunderstands organization's strengths & weaknessesgathers and analyses information skilfully and develops alternative solutionsplanning/organizing: prioritizes and plans work activities while efficiently managing timecollaboration and teamwork: balances team and individual responsibilitiesdemonstrates persistence and overcomes obstacles and measures self against standard of excellencedisplays orientation to profitabilityaligns work with strategic goals of company and after sales departmentresponds promptly to customer needs to meet commitmentspreparation of format and modification quotations for sales staffinnovation: displays original thinking and creativity and meets challenges with resourcefulnessanalyses market and competition and identifies external threats and opportunitiesover the years, various companies that were complementary to his business merged and were even taken over, thus transforming the marchesini group from the once small local company to the impressive multinational enterprise it is today, capable of creating packaging technologies for the most important products of the pharma and beauty industrieswill not sponsor visasmotivation:sets and achieves challenging goalsindustry experience & tenure: entry level positiona self-starter and team player who is motivated to succeedresponsibilities: support and work closely with senior sales staff to manage company allocated customer accounts to ensure quality, standards and client expectationsit was back in that massimo marchesini had the original idea of building packaging machines and built his first one in his garage at hometravel 25%+ high school diploma or general education degree (ged) and âindustry experience & tenureâ as outlinedcontributes to building a positive team spiritmarchesini group usa, a leading supplier of aseptic, primary, and secondary automatic packaging equipment, is searching for an entry level after sales associate to support and work with senior sales staff on sales of modification and formats within north americanotable requirements and considerations for position: applicant must have a pre-existing legal us work statusunderstands needs, creates distinctive value, and builds meaningful relationshipssuperior people/customer relationship skills as well as strong interpersonal skillsmanages competing demands and changes approach or method to best fit the situationproblem solving: identifies and resolves problems in a timely mannerunderstand and support established after sales policies and proceduresadapts strategy to changing conditionsstrategic thinking: develops and implements strategic priorities to achieve organizational goalssoftware proficiencies: microsoft o365 including excel, word, onedrive, outlook, powerpoint, project manager, sharepoint, teamslearning: curious, open-minded and an avid listener who welcomes broad input, criticism and feedbackcustomer service: focuses on serving customers as the organizationâs top priorityitalian/spanish language - not a requirement but an advantage salary: negotiable please email resume tobusiness acumen: understands business implications of decisionsprepare sales presentations by compiling data; developing presentation formats and materialspivotal experience & expertise functional experience: demonstrates an independent, results-driven work ethicthe marchesini group designs and builds stand-alone machines and customised lines for packaging pharmaceuticals and cosmeticsdriven to create value for customersattend and participate in sales meetings, conference calls, training programs, and conventions as directedcompetencies: adaptability: adapts to changes in the work environmentaligns organization and resources to deliver on customer commitments
The ideal candidate must be a self-starter, detail oriented, organized, personable, an effective multi-tasker, and have excellent communication skillsexperience of hr administration and support for germany, the netherlands and france, preferred experience in managing employee's health and wellbeing experienced in employee relations desireable bachelorâs degree in human resources or management or equivalent degree minimum of 2 yearsâ experience in hr administration and recruiting proficient in ms office must have very strong organization skills, attention to detail, and multi-tasking skills outstanding communication and interpersonal skills ability to work well individually and as part of a team ability to work to tight deadlines bilingual in english and advanced in german fluency in dutch would also be beneficial our work and global focus on systems change in society is incredibly diverse and so we are very keen to receive applications from all parts of the global communitywe work with pioneering companies that want to drive the change in their industry 3we invest our own venture capital and expertise to accelerate business innovation and drive system change 5change to hours, contract extensionsmanage leavers process for the european offices, including exit interviewsthese disruptions are not only vital to the future of humanity and our planet, they also open up immense opportunities for the businesses that drive themmaintain hris data for our europeans officessystemiq is a systems change company that partners with business, finance, policy-makers, and civil society to make economic systems truly sustainablebe the primary point of contact for hr queries and employee relation issues, for employees in europe and provide additional assistance to uk and brazil, as requiredwe co-create and incubate the market solutions most likely to build regenerative economic systems 4job duties include human resource management, onboarding new hires, off-boarding, managing contract changes, maintaining hris database with personnel changes, managing sickness and employee queries, assisting with benefits administration, and working on ad hoc projects as assignedwe direct larger pools of capital so that they are invested for long-term sustainability, and we work to accelerate the transformation to a greener, more inclusive financial systemleave of absence, benefits, employee files, reference letters, inbound international relocationsassist with monthly payroll processes for the european officeswe convene and support coalitions of leaders to shape policies and business strategies that will rapidly transform economic activity 29-12 months maternity cover we are looking for an ambitious & fun individual to join the hr team, as a hr assistant based in munich or amsterdam, to work with our offices in germany, france, and the netherlandskey responsibilities include: managing sick leave returners and to provide support to employees in the re-integration after sickness managing local employee relations managing changes to employment contracts for the european offices, esystemiq connects the right people, ideas, technologies, and capital to transform economic systems: 1provide reporting as requested by internal stakeholdersupdate our people hub on systemiqâs intranetorganize and manage the onboarding process across europe and brazil (communicate onboarding plan with the new hire and relevant stakeholders, schedule diary invites, deliver the hr induction, probation tracking)our purpose is to catalyse good disruptions in critical economic systems, with a current focus that includes low-carbon energy, materials and the circular economy, and regenerative oceans and land useyou much have the right to work in the country location you are applying to - systemiq usually cannot provide sponsorshipnew hris implementationwe combine high-level research with high-impact, on-the-ground workwork with the hr team on adhoc projects when needed, eprimary hr administrator for netherlands, france and germany e
Main duties handling customer enquiries freight quotations taking bookings arranging cargo collections liaising with clients, overseas agents and internal departments trailer load planning dealing with internal & external transport raising files maintaining accurate administrative records resolving and managing queries and complaints courteously and efficiently ensuring site and customer objectives are achieved respond to and deal with customer communication by email and telephonerequired hours of work monday to friday till hour lunch break experience / skills background within logstics or transport background within international logistics import export desired strong administration skills computer literate â understanding of word and excel, and a keen attitude to learn tailor made systems good communication skills and telephone manner ability to work under pressure and to be able to prioritise a busy work schedule high level of customer service ability to work as part of a busy team ability to work on own initiative salary and benefits salary depending on level of experience 31 days annual holiday, including bank holidays contributory pension scheme on-site parking employee assistance programmewe currently have a vacancy in our operations department for a import/export clerk at our gloucester sitewe have a dedicated team of staff who have experience in providing tailored logistic, freight, distribution, and warehousing services to companies of all sizes and across all industry sectors, throughout the uk, europe and worldwidesimarco worldwide logistics is a family-owned business that was established in