Public affairs

Elenco public affairs

  • Alma laboris: comunicazione e relazioni istituzionali si segnalano le seguenti figure: manager delle relazioni esterne, responsabile di public affair, esperto di comunicazione d’impresa, consulente di agenzie specializzate,esperto di rapporti pubblico-privato (ppp), dirigente delle relazioni istituzionali nazionali ed europei per favorire la crescita professionale, alma laboris business school propone il percorso formativo in comunicazione e relazioni istituzionali (in aula oppure online - live streaming) 100 ore di formazione con taglio pratico in formula weekend in aula (roma e milano) e online (live streaming) con l’obiettivo di: fornire conoscenze tecniche, attraverso l’esame di numerosi casi aziendali, esercitazioni pratiche e la presenza di esperti del settore; costruire opportunitĂ  di carriera, con il supporto gratuito di consulenti qualificati; comprende iscrizione pmi (project management institute) e preparazione esame certificazione pmpcon la candidatura all'annuncio riceverĂ  info sulle attivitĂ  formativeagevolazioni entro il 21 giugnole principali materie trattate nel percorso formativo in formula week-end: introduzione - la comunicazione e le relazioni istituzionali il lavoro delle relazioni istituzionali la collaborazione parlamentare il giornalismo d’inchiesta la comunicazione stampa tv, radio e giornali la comunicazione e i social network focus - comunicazione dell’energia tra mercati regolati e liberi la statistica e i dati nella comunicazione opportunitĂ  di carriera: alma laboris, giĂ  durante il percorso formativo, propone per ogni singolo partecipante: promozione del profilo alle aziende interessate a fissare colloqui per diverse posizioni aperte; consulenza di carriera qualificata, per delineare con efficacia l’ambito di spendibilitĂ ; portale “network”, strumento esclusivo ideato per proporre in autonomia la candidatura agli annunci di lavoro che le aziende partner e la business school pubblicano periodicamente; assistenza individuale con un tutor esperto delle dinamiche del mercato, per consigli utili e strumenti aggiornati; sei interessato/a? invia la candidatura e potrai fissare un colloquio di orientamento (gratuito e non vincolante) con la business school, in cui valutare le opportunitĂ  di carriera legate al tuo profilo

  • Le ultime tendenze dal mondo del lavoro, infatti, segnalano la necessitĂ  di professionisti come: medical affairs manager, medical affairs advisor, medical science liaison (msl), field medical advisor, field medical manager, clinical monitor, mclinical project manager, r&d manager, medical area director, patient advocacy manager, clinical project manager, medical affairs specialist, direttore medico, direzione medicail percorso formativo di alta formazione in pharma medical affairs: la scienza nella direzione medica dell’industria farmaceutica in aula (roma e milano) e online (live streaming) è la strada piĂą concreta per adeguarsi alla crescente richiesta di figure professionali del settorele principali materie trattate in formula week-end: il ciclo di vita del prodotto farmaceutico: l’evoluzione accelerata del medical affairs: ruoli, responsabilitĂ  e competenze generare evidenze per creare valore: medical affairs: qualitĂ , autenticitĂ  e prova di ogni risultato: la ricerca pre-clinica e clinica: dove nascono le “evidenze”, elementi di metodologia e statistica: le “evidenze” in medicina, come si progettanoe realizzano le “evidenze”, farmacovigilanza e medical affairs: il paziente al centro, affari regolatori, affari legali e medical affairs: un rapporto indissolubile, farmacoeconomia e medical affairs: dare valore economico alle evidenze cliniche comunicare valore: la divulgazione e comunicazione scientifica nell’epoca moderna: la pubblicazione dei risultati della ricerca, marketing farmaceutico e strategie per creare valore autentico per il cliente, il valore della comunicazione nel medical affairs: formazione, informazione e diffusione, la comunicazione scientifica in pubblicocon la candidatura all'annuncio riceverĂ  info sulle attivitĂ  formativeagevolazioni entro il 21 giugnoalma laboris è l’unica business school che si prende cura della carriera del partecipante sin dall’inizio del percorso formativo con un servizio placement completamente gratuito, dedicato allo sviluppo della carriera, con un complesso di azioni mirate alla massima spendibilitĂ  occupazionale! le principali azioni del servizio placement: promozione del profilo, colloqui e matching con aziende fidelizzate del network, coaching individuale, carnet di strumenti di presentazione, target mirato di contatti aziendali, sessioni di training sul mondo del lavoro e tanto altroalma laboris: pharma medical affairs: la scienza nella direzione medica dell’industria farmaceutica alma laboris business school è la scelta migliore per l’inserimento nel mondo del lavoro, per la riqualificazione professionale, per ricollocarsi presso un’altra azienda: la formula unica “ formazione-placement-carriere ” è la soluzione ideale per tanti profili professionali, che intendono raggiungere nuovi obiettivi di carriera e/o acquisire le skill piĂą richieste dalle aziendesei interessato/a? invia la candidatura e potrai fissare un colloquio di orientamento (gratuito e non vincolante) con la business school, in cui valutare le opportunitĂ  di carriera legate al tuo profilo

