University of applied sciences or

Elenco university of applied sciences or

  • In deutschland gehören zu global university systems die university of applied sciences europe gmbh und die berufschule fĂŒr gestaltung (htk)global university systems (gus) ist ein internationales netzwerk von hochschuleinrichtungen, die durch eine gemeinsame leidenschaft fĂŒr erschwingliche, branchenrelevante qualifikationen zusammengefĂŒhrt werdenunsere studiengĂ€nge sind das ergebnis des direkten austausches zwischen unseren professoren, mitarbeitenden und unseren studierenden sowie der nachfrage potenzieller arbeitgeberfĂŒr das studienkolleg an unserem standort in iserlohn suchen wir kurz- und langfristig freiberufliche dozenten (m/w/d) fĂŒr mathematik (englisch), englisch, deutsch das lehrdeputat umfasst jeweils 6-12 unterrichtseinheiten pro woche ihre aufgaben: ‱ durchfĂŒhrung der lehrveranstaltung „mathematik“ in englischer sprachebritta ruhnau ‱ prodekanin des fachbereichs wirtschaft am campus iserlohn ‱wenn sich jemand entscheidet, an einer unserer institutionen zu studieren - ob auf dem campus in europa, nordamerika oder sogar zu hause - schließt er sich einem netzwerk von studierenden weltweit anwir sind in einigen der grĂ¶ĂŸten stĂ€dte der welt ansĂ€ssig, mit campussen in london, birmingham und manchester, auf der anderen seite des atlantiks in toronto, chicago und vancouver; und auf der anderen seite der welt in singapur, deutschland und israelkursinhalte sind ĂŒberwiegend die mathematischen inhalte im grundkursbereich der oberstufegus bietet eine vielzahl von programmen an, darunter bachelor- und master-studiengĂ€nge, berufsausbildung, englisch-sprachkurse sowie unternehmens- und fĂŒhrungskrĂ€fteausbildungden kursteilnehmern werden grundlegende kenntnise vermittelt, um sie auf ein studium vorzubereitenunsere hochschulen zeichnen sich durch besondere praxisnĂ€he, internationalitĂ€t, moderne lehrinhalte und den persönlichen umgang mit den studierenden austĂ€glich tragen unsere mitarbeiterinnen und mitarbeiter mit innovativen ideen dazu bei, uns unseren zielen - qualitĂ€t, service, internationalitĂ€t und wachstum - nĂ€her zu bringen‱ durchfĂŒhrung der lehrveranstaltung „deutsch“‱ durchfĂŒhrung der lehrveranstaltung „englisch“bitte senden sie ihre bewerbung per email an: ihr kontakt bei fragen fachlicher natur: frau profden kursteilnehmern werden grundlegende kenntnise vermittelt, um sie auf ein studium im technisch-naturwissenschaftlichen oder wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen bereich vorzubereiten‱ anwendungsorientierte gestaltung der vorlesung mit bezug zu wirtschaftlichen / technischen fragestellungen ‱ interaktives vorgehen mit einem hohen maß an einbezug der studierenden ‱ erstellung der zwischen- und endprĂŒfung ihr profil: ‱ abgeschlossenes einschlĂ€giges hochschulstudium ‱ lehrerfahrung ‱ ausgeprĂ€gte teamfĂ€higkeit und kommunikationsstĂ€rke ‱ organisationsgeschick und einsatzbereitschaft wir bieten ihnen: ‱ einen unbefristeten rahmenvertrag als externe/r dozent*in ‱ ein vielseitiges, innovatives und internationales arbeitsumfeld in zusammenarbeit mit partnerhochschulen und kooperationspartnern ‱ die chance, sich persönlich und beruflich weiterzuentwickeln interesse? dann freuen wir uns auf ihre bewerbungsunterlagen! wir benötigen zur prĂŒfung ihrer unterlagen: ihren lebenslaufin dieser veranstaltung werden die teilnehmer auf ein studium in deutschland vorbereitet

  • The university of law is one of the uk's longest-established specialist providers of legal educationthe university of law is an internationally recognized expert in the field of lawknowledge of the uk education systems specifically is preferredour courses take an in-depth look into key areas of the law and provide a broader overview of the legal system to better contextualize what's being learnedwe can trace our origins to with the formation of leading tutorial firm gibson & weldona minimum of 2 - 3 years experience as a business development manager or similar role is requiredthe role holder will be responsible for managing and developing ulaw'sbrand and business in canada, through the utilization of various student recruitment channels including, but not limited to, engagement with educational agents, attendance of recruitment fairs, institutional partnerships, and corporate tie-upsrather than focusing on academic research, our aim is to be thought leaders in the issues that matter to the legal profession and the next generation of practicing lawyersresponsibilities business development generate new revenue from existing streams and accounts assist in identifying and supporting developing potential business partners and growing existing client relationships to perform potential client research including (but not limited to) meeting/engaging with key players in the industry to actively seek and conduct meetings and presentations with potential clients; to represent ulaw at client/agent meetings, local and national exhibitions, and conferences in order to recruit potential students and build upon stakeholder relationships where applicable other ad-hoc duties as requested for the overall performance of the company customer focus to provide individually-tailored professional advice at all times and be a trusted advisor providing individually-tailored advice to all prospective students consulting students through the full application cycle (direct or via agents): from initial inquiry/conversation through to finalizing and closing their application to study with ulaw exploring possible career paths for students and matching it with specific ulaw offerings handling student inquiries regarding different programs from potential students building commonalities to gain trust and engage potential students/ agents provide outstanding customer service to all students, and all stakeholders, which is timely and efficient, and encourages students to choose ulaw handling student inquiries regarding different programs from potential students’ business partners communication and liaison agency network management, or ‘account management’: develop and train potential agents sourced from fairs, business trips, inquiries, referrals, in general searches in line with business development responsibilities outlined above constant clear and effective liaison and communication with agents and students ensuring that all relevant product developments, including changes to admission, compliance and course requirements or start dates are communicated externally to prepare, assist and deliver in performing customer/agent presentations analysis, reporting and data management to research and provide valid information and market feedback on industry trends, which will become the basis for strategic planning and forecasting for management collect and compare pertinent data on target markets, making recommendations and writing proposals when requested provide management with relevant data, competitor analyses and feedback where relevant assist in presenting strategies for expansion to administer agent accounts and produce reports on local performance in response to management accounts position requirements a university degree in the relevant field is requiredability to travel throughout canadain line with the ulaw's continued expansion strategy, we are looking to recruit an experienced and driven business development manager, to play a fundamental part in further establishing ulaw's as a globally recognized brand, with a focus on the canadian marketexcellent verbal and written communication with fluency in englishwith a rich heritage and a reputation for innovation and contemporary teaching practices, we continuously focus on developing the best legal minds

  • Availability as of end of july 2022 or beginning august 2022this apartment offers all of the space and privacy you could want from being in the center of town! the living area has the dining space and fireplace as its main attractionspenthouse apartment situated at the third and last floor of a small modern condo built in 2008only 22 minutes from the aviano air force base, this location is the perfect compromise to ensure a reasonable distance from work, while being able to immerse yourself in the italian lifestyleclasse energetica: c 69,72 kwh/m2 a
    spese: 840
    anno: 2009
    camere: 3
    riscaldamento: autonomo
    tipo cucina:
    mq: 130
    giardino: , 0 mq
    box: 41
    ubicazione: via borghetto, maron, brugnera, , italia
    latitudine: 45the apartment comes partially furnished (kitchen and dining area) and is equipped with floor heating and cooling, centralized vacuum, mosquito screens and two garages89592 longitudine: 12one bathroom (with access to a second terrace) for the two bedrooms and another en-suite for the masterthere are three bedrooms; two with direct access to the large terrace and the master bedroom with its own small balconya fully-equipped "hideaway" kitchen gives you the freedom to cook up a storm for your friends and family while hosting them in the more intimate dining area or the more spacious large terrace overlooking the main piazza in maron di brugnera


    1057 €

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    6010000228881836 €

  • In deutschland gehören zu global university systems die university of europe for applied sciences, die berlin school of business and innovation (bsbi), die gisma business school, die berufsfachschule fĂŒr gestaltung (htk academy) und die trĂ€gergesellschaft gus germany gmbh (ggg)global university systems (gus) ist eines der vielfĂ€ltigsten bildungsnetzwerke von hochschuleinrichtungen auf der ganzen weltdu bist gerne an orten mit viel bewegung? dann bist du genau richtig fĂŒr uns! akquisition neuer b2b unternehmenskunden, fĂŒhren von professionellen vertriebsgesprĂ€chen betreuung und festigung der kooperationen fĂŒr langfristige zusammenarbeit beratung von studieninteressierten und vermittlung an die unternehmenspartner eigenstĂ€ndiges projektmanagement und erstellen von dokumentationen relevanter kundeninformationen fĂŒr unternehmen und studenten zusammenarbeit mit unseren nationalen und internationalen standorten und kollegen, sowie sicherstellung und ausbau der unternehmenskundenzufriedenheit organisation und durchfĂŒhrung unserer informationsveranstaltungen und messeauftritte direkt am campus, in deutschland und online abgeschlossene berufsausbildung und/oder hochschulabschluss praxiserfahrung im b2b & b2c hochschul-vertrieb sehr gute deutsch- und englischkenntnisse in wort und schrift gute kenntnisse der ms-office programme (word, excel, powerpoint, teams) anwenderkenntnisse im umgang mit crm-systemen (salesforce) wĂŒnschenswert ein hohes maß an eigeninitiative, organisationtalent und empathie runden dein profil ab unser angebot: eigenverantwortliches arbeiten an herausfordernden und abwechslungsreichen projekten in einer internationalen teamatmosphĂ€re vertrauensbasierte gleitzeitregelung (40 stunden/woche) mindestens 30 tage urlaub zahlreiche standortbezogene campus events aus kunst, kultur, wirtschaft und wissenschaft wechselnde kunstausstellungen aus fotografie, illustration, game und kommunikationsdesign nutzung von datenbanken und hauseigener bibliothek angebote zur gesundheitsvor- und nachsorge verschiedene online-weiterbildungskurse, sowie online kooperationsangebote ein vielseitiges und interessantes arbeitsumfeld mit internationalen kolleg*innen und kollegen gestaltungsspielraum fĂŒr viele eigene ideen und deren umsetzung interesse? dann freuen wir uns auf deine bewerbungsunterlagen auf deutsch oder englisch unter angabe deines gehaltswunsches und möglichen eintrittsdatums via e-mail an: dein kontakt bei fragen: cathleen kaufmann ‱ recruiting ‱ die university of europe for applied sciences setzt sich als arbeitgeberin fĂŒr chancengleichheit und die unterstĂŒtzung von minderheiten ein und diskriminiert nicht aufgrund ethnischer herkunft, hautfarbe, religion, geschlecht, sexueller orientierung, geschlechtlicher identitĂ€t, nationaler herkunft, behinderung oder eines gesetzlich geschĂŒtzten statusunsere studiengĂ€nge sind das ergebnis des direkten austausches zwischen unseren professoren, mitarbeitenden und unseren studierenden sowie der nachfrage potenzieller arbeitgeberan 57 standorten wie großbritannien, kanada, den usa, der karibik, irland, israel, singapur und deutschland bilden rund studierende ein internationales netzwerk, um gemeinsam zu lernendu managst deine projekte und pipelines erfolgreichunsere institutionen zeichnen sich durch besondere praxisnĂ€he, internationalitĂ€t, moderne lehrinhalte und den persönlichen umgang mit den studierenden ausfĂŒr unseren standort in hannover suchen wir ab sofort eine/n studienberater b2b & b2c (m/w/d) als studienberater:in teilst du die leidenschaft und begeisterung fĂŒr den vertrieb und fĂŒr privathochschulengus bildet in einer vielzahl von programmen aus, darunter bachelor- und master-studiengĂ€nge, englisch-sprachkurse sowie berufs-, unternehmens- und fĂŒhrungskrĂ€fteausbildungentĂ€glich tragen unsere mitarbeitenden mit innovativen ideen dazu bei, uns unseren zielen - qualitĂ€t, service, internationalitĂ€t und wachstum - nĂ€her zu bringendu fĂŒhrst ĂŒberzeugend gesprĂ€che bei unternehmenskunden, wie du auch studieninteressierte bei info-webinaren und events vor ort berĂ€tst

