Scientist healthcare
Elenco scientist healthcare
About the company: per una realtà it technology di roma che opera nel settore insurance, i nostri recruitment engineer ricercano un senior data scientist core responsibilities: lavorare con i diversi stakeholder all’interno della compagnia e identificare in ambito analytics le opportunità di sviluppo, di estrazione di valore dai dati e di indirizzamento delle soluzioni di business analizzare dati, ideare e addestrare modelli basati su machine learning ottimizzare le performance attese dei modelli creati e individuare le potenzialità delle fonti dati a disposizione coordinarsi con gli altri team del gruppo per mettere a terra in maniera funzionale ed efficace i modelli prodotti ideare e sviluppare dashboard e tool di monitoraggio dell’andamento delle performance dei modelli seguire e affiancare i colleghi data scientist junior must have: laurea in materia scientifica (fisica, matematica, ingegneria, informatica, etc) esperienza di almeno 3-4 in ambito data science (un eventuale dottorato di ricerca verrà considerato adeguatamente qualora congruo come argomenti e contenuti) forte predisposizione al problem solving ed esperienza in analisi dati esperienza di utilizzo di linguaggi di programmazione statistica (r, python, etc) per la manipolazione dei dati profonda conoscenza di algoritmi di machine learning, deep learning, clustering e modelli predittivi comprovata conoscenza dei principali database relazionali e nontechyon: information technology recruitment experts | head hunter techyon è il primo head hunter esclusivamente specializzato nella ricerca e selezione di professionisti e manager nel segmento information technologyi nostri recruitment engineer selezionano i migliori profili it per prestigiose società di consulenza informatica, banche, aziende di servizi, gruppi manifatturieri, start-up di eccellenza e digital dna companycomprovata esperienza di ideazione e sviluppo di soluzioni analitiche buone capacità comunicative scritte e orali conoscenza della lingua inglese nice to have: dottorato di ricerca in materie quantitative competenze su architetture big data e relativi linguaggi di programmazione conoscenza di java location: roma (zona eur)
About the company: per un’importante realtà internazionale in ambito banking i nostri recruitment engineer ricerca un data scientisttechyon: information technology recruitment experts | head hunter techyon è il primo head hunter esclusivamente specializzato nella ricerca e selezione di professionisti senior e manager nel segmento information technologymust have: laurea in ingegneria informatica o indirizzo equivalente; modellazione e gestione dei dati; interrogazione dei dati (utilizzando sql); conoscenza dei tool di bi – businessobjects lumira, explorer, analyzer; progettazione di reportistica bicore responsibilities: progettare e fornire analisi e report di dati da fonti di diversi paesi; raccogliere, analizzare e definire i requisiti di business, trasformarli in documenti di progettazione funzionale; definire l'architettura dei sistemi di raccolta dati e le interfaccecapacità di team workinglocation: parmaesperienza pregressa nel ruolo di almeno 2 anniconoscenza della lingua inglesei nostri recruitment engineer selezionano i migliori profili it per prestigiose società di consulenza informatica, banche, aziende di servizi, gruppi manifatturieri, start-up di eccellenza e digital dna companynice to have: doti comunicative
About the company: para empresa francesa lider, dedicada a healthcare technologies security solutions nuestros recruitment engineer se encuentran en la búsqueda de un cyber business development representativecore responsibilities: presentar nuestra empresa y las soluciones de seguridad de healthcare technologies a los clientes potenciales buscar proactivamente nuevas oportunidades de negocio calificar a los clientes potenciales de las campañas y herramientas de marketing como oportunidades de ventasnice to have: nivel de inglés o francesexperiencia con software crm (por ejemplo, salesforce) excelente habilidad de comunicación y negociaciónfurther information: modalidad de trabajo hibridamust have: experiencia laboral comprobable como representante de desarrollo de negocios, ejecutivo de cuentas de ventas o papel similar en ciberseguridad, ti sanitaria o biomédica sanitariaponerse en contacto con prospectos a través de llamadas en frío y correos electrónicos buscar proactivamente nuevas oportunidades de negociocapacidad para ofrecer presentaciones atractivasgran atención al detalle, facultad de análisis y buenas capacidades comunicativaslocation: madridexperiencia y conocimiento del ámbito it y sanidadnuestros recruitment engineer seleccionan los mejores perfiles it para prestigiosas empresas de consultoría, bancos, empresas de servicios, grupos de fabricación, start-ups y empresas de digital dna companytechyon: information technology recruitment experts | head hunter techyon es el head hunter europeo exclusivamente especializado en la búsqueda y selección de profesionales y directivos en el segmento de information technology
Start up fintech dedicata alla erogazione di servizi di pagamento e di moneta elettronica contribuire alla progettazione e allo sviluppo di nuovi prodotti data driven, in collaborazione con i manager e altri data scientist dell’area e con altri colleghi contribuire alla progettazione del data lake supportare i data engineer nell’implementazione di pipeline di dati e di ap sviluppare algoritmi e modelli statistici, sia tradizionali che avanzati spiegare e sintetizzare modelli sofisticati e concetti complessi ad un pubblico sia tecnico che non tecnico laurea in ambiti quantitativi (economia, statistica, informatica, ingegneria, matematica, fisica) almeno 3 anni di esperienza in ruolo analogo; costituisce requisito altamente preferenziale aver maturato esperienza in settore payment industry/bancario approccio data-driven e mentalità analitica conoscenza dei database e dei linguaggi di manipolazione dati (sql) capacità di rappresentare intuizioni in una dashboard conoscenza della piattaforma tableau forti capacità di problem-solving attenzione ai dettagli e capacità di lavorare sotto pressione e in autonomia buona padronanza della lingua inglese
· esperienza di almeno 2 anni nel ruolo di data scientist; · conoscenza di tool it, piattaforme e linguaggi di programmazione; · laurea in discipline scientifiche (matematica, statistica, informatica, ingegneria); · buona predisposizione personale al trattamento costante, preciso e ordinato di elevate quantità di dati come anche all’analisi numerica; · capacità a lavorare per obiettivi e sapersi mettere in gioco con passione; · spiccate capacità analitiche e attitudine al problem solving; autonomia organizzativa, intraprendenza e creatività· comprendere, discutere e consolidare i requisiti espressi dai clienti per un corretto processo di traduzione degli stessi in soluzioni utili; · verificare la disponibilità dei dati e la loro completezza e chiarezza; · comprendere le informazioni disponibili attraverso metodi statistici di analisi descrittiva, al fine di individuarne correlazioni e pattern interpretativi, particolari trend o modelli ricorrenti; · comunicare con chiarezza i risultati delle proprie analisi tramite documenti scritti e attraverso l'uso ed il supporto di strumenti di data visualization; · sviluppo di algoritmi di ai e machine learning
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Conoscenza di strumenti e framework big data (hadoop, spark, …)opportunità di carriera e crescita internazionalepausa con frutta sana, bevande e caffè (quando lavori dall'ufficio)avrai mano libera nel tuo lavoro, pur avendo il supporto di un team affiatato di data engineerscreerai solidi flussi di lavoro per addestrare, valutare e distribuire algoritmi di machine learning su larga scalaticket restaurant (anche se lavori da remoto)1 in italia che permette di comprare e vendere online in completa sicurezza grazie alla protezione acquisti, ricerca una risorsa come data engineer, appartenente alle categorie protette (ll'esperienza precedente con kafka è un vantaggiobenefits: gift card da 300€ per la tua postazione remotaottima conoscenza di almeno un linguaggio di programmazione tra scala e pythonesperienza con strumenti ci/cd (jenkins, travis, argo cd, terraformlavora con tecnologie e risorse all'avanguardial'esperienza di ml ops è un vantaggioriposati dopo una lunga giornata di lavoro giocando a biliardino o a ping pong con i tuoi colleghibuon livello di conoscenza della lingua inglese (b2/c1)sarai responsabile dell'espansione e dell'ottimizzazione dell' architettura dati (condutture e operazioni ml), supportando data scientist, analisti di dati e ingegneri software con architetture e servizi di consegna dati ottimalicomprensione dei modelli di dati (data warehouse, data lake o qualsiasi loro versione più recente)collaborazione impegnativa con team globaliconoscenza degli strumenti di gestione delle pipeline e dei flussi di lavoro (airflow, argo workflows, …)area relax con ping-pong e biliardino, ovviamentebudget personale di formazione per partecipare a conferenze ed eventigiornata tipica in azienda: progetterai set di dati complessi per supportare l'evoluzione di subito attraverso i datiremunerazione totale competitiva4+ anni di esperienza nell'ingegneria dei dati o in campi correlatipiano sanitario, piano di welfare e iniziative per il benesseretipologia contrattuale: contratto da valutare in base alla seniority della risorsa trovatamonitorerai le prestazioni, eseguire analisi delle cause principali sui guasti ed evolvere la nostra infrastruttura per ridurre al minimo il tempo che dedichiamo alla gestione dei bugesperienza pratica con modelli di progettazione, codifica e test orientati agli oggettila risorsa inserita avrà l'opportunità di lavorare su un'enorme quantità di dati (oltre 6 milioni di annunci live, oltre 40 milioni di visualizzazioni di pagina giornaliere) e la moderna big data platform li gestiscecontribuirai all'evoluzione di una moderna architettura dei dati insieme a un team di data engineerti siederai vicino agli utenti dei dati e vedrai il vero impatto del tuo lavorocreerai lavori etl per estrarre dati da diverse fonti e renderli disponibili e utilizzabilisiederai vicino ai tuoi utenti di dati e osserva il reale impatto del tuo lavoro: lavoriamo in una metodologia agile in team interfunzionali tra cui analisti/scienziati, sviluppatori software, product owner e ux designersede di lavoro: milano, smart working fino a 5 gg previa autorizzazione del manager, ma con la possibilità di andare in sede qualche voltabuona conoscenza di postgres, possibilmente in un'installazione di aws redshiftlavora con il framework di definizione degli obiettivi di okr
Per il potenziamento dell’area data lab stiamo cercando data scientist che vogliano entrare a far parte di un team di specialisti dedicato allo sviluppo di prodotti e soluzioni innovative basate su banche dati microterritoriali proprietarie uniche in italia, che permettono alle aziende di incrementare le vendite e ridurre il cost to serve grazie a una migliore conoscenza di territorio, reti di vendita, clienti e prospectjakala è la prima società martech italiana che offre ai propri clienti supporto in ambito strategico, analytics, digital e technologysql) e pre-processing / cleansing dei dati conoscenza di linguaggi o tool di data science (essas, python, r, eccil candidato ideale possiede forte attitudine quantitativa e passione per il mondo dei dati precisione e cura del dettaglio laurea in scienze statistiche, data science, geografia economica, econometria o titoli di studio affini con eccellenti risultati accademici solide basi statistiche e conoscenza di principali metodi di estrazione (esla missione di jakala è creare un vantaggio competitivo per i suoi clienti, con un impatto misurabile sulla top line, grazie al miglior utilizzo combinato di dati, advanced e location analytics, tecnologie, contenut i e progettazione dell’esperienza del clientele risorse saranno inserite in un contesto fortemente dinamico e “data-intensive” dove potranno mettere a frutto, con un elevato grado di autonomia, le proprie conoscenze di analisi statistiche e/o geografiche contribuendo allo sviluppo dell’offerta dati aziendale e supportando l’attività delle aree di business advisory, location intelligence e data & ai) conoscenza microsoft office suite (excel®, powerpoint®, access®, word®) ottima capacità di problem setting e problem solving completano il profilo familiarità con i principali tool di bi (powerbi, tableau, qlikview) familiarità con tematiche di business intelligence, dwh, eccconoscenza di data platform quali gcp, aws e azure passione per il mondo della consulenza strategica interesse nei confronti delle principali tematiche in area business analysis, performance optimization, customer experience management, crm, network development, loyalty & engagement design ottima capacità di sintetizzare e rappresentare un problema, oltre che di svilupparne la risoluzione attraverso slide e metodi di “data storitelling” capacità di sviluppare business case cosa offriamo ambiente di lavoro stimolante che favorisce la crescita professionale confronto con colleghi di diverse esperienze formative e professionali coinvolgimento su progetti per clienti prestigiosi appartenenti a diversi settori, anche a livello internazionale continua attività di ricerca e sviluppo e coinvolgimento nello sviluppo di prodotti proprietari sviluppo e miglioramento delle proprie capacità analitiche approfondimento della conoscenza di diversi linguaggi o tool di data science, analisi geografica e bi sede di lavoro: milano centro
You can save photos and videos and send them to your healthcare professional5the combination of six original adjustable led lights and 5convenient and practical household tools that can help you easily check body parts, such as ear canal, scalp, pores, incoming attacks, mouth, nose, etc1 megapixel hd, with hd camera for shooting hd video images and snapshots, photos/video files will be stored directly on your android phone3support android/pc system, flexible semi-rigid cable, can be bent to maintain its shape, not only can enter the closed place to clean earwax2keep you and your family clean5mmresolution: 640x480focal length: 2cmsensor size: 1/9 inchframe rate: 30fpsviewing angle: 70 degreespower supply: via usb 5v dcsupport system: android / xp / win7 / win8 / vistaphoto format: jpegvideo format: avifeature:1package included:1x ear picking ear cleaning1 x set of accessories1x user manualitem type: 3 in 1 type-c and android&pc visual earplugslens diameter: 55mm high-definition camera greatly helps to improve the brightness and clarity of images in dark environmentswith this otoscope, you can see live video from your ears and remove ear wax safely
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Lottoland benefits: competitive salary annual bonus based on company performance 25 days holiday and 12 days gibraltar bank holidays international premium healthcare subsidised gym membership within a variety of locations in gibraltar continuous learning/development opportunities and progressive career pathsin september lottoland was awarded with a guinness world record for the ‘largest online gambling payout ever’ of €90 million! take a look at our vacancies below and start your journey with the world leading lotto betting company, revolutionising the gaming industry…contact lottoland today! the team lead will be responsible for the continuous development and motivation of team membersmaintain effective communication flow, distribution of relevant information to and from the teamremember you do not have to tick all boxes these are just an example of skills/experience that may support you in the role! a subtropical mediterranean climate, eclectic cultural influences, breathtaking landscapes, and beautiful beaches make gibraltar the perfect european holiday getaway – so imagine how special it is to live here! furthermore, since gibraltar wages buy an almost luxury standard of living in the south of spain, many people who work here actually commute from one of the nearby towns on the costa del solcarry out annual performance appraisals for the team members and provide feedback on the same to the aml managerwe like it here and we’re sure you will too! our corporate website has lots more information - check it out! wwwself-motivation and ability to motivate othersplay a key role in the resourcing and onboarding processprovide monthly feedback on team performance, when requestedprepare work schedule and monitor individuals’ attendance to ensure adequate staffing aligned with the resource availability and workloadability to deliver effectively constructive feedbackexcellent communication, networking and conflict management skillstailored relocation packages to meet your needs to support your transition our culture: lottoland is a dynamic, creative and technologically advanced organisationlottolandcorporateresponsibilities coordinate, prioritise and allocate daily tasks within team members, set or negotiate deadlines and completion dates, and monitor progress to ensure completion and meeting of deadlines efficientlyit’s an exquisite part of the world, filled with luscious coastline, amazing surfing spots, delicious food and unique andalusian customs, traditions and cultural heritageputting customers first is key to lottoland’s success as is collaboration across the businessnice to have previous experience of working within an aml environment in the online gambling industryassist the team manager with proactively optimising and maintaining an effective quality and assurance processmanagers need to inspire and develop their teams to get the most out of themensure that all standard operating procedures are followed and that all current and new team members are trained in order to maintain a good standard of performancegood command of microsoft office toolsenglish language knowledge at a business levelability to work on own initiative and to challenge processes where improvements could be madegrit and determination is a prerequisite for all lottolandersrecognised aml qualificationability to perform well under tight deadlinesliaise with the responsible gambling and risk teamsemployees are empowered to do their best but held accountable for their actionsidentify training needs and prepare development plansstrong organizational skills with an emphasis on accuracy and timelinessmust have proven experience of detailed, investigative and analytical working practiceslottoland is the world’s leading online lotto provider, we are a disrupter that offers jackpots in the hundreds of millions giving 13 million customers worldwide the chance to win enormous record breaking pay-outsexperience with writing policies and processescom right to work in gibraltar no agencies at this time pleasethey will be required to coordinate, prioritise and distribute workload appropriately to ensure efficient meeting of deadlines, monitor tasks completed by the team to maintain a good standard of performance and quality and contribute to the development and monitoring of the company’s anti money laundering/counter terrorist financing programpassion for innovation is a strength that is valued in lottoland employeesevery day is an adventure and you’ll be joining others who have made the leap for this unique lifestyle opportunityhonesty, integrity and trust are a givenenable and facilitate successful implementation of company policies and objectivesproven skills in complex problem solving, judgment, critical thinking and decision makinglottoland could be just the place for you
Lottoland benefits: competitive salary annual bonus based on company performance 25 days holiday and 12 days gibraltar bank holidays international premium healthcare subsidised gym membership within a variety of locations in gibraltar continuous learning/development opportunities and progressive career pathsremember you do not have to tick all boxes these are just an example of skills/experience that may support you in the role! a subtropical mediterranean climate, eclectic cultural influences, breathtaking landscapes, and beautiful beaches make gibraltar the perfect european holiday getaway – so imagine how special it is to live here! furthermore, since gibraltar wages buy an almost luxury standard of living in the south of spain, many people who work here actually commute from one of the nearby towns on the costa del solwe like it here and we’re sure you will too! our corporate website has lots more information - check it out! wwwatlassian certificationtailored relocation packages to meet your needs to support your transition our culture: lottoland is a dynamic, creative and technologically advanced organisationhelp teams to set up and manage slas, issue types, etcconfigure jira software, including jira core and jira service desk / jira service managementimproved customer satisfaction from: stakeholders/owners who request the automation of a workflow, the end-users of those workflowslottolandcorporatereview requested jira adds-ons, plugins and extensions and fitness for purpose, including any security and privacy implicationsin september lottoland was awarded with a guinness world record for the ‘largest online gambling payout ever’ of €90 million! take a look at our vacancies below and start your journey with the world leading lotto betting company, revolutionising the gaming industry…contact lottoland today! responsibilities manage atlassian settings, including users, groups, roles and permissionsdevelop training materials and deliver training to power usersit’s an exquisite part of the world, filled with luscious coastline, amazing surfing spots, delicious food and unique andalusian customs, traditions and cultural heritageputting customers first is key to lottoland’s success as is collaboration across the businesshonesty, integrity and trust are a givenfor more efficient ticket handlingextensive knowledge of administering atlassian applications in medium-to-large businessmust have 2+ year’s experience in atlassian administrator roleability to prioritize across various tasks and manage changes in daily workloadmanagers need to inspire and develop their teams to get the most out of themotherwise good knowledge of general it skills and concepts to support the rest of the team with infrastructure issues, including: networks, wi-fi & security, windows and linux (ubuntu) servers, advanced troubleshooting to assist helpdesk, active directory, azure mdm with intune and jamf, optimising workflows and processesknowledge and experience in implementing jira plug-ins, including gliphy, lucidchart, etcnice to have experience with okta sso integrationexperience of other workspace and collaboration tools, including: microsoft 365 (in particular sharepoint online), aha, asana, agile methods, change & configuration managementgood experience of writing and supporting custom jql to help teams get the information they needgrit and determination is a prerequisite for all lottolandersexperience with jira service deskunderstanding of system administration principles (monitoring, network, storage, scripting)employees are empowered to do their best but held accountable for their actionsimprove the return on investment by handling licensing and atlassian spendexperience customizing workflows, setting up dashboards, and generating reportslottoland is the world’s leading online lotto provider, we are a disrupter that offers jackpots in the hundreds of millions giving 13 million customers worldwide the chance to win enormous record breaking pay-outscom right to work in gibraltar no agencies at this time pleaseunderstand the current tool process, gather requirements, investigate potential solutions, analyze impact, communicate with stakeholders, and implement solutions, all in accordance with current best practices and industry standardscreate and maintain custom dashboards and jira filters for end users, encouraging reuse and a consistent experience across the businessmeasures of success reduced costs of collaboration tools and increased value-for-moneyimprove team jira metrics (especially cost-per-ticket) with optimised workflowswrite and maintain technical documentation such as user manuals, system documentation, and training materialsevery day is an adventure and you’ll be joining others who have made the leap for this unique lifestyle opportunitypassion for innovation is a strength that is valued in lottoland employeesdesire to work in a diverse environment, interacting with many roles and teams made up of passionate industry experts working toward a common goalreview and configure current service desk portal for easier navigation by userslottoland could be just the place for you
Lottoland benefits: competitive salary annual bonus based on company performance 25 days holiday and 12 days gibraltar bank holidays international premium healthcare subsidised gym membership within a variety of locations in gibraltar continuous learning/development opportunities and progressive career pathsremember you do not have to tick all boxes these are just an example of skills/experience that may support you in the role! a subtropical mediterranean climate, eclectic cultural influences, breathtaking landscapes, and beautiful beaches make gibraltar the perfect european holiday getaway – so imagine how special it is to live here! furthermore, since gibraltar wages buy an almost luxury standard of living in the south of spain, many people who work here actually commute from one of the nearby towns on the costa del solfollow our core values and behaviours, leading by example under the gwe like it here and we’re sure you will too! our corporate website has lots more information - check it out! wwwfollow the standard operating procedures in line with policy and regulatory requirementscomputer skillsinternal position right to work in gibraltar no agenices at this time pleasetailored relocation packages to meet your needs to support your transition our culture: lottoland is a dynamic, creative and technologically advanced organisationlottolandcorporatework on the solutions identified for incidents affecting players, undertaking player reviews and protecting the company from any risksit’s an exquisite part of the world, filled with luscious coastline, amazing surfing spots, delicious food and unique andalusian customs, traditions and cultural heritagein september lottoland was awarded with a guinness world record for the ‘largest online gambling payout ever’ of €90 million! take a look at our vacancies below and start your journey with the world leading lotto betting company, revolutionising the gaming industry…contact lottoland today! the flex exectuive's role is to review player documentation and make decisions to protect the company from fraud or additional riskputting customers first is key to lottoland’s success as is collaboration across the businesswork as a team to achieve all okrs set, share workloads fairly and communicate efficiently as a team to meet expectationsadapt and adhere to changes in procudures to ensure the team works to the one agreed process at all timesmanagers need to inspire and develop their teams to get the most out of themability to stay focused with spike volumes (target driven)undertake thorough training in all teams within customer operations, staying up to date with training to ensure you can work on all processes at short notice as requiredkeep accurate reconding of all work undertaken to ensure that your outputs are clearly documented and at an audit standardgrit and determination is a prerequisite for all lottolandersflex between processes and ensure that teams work in priority order depending on impact to players/ the businessunderstanding of kyc regulationsemployees are empowered to do their best but held accountable for their actionsfluent in englishlottoland is the world’s leading online lotto provider, we are a disrupter that offers jackpots in the hundreds of millions giving 13 million customers worldwide the chance to win enormous record breaking pay-outsaccountabilities: support the end to end okrs of customer operations by flexing to work on projects, incidents and spike periods in all teamsattention to detailcom this position is advertised as an internal vacancy for exisiting lottoland employeesability to work independently or remotely if requiredpassion for innovation is a strength that is valued in lottoland employeesevery day is an adventure and you’ll be joining others who have made the leap for this unique lifestyle opportunityhonesty, integrity and trust are a givenraise sars with the company mlro, identifying individual player suspicion and group trendslottoland could be just the place for you
(10 %) • flexible benefits platform allowing you to pick and choose the benefits that suit you • professional membership subscription - fee paid for by us • health cash plan – low-cost insurance package that provides cash back towards healthcare bills and a wide range of other wellbeing benefitsmaximise efficiency and effectiveness whilst considering commercial, operational and safety factorsalso, whilst adhering to terminal policies, procedures and the working time directiveunder the supervision of the labour superintendent, they will need to plan, organise and manage labour required for terminal operationsan exciting opportunity has arisen within our operations department for a labour planner, to be based out of london gateway stanford-le-hope, essexkey responsibilities: working with the labour superintendent and the operations management team, and through own efforts, establish the daily demand for labour and ensure that the requirements are met and that the correct numbers of staff with the right skills are present on the shifts planned in planning labour, take into account the demands for labour on a longer-term basis to ensure that short term deployment does not impact upon more urgent longer-term needs monitor, record and ensure the effectiveness of labour deployment deploy labour, with high attention to cost control at all times ensure overtime, under hours are within the target agreed by operations management actively identify opportunities to improve labour efficiencies & effectiveness and implement improvement suggestions in conjunction with the hc department, administrate operations labour resource, holiday and sickness arrangements liaise with company representatives for agencies supplying contract labour with regards to labour resourcing if additional resources are required for a shift maintain records for financial reports and other management reports as required work with the training department to ensure that skill levels are appropriate supply labour statistics on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis responsibility for updating and maintaining computerised systems used for the management of terminal labour resourcing maintain total confidentiality regarding all phone calls and conversations with employees and management keep and maintain labour key performance indicators as agreed by operations management (examples: overtime hours, under time hours, leave, moves per man working hours, gang utilisation, lashers per gang, moves, etcyou will receive cover for all kinds of treatments including eye care and dentistry, specialist consultations, x-ray etc • 4 x salary life assurance – creating financial security for you and your family • 2 onsite gyms / showers facilities • onsite catering facilities • regular family eventsreporting to the labour superintendent, the labour planner will support the planning and deployment of adequate manpower resources, to meet the requirements of the terminal operation) qualifications & experience: • a level standard maths and english or equivalent – desirable • port industry experience –essential • ability to interface at all departmental levels, and present clear and concise reports • excellent organisational skills to deal with last minute changes to the work schedule • good communication and influencing skills to ensure that all resource requirements are met for each shift • ability to establish, build and maintain stakeholder relations • ability to work autonomously and as an effective member of a team • excellent attention to detail qualities • ability to build relationships with all departments within the organisation and achieve buy in and ownership to quality standards / initiatives • ability to problem solve • ‘completer / finisher’ mindset • intermediate level it skills outlook, excel, word and power point as well as rostering systems • flexibility will be required in this role which will include working shifts and overtime to meet business requirements • generous annual leave allowance (25 days – excluding bank holidays) • attractive annual bonus schemedp world in the uk is at the heart of britain’s trading future, providing the right trading infrastructure, smart logistical solutions and the benefits of freeport status to our customers
(10 %) • flexible benefits platform allowing you to pick and choose the benefits that suit you • professional membership subscription - fee paid for by us • health cash plan – low-cost insurance package that provides cash back towards healthcare bills and a wide range of other wellbeing benefitsan exciting opportunity has arisen within our operations department for a berth planner, to be based out of london gateway in stanford-le-hope, essexreporting to the vessel & rail superintendent, the berth planner will ensure an effective terminal berth plan is delivered, in conjunction with planning manager, for the efficient execution of terminal operationsto include duties such as: • ensuring close cooperation & planning with the engineering department for planned outage of machinery or yard space for maintenance purposes • liaise with shipping lines, agents and authorities to ensure fluid movement of vessels into and out of the port considering both financial and commercial impact of the business key responsibilities & accountabilities: • excellent customer service skills with the ability to communicate to all levels of the business • ensure vessel & rail plan maintained, running seven-day berthing plan, constantly updated as changes occurclashes to be discussed with relevant operations managementyou will receive cover for all kinds of treatments including eye care and dentistry, specialist consultations, x-ray etc • 4 x salary life assurance – creating financial security for you and your family • 2 onsite gyms / showers facilities • onsite catering facilities • regular family eventsberth planning to take account of commercial obligations• rail scheduling to be updated in xps ensuring a minimum of 2 weeks advance data available • focal point for the day to day scheduling of vessel movements • cost focused, in conjunction with planning manager, balancing commercial reasoning with cost when deploying labour & thus ensuring the operation is run efficiently with cost per box kept within budget • gain an understanding on the planned maintenance schedule and agree what engineer department what can be released on a day to day basis • build excellent rapport with internal customers, shipping lines, vessel agencies, harbor authority and other key stakeholders • request vessel move-count information & crane splits in advance, allowing accurate labour ordering to minimise disruption to operations and cost • discuss the current and next day berth plans at the daily operations briefings • gain a full understanding of navis ship editor and be responsible for managing the ship structure (nsd file) library • ensure that required management information and statistics are maintained and available • ordering of reefer sub-contract labour on a day to day basis • send advance plan on a daily basis, of equipment outages that will impact the execution team • to be an ambassador for the company always, internally and externally • a degree in a numerate subject • marne certificate of competency or equivalent industry experience • sound knowledge of terminal operations • proficient in navis n4, xps, ms word and ms excel • effective customer service skills to deliver exceptional standards, whilst aligning with terminal objectives • excellent interpersonal, influencing and communications skills, due to close contact with customers • excellent planning and organisational skills, with a high level of attention to detail • solid negotiation skills when dealing with customers • generous annual leave allowance (25 days – excluding bank holidays) • attractive annual bonus schemedp world in the uk is at the heart of britain’s trading future, providing the right trading infrastructure, smart logistical solutions and the benefits of freeport status to our customersthey are to consider the financial, commercial & operational factors, as well as ensuring compliance with safety
L'organizzazione europea dispone di sedi di ricerca e sviluppo, impianti di produzione e fornisce l'assistenza ai clienti di tutte le nazioni europeelocalità: torino sud l'opportunità è di entrare in un gruppo multinazionale e in un contesto multidisciplinare e interculturale in continuo e costante sviluppo in tutto il mondo, nel quale competenze e capacità sono fattori chiave di successorequisiti: - laurea specialistica in ingegneria meccanica - 8/10 anni di esperienza nello sviluppo di prodotti o apparecchiature ad alta tecnologia - buona conoscenza della lingua inglese - esperienze con strumenti di progettazione cad 3d, modellazione e analisi degli elementi finiti - familiarità con la progettazione per la produzione, passione per l'automazione industriale e tecnologie correlate - disponibilità a trasferte in europa (olanda) - passione per il proprio lavoro ed orientamento al risultato completano il profilosiamo stati incaricati della ricerca di un/una: ingegnere meccanico senior la posizione, all'interno del reparto r&d, opererà in un team multidisciplinare ed avrà la responsabilità di progettare, sviluppare e testare soluzioni meccaniche customizzate per i prodotti di sicurezza (barriere fotoelettriche di sicurezza e relativi accessori, unità di controllo di sicurezza si occuperà di: - eseguire la progettazione meccanica, lo sviluppo e la sperimentazione del prodotto - implementare e migliorare continuamente le analisi dei possibili rischi, ed eseguire test (urti, vibrazioni, ip) - preparare tutte le specifiche e i documenti necessari per la verifica, progettazione e validazione da parte dell'organo competente (ad esinquadramento e retribuzione, di sicuro interesse, sono proporzionate al livello di esperienzae' presente in 36 paesi ed occupa oltre dipendentiin italia, all'interno della divisione che si occupa di automazione industriale, è presente una unità di r&d che progetta e sviluppa interfacce uomo-macchina, sistemi di visione e componenti customizzati per la sicurezza delle macchine utensilil'azienda ha uffici centrali in giappone, asia pacifico, cina, europa (amsterdam) e usal'headquarter e la produzione ubicate in olanda, richiedono la disponibilità a trasfertetuv), trasferire le specifiche dei prodotti alla produzione, il marketing e le vendite - acquisire e mettere in pratica le conoscenze sulle nuove tecnologie in questione, collaborando con specialisti interni ed esterni a livello mondiale - fornire assistenza tecnica alle vendite ed alla produzioneil nostro cliente è un prestigioso gruppo multinazionale giapponese che opera in vari settori che spaziano dall'automazione industriale, all'elettronica, fino all'healthcare
Lottoland benefits: competitive salary annual bonus based on company performance 25 days holiday and 12 days gibraltar bank holidays international premium healthcare subsidised gym membership within a variety of locations in gibraltar continuous learning/development opportunities and progressive career pathsyou will have excellent customer service skills, be extremely accomplished at troubleshooting, be able to manage your time and workload, be adaptable and enjoy working under pressure to solve problems both independently and with the rest of the teamwe like it here and we’re sure you will too! our corporate website has lots more information - check it out! wwwtailored relocation packages to meet your needs to support your transition our culture: lottoland is a dynamic, creative and technologically advanced organisationlottolandcorporateit’s an exquisite part of the world, filled with luscious coastline, amazing surfing spots, delicious food and unique andalusian customs, traditions and cultural heritageputting customers first is key to lottoland’s success as is collaboration across the businessworking in a small team, you will be helping to resolve helpdesk tickets with particular emphasis on taking escalations from the rest of the helpdesk teamresponsibilities to include: installation, configuration and support of windows and osx desktop clients configuration and support of common office software, including word, excel, etc diagnose and troubleshoot technical issues create and maintain technical documentation assist with helpdesk tickets to support end-users assist with projects and initiatives to improve infrastructure and systems possible on-call requirement must have • previous experience in corporate it support environment • support experience with mac and windows clients • networking experience (tcp/ip, switches, routers, firewalls) • able to cope with high workloads and multiple changing priorities • excellent problem-solving skills and adaptability • excellent oral and written communication (english) nice to have • computer science university degree or similar • knowledge of scripting in bash, powershell, etc • office365, intune, sharepoint online • virtualization (vmware, aws, citrix, etc) • backup and restore procedures • ticket management systems, such as jira • activedirectory • configuration management, application deployment, policy management • pbx systems • monitoring with darktrace, zabbix, cacti, etc • mdm (jamf), byod management • remote desktop and remote support • idm (okta) a subtropical mediterranean climate, eclectic cultural influences, breathtaking landscapes, and beautiful beaches make gibraltar the perfect european holiday getaway – so imagine how special it is to live here! furthermore, since gibraltar wages buy an almost luxury standard of living in the south of spain, many people who work here actually commute from one of the nearby towns on the costa del solmanagers need to inspire and develop their teams to get the most out of themin september lottoland was awarded with a guinness world record for the ‘largest online gambling payout ever’ of €90 million! take a look at our vacancies below and start your journey with the world leading lotto betting company, revolutionising the gaming industry…contact lottoland today! we are looking for a systems administrator to join our it departmentgrit and determination is a prerequisite for all lottolandersemployees are empowered to do their best but held accountable for their actionsyou will also be keen to suggest improvements to methods and procedures and help to plan and implement themcom right to work in gibraltar no agencies at this stage pleaselottoland is the world’s leading online lotto provider, we are a disrupter that offers jackpots in the hundreds of millions giving 13 million customers worldwide the chance to win enormous record breaking pay-outswe are a busy and dynamic team working to support all it requests from the business to ensure teams have the tools they need to work efficiently and effectivelypassion for innovation is a strength that is valued in lottoland employeesevery day is an adventure and you’ll be joining others who have made the leap for this unique lifestyle opportunityhonesty, integrity and trust are a givenlottoland could be just the place for you
Lottoland benefits: competitive salary annual bonus based on company performance 25 days holiday and 12 days gibraltar bank holidays international premium healthcare subsidised gym membership within a variety of locations in gibraltar continuous learning/development opportunities and progressive career pathsin september lottoland was awarded with a guinness world record for the ‘largest online gambling payout ever’ of €90 million! take a look at our vacancies below and start your journey with the world leading lotto betting company, revolutionising the gaming industry…contact lottoland today! looking for an exciting challenge within marketing and a steep learning curve? we are currently looking for a results-driven and fantastic team player that will play a key role in supporting the business to expand the marketing strategy and deliver innovative marketing campaigns across various domains concurrentlylottolandcorporatelottoland is the world’s leading online lotto provider, we are a disrupter that offers jackpots in the hundreds of millions giving 13 million customers worldwide the chance to win enormous record breaking pay-outsmanagers need to inspire and develop their teams to get the most out of themwe like it here and we’re sure you will too! our corporate website has lots more information - check it out! wwwdesirable • previous involvement in project activities (familiarity with project management frameworks) • experience using evergage/salesforce interaction studio • familiarity with analysing data and recommending improvements • html/css basic knowledge • experience using content management systems remember you do not have to tick all boxes these are just an example of skills/experience that may support you in the role! a subtropical mediterranean climate, eclectic cultural influences, breathtaking landscapes, and beautiful beaches make gibraltar the perfect european holiday getaway – so imagine how special it is to live here! furthermore, since gibraltar wages buy an almost luxury standard of living in the south of spain, many people who work here actually commute from one of the nearby towns on the costa del sollottoland could be just the place for youcom right to work in gibraltar no agencies at this time pleaseit’s an exquisite part of the world, filled with luscious coastline, amazing surfing spots, delicious food and unique andalusian customs, traditions and cultural heritageemployees are empowered to do their best but held accountable for their actionsputting customers first is key to lottoland’s success as is collaboration across the businessgrit and determination is a prerequisite for all lottolandersresponsibilities • liaising with various teams involved in the process to ensure campaign delivery on time and within the required quality standards • analysing customer communication journeys and monitoring competitor activity to identify key opportunities to improve player experience • ensuring that all communications meet advertising, regulatory and legislative standards • supporting the marketing team in daily administrative tasks • documenting workflows, customer communication journeys, campaign specific test cases and checklists required • strong communication skills, able to work with multiple levels across the business • good knowledge of ms office • results-driven, flexible and ambitious • highly organized, great team player with high attention to details • eager to embrace new challenges within a very dynamic environmentpassion for innovation is a strength that is valued in lottoland employeesevery day is an adventure and you’ll be joining others who have made the leap for this unique lifestyle opportunitythe successful candidate will be actively involved in each stage of on-site campaign life cycle - this includes opportunities discovery, campaign initiation, planning, testing, performance monitoring and results analysishonesty, integrity and trust are a givenfurthermore, the role will require market research, customer communication journey optimisation and external relationships managementtailored relocation packages to meet your needs to support your transition our culture: lottoland is a dynamic, creative and technologically advanced organisation