The best live

Elenco the best live

  • Vinile lp the doors live at the holliwood bowl elektra/asylum records stampa italiana vinile in buone condizioni come da fotocover: vg+ vinile: vg

    10 €

  • Elemento singolo per bracciale 2jewels per donna in acciaio rosè con scritta the best is yet to come - linea 2 jewels together acciaio ipoallergenico lunghezza 9 cm chiusura regolabile con moschettone collezione 2jewels together con 2jewels together puoi costruire il tuo bracciale legando i singoli elementi per creare un bracciale unico, pieno di significato ed emozionetutto quello che ami sempre insieme con te creando la combinazione che fa per te


    18 €

  • Seggiolino auto cybex platinum cloud z2 i-size - we the best blue il magnate della musica dj khaled, vincitore di un grammy award, crede che la famiglia vada sempre al primo postocon luso di adattatori, cloud z2 i-size può essere agganciato a tutti i telai cybexquesto seggiolino per auto è davvero il compagno perfetto per ogni fase del tuo viaggio(*la base z2 deve essere acquistata separatamente)insieme a cybex e sua moglie nicole, ispirato dai loro due piccoli “re”, khaled ha progettato una collezione originale e piena di meravigliaciò consente al seggiolino auto di diventare parte di un comodo sistema di viaggio, aumentando il comfort e la mobilitĂ una nuova funzione di reclinazione in auto consente al tuo bambino di rilassarsi durante il viaggio, per un comfort ancora maggiore sulla stradacon il seggiolino auto cybex platinum cloud z2 i-size, goditi flessibilitĂ  e comfort a 360 gradi per te e il tuo bambinola cappottina parasole integrata offre una generosa protezione allinterno e allesterno dellauto, in qualsiasi posizionecloud z2 i-size è flessibile anche allesterno del tuo veicolo: il seggiolino può essere reclinato in posizione completamente sdraiata come parte di un sistema da viaggiolintelligente meccanismo di rotazione consente al seggiolino di essere rivolto lateralmente per unentrata e unuscita senza sforzo


    40995001220703125 €

  • Inizia la giornata con le bellissime tazze 'you are the best of my life'tazza tazzone in ceramica decorata colorate latte colazioneil colore verra' inviato a seconda della disponibilitĂ  di magazzinole tazze sono realizzate in ceramica e disponibili in diverse colorazioni


    4699999988079071 €

  • Inizia la giornata con le bellissime tazze "you are the best of my life"il colore verra inviato a seconda della disponibilitĂ  di magazzinotazza tazzone in ceramica decorata colorate latte colazionele tazze sono realizzate in ceramica e disponibili in diverse colorazioni


    3369999885559082 €

  • Seggiolino auto cybex platinum cloud z2 i-size - we the best blue il magnate della musica dj khaled, vincitore di un grammy award, crede che la famiglia vada sempre al primo postola cappottina parasole integrata offre una generosa protezione all'interno e all'esterno dell'auto, in qualsiasi posizionecon l'uso di adattatori, cloud z2 i-size può essere agganciato a tutti i telai cybex(*la base z2 deve essere acquistata separatamente) trova il seggiolino auto piĂą adatto nel catalogo de la casa del bebè!questo seggiolino per auto è davvero il compagno perfetto per ogni fase del tuo viaggiocloud z2 i-size è flessibile anche all'esterno del tuo veicolo: il seggiolino può essere reclinato in posizione completamente sdraiata come parte di un sistema da viaggioinsieme a cybex e sua moglie nicole, ispirato dai loro due piccoli “re”, khaled ha progettato una collezione originale e piena di meraviglial'intelligente meccanismo di rotazione consente al seggiolino di essere rivolto lateralmente per un'entrata e un'uscita senza sforzociò consente al seggiolino auto di diventare parte di un comodo sistema di viaggio, aumentando il comfort e la mobilitĂ una nuova funzione di reclinazione in auto consente al tuo bambino di rilassarsi durante il viaggio, per un comfort ancora maggiore sulla stradacon il seggiolino auto cybex platinum cloud z2 i-size, goditi flessibilitĂ  e comfort a 360 gradi per te e il tuo bambino


    40995001220703125 €

  • With powerful jbl signature sound, a sleek, contemporary look and smart, touch-control features, the jbl live 400bt is perfect for any on-the-go lifestylewith talkthru, music temporarily pauses at the touch of a button, lowering speech and amplifying sound to make it easy to chat with a friend without removing the headphonesin ambient aware mode, listeners can control the amount of background noise they want to let in, to stay keyed into their surroundings when it's needed most, such as walking in a busy intersection, dodging through a crowd of people or having an ear out for the family dog playing in the parkprepare to hit the streets with an innovative listening experience, optimized for google assistant and amazon alexa, as well as ambient aware and talkthru technologies


    10980000305175781 €

  • With powerful jbl signature sound, a sleek, contemporary look and smart, touch-control features, the jbl live 400bt is perfect for any on-the-go lifestylewith talkthru, music temporarily pauses at the touch of a button, lowering speech and amplifying sound to make it easy to chat with a friend without removing the headphonesin ambient aware mode, listeners can control the amount of background noise they want to let in, to stay keyed into their surroundings when its needed most, such as walking in a busy intersection, dodging through a crowd of people or having an ear out for the family dog playing in the parkprepare to hit the streets with an innovative listening experience, optimized for google assistant and amazon alexa, as well as ambient aware and talkthru technologies


    142 €

  • Cloud z i-size cybex platinum by dj khaled collection we the best blue/mid turquoisesu ogni oggetto è impresso il logo"we the best"e sulle cerniere vi è una chiave che simboleggia le "chivi del regno" dove c'è famiglia, abbondanza e amoretelescopico garantisce una protezione ottimale per il tuo bambinosistema modulare posizione ergonomica sdraiata meccanismo rotante di 180 ° protezione lineare nell'impatto laterale integrata capottina parasole xxl integrata a scomparsa poggiatesta regolabile in altezza inserto neonato rimovibile sistema da viaggio 4 in 1 imbracatura a y extra larga compatibile con base z e base z one apri la confezione e trovi: 1 seggiolino auto cloud z i size con capottina integrata cinture di sicurezza materassino riduttore per neonatiil magnate della musica dj khaled e sua moglie, ispirati dai loro due bambini, hanno progettato, con cybex, una meravigliosa collezione che rappresenta la ricca bellezza di una giungla tropicale e un regno animale esotico abitato da leoni, pappagalli e zebre) impedisce l'uso improprio della posizione nel senso di marciascopri tutti i seggiolini auto del catalogoil poggiatesta del seggiolino auto cybex cloud z è regolabile in 11 posizioni di altezza, si adatta alle esigenze e alla crescita del tuo bambinocloud z i size, in questa nuova versione, entra a far parte di un concetto modulare se abbinato alla base isofix base z, sulla quale può ruotare a 180° per sistemare il bambino all'interno del seggiolino, in modo piĂą praticoe' adatto dalla nascita ai 18 mesi circa (0-13 kg/ 45-75 cm)inoltre, facilita il passaggio tra la posizione contro il senso di marcia e quella nel senso di marciail nuovissimo meccanismo di rotazione offre una comoda posizione di entrata e di uscita sulla base z (acquistabile separatamente) con minore sforzo per i genitoricloud z i-size è dotato di un inserto rimovibile per neonati, che garantisce una posizione quasi completamente distesa al bambinola capottina xxl è completamente integrata e a scomparsal'inserto neonato deve essere rimosso una volta che il bambino supera i 60 cmper una protezione adeguata in caso di impatto, si raccomanda di installare il seggiolino auto sempre in senso contrario di marcia fino ai 15 mesi del bambino e sui sedili posteriori dell'auto, meglio ancora dietro il sedile passeggero tessuti traspiranti e lavabili in lavatrice a 30°inoltre protegge il bambino dal sole (upf 50+)il driving direction control (dla stessa base z, una volta terminato l'utilizzo dell'ovetto, può essere sfruttata con il seggiolino successivo sirona z fino a circa 4 anniriduce la forza di un impatto laterale in combinazione con la scocca ad alto assorbimento di energia di circa il 25%questo aiuta a ridurre il rischio che la testa del bambino si rovesci in avanti mentre dorme, il che può portare a gravi problemi respiratoriin caso di impatto laterale, il sistema l