  • In deutschland gehören zu global university systems die university of europe for applied sciences, die berlin school of business and innovation (bsbi), die gisma business school, die berufsfachschule fĂŒr gestaltung (htk academy) und die trĂ€gergesellschaft gus germany gmbh (ggg)global university systems (gus) ist eines der vielfĂ€ltigsten bildungsnetzwerke von hochschuleinrichtungen auf der ganzen weltbitte senden sie ihre bewerbung per email an: ihr kontakt bei fragen fachlicher natur: profthomas burgartz, dekan fachbereich wirtschaft ‱ ihr kontakt bei fragen: cathleen kaufmann ‱ personalabteilung ‱an 57 standorten wie großbritannien, kanada, den usa, der karibik, irland, israel, singapur und deutschland bilden rund studierende ein internationales netzwerk, um gemeinsam zu lernen/woche – 18 sws) fĂŒr unseren campus in berlin eine professur fĂŒr allgemeine betriebswirtschaftslehre mit dem schwerpunkt marktorientierte unternehmensfĂŒhrung durchfĂŒhrung von einfĂŒhrenden und vertiefenden lehrveranstaltungen in den bereichen marketing, unternehmensfĂŒhrung, allgemeine betriebswirtschaftslehre (insbwir besetzen zum nĂ€chstmöglichen zeitpunkt in vollzeit (40 stdgus bildet in einer vielzahl von programmen aus, darunter bachelor- und master-studiengĂ€nge, englisch-sprachkurse sowie berufs-, unternehmens- und fĂŒhrungskrĂ€fteausbildungennachweis der befĂ€higung zum wissenschaftlichen arbeiten qualifizierte berufspraxis, mindestens drei jahre, davon zwei jahre außerhalb der hochschule mehrjĂ€hrige lehrerfahrung an hochschulen (international von vorteil) durchfĂŒhrung der lehrveranstaltungen in englischer sprache publikations- und forschungstĂ€tigkeit erwĂŒnscht ausgeprĂ€gte teamfĂ€higkeit und kommunikationsstĂ€rke organisationsgeschick und einsatzbereitschaft wir bieten ihnen: einen arbeitsvertrag in vollzeit (40 stdunsere studiengĂ€nge sind das ergebnis des direkten austausches zwischen unseren professoren, mitarbeitenden und unseren studierenden sowie der nachfrage potenzieller arbeitgeberwir setzen uns als arbeitgeber fĂŒr chancengleichheit und die unterstĂŒtzung von minderheiten ein und diskriminieren nicht aufgrund ethnischer herkunft, hautfarbe, religion, geschlecht, sexueller orientierung, geschlechtlicher identitĂ€t, nationaler herkunft, behinderung oder eines gesetzlich geschĂŒtzten status/ woche) 30 tage urlaub eine mögliche weiterentwicklung zur studiengangsleitung vertrauensbasierte gleitzeitregelung angebote zur gesundheitsvorsorge und nachsorge zahlreiche standortbezogene campus events aus kunst, kultur, wirtschaft und wissenschaft abwechslungsreiche aufgaben in einer tollen teamatmosphĂ€re ein vielseitiges und interessantes arbeitsumfeld mit internationalen kolleginnen und kollegen gestaltungsspielraum fĂŒr viele eigene ideen und deren umsetzung interesse? dann freuen wir uns auf ihre bewerbungsunterlagen! die einstellungsvoraussetzungen richten sich nach den bestimmungen des §41 hg des landes brandenburgbwl, vwl, wirtschaftswissenschaften) erfolgreiche promotion (mindbitte beachten sie, dass wir nur bewerbungsunterlagen berĂŒcksichtigen können, die den einstellungsvoraussetzungen des §41 hg des landes brandenburg entsprechenmba) planung und durchfĂŒhrung von forschungs- und entwicklungsprojekten einschließlich publikationstĂ€tigkeiten beratung und betreuung der studierenden abnahme von prĂŒfungen, betreuung von seminar-, projekt-, bachelor-, master- und promotionsarbeiten aufbau von partnerschaften mit unternehmen und institutionen fĂŒr die weitere vernetzung der hochschule am standort berlin administrative tĂ€tigkeiten und gremienarbeit beratung von studieninteressierten abgeschlossenes einschlĂ€giges hochschulstudium (zunsere institutionen zeichnen sich durch besondere praxisnĂ€he, internationalitĂ€t, moderne lehrinhalte und den persönlichen umgang mit den studierenden ausdie hochschule strebt die erhöhung des frauenanteils unter den beschĂ€ftigten anwir benötigen zur prĂŒfung ihrer unterlagen: ihren lebenslauf, ihr promotionszeugnis, eine ĂŒbersicht zu ihren bislang gehaltenen lehrveranstaltungen (umfang, thema) und ihre arbeitsnachweise/ berufsrelevanten zeugnissesie lĂ€dt daher frauen mit geeignetem profil expressis verbis zur bewerbung ein und wird diese bei gleichwertiger befĂ€higung, eignung und leistung vorrangig berĂŒcksichtigen„magna cum laude“), dwir behalten uns vor, die probevorlesung mit eingeladenen bewerbern in abhĂ€ngigkeit von der aktuellen corona auflagen digital durchzufĂŒhrentĂ€glich tragen unsere mitarbeitenden mit innovativen ideen dazu bei, uns unseren zielen - qualitĂ€t, service, internationalitĂ€t und wachstum - nĂ€her zu bringen

  • In deutschland gehören zu global university systems die university of europe for applied sciences, die berlin school of business and innovation (bsbi), die gisma business school, die berufsfachschule fĂŒr gestaltung (htk academy) und die trĂ€gergesellschaft gus germany gmbh (ggg)global university systems (gus) ist eines der vielfĂ€ltigsten bildungsnetzwerke von hochschuleinrichtungen auf der ganzen welt) sowie facility, arbeitssicherheit und gesundheitsschutz planung und optimierung der raumnutzung, -auslastung sowie vermietungsmanagement entwicklung, koordination und umsetzung von sicherheitskonzepten (pandemie-konzepten) auftragsauswahl und verhandlungen mit externen dienstleistern sowie kontrolle der externen anbieter wie zunsere studiengĂ€nge sind das ergebnis des direkten austausches zwischen unseren professoren, mitarbeitenden und unseren studierenden sowie der nachfrage potenzieller arbeitgeberibm design thinking oder sprachkurse ĂŒber rosetta stone) gestaltungsmöglichkeiten und teilnahme an zahlreichen events aus design, technology und wirtschaft zahlreiche corporate benefits mindestens 30 tage urlaub interesse? dann freuen wir uns auf deine bewerbungsunterlagen auf deutsch oder englisch unter angabe des gewĂŒnschten einkommens und möglichen eintrittsdatums via e-mail an: dein kontakt bei fragen: cathleen kaufmann ‱ recruiting ‱ die gus germany gmbh setzt sich als arbeitgeberin fĂŒr chancengleichheit und die unterstĂŒtzung von minderheiten ein und diskriminiert nicht aufgrund ethnischer herkunft, hautfarbe, religion, geschlecht, sexueller orientierung, geschlechtlicher identitĂ€t, nationaler herkunft, behinderung oder eines gesetzlich geschĂŒtzten statussowie erkennen und umsetzen von verbesserungspotentialen planung und steuerung von projekten zur optimierung des campus schnittstelle zu den fakultĂ€ten, prodekanen und lehrenden sowie zu den allgemeinen verwaltungsabteilungen und studierenden budget- und mitarbeiterverantwortung koordination und sicherstellung des reibungslosen ablaufs von campus events wie campusfĂŒhrungen, zertifikatsverleihungen, erstsemesterveranstaltungen, mitarbeiterevents, fachvortrĂ€gen sowie entwicklung und durchfĂŒhrung sonstiger veranstaltungen enge zusammenarbeit und ggfsvertretung der anderen campus manager in hamburg, potsdam und iserlohn wir bieten dir: einen arbeitsvertrag in vollzeit abwechslungsreiche aufgaben in einem kleinen team eine familienfreundliche und inspirierende arbeitsumgebung service zeiten von montag - freitag und zu klausurzeiten gelegentlich samstags (sonntags und feiertags dagegen nie) verschiedene online-trainings sowie die möglichkeiten der teilnahme an online kooperationsangeboten (zan 57 standorten wie großbritannien, kanada, den usa, der karibik, irland, israel, singapur und deutschland bilden rund studierende ein internationales netzwerk, um gemeinsam zu lernencaterer, sicherheitsdienst, reinigungsdienstleister etcunsere institutionen zeichnen sich durch besondere praxisnĂ€he, internationalitĂ€t, moderne lehrinhalte und den persönlichen umgang mit den studierenden auswir suchen fĂŒr unseren internationalen campus in berlin ab sofort eine/n campus manager (m/w/d) in dieser funktion bist du fĂŒr den reibungslosen ablauf am campus sowie fĂŒr die koordination, verbesserung und sicherstellung der servicequalitĂ€t in der hochschulverwaltung und den serviceabteilungen verantwortlichdu bist erste ansprechpartner*in fĂŒr unsere studierende, dozent*innen, interessent*innen und mitarbeiter*innen in den serviceabteilungen verantwortlich fĂŒr das tĂ€gliche management aller servicefunktionen am campus sicherstellung höchster servicequalitĂ€t fĂŒr unsere studierenden sowie fĂŒr die mitarbeitenden der gus gruppe am campus betreuung und förderung der strategischen und operativen zusammenarbeit der einzelnen institutionen am campus (gisma, uswvertretung der anderen campus manager in hamburg, potsdam und iserlohn du bist erste ansprechpartner*in fĂŒr unsere studierende, dozent*innen, interessent*innen und mitarbeiter*innen in den serviceabteilungen verantwortlich fĂŒr das tĂ€gliche management aller servicefunktionen am campus sicherstellung höchster servicequalitĂ€t fĂŒr unsere studierenden sowie fĂŒr die mitarbeitenden der gus gruppe am campus betreuung und förderung der strategischen und operativen zusammenarbeit der einzelnen institutionen am campus (gisma, uswgus bildet in einer vielzahl von programmen aus, darunter bachelor- und master-studiengĂ€nge, englisch-sprachkurse sowie berufs-, unternehmens- und fĂŒhrungskrĂ€fteausbildungentĂ€glich tragen unsere mitarbeitenden mit innovativen ideen dazu bei, uns unseren zielen - qualitĂ€t, service, internationalitĂ€t und wachstum - nĂ€her zu bringen) sicherstellung der ordnungsgemĂ€ĂŸen abwicklung von neu- und umbauten in enger zusammenarbeit mit externen dienstleistern aufbau und weiterentwicklung der services und prozesse im service center gemeinsam mit den fachexperten (studierendensekretariat, stundenplanung, intcareer center, prĂŒfungsamt etc

  • Contribute to the creation or improvement of digital tools and systems as part of your work culture; promote a culture of cost-effectiveness for the benefit of the end-usersat atlante you will be in charge of the design, solution configuration and engineering of our charging stationswherever possible, you will coordinate the addition of on-site photovoltaic coversthe atlante project is the result of the partnership between nhoa – which develops and invests in the network being owner and operator – free2move esolutions, in the role of supplier of charging technology, and stellantis automotive groupverifying the requirements of subcontractors also in terms of safety and preparing the necessary safety measures for the site, with the support of the hseq manager; proactively design processes and work methodologies which are digital, replicable, and scalable to the maximum extent possible for all of the technical design, engineering and configuration activities (appropriately segmented by categories)managing the timing and costs of engineering activities; day to day management of resources and budgets assigned to you; drawing up reports on the closing of the order, in order to capitalize and spread the results, solutions and anything else necessary to increase effectiveness and efficiency in subsequent experiencesyou will be in charge of defining the required gird connection(s) and support equipment / modules (etask and duties: contribute to the definition of standard yet flexible charging stations’ configurations and features; define preliminary and executive design of charging stations’ solutions, managing a portfolio of site development projects at various stages of development; support the site selection process, especially with respect to engineering/technical topics, planning, permitting timeframes and/or potential technical redflags; support the development team in liaising with all external stakeholders necessarily part of the development plan: site owners, public/local authorities, local communities, consumers’ groups, planning authorities, fire safety authorities, utilities (for connections and supply), etc; liaise with internal teams (development, procurement, project management etcyou will interact with all internal teams of atlante and/or nhoa, and will ensure upkeep of all relevant nhoa’s policies, contractual and quality standards, health, safety & environment requirements, financial targets, as well as schedule commitments from beginning to end5+ years of relevant work experience in technical design and/or engineering in the field of renewables, energy storage, distribution grid, sub-stations etc we highly favour professionals with some previous experiences in e-mobility / ev charging projects working experience in several of the following areas: ev supply equipment; ev batteries / engineering; grid interconnection; power conversion systems; power system design; energy storage; greenfield, brownfield developments, re-purposing development projects; energy related-real estate developments, tendering / contracting with public authorities, health and safety regulations, grid codes, scheduling, progress measurement, risk assessment, estimating process and planning, electronic document file management
 advanced computer sciences and digital skills of any nature a definitive plus), direct and supervise their work ensuring timely deliver of their deliverables on budget; provide feedback to the commercial and development teams, for continuous improvement and optimization of site selection and development; contribute to the strategic decisions and goal setting for future site acquisition and developmentyou will then continue following the engineering of the solutions, detailing the specifications and working with the procurement team for equipment selection and/or tendering) and international (+20 nationalities) group and work in a dynamic and fast-moving environment; a revolutionary way of remote working that meets your needs (wwwwithin your responsibilities, you will select, appoint and supervise external consultants and contractors as required to complete the detailed engineering, procurement and construction/installation of the charging stationsyou will be involved from and contribute to the early stages of the site selection and the planning & permitting assisting the development team with designs, specifications and early stage planscertification in autocad (or similar), project management and bim are considered as a plus while the role is for site development within italy, candidates must be available for international travels, for example to support other offices (france, spain, portugal) fluent in english (spoken and written) is a must; a second language is a plus (french, spanish or portuguese) what we offer you a permanent full-time job an ambitious employer; we only want the best for you; professional experience in an international environment with frequent contact with other colleagues and partner around the world; strengthen cross-functional communication skills; learning & development programs; be part of the young (36 on avgit/en); a fast career track like only few other companies can match; always room for new ideas! location: full remote (from italy) or hybrid remote (from italy) / milanafter handover to project management team, you will continue to support as required, including for the commissioning phaseyour background: an electrical engineering degree complemented by practical and relevant site development experience (see below) is a mustbe quality and customer-experience obsessedatlante is nhoa’s new global business line dedicated to build the first ev fastcharging network enabled by renewables, energy storage and 100% grid-integrated) and external consultants (specialized engineering firms, planning advisory etc

  • Microsoft sql server 2019 standard/2 core per business microsoft sql server 2019 standard is the latest development of sql server, even more performing and functional for businesses like yourspurchasing microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core, you wont have any expiry date for your licenses, since they wont be linked to a single set of hardwaressl-secured payments and a full money-back warranty are just some of the benefits of our store, which also offers free english-speaking customer service buy microsoft sql server 2019 standard/2core you can buy microsoft sql server 2019 standard from mr key shop and immediately obtain your 100% genuine license to get to work to your relational database within a few minutes from your purchasehowever, in case of doubt, questions, or issues, contact our technical support, always at your disposal for free and in english ! furthermore, all orders placed on mr key shop are covered by our full money-back warrantythe 2019 standard edition of microsoft sql server (or 2 core) brings several new features, including: - scalable big data solution - data virtualization with polybase - smart database: sql server features improve performance and scalability across all db workloads without altering application or database designscom to get a personalized price listat the platform level, you can work with different development languages, data types, operating systems, and processing environments, both locally and in the cloudwarning ! microsoft sql server 2019 standard is also available in 2 core versionour instant delivery system allows you to use sql 2019 with no hassleyou wont have to wait for the courier - just go to your inbox, follow the instructions, and proceed to download, install and activate your productbuy microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core from mr key shops catalog and get your 100% guaranteed license with instant digital deliveryfurthermore, we can protect the environment from pollution and waste, because we wont ship any physical goodsinstall microsoft sql server 2019 standard/2 core in digital format mr key shop is an affirmed and reliable brand in the digital marketyoull receive everything via email, including your 100% genuine and guaranteed licensemr key shop is a 100% eco-friendly company! what licenses for microsoft sql server 2019 standard/2 core are available from mr key shop? mr key shops catalog is only covered by perpetual licensesif you need to reinstall or restore your seat, just reuse your credentialsno further license to be bought, a huge benefit for your budget! what will i get when i order microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core from mr key shop? ordering microsoft sql server 2019 from mr key shop is the best choice: youll save money and time! and youll get immediately all you need via email: - your license(s) for microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core - official download link to the setup iso file for microsoft sql server 2019 - clear and accurate guidance to download, install and activate microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core - invoice - free english-speaking customer service are you a reseller? offer the best products at the best prices! if you resell software like microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core, join our reseller program mkreseller, or mail us now at sales@mrkeyshopyoull instantly obtain the download link and complete instructions allowing you to download and activate sql server in no timedigital delivery ensures that your orders are sent within a few seconds from your purchasewhen you add your product to the cart, ensure to select microsoft sql server 2019 standard or microsoft sql server 2019 standard 2 core according to your specific needs! for example, if you need licenses for more servers, you can buy the 2 core package that you can use to assign two licenses for two different servers1, windows server 2008 r2, windows server 2008 r2 sp1, windows server 2012, windows server 2012 r2, windows server 2019 standard/datacenter processor: x64 (amd opteron, amd athlon 64, intel xeon supporting intel em64t, intel pentium iv with em64t support) ram: at least 1gb (recommended 4gb) storage: at least 6gbfor over 18 years, our company has served and helped more than 350k customers, offering premium software products at competitive pricesdatabase in memory for unparalleled performance and scalability youll also benefit from many more features: buy and download microsoft sql server 2019 now for your business, enjoy all its enhancements, and save over the suggested price! download microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core buying from mr key shop means downloading microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core within a few seconds from the transactionyou can rely on mr key shop with confidence and obtain the best business software, like microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core: you will stay within your budget and cut downtimework with mr key shop and grow your business! find more products for your business in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn e backup & recovery: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile - backup and recovery software - aomei microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server system requirements operating system: windows 10, windows 7, windows 7 service pack 1, windows 8, windows 8


