Public affairs interpersonal

Elenco public affairs interpersonal

  • Alma laboris: comunicazione e relazioni istituzionali si segnalano le seguenti figure: manager delle relazioni esterne, responsabile di public affair, esperto di comunicazione d’impresa, consulente di agenzie specializzate,esperto di rapporti pubblico-privato (ppp), dirigente delle relazioni istituzionali nazionali ed europei per favorire la crescita professionale, alma laboris business school propone il percorso formativo in comunicazione e relazioni istituzionali (in aula oppure online - live streaming) 100 ore di formazione con taglio pratico in formula weekend in aula (roma e milano) e online (live streaming) con l’obiettivo di: fornire conoscenze tecniche, attraverso l’esame di numerosi casi aziendali, esercitazioni pratiche e la presenza di esperti del settore; costruire opportunitĂ  di carriera, con il supporto gratuito di consulenti qualificati; comprende iscrizione pmi (project management institute) e preparazione esame certificazione pmpagevolazioni entro il 21 giugnole principali materie trattate nel percorso formativo in formula week-end: introduzione - la comunicazione e le relazioni istituzionali il lavoro delle relazioni istituzionali la collaborazione parlamentare il giornalismo d’inchiesta la comunicazione stampa tv, radio e giornali la comunicazione e i social network focus - comunicazione dell’energia tra mercati regolati e liberi la statistica e i dati nella comunicazione opportunitĂ  di carriera: alma laboris, giĂ  durante il percorso formativo, propone per ogni singolo partecipante: promozione del profilo alle aziende interessate a fissare colloqui per diverse posizioni aperte; consulenza di carriera qualificata, per delineare con efficacia l’ambito di spendibilitĂ ; portale “network”, strumento esclusivo ideato per proporre in autonomia la candidatura agli annunci di lavoro che le aziende partner e la business school pubblicano periodicamente; assistenza individuale con un tutor esperto delle dinamiche del mercato, per consigli utili e strumenti aggiornati; sei interessato/a? invia la candidatura e potrai fissare un colloquio di orientamento (gratuito e non vincolante) con la business school, in cui valutare le opportunitĂ  di carriera legate al tuo profilocon la candidatura all'annuncio riceverĂ  info sulle attivitĂ  formative

  • Le ultime tendenze dal mondo del lavoro, infatti, segnalano la necessitĂ  di professionisti come: medical affairs manager, medical affairs advisor, medical science liaison (msl), field medical advisor, field medical manager, clinical monitor, mclinical project manager, r&d manager, medical area director, patient advocacy manager, clinical project manager, medical affairs specialist, direttore medico, direzione medicale principali materie trattate in formula week-end: il ciclo di vita del prodotto farmaceutico: l’evoluzione accelerata del medical affairs: ruoli, responsabilitĂ  e competenze generare evidenze per creare valore: medical affairs: qualitĂ , autenticitĂ  e prova di ogni risultato: la ricerca pre-clinica e clinica: dove nascono le “evidenze”, elementi di metodologia e statistica: le “evidenze” in medicina, come si progettanoe realizzano le “evidenze”, farmacovigilanza e medical affairs: il paziente al centro, affari regolatori, affari legali e medical affairs: un rapporto indissolubile, farmacoeconomia e medical affairs: dare valore economico alle evidenze cliniche comunicare valore: la divulgazione e comunicazione scientifica nell’epoca moderna: la pubblicazione dei risultati della ricerca, marketing farmaceutico e strategie per creare valore autentico per il cliente, il valore della comunicazione nel medical affairs: formazione, informazione e diffusione, la comunicazione scientifica in pubblicoagevolazioni entro il 21 giugnoalma laboris è l’unica business school che si prende cura della carriera del partecipante sin dall’inizio del percorso formativo con un servizio placement completamente gratuito, dedicato allo sviluppo della carriera, con un complesso di azioni mirate alla massima spendibilitĂ  occupazionale! le principali azioni del servizio placement: promozione del profilo, colloqui e matching con aziende fidelizzate del network, coaching individuale, carnet di strumenti di presentazione, target mirato di contatti aziendali, sessioni di training sul mondo del lavoro e tanto altrocon la candidatura all'annuncio riceverĂ  info sulle attivitĂ  formativealma laboris: pharma medical affairs: la scienza nella direzione medica dell’industria farmaceutica alma laboris business school è la scelta migliore per l’inserimento nel mondo del lavoro, per la riqualificazione professionale, per ricollocarsi presso un’altra azienda: la formula unica “ formazione-placement-carriere ” è la soluzione ideale per tanti profili professionali, che intendono raggiungere nuovi obiettivi di carriera e/o acquisire le skill piĂą richieste dalle aziendesei interessato/a? invia la candidatura e potrai fissare un colloquio di orientamento (gratuito e non vincolante) con la business school, in cui valutare le opportunitĂ  di carriera legate al tuo profiloil percorso formativo di alta formazione in pharma medical affairs: la scienza nella direzione medica dell’industria farmaceutica in aula (roma e milano) e online (live streaming) è la strada piĂą concreta per adeguarsi alla crescente richiesta di figure professionali del settore

  • Optima italia ricerca regulatory affairs junior ci occupiamo di energia, gas, telefono e internetcom regulatory affairs junior in staff alla divisione regulatory affairs, la risorsa affiancherĂ  il responsabile affari regolamentari nei rapporti con le diverse autoritĂ  di settore (agcom, arera, agcm, garante privacy) e/o associazioni di categoriase vuoi saperne di piĂą su optima: noi: http://wwwinoltre si occuperĂ  delle seguenti attivitĂ : monitoraggio regolamentare nazionale ed internazionale; valutazione ed analisi di impatto della normativa di settore sul business e sui processi aziendali; predisposizione di report, ppt, note e documenti di approfondimento a supporto delle funzioni impattatela sede di lavoro sarĂ  stabilita a napoli, si richiede comunque massima flessibilitĂ  e disponibilitĂ  a trasferte sul territorio nazionalerappresenterĂ  titolo preferenziale l’aver conseguito una specializzazione post lauream in antitrust e regolazione dei mercati e/o una pregressa esperienza di praticantato presso una delle autoritĂ  di settoretutto in una nuova unica soluzioneoffriamo un servizio innovativo: eliminiamo gli sprechi, portiamo certezza di spesa, tranquillitĂ  e serenitĂ  alle impreseoffriamo: l’inquadramento e la retribuzione saranno commisurati all’esperienza effettivamente maturataabbiamo deciso di accettare la sfida che l'italia ci pone: cambiare le regole del gioco e del mercato nel nostro settore, e dimostrare che anche nel nostro paese si può lavorare bene offrendo servizi limpidi e pro-clienteskills indispensabili: buona conoscenza della lingua inglese scritta e parlata; ottima dimestichezza con gli strumenti informatici; capacitĂ  di lavorare in gruppo; capacitĂ  di problem solving e di gestione dello stressosiamo un'azienda generazionale, meritocratica, creata e formata da under 40, nella quale la crescita professionale è finalmente un'opportunitĂ  per tuttiil candidato ideale ha una laurea specialistica in materie giuridico/economiche, ha esperienza di almeno 1/2 anni in aziende di settore; c onoscenza dei mercati dell’energia elettrica e delle telecomunicazioni, nonchĂ© delle principali caratteristiche associate ai diversi segmenti della filiera; conoscenza dei principali soggetti istituzionali coinvolti nel processo decisionale (agcom, arera, au, agcm, garante privacy) e i rispettivi poteri ed ambiti di competenza; conoscenza dell’iter normativo

  • Per importante azienda operante in ambito biomedico, si ricerca: responsabile quality assurance and regulatory affairs la risorsa, inserita nel contesto di lavoro, avrĂ  piena responsabilitĂ  del controllo del sistema assicurazione qualitĂ  e dei processi regolatori dell'azienda, svolgendo le seguenti attivitĂ  in autonomia: • gestione del sistema assicurazione qualitĂ  aziendale in base all’evoluzione del processo produttivo dell’organizzazione; • aggiornare in termini di procedure, istruzioni e modelli, il manuale della qualitĂ ; • redigere le schede tecniche sulla base delle informazioni contenute nelle istruzioni per l'uso ed in generale nella documentazione di prodotto; • redazione, revisione e monitoraggio della documentazione tecnico-regolatoria • supporto al regolatorio; • curare la registrazione dei prodotti presso i vari paesi di sbocco; • gestione processi e procedure per garantire i requisiti definiti dall'azienda; • effettuare audit interni per verificare che ogni funzione aziendale agisca in base alle norme iso applicate; • gestire le azioni correttive controllando che l’azienda si allinei alle normative iso applicate; • controllo e analisi della qualitĂ  dei prodotti; si richiede: • laurea magistrale in materie scientifiche quali ingegneria biomedica, chimica e tecnologie farmaceutiche, biotecnologie e simili; • esperienza almeno triennale in assicurazione qualitĂ  e regolatorio maturata in aziende strutturare del settore elettromedicale; • solida conoscenza della iso , della iso , modifiche introdotte da normativa “nuovo mdr” e degli standard regolatori; • autonomina nella mansione; completano il profilo orientamento agli obiettivi e rispetto delle scadenze, precisione, organizzazione e gestione del lavoro e problem solvingtor nasce dall’esperienza del gruppo lavoropiĂą che dal opera nei servizi alle imprese nell’ambito delle risorse umane e propone servizi di consulenza hr per ricerca e selezione di profili altamente qualificatilingua inglese luogo di lavoro: lucca si offre un contratto diretto in azienda a tempo indeterminato e l'inquadramento e la retribuzione saranno commisurati sulla base dell'esperienza e dell'anzianitĂ  maturate nel ruolotor si impegna per dare ai propri consulenti il metodo, l’affiancamento e gli strumenti per esprimersi al meglio in quello che amano fare: trovare le persone migliori sul mercato e le piĂą adatte ai contesti aziendali dei nostri partneryour goal, our mission! i candidati migliori vanno cercati, contattati e valutati con i migliori strumenti e con la massima curator nasce per questo

  • Per importante azienda operante nel settore food, con una forte vocazione export, stiamo ricercando una figura di senior regulatory affairs con sede in romagnain caso di dubbi, cerca sul nostro sito la filiale a te piĂą vicina per avere tutte le informazioni necessariepreparazione di documenti e dichiarazioni a fronte di richieste di clienti o enti esterni esperienza di almeno 5 anni nel ruolo, maturata all’interno di aziende del settore alimentare o farmaceutico; laurea in discipline tecnico scientifiche quali tecnologie alimentari, ingegneria o chimica industrialeit/privacy e di inserire nel cv l’autorizzazione al trattamento dei tuoi dati personali ai sensi del regolamento ue ntor nasce dall’esperienza del gruppo lavoropiĂą che dal opera nei servizi alle imprese nell’ambito delle risorse umane e propone servizi di consulenza hr per ricerca e selezione di profili altamente qualificatila risorsa verrĂ  inserita all’interno dell’ufficio r&d e si occuperĂ  di: - supporto per lo sviluppo di prodotti in linea con le normative del mercato di riferimento - valutazione di conformitĂ  delle formulazioni dei prodotti finiti della documentazione redatta a supporto quali etichetta e scheda tecnichee della legislazione italiana vigenteti chiediamo di prendere visione dell’informativa privacy consultabile al link lavoropiudiffida da chi, anche tramite annunci apparentemente legati al nostro brand, ti chiede di inviare scansioni di documenti per partecipare a selezioni e/o colloqui, in particolare quando riporti nel testo indirizzi mail con domini differentiti ricordiamo che lavoropiĂą non richiede mai, nella prima fase di ricezione delle candidature, l’invio di documenti di riconoscimento o di altra documentazione burocratica (ad esempio informazioni personali, dati, codici collegati a sistemi di pagamento) ed i nostri annunci riportano sempre un indirizzo mail per la ricezione delle candidature con uno dei seguenti domini aziendali: @lavoropiutor si impegna per dare ai propri consulenti il metodo, l’affiancamento e gli strumenti per esprimersi al meglio in quello che amano fare: trovare le persone migliori sul mercato e le piĂą adatte ai contesti aziendali dei nostri partnerfluente conoscenza della lingua inglese e la disponibilitĂ  a trasferte di breve duratayour goal, our mission! i candidati migliori vanno cercati, contattati e valutati con i migliori strumenti e con la massima curati preghiamo di non inserire dati appartenenti a particolari categorie (dati che rivelino l’origine razziale o etnica, le opinioni politiche, le convinzioni religiose o filosofiche, o l’appartenenza sindacale, dati genetici, dati biometrici intesi a identificare in modo univoco una persona fisica, dati relativi alla salute o alla vita sessuale o all’orientamento sessualeil presente annuncio è rivolto ad entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi e e a persone di tutte le etĂ  e tutte le nazionalitĂ , ai sensi dei decreti legislativi etor nasce per questo

  • Vendo lettera dei public enemy originale ed unica al mondo, risalente al scritta poco dopo la pubblicazione del loro primo albumaccetto proposte d'acquistoresto a disposizione per ulteriori dettagli e quesiti

    1 €

  • Currently is implementing two multi-year water projects supporting public water and wastewater services through funding by afd and eu-madadits approach is three-folded, and builds on (i) infrastructural interventions to improve service delivery, (ii) capacity building to water establishments’ local offices, and (iii) community engagement to promote water accountability and public participationessential requirements qualifications and knowledge advanced university degree or equivalent in the field of water management, development studies, project management fluency in written and spoken english professional experience at least 4 years of experience in project management in development programs proven experience with impact-driven implementation of activities and team management, as well as logistics, meal and budgeting for programs above 1 m eur skills and abilities strong interpersonal relationships and good communication and leadership skills ability to perform under stress condition capacity to work autonomously and in problems prevention/resolution proven organizational skills and ability to effectively manage multiple tasks while fostering quality, team spirit and positive working relationships with colleagues integrity in line with the humanitarian principles and ethical standards cultural, gender, religion, and age sensitivity and adaptability strong commitment to weworld-gvc mission desirable requirements previous experience in lebanon or in the middle east previous experience in water programs availability to commit for a long-term deploymentmain functions and duties projects management (70%) plan and supervise the implementation of projects’ activities ensuring effective delivery in line with all donors’ regulations, lebanese legislation and professional standards ensure satisfactory management of project budgets in collaboration with finance and logistics conduct procurement processes in collaboration with the logistics and finance department closely monitor the contracted works and directly liaise with the consultants and contractors initiate and conduct assessments, baseline surveys, beneficiaries satisfaction surveys and end line surveys ensuring stakeholder participation plan and supervise the implementation of communication and behavioural change campaigns monitor and assess the progress of implementation of activities and devise corrective measures as and when required, ensure that project impact is maximized and lessons learnt are continuously documented and shared ensure timeliness and accuracy of internal and external reporting, in collaboration with the meal department communication, coordination and representation (15%) ensure effective coordination with support departments establish and maintain networks with operational and institutional interlocutors involved in the realization of the project represent weworld-gvc at relevant public, coordination and representation meetings involving local stakeholders, authorities, international agencies and ngos prepare visits of donor representatives / hq visitors / other stakeholders whenever requested participate in all consortium relevant meetings, as well as relevant sector meetings or other relevant coordination bodies in the target areas team management and hr (15%) ensure the appropriate staffing of the project, planning and implementing specific actions to recruit, manage and motivate staff ensure that directly line managed staff have clearly defined objectives, understand their responsibilities and receive meaningful feedback on their performance provide support and advice to project staff, ensuring clarity over project plans and priorities and encouraging effective teamwork establish and maintain a collaborative and high performing working environmentsupports people overcoming emergencies and guarantees a life with dignity, opportunities and a better future through human and economic development programs, in the framework of the agendaweworld-gvc works mostly with girls, boys, women and youth, actors of change in every community for a fairer and more inclusive worldpresent in 29 countries with 128 projects, weworld-gvc operates in the following areas of assistance: human rights (gender equality, prevention and combating violence against children and women, migration), humanitarian aid (prevention, emergency relief and rehabilitation), food security, access to water, health and hygiene, education, global citizenship education, quality teaching and international volunteeringunder the direct line management of the head of programmes/program manager, the project manager will be responsible for successfully implementing weworld-gvc’s components of the projects, in close cooperation with the project partners and the consortium coordinators, beneficiaries, and stakeholdersat present, the main donors are italy (aics), the eu (dg echo), unicef, ocha, and belgium (dgd)weworld-gvc, recently constituted from the merger of two ngos, is an italian secular and independent organization working since in international cooperation and humanitarian aidimplementation of other specific tasks assigned by the line manager and preparation and transmission of additional information requested by hq)joining the weworld-gvc team means being part of the development of a dynamic organisation where the contribution of each staff member is promoted and valued, working together towards the collective achievement of shared goals and visionposition: project manager – water development reporting to: head of programmes/program manager collaborating with: water advisor, senior hydraulic engineer, and support departments managing: field team of 5-6 individuals location: lebanon, bekaa, zahle office with frequent visit to field areas type of contract: a first 3 (three) month collaboration contract subject to verification of the achievement of specific objectives (these objectives will be agreed together with the country representative upon arrival on assignment); a second collaboration contract of 9 (nine) months renewable, following the positive evaluation of the first three months of contract starting date: asap gross salary: to be defined according to the candidate’s profile application deadline: 25 april working context weworld-gvc started operating in lebanon in and has refined its water governance program for over seven yearsother tasks provide inputs for the update weworld-gvc strategies, by conducting needs assessments when relevant contribute to the development of competitive and responsive project proposals the duties and responsibilities set forth above are not exhaustive and the role holder may be required to perform additional duties (ipurpose of the role within this framework, weworld-gvc seeks to recruit a project manager to and lead the implementation of the two projects

  • We would require the successful post-holder to live the values which will ensure our cultures remains healthy experience in managing organisational change (often remotely) experience of working with senior level managers experience of managing a team of hr professionals international/emea hr knowledge and experience required excellent communicator: able to spot and frame issues to enable effective cross-functional decision making effective influencing skills, able to work cross-functionally and with contacts at all levels in the organisation able to define and deliver innovative solutions to business-critical situations highly resilient and able to work at pace on multiple projects or change initiatives a strong communicator including facilitation and public speaking with excellent interpersonal skills substantial experience in hr through progressively more responsible positions covering all hr generalist hr areas experience of working with a dispersed workforce demonstrated experience delivering high quality, service orientated hr n/amain responsibilities to build strong relationships with the heads of each business functions, supporting them and acting as a critical partner lead a team of hr professionals, providing guidance, support, and coaching to work closely with senior managers for the business function in order to develop a people agenda that closely supports the overall aims of the organisation provide organisational development, change management expertise and a value-adding partnership to the business function diagnosis of critical issues affecting the business function, preventing or blocking them achieving their aims/strategic goals lead on or implement hr initiatives and project implementations across the group focus on taking care of organisational development (professional growth, apprenticeship levy, interns etc) along with the management of the budget identifies and supports robust engagement activities, addressing necessities at each level / department as well as assisting the global head of hr with the global engagement survey action plan the person to be successful we would be looking for the following experience, skills and behaviours: at the heart of our company are our innate, shared values that underpin everything we don/a itrs group’s technology establishes and maintains operational resilience for businesses operating in demanding environments where technology failure means business failureyou will actively support and challenge your stakeholders, coaching, guiding, and influencing them to enable them to run their functions to the highest standardthe post-holder will act as the first point of contact for employees concerning all hr topics and assist people through any process, they require for emea and americasyou will act as a strategic partner and change agent to managers in each business functionworking for the global head of hr, the global hr business partner will be responsible for supporting a diverse portfolio across all itrs geographieswe are a successful business full of opportunitieswith over 20 years’ experience serving enterprise clients across industry markets, 800 clients worldwide rely on itrs for their estate monitoring, capacity planning, it analytics and load testingby transforming the mass of raw data into meaningful information, itrs helps enterprises run their it estates intelligently, prevent outages and maximise efficiency

  • The ideal candidate: bsc/ba in business, technology, project management, or relevant field, msc/mba is a plus; proven experience in the role, minimum 5+ years of experience in procurement, purchasing department, operations; consistent experience in strategic supplier management; experience with categories and components in hydraulic systems a strong preference; outstanding team workability: meaningful experience in global settings, where you had concrete opportunity to cooperate with colleagues and different stakeholders at a global level; fluent english and italian (both written and spoken); good interpersonal and communication skills: must be able to engage with staff at all levels of the organization; proficient in the use of ms office: excel and powerpoint for data analysis and presentations; outstanding negotiation ability: facing sometimes differing internal/external stakeholder expectations; results-driven, with a desire to reach goals by overcoming obstacles; ability to work in a high pace context with a proactive mindset; strong communicator and as a team player, you possess strong interpersonal skills and the ability to build strong stakeholder networks; available for domestic and international business trips, if requiredlocation: reggio emilia (italy) + domestic/international travelssupport and follow up reimbursement activities; contracts and pricingtailor&fox, your hr business partner, on behalf of a global and leading group provider of mobile hydraulic and electrification products and solutions is looking for an experienced: strategic buyer you will have the amazing opportunity to be part of a global purchasing/procurement team and be responsible for the operational procurement activities within the local/regional sitesthe main challenge is ensuring successfully excellent execution and attention to detail, control to be delivered to timeline while ensuring high quality and cost targets according to the continuous improvement approachreporting to the senior procurement manager, you will join international projects with colleagues from hq and other branches/plants in italy, denmark, the uk, the usa, brazil, india, and chinacoordinate ramp-up and ramp-down of new projectssupplier onboarding as per company’s standards; material availability monitoring: supply and/or quality issues including documentation of supplier performanceown and maintain supplier tooling database, inclhandling effective and proactive relationship with other relevant functions-departments to forecast and supply to the business; active teamwork with the category teams and bu teams to constantly improve processes, meet-exceed target, share best practices; supplier accountability (50% in italy and 50% abroad)monitor forecast versus supplier capacitiesbased in reggio emilia (italy), you will be ensuring one point of contact towards suppliers and the businessinput for budget; project implementationable to ensure the best cost, quality, and delivery sourcing decisionslead time / vmi activitiesstandard price for purchase price & price change reporting; own and maintain procurement master data for local / regional sites, including sap data update; create & maintain service level agreementskey responsibilities: liaising with various teams and functions (engineering, operations, and procurement)support corrective actions for on-time delivery (otd)

  • Avoid touching public touchscreens like store checkoutsthe safer way to use public touchscreens, doors and buttons specification: material: metalplease understand that colors may exist chromatic aberrationpackage included: 1 x antibacterial edc door opener contactless key door openerergonomic design makes it easy to open doors, press buttons & pull leversno direct contact with surfaces5reduce point-of-contact area by over 99%thanks for understanding!please allow 1-3cm error due to manual measurement


    5590000152587891 €

  • 5+ years of relevant work experience in technical design and/or engineering in the field of renewables, energy storage, distribution grid, sub-stations etc we highly favour professionals with some previous experiences in e-mobility / ev charging projects working experience in several of the following areas: ev supply equipment; ev batteries / engineering; grid interconnection; power conversion systems; power system design; energy storage; greenfield, brownfield developments, re-purposing development projects; energy related-real estate developments, tendering / contracting with public authorities, health and safety regulations, grid codes, scheduling, progress measurement, risk assessment, estimating process and planning, electronic document file management… advanced computer sciences and digital skills of any nature a definitive plus) and external consultants (specialized engineering firms, planning advisory etcbe quality and customer-experience obsessedthe atlante project is the result of the partnership between nhoa – which develops and invests in the network being owner and operator – free2move esolutions, in the role of supplier of charging technology, and stellantis automotive groupit/en); a fast career track like only few other companies can match; always room for new ideas! location: full remote (from italy) or hybrid remote (from italy) / milanyou will then continue following the engineering of the solutions, detailing the specifications and working with the procurement team for equipment selection and/or tenderingyou will interact with all internal teams of atlante and/or nhoa, and will ensure upkeep of all relevant nhoa’s policies, contractual and quality standards, health, safety & environment requirements, financial targets, as well as schedule commitments from beginning to endcertification in autocad (or similar), project management and bim are considered as a plus while the role is for site development within italy, candidates must be available for international travels, for example to support other offices (france, spain, portugal) fluent in english (spoken and written) is a must; a second language is a plus (french, spanish or portuguese) what we offer you a permanent full-time job an ambitious employer; we only want the best for you; professional experience in an international environment with frequent contact with other colleagues and partner around the world; strengthen cross-functional communication skills; learning & development programs; be part of the young (36 on avgwithin your responsibilities, you will select, appoint and supervise external consultants and contractors as required to complete the detailed engineering, procurement and construction/installation of the charging stationsyou will be in charge of defining the required gird connection(s) and support equipment / modules (eatlante is nhoa’s new global business line dedicated to build the first ev fastcharging network enabled by renewables, energy storage and 100% grid-integrated) and international (+20 nationalities) group and work in a dynamic and fast-moving environment; a revolutionary way of remote working that meets your needs (wwwverifying the requirements of subcontractors also in terms of safety and preparing the necessary safety measures for the site, with the support of the hseq manager; proactively design processes and work methodologies which are digital, replicable, and scalable to the maximum extent possible for all of the technical design, engineering and configuration activities (appropriately segmented by categories)after handover to project management team, you will continue to support as required, including for the commissioning phasemanaging the timing and costs of engineering activities; day to day management of resources and budgets assigned to you; drawing up reports on the closing of the order, in order to capitalize and spread the results, solutions and anything else necessary to increase effectiveness and efficiency in subsequent experiencesyou will be involved from and contribute to the early stages of the site selection and the planning & permitting assisting the development team with designs, specifications and early stage plansyour background: an electrical engineering degree complemented by practical and relevant site development experience (see below) is a musttask and duties: contribute to the definition of standard yet flexible charging stations’ configurations and features; define preliminary and executive design of charging stations’ solutions, managing a portfolio of site development projects at various stages of development; support the site selection process, especially with respect to engineering/technical topics, planning, permitting timeframes and/or potential technical redflags; support the development team in liaising with all external stakeholders necessarily part of the development plan: site owners, public/local authorities, local communities, consumers’ groups, planning authorities, fire safety authorities, utilities (for connections and supply), etc; liaise with internal teams (development, procurement, project management etcat atlante you will be in charge of the design, solution configuration and engineering of our charging stationscontribute to the creation or improvement of digital tools and systems as part of your work culture; promote a culture of cost-effectiveness for the benefit of the end-users), direct and supervise their work ensuring timely deliver of their deliverables on budget; provide feedback to the commercial and development teams, for continuous improvement and optimization of site selection and development; contribute to the strategic decisions and goal setting for future site acquisition and developmentwherever possible, you will coordinate the addition of on-site photovoltaic covers

  • Excellent brightness and panoramic views of the greenministero affari esteri adiacenze, precisamente in via colli della farnesina, in prestigioso e tranquillo comprensorio immerso nel verde, con giardini condominiali e portineria h24, proponiamo un quarto piano di mq 290ottima la luminositĂ  e gli affacci panoramici sul verdelappartamento internamente è composto da un ampio ingresso padronale con guardaroba, secondo ingresso di servizio, salone triplo con camino ed attigua sala da pranzo, tre camere da letto, cameretta adibita a cabina armadio, cucina abitabile, tripli servizi, cameretta e bagnetto di servizio, ripostiglio, tre balconi abitabili per un totale di superfici scoperte di circa mq 60prezzo richiesto €9413471
    logitudine: 12completano la proprietĂ  una grande cantina di circa mq 40 e due posti auto coperti assegnatithe apartment consists of a large main entrance with wardrobe, second service entrance, triple living room with fireplace and adjoining dining room, three bedrooms, small bedroom used as a walk-in closet, kitchen, three bathrooms, small bedroom and small bathroom, utility room, three habitable balconies for a total of approximately 60 square metersbuilding with double liftit
    tipo di proprietĂ : appartamento
    indirizzo: via dei colli della farnesina
    camilluccia, roma, roma
    cap: 00135
    latitudine: 41palazzo munito di doppio ascensore06/39723519 - 335/6762911 interdomussrl@liberoadjacent ministry of foreign affairs, precisely in via colli della farnesina, in a prestigious and quiet area surrounded by greenery, with condominium gardens and 24-hour concierge, we offer a fourth floor of 290 square meters000 classe energetica g (185 kwh/mqa) tel4573835
    piano: 4
    agenzia: interdomus
    mq: 290
    camere: 6 bagni: 4
    condizioni: buono / discreto000 energy class g (185 kwh / mqa) telthe property includes a large cellar of about 40 square meters and two assigned covered parking spaces

    Roma (Lazio)

    1190000 €

  • You will possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills and a clear understanding of cross-cultural issues that may affect classroom interactionyou will be required to provide proof of identity and proof of qualifications appropriate suitability checks will be required prior to confirmation of appointment the language gallery expects all staff and volunteers to share the company's commitment to equal opportunities within the workplacewe have positions available in our centre in birmingham and are seeking a variety of full time, part time, and cover teachersyou will be expected to have excellent and relevant subject knowledge, communicative teaching methodologies and cerfwhere relevant, we require applicants to undergo child protection screening appropriate to the rolequalifications: celta trinity cert (essential) a degree (essential) at least 1 year of experience (essential) delta or trinity dip (or working towards) (desirable) relevant ma (desirable) eap or pre-sessional or ielts experience (desirable) welfare and safeguarding: the language gallery advises that it is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of its studentselt teacher full-time/part time nottingham ÂŁ16 per hour as an elt you will be responsible for delivering high quality classes and courses as well as complying with quality standards and processeswe include reference checks with past employers and an enhanced check from the disclosure and barring service (dbs) and/or overseas criminal recordsthe role holder will have good classroom management skills, good linguistic awareness and the ability to teach general englishthe language gallery are looking for english language teachers (elt) for adult students, 16we are looking for celta or delta (or equivalent) teachers, especially those with experience of ielts, eap and pre-sessional coursesplease note classes are face to face unless government restrictions applyto apply, please send your cv to along with your cover letter stating your preference for either a full time or part time roleplease note: we will, specifically, ask reference requests whether there is any reason that applicants should not be engaged in situations where they have responsibility for, or substantial access to, persons under 18 we expect all gaps in cvs to be explained satisfactorilytherefore, we expect all staff and volunteers to share the same commitmentyou will ensure tlg policies are adhered to and that any necessary training is undertaken whilst also attending weekly staff meetings and cpd sessions

  • Superior people/customer relationship skills as well as strong interpersonal skillsensure that service department has all necessary tools and equipmentaligns work with strategic goalsability to travel full benefits package including health, pension, 401k and paid vacation timework with management for tradeshow preparations and set upproblem solving:identifies and resolves problems in a timely mannermanages competing demands and changes approach or method to best fit the situationsoftware proficiencies: microsoft o365 including excel, word, onedrive, outlook, powerpoint, project manager, sharepoint, teams, crm systemtravel 50%+ high school diploma or general education degree (ged) and “industry experience & tenure” as outlineddemonstrates knowledge of market and competitionresponsibilities: manage all functions of the service departmentsreview service reports and ensure administration of reports and invoices on a timely basisreview projects and define sow for service teamindustry experience & tenure: 10 years’ field service experience and knowledge of pharmaceutical packaging equipment and 5 years in related management experiencebrings strong network connections and relationshipsprovide feedback to management for department improvement and efficiencyliaise with sales and after sales teams on upcoming projects and installsbusiness acumen: understands business implications of decisionslearning: curious, open-minded and an avid listener who welcomes broad input, criticism and feedbackability to read and understand european blueprints and pneumatic diagramswork in collaboration with the hr department to maintain best practices for service departmentcontributes to building a positive team spiritpromote/sell maintenance programs to existing customersaligns organization and resources to deliver on customer commitmentsmaintain customer satisfaction and company’s good standing through pre-service planning and post-service follow upreview and approve service hours and overtimecollaboration and teamwork: balances team and individual responsibilitiesmanage emergency calls and warranty workexpert communication: excellent verbal and written communication skillsmaintain neat and orderly warehouse and workshopcustomer service:focuses on serving customers as the organization’s top priorityinnovation: displays original thinking and creativity and meets challenges with resourcefulnessadapts strategy to changing conditionsdemonstrates an independent, results-driven work ethiccreate detailed reports for upper managementwill not sponsor visasmarchesini group usa, a leading supplier of aseptic, primary, and secondary automatic packaging equipment, is searching for an experienced service manager to manage our team of us technicians and their deployment on service projects as well as administration of the departmentnotable requirements and considerations for position: applicant must have a pre-existing legal us work statussalary: negotiable please email resume tothe marchesini group designs and builds stand-alone machines and customised lines for packaging pharmaceuticals and cosmeticsassist customer care coordinator in resource identification and planningparticipate in interviewing and training of the new employees as well as coordination of training sessions accordinglyanalyses market and competition and identifies external threats and opportunitiesstrategic thinking: develops and implements strategic priorities to achieve organizational goalscompetencies: adaptability: adapts to changes in the work environmentresponds promptly to customer needs to meet commitmentsdevelop and deliver in-house training for service team including service procedures, company’s policies and procedures, and machine-specific trainingdisplays orientation to profitabilitydriven to create value for customersdemonstrates persistence and overcomes obstacles and measures self against standard of excellenceit was back in that massimo marchesini had the original idea of building packaging machines and built his first one in his garage at homeplanning/organizing:: prioritizes and plans work activities while efficiently managing timegathers and analyses information skilfully and develops alternative solutionsunderstands organization's strengths & weaknessesmotivation:sets and achieves challenging goalsmust be fluent in english – reading, writing and speaking must be fluent in italian – speaking must be able to read and understand european electrical schematics for new machine installation and troubleshootingunderstands needs, creates distinctive value, and builds meaningful relationshipspivotal experience & expertise functional experience: brings strong commercial experiencea self-starter and team player who is motivated to succeedover the years, various companies that were complementary to his business merged and were even taken over, thus transforming the marchesini group from the once small local company to the impressive multinational enterprise it is today, capable of creating packaging technologies for the most important products of the pharma and beauty industries

  • Superior people/customer relationship skills as well as strong interpersonal skillsafter sales forecast planningaligns work with strategic goalsmotivation: sets and achieves challenging goalsproblem solving:identifies and resolves problems in a timely mannermanages competing demands and changes approach or method to best fit the situationsoftware proficiencies: microsoft o365 including excel, word, onedrive, outlook, powerpoint, project manager, sharepoint, teamstravel 50%+ high school diploma or general education degree (ged) and “industry experience & tenure” as outlineddemonstrates knowledge of market and competitionlearning: curious, open-minded and an avid listener who welcomes broad input, criticism and feedbackbrings strong network connections and relationshipsbusiness acumen: understands business implications of decisionscontributes to building a positive team spiritaligns organization and resources to deliver on customer commitmentscreate and maintain strong working customer relationsplanning/organizing: prioritizes and plans work activities while efficiently managing timecollaboration and teamwork: balances team and individual responsibilitiesexpert communication: excellent verbal and written communication skillsinnovation: displays original thinking and creativity and meets challenges with resourcefulnessadapts strategy to changing conditionsdemonstrates an independent, results-driven work ethicmarchesini group usa, a leading supplier of aseptic, primary, and secondary automatic packaging equipment, is searching for, is searching for an experienced after sales – regional sales manager to generate and handle sales with emphasis on sales of modification and formats in designated territory within north americawill not sponsor visassalary: negotiable please email resume toindustry experience & tenure: 5 years’ broad experience and knowledge of pharmaceutical packaging equipment and processesnotable requirements and considerations for position: applicant must have a pre-existing legal us work statusthe marchesini group designs and builds stand-alone machines and customised lines for packaging pharmaceuticals and cosmeticsresponsibilities: develop, generate and manage sales activity for multinational accounts as well as small to mid-size customers with the emphasisanalyses market and competition and identifies external threats and opportunitiesstrategic thinking: develops and implements strategic priorities to achieve organizational goalscustomer service: focuses on serving customers as the organization’s top prioritysell and promote formats, modifications, and sla contractscompetencies: adaptability: adapts to changes in the work environmentmaintain and manage customer data base and reports in crmresponds promptly to customer needs to meet commitmentsdrive growing sales in expanding marketdisplays orientation to profitabilitydriven to create value for customersdemonstrates persistence and overcomes obstacles and measures self against standard of excellenceit was back in that massimo marchesini had the original idea of building packaging machines and built his first one in his garage at homegathers and analyses information skilfully and develops alternative solutionsunderstands organization's strengths & weaknessesunderstands needs, creates distinctive value, and builds meaningful relationshipspivotal experience & expertise functional experience: brings strong commercial experiencea self-starter and team player who is motivated to succeedover the years, various companies that were complementary to his business merged and were even taken over, thus transforming the marchesini group from the once small local company to the impressive multinational enterprise it is today, capable of creating packaging technologies for the most important products of the pharma and beauty industriesitalian/spanish language - not a requirement but an advantage full benefits package including health, pension, 401k and paid vacation time

  • Superior people/customer relationship skills as well as strong interpersonal skillssoftware proficiencies: microsoft o365 including excel, word, onedrive, outlook, powerpoint, project manager, sharepoint, teamsmanages competing demands and changes approach or method to best fit the situationlearning: curious, open-minded and an avid listener who welcomes broad input, criticism and feedbackbusiness acumen: understands business implications of decisionsresponsibilities: support and work closely with senior sales staff to manage company allocated customer accounts to ensure quality, standards and client expectationscontributes to building a positive team spiritaligns organization and resources to deliver on customer commitmentsplanning/organizing: prioritizes and plans work activities while efficiently managing timecollaboration and teamwork: balances team and individual responsibilitiesexpert communication: excellent verbal and written communication skillsproblem solving: identifies and resolves problems in a timely mannerinnovation: displays original thinking and creativity and meets challenges with resourcefulnessadapts strategy to changing conditionspivotal experience & expertise functional experience: demonstrates an independent, results-driven work ethicaligns work with strategic goals of company and after sales departmentwill not sponsor visasnotable requirements and considerations for position: applicant must have a pre-existing legal us work statusthe marchesini group designs and builds stand-alone machines and customised lines for packaging pharmaceuticals and cosmeticstravel 25%+ high school diploma or general education degree (ged) and “industry experience & tenure” as outlinedanalyses market and competition and identifies external threats and opportunitiesattend and participate in sales meetings, conference calls, training programs, and conventions as directedstrategic thinking: develops and implements strategic priorities to achieve organizational goalscustomer service: focuses on serving customers as the organization’s top prioritymarchesini group usa, a leading supplier of aseptic, primary, and secondary automatic packaging equipment, is searching for an entry level after sales associate to support and work with senior sales staff on sales of modification and formats within north americacompetencies: adaptability: adapts to changes in the work environmentresponds promptly to customer needs to meet commitmentsdisplays orientation to profitabilitydemonstrates persistence and overcomes obstacles and measures self against standard of excellencedriven to create value for customerspreparation of format and modification quotations for sales staffit was back in that massimo marchesini had the original idea of building packaging machines and built his first one in his garage at homegathers and analyses information skilfully and develops alternative solutionsunderstands organization's strengths & weaknessesmotivation:sets and achieves challenging goalsprepare sales presentations by compiling data; developing presentation formats and materialsunderstands needs, creates distinctive value, and builds meaningful relationshipsunderstand and support established after sales policies and proceduresitalian/spanish language - not a requirement but an advantage salary: negotiable please email resume toindustry experience & tenure: entry level positiona self-starter and team player who is motivated to succeedover the years, various companies that were complementary to his business merged and were even taken over, thus transforming the marchesini group from the once small local company to the impressive multinational enterprise it is today, capable of creating packaging technologies for the most important products of the pharma and beauty industries

  • What you will do understanding of customer and user demands management and writing functional and technical documents defining user stories and use cases software configuration requirements degree in computer science or related subjects, engineering, mathematics, statistics at least 2/3 years of experience (such as technical or functional analyst in it consulting or software development companies, will be considered as a plus advanced knowledge of the sql language knowledge of databases in terms of data structure and relations computer, object programming and service architecture (fe-be) skills english fluent we would like you to have (also) inclination to teamwork and problem solving excellent interpersonal and communication skills flexible and proactive approach what you will find a young and dynamic community ongoing training in our overit academy; unique opportunity to boost your career in a global scaleup tech company; agile working mindset; work-life balance (remote working, flexible work schedule, etcwe are a community before being a companywe are called innovation enablers because with passion and competence we are committed to create something extraordinary every daywho we are looking for we are a dynamic, international and inclusive company and for this reason we are looking for people exactly like that! if you share our same values and want to get involved, read onthe position you will be a technical analyst and as part of our project management teams, you will drive the evolution of complex management systems and implement cutting-edge features for our customerswho we are we are called visionary leaders in field service management, we have vision and mission of international scale up); pay package tailored to experience and expertise location: full flexibility is offered

  • Service) comms across the email, sms and ivr channels within pardot and synced to data warehouse automating proven new renewal, in life and customer service journeys (and any other legacy manually processed journeys) migrate manually sent agent emails from outlook into salesforce monitoring and reporting on the sending and quality of our automated customer comms, identifying and actioning opportunities for iterative improvements owning our pardot instance and the integration with salesforce (also other email sending services like sendgrid, where required) working with the salesforce product manager to prioritise customer comms work within the broader business context, and marshal the resources needed to execute ensuring compliance in how our customer marketing audiences across the group are maintained work as part of cross-functional teams with other marketing, digital product, tech and commercial people up and down the funnel to drive growth, retention and efficiency experience: 3-5 years in a similar role proven ability to delivery growth and efficiency through pardot-powered customer comms what we are looking for: great understanding of pardot and its salesforce integration ideally, some experience using sms or whatsapp as a channel proven ability to make progress within a complex and collaborative business ability to simplify, prioritise and focus good analytical skills understanding of customer experience mapping techniques understanding of software development methodologies and project management a do-er not just a manager, you love being hands on a collaborator, working with teams across the business to make the right campaigns to meet objectives, and to marshal the resources needed to make them perform ability to work in a very fast-paced environment and meet tight deadlines excellent interpersonal skills - can communicate concisely and confidently at all levels about bionic: at bionic, we want to make it radically easier to run a small businesswe use smart technology and data and combine it with world class human service, to help business owners sort their business essentials: business energy, insurance, connectivity, telecoms, and commercial finance solutionswe are looking for a pardot specialist contractor to join us in a fast-paced environment where innovative ideas and projects come to lifeday-to-day in the role: ability to set up automated, transactional (ethe successful candidate will be responsible for automating proven email journeys and campaigns, as well as optimising to drive performance (conversion, cross-sell and retention) and efficiency

  • • rail scheduling to be updated in xps ensuring a minimum of 2 weeks advance data available • focal point for the day to day scheduling of vessel movements • cost focused, in conjunction with planning manager, balancing commercial reasoning with cost when deploying labour & thus ensuring the operation is run efficiently with cost per box kept within budget • gain an understanding on the planned maintenance schedule and agree what engineer department what can be released on a day to day basis • build excellent rapport with internal customers, shipping lines, vessel agencies, harbor authority and other key stakeholders • request vessel move-count information & crane splits in advance, allowing accurate labour ordering to minimise disruption to operations and cost • discuss the current and next day berth plans at the daily operations briefings • gain a full understanding of navis ship editor and be responsible for managing the ship structure (nsd file) library • ensure that required management information and statistics are maintained and available • ordering of reefer sub-contract labour on a day to day basis • send advance plan on a daily basis, of equipment outages that will impact the execution team • to be an ambassador for the company always, internally and externally • a degree in a numerate subject • marne certificate of competency or equivalent industry experience • sound knowledge of terminal operations • proficient in navis n4, xps, ms word and ms excel • effective customer service skills to deliver exceptional standards, whilst aligning with terminal objectives • excellent interpersonal, influencing and communications skills, due to close contact with customers • excellent planning and organisational skills, with a high level of attention to detail • solid negotiation skills when dealing with customers • generous annual leave allowance (25 days – excluding bank holidays) • attractive annual bonus schemeberth planning to take account of commercial obligationsthey are to consider the financial, commercial & operational factors, as well as ensuring compliance with safety(10 %) • flexible benefits platform allowing you to pick and choose the benefits that suit you • professional membership subscription - fee paid for by us • health cash plan – low-cost insurance package that provides cash back towards healthcare bills and a wide range of other wellbeing benefitsan exciting opportunity has arisen within our operations department for a berth planner, to be based out of london gateway in stanford-le-hope, essexreporting to the vessel & rail superintendent, the berth planner will ensure an effective terminal berth plan is delivered, in conjunction with planning manager, for the efficient execution of terminal operationsdp world in the uk is at the heart of britain’s trading future, providing the right trading infrastructure, smart logistical solutions and the benefits of freeport status to our customersclashes to be discussed with relevant operations managementyou will receive cover for all kinds of treatments including eye care and dentistry, specialist consultations, x-ray etc • 4 x salary life assurance – creating financial security for you and your family • 2 onsite gyms / showers facilities • onsite catering facilities • regular family eventsto include duties such as: • ensuring close cooperation & planning with the engineering department for planned outage of machinery or yard space for maintenance purposes • liaise with shipping lines, agents and authorities to ensure fluid movement of vessels into and out of the port considering both financial and commercial impact of the business key responsibilities & accountabilities: • excellent customer service skills with the ability to communicate to all levels of the business • ensure vessel & rail plan maintained, running seven-day berthing plan, constantly updated as changes occur

  • Experience of hr administration and support for germany, the netherlands and france, preferred experience in managing employee's health and wellbeing experienced in employee relations desireable bachelor’s degree in human resources or management or equivalent degree minimum of 2 years’ experience in hr administration and recruiting proficient in ms office must have very strong organization skills, attention to detail, and multi-tasking skills outstanding communication and interpersonal skills ability to work well individually and as part of a team ability to work to tight deadlines bilingual in english and advanced in german fluency in dutch would also be beneficial our work and global focus on systems change in society is incredibly diverse and so we are very keen to receive applications from all parts of the global communitywe combine high-level research with high-impact, on-the-ground workthese disruptions are not only vital to the future of humanity and our planet, they also open up immense opportunities for the businesses that drive them9-12 months maternity cover we are looking for an ambitious & fun individual to join the hr team, as a hr assistant based in munich or amsterdam, to work with our offices in germany, france, and the netherlandswork with the hr team on adhoc projects when needed, eassist with monthly payroll processes for the european officesprovide reporting as requested by internal stakeholderssystemiq is a systems change company that partners with business, finance, policy-makers, and civil society to make economic systems truly sustainableour purpose is to catalyse good disruptions in critical economic systems, with a current focus that includes low-carbon energy, materials and the circular economy, and regenerative oceans and land useupdate our people hub on systemiq’s intranetorganize and manage the onboarding process across europe and brazil (communicate onboarding plan with the new hire and relevant stakeholders, schedule diary invites, deliver the hr induction, probation tracking)job duties include human resource management, onboarding new hires, off-boarding, managing contract changes, maintaining hris database with personnel changes, managing sickness and employee queries, assisting with benefits administration, and working on ad hoc projects as assignednew hris implementationwe co-create and incubate the market solutions most likely to build regenerative economic systems 4primary hr administrator for netherlands, france and germany ewe work with pioneering companies that want to drive the change in their industry 3you much have the right to work in the country location you are applying to - systemiq usually cannot provide sponsorshipchange to hours, contract extensionswe convene and support coalitions of leaders to shape policies and business strategies that will rapidly transform economic activity 2manage leavers process for the european offices, including exit interviewsbe the primary point of contact for hr queries and employee relation issues, for employees in europe and provide additional assistance to uk and brazil, as requiredthe ideal candidate must be a self-starter, detail oriented, organized, personable, an effective multi-tasker, and have excellent communication skillswe direct larger pools of capital so that they are invested for long-term sustainability, and we work to accelerate the transformation to a greener, more inclusive financial systemwe invest our own venture capital and expertise to accelerate business innovation and drive system change 5maintain hris data for our europeans officesleave of absence, benefits, employee files, reference letters, inbound international relocationskey responsibilities include: managing sick leave returners and to provide support to employees in the re-integration after sickness managing local employee relations managing changes to employment contracts for the european offices, esystemiq connects the right people, ideas, technologies, and capital to transform economic systems: 1

  • Excellent management and interpersonal skills demonstrate a consistent focus on uncompromising performance and customer serviceas part of our ambitious growth plans, we are looking to strengthen our team based from offices just north of sheffield city centrewe work with some of the largest retail, banking and commercial businesses around the uk to help recover overdue debts and arrange payment solutions, helping people clear their debtsprovide formal and informal feedback to individuals as necessarylead performance improvement and personal development activity where necessarystrong it skills – we use different technologies and systems and need you to pick these up quickly this a full-time permanent role working 37develop and monitor key performance indicators to provide timely management information to the operations manager and promote a proactive approach to under performanceassist the operations manager with the day-to-day management of the collections teams and the development of new processes and procedures previous experience in coaching and training collections teams with a proven track record of improving individual and collective performances is essentialcredit style is part of the bristow & sutor group – employing over 450 people, in debt recovery, throughout the ukassess telephone calls (live and retrospective) and system entries for quality, compliance and effectivenessset objectives in monthly reviews and take responsibility for the assessment timetabledevelop and maintain individual and team-based performance measurement systems to support the effective management of individual productivity, collection and revenue performanceprovide training sessions to both individuals and groups5 hours between 8am and 8pm monday to friday, work will be split between home and office based in sheffield (s3 postcode area) offering a salary of upto ÂŁ per annum + ote successful applicants will be required to complete ccj/dbs and other background checks prior to starting employment

  • Able to work on their own initiative and with exceptional attention to detail well-developed interpersonal skills will be essentialto respond to customer queries and, follow departmental procedures with a high level of accuracy in what is a strictly regulated environmentin return, we offer a starting salary of ÂŁwe also offer numerous company benefits, which are listed on our careers page https://wwwprevious experience in related working environment is essentialkfs are one of the leading forensic providers in the ukyour role will be full time (37 hours per week) based in our office in wymondham, norfolkto coordinate an efficient exhibit management and storage system to include booking in and returns with emphasis on continuous improvementthe closing date for this position is 3rd may but we reserve the right to close the vacancy early if we have sufficient applicants to progress to the next stage, so make sure to get your application in early if you're interested!logistics scheduling, driver communications and general logistics administration support to meet, greet and register all kfs visitors in adherence with kfs security policy and guidelinesthis role is an excellent and exciting opportunity to join our customer services team in a unique sectorour team of forensic scientists are experienced in the interpretation and reporting of a wide range of evidence types in support of criminal investigationswe at kfs are currently seeking a submissions officer who will provide a comprehensive administration and operational support to our customer services department and the wider kfs teamthis is a broad customer facing role, which will provide a highly professional and exceptional service to customers both internally and externallywe pride ourselves on delivering a quality service and building strong working relationships with our customer baseskills & competencies exceptional customer handling skills exemplary verbal and written communication skills problem solving skills essential and ability to deal with complexity coupled with managing a high workload able to work under pressure strong it capability to include microsoft office and excel ability to analyse data and basic reporting skills personal attributes professional business disposition and of smart appearance highly motivated individual who approaches work with a positive attitudehigh level of honesty and integrity strong work ethic and commitment team player and willingness to support others qualifications & experience gcse maths & english essential, a levels or equivalent desirablethe tasks associated with this role are wide ranging and therefore job holders will be required to be flexible and demonstrate effective teamwork in achieving the day to day work objectives of the departmentplease note that you must have been a resident in the uk for the past 5 years to be able to work in this position due to secruity vetting requirementsuk/forensic-science-careers/coordinate an efficient telephone, postal and stationery service coordination of meeting room and company vehicle booking administration to support other general administration tasks as requiredduties & responsibilities support the csd manager in providing a day to day csd administrative service to the heads of department and their teams

  • French appreciated (but not necessary); • discipline and organizational skills; • flexibility; • excellent interpersonal and communications skills; • autonomy; • timeliness; • good knowledge of excel; • knowledge of sap b-one appreciated what we offer you: • a permanent full time contract • an ambitious employer; we only want the best for you; • professional experience in an international environment with frequent contact with other colleagues and partner around the world; • strengthen cross-functional communication skills; • learning & development programs; • be part of the young (36 on avg(formerly electro power systems - engie eps), global player in energy storage and e-mobility, active in the construction of the largest fast and ultra-fast charging infrastructure in southern europe, develops technologies enabling the transition towards clean energy and sustainable mobility, shaping the future of a next generation living in harmony with our planetborn in as a technological spin-off of the politecnico di torino and milano, nhoa leverages its best-in-class technology and engineering edge, developed in over 15 years of r&d, paired with strategic partnerships and global procurement, to deliver the most competitive tailor-made turn-key solutions that allow the integration of renewable sources with all forms of energy storage, from batteries to hydrogen and even electric vehiclesit); • a fast career track like only few other companies can match; • always room for new ideas! location: hybrid remote (from italy) and milannhoa, with offices in france, the united states and australia, maintains entirely in italy research, development and production of its technologieswe are looking for an accounting specialist who, as part of the finance department of nhoa enrgy, will primarily be involved in: • general accounting; • support monthly, quarterly and annual closings following local and ifrs gaap; • accounting of trade receivables and accounts payables; • intercompany reconciliation; • cash management and reporting, supervise payment preparation; • bank reconciliation; • prepare f24 and other government-related returns accurately requirements: the ideal candidate must have • qualified accountant (degree); • 2 to 5 years in accounting (with both local gaap and ifrs) in international corporations; • very good language skills in italian and english) and international (+20 nationalities) group and work in a dynamic and fast-moving environment; • a revolutionary way of remote working that meets your needs (wwwit operates through its three global business lines: nhoa energy, free2move esolutions and atlante

  • High level of verbal, written, interpersonal and communication skillsin new bedford, massachusetts and hyderabad, india > opportunitĂ  per gli universitari graduate program curricular and extra-curricular internships thesis training bachelor or master, concluded or on course ability to prioritize, organize and multi-task in a flexible, fast paced and challenging environment to effectively meet deadlineswe want to expand as the global leader in marine content and location-based services built on innovation derived from our lifestyle appreciation, digital expertise and crowdsourcingour cartography is available to boaters for use in gps chartplotters, and within our app for apple® and android™ devicesestablished in , in viareggio, navionics®, a garmin® ltdbrand, produces electronic charts for the leisure boating marketbut, think about it: how pioneering is that? this state of mind is what navionics® is founded on and our focus for future goalsour head office is based in massarosa, tuscany, a lovely area easily accessible to cities of art, beaches and mountains but navionics also has offices in the unow we use location services every day on our mobile devices, and maybe even take them for grantedwe were born from a revolutionary idea: the world’s first electronic chart display, or chartplotter

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