    40995001220703125 €

  • Borsa cambio cybex platinum by dj khaled collection we the best blue/mid turquoisesu ogni oggetto è impresso il logo"we the best"e sulle cerniere vi è una chiave che simboleggia le "chivi del regno" dove c'è famiglia, abbondanza e amorebellissima borsa per il cambio dotata di fasciatoio, pochette, portabiberon e ganci per il passegginoil magnate della musica dj khaled e sua moglie, ispirati dai loro due bambini, hanno progettato, con cybex, una meravigliosa collezione che rappresenta la ricca bellezza di una giungla tropicale e un regno animale esotico abitato da leoni, pappagalli e zebreai lati la borsa presenta due grosse cerniere per aumentarne la capienza


    2399499969482422 €

  • Coprigambe cybex platinum new by dj khaled collection we the best blue il magnate della musica dj khaled e sua moglie, ispirati dai loro due bambini, hanno progettato, con cybex, una meravigliosa collezione che rappresenta la ricca bellezza di una giungla tropicale e un regno animale esotico abitato da leoni, pappagalli e zebresu ogni oggetto è impresso il logo"we the best"e sulle cerniere vi è una chiave che simboleggia le "chiavi del regno" dove c'è famiglia, abbondanza e amorela combinazione perfetta per il tuo nuovo passeggino priam nuova generazione, e-priam e mios, in grado di proteggere il tuo bambino dal freddo, dal vento e dalla pioggia leggeralavabile in lavatrice a 30 °c con ciclo delicatoil tessuto idrorepellente protegge perfettamente dal freddo, dal vento e dalla pioggia leggerapuoi anche scegliere il tuo coprigambe platinum nel design delle collezioni moda o delle collaborazioni di design, per aggiungere colore e adattare il coprigambe al tuo passeggino priam o miosmantieni comodo e al caldo il tuo bambino quando la temperatura scende, grazie all'elegante coprigambe platinumgrazioso ed elegante: il coprigambe platinum dispone di una comoda e morbida fodera in pile per tenere al caldo il tuo bambino quando la temperatura scende


    2299499969482422 €

  • Elemento singolo per bracciale 2jewels per donna in acciaio con scritta my father is the best dad ever - linea 2jewels together acciaio ipoallergenico lunghezza 9 cm chiusura regolabile con moschettone collezione 2jewels together con 2jewels together puoi costruire il tuo bracciale legando i singoli elementi per creare un bracciale unico, pieno di significato ed emozionetutto quello che ami sempre insieme con te creando la combinazione che fa per te


    14 €

  • Elemento singolo per bracciale 2jewels per donna in acciaio rosè con scritta my father is the best dad ever - linea 2jewels together acciaio ipoallergenico lunghezza 9 cm chiusura regolabile con moschettone collezione 2jewels together con 2jewels together puoi costruire il tuo bracciale legando i singoli elementi per creare un bracciale unico, pieno di significato ed emozionetutto quello che ami sempre insieme con te creando la combinazione che fa per te


    18 €

  • the best place to live in the worldcome to see us, because: sanremo is sanremo!!! sanremo ricerchiamo, immobili di diverse metrature e tipologia in questa zonaper ogni vostra esigenza di investimento locativo, seconda casa o di rendita garantita, contattateci!! vi troveremo la soluzione abitativa piu' corrispondente alle votre esigenze!! siamo associati fiaip e fimaa, seguiamo continui corsi di aggiornamento professionale per essere sempre piu' performanti ed offrire un servizio professionale sempre piu' competente, sia in materia legislativa fiscale, notarile che di estimo, catastale ed ipotecarioabicase cazzin, la serieta' dell'azienda preferita dagli italiani per la compravendita immobiliare in italia e all'esterocom classe energetica: g
    spese: 0
    anno: 0
    camere: 1
    riscaldamento: centralizzato
    tipo cucina:
    mq: 70
    giardino: , 0 mq
    box: 0
    ubicazione: chiesa russa, centro, sanremo, , italia
    latitudine: 43abbiamo nella nostra banca dati abicase cazzin molti clienti che possono comprare il vostro alloggio a sanremoci occupiamo anche di affitti di appartamenti sia residenziale che stagionale, nonché di locazione commercialeit prenota subito una visita: agenzia abicase cazzin 0184 501370 - 335 5901154 - 335 6909171 wwwsiamo in grado di offrire in particolar modo a sanremo, bordighera, ospedaletti ed in costa azzurra, a nizza, la compravendita di monolocali, bilocali, trilocali, attici, ville, case indipendenti o di campagna, attività commerciali quali bar, alberghi, ristoranti, negoziabicase cazzin 0184 501370 - 335 5901154 info@abicasecazzin0184 501370 - 335 5901154 - 335 6909171 la nostra immobiliare abicase cazzin vende, acquista,affitta,a sanremo ed in zone dimitrofe da 35 annise un proprietario fosse interessato a fare una valutazione gratuita del suo alloggio, non esiti a contattarci e a richiederci una stima gratuitasanremo, a 2 passi dalla chiesa russa, casino' e mare, vista mare e grande terrazza vivibile, sud, ampio bilocale, con cucina separata, soleggiato e silenzioso, bagno con vasca e finestra, altro servizio separato (wc e lavabo) posto auto coperto in autorimessaoperiamo a sanremo dal 1980, coprendo tutto il ponente ligure, fra diano marina e cannesvisita anche il nostro sito: wwwabicase cazzin telit prenota subito una visita: agenzia abicase cazzin 0184 501370 - 335 5901154 wwwl'appartamento e' stato appena imbiancato0184 501370 - 335 5901154 - 335 6909171 ricerchiamo inoltre per altri nostri clienti referenziati inseriti nella nostra banca dati, immobili di diverse metrature e tipologia in questa zonacome to see us, because: sanremo is sanremo!!! compra a sanremo, rivolgiti a noi0184 501370 - 335 5901154 info@abicasecazzinit info@abicasecazzinit non esitare a contattarci anche via mail, ti risponderemo al piu' presto e prenota una visita con abicase cazzin sanremose un proprietario fosse interessato a fare una valutazione gratuita del suo alloggio, non esiti a contattare l'agenzia abicase cazzin e a richiedere una stima gratuita senza impegno ne' costicompletano la proprieta', il vano condominiale per le biciclettecome to see us, because: sanremo is sanremo!!! operiamo a sanremo dal 1980, coprendo tutto il ponente ligure, fra diano marina e cannesnon sono ammessi animalisiamo specializzati nella vendita di unita' immobiliari vacanza, comodi, centrali, ideale anche come rendita locativa ed investimentomese di settembre 1500 euro piu' consumi luce, gas, acqua lavatrice, frigo, boiler, materassi nuovioffriamo ai nostri clienti una consulenza nell'acquisto e vendita a 360°, dalla visita dell'appartamento fino all'atto notarileconvenzionati con le piu' importanti realta' bancarie e finanziarie italiane ed estere, forniamo le migliori proposte di mutuo presenti sul mercato81597 longitudine: 7com operiamo a sanremo dal 1980, coprendo tutto il ponente ligure, fra diano marina e cannesit la nostra immobiliare abicase cazzin vende, acquista,affitta,a sanremo ed in zone dimitrofe da 35 annisiamo consulenti immobiliari dal 19862 passi spiagge, pista ciclabile, casino' e negoziit sanremo ricerchiamo, immobili di diverse metrature e tipologia in questa zona0184 501370 - 335 5901154 - 335 6909171 info@abicasecazzinin condominio con servizio portineriail nostro metodo di lavoro ci contraddistingue per la serieta' e la professionalita'


    1500 €

  • Underpinned by data, we're able to determine the best experiences to drive business growthdepending on the role this may include a written test and interviewpeople today expect to be delighted by the digital products they use, demanding experiences that are seamless, authentic and live up to a brand’s promiseour design process is highly iterative and collaborative, and we fuse the best and brightest minds in our business in an environment which embraces creativity and innovationthe video experiences unit at deltatre is a leading provider of products and services delivering television, film and sports content over the internet, as well as comprehensive end-to-end solutionsas of november , if it suits your role at deltatre, you can work full time from home/remotely, from the office, or a combination within the same country as your contracted office of employmentwe are currently looking to find a talented ux/ui designer to join the design delivery studio in londonjoin a design team who work for the biggest names & brands in sports and entertainment delivering our world class solutions and creating experiences that ignite passion and enhance the moments that matter most to fansyou must have a portfolio showcasing your experience across one or many of the following platforms: responsive web, ios, android or tv platformsplease let us know if you need us to make any adjustments or if you have any special requirements for the interview processwe push boundaries every day to offer the most reliable, scalable, engaging end-to-end offerings that continually meet and exceed fan expectations and maximise client valueunderstanding of basic human interface guidelines, standards, and best practices familiarity with design and prototyping tools (sketch, figma, adobe cc suite etc) effective communication skills (conversation and writing), especially focused presenting and defending designs and decisions if you live and breathe user interface & interaction, love solving problems and thrive on new products and redesigns, this is a great opportunity for yousome of our company perks: global company with huge growth potential small, creative, close-knit engineering/tech team who love to collaborate unlimited contract – hpp (fulltime permanent employment) meal allowance (czk 55/day to be paid within your salary) multisport card full remote + a contribution to buy equipment which makes your work from home more comfortable 25 working days per year vacation entitlement 5 sick days – per calendar year team events sponsored by the company free refreshments in the office we are committed to ensuring that we provide equal opportunities for alldeltatre is a leading end-to-end provider of premium products and services for global sport and media operatorswe help our partners to clarify their vision, identifying what drive’s value for their customers and translate that into lasting designsworking alongside other ux and design professionals, business analysts and technical specialists, you will be responsible for delivering best-in-class ux/ui for video streaming applications for entertainment and sports brandsplease note that we will only contact successfully shortlisted candidateshave a minimum of 2 years of experience working in ux/ui designdeltatre provides strategy, planning, consultancy across all stages of our client's lifecyclewe serve both end-to-end clients and those who want to internalise part of their platform through products and componentswe're fully flexibleopen, flexible attitude and embodies a can-do spirit in collaborating with other designers, developers and extended team members a degree in graphic design or user experience related field would be an advantage

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    19999000549316406 €

  • Underpinned by data we're able to determine the best experiences to drive business growthproblem solving - bas facilitate a shared understanding of the problem and business need, and ensure they understand the scope of the projectwe are looking for talented individuals who can contribute to their assigned project and also contribute to the growth of the global ba teamdepending on the role this normally includes a written test and interviewas of november , if it suits your role at deltatre, you can work full time from home/remotely, from the office, or a combination within the same country as your contracted office of employmentthis is for a well-known sporting brand based in usa who has an award-winning app in the market, they have a strong presence in the sports and entertainment field in north america and europeas a ba, you will facilitate the technical teams regarding what is in and out of scopethe role requires a business analyst with outstanding business analysis capabilities, experience and a hands-on, positive, can-do attituderole responsibilities: undertake the formal requirements analysis of functional and non-functional requirements, translating them into the appropriate product documentation, including user stories and uml facilitate the elicitation requirements using a number of techniques such as online and face to face meetings and workshops outline the parameters of the project, and determine potential solutions ability to communicate (verbal and written) at all levels, with external and internal stakeholders proficient in writing user stories, scenarios, acceptance criteria, uml and concept design take responsibility for the quality, accuracy, completeness and usability of requirements in the form of user stories and any project artefacts work with customer product owners and project managers, ux&d, qa and technical teams to validate captured requirements support team members throughout the product life cycle, including pro-active raising of issues, dependencies and risks to either the senior business analyst and/or project manager work in a highly collaborative and multi-disciplinary agile/scrum framework core skills effective communication – be clear and concise in your day-to-day communication, be able to express yourself within a multi-national team, ask good solid questions, listen to the answers (really listen)critical thinking - while discovering the problem / business need to be solved, you must listen to stakeholder needs but also critically consider those needs and ask probing questions until the real need is surfaced, understood and documentedwhat to expect you could make significant change and impact within your role, making a substantial difference to the success of our company and your project and ba team, which can be very rewarding for the right personyou’ll work to deadlines and juggle multiple tasks, which gives lots of variety the role is largely office-based but travel is expected as we are a global organisation and we have world-wide clients – we take into account current global situation with covid as the well-being of our employees is paramount work with some of the top names in media, broadcasting and sport become passionate about technology and digital video on demand and live streaming applicationsthe role needs you to be customer facing, therefore a professional approach to your tasks and activities is a mustthe ability to be a strong communicator in a virtual setting (via conference calls or web meetings) is equally importantplease let us know if you need us to make any adjustments or if you have any special requirements for the interview processyour focus must be on owning the requirements and being able to articulate these to cross-functional teams, such as developers, designers and test team memberswe push boundaries every day to offer the most reliable, scalable, engaging end-to-end offerings that continually meet and exceed fan expectations and maximise client valueas an effective communicator, you must be able to facilitate workshops, internal and external meetings, ask the right questions, and actively listen and take in new informationhands-on experience with jira and confluence what's in it for you global company with huge growth potential small, creative, close-knit engineering/tech team who love to collaborate meal allowance multisport card full remote + a contribution to buy equipment which makes your work from home more comfortable 25 working days per year vacation entitlement 5 sick days – per calendar year team events sponsored by the company free refreshments in the office we are committed to ensuring that we provide equal opportunities for allproven experience in working on client site ability to work in a fast-paced environment and confidently handle deadlines, priorities and constraints experience of scrum or any other agile methodology experience of the software delivery lifecycle must be proactive and show due diligence effective communication skillsrecruiters – we have handled this one internally! thankswe will support you in your career progressionwe are a supportive and inclusive organisation with a wealth of experience in streaming sport and entertainment content; we are looking for someone who can utilise their core ba skills and experience and also develop new and existing skillsplease note that we will only contact successfully shortlisted candidatesdeltatre provides strategy, planning, consultancy across all stages of our client's lifecyclecompetencies and skills essential minimum of 2-3 years’ experience as a business analyst excellent customer-facing skillswe're an end-to-end provider of premium products and services for global sport and media operatorsability to work in a fast-paced environment and confidently handle deadlines, priorities and constraints must be adaptable and flexible in their approach to both project and non-project work desirable worked within a technical analysis of large scale projects with an emphasis on back and front-end systems and third-party integration extensive experience with preparing and conducting workshops online and face to face hands-on experience with jira and confluence background or experience in broadcast and media is a plus, though other areas will also be considered background or experience of working in an agency is desirable, though other areas will also be consideredwe're fully flexible

  • the sent date will be the one you have chosen during the previous stageour team can help you and the recipients of the vouchers choose the best software solutions according to the available hardware and specific needsnb: well send the email to the address you selected only once the payment is confirmedyou or another family member) - input the email address well send the gift card to - choose the sent and received date for the email containing your gift card - choose the amount among the suggested valueswe can help you choose the best software solutions according to your needsweve successfully served over 350k customers across the world and were looking forward to offering you the best from our catalog tooin our catalog, youll also find the best antivirus and vpn brands, as well as business products like sql server, microsoft windows server, and the best backup and recovery solutionslet the people you love find a voucher under their christmas tree and let them choose among the best software products for their systemsthis is the philosophy weve pursued since our inceptionto purchase one of mr key shops holiday gift cards: - go to the gift cards section - choose the graphical layout for your voucher - input first and last name of the person who will send the gift (ias we said, mr key shops gift cards are 100% unisex products, and the choice mainly depends on the recipients tastestherefore, you can rest assured youll make the same secure transactions, with the best payment methods (paypal, stripe, amazon/apple/google pay, credit/debit cards), with a full money-back warranty and our free english-speaking technical supportgift anxiety? with mr key shops holiday gift cards youll hit the right spot! purchase your holiday gift card and get it right in your inbox to print it or send it digitally to the recipient, with all mr key shops warranties both for the transaction and the productsa great way to say happy holidays since the recipient will be able to enjoy the gift at once! about mr key shop for over 18 years, mr key shop has been operative in the digital software marketin this case, mr key shops holiday gift cards can be the solutionare you still on the fence? contact our free english-speaking technical support and get personalized recommendations! mr key shops holiday gift cards: an original present idea for those you love can you smell the holidays around the corner? christmas is getting closer and you dont know what gift to pick for people you love? are you looking for gift ideas that are both novel and useful? mr key shop has you covered: order a holiday gift card and let the people you care about choose the best genuine and guaranteed software from the best digital store in the market! what are mr key shops holiday gift cards? just like standard mr key shops vouchers, holiday gift cards let you make a special gift for the people you love and cherish, by choosing the amount and delivery method (via email or printed on a card or wherever you like)remember: your gift cards never expire! - click preview to check the email including your gift card before you send it - once youre satisfied with the result, add the gift card to your shopping cart and proceed with the checkout just like youd do with any other product across mr key shops catalogunlike the basic gift cards, mr key shops holiday gift cards let you choose a thematic graphic template so you can personalize your voucher with a touch of christmas magic! put one of mr key shops holiday gift cards under the christmas tree for the people you lovehowever, we recommend choosing digital delivery, this way you wont waste paper and help save our planet! how to redeem mr key shops holiday gift cards did you give or receive a holiday gift card by mr key shop? redeeming is super-easy! all you need to do is the following: - add your selected product(s) to the shopping cart - proceed with the checkout - input the gift card code in the "promo code" field - complete your order once you finish, your order will be finalized and the product will be immediately delivered via emailthe same applies to the recipients of your mr key shop gift cards! is technology a valid, original gift idea for women? technology is a passion for millions of people, regardless of genderhow do mr key shops holiday gift cards work? just like the standard gift cards, you can purchase mr key shops holiday gift cards like youd do for any other software product in the catalogwhen you choose mr key shop for your christmas presents, youll make a difference in the environmental protection effortsthe voucher recipient can redeem it for any product across our encompassing software catalog; perhaps they want to get a new antivirus for their computer, or install one of the best vpns to protect anonymity and privacy and, why not?, watch streaming content from exclusive international catalogs or enjoy their favorite shows in their mother-tongue while being abroadthis is what you get: - your holiday gift card code - instructions on how to redeem the voucher - invoice in case of doubt or if you want to learn more, please check the faq section before you proceedspoilt for choice? no problem: purchase a gift card, youll choose the amount and you can use it whenever you need itwhen you shop for mr key shops holiday gift cards, youll experience the same shopping journey youll get when you order a software productmr key shops holiday gift cards: an original present for who you love and the planet weve been a 100% eco-friendly business since our first day of business: weve opted in for digital delivery as our sole distribution channel, this way, we wont contribute to the production of pollutants and wastehelp us make the world greener, choose mr key shops digital delivery and take a step further: send your gift card via email, do not print itwere a 100% authorized and professional store; with us, you can save up to 70% on all the software in our catalog, always with genuine and guaranteed licensessystem requirements whats better than an appreciated christmas present? one thats easy to buy, we say! if you choose to order a holiday gift card from mr key shop, youll never have to worry about hardware requirements because the recipient will choose their product according to their needs, even with the help of our technical support!among the first businesses that adopted digital delivery for retail and business software, our store got an average rating of excellent on trustpilot, with a score of 4if the most important women in your life love it & tech and use many devices, giving them a holiday gift card can be an excellent, original gift ideawhat you receive by purchasing a holiday gift card from mr key shop just like with the standard gift cards, when you purchase one of mr key shops holiday gift cards, youll get your order in real-time via emailwith mr key shops holiday gift cards, you can make a novel and useful gift! if youre looking for gift ideas for the holiday season, visit our store and see which software you can present or choose with your gift card! in case of doubt, contact our technical support team: our service is free and english-speakingthis is a novel gift idea that can be very useful9 (5 stars out of 5) and more than 2k positive reviewswhether its a man or a woman, if your tech-lover has everything they can desire, it can be difficult to surprise them with a truly original gift ideafurthermore, youll receive your orders in real-time, directly in your inboxyou can also send your gift card to your own inbox to print it and deliver it by handfor example, you can buy windows 11 at an unparalleled price, or order and download office 2021 or office for mac in real-timewith us, youll always pay via secure methods, get each order in real-time, and benefit from our full money-back warrantyby delivering our products strictly via email, we help reduce pollution and let you save on shipping coststhis way, youll avoid wasting paper


  • If you want to grow your business and offer your customers the best digital product at the best prices, visit the official page of the mkreseller program or mail us at sales@mrkeyshopthe service can be accessed by remote clients via the internet or over the enterprise local networkthus, we implemented our authorized and professional service, with instant digital delivery and all the warranties you can expect from the best stores on the marketlast but not least, our catalog also offers the best antivirus brands in the market, like bitdefender total security and eset nod32for us, this means helping save the environment and the planet: we do not pollute or generate wasteorder your 1, 5, 10, 20, and 50 license bundles, activate the ones you need and save significantly over the msrpyou can buy the type of cals choosing from device and user, furthermore, you can choose the ideal bundle for your requirementsonce an exclusive gaming prerogative, with popular platforms like steam conquering the market, now the digital channel hosts many software stores and vendorsorder your rds device cal 2016 licenses for your business, authorize your devices within a few seconds from your order, and enjoy all the benefits from one of the best digital stores in the market! if your company runs a windows server 2016 instance with rds enabled, the device cals from mr key shop are your best option to deploy your cals (client access licenses) right away to your customers and staff devicesthe windows server 2016 cal licenses allow authorizing two types of targets: single users via credentials (username + password), via the user cal 2016 licenses, or unique devices via device cals, namely the license you can order from this pagethanks to the vdi feature for windows server 2016, you can create a virtual desktop infrastructure where each user is assigned a personal desktop within the pooldiscover all the benefits from mr key shop right now! what are the rds device cals? whenever a windows server instance includes the rds service, this means you can deploy a remote desktop on that server, including resources like storage and processingwell be more than happy to provide you with all the information you needalternatively, you can authorize your clients to access the paid rds service provided by your organizationour digital delivery system ensures the highest timeliness: at the end of your order, youll receive in your inbox all you need, from your license bundle of windows server 2016 rds cals to step-by-step guidance to activate them, your official invoice, and the access to our free english-speaking technical supportat the end of the checkout process, youll get a recap email including: - your license bundle for windows server 2016 rds device cals in the requested amount - step-by-step instructions on how to activate and deploy your licenses - invoice - free english-speaking technical support are you a reseller? mkreseller is the program for you! we created a reseller program, mkreseller, built for digital professionals like yousave over the suggested price and receive your order right in your email within a few secondssee all the benefits of the digital world from mr key shop! order windows server 2016 rds device cals for your business now purchase windows server 2016 rds device cals from mr key shops catalog at competitive pricesfor you, this means no couriers, no delays, no inconveniences, not to mention the extra shipping costs youll never pay fortime and money are the most valuable assets to your business and here at mr key shop, we know it welldeploy your rds service in a few seconds, meet your customers requirements in terms of remote access, and allow your staff to work better from their seats, by accessing the remote desktop services as they were physically in front of the remote machine on their desks! the digital world is at your hand with mr key shop digital delivery is an ever-growingly popular concept todaythe digital world is at your hand with mr key shop, trying is believing! deploy your windows server 2016 rds device cals right away and help us save the planet if you know us, you know we work following three pillars: timeliness, security, and simplicityactivate your windows server 2016 rds device cals in digital format your business deserves the best: maximize uptime, remove downtime, and increase your team members productivity in a breeze! mr key shops catalog includes the rds device cals for windows server 2016 at an unmatched pricewe introduced server products, like sql server 2016, storage server, and microsoft windows server 2016, with the relevant user cals and device calsmr key shop has already envisioned it over 18 years ago, starting as a 100% digital reseller right from the first day of businessfrom official storefronts like microsoft to third-party resellers, software is less and less sold via brick-and-mortar retail stores, in favor of digital delivery via the internetfind more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements choose your os version by visiting the windows server 2016 page, checking the system requirements, and ordering a license at the best pricehyper-v (windows server virtualization), included in the windows server 2016 os, allows running multiple operating systems as virtual machines in windows and hardware virtualization (each vm runs in different virtual hardware combinations)we strongly believed in the digital market and we operate in it today, with a team of experts always looking for top-notch digital products, always with genuine and guaranteed licenses, at lower pricesthese translate into huge benefits for you and your company: firstly, cost savings with our genuine digital licenses, accurately selected for you, and then time savings, since you can activate your licenses right after the checkoutthis is the reason why were proud to say mr key shop is a 100% eco-friendly company! what will i get by ordering windows server 2016 rds device cals? order windows server 2016 rds device cal from mr key shopfor example, you can allow your smart-working employees to use a remote desktop, or let your in-house workers access the resources available from a server located in another area of your companys building like they were physically in front of itthis is another great benefit from our store! discover the features from windows server 2016 rds device cals with windows server 2016 rds device cals, you can create desktop sessions with shared resources that are accessible by multiple employees from a pc or personal desktop sessionsour professionalism is renowned, just as your purchases are always guaranteedour digital ethics have guided us thoroughly for over 18 yearsand this is bound to our ecological culture: we have ditched physical shipping since day onefrom our store, you can save up to 70% on our encompassing and ever-growing catalog: from microsoft operating systems like windows 11 professional to productivity suites like office 2021 professional and office 2021 home & business for mactime proved us right: we have successfully served over 350k customers since our inception, and weve been acknowledged as an “ excellent” service on trustpilotpay via secure and tracked methods, with a full money-back warranty and free english-speaking technical supportfrom us, you can shop with full confidence, save over your budget, and enjoy our full money-back warrantybuy windows server 2016 rds device cals from mr key shopbuy windows server 2016 rds device cals, mr key shop offers you maximum flexibility! as your company grows, you can add more windows server 2016 cals, that can be activated with no due datesavailable bundles include 1, 5, 10, 20, and 50 licenses you can always activate whenever you need themonly a professional store like ours can ensure timelines, safety, savings, and full transparency


    9998999786376953 €

  • And dont forget: we also offer the best backup & recovery solutions like easeus mobisaver for androidour offering includes the best vpn and antivirus brands in the market, as well as professional-grade tools like sql server, microsoft windows storage server, and more9 | 5 stars out of 5): here, 2k+ positive reviews confirm our service as one of the best stores you can find in the digital market todaythis is the key strength of our digital delivery system: whenever you complete your purchase with us, youll pay via one of the best payment processing services in the market (like paypal, stripe, apple/amazon/google pay) or via credit/debit cardthis is the same approach we adopt when it comes to protecting the environment: were a 100% eco-friendly company, as weve ditched the physical good distribution system since our first day of businesspreview recoverable files: before recovering your data, you can preview the files to ensure that they are the ones you want to recovervisit the official mkreseller program page now, or mail us at sales@mrkeyshopmr key shop is your go-to store for the best digital software at the best price ! easeus mobisaver for android is your best resource for data recovery from android devices easeus mobisaver for android ensures high recovery rate and is able to recover a wide variety of data types from android devices, including photos, videos, music, contacts, messages and moreall this is a double benefit for you: youll get only the best, 100% genuine and guaranteed software and save significantly on the official price listsbuy easeus mobisaver for android now and youll save significantly on the msrpenjoy an easy-to-use interface: the software has an easy-to-use interface that guides you through the recovery process, making it simple and straightforward even for non-technical usersthis is just one of the reasons why easeus has chosen us as their official resellersand remember! our free english-speaking technical support is at your disposal even to get personalized recommendations on the best software solutions you should choose according to your specific needs and hardware requirementsthis is in line with all the other products from easeus: complete features in a compact and easy-to-understand ux! mr key shop follows the same philosophy: our store is straight-forward, professional, and transparentthis way, youll save time and money because youll receive your orders in real-time with zero shipping costs, furthermore youll make a huge difference by helping us protect the environment! together, we can make the world greener! are you a reseller? introducing mkreseller, an opportunity you shouldnt miss! if youre working in the digital world too and provide your clients with software products and licenses, you shouldnt miss the opportunity to become a member of our mkreseller partner programby adopting the digital delivery as our sole and only distribution channel for our products, we can help reduce pollution and packaging wasteretrieve lost data: the software can also help you retrieve data that has been lost due to various reasons, such as a factory reset, device rooting, system crash, and morethis is the key benefit of our express digital delivery service! easeus mobisaver for android helps protect mobile data and you can help us protect the environment easeus mobisaver for android can scan an android device and recover files that have been accidentally deleted, lost, or become inaccessible due to various reasons such as factory reset, system crash or rooting, protecting you from losing your data permanentlyplace your order and receive your 100% genuine and guaranteed activation key, complete with full and easy instructions, clean and secure download links, and your official invoice within a few seconds from the checkoutfurthermore, the tool is compatible with a wide range of android devices and support recovery from various types of memory storage, including internal memory and sd card, so it can help with various recovery scenariosyou will spend up to 70% less compared to other stores (official and not) across our catalog: for example, you can buy windows 11 at a fraction of the msrp, or order and download office 2021 or office 2021 for mac in real-timethis is the main advantage of mr key shop! download, install and activate easeus mobisaver for android in no time with mr key shop with advanced mr key shops store, youll be able to download, install and activate easeus mobisaver for android in a matter of a few minutespurchase easeus mobisaver for android from mr key shop and save on the msrp now! were official easeus resellers, with us youll get 100% genuine licenses and get to recover all your data from android devices in no time! pay via secure methods, receive your activation key in real-time, with a full money-back warranty and free english-speaking technical support! mr key shop is an official easeus reseller easeus mobisaver for android easeus mobisaver for android is a data recovery product specifically designed for android devicesthis is why easeus chose us as their official partner! whats included with easeus mobisaver for android purchased from mr key shop? complete your secure checkout and get all you need in your inbox, so that you can immediately make the most out of your easeus mobisaver for android: - your easeus mobisaver for android license - official download links - clear and simple instructions on how to download, install, and activate your easeus mobisaver for android software - invoice - free, english-speaking technical support find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements windows operating system: windows 11, 10, 8with this advanced tool, youll be able to: - recover deleted files: easeus mobisaver for android scans your android device and recovers files that have been accidentally deleted, like photos, videos, music, documents, and morewe designed a unique journey to help you grow your business and successfully serve your customersfurthermore, your order is covered by our full money-back guarantee, so that you can shop with full confidencebenefit from support for a wide range of devices: easeus mobisaver for android supports a wide range of android devices and can recover data from various types of memory storage, including internal memory and sd cardfurthermore, it allows you to create a backup of your mobile data, so that if you ever need to restore your device, you can easily retrieve your datafor over 18 years, weve successfully served more than 350k customers globally, with an outstanding excellent rating on trustpilot (40 and earlier versions1, 8, 7, vista, or xp cpu: min32mb of free space android: supports android 6about easeus easeus is a popular and acknowledged backup & disaster recovery brandcom for more info about this initiative128mb hard disk space: minwith easeus, these tasks become easy, even for amateur users, still maintaining professional-grade efficacythis feature can be a good preventative measure in case of any future data lossquality, customer protection, and ease of use are also mr key shops pillarsall this is managed from a very user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to navigate and perform data recovery even without technical knowledgeeaseus products offer you an even more extraordinary digital life, with a full range of file recovery, data backup, partition management, transfer products, and moreeach transaction is 100% secure and tracked no matter which payment method youll choosein a matter of a few minutes, youll be able to scan, filter and restore data from all your android devices


    369900016784668 €

  • Here you can buy the best software available, from operating systems like microsoft windows 11 professional to productivity suites like office 2021 professional, and businesses can get the best versions of windows server and windows sql server at the best prices, with the confidence of always acquiring genuine licensesbuy the windows server 2022 user cal licenses available from mr key shop at the best price, with ssl-secure payments, and a full money-back warrantymr key shop only accepts tracked and ssl-secured payments, through the best providers like amazon, google, and apple pay, as well as paypal and stripetime has proved us right: over 350k users successfully served in the world and an excellent rating on trustpilot are the results we achieved with passion and commitmentall orders are digitally processed within a few seconds from the purchase, with free english-speaking customer support buy the windows server 2022 user cal licenses in digital for your business if your company has any instances of microsoft windows server 2022, you can buy the windows server 2022 user cal licenses to be deployed to single users and grant them access to the features and services provided by our business servereach product is covered by our full money-back warranty, so you can always shop from mr key shop with full peace of mind! deploy and implement your windows server 2022 user cal licenses with no downtime mr key shop relies on a team of professionals always looking for the best digital products at the lowest pricesactivate your windows server 2022 user cal licenses right away with mr key shop mr key shops digital delivery system allows you to activate or deploy the windows server 2022 user cal licenses right after the purchase - a huge benefit for dynamic businesses like yours! shop at the best price and get all you need via email: your user cal license bundle, together with clear and simple instructions to proceed to activate them with no external helpin case of doubt, our free english-speaking technical support service is at your disposal! with mr key shop, the digital world is on your hand, even for your user cal licenses for windows server 2022 the world is more and more digita lwe built our company over the values of speed, professionalism, and reliability; our store is 100% authorized offers a catalog rich with premium digital productswork with us and grow as a reseller as youll provide your customers with the best from the digital world at unbeatable prices! find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements check the windows server 2022 page for all the system requirementsonly mr key shop lets you save over your budget and cut downtime; furthermore, since we dont ship any physical goods, you can help us protect the environmentmore than 18 years ago, we already acknowledged the potential of this new scenario, so we founded mr key shop, aiming to offer 100% digital products and solutionsour prices are unparalleled, with instant digital delivery - see all the benefits of mr key shop! warning: this page is related to user cal licenses for windows server 2022what will i get if i order windows server 2022 user cals from mr key shop? at the end of your secure transaction, youll get a recap email for your user cal licenses for windows server 2022, with: - your windows server 2022 user cal licenses in the requested amount - clear and accurate instructions for deployment and activation - invoice - free english-speaking customer service are you a reseller? mr key shop wants you! partner with mr key shop! join our mkreseller program sending a mail at sales@mrkeyshopbuying windows server 2022 user cals from mr key shop is a smart move because you can conveniently order packs spanning from 1 to 50 licenses as required, for your total flexibility ! furthermore, you can activate the required licenses as you need them, with no time limitsour digital mindset is bound to our strict ecological ethics: 100% digital delivery allows us to refrain from polluting and producing waste because were proud to be an eco-friendly business! whats a cal license? why should i buy windows server 2022 user cal from mr key shop? cal licenses allow the authorized clients to access services and tools provided by servers where an instance of windows server 2022 is runningyou can deploy them for individual users with unique credentialswith us, you can save up to 70% compared to other stores or first-party catalogsuser cals are linked to single users with credentials and can be deployed to your it staff or customers, according to your requirementsinstead, for device cal licenses, visit this pagemoreover, we implemented our automated digital delivery system to allow you to activate and deploy windows server 2022 user cals within a few seconds from your ordergo to this page if youre looking for a license for microsoft windows server 2022if youre not certain about which and how many licenses you need, ask your it experts or contact our free english-speaking customer servicecom and get your customized price list


    14999000549316406 €

  • Buy microsoft onenote 2013 at the best price on mr key shopregardless of the payment platform you choose, every transaction is protected and tracked with the industrys best security technology, and delivery is made instantly via emailthis is one of the advantages of our storeyoull also be able to choose from the best antivirus and vpns while saving considerably on official list priceschoose your product, add it to your shopping cart and complete the transaction by selecting one of the best payment service providers on the market supported by mr key shop: paypal, stripe, amazon/apple/google pay, as well as credit/debit cardsfinally, the best backup and recovery solutions will allow you to complete your software equipment for data security as welljust as effectively, we want to contribute to the environmental cause by reducing the production of pollutants and packaging wasteplease note: if you are looking for the entire office package, visit the microsoft office section of mr key shop, here you will find various editions divided by year and category to help you choose the version that best suits your needsin addition, we have expanded the catalog with the most important business programs, such as windows storage server and microsoft sql serverjoin the world of mr key shop: from us you save up to 70% on the entire catalog, including microsoft onenote 2013visit the official mkreseller program page now, or mail us at sales@mrkeyshopsince it integrates with the other tools in the office 2013 suite, it will be so easy to integrate office tables or word documentsyou can find the same ease of use on mr key shop, one of the most user-loved stores, as you can see on trustpilotthis standalone version of onenote 2013 is ideal if you are not interested in using the entire office 2013 package and if you want to harness the power of advanced notes while spending less than the full suitewe can provide you with personalized suggestions on the best software to order based on your specific needs! enhance your notes with microsoft onenote 2013 and help us protect the environment with the ability to add voice notes, media clips, and, most importantly, collaborate with other users on your notes, microsoft onenote 2013 is a very powerful tool that goes beyond the basic functions of its ancestor, windows notepadanother notable feature is the ability to share notes with other users and collaborate in real time, not to mention powerful search to quickly find the information you wantdiscover all the benefits of our store: secure payments, real-time email delivery, full money-back warranty, and free english-speaking technical support microsoft onenote 2013 microsoft onenote 2013 is the standalone version of the excellent personal notes and information organization program included in microsoft office 2013take your notes to the next level and share your ideas with friends, family and colleagues9 | 5 out of 5 stars) and over 2,000 positive reviews confirming the quality of our serviceoffice integration and the ability to insert content from other applications are additional benefits of microsoft onenote 2013we have been operating from the digital marketplace for over 18 years and have successfully served over 350 thousand customersadded to these are access from multiple devices via the cloud and support for tags and categories for classifying informationwith microsoft onenote 2013, you go beyond the regular notepad, as you can take notes with text, images, audio and videomr key shop is a professional and authorized store, your one-stop shop in the digital marketplace! unleash your creativity with microsoft onenote 2013 with its clean and intuitive user interface, you can take notes, organize information and find the items you need easilywe are a 100% eco-friendly company, and our ecological commitment is manifested in our adoption of digital delivery as the sole distribution channel for our productsa significant benefit for you, a concrete contribution to environmental protection! are you a reseller? introducing mkreseller, an opportunity you shouldnt miss! if youre working in the digital world too and provide your clients with software products and licenses, you shouldnt miss the opportunity to become a member of our mkreseller partner programjust as on word, youll also have text formatting tools to make your notes even more readable, as well as drawing tools, ideal for making sketches on the flybuy microsoft onenote 2013 now from mr key shop, save even more on the list price, and take your notes to the next level! downloading, installing and activating microsoft onenote 2013 in seconds is possible with mr key shop with mr key shop, you can download, install and activate microsoft onenote 2013 within seconds from your secure purchasethanks to the section and page structure, organizing information becomes easy and intuitive, which is ideal if you are planning a complex design that requires some nesting of contentcome and discover the entire mr key shop catalog and remember: our technical support is at your complete disposal, free-of-charge and in english, even before you make your purchaseswhats included with microsoft onenote 2013 purchased from mr key shop? complete your secure checkout and get all you need in your inbox, so that you can immediately make the most out of your microsoft onenote 2013 solution: - your microsoft onenote 2013 license - official download links - clear and simple instructions on how to download, install, and activate your microsoft onenote 2013 software - invoice - free, english-speaking technical support find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements operating system: windows 7, windows 8 or windows 10 processor: 1ghz or faster processor ram: 1gb ram (32-bit) or 2gb ram (64-bit) hard disk space: 3gb of available space graphics card: directx 9 graphics card with wddm 1you can enrich your notes using text, images, audio and video, making microsoft onenote 2013 a versatile solution for collecting and managing informationwe designed a unique journey to help you grow your business and successfully serve your customersfor example, you can buy windows 11 at an unprecedented price, order and download office 2021 or office for mac in secondshere we have an average rating of excellent (4in this way, you can unleash your creativity, create drafts and sketches of your projects and share them with other users, either to receive feedback or to collaborate on its implementationas a result, you will always receive your orders digitally via email, we never ship physical goods, and this allows us to offer you an even more competitive price list, as you will never pay shipping costscom for more info about this initiativein your order confirmation email you will find your 100% genuine and guaranteed activation key, clear and complete instructions on all steps to download microsoft onenote 2013, install and activate it, and your purchase invoice0 driver or later screen resolution: 1024 x 576 or higher resolution


    29989999771118164 €

  • You can also choose among the best antivirus and vpn brands, saving significantly on the msrpseaseus todo backup server follows the tradition set by the award-winning brands programsand weve also included the best backup & recovery solutions that allow you to complete your security strategies for the crucial data on your organizations serversfurthermore, weve expanded our catalog with the best business programs, like windows storage server and microsoft sql serverthe same level of professionalism denotes mr key shop as well: for over 18 years, weve successfully served over 350k customers across the world, offering the best software tools, always 100% genuine and guaranteed, at unbeatable price pointsonce you complete your secure transaction through one of the best payment service providers in the market, like paypal, stripe, and pay services from amazon/google/apple, youll receive your recap email at once, with all you need to complete the setup processsystem protection is crucial to ensure business continuity, for this reason, mr key shop has extended its catalog to provide you with the best backup & recovery software products like the easeus portfoliothe quality of our service has been also acknowledged in the world, as you can see on trustpilot, where weve received over 2youll save money and time; together, well help make the world greenervisit the official mkreseller program page now, or mail us at sales@mrkeyshopsuch a choice led us to create one of the most acknowledged digital stores in the world, as well as offer our products at even lower pricesvisit mr key shops catalog now and discover all the benefits waiting for youdiscover all the benefits of our store, including free english-speaking technical support service, available before and after any purchasefor this reason, weve chosen the digital delivery approach as our sole distribution channel since our first day of businessmanage data on your servers efficiently and help us make the world greener protecting your servers also means implementing effective backup strategiesthis way, we help reduce pollution and waste - both are consequences of the physical good transportation, which weve ditched since our foundationspeaking of protection, we truly care about the environment: our planet is unique and wonderful, its our home and deserves respect and carepurchase easeus todo backup server from mr key shop now and save significantly on the msrp, and rest assured youll always get 100% genuine licenses from one of the best easeus authorized resellers! download, install, and activate easeus todo backup server right away - this is mr key shops benefit mr key shop lets you download, install and activate easeus todo backup server within a few seconds from your purchaseserver backups are just a few clicks away with easeus todo backup server dont be fooled by the user-friendly look and how easy you can plan all the backup & recovery tasks on your servers: easeus todo backup server is a professional-grade program, designed to help you optimize workflows without overly-complicated user interfacesthree benefits only an eco-friendly business like mr key shop can grant! are you a reseller? introducing mkreseller, an opportunity you shouldnt miss! if youre working in the digital world too and provide your clients with software products and licenses, you shouldnt miss the opportunity to become a member of our mkreseller partner programonce you open your order email, youll have at hand easy and clear instructions on the whole process, your activation key, official download links (malware-free), as well as your invoicethanks to a powerful, yet easy-to-use software tool, implementing your professional backup & recovery strategies will be fast and straightforward, with the further benefit of centralizing all your operations from a single main machineyou wont have to wait for the courier nor you must complete extra steps: install easeus todo backup server right after you download it, activate your product with your brand new license, and youre good to go! if you need assistance, before or after your purchase, you can always count on our free english-speaking technical supportthis is why easeus chose us as their official partner! whats included with easeus todo backup server purchased from mr key shop? complete your secure checkout and get all you need in your inbox, so that you can immediately make the most out of your easeus todo backup server solution: - your easeus todo backup server license - official download links - clear and simple instructions on how to download, install, and activate your easeus todo backup server software - invoice - free, english-speaking technical support find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements supported platforms: - microsoft windows - windows 10/81/8/7/vista/xp - windows server 2022 - windows server 2019 - windows server 2016 - windows server 2012 - windows server 2008 - windows server 2003 - windows server sbs 2003 - windows server sbs 2008 storage media: - hdds - ssds - usbs - memory cards - cloud services - physical and/or virtual environments - applicationsour team can also provide you with personalized recommendations according to your software needs and hardware requirementsa huge advantage because you can use your brand new backup & recovery for servers in no timelearn more about mr key shops and our benefits: save up to 70% across our catalog, where you can purchase windows 11 at an unparalleled price, order and download office 2021 or office for mac right awaywe designed a unique journey to help you grow your business and successfully serve your customerseaseus todo backup server with easeus todo backup server, you can build effective backup solutions for your business serverswith us, youll never pay for shipping and get your products instantly in your emailwere official easeus reseller and offer 100% genuine and original licenses only9 | 5 stars out of 5)000 positive reviews, with an average rating of excellent (4and easeus todo backup server is specifically designed for this purposeabout easeus easeus is a popular and acknowledged backup & disaster recovery brandcom for more info about this initiativesecure transactions, full money-back warranty, and immediate delivery are our key perkssince 2009, easeus has provided businesses with simple, efficient, and performing software solutionswith easeus, these tasks become easy, even for amateur users, still maintaining professional-grade efficacybuy easeus todo backup server from mr key shop and savequality, customer protection, and ease of use are also mr key shops pillarsremember: you can always pay via credit/debit card if you like toeaseus products offer you an even more extraordinary digital life, with a full range of file recovery, data backup, partition management, transfer products, and moreyou can restore backup images on different hardware, run backups both locally and offsite, schedule automated tasks, including cloning operations, and much more


    18999000549316406 €

  • If your company uses the remote desktop service (rds) platform from windows server, rds user cals allow selected users to access the remote desktop, just like they were in front of the machine hosted by the serverweve been among the first companies believing in the digital delivery strategy for premium software like microsoft operating systems (find out whats new in windows 11 professional), office productivity suites, including the latest office 2021, the best antivirus brands like eset, avast, and more, and now even backup & recovery productsthis offers huge benefits, but theres more: under our strict ecological ethics, we ditched physical transport systems and shipments, not only to ensure the best prices and remove downtime from the equation (no couriers, no delays) but also to help save the planetin turn, we honor their trust every day: our professionals always look for the best digital licenses, always genuine and guaranteed, at unbeatable pricesthe advantage is that you can control server access; furthermore, all the licenses sold by mr key shop can be activated when needed, with no time limitssince we do not add to the waste and pollution production, we can proudly say were a 100% eco-friendly company, and we value the environment just like youget your 100% genuine licenses via email in a second and enjoy all the benefits from the digital world with mr key shop, including our free english-speaking customer supportdeploy your windows server 2022 rds user cals and make the world greener time-saving service and accessible prices are two of the pillars underlying our 100% digital and authorized storethis is another great benefit from our store! what will i receive when i buy my windows server 2022 rds user cal licenses from mr key shop? once you purchase your microsoft windows server 2022 rds user cal license bundle, youll get a recap email including the following: - your windows server 2022 rds user cal licenses in the desired amount - clear and simple instructions for license deployment and activation - invoice - free english-speaking customer service are you a reseller? join the mkreseller program and grow your business! if you are a reseller of digital software and licenses like windows server 2022 rds user cals, enroll in our mkreseller program we built for professionals like you! join mr key shops family, offer your customers the best of the digital world at the lowest prices, and grow your business! visit the official page for the mkreseller program or mail us at sales@mrkeyshopbuy microsoft windows server 2022 rds user cals at the best price mr key shop expands its catalog with windows server 2022 rds user cals you can order at the best price and in bundles of 1, 5, 10, 20, and 50 user licenses you can use whenever you want to authorize single users to access your remote desktop services on windows server! mr key shop is your one-stop-shop for windows server 2022 rds calsthis is the benefit from mr key shop! pay using tracked methods, with ssl encryption and through the most appreciated and reliable platforms, like paypal, stripe, amazon pay, as well as google and apple pay; each order is covered by our money-back warranty, therefore you can always shop from our store with confidence! the digital world is yours with mr key shop! for over 18 years, mr key shop has been an acknowledged presence in the digital markethowever, mr key shop follows further guidelines, like timeliness and professionalism, in the scope of our digital culture guiding us since our inceptionwhat are the user cal licenses for windows server 2022 rds? why do i need them? microsoft windows server 2022 is a piece of software designed for companies like yours, managing and offering remote services through a server instancecom for more info! find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements visit the page for microsoft windows server 2022 to see the system requirementsthis way, you can ensure rds service access both for your it staff and your customers, if you offer paid remote desktop servicesby allocating licenses, you authorize a user or a device to access your servers features and servicesyou can buy your windows server 2022 rds user cals in bundles with 1, 10, 20, and 50 licensesto grant access to your services, you need to activate cals or client access licensesif you need to authorize devices, you can buy rds device calsbuy microsoft windows server 2022 rds user cals now and saveour digital delivery system ensures full timeliness: after your order, youll get all you need, from your license (or bundle) to step-by-step activation instructions, official download links (where relevant), all conveniently packed in one single recap emailfurthermore, our free english-speaking customer service is always at your disposalcompetitive prices and secure payments with a full money-back warrantyactivate windows server 2022 rds user cals within minutes for your business user cals for windows server 2022 rds, available from mr key shops catalog, are ready to use: complete your order and deploy them thanks to our instant digital delivery systemthese fall into two different types: user, for single users with credentials made of a username and a password, and device, for unique devicesweve delighted more than 350k customers who awarded us on trustpilot with a rating of excellent


    14999000549316406 €

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