    689989990234375 €

  • 100mb of free spacewe gained an average rating of excellent on trustpilot, with a score of 49 (5 stars out of 5), with over 2k positive reviews confirming the premium quality of our servicethe benefits of easeus partition master server also include command-line partitioning, server performance boosts, and the possibility of managing extended system partitionsquality, customer protection, and ease of use are also mr key shops pillarswith the same effort, we want to ensure the fullest protection of our planetall this is performed under a professional, yet user-friendly approach, one of easeus key traitsyoull also protect business continuity because you can also manage partition recovery on-the-fly in case of issuesin the scope of server partitioning, easeus partition master server helps you manage new and existing partitions at easewith the partition recall protection technology, you can prevent ntfs partition failure in case of interrupted resizing or moving operationseaseus products offer you an even more extraordinary digital life, with a full range of file recovery, data backup, partition management, transfer products, and moresystem requirements supported operating systems: operating systems: windows 11/10/8/7, windows server 2022, 2019, 2016, 2016 r2, 2012, 2008, 2003, sbs 2003, 2008, 2011, home server supported file systems: ntfs/ext3/ext2/fat32/fat16/fat12/refs hardware requisites cpu: x86 or compatible cpu with a minimum frequency of 500mhz ram: at least 512mb disk space: minif you choose mr key shop, you choose to join our cause: youll save money and time (real-time delivery, no shipping costs), but youll also make a huge difference in safeguarding our planet! are you a reseller? introducing mkreseller, an opportunity you shouldnt miss! if youre working in the digital world too and provide your clients with software products and licenses, you shouldnt miss the opportunity to become a member of our mkreseller partner programthis is why easeus chose us as their official partner! whats included with easeus partition master server purchased from mr key shop? complete your secure checkout and get all you need in your inbox, so that you can immediately make the most out of your easeus partition master server solution: - your easeus partition master server license - official download links - clear and simple instructions on how to download, install, and activate your easeus partition master server software - invoice - free, english-speaking technical support find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeusdiscover all the other advantages by purchasing easeus partition master server from mr key shop now! youll save significantly on the official price listif the system shuts off or the server is deactivated unexpectedly during partition editing, partition recall protection will cancel the process and safely restore the partition to its original statefurthermore, youll find attached your invoicewith us, youll always pay exclusively via secure payment methods and receive each order in real-time via email, with a full money-back warranty, as well as free english-speaking technical support mr key shop is an official easeus reseller easeus partition master server easeus partition master server is a comprehensive partition management solution for serversremember: each order is covered by our full money-back warranty, and you can always get in touch with our free english-speaking technical supportmr key shop adopted the same user-centric approach: visiting our store is smooth and easy, each transaction is processed in a timely and user-friendly mannerpurchase easeus partition master server from mr key shop and save on the msrpyou can reallocate disk space, balance server workload, and ensure full performance with no data loss or downtimeyou can create or resize partitions, as well as keep your servers at full operational efficiency with windows server 2022, 2019, 2016, 2012, 2008, and 2003visit the official mkreseller program page now, or mail us at sales@mrkeyshopour digital delivery system will send your recap email in real-time, with all you need to complete the processwith easeus, these tasks become easy, even for amateur users, still maintaining professional-grade efficacyfurthermore, weve expanded our catalog with the best professional tools, like microsoft sql server, windows server, and morewere at your disposal even for personalized recommendations on the best software to choose according to your hardware and requisitesif youre looking for a complete security suite, you can combine the best antivirus and the best vpn services in the marketthis way, we want to help reduce pollutants and packaging wasteabout easeus easeus is a popular and acknowledged backup & disaster recovery brandits not by chance that we became easeus official resellers: for over 18 years, more than 350k customers have successfully relied upon our servicesdownload, install and activate easeus partition master server in a few seconds with mr key shop with fast mr key shops service, you can download, install and activate easeus partition master server quickly and with no frictioneaseus partition master server is an encompassing suite and helps you optimize and keep your servers operationalwe designed a unique journey to help you grow your business and successfully serve your customersfinally, you can also find the most important backup/recovery and partition management tools, like easeus partition master serverjust complete your purchase from our storewith step-by-step instructions, you can download easeus partition master server immediately, install it and complete the activation with the attached license key in a few minutes, 100% autonomouslybeyond professionalism and timeliness, if you choose mr key shop, youll also save significantlybrowse our full catalog at mr key shop and save on your next digital purchase! keep the servers at maximum efficiency with easeus partition master server and protect the planet with easeus partition master server, you can ensure fullest efficiency across your serverseaseus partition master server is a comprehensive suite for server partition management with easeus partition master server, you can run any task for your partitions: from cloning to formatting, from merging/splitting to recoverywith us, you can spend up to 70% less compared to msrps across our catalog! for example, you can buy windows 11 at an unbeatable price, order and download office 2021 or office 2021 for mac within a few secondswe ditched the physical transport system forevercom for more info about this initiativewere a 100% eco-friendly company, and weve adopted digital delivery as our sole distribution channel since our day oneeach transaction is secured with the best payment methods in the market, like paypal, stripe, amazon/google/apple pay, and credit/debit cardswere official resellers for this brand and only offer 100% genuine license


    14999000549316406 €

  • 32mb of free space android: supports android 6benefit from support for a wide range of devices: easeus mobisaver for android supports a wide range of android devices and can recover data from various types of memory storage, including internal memory and sd cardquality, customer protection, and ease of use are also mr key shops pillars9 | 5 stars out of 5): here, 2k+ positive reviews confirm our service as one of the best stores you can find in the digital market todaythis feature can be a good preventative measure in case of any future data lossthis is just one of the reasons why easeus has chosen us as their official resellersfurthermore, the tool is compatible with a wide range of android devices and support recovery from various types of memory storage, including internal memory and sd card, so it can help with various recovery scenariosthis is the key strength of our digital delivery system: whenever you complete your purchase with us, youll pay via one of the best payment processing services in the market (like paypal, stripe, apple/amazon/google pay) or via credit/debit cardin a matter of a few minutes, youll be able to scan, filter and restore data from all your android devicesthis is the main advantage of mr key shop! download, install and activate easeus mobisaver for android in no time with mr key shop with advanced mr key shops store, youll be able to download, install and activate easeus mobisaver for android in a matter of a few minuteseaseus products offer you an even more extraordinary digital life, with a full range of file recovery, data backup, partition management, transfer products, and morefurthermore, it allows you to create a backup of your mobile data, so that if you ever need to restore your device, you can easily retrieve your datathis is the same approach we adopt when it comes to protecting the environment: were a 100% eco-friendly company, as weve ditched the physical good distribution system since our first day of businessyou will spend up to 70% less compared to other stores (official and not) across our catalog: for example, you can buy windows 11 at a fraction of the msrp, or order and download office 2021 or office 2021 for mac in real-timemr key shop is your go-to store for the best digital software at the best price ! easeus mobisaver for android is your best resource for data recovery from android devices easeus mobisaver for android ensures high recovery rate and is able to recover a wide variety of data types from android devices, including photos, videos, music, contacts, messages and morethis is the key benefit of our express digital delivery service! easeus mobisaver for android helps protect mobile data and you can help us protect the environment easeus mobisaver for android can scan an android device and recover files that have been accidentally deleted, lost, or become inaccessible due to various reasons such as factory reset, system crash or rooting, protecting you from losing your data permanentlythis way, youll save time and money because youll receive your orders in real-time with zero shipping costs, furthermore youll make a huge difference by helping us protect the environment! together, we can make the world greener! are you a reseller? introducing mkreseller, an opportunity you shouldnt miss! if youre working in the digital world too and provide your clients with software products and licenses, you shouldnt miss the opportunity to become a member of our mkreseller partner programthis is why easeus chose us as their official partner! whats included with easeus mobisaver for android purchased from mr key shop? complete your secure checkout and get all you need in your inbox, so that you can immediately make the most out of your easeus mobisaver for android: - your easeus mobisaver for android license - official download links - clear and simple instructions on how to download, install, and activate your easeus mobisaver for android software - invoice - free, english-speaking technical support find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements windows operating system: windows 11, 10, 8each transaction is 100% secure and tracked no matter which payment method youll chooseby adopting the digital delivery as our sole and only distribution channel for our products, we can help reduce pollution and packaging wasteour offering includes the best vpn and antivirus brands in the market, as well as professional-grade tools like sql server, microsoft windows storage server, and moreretrieve lost data: the software can also help you retrieve data that has been lost due to various reasons, such as a factory reset, device rooting, system crash, and morepreview recoverable files: before recovering your data, you can preview the files to ensure that they are the ones you want to recoverfor over 18 years, weve successfully served more than 350k customers globally, with an outstanding excellent rating on trustpilot (4visit the official mkreseller program page now, or mail us at sales@mrkeyshopwith easeus, these tasks become easy, even for amateur users, still maintaining professional-grade efficacyand remember! our free english-speaking technical support is at your disposal even to get personalized recommendations on the best software solutions you should choose according to your specific needs and hardware requirements1, 8, 7, vista, or xp cpu: minabout easeus easeus is a popular and acknowledged backup & disaster recovery brandenjoy an easy-to-use interface: the software has an easy-to-use interface that guides you through the recovery process, making it simple and straightforward even for non-technical userswe designed a unique journey to help you grow your business and successfully serve your customers0 and earlier versionsand dont forget: we also offer the best backup & recovery solutions like easeus mobisaver for androidbuy easeus mobisaver for android now and youll save significantly on the msrppurchase easeus mobisaver for android from mr key shop and save on the msrp now! were official easeus resellers, with us youll get 100% genuine licenses and get to recover all your data from android devices in no time! pay via secure methods, receive your activation key in real-time, with a full money-back warranty and free english-speaking technical support! mr key shop is an official easeus reseller easeus mobisaver for android easeus mobisaver for android is a data recovery product specifically designed for android devices128mb hard disk space: minall this is a double benefit for you: youll get only the best, 100% genuine and guaranteed software and save significantly on the official price listsplace your order and receive your 100% genuine and guaranteed activation key, complete with full and easy instructions, clean and secure download links, and your official invoice within a few seconds from the checkoutcom for more info about this initiativeall this is managed from a very user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to navigate and perform data recovery even without technical knowledgewith this advanced tool, youll be able to: - recover deleted files: easeus mobisaver for android scans your android device and recovers files that have been accidentally deleted, like photos, videos, music, documents, and morefurthermore, your order is covered by our full money-back guarantee, so that you can shop with full confidencethis is in line with all the other products from easeus: complete features in a compact and easy-to-understand ux! mr key shop follows the same philosophy: our store is straight-forward, professional, and transparent


    369900016784668 €

  • Resolution of 1280 x 768dynamic arrays: a single formula to get an array of valuesbrowser up-to-date versions of internet explorer, microsoft edge, safari, chrome, or firefox0 or higher memory 4gb ram storage 4gb of free space display minif you work in teams, make the best out of the advanced co-authoring features, including customized commentsin case of reinstallation, just deactivate the previous setup, install office 2021, and reactivate it using your credentialsbuy the microsoft office 2021 professional plus suite *important: this version of office 2021 professional is not for macother versions of microsoft office suite are available in our store: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010, is also available microsoft office for macclick here for office for mac now you can buy your suite for microsoft office 2021 professional plus from mr key shop ! enjoy the new professional version of the popular productivity suite, with a new and more modern user experiencein case of doubt, questions, or issues, contact our customer service, always at your disposal for free and in english! install microsoft office 2021 professional plus suite with a digital license you can install office 2021 professional plus in a few minutes thanks to our digital delivery systemafter your successful transaction, youll receive an email with the following attached: - your new microsoft office 2021 professional plus suite (1-user license) - official download link to the iso file for office 2021 professional plus - clear and complete instructions on how to download, install and activate office 2021 professional plus - free english-speaking customer service - invoice are you a reseller? if youre a reseller of products like office 2021 professional plus, contact us at sales@mrkeyshopoperating systems compatibility windows 10 and windows 11office 2021 professional plus is the ideal choice if you upgraded to windows 11 or youre willing to do itleverage the news let function to name your calculation results, store intermediate values, or use names in formulaekey shop and have a ground-breaking experience with office 2021 professional pluswell send you an official download link to the iso setup file and complete instructions you can use to install office 2021 professional plus in a few simple stepsthe main features include: - word 2021: create captivating content with new collaboration, drawing, and multimedia features - excel 2021: now you can search data and text both at a cell and a table level with the advanced xlookup featureoffice for mac is also availabledownload microsoft office 2021 professional plus suite purchase and download office 2021 professional plus from mr key shopemail delivery within a few seconds, with free english-speaking customer servicetherefore, we can reduce pollutants and waste caused by the physical transport systemscom now for a tailor-made catalogfurthermore, the key feature is skype for business, not available on other versionspurchase microsoft office 2021 professional plus from mr key shop at a low pricelets work together! system requirements cpu 1ghz dual-core processor gpu directx 9 or higher with wddm 2mr key shop is an eco-friendly companymicrosoft office 2021 professional plus licenses are perpetualwe always recommend installing an antivirus to protect your device, you can choose your antivirus by clicking herethere are significant benefits for you: firstly, you can save over the price list and receive your 100% genuine license immediately after purchaseour company is fully sustainablethis means that your product key for office 2021 you purchased from mr key shop is bound to your microsoft accountaccess 2021: build and share a database in a few seconds, with simpler data creation and structure - publisher 2021: design and make unique and original materials, also in collaboration with your team members - translate your email directly on outlook 2021 and use the virtual ink to take notes with your finger, your mouse, or a stylus*available but not compatible with office 2021 professional plus: windows 7 - windows 8 find more products in mr key shops catalog antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus there is an expiry date for microsoft office 2021 professional plus licenses sold by mr key shop? noenjoy the improved recording feature from powerpoint 2021 and make links to single slides to share them with your coworkers with no hassleoptimize your formula with names that are easy to remembermr key shop only provides secure payment methodseach order is covered by our full money-back warranty: buy your news office 2021 professional plus suit with confidencecheck our online catalog and save! office 2021 professional plus includes word 2021, excel 2021, powerpoint 2021, and onenote 2021we built an authorized and professional store ! with us, you can save money, cut delivery times, and benefit from a 100% green servicelicenses are 100% genuine, payment methods are secure, with a full money-back warrantya true no-brainer! once i purchase my office 2021 professional plus suite from mr key shop, what will i get? buy and download office 2021 professional plus with mr key shopoffice 2021 professional plus and windows to date, windows 10 and windows 11 are the only microsoft operating systems that support office 2021 professional plus installation and compatibilitywe do not ship physical goods, since you receive everything you need via emailofficial support for openoffice formats buy your genuine license from mr


    10998999786376953 €

  • Update your pc with the latest version of windows 10, or windows 11 operating system and install microsoft office 2019 suite or microsoft office 2021 suite to bring the performance of your device to the topwhat will i get once i complete my eset nod32 antivirus 2023 order? at the end of your eset nod32 purchase, youll get the license right in your inbox within a few seconds, thus helping reduce the environmental impact of the physical good transport systembuy eset nod32 antivirus 2023 buy eset nod32 antivirus 2023 and receive one of the most popular products that protect your pc from todays cyber threatsthe multi-layer protection already chosen by more than 10 million users globally will keep you safe from modern cyber threats such as phishing, ransomware, and other types of malwarewith auto-updates, security reports, expert mode, and more, you will fully protect your device, keeping track of any possible threat you may be exposed to navigating the internet and in your everyday use cases1 activation code - download link for eset nod32 antivirus 2023 - installation and activation guide - free support in english - invoice are you a reseller? if you are looking for a genuine software provider at competitive prices to offer your customers and grow your business, visit the mkresellers program page to find out the advantages of becoming a mr key shop partner and mail us at sales@mrkeyshopcom to receive more information or a price listwhat if i format my device or i buy a new one? your subscription to eset nod32 antivirus 2023 is bound to your account and the device you will link tox (sierra) android android 4youll immediately receive your product via email and thus help us make a difference for a cleaner, green worldchoose this solution if you need basic but 100% effective protection for your everyday needs with your pcif you format it, youll be able to download, install and reactivate your license at any moment and with no limitationsfurthermore, no pop-up or other notifications and updates will disturb you while you play or watch your favorite tv showreceive your product within seconds and contact us if you need support: our trustpilot speaks for us14 (mojave), macos 10compatibility: pc - mac eset nod32 antivirus 2023 feature, this is how it protects your system once you get your code in your inbox, when you install and activate eset nod32 antivirus 2023, you will enjoy all the benefits from the legendary antivirus protection offered by this productwhat are the benefits offered by mr key shop? mr key shop is a 100% reliable reseller, and we offer secure and guaranteed payments, free support in english, and full money back warrantyfurthermore, if you choose to buy a new device - perhaps passing from windows to macos - you can transfer your eset nod32 antivirus 2023 licenseand if youre not satisfied with your order, you can count on our full money back warrantybuy now a eset license and get your activation code in your inbox within seconds, together with everything you need to download, install and get eset nod32 antivirus 2023 up and runningour goal is to be eco-friendly, also ensuring a top quality service: for any doubt, question, or support request, contact our customer service team, for free and in english! we will answer your inquiries in the shortest time possible, offering you our fullest support, whatever your need is1 and later * (*estv androidtv 7buy your eset nod32 antivirus 2023 license from mr key shop using our protected payment methods, and youll get your activation code within 30 seconds and directly to your inbox! help us protect the environment: with your 100% digital purchase, well avoid any transport-related pollution and reduce waste due to unnecessary packaging and documentsquick and easy! you wont need a new subscription or a new activation codebuy eset nod32 antivirus 2023 via secure and guaranteed payment methods13 (high sierra), macos 10whatever is your use case, protect your computer from hackers, ransomware, and phishing with no impact on your system or annoying pop-ups when you play or watch your streaming contentsmr key shop is your one shop stop for 100% genuine, reliable, and guaranteed license codesthis is one more benefit from eset nod32 antivirus 2023 and mr key shop! * visit our antivirus catalog to discover all the security suites availablewindows operating systems and microsoft office suite are also available in our storeif you have a laptop, the low energy mode will help you use your machine with no impact on the battery lifepay with maximum confidence using secure methods like paypal and moreget your 100% genuine license right away in your inbox and protect your computer against any threat15 (catalina), macos 10other eset versions: eset internet security - eset mobile security for android find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements platform windows - mac - android windows windows 8 - windows 10 - windows 11 mac macos 11 (big sur), macos 10


    29989999771118164 €

  • In case of doubt or issues, you can always rely on our free english-speaking customer serviceupdate your pc with the latest version of windows 10, or windows 11 operating system and install microsoft office 2019 or microsoft office 2021 suite to bring the performance of your device to the topprotect yourself from viruses, malware, and other cyber-threats with one of your subscriptions at the best price aroundbuy mcafee internet security 2023 buy mcafee internet security 2023, one of the most popular antivirus suites in the worlda simple and effective solution that ensures your peace of mind while you and your family enjoy digital contents and other features from the web with your devicesif youre a power user, you can access the advanced settings for more organic protection of your systems, and to better manage how your children and your family access the internetwhat do i receive when i purchase mcafee internet security from mr key shop? the product is delivered within seconds directly via email, thus avoiding the environmental impact of shipping physical goodscompatibility: pc - mac - android what are the benefits of buying mcafee internet security 2023? remove the spam, harmful programs, and other threats from your systems, protect your kids while they surf the web, and more0 or higher - firefox - google chrome - safari (only mac os and ios) - microsoft edge (based on chromium) - microsoft edge non-supported devices: all huawei devices are no longer compatible hardware 2gb ram for windows 8 and higher - 500mb of disk free space - 1ghz processorwe offer premium services, secure and guaranteed payments, instant email delivery, and a full money-back warrantythus, when formatting your device or choosing a different platform (ibuy mcafee internet security 2023what happens if i format or replace my device? mcafee internet security is a multi-platform suite and your subscription is linked to your accountour trustpilot speaks for us: do not trust the gray market or questionable merchantsbuying your license code from mr key shop via secure and guaranteed payment methods, you will immediately get your order in your email box, together with the download link and the instructions you need to install and activate your productvisit mkresellers page and learn about our reseller program, or mail us at sales@mrkeyshoppurchase safely and with a full money-back warranty, and receive your order right away in your inboxsafeguard your digital identity, monitor your network traffic for possible abnormal connections, and let your suite manage things like updates and analysiswhy choose mr key shop? we are a 100% reliable resellerget protected from cyber-threats right nowfrom windows to mac), you only have to reinstall your suite and access using your credentialsas easy as it can be! *visit our antivirus catalog to discover all the security suites available1 subscription code for mcafee internet security (one account) - download link to the mcafee suite - installation and activation instructions - free support in english - invoice are you aiming to grow your business as a reseller? discover mkreseller offer your customer genuine digital products at competitive price pointsother mcafee versions: mcafee total protection find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements operating systems windows 8 - windows 10 - windows 11 supported browsers internet explorer 10com for more info and pricingyou can surf the web and use your computer and device with total confidencewe are an official professional resellerwindows operating systems and microsoft office suite are also available in our storeprotect your devices with a 100% genuine and guaranteed licensepurchase your mcafee internet security license from mr key shop and help to protect the environment: we are a green company, therefore we believe in delivering digital goods to reduce pollution and waste from vehicle traffic and unnecessary packaging and documentation


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  • The professionalism of our service is demonstrated by our average rating of excellent (49 | 5 out of 5 stars) on trustpilot, with more than 2,000 positive reviewsfor example, you can buy windows 11 at a fraction of the official price, or order and install office 2021 and office 2021 for mac in the blink of an eyefrom us, you save up to 70% on the entire digital catalog of mr key shopwe are a 100% eco-friendly company, and since the founding of our company, we have decided never to use physical transportation in order to help reduce polluting gases and packaging wastewe also have a wide range of security features including the best antivirus and vpns on the market, while dedicated tools for professionals range from sql server to microsoft windows storage servertotal protection from these dangers has been taken care of by the developers at kaspersky labs by making extremely secure software that bases all its strength and performance on protecting your devicesupgrade your pc with the latest version of windows 10 or windows 11 operating systems by also installing microsoft office 2019 or microsoft office 2021 to take your device's performance to the topas you may have noticed, this new version takes the name kaspersky standard, and it replaces internet security in its entirety, offering itself to the user in the form of an annual or two-year subscriptionthis new version of kaspersky internet security (kaspersky standard) offers the user: - real-time antivirus - online payment protection - performance optimization - compatibility: windows - mac - android - ios subscribe to kaspersky standard now through mr key shop and save money! download, install and activate kaspersky internet security 2023 (kaspersky standard) in seconds, you can thanks to mr key shop with mr key shop, you can download, install and activate kaspersky internet security 2023 (kaspersky standard) within seconds of purchasebuy your kaspersky standard subscription now at a discounted price, only at mr key shop! surf safely by installing kaspersky internet security 2023 (kaspersky standard) kaspersky internet security 2023 (kaspersky standard) is one of the most effective antiviruses on the marketcomplete the secure transaction via one of the supported payment methods: paypal, stripe, amazon/apple/google pay or credit/debit card and receive your 100% genuine and guaranteed license activation key, clear and simple instructions, official download links and your invoice immediately via e-mailwith mr key shop, you can make a difference too! are you a reseller? mkreseller is your chance to expand business if you also work in the digital world by distributing software products and licenses to your customers, don't miss the opportunity to become a member of our mkreseller programwhat do you get purchasing your subscription for kaspersky standard from mr key shop? upon completion of your secure payment, you'll receive everything you need to achieve full operability with your kaspersky standard subscription via e-mail: - your kaspersky standard subscription - clear and precise instructions on how to download, install and activate kaspersky standard on your devices - invoice - free technical support other kaspersky versions: kaspersky anti-virus 2023 - kaspersky total security 2023 - kaspersky internet security for android 2023 find more products in mr key shop's catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements operating systems: windows-based systems: windows 11/10/8com for more information about the initiativebuy kaspersky internet security 2023 (kaspersky standard) and savefor you, this means receiving products digitally via email immediately after purchase, further saving on shipping costsprotecting your device and data is pricelessfor over 18 years, we have been operating in the digital market and this has led us to be among the first to offer high-quality software at discounted pricesif you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact our free english-speaking technical support and remember that your purchase is covered by our full money-back warrantywe have set up a unique path that will help you grow your business and satisfy your customer baseif you decide to rely on mr key shop, you get significant savings on the subscription price on the official website, plus you will enjoy fast and prompt servicethreats from viruses, worms, malware, ransomware and the increasingly common encryption trojans are on the rise and it is necessary to fight them at all costs in order to protect one's data and privacyvisit the official mkreseller program page now or write to us at sales@mrkeyshop1/8/7 sp1+ mac: macos 11 - 13 mobile devices: android 8 - 13, ios 15 - 16 technical requirements: internet connection my kaspersky account 2and don't forget, at mr key shop you also find the best backup and recovery solutions at the best price! subscribe to kaspersky standard and help us protect the environment by choosing your subscription to kaspersky standard on mr key shop, you help us protect the environment7gb free space 1ghz processor 2gb memorydownload and install your antivirus in minutes receiving it right after purchase directly to your email, with secure payments, full money back warranty and free english-speaking technical support mr key shop is an official kaspersky reseller kaspersky internet security 2023 (kaspersky standard) buy kaspersky internet security 2023 (kaspersky standard), the software that can't be missed on a device, today's data protection precautions are paramountsubscribing to kaspersky standard allows you to get full protection from threats, in addition, even payment transactions will be safe due to the excellent features offered in home banking and business transactionswindows operating systems and microsoft office packages are also available in our store


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  • The quality of our service is proven by the average rating of excellent (4first of all, you turn to an authorized and professional store, with all the protection features you can expect from one of the best digital stores on the marketfor example, you can buy windows 11 at a fraction of the official price, or order and install office 2021 and office 2021 for mac in the blink of an eye9 | 5 out of 5 stars) on trustpilot, where we have received more than 2,000 positive reviewsthanks to the anti-phishing, kaspersky total security 2023 (kaspersky plus) in this is impeccable, it offers performance on the very powerful protection by alerting the user who surfs to the presence of unsafe websites, counterfeit sites, paid service providers preventing the misuse of their data and keeping safe the account, pins, passwords and all access dataonce you complete the secure transaction, with one of the supported payment methods (paypal, stripe, amazon/google/apple pay or credit/debit cards), you will immediately receive your summary email with everything you needwe also have a wide range of security features including the best antivirus and vpns on the market, while dedicated tools for professionals range from sql server to microsoft windows storage serverupgrade your pc with the latest version of windows 10 or windows 11 operating systems while also installing microsoft office 2019 or microsoft office 2021 to take your device's performance to the topmr key shop is a professional service that leaves nothing to chance, plus your purchase is protected by our full money-back warranty, while our technical support is always at your disposal free of charge and in englishtogether, we really do make a difference! are you a reseller? mkreseller is your chance to expand business if you also work in the digital world by distributing software products and licenses to your customers, don't miss the opportunity to become a member of our mkreseller programin addition to the features already included in kaspersky standard, the kaspersky plus subscription gives you these benefits: - real-time antivirus - online payment protection - performance optimization - unlimited and fast vpn - compatibility: pc - mac - android - ios having the ability to browse safely and anonymously with kaspersky vpn is not a feature to be underestimated, especially if you travel and are in the habit of connecting to sensitive services such as email and home banking via public wi-fi accesswhat do you get purchasing your subscription for kaspersky plus from mr key shop? upon completion of your secure payment, you'll receive everything you need to achieve full operability with your kaspersky plus subscription via e-mail: - your kaspersky plus subscription - clear and precise instructions on how to download, install and activate kaspersky plus on your devices - invoice - free technical support other kaspersky versions: kaspersky anti-virus 2023 - kaspersky internet security 2023 - kaspersky internet security for android 2023 find more products in mr key shop's catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements operating systems: windows-based systems: windows 11/10/8the main feature introduced by security experts at kaspersky labs is the hybrid antivirus scanner that works in real timecom for more information about the initiativefor us, it means making a difference in protecting the environment by making a concrete contribution to reducing pollution and wastethis means that distribution is 100% digital, cutting out physical transportwith mr key shop, you will easily create your my kaspersky account and then you can choose which versions to download and install on your devices! windows operating systems and microsoft office packages are also available in our storeprotecting your device and data is pricelessfor you, it means saving on shipping costs, but also receiving the goods in real timewe have set up a unique path that will help you grow your business and satisfy your customer basein addition, with us you have the opportunity to save up to 70% on the entire catalog compared to official price listsand don't forget, at mr key shop you'll also find the best backup and recovery solutions at the best pricein addition, you will also find your invoice herevisit the official mkreseller program page now or write to us at sales@mrkeyshop1/8/7 sp1+ mac: macos 11 - 13 mobile devices: android 8 - 13, ios 15 - 16 technical requirements: internet connection my kaspersky account 27gb free space 1ghz processor 2gb memoryas you noted, kaspersky total security 2023 has become kaspersky plus, an annual or two-year subscription plan that gives you the benefits just listedchoose your kaspersky plus subscription from mr key shop and help us protect the environment kaspersky plus is a digital service, which therefore does not include paper documentation and physical mediadownload and install your antivirus in minutes receiving it right after purchase directly to your email, with secure, tracked payments, full money-back warranty and free english-speaking technical support mr key shop is an official kaspersky reseller kaspersky total security 2023 (kaspersky plus) buy kaspersky total security 2023 (kaspersky plus), the antivirus compatible with both windows and mac operating systems, but also for mobile devices, the solution for total protection on your devicebuy kaspersky total security 2023 (kaspersky plus) and savedownloading, installing and activating kaspersky total security 2023 (kaspersky plus) is easy and secure with mr key shop thanks to our store, you can easily and securely download, install and activate kaspersky total security 2023 (kaspersky plus)and it is precisely the " safe money " technology that ensures maximum security in transactionsthis is perfectly in line with mrin no time, you will be able to download kaspersky plus and activate your subscription via the activation key attached to the email, just follow the simple step-by-step instructions includedand if you decide to purchase your kaspersky plus subscription from mr key shop you get several benefitskey shop's philosophy: we are an eco-friendly company and since our founding we have decided to use digital delivery as our only channel for order distributionsubscribe to kaspersky plus and get total security for files and documents in your home and business today, more than ever, most transactions are handled online, and for this reason it is essential that devices have total protection


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  • Knowledge of current safety requirements and risk management processes must be willing to travel 90% of timeproduce estimates in support of change orders on the project effective liaison between the client jobsite personnel and the b&p program manager, providing meeting minutes of site meetingspurpose of role to provide jobsite leadership on complex automated logistics/ material handling systemswe deliver an unrivalled range of services to all clients, both locally and internationallybeck & pollitzer is the world’s leading provider of industrial installation and machine relocation servicesachievement of high-profit levels through effective contract management, cost tracking, and financial control, ensuring efficient utilization of labor resources at all skill levels and disciplines, sub-contractors, equipment, and plant suppliersmain responsibilities the management of jobsites associated with new installations and or relocations of equipment and or systems on behalf of key customers who operate in a high pressure, high-quality production/manufacturing environment effective planning, control, and monitoring, both internally and direct with the client, of the project effective and accurate project reporting to the program manager: maintain daily and weekly records and documentationwe firmly believe that we achieve more when we work together, and recognise that people are the heart of the businessour people are experts in a diverse range of industries including automotive, aerospace, infrastructure, print, packaging, fmcg, metals and many moreexperience and qualifications required essential experience in site management of projects particularly with regard to the relocation and installations of machinery educated to an advanced technical level in a relevant discipline and/or experience strong commercial skills and project management skills, particularly: change management, negotiating, and planning strong it (ms office) and numeracy skillswhen you join our team, you will become involved in supporting or delivering some of the biggest and most complex machinery installation and relocation projects in the worldconduct on-boarding and site-specific training for workers on sitetherefore, we pride ourselves in consistently delivering excellence, no matter how complex the projectdesirable project management qualification or specific trainingat beck & pollitzer everything we do is based on our core values; colleagues working together, passion for our customers and the work we do for them and being consistent and persistent in all we doreporting on contract performance regularly and to company standard requirements, ensuring all potential opportunities, variations and risks are identified and reported to the program manager as soon as possiblewe recruit people who demonstrate these values and are good at what they doenable effective internal and external communicationensuring a safe jobsite for employees, subcontractors, and clientsworking with the program manager to maximize margins and comply with contract requirementsdevelop a positive relationship with the client and end-user client (if applicable) ensure a project complies with safety, quality, and other company systems and procedures maintain non-conformance and punch list records, manage resolution and completionwe are passionate about our customers and the work we do for themexperience managing a project team and controlling, organizing and motivating internal labor resources and sub-contractorsassist in redefining, improving, and ensuring all on-site contract controls, labor management, and engineering standards are metreceive and document vendor-supplied goods

  • We encourage all types of diversity in the teameit rawmaterials combines more than employees and revenue in excess of eur 200 billionthe tasks and activities consist of the following: full budget and reporting management of the fi and swe le tracking and monitoring the company's business contacts and accounts receivable arranging project reviews and liaising on eu reporting with partners procurement and management of contracts fi/swe we offer a highly competitive package with the possibility of flexible remote workas a knowledge and innovation community (kic) we partner closely with the european institute of innovation and technology (eit), a unique eu initiative that spurs innovation and entrepreneurship across europethe activities of eit rawmaterials are driven by six transnational innovation hubs, which are based in espoo (fi), leuven (be), luleĂ„ (se), metz (fr), rome (it), wroclaw (pl), and headquarters located in berlinwith eit rawmaterials north and baltic, you will join an enthusiastic team of highly skilled professionals, geared towards delivering high impact on innovation and education in the raw and advanced materials sector in europeas part of consolidating our financial activities in the nordics and baltics, eit rawmaterials is currently recruiting a finance & admin officer (m/f/d) to be based in either stockholm or luleĂ„, sweden, or in espoo, finlandyour profile: minimum bba or equivalent; fluency in spoken and written english is required; knowledge of swedish and finnish is an asset; mastering ms office tools and particularly ms excel, powerpoint, teams; good organizational and time management skills; teamwork as well as strong interpersonal and social skills; excellent written and spoken communication skills; motivated, positive and encouraging style and approach; ready to adapt to radically changing prioritiesits vision is a european union where raw materials are a major strengththe physical location is either in espoo, stockholm or luleĂ„, with possibilities for home-based work to be agreed uponthe candidate will travel from time to time to the nordic and baltic countries, as well as to the other eit rawmaterials locations across europethe finance & admin officer (m/f/d) will be employed by the eit rawmaterials innovation hub north or the baltic sea (depending on location)the eit rawmaterials team supports partners in developing and running projects, and in matchmaking to develop new business ideas, projects, products, and educational conceptseit rawmaterials unites more than 300 partners – academic and research institutions as well as businesses – from 22 eu countriesthey collaborate on finding new, innovative solutions to improve the raw materials sector all along its value chain – from extraction to processing, from recycling to reuseeit rawmaterials, initiated and funded by the european commission, is the largest and strongest consortium in the raw materials sector worldwide

  • Our personal approach enables us to achieve your goal of working a season (and making the most of that season) and our new shared goal of delivering excellent guest serviceresponsible for the organizing, planning, and directing all aspects of the hotel services; including front of house, catering, and housekeepingour hotel managers are responsible for the day-to-day management of our club hotel and its staffadvantages if you have – experience of dealing with disciplinary process and/or training & mentoring and developing staffperformance managing your team will ensure you get the best out of every single team member and ensure their happiness in their rolemajority of our guests are from the uk therefore it is compulsory that all applicants are fluent in english to be considered for a position with usto develop and maintain relationships with all suppliers team management performance manages your team using a variety of techniques, ensuring your team are happy and confident in their roleto exceed our guests’ expectations, our hotel managers must have good attention to detail, setting a great example to our staff so they will deliver a high standard of servicegeneral team welfare liaising with your heads of department and area manager to ensure you implement a succession plan for all staff to match their individual needs and the needs of the business sales putting into place a safe and secure cash handling process that all staff can understand, follow and record to identify, implement, market, and monitor incremental sales in the hotel to meet set sales targetswe are an active company and we whole heartedly encourage our staff to get involved so if you are new to skiing, snowboarding or all mountain activities, you will find a home in franc with many of our general positionswe welcome all nationality's to apply as long as they have an eu passport, a right to work in france in the from of a cds or from a country where you can obtain a visa as we are fully compliant with all immigration laws when recruiting our staffwe employ 100 staff in each of the seasons which gives alpine elements a unique advantage in offering our entire staff the opportunity to experience back to back seasonal positions that can offer an exciting gap year, career progression or a one off seasonal experience that fits in with your future plansset deadlines using this information to ensure all budgets, sales and customer satisfaction targets are metthe hotel manager will work to identify new initiatives to improve standards and tailor our product and service to individual customer expectations and maximize profitsyou will set staff standards and ensure they maintain uniform, presentation and professionalism alwayssalary is competitive uniform is provided and staff meals are included within the working shiftsprevious experience managing team members at a supervisory or management leveljoin us and work a season back to back over summer and wintercompleting weekly hotel accounts and administrative tasks including staff rota’s, risk assessments, fire / health & safety and hccap paperworkmotivated to achieve and encourage others to do the sameseasoned pros, qualified instructors and managers will find an encouraging environment in a company where we actively look to promote from within and can offer career opportunities in travel both overseas and in the ukthe ability to manage workload by themselves and delegate to the team where appropriateset and maintain standards for uniform and professionalismclear communication skillscustomer focus ensure the hotels guests expectations are always exceeded ensure all customer complaints are resolved in a timely and efficient manner meet set targets for first impression feedback for cleanliness, food, and comfort provide an approachable welcoming atmosphere within your hotel, between staff and guests operational ensure the hotel is running smoothly and efficiently in all areas- iteam player ability to prioritise and planwhilst taking a strategic view towards the hotel operation, we require our hotel managers to have commercial awareness, be accountable for budgeting and financefull training and development available with great career progression opportunitiesoptional accommodation, insurancetogether we will ensure you will find & be in your elementwhat we are looking for – outgoing and enthusiastic peopleall uk applicants are welcome to apply but we do advise the recruitment process is a little longer to obtain all the necessary documentation to to apply for a visae kitchen, restaurant, housekeeping & barour recruitment process is designed to see the person behind the cvconversational frenchexperience handling complaints, ability to think outside the box to resolve issuesadaptable people who are willing to work long hours and have a flexible attitude towards work

  • Update your pc with the latest version of windows 10, or windows 11 operating system and install microsoft office 2019 suite or microsoft office 2021 suite to bring the performance of your device to the toppurchase your mcafee total protection 2023 license from mr key shop using one of our secure and guaranteed payment methodswhat are the benefits of mr key shop? we are a 100% reliable reseller, and our vision is to provide premium genuine products at the best pricewhat will i get purchasing my total protection subscription from mr key shop? the product is delivered within seconds directly via email, thus avoiding the environmental impact of shipping physical goodspurchase through our secure and guaranteed payment methods, with a full money-back warranty, get your license within seconds in your inbox, and, in case of doubt or issues, contact our free support service in english0 or higher - firefox - google chrome - safari (only mac os and ios) - microsoft edge (based on chromium) - microsoft edge non-supported devices: all huawei devices are no longer compatible hardware 2gb ram for windows 8 and higher - 500mb of disk free space - 1ghz processormore than an antivirus: buy your 100% genuine license via secure and guaranteed payment methods and immediately have it in your inboxsafely surf the web, protect your privacy, outsmarting the identity thieves and hide your navigation activity when you connect to public wi-fiby buying your digital license, you help us reduce the pollution and waste from transport and unnecessary packagingplus, by choosing mr key shop, youll make a difference in protecting the environment: we strongly believe in the digital world and provide you with a green and premium service* visit our antivirus catalog to discover all the security suites availablecom for info and pricing! other mcafee versions: mcafee internet security find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements operating systems windows 8 - windows 10 - windows 11 supported browsers internet explorer 10buy mcafee total protection 2023youll receive your product right away in your inbox, with all the guidance you need to download, install and activate your ordertogether we can do it! should i buy another license if i format or replace my device? notherefore, as long as your subscription is active and within the device count limit, you can always reinstall mcafee total protection and log in using your credentialsbuy mcafee total protection 2023 buy and install mcafee total protection 2023, the ultimate suite if you need to protect your devices, monitor the network traffic, optimize your pc and use a vpn to navigate in total safety and anonymity and to safeguard your data privacy and securitycompatibility: pc - mac - android - ios what does mcafee total protection 2023 offer? total protection 2023 is a powerful and complete suite you can use to protect your family from breaches and threats like viruses, ransomware, and moremail us at sales@mrkeyshopantivirus, web protection, pc or mac optimization, and vpn, all in a single suiteif you wish to safeguard your privacy and ensure your anonymity, safe from data theft and tracking, mcafee total protection also provides you with a vpn, to surf the web stopping other users from monitoring your navigation history, your search keywords and results, or other sensitive data1 activation code for mcafee total protection (one account, according to your choice for the duration and the device count) - download link for your suite with installation and activation instructions - 100% free support in english - invoice are you a reseller? apply for mkreseller visit the official mkreseller page for our exclusive reseller program mr key shop created for those entrepreneurs who want to grow their businesswindows operating systems and microsoft office suite are also available in our storemr key shop sells 100% genuine licenses that are linked to your accountif you have to change platform, iwe will guide you across the process, from downloading to installing and activating your product, with clear, detailed, and user-friendly instructionsgoing from windows to linux or mac, you will be protected as usual: this suite is fully compatible with all the main systems around


    14989999771118164 €

  • 500 mb of disk space on the installation drive display 1024 x 600 pixel (minimum) browser n/a miscellaneous active internet connection is required for activation and installation of kaspersky anti-virus, as well as for database updates and use of kaspersky security networkupdate your pc with the latest version of windows 10, or windows 11 operating system and install microsoft office 2019 suite or microsoft office 2021 suite to bring the performance of your device to the topthe anti-malware scan interfaces (amsi) allow for the accurate analysis of scripts and other elements, alerting the user of any virus threats; in addition, the home network will be more secure due to the integrated network attack blockerwith kaspersky anti-virus 2023, the display of notifications has also been improved, and the alerts are now clearer and more comprehensiblewhat will i receive if i purchase kaspersky anti-virus 2023? the product is delivered within seconds directly via email, thus avoiding the environmental impact of shipping physical goodscompatibility: pc what sort of protection does kaspersky anti-virus 2023 offer? from the moment kaspersky anti-virus 2023 is installed and the device is connected to the internet, the protection mechanism automatically activatescom other kaspersky versions: kaspersky internet security 2023 - kaspersky total security 2023 - kaspersky internet security for android 2023 find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements platform windows supported operating systems windows 7 - windows 8 - windows 10 - windows 11 processor 1 ghz or faster (32-bit (x 86) or 64-bit (x 64)) - higher speed recommended memory at least 1 gb ram (32-bit), at least 2 gb ram (64-bit) recommended hard disk space at least 1* visit our antivirus catalog to discover all the security suites availableprotecting your device and data is pricelessrequest more information or a price list at sales@mrkeyshopthis version is the most powerful and secure due to the improvements and enhancements made by kaspersky labs expert developers, ensuring total protection against viruses, malware, ransomware, and morekaspersky labs developers have also improved and simplified the software tools area, making it very easy to use even for inexperienced usersif a threat is detected, it is automatically identified and blockedcompatibility ranges from more dated systems, such as windows 7 and windows 8, to the most recent versions, such as windows 10it detects system vulnerabilities, providing effective protection against multiple exploits, including powerful anti-phishing features that grant total protection against digital fraud to kaspersky anti-virus usersdownload and install your anti-virus within minutes, with delivery via email immediately after purchasemr key shop is an official kaspersky reseller buy kaspersky anti-virus 2023 kaspersky anti-virus 2023 is a powerful protection package for laptops and desktopsconstant connection to the cloud provides the capability to respond instantly to the increasingly complex threats posed by viruses1 activation code for kaspersky anti-virus - (product key) - download link for kaspersky anti-virus - quick and easy installation guide - free technical support - invoice are you a reseller? discover mkreseller, mr key shops reseller programwhere can i install kaspersky anti-virus 2023? kaspersky anti-virus 2023 can be installed on various operating systemswindows operating systems and microsoft office suite are also available in our storemoreover, kaspersky 2023 can be reused even after formatting your device, provided it is installed on a single device and its activation period has not expiredbuy kaspersky anti-virus 2023


    24989999771118164 €

  • Update your pc with the latest version of windows 10, or windows 11 operating system and install microsoft office 2019 suite or microsoft office 2021 suite to bring the performance of your device to the topprotect your mobile device with one of the best antiviruses for smartphones, at the best price on mr key shopfurthermore, with digital delivery, we can help save the environment by reducing the footprint of physical transport systems and packaging wasteyour yearly subscription includes the following: - total protection for your mobile device against viruses and malware - a secure vpn with 200mb/day of traffic - a feature to remotely locate your device to block or initialize it in case of theft or loss - account privacy with the assessment of possible breaches in your e-mail account - low resource consumption and near-zero impact on your battery life why buy bitdefender mobile security for android 2023 from mr key shop we are a 100% authorized and legit digital companybuy bitdefender mobile security for android 2023, full protection against viruses and malware for smartphones download and install bitdefender mobile security for android 2023, one of the best antiviruses for mobile phoneswe are an eco-friendly company! what is included with my purchase of bitdefender mobile security for android 2023 from mr key shop? once you complete your secure transaction, youll receive everything you need to activate your subscription to bitdefender mobile security for android 2023 via email: - your bitdefender mobile security for android 2023 digital license (1 device, 1 year) - official download link to the bitdefender mobile security for android 2023 app - clear and straightforward instructions on how to activate your subscription - free english-speaking customer service - invoice are you looking for new business opportunities? discover mkreseller if youre a reseller and want to find new challenges to grow your business, join mkreseller, the exclusive reseller program designed by mr key shopchoose mr key shop and save over your 100% genuine and legit licenseget protected from viruses and malware while you use your mobile with a yearly subscription including many services, as a valuable vpninstant delivery via e-mail and free, english-speaking customer servicewe strongly believe in digital delivery as a way to provide you with the best software suites at good price points with instant deliverywindows operating systems and microsoft office suite are also available in our storemail at sales@mrkeyshopbuy bitdefender mobile security for android 2023100% genuine licenses, secure payments, and a full money-back warrantyinstantly receive your subscription to bitdefender mobile security for android 2023 in your inbox after your purchase, and protect your device right awayalso see our operating systems catalog, including windows 10, our microsoft office offerings, and antiviruses for pc, mac, & mobile! read our customers feedback on trustpilot: secure payments, digital delivery within seconds from your purchase and directly to your inbox, a full money-back warranty, and free, english-speaking customer servicecom for more info and your updated price list other bitdefender versions: bitdefender internet security - bitdefender antivirus plus - bitdefender antivirus for mac - bitdefender total security find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements android 5compatibility: android bitdefender mobile security for android 2023, full protection against viruses and malware for smartphones bitdefender mobile security for android 2023 is a very popular app allowing you to protect your android smartphone or tablet against the most dangerous online threatsspecifically designed to protect android smartphones and tablets, you can buy it now at a very cheap price


    9989999771118164 €

  • 5 mb of disk free spaceupdate your pc with the latest version of windows 10, or windows 11 operating system and install microsoft office 2019 suite or microsoft office 2021 suite to bring the performance of your device to the topas long as you stay within the device limit of your plan, you can always reinstall bitdefender total security 2023 and access the app with your credentialswe also want to do our part in reducing the environment caused by the transport of goods: purchasing your digital products and receiving them in your inbox, we can reduce the polluting agents and waste productionconvenient and easy! *visit our antivirus catalog to discover all the security suites available once i complete my bitdefender total security 2023 purchase from mr key shop, what will i get? the product is delivered within seconds directly via email, thus avoiding the environmental impact of shipping physical goodsbitdefender total security 2023 offers you all the key features of their popular antivirus, plus other utilities like a system optimization tool, a firewall to protect your network traffic, online monitoring via parental control, and, most importantly, the flexibility to install your software on windows, android, macos, and ios deviceswhen you purchase your product key, in a few seconds you will receive an e-mail containing the instructions to download, install and activate your bitdefender total security 2023here in mr key shop, we believe in a green world, help us make this dream true! what happens to my subscription if i need to format my computer or replace a device? initializing your devices, formatting a computer, or even replacing your machine are all unpleasant scenarios, but they may happen in your everyday lifeprotect yourself against zero-day attacks, safeguard your familys online activities and keep your data safe from ransomware through multilayer protectionbuy bitdefender total security 2023were committed to offering quality products such as bitdefender total security 2023 via secure and guaranteed payment methodsmails us at sales@mrkeyshopfortunately, the product keys for bitdefender total security 2023 you purchase from mr key shop are bound to your accounta full suite within a single multi-platform product you can use with all your home devicesreceive all you need instantly on your e-mail, with free, english-speaking customer service!1 product key for bitdefender total security 2023 - download link - clear and complete instructions to install and activate your product - english-speaking customer service, 100% free - invoice are you a reseller? join mkreseller now if you care about your business and look for premium and popular products, join mkreseller, our exclusive reseller programpurchase bitdefender total security 2023 buy and install bitdefender total security 2023, a comprehensive product that protects all your devices and platforms, with no impact on system performancecompatibility: pc - mac bitdefender total security 2023, effective and effortless! who said that an effective security system must be resource-intensive too? bitdefender total security 2023 has a minimal impact over your system performance, but protects you from ransomware, helping you monitor your familys online activities, children included, with enhanced tools against phishing, advanced threats like zero-day attacks, antispam systems, anti-theft, a vpn for your privacy and much morefurthermore, you can always count on our free english-speaking customer service and our full money-back warrantywindows operating systems and microsoft office suite are also available in our storecom for more info and a price list other bitdefender versions: bitdefender internet security - bitdefender antivirus plus - bitdefender antivirus for mac - bitdefender mobile security for android find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements operating systems windows 7 - windows 8 - windows 10 - windows 11 supported browsers internet explorer 11 or higher - firefox - google chrome - safari (only mac os and ios) - microsoft edge (based on chromium) - microsoft edge hardware 2gb ram for windows 7 and higher - 2full security against zero-day attacks! purchase your genuine and guaranteed license from mr key shop, pay via secure transactions with a full money-back warrantywhy is mr key shop the best choice to purchase bitdefender total security 2023? our goal is to provide you with a premium service at the best price pointprotect all your devices with a single product


    29989999771118164 €

  • In case of doubt, questions or issues, you can rely on our 100% free and english-speaking customer serviceif you have a pc, update it with the latest version of windows 10, or windows 11 operating system and install microsoft office 2019 suite or microsoft office 2021 suite to bring the performance of your device to the topwhat does my order include? the product is delivered within seconds directly via email, thus avoiding the environmental impact of shipping physical goods10 or later supported browsers safari, firefox, google chrome hardware 1gb of free disk space important bitdefender vpn is only compatible with macos sierra 10all the qualities of bitdefender, the antivirus most appreciated by professionals, now for apple computers too! windows operating systems and microsoft office suite are also available in our storefurthermore, it blocks and removes adware, offers you a vpn for your full privacy, protects your online experiences such as shopping and home banking, and keeps all your time machine backup data safe, in the case of a ransomware attackpurchase bitdefender antivirus for mac 2023 your mac deserves to be fully protecteddownload and install bitdefender antivirus for mac, a product that has been specifically designed for macos systems and their protection needsenjoy our free, english-speaking customer service and our full money-back warranty!* visit our antivirus catalog to discover all the security suites available i decided to buy bitdefender antivirus for mac from mr key shopcom for more infospecifically designed to protect your mac from cyber-threatstogether we can reduce pollution and waste! what happens if i have to initialize my mac or i replace it? your bitdefender antivirus for mac key code purchased from mr key shop is not linked to a specific device permanently1 bitdefender antivirus for mac license code - download link - installation and activation guide - free customer service in english - invoice this is mkreseller, mr key shops reseller program reach more customers and grow your business by enrolling in our mkreseller programmr key shop for your full safety with bitdefender antivirus for mac purchase and download your bitdefender antivirus for mac license from mr key shop at the best price, pay via safe and guaranteed transactions, and get your order within seconds in your inboxother bitdefender versions: bitdefender internet security - bitdefender antivirus plus - bitdefender total security - bitdefender mobile security for android find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements operating systems macos x yosemite 10the important thing to remember is to stay within the device limit under your planbuy bitdefender antivirus for macpurchase your 100% genuine license from mr key shop via secure payments and receive all you need to start protecting yourself in your inboxcompatibility: mac download bitdefender antivirus for mac, complete protection for mac bitdefender antivirus for mac protects your computer against online threats like viruses, malware, ransomware, and phishing attemptspurchase your bitdefender antivirus for mac license with confidence, protect your system and your time machine backups, and also contribute to protecting the environment! your digital purchases are directly delivered to your e-mail inboxin fact, such a license is bound to your bitdefender account; youll just have to reinstall the software and access your app using your credentialsmail us at sales@mrkeyshopplus, your orders are protected by our full money-back warranty


    29989999771118164 €

  • Wind chimes deep tonethe beauty of astarins wind chimes blends into the deep bass and bass of our big wind chimessometimes a tuned wind chime sounds like the soothing music of church bellsenjoy a quiet melody, like a whisper in the wind-deep, rich and full of beautythoughtful sympathy gifts used for the loss of loved ones or celebrating special occasions, such as housewarming, weddings, anniversaries, birthdays or as entertainment gifts6 aluminum powder coated tubes, each metal tube of this wind chime is manually tuned by our professional tuning experts to achieve excellent musical performancedescription: outdoor deep tone wind chimes 45° memorial wind chimes metal pipe wind chimefeatures:- 45 inch large wind chimesthe longest tube of the wind chime is 22metal wind chimes the metal wind chime is made entirely of aluminum, not only the six tubes, but also the hook, top and wind chime pendulum, all in durable anodized bronze finishthanks to expert tuning, the sound is deep and relaxed2 inches and the diameter is 1it is also a great gift for special friends or anyone you remember, mothers, neighbors, family members, to express your thoughts and desire for sympathy, get well soon or miss youthis is the perfect comfort for special people in needthe thick tube wall creates a longer-lasting deep tonethe heavy-duty nylon rope high-density firing pin brings clear tone and resonanceeach tube is precisely tuned to the pentatonic scale


    687300033569336 €

  • Our vision is independent from the work of the individual rather seeking the active collaboration of all, in a creative process where ideas can flow freely through cultural barriers and gain from the commingling of diverse disciplines and techniqueswe work in more than 10 countries around the world in different types of projectas the world faces increasingly pressing challenges in areas like climate change and the management of important natural resources, perspective on the most effective responses is vitalwe’re united by a common ethos, enduring values and a desire to harness our global expertise for the benefit of the people and communities we work forthe group is a multi-disciplinary organization made of companies creates to target all aspects that affect the space in human: from product design to communication, from architecture to interiors, from development to procurementart design related degree in architecture, interior or 3d design 5/7 year of experience creating cg content for architectural, product visualizations, advertising or related fields keen eye for details willingness to complete complex tasks strong communication skills ability to manage own workload and meet deadlines strong modelling and texturing skills are considered essential the successful candidate must have an impressive portfolio and expert-level proficiency with 3ds max, forest pack, vray e corona renderer, adobe suite, photoshop illustrator, indesign proficiency in unreal engine 4 is preferred and candidates with examples of unreal renderings and visualizations in their portfolios will be given priority applicants should send a resume and a portfolio of work (pdf or website)we are seeking an experienced full-time visualization artist to join our team at our office in como, italyour strength and growth as a global firm provides one further important benefitwe face strict deadlines from clients and the ideal candidate must manage concurrent project deadlines and be committed to meeting them, so a positive attitude and exceptional work ethic are essentiala++ is the international recognized brand through which arch group communicate its workapplications that do not meet the requirements will not be considereda++ is a vibrant, diverse firm working across four regions, yet scale alone isn’t our strengththe ideal candidate will also have a strong background in architectural design and multimediagood project management, organizational, and communications skills are necessary

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