  • Optima italia ricerca regulatory affairs junior ci occupiamo di energia, gas, telefono e internetcom regulatory affairs junior in staff alla divisione regulatory affairs, la risorsa affiancherĂ  il responsabile affari regolamentari nei rapporti con le diverse autoritĂ  di settore (agcom, arera, agcm, garante privacy) e/o associazioni di categoriaskills indispensabili: buona conoscenza della lingua inglese scritta e parlata; ottima dimestichezza con gli strumenti informatici; capacitĂ  di lavorare in gruppo; capacitĂ  di problem solving e di gestione dello stressooffriamo un servizio innovativo: eliminiamo gli sprechi, portiamo certezza di spesa, tranquillitĂ  e serenitĂ  alle impresesiamo un'azienda generazionale, meritocratica, creata e formata da under 40, nella quale la crescita professionale è finalmente un'opportunitĂ  per tuttila sede di lavoro sarĂ  stabilita a napoli, si richiede comunque massima flessibilitĂ  e disponibilitĂ  a trasferte sul territorio nazionalese vuoi saperne di piĂą su optima: noi: http://wwwtutto in una nuova unica soluzioneoffriamo: l’inquadramento e la retribuzione saranno commisurati all’esperienza effettivamente maturataabbiamo deciso di accettare la sfida che l'italia ci pone: cambiare le regole del gioco e del mercato nel nostro settore, e dimostrare che anche nel nostro paese si può lavorare bene offrendo servizi limpidi e pro-clienteil candidato ideale ha una laurea specialistica in materie giuridico/economiche, ha esperienza di almeno 1/2 anni in aziende di settore; c onoscenza dei mercati dell’energia elettrica e delle telecomunicazioni, nonchĂ© delle principali caratteristiche associate ai diversi segmenti della filiera; conoscenza dei principali soggetti istituzionali coinvolti nel processo decisionale (agcom, arera, au, agcm, garante privacy) e i rispettivi poteri ed ambiti di competenza; conoscenza dell’iter normativoinoltre si occuperĂ  delle seguenti attivitĂ : monitoraggio regolamentare nazionale ed internazionale; valutazione ed analisi di impatto della normativa di settore sul business e sui processi aziendali; predisposizione di report, ppt, note e documenti di approfondimento a supporto delle funzioni impattaterappresenterĂ  titolo preferenziale l’aver conseguito una specializzazione post lauream in antitrust e regolazione dei mercati e/o una pregressa esperienza di praticantato presso una delle autoritĂ  di settore

  • Per importante azienda operante in ambito biomedico, si ricerca: responsabile quality assurance and regulatory affairs la risorsa, inserita nel contesto di lavoro, avrĂ  piena responsabilitĂ  del controllo del sistema assicurazione qualitĂ  e dei processi regolatori dell'azienda, svolgendo le seguenti attivitĂ  in autonomia: • gestione del sistema assicurazione qualitĂ  aziendale in base all’evoluzione del processo produttivo dell’organizzazione; • aggiornare in termini di procedure, istruzioni e modelli, il manuale della qualitĂ ; • redigere le schede tecniche sulla base delle informazioni contenute nelle istruzioni per l'uso ed in generale nella documentazione di prodotto; • redazione, revisione e monitoraggio della documentazione tecnico-regolatoria • supporto al regolatorio; • curare la registrazione dei prodotti presso i vari paesi di sbocco; • gestione processi e procedure per garantire i requisiti definiti dall'azienda; • effettuare audit interni per verificare che ogni funzione aziendale agisca in base alle norme iso applicate; • gestire le azioni correttive controllando che l’azienda si allinei alle normative iso applicate; • controllo e analisi della qualitĂ  dei prodotti; si richiede: • laurea magistrale in materie scientifiche quali ingegneria biomedica, chimica e tecnologie farmaceutiche, biotecnologie e simili; • esperienza almeno triennale in assicurazione qualitĂ  e regolatorio maturata in aziende strutturare del settore elettromedicale; • solida conoscenza della iso , della iso , modifiche introdotte da normativa “nuovo mdr” e degli standard regolatori; • autonomina nella mansione; completano il profilo orientamento agli obiettivi e rispetto delle scadenze, precisione, organizzazione e gestione del lavoro e problem solvingtor nasce dall’esperienza del gruppo lavoropiĂą che dal opera nei servizi alle imprese nell’ambito delle risorse umane e propone servizi di consulenza hr per ricerca e selezione di profili altamente qualificatilingua inglese luogo di lavoro: lucca si offre un contratto diretto in azienda a tempo indeterminato e l'inquadramento e la retribuzione saranno commisurati sulla base dell'esperienza e dell'anzianitĂ  maturate nel ruoloyour goal, our mission! i candidati migliori vanno cercati, contattati e valutati con i migliori strumenti e con la massima curator nasce per questotor si impegna per dare ai propri consulenti il metodo, l’affiancamento e gli strumenti per esprimersi al meglio in quello che amano fare: trovare le persone migliori sul mercato e le piĂą adatte ai contesti aziendali dei nostri partner

  • Per importante azienda operante nel settore food, con una forte vocazione export, stiamo ricercando una figura di senior regulatory affairs con sede in romagnator nasce dall’esperienza del gruppo lavoropiĂą che dal opera nei servizi alle imprese nell’ambito delle risorse umane e propone servizi di consulenza hr per ricerca e selezione di profili altamente qualificatiti preghiamo di non inserire dati appartenenti a particolari categorie (dati che rivelino l’origine razziale o etnica, le opinioni politiche, le convinzioni religiose o filosofiche, o l’appartenenza sindacale, dati genetici, dati biometrici intesi a identificare in modo univoco una persona fisica, dati relativi alla salute o alla vita sessuale o all’orientamento sessualeil presente annuncio è rivolto ad entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi e e a persone di tutte le etĂ  e tutte le nazionalitĂ , ai sensi dei decreti legislativi epreparazione di documenti e dichiarazioni a fronte di richieste di clienti o enti esterni esperienza di almeno 5 anni nel ruolo, maturata all’interno di aziende del settore alimentare o farmaceutico; laurea in discipline tecnico scientifiche quali tecnologie alimentari, ingegneria o chimica industrialeti ricordiamo che lavoropiĂą non richiede mai, nella prima fase di ricezione delle candidature, l’invio di documenti di riconoscimento o di altra documentazione burocratica (ad esempio informazioni personali, dati, codici collegati a sistemi di pagamento) ed i nostri annunci riportano sempre un indirizzo mail per la ricezione delle candidature con uno dei seguenti domini aziendali: @lavoropiuyour goal, our mission! i candidati migliori vanno cercati, contattati e valutati con i migliori strumenti e con la massima curala risorsa verrĂ  inserita all’interno dell’ufficio r&d e si occuperĂ  di: - supporto per lo sviluppo di prodotti in linea con le normative del mercato di riferimento - valutazione di conformitĂ  delle formulazioni dei prodotti finiti della documentazione redatta a supporto quali etichetta e scheda tecnicheti chiediamo di prendere visione dell’informativa privacy consultabile al link lavoropiuit/privacy e di inserire nel cv l’autorizzazione al trattamento dei tuoi dati personali ai sensi del regolamento ue nin caso di dubbi, cerca sul nostro sito la filiale a te piĂą vicina per avere tutte le informazioni necessariefluente conoscenza della lingua inglese e la disponibilitĂ  a trasferte di breve duratator nasce per questoe della legislazione italiana vigentediffida da chi, anche tramite annunci apparentemente legati al nostro brand, ti chiede di inviare scansioni di documenti per partecipare a selezioni e/o colloqui, in particolare quando riporti nel testo indirizzi mail con domini differentitor si impegna per dare ai propri consulenti il metodo, l’affiancamento e gli strumenti per esprimersi al meglio in quello che amano fare: trovare le persone migliori sul mercato e le piĂą adatte ai contesti aziendali dei nostri partner

  • Vendo lettera dei public enemy originale ed unica al mondo, risalente al scritta poco dopo la pubblicazione del loro primo albumaccetto proposte d'acquistoresto a disposizione per ulteriori dettagli e quesiti

    1 €

  • Currently is implementing two multi-year water projects supporting public water and wastewater services through funding by afd and eu-madadits approach is three-folded, and builds on (i) infrastructural interventions to improve service delivery, (ii) capacity building to water establishments’ local offices, and (iii) community engagement to promote water accountability and public participationpurpose of the role within this framework, weworld-gvc seeks to recruit a project manager to and lead the implementation of the two projectsessential requirements qualifications and knowledge advanced university degree or equivalent in the field of water management, development studies, project management fluency in written and spoken english professional experience at least 4 years of experience in project management in development programs proven experience with impact-driven implementation of activities and team management, as well as logistics, meal and budgeting for programs above 1 m eur skills and abilities strong interpersonal relationships and good communication and leadership skills ability to perform under stress condition capacity to work autonomously and in problems prevention/resolution proven organizational skills and ability to effectively manage multiple tasks while fostering quality, team spirit and positive working relationships with colleagues integrity in line with the humanitarian principles and ethical standards cultural, gender, religion, and age sensitivity and adaptability strong commitment to weworld-gvc mission desirable requirements previous experience in lebanon or in the middle east previous experience in water programs availability to commit for a long-term deploymentpresent in 29 countries with 128 projects, weworld-gvc operates in the following areas of assistance: human rights (gender equality, prevention and combating violence against children and women, migration), humanitarian aid (prevention, emergency relief and rehabilitation), food security, access to water, health and hygiene, education, global citizenship education, quality teaching and international volunteeringweworld-gvc works mostly with girls, boys, women and youth, actors of change in every community for a fairer and more inclusive worldat present, the main donors are italy (aics), the eu (dg echo), unicef, ocha, and belgium (dgd)weworld-gvc, recently constituted from the merger of two ngos, is an italian secular and independent organization working since in international cooperation and humanitarian aidmain functions and duties projects management (70%) plan and supervise the implementation of projects’ activities ensuring effective delivery in line with all donors’ regulations, lebanese legislation and professional standards ensure satisfactory management of project budgets in collaboration with finance and logistics conduct procurement processes in collaboration with the logistics and finance department closely monitor the contracted works and directly liaise with the consultants and contractors initiate and conduct assessments, baseline surveys, beneficiaries satisfaction surveys and end line surveys ensuring stakeholder participation plan and supervise the implementation of communication and behavioural change campaigns monitor and assess the progress of implementation of activities and devise corrective measures as and when required, ensure that project impact is maximized and lessons learnt are continuously documented and shared ensure timeliness and accuracy of internal and external reporting, in collaboration with the meal department communication, coordination and representation (15%) ensure effective coordination with support departments establish and maintain networks with operational and institutional interlocutors involved in the realization of the project represent weworld-gvc at relevant public, coordination and representation meetings involving local stakeholders, authorities, international agencies and ngos prepare visits of donor representatives / hq visitors / other stakeholders whenever requested participate in all consortium relevant meetings, as well as relevant sector meetings or other relevant coordination bodies in the target areas team management and hr (15%) ensure the appropriate staffing of the project, planning and implementing specific actions to recruit, manage and motivate staff ensure that directly line managed staff have clearly defined objectives, understand their responsibilities and receive meaningful feedback on their performance provide support and advice to project staff, ensuring clarity over project plans and priorities and encouraging effective teamwork establish and maintain a collaborative and high performing working environmentother tasks provide inputs for the update weworld-gvc strategies, by conducting needs assessments when relevant contribute to the development of competitive and responsive project proposals the duties and responsibilities set forth above are not exhaustive and the role holder may be required to perform additional duties (iimplementation of other specific tasks assigned by the line manager and preparation and transmission of additional information requested by hq)joining the weworld-gvc team means being part of the development of a dynamic organisation where the contribution of each staff member is promoted and valued, working together towards the collective achievement of shared goals and visionposition: project manager – water development reporting to: head of programmes/program manager collaborating with: water advisor, senior hydraulic engineer, and support departments managing: field team of 5-6 individuals location: lebanon, bekaa, zahle office with frequent visit to field areas type of contract: a first 3 (three) month collaboration contract subject to verification of the achievement of specific objectives (these objectives will be agreed together with the country representative upon arrival on assignment); a second collaboration contract of 9 (nine) months renewable, following the positive evaluation of the first three months of contract starting date: asap gross salary: to be defined according to the candidate’s profile application deadline: 25 april working context weworld-gvc started operating in lebanon in and has refined its water governance program for over seven yearsunder the direct line management of the head of programmes/program manager, the project manager will be responsible for successfully implementing weworld-gvc’s components of the projects, in close cooperation with the project partners and the consortium coordinators, beneficiaries, and stakeholderssupports people overcoming emergencies and guarantees a life with dignity, opportunities and a better future through human and economic development programs, in the framework of the agenda

  • Avoid touching public touchscreens like store checkoutsthe safer way to use public touchscreens, doors and buttons specification: material: metalreduce point-of-contact area by over 99%ergonomic design makes it easy to open doors, press buttons & pull leversno direct contact with surfaces5package included: 1 x antibacterial edc door opener contactless key door openerthanks for understanding!please allow 1-3cm error due to manual measurementplease understand that colors may exist chromatic aberration


    5590000152587891 €

  • 5+ years of relevant work experience in technical design and/or engineering in the field of renewables, energy storage, distribution grid, sub-stations etc we highly favour professionals with some previous experiences in e-mobility / ev charging projects working experience in several of the following areas: ev supply equipment; ev batteries / engineering; grid interconnection; power conversion systems; power system design; energy storage; greenfield, brownfield developments, re-purposing development projects; energy related-real estate developments, tendering / contracting with public authorities, health and safety regulations, grid codes, scheduling, progress measurement, risk assessment, estimating process and planning, electronic document file management… advanced computer sciences and digital skills of any nature a definitive plusthe atlante project is the result of the partnership between nhoa – which develops and invests in the network being owner and operator – free2move esolutions, in the role of supplier of charging technology, and stellantis automotive groupyou will be involved from and contribute to the early stages of the site selection and the planning & permitting assisting the development team with designs, specifications and early stage plansyou will interact with all internal teams of atlante and/or nhoa, and will ensure upkeep of all relevant nhoa’s policies, contractual and quality standards, health, safety & environment requirements, financial targets, as well as schedule commitments from beginning to endit/en); a fast career track like only few other companies can match; always room for new ideas! location: full remote (from italy) or hybrid remote (from italy) / milanmanaging the timing and costs of engineering activities; day to day management of resources and budgets assigned to you; drawing up reports on the closing of the order, in order to capitalize and spread the results, solutions and anything else necessary to increase effectiveness and efficiency in subsequent experiencesbe quality and customer-experience obsessedcertification in autocad (or similar), project management and bim are considered as a plus while the role is for site development within italy, candidates must be available for international travels, for example to support other offices (france, spain, portugal) fluent in english (spoken and written) is a must; a second language is a plus (french, spanish or portuguese) what we offer you a permanent full-time job an ambitious employer; we only want the best for you; professional experience in an international environment with frequent contact with other colleagues and partner around the world; strengthen cross-functional communication skills; learning & development programs; be part of the young (36 on avgwherever possible, you will coordinate the addition of on-site photovoltaic coversyou will then continue following the engineering of the solutions, detailing the specifications and working with the procurement team for equipment selection and/or tenderingat atlante you will be in charge of the design, solution configuration and engineering of our charging stationscontribute to the creation or improvement of digital tools and systems as part of your work culture; promote a culture of cost-effectiveness for the benefit of the end-usersatlante is nhoa’s new global business line dedicated to build the first ev fastcharging network enabled by renewables, energy storage and 100% grid-integrated) and external consultants (specialized engineering firms, planning advisory etcwithin your responsibilities, you will select, appoint and supervise external consultants and contractors as required to complete the detailed engineering, procurement and construction/installation of the charging stationsafter handover to project management team, you will continue to support as required, including for the commissioning phasetask and duties: contribute to the definition of standard yet flexible charging stations’ configurations and features; define preliminary and executive design of charging stations’ solutions, managing a portfolio of site development projects at various stages of development; support the site selection process, especially with respect to engineering/technical topics, planning, permitting timeframes and/or potential technical redflags; support the development team in liaising with all external stakeholders necessarily part of the development plan: site owners, public/local authorities, local communities, consumers’ groups, planning authorities, fire safety authorities, utilities (for connections and supply), etc; liaise with internal teams (development, procurement, project management etcyour background: an electrical engineering degree complemented by practical and relevant site development experience (see below) is a must), direct and supervise their work ensuring timely deliver of their deliverables on budget; provide feedback to the commercial and development teams, for continuous improvement and optimization of site selection and development; contribute to the strategic decisions and goal setting for future site acquisition and development) and international (+20 nationalities) group and work in a dynamic and fast-moving environment; a revolutionary way of remote working that meets your needs (wwwyou will be in charge of defining the required gird connection(s) and support equipment / modules (everifying the requirements of subcontractors also in terms of safety and preparing the necessary safety measures for the site, with the support of the hseq manager; proactively design processes and work methodologies which are digital, replicable, and scalable to the maximum extent possible for all of the technical design, engineering and configuration activities (appropriately segmented by categories)

  • Ministero affari esteri adiacenze, precisamente in via colli della farnesina, in prestigioso e tranquillo comprensorio immerso nel verde, con giardini condominiali e portineria h24, proponiamo un quarto piano di mq 290adjacent ministry of foreign affairs, precisely in via colli della farnesina, in a prestigious and quiet area surrounded by greenery, with condominium gardens and 24-hour concierge, we offer a fourth floor of 290 square metersthe apartment consists of a large main entrance with wardrobe, second service entrance, triple living room with fireplace and adjoining dining room, three bedrooms, small bedroom used as a walk-in closet, kitchen, three bathrooms, small bedroom and small bathroom, utility room, three habitable balconies for a total of approximately 60 square meters000 energy class g (185 kwh / mqa) telit
    tipo di proprietĂ : appartamento
    indirizzo: via dei colli della farnesina
    camilluccia, roma, roma
    cap: 00135
    latitudine: 41palazzo munito di doppio ascensoreprezzo richiesto €building with double liftexcellent brightness and panoramic views of the greencompletano la proprietà una grande cantina di circa mq 40 e due posti auto coperti assegnati9413471
    logitudine: 1206/39723519 - 335/6762911 interdomussrl@liberothe property includes a large cellar of about 40 square meters and two assigned covered parking spaceslappartamento internamente è composto da un ampio ingresso padronale con guardaroba, secondo ingresso di servizio, salone triplo con camino ed attigua sala da pranzo, tre camere da letto, cameretta adibita a cabina armadio, cucina abitabile, tripli servizi, cameretta e bagnetto di servizio, ripostiglio, tre balconi abitabili per un totale di superfici scoperte di circa mq 60ottima la luminosità e gli affacci panoramici sul verde4573835
    piano: 4
    agenzia: interdomus
    mq: 290
    camere: 6 bagni: 4
    condizioni: buono / discreto000 classe energetica g (185 kwh/mqa) tel

    Roma (Lazio)

    1190000 €

  • Very suitable for family, business and public occasionsboth sides of the sponge brush use high * sponge and sand clothone-handed operation for faster cleaning of tableware, saving you time5 inches / 10 * 14 cmmethod: manual pressurefeatures:two-in-one design, large capacity, easy to use, versatile, small sizepacking list: soap dispenser + sponge brushmaterial: abs + spongecapacity: 13 ouncessize: 3small and compact, saving kitchen spaceyou only need to fill it once, you can use it multiple times, without the need to replenish water frequentlyone-handed operation, light pressure, automatic liquid discharge, saving time and effort, tableware scrubbing, easy to get done![high-quality materials]: our soap dispenser sponge holder is made of food-grade transparent abs + pc plastic, which is strong, corrosion-resistant and durable[widely used]: the soap dispenser is suitable for homes, offices, hotels, restaurants, factories, schools, etc[2 in 1 design]: we use a soap dispenser + double-sided sponge brush 2 in 1 designelastic sponge, water-absorbing and non-stick oil; emery cloth with high friction, strong decontamination ability, non-oil degreasing[save space and time]: the capacity of our soap dispenser sponge holder is 13 ounces


    130600004196167 €

  • Can be used for tableware disinfection, toilet disinfection in public places, disinfection of baby products, disinfection of daily necessities, disinfection of digital products, disinfection of food, disinfection of beauty tools, etcpuò essere messo in una tasca, portarlo con sĂ© e può essere sterilizzato irradiando per 2 secondi dalla superficie delloggetto a 1-5 cm, sicuro e senza preoccupazionidisinfezione uvc lampada portatile per sterilizzazione a luce ultravioletta telescopica lampada uvc con porta di ricarica usbcaratteristiche:- it can kill 99specifiche:size: 98*375mmil pacchetto include:1 x germicidal lamp1 x cavo usb9% of bacteria, aphids, molds and other bacteria by irradiating for 2 seconds from the object


    25520000457763672 €

  • In the immediate vicinity there is a large public car park with a children's park and a bus stopl'immobile necessita di lavori di ristrutturazione in piccola parte giĂ  eseguiti dall'attuale proprietarioalong with the building, a plot of square meters with about 80 olive trees is for saleper informazioni o visite rivolgersi in agenziaon the attic floor, suggestive for the view over the whole valley until reaching the sea, we find two large rooms where it is possible to create additional bedrooms and bathroomstato immobile: da ristrutturare composto da 12vani cucina: abitabile montemagno - calci immerso nel grande anfiteatro naturale posto nel cuore del monte pisano caratterizzato da boschi di macchia mediterranea e terrazzamenti per la coltivazione di olivi, all'interno di una piccola via del borgo di montemagno, le cui origini risalgono all'alto medioevo troviamo questo antico palazzo residenziale di modeste dimensioni costituito da due piani oltre piano sottostrada e soffittarif: lb62 - mq: 360 - locali: 12 - classe energetica: g - consumo: kwh/m2inserzionista: la casa per tesuggestive property, also ideal for hospitality purposesfor information or visits, contact the agencynel piano sottostrada con accesso indipendente, ci sono ampi vani caratterizzati da volte ed archi, al piano terra dove troviamo la parte abitativa con piĂą accessi dalla strada principale composta da ingresso tradizionale, soggiorno, sala da pranzo, cucina abitabile, piccolo disimpegno, bagno, camera con bagno esclusivo, da scala in pietra arriviamo al piano primo dove è ospitata la zona notte con tre camere ampio soggiorno e due bagnithe property needs renovation works in a small part already carried out by the current ownerimmersed in the large natural amphitheater located in the heart of the pisan mountain characterized by mediterranean scrub woods and terraces for the cultivation of olive trees, within a small via del borgo di montemagno, whose origins date back to the early middle ages we find this ancient residential building of modest size consisting of two floors plus basement and atticin the basement floor with independent access, there are large rooms characterized by vaults and arches, on the ground floor where we find the housing part with more access from the main road consisting of traditional entrance, living room, dining room, kitchen, small hallway, bathroom, room with exclusive bathroom, from a stone staircase we arrive at the first floor where the sleeping area is housed with three bedrooms, large living room and two bathroomsinsieme al fabbricato è in vendita un terreno di mq con circa 80 piante di ulivoimmobile suggestivo, ideale anche per scopo ricettivonelle immediate vicinanze si trova grande parcheggio pubblico con parco per bambini e fermata autobusal piano mansarda suggestiva per la vista su tutta la vallata fino a raggiungere il mare troviamo du ampi vani dove è possibile realizzare ulteriori camere e bagno

    250 €

  • The property is located in the central area, adjacent to all the main services, such as supermarkets, bars, public transport stops and schoolscompleta la proprietĂ  una cantinale bien comprend une cavel'immobile è sito in zona centrale, adiacente tutti i principali servizi, come supermercati, bar, fermata mezzi pubblici e scuoledas anwesen umfasst einen kellerl'agence immobilière obycasa cerveteri propose Ă  la vente dans un complexe rĂ©sidentiel avec piscinethe obycasa cerveteri real estate agