Telecamera view
Elenco telecamera view
Collega mo view nellapp smart me a una lampadina intelligentequando la telecamera rileva un movimento, la lampadina si accendese la telecamera rileva un movimento, la lampadina si accenderà automaticamentela telecamera invia notifiche tramite lapp quando sono stati rilevati movimentila telecamera deve essere alimentata solo tramite il cavo di alimentazione in dotazionequesta telecamera wifi per esterni consente di monitorare la tua casa da remoto tramite il smartphone/tabletè possibile utilizzare lapp smart me sul tuo telefono/tablet per comunicare con la persona osservata dalla telecameraè inoltre possibile collegare questa telecamera a una lampadina wifi smart me nellapp smart me (creare uno scenario)questa telecamera esterna wifi intelligente & a prova di schizzi consente di monitorare la tua casa da remoto tramite il tuo smartphone/tabletle immagini possono essere memorizzate sul tuo smartphone o su una scheda sd (non inclusa)è possibile salvare le immagini sul telefono o su una scheda sd (non inclusa)il collegamento di questa camera esterna è molto semplice perché non è necessario collegare cavi di retetutto ciò che serve è questa telecamera, lapp smart me e una rete wifi stabilegrazie alla connessione wifi non è necessario posare cavihai solo bisogno dellapp smart me e di una rete wifi
103 €
telecamera ip bullet 1080p 2mp ottica varifocale motorizzato 23af, 36 v to 57 v), 0illuminationcolor: 08" progressive scan cmos1920 × 1080@30fps20-51 interfacecommunication interface1 rj45 10m/100m self-adaptive ethernet port on-board storagebuilt-in micro sd/sdhc/sdxc card slot, up to 128 gb reset buttonyes generaloperating conditions-30 °c to 60 °c (-22 °f to 140 °f), humidity: 95% or less (non-condensing) power supply12 vdc ± 25%, 5264+main stream supports h6") weightcamera: approx) with package: approxframe rate50hz: 25fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720) 60hz: 30fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720) sub-stream max8" progressive scan cmos min265 typemain profile h6 focusauto angle of viewhorizontal field of view: 98° to 34°, vertical field of view: 51° to 19°, diagonal field of view: 115° to 40° lens mountf14 irir rangeup to 30 m wavelength850 nm compression standardvideo compressionhframe rate50hz: 25fps (640 × 480, 640 × 360, 320 × 240) 60hz: 30fps (640 × 480, 640 × 360, 320 × 240) image enhancementblc, 3d dnr image settingsaturation, brightness, contrast, sharpness, agc, white balance adjustable by client software or web browser networkalarm triggermotion detection, video tampering alarm, network disconnected, ip address conflicted, illegal login network storagesupport micro sd/sdhc/sdxc card (128g), local storage and anr protocolstcp/ip, icmp, http, https, ftp, dhcp, dns, ddns, rtp, rtsp, rtcp, ntp, upnp™, smtp, igmp, 8025 mm coaxial power plug poe (8026, agc on) shutter speed1/3 s to 1/100, 000 s, support slow shutter slow shutteryes auto-irisno day & nightir cut filter digital noise reduction3d dnr wdrdigital wdr angle adjustmentpan: 0° to 360°, tilt: 0° to 90°, rotation: 0° to 360° lensfocal length2265+ poe osd ip67 slot sd hiwatch hwi-b620h-z 1/20-44, firefox 30264dual streamdigtal wdr (wide dynamic range)3d dnr (digital noise reduction)up to 30 m ir rangebuilt-in micro sd/sdhc/sdxc card slot, up to 128 gbpoe (power over ethernet)ip67cameraappearancebullet image sensor1/29 w ingress protection levelip 67 materialmetal dimensionsf 105 mm × 244264 typebaseline profile/main profile/high profile h1x, qos, ipv6, udp, bonjour general functionone-key reset, anti-flicker, heartbeat, mirror, password protection, privacy mask, watermark apionvif (profile s, profile g), isapi simultaneous live viewup to 6 channels user/hostup to 32 users 3 levels: administrator, operator and user clientivms-4200 web browserie8+, chrome 3111 w; poe: (8023af, class 3) power consumption12 vdc, 08 mm to 12 mm motorized varifocal motozoom lensh265+main stream supports video bit rate32 kbps to 8 mbps smart feature-setregion of interest1 fixed region for main stream and sub-stream imageresolution2mp main stream max8 to 12 mm aperturef1
telecamera ip bullet 1440p 4mp ottica varifocale motorizzato 2264 sub-stream: h264dual stream120 db wdr (wide dynamic range)3d dnr (digital noise reduction)up to 30 m ir rangebuilt-in micro sd/sdhc/sdxc card slot, up to 128 gbpoe (power over ethernet)ip67cameraappearancebullet image sensor1/3" progressive scan cmos min3af, 36 v to 57 v), 0illuminationcolor: 0264+main stream supports h) with package: approx6") weightcamera: approxframe rate50hz: 25fps (640 × 480, 640 × 360, 320 × 240) 60hz: 30fps (640 × 480, 640 × 360, 320 × 240) image enhancementblc, 3d dnr image settingsaturation, brightness, contrast, sharpness, agc, white balance adjustable by client software or web browser day/night switchauto, scheduled networkalarm triggermotion detection, video tampering alarm, network disconnected, ip address conflicted, illegal login network storagesupport micro sd/sdhc/sdxc card (128g), local storage and nas (nfs,smb/cifs), anr protocolstcp/ip, icmp, http, https, ftp, dhcp, dns, ddns, rtp, rtsp, rtcp, ntp, upnp™, smtp, igmp, 802265 typemain profile hframe rate50hz: 20fps (2560 × 1440), 25fps (2304 × 1296, 1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720) 60hz: 20fps (2560 × 1440), 30fps (2304 × 1296, 1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720) sub-stream max5 mm coaxial power plug poe (802265+main stream supports video bit rate32 kbps to 8 mbps smart feature-setregion of interest1 fixed region for main stream and sub-stream imageresolution4mp main stream max9 w ingress protection levelip67 materialmetal dimensionsf 105 mm × 2440-44, firefox 30265+ poe osd ip67 slot sd hiwatch hwi-b640h-z 1/3" progressive scan cmos2560 × 1440@20fps20-51 interfacecommunication interface1 rj45 10m/100m self-adaptive ethernet port on-board storagebuilt-in micro sd/sdhc/sdxc card slot, up to 128 gb generaloperating conditions-30 °c to 60 °c (-22 °f to 140 °f), humidity: 95% or less (non-condensing) power supply12 vdc ± 25%, 5264 typebaseline profile/main profile/high profile h1x, qos, ipv6, udp, bonjour general functionone-key reset, anti-flicker, heartbeat, mirror, password protection, privacy mask, watermark apionvif (profile s, profile g), isapi simultaneous live viewup to 6 channels user/hostup to 32 users 3 levels: administrator, operator and user clientivms-4200 web browserie8+, chrome 3111 w; poe: (8023af, class 3) power consumption12 vdc, 08 mm to 12 mm motorized varifocal motozoom lensh6 focusauto angle of viewhorizontal field of view: 98° to 28°, vertical field of view: 51° to 16°, diagonal field of view: 115° to 32° lens mountf14 irir rangeup to 30 m wavelength850 nm compression standardvideo compressionmain stream: h6, agc on) shutter speed1/3 s to 1/100, 000 s, support slow shutter auto-irisno day & nightir cut filter digital noise reduction3d dnr wdr120 db angle adjustmentpan: 0° to 360°, tilt: 0° to 90°, rotation: 0° to 360° lensfocal length28 to 12 mm aperturef1
telecamera ip cam ptz wifi camera dome wireless esterno con pannello solare telecamera di sicurezza wireless al 100% e telecomando: la telecamera di sicurezza esterna ha una batteria integrata ad alta capacità da 14400 mahe il pannello solare può fornire energia solare non-stop per la telecamera di sicurezzala telecamera di sicurezza wireless ti libera da cavi e fastidi e ti consente di installarla o rimuoverla facilmentequesta telecamera di sicurezza wireless incorpora microfono e altoparlante avanzati e con tecnologia anti rumore per una comunicazione vocale chiara tra lapp e il lato telecamera, la telecamera consente di comunicare con gli ospiti benvenuti in qualsiasi momento e ovunquela telecamera ip a batteria ricaricabile può funzionare continuamente senza la necessità di rimuovere la batteria per caricare tramite un pannello solare esternotelecamera di sicurezza per esterni alimentata a batteria solare, 100% wireless e facile da installare, telecamere solide per la sicurezza domestica nel tuo cortilecondizioni operative: resistente agli agenti atmosferici tra -20 + a +55 ℃ / 30% a 80% rh base di montaggio a parete con pannelli solari regolabili e angolazione della telecamerarilevamento avanzato di umanoidi e rilevamento del volto: questa telecamera wifi può identificare persone e veicoli in termini di forma, riducendo al minimo gli allarmi non necessari come animali o ombrela telecamera ptz ad alta velocità , rotazione orizzontale di 330°, velocità di rotazione di 60° / secondo, rotazione verticale di 3° - 90°, velocità di 40° / secondo, ampio campo visivo, nessun punto cieco lasciatovisione notturna a colori - dotato di 4 led a luce bianca e 2 led a infrarossi, consente una visione notturna nitida e colorata fino a 32 piedicontrollo dellapp e messaggio push istantaneo: visualizzazione live, riproduzione dei video nella scheda cloud e micro sd direttamente dallapp, download di video registrati manualmente o video cloud sul telefono facilmenteopzionale per la visione notturna a colori starlight, la visione in bianco e nero nellappdettagli tecnici: campo visivo: pan & til t: 355° orizzontale, 90° verticale e fov 90° angolo dellobiettivo video: 1080p hd, live view, visione notturna colorata con luce spot rilevamento del movimento: rilevamento di umanoidi e rilevamento del viso e portata superiore a 18 piedi audio: forte conversazione bidirezionale con cancellazione del rumore connettività : connessione wi-fi 802pan tilt - amplia la tua visualeil faretto integrato illumina larea circostante e consente di vedere e registrare video con chiarezza di colore anche in condizioni di scarsa illuminazione quando si è in modalità led a luce biancadoppia generazione di energia, più stabile11 b/g/n 2,4 ghz (non supporta 5g 802limpostazione del led a infrarossi è disponibile anche facendo semplicemente clic sullicona del led nella pagina di visualizzazione live tramite lapp, che ti consente di vedere le immagini e i video in bianco e nero per risparmiare energiainstallare laltezza consigliata di 9 piedi circaottieni laccesso remoto ovunque e in qualsiasi momento utilizza lapp gratuita per visualizzare, riprodurre e scaricare i video in qualsiasi momento manualmentesuggerimenti caldi: si prega di caricarlo completamente quando si utilizza la fotocamera per la prima voltainstallazione: tempo medio di installazione 10-15 minuticon lapp sul tuo telefono cellulare, puoi visualizzare o scaricare ciò che accade intorno alla tua casa sempre e ovunquee le immagini ad alta risoluzione 1080p ti fanno non perdere mai nessun dettaglio11 ac wifi) requisiti internet: richiede una velocità di upload minima di 2mbps per prestazioni ottimalisostieni lenergia solare i pannelli solari forniscono energia solare, interni con batterie ricaricabililavoro ininterrotto del pannello solareip67 impermeabilepuoi gestire più videocamere tramite la stessa app o condividerla con 10 personepuoi sapere cosa è successo semplicemente guardando lo schermo del telefonoamplia la tua visuale: puoi facilmente controllare le telecamere di sicurezza per ruotare di 320° in orizzontale e di 90° in verticale per coprire ogni angolo della tua casapuò anche specificare il tipo di rilevamento durante linvio di avvisi di movimentorealizzato in metallo + plastica, combinato con materiale impermeabile ip67, utilizzando lenergia solare, è possibile installarlo ovunque (richiede rete wi-fi), come giardini, fattorie, stradeaudio bidirezionale integrato
16 €
telecamera ip cam ptz wifi camera dome wireless esterno con pannello solare telecamera di sicurezza wireless al 100% e telecomando: la telecamera di sicurezza esterna ha una batteria integrata ad alta capacità da 14400 mahe il pannello solare può fornire energia solare non-stop per la telecamera di sicurezzala telecamera di sicurezza wireless ti libera da cavi e fastidi e ti consente di installarla o rimuoverla facilmentequesta telecamera di sicurezza wireless incorpora microfono e altoparlante avanzati e con tecnologia anti rumore per una comunicazione vocale chiara tra lapp e il lato telecamera, la telecamera consente di comunicare con gli ospiti benvenuti in qualsiasi momento e ovunquela telecamera ip a batteria ricaricabile può funzionare continuamente senza la necessità di rimuovere la batteria per caricare tramite un pannello solare esternotelecamera di sicurezza per esterni alimentata a batteria solare, 100% wireless e facile da installare, telecamere solide per la sicurezza domestica nel tuo cortilecondizioni operative: resistente agli agenti atmosferici tra -20 + a +55 ℃ / 30% a 80% rh base di montaggio a parete con pannelli solari regolabili e angolazione della telecamerarilevamento avanzato di umanoidi e rilevamento del volto: questa telecamera wifi può identificare persone e veicoli in termini di forma, riducendo al minimo gli allarmi non necessari come animali o ombrela telecamera ptz ad alta velocità , rotazione orizzontale di 330°, velocità di rotazione di 60° / secondo, rotazione verticale di 3° - 90°, velocità di 40° / secondo, ampio campo visivo, nessun punto cieco lasciatodoppia generazione di energia, più stabiledettagli tecnici: campo visivo: pan & til t: 355° orizzontale, 90° verticale e fov 90° angolo dellobiettivo video: 1080p hd, live view, visione notturna colorata con luce spot rilevamento del movimento: rilevamento di umanoidi e rilevamento del viso e portata superiore a 18 piedi audio: forte conversazione bidirezionale con cancellazione del rumore connettività : connessione wi-fi 802visione notturna a colori - dotato di 4 led a luce bianca e 2 led a infrarossi, consente una visione notturna nitida e colorata fino a 32 piedipuò anche specificare il tipo di rilevamento durante linvio di avvisi di movimentoinstallazione: tempo medio di installazione 10-15 minuticon lapp sul tuo telefono cellulare, puoi visualizzare o scaricare ciò che accade intorno alla tua casa sempre e ovunquerealizzato in metallo + plastica, combinato con materiale impermeabile ip67, utilizzando lenergia solare, è possibile installarlo ovunque (richiede rete wi-fi), come giardini, fattorie, stradeamplia la tua visuale: puoi facilmente controllare le telecamere di sicurezza per ruotare di 320° in orizzontale e di 90° in verticale per coprire ogni angolo della tua casaip67 impermeabileopzionale per la visione notturna a colori starlight, la visione in bianco e nero nellappil faretto integrato illumina larea circostante e consente di vedere e registrare video con chiarezza di colore anche in condizioni di scarsa illuminazione quando si è in modalità led a luce biancainstallare laltezza consigliata di 9 piedi circapuoi gestire più videocamere tramite la stessa app o condividerla con 10 personeottieni laccesso remoto ovunque e in qualsiasi momento utilizza lapp gratuita per visualizzare, riprodurre e scaricare i video in qualsiasi momento manualmentecontrollo dellapp e messaggio push istantaneo: visualizzazione live, riproduzione dei video nella scheda cloud e micro sd direttamente dallapp, download di video registrati manualmente o video cloud sul telefono facilmente11 ac wifi) requisiti internet: richiede una velocità di upload minima di 2mbps per prestazioni ottimalie le immagini ad alta risoluzione 1080p ti fanno non perdere mai nessun dettagliopuoi sapere cosa è successo semplicemente guardando lo schermo del telefonosuggerimenti caldi: si prega di caricarlo completamente quando si utilizza la fotocamera per la prima volta11 b/g/n 2,4 ghz (non supporta 5g 802sostieni lenergia solare i pannelli solari forniscono energia solare, interni con batterie ricaricabililimpostazione del led a infrarossi è disponibile anche facendo semplicemente clic sullicona del led nella pagina di visualizzazione live tramite lapp, che ti consente di vedere le immagini e i video in bianco e nero per risparmiare energiapan tilt - amplia la tua visualeaudio bidirezionale integratolavoro ininterrotto del pannello solare
123 €
Se la telecamera rileva un movimento, la lampadina si accenderà automaticamentela telecamera invia notifiche tramite lapp quando sono stati rilevati movimentiquesta telecamera wifi interna intelligente consente di monitorare la tua casa da remoto tramite il tuo smartphone/tabletè possibile utilizzare lapp smart me sul tuo telefono/tablet per comunicare con la persona osservata dalla telecameraè inoltre possibile collegare questa telecamera a una lampadina wifi smart me nellapp smart me (creare uno scenario)le immagini possono essere memorizzate sul tuo smartphone o su una scheda sd (non inclusa)tutto ciò che serve è questa telecamera, lapp smart me e una rete wifi stabile
705999984741211 €
12v 170° ccd hd car front view camera front sight cam hd display water proof shockproof telecamera for audi a1 a3 a4 a5
14220000267028809 €
telecamera ip bullet 4k 8mp ottica varifocale motorizzato 29 angle of view h:112°~46°, v:60°~26° focus control motorized close focus distance 07~11mm motorized lens > max ir leds length 60m > ip67, ik10(optional), poe camera image sensor 1/19(color,1/3s,30ire) 0264h/mjpeg(sub stream) smart codec support h264+ streaming capability 2 streams resolution 4k(3840×2160)/6m(3072×2048)/5m(2560×1920)/ 3m(2048x1536)/3m(2304×1296)/ 1080p(1920×1080)/166ft) dori distance lens detect observe recognize identify w 83m(272ft) 33m(108ft) 17m(56ft) 8m(26ft) t 190m(623ft) 76m(249t) 38m(125ft) 19m(62ft) ptz pan/tilt range pan:0° ~360°;tilt:0° ~90°;rotation:0° ~360° intelligence event trigger motion detection, video tampering, scene changing, network disconnection, ip address conflict, illegal access, storage anomaly ivs tripwire, intrusion video compression h9(ir on) s/n ratio more than 50db ir distance distance up to 60m(197ft) ir on/off control auto/ manual ir leds 4 lens lens type motorized mount type board-in focal length 38" 8megapixel progressive cmos > h5mm poe ip67 dahua dh-ipc-hfw2831t-zs-s2 > 1/13m(1280x960)/ 720p(1280×720)/d1(704×576/704×480) /vga(640×480)/cif(352×288/352×240) frame rate main stream: 4k (1~25/30fps) sub stream: d1(1~25/30fps) bit rate control cbr/vbr bit rate h264 dual-stream encoding > 25/30fps@8mp(3840×2160) > wdr(120db), day/night(icr), 3dnr, awb, agc, blc > multiple network monitoring: web viewer, cms(dss/pss) & dmss > micro sd card slot, up to 128gb > 3user access 10 users / 20 users edge storage nas local pc for instant recording micro sd card 128gb web viewer ie, chrome, firefox, safari management software smart pss, dss, dmss smart phone ios, android certifications certifications ce (en 60950:2000) ul:ul60950-1 fcc: fcc part 15 subpart b interface video interface n/a audio interface n/a rs485 n/a alarm n/a electrical power supply dc12v poe (8023af)(class 0) power consumption1x;multicast;icmp;igmp;tls;nfs;ssh interoperability onvif, psia, cgi streaming method unicast / multicast max264: 32kbps~8192kbps h9color,1/30s,30ire) 0lux/f1265: 16kbps~8192kbps day/night auto(icr) / color / b/w blc mode blc / hlc / wdr(120db) white balance auto/natural/street lamp/outdoor/manual gain control auto/manual noise reduction 3d dnr motion detetion off / on (4 zone, rectangle) region of interest off / on (4 zone) electronic image stabilization(eis) n/a smart ir support digital zoom 16x flip 0°/90°/180°/270° mirror off / on privacy masking off / on (4 area, rectangle) audio compression n/a network ethernet rj-45 (10/100base-t) protocol http;https;tcp;arp;rtsp;rtp;rtcp;udp;smtp; ftp;dhcp;dns;ddns;pppoe;ipv4/v6;qos;upnp; ntp;bonjour;ieee 8028" 8megapixel progressive cmos effective pixels 3840(h) x2160(v) ram/rom 512mb/128mb scanning system progressive electronic shutter speed auto/manual, 1/3~1/100000s minimum illumination 0
0 angle of view 2telecamera analogica bullet 4k 8mp ottica fissa 26mm;6mm optional) > maxir length 30m, smart ir > ip67, 12v±30%dc camera image sensor 1/23° (diagonal×horizontal×vertical) iris type fixed iris close focus distance 1m/143ft) ir on/off control auto/manual ir leds 1 pan/tilt/rotation range pan: 0°-360° tilt: 0°-180° rotation: 0°-360° lens lens type fixed-focal mount type m12 focal length 28mm: 125°×105°×56° (diagonal×horizontal×vertical) 34-2014) ul (ul60950-1+can/csa c2281ft) dori distance lens detect observe recognize identify 260950-1) port video port video output choices of cvi/tvi/ahd/cvbs by one bnc port power power supply 12v±30% dc power consumption max 50, 30ire, 0lux ir on ir distance distance up to 30m (984k resolution > cvi/cvbs/ahd/tvi switchable > fixed lens (22w (12v dc, ir on) environment operating temperature -40°c to +60°c (-40°f to 140°f)8mm hdcvi ir ip67 12v dahua dh-hac-hfw1801t > 120db true wdr, 3dnr > max7 inch cmos effective pixels 3840 (h)×2160 (v), 4k electronic shutter speed pal: 1/3s-1/100000s ntsc: 1/4s-1/100000s minimum illumination 06mm: 104°×87°×47° (diagonal×horizontal×vertical) 6mm: 628mm 75m(246ft) 30m(98ft) 15m(49ft) 8m(26ft) 36mm 107m(351ft) 43m(141ft) 21m(69ft) 11m(36ft) 6mm 160m(525ft) 64m(210ft) 32m(105ft) 16m(52ft) video video frame rate cvi: 4k@15fps; 5m@20fps; 4m@25fps/30fps cvbs: pal/ntsc ahd: 4k@15fps; 5m@20fps; 4m@25fps/30fps tvi: 4k@15fps; 5m@20fps; 4m@25fps/30fps resolution 4k (3840×2160); 5m (2592×1944); 4m (2560×1440); 960h (960× 576/960×480) day/night auto switch by icr blc blc/hlc/wdr wdr 120db/wdr white balance auto; manual gain control auto; manual noise reduction 2d&3d nr smart ir yes electronic defog yes digital zoom 4x mirror off/on privacy masking off/on (8 area, rectangle) certifications certifications ce (en55032, en55024, en50130-4) fcc (cfr 47 fcc part 15 subpartb, ansi c63
telecamera analogica bullet 4k 8mp ottica varifocale 27 angle of view horizontal: 105°-33° vertical: 56°-18° diagonal: 126°-38° iris type fixed iris auto focus yes close focus distance 0risoluzione 4k > cvi/cvbs/ahd/tvi commutabile > auto focus, ottica motorizzata 285ft) ir on/off control auto;manual ir led number 4 pan/tilt/rotation range pan: 0°-360° tilt: 0°-90° rotation: 0°-360° lens lens type motorized vari-focal mount type f14 focal length 24-2014) ul (ul60950-1+can/csa c2262ft) dori distance lens detect observe recognize identify wide-angle 90m (295ft) 36m (118ft) 18m (59ft) 9m (30ft) telephoto 264m (866ft) 106m (348ft) 53m (174ft) 26m (85ft) video video frame rate cvi: 4k@15fps; 5m@20fps; 4m@25fps/30fps cvbs: pal/ntsc ahd: 4k@15fps; 5m@20fps; 4m@25fps/30fps tvi: 4k@15fps; 5m@20fps; 4m@25fps/30fps resolution 4k (3840×2160); 5m (2592×1944); 4m (2560×1440); 960h (960× 576/960×480) day/night auto switch by icr blc blc/hlc/wdr wdr 120db/wdr white balance auto; manual gain control auto; manual noise reduction 2d&3d nr smart ir yes electronic defog yes digital zoom 4x mirror off/on privacy masking off/on (8 area, rectangle) certifications certifications ce (en55032, en55024, en50130-4) fcc (cfr 47 fcc part 15 subpartb, ansi c635mm motorizzata ip67 12v dahua dh-hac-hfw1801r-z-ire6 > 120db true wdr, 3dnr > max5mm > microfono integrato > max7, 30ire, 0lux ir on ir distance distance up to 60m (196portata ir 60m, smart ir > ip67, 12v dc ±30% camera image sensor 1/27 inch cmos effective pixels 3840 (h)×2160 (v), 4k electronic shutter speed pal: 1/3s-1/100000s ntsc: 1/4s-1/100000s minimum illumination 060950-1) port audio port one channel built-in mic (-a) video port video output choices of cvi/tvi/ahd/cvbs by one bnc port power power supply 12v ±30% dc power consumption max 11w (12v dc, ir on) environment operating temperature -30°c to +60°c (-22°f to 140°f)
telecamera ip dome 4k 8mp ottica varifocale 25 field of view horizontal: 113°-31° vertical: 58°-17° diagonal: 138°-36° iris type fixed close focus distance 0265: 12 kbps-8192 kbps day/night auto(icr)/color/b/w blc yes hlc yes wdr 120 db white balance auto/natural/street lamp/outdoor/manual/regional custom gain control auto/manual noise reduction 3d nr motion detection off/on (4 areas, rectangular) region of interest(roi) yes (4 areas) smart illumination yes image rotation 0°/90°/180°/270° (supports 90°/270° with 3840 × 2160 resolution and lower264: 32 kbps-8192 kbps h256 gb); nas browser ie chrome firefox management software smart pss; dss; dmss mobile phone ios; android certification certifications ce-lvd: en62368-1 ce-emc: electromagnetic compatibility directive 2014/30/eu fcc: 47 cfr fcc part 15, subpart b ul/cul: ul60950-1 can/csa c226 ft) 112 m (367256 gb micro sd card > 12v dc/poe power supply > ip67, ik10 protection camera image sensor 1/21x; trusted boot; trusted execution; trusted upgrade protocol ipv4; ipv6; http; tcp; udp; arp; rtp; rtsp; rtcp; rtmp; smtp; ftp; sftp; dhcp; dns; ddns; qos; upnp; ntp; multicast; icmp; igmp; nfs; pppoe; bonjour interoperability onvif (profile s/profile g/profile t); cgi; p2p; milestone; genetec user/host 20 storage ftp; sftp; micro sd card (support maxresolution 3840 (h) × 2160 (v) rom 128 mb ram 256 mb scanning system progressive electronic shutter speed auto/manual 1/3 s-1/100,000 s min62 ft) dori distance lens detect observe recognize identify w 857" 8megapixel progressive cmos max8mp (3840 × 2160) @15 fps, and supports 2688×1520 (2688 × 1520) @25/30 fps > h9 ft) t 280 m (9187" cmos image sensor, low illuminance, high image definition > outputs max265+, flexible coding, applicable to various bandwidth and storage environments > rotation mode, wdr, 3d nr, hlc, blc, digital watermarking, applicable to various monitoring scenes > intelligent detection: intrusion, tripwire > abnormality detection: motion detection, video tampering, no sd card, sd card full, sd card error, network disconnection, ip conflict, illegal access, voltage detection > supports max9 ft) smart event ivs tripwire; intrusion video video compression h264+ video frame rate main stream: 3840 × 2160 (1 fps-15 fps) 2688 × 1520 (1 fps-25/30 fps) sub stream: 704 × 576 (1 fps-25 fps) 704 × 480 (1 fps-30 fps) stream capability 2 streams resolution 3840 × 2160 (3840 × 2160); 3072 × 2048 (3072 × 2048); 3072 ×1728 (3072 × 1728); 2592 × 1944 (2592 × 1944); 2688 × 1520 (2688 × 1520); 3m (2048 × 1536); 2304 × 1296 (2304 × 1296); 1080p (1920 × 1080); 13m (1280 × 960); 720p (1280 × 720); d1 (704 × 576/704 × 480); vga (640 × 480); cif (352 × 288/352 × 240) bit rate control cbr/vbr video bit rate h509 certification; syslog; https; 8023af) power consumption < 7265 codec, high compression rate, ultra-low bit rate > built-in ir led, max ir distance: 40 m > roi, smart h2 ft) illuminator on/off control auto/manual illuminator number 2 (ir led) pan/tilt/rotation range pan: 0°-355° tilt: 0°-67° rotation: 0°-355° lens lens type motorized vari-focal mount type f14 focal length 260950-1-07 power power supply 12v dc/poe (802264b; mjpeg (only supported by the sub stream) smart codec smart h) mirror yes privacy masking 4 areas alarm alarm event no sd card; sd card full; sd card error; network disconnection; ip conflict; motion detection; video tampering; tripwire; intrusion; illegal access; voltage detection; safety exception network network rj-45 (10/100 base-t) sdk and api yes cyber security video encryption; firmware encryption; configuration encryption; digest; wsse; account lockout; security logs; ip/mac filtering; generation and importing of x5 s/n ratio >56 db illumination distance 40 m (1315mm poe ip67 ik10 dahua dh-ipc-hdbw2831r-zs-s2 > 8mp, 1/24w environment operating conditions -30°c to +60°c (-22°f to +1
6 angle of view h: 86telecamera analogica bullet 1080p 2mp starlight ottica fissa 3the dori distance is calculated based on sensor specification and lab test result according to en 62676-4 which defines the criteria for detect, observe, recognize and identify respectively4-2014) ul (ul60950-1+can/csa c226mm fixed lens > max8mm: 39m(127ft) 36mm: 11m(36ft) 6mm: 17m(54ft) identify 250ppm (76px/ft) 26mm ip67 dc12v hdcvi smart ir carcassa plastica dahua hac-hfw1230tlp > starlight > max60950-1) interface audio interface n/a eelectrical power supply 12v dc ±30% power consumption max 36mm: 6m(18ft) 6mm: 8m(27ft) pan / tilt / rotation pan/tilt/rotation pan: 0° ~ 360° tilt: 0° ~ 90° rotation: 0° ~ 360° video resolution 1080p (1920×1080) frame rate 25/30fps@1080p, 25/30/50/60fps@720p video output 1-channel bnc high definition video output / cvbs video output (can switch) day/night auto (icr) / manual osd menu multi-language blc mode blc / hlc / dwdr wdr dwdr gain control agc noise reduction 2d white balance auto / manual smart ir auto / manual certifications certifications ce (en55032, en55024, en50130-4) fcc (cfr 47 fcc part 15 subpartb, ansi c635) dori distance note: the dori distance is a "general proximity" of distance which makes it easy to pinpoint the right camera for your needs30fps@1080p > hd and sd output switchable > 36mm: 55m(181ft) 6mm: 83m(272ft) observe 63px/m (19px/ft) 28mm: 15m(51ft) 36, 30ire, 0lux ir on s/n ratio more than 65db ir distance up to 40m (131feet) ir on/off control auto / manual ir leds 2 lens lens type fixed lens / fixed iris mount type board-in focal length 38" cmos effective pixels 1920(h)×1080(v), 2mp scanning system progressive electronic shutter speed pal: 1/25~1/100000s ntsc: 1/30~1/100000s minimum illumination 0dori definition distance detect 25px/m (8px/ft) 20w (12v dc, ir on) environmental operating conditions -40°c ~ +60°c (-40°f ~ +140°f) / less than 90% rh * start up should be done at above -40°c (-40°f) storage conditions -40°c ~ +60°c (-40°f ~ +140°f) / less than 90% rh ingress protection & vandal resistance ip67 construction casing plastic dimensions 1986mm: 22m(73ft) 6mm:33m(109ft) recognize 125px/m (38px/ft) 29°) focus control n/a close focus distance 1200mm (600mm/2400mm) 47ir length 40m, smart ir > ip67, dc12v camera image sensor 1/200") net weight 049lb) gross weight 08mm, 6mm optional) max aperture f1
0 angle of view 2telecamera analogica dome 4k 8mp ottica fissa 230pfs@4mp > hd and sd output switchable > 26mm: 104°×87°×47° (diagonal×horizontal×vertical) iris type fixed iris close focus distance 1m/1ir length 30m, smart ir > ip67, dc12v camera image sensor 1/28mm: 125°×105°×56° (diagonal×horizontal×vertical) 34-2014) ul (ul60950-1+can/csa c2291ft) dori distance lens detect observe recognize identify 20, 30ire, 0lux ir on ir distance distance up to 30m (988mm 75m (246ft) 30m (98ft) 15m (49ft) 8m (26ft) 360950-1) port video port video output choices of cvi/tvi/ahd/cvbs by one bnc port audio port built-in mic (-a) power power supply 12v±30% dc power consumption max 52w (12v dc, ir on) environment operating temperature -40°c to +60°c (-40°f to 140°f)8mm fixed lens > max7 inch cmos effective pixels 3840 (h)×2160 (v), 4k electronic shutter speed pal: 1/3s-1/100000s ntsc: 1/4s-1/100000s minimum illumination 08mm hdcvi ir eyeball ip67 dc12v dahua hac-hdw1801tl > max6mm 146m (351ft) 58m (141ft) 29m (69ft) 15m (36ft) video video frame rate cvi: 4k@15fps; 5m@20fps; 4m@25fps/30fps cvbs: pal/ntsc ahd: 4k@15fps; 5m@20fps; 4m@25fps/30fps tvi: 4k@15fps; 5m@20fps; 4m@25fps/30fps resolution 4k (3840×2160); 5m (2592×1944); 4m (2560×1440); 960h (960× 576/960×480) day/night auto switch by icr blc blc/hlc/wdr wdr 120db/wdr white balance auto; manual gain control auto; manual noise reduction 2d&3d nr smart ir yes electronic defog yes digital zoom 4x mirror off/on privacy masking off/on (8 area, rectangle) certifications certifications ce (en55032, en55024, en50130-4) fcc (cfr 47 fcc part 15 subpartb, ansi c6343ft) ir on/off control auto/manual ir leds 1 pan/tilt/rotation range pan: 0°-360° tilt: 0°-78° rotation: 0°-360° lens lens type fixed-focal mount type m12 focal length 2
telecamera analogica bullet 1440p 4mp ottica varifocale motorizzato 28 angle of view h: 92°~29° v: 49°~16° focus control motorized auto focus n/a close focus distance 800mm 3121lb) gross weight 07-12mm motorized motozoom lens > max8, 30ire, 0lux ir on s/n ratio more than 65db ir distance up to 60m (197feet) ir on/off control auto / manual ir leds 4 lens lens type motorized lens / fixed iris mount type board-in focal length 2the dori distance is calculated based on sensor specification and lab test result according to en 62676-4 which defines the criteria for detect, observe, recognize and identify respectively60950-1) interface audio interface n/a eelectrical power supply 12v dc ±30% power consumption max 115w (12v dc, ir on) environmental operating conditions -30°c ~ +60°c (-22°f ~ +140°f) / less than 95% rh * start up should be done at above -30°c (-22°f) storage conditions -30°c ~ +60°c (-22°f ~ +140°f) / less than 95% rh ingress protection & vandal resistance ip67 construction casing plastica dimensions 2097-12mm ip67 dc12v hdcvi smart ir carcassa plastica dahua hac-hfw1400rp-z-ire6 > max 30fps@4mp > hd and sd output switchable > 250 dori distance note: the dori distance is a "general proximity" of distance which makes it easy to pinpoint the right camera for your needs4-2014) ul (ul60950-1+can/csa c2256") net weight 07" cmos effective pixels 2560(h)×1440(v), 4mp scanning system progressive electronic shutter speed pal: 1/25~1/100000s ntsc: 1/30~1/100000s minimum illumination 0dori definition distance wide tele detect 25px/m (8px/ft) 67m(220ft) 198m(650ft) observe 63px/m (19px/ft) 27m(89ft) 79m(259ft) recognize 125px/m (38px/ft) 13m(43ft) 39m(128ft) identify 250px/m (76px/ft) 7m(22ft) 19m(62ft) pan / tilt / rotation pan/tilt/rotation pan: 0° ~ 360° tilt: 0° ~ 87° rotation: 0° ~ 360° video resolution 4mp (2560×1440) frame rate 25/30fps@4mp, 25/30fps@1080p video output 1-channel bnc high definition video output / cvbs video output (can switch) day/night auto (icr) / manual osd menu multi-language blc mode blc / hlc / dwdr wdr dwdr gain control agc noise reduction 2d white balance auto / manual smart ir auto / manual certifications certifications ce (en55032, en55024, en50130-4) fcc (cfr 47 fcc part 15 subpartb, ansi c63ir length 60m, smart ir > ip67, dc12v camera image sensor 1/27-12mm max aperture f1
85 angle of view h: 87telecamera analogica bullet 1080p 2mp ottica fissa 285") net weight 07" cmos effective pixels 1920(h)×1080(v), 2mp scanning system progressive electronic shutter speed pal: 1/25~1/100000s ntsc: 1/30~1/100000s minimum illumination 0the dori distance is calculated based on sensor specification and lab test result according to en 62676-4 which defines the criteria for detect, observe, recognize and identify respectively4-2014) ul (ul60950-1+can/csa c226w (12v dc, ir on) environmental operating conditions -40°c ~ +60°c (-40°f ~ +140°f) / less than 95% rh * start up should be done at above -40°c (-40°f) storage conditions -40°c ~ +60°c (-40°f ~ +140°f) / less than 95% rh ingress protection & vandal resistance ip67 construction casing plastica dimensions 176mm×7285, 30ire, 0lux ir on s/n ratio more than 65db ir distance up to 30m (98feet) ir on/off control auto / manual ir leds 1 lens lens type fixed lens / fixed iris mount type board-in focal length 38mm: 37m(122ft) 379lb) gross weight 08mm fixed lens > max6mm: 21m(70ft) 6mm: 32m(105ft) recognize 125px/m (38px/ft) 26mm: 53m(175ft) 6mm: 80m(262ft) observe 63px/m (19px/ft) 27°) focus control n/a close focus distance 500mm (900mm, 2000mm) 198mm: 15m(49ft) 3ir length 30m, smart ir > ip67, dc12v camera image sensor 1/260950-1) interface audio interface n/a eelectrical power supply 12v dc ±30% power consumption max 374) dori distance note: the dori distance is a "general proximity" of distance which makes it easy to pinpoint the right camera for your needs8mm ip67 dc12v hdcvi smart ir carcassa plastica dahua hac-hfw1200tp > max 30fps@1080p > hd and sd output switchable > 26mm: 11m(35ft) 6mm: 16m(52ft) identify 250ppm (76px/ft) 2dori definition distance detect 25px/m (8px/ft) 26mm: 5m(17ft) 6mm: 8m(26ft) pan / tilt / rotation pan/tilt/rotation pan: 0° ~ 360° tilt: 0° ~ 90° rotation: 0° ~ 360° video resolution 1080p (1920×1080) frame rate 25/30fps@1080p, 25/30/50/60fps@720p video output 1-channel bnc high definition video output / cvbs video output (can switch) day/night auto (icr) / manual osd menu multi-language blc mode blc / hlc / dwdr wdr dwdr gain control agc noise reduction 2d white balance auto / manual smart ir auto / manual certifications certifications ce (en55032, en55024, en50130-4) fcc (cfr 47 fcc part 15 subpartb, ansi c638mm, 6mm optional) max aperture f1
telecamera analogica dome 1440p 4mp ottica varifocale motorizzato 28 angle of view h: 92°~29° v: 49°~16° focus control motorized auto focus n/a close focus distance 800mm 31the dori distance is calculated based on sensor specification and lab test result according to en 62676-4 which defines the criteria for detect, observe, recognize and identify respectivelydori definition distance wide tele detect 25px/m (8px/ft) 67m(220ft) 198m(650ft) observe 63px/m (19px/ft) 27m(89ft) 79m(259ft) recognize 125px/m (38px/ft) 13m(43ft) 39m(128ft) identify 250px/m (76px/ft) 7m(22ft) 19m(62ft) pan / tilt / rotation pan/tilt/rotation pan: 0° ~ 355° tilt: 0° ~ 75° rotation: 0° ~ 355° video resolution 4mp (2560×1440) frame rate 25/30fps@4mp, 25/30fps@1080p video output 1-channel bnc high definition video output / cvbs video output (can switch) day/night auto (icr) / manual osd menu multi-language blc mode blc / hlc / dwdr wdr dwdr gain control agc noise reduction 2d white balance auto / manual smart ir auto / manual certifications certifications ce (en55032, en55024, en50130-4) fcc (cfr 47 fcc part 15 subpartb, ansi c6360950-1) interface audio interface n/a eelectrical power supply 12v dc ±30% power consumption max 7w (12v dc, ir on) environmental operating conditions -30°c ~ +60°c (-22°f ~ +140°f) / less than 95% rh * start up should be done at above -30°c (-22°f) storage conditions -30°c ~ +60°c (-22°f ~ +140°f) / less than 95% rh ingress protection & vandal resistance ip67 & ik10 construction casing plastica dimensions f122mm×884-2014) ul (ul60950-1+can/csa c2250 dori distance note: the dori distance is a "general proximity" of distance which makes it easy to pinpoint the right camera for your needsir length 30m, smart ir > ip67, ik10, dc12v camera image sensor 1/25") net weight 004lb) gross weight 07" cmos effective pixels 2560(h)×1440(v), 4mp scanning system progressive electronic shutter speed pal: 1/25~1/100000s ntsc: 1/30~1/100000s minimum illumination 07-12mm ip67 ik10 dc12v hdcvi smart ir carcassa plastica dahua hac-hdbw1400rp-z > max 30fps@4mp > hd and sd output switchable > 28, 30ire, 0lux ir on s/n ratio more than 65db ir distance up to 30m (98feet) ir on/off control auto / manual ir leds 2 lens lens type motorized lens / fixed iris mount type board-in focal length 27-12mm motorized motozoom lens > max7-12mm max aperture f1
0 angle of view h: 89telecamera analogica bullet 1080p 2mp full color starlight 120db true wdr 3dnr ottica fissa 34w (12v dc) environmental operating conditions -40°c ~ +60°c (-40°f ~ +140°f) / less than 90% rh * start up should be done at above -40°c (-40°f) storage conditions -40°c ~ +60°c (-40°f ~ +140°f) / less than 90% rh ingress protection & vandal resistance ip67 construction casing plastica dimensions 179the dori distance is calculated based on sensor specification and lab test result according to en 62676-4 which defines the criteria for detect, observe, recognize and identify respectively8" cmos effective pixels 1920(h)×1080(v), 2mp scanning system progressive electronic shutter speed pal: 1/4s~1/100,000s ntsc: 1/3s~1/100,000s minimum illumination 04-2014) ul (ul60950-1+can/csa c228°) focus control n/a close focus distance 1600mm (3500mm) 63 (138") dori distance note: the dori distance is a "general proximity" of distance which makes it easy to pinpoint the right camera for your needs79lb) gross weight 076") net weight 0dori definition distance detect 25px/m (8px/ft) 36mm: 21m(69ft) 6mm: 33m(108ft) recognize 125px/m (38px/ft) 360950-1) interface audio interface 1ch in & built-in mic eelectrical power supply 12v dc ±30% power consumption max6mm: 11m(36ft) 6mm: 17m(56ft) identify 250px/m (76px/ft) 36mm (6mm optional) max aperture f130fps@1080p > hd/sd output switchable > audio in interface, built-in microphone > 36mm fixed lens > ip67, dc12v±30% camera image sensor 1/26mm: 5m(16ft) 6mm: 8m(26ft) pan / tilt / rotation pan/tilt/rotation pan: 0° ~ 360° tilt: 0° ~ 90° rotation: 0° ~ 360° video resolution 1080p (1920×1080) frame rate 25/30fps@1080p, 25/30/50/60fps@720p video output 1-channel bnc high definition video output / cvbs video output (dip switch) day/night color osd menu multi-language blc mode blc / hlc / wdr wdr 120db gain control agc noise reduction 2d/3d white balance auto / manual smart ir n/a certifications certifications ce (en55032, en55024, en50130-4) fcc (cfr 47 fcc part 15 subpartb, ansi c636mm ip67 dc12v hdcvi carcassa plastica dahua hac-hfw2249ep-a > full-color starlight > 120db true wdr, 3dnr > max0 s/n ratio more than 65db ir distance n/a ir on/off control n/a ir leds n/a lens lens type fixed lens / fixed iris mount type board-in focal length 36mm: 53m(174ft) 6mm: 83m(272ft) observe 63px/m (19px/ft) 39mm×70mm×70mm (7
85 angle of view h: 87telecamera analogica dome 1080p 2mp ottica fissa 27" cmos effective pixels 1920(h)×1080(v), 2mp scanning system progressive electronic shutter speed pal: 1/25~1/100000s ntsc: 1/30~1/100000s minimum illumination 0the dori distance is calculated based on sensor specification and lab test result according to en 62676-4 which defines the criteria for detect, observe, recognize and identify respectively6mm: 53m(175ft) observe 63px/m (19px/ft) 24-2014) ul (ul60950-1+can/csa c228mm: 37m(122ft) 38mm ip67 dc12v hdcvi smart ir carcassa plastica dahua hac-hdw1200rp > max 30fps@1080p > hd and sd outputswitchable > 28mm fixed lens > max43") dori distance note: the dori distance is a "general proximity" of distance which makes it easy to pinpoint the right camera for your needs8mm: 15m(49ft) 36mm: 11m(35ft) identify 250ppm (76px/ft) 23w (12v dc, ir on) environmental operating conditions -40°c ~ +60°c (-40°f ~ +140°f) / less than 95% rh * start up should be done at above -40°c (-40°f) storage conditions -40°c ~ +60°c (-40°f ~ +140°f) / less than 95% rh ingress protection & vandal resistance na construction casing plastic dimensions f856mm: 5m(17ft) pan/tilt/rotation pan/tilt/rotation pan: 0° ~ 360° tilt: 0° ~ 78° rotation: 0° ~ 360° video resolution 1080p (1920×1080) frame rate 25/30fps@1080p, 25/30/50/60fps@720p video output 1-channel bnc high definition video output / cvbs video output (can switch) day/night auto (icr) / manual osd menu multi-language blc mode blc / hlc / dwdr wdr dwdr gain control agc noise reduction 2d white balance auto / manual smart ir auto / manual certifications certifications ce (en55032, en55024, en50130-4) fcc (cfr 47 fcc part 15 subpartb, ansi c6360950-1) interface audio interface n/a eelectrical power supply 12v dc ±30% power consumption max 328lb) gross weight 0ir length 20m, smart ir > dc12v camera image sensor 1/2dori definition distance detect 25px/m (8px/ft) 28mm optional) max aperture f172") net weight 085, 30ire, 0lux ir on s/n ratio more than 65db ir distance up to 20m (66feet) ir on/off control auto / manual ir leds 12 lens lens type fixed lens / fixed iris mount type board-in focal length 35° (103°) focus control n/a close focus distance 500mm (900mm) 196mm: 21m(70ft) recognize 125px/m (38px/ft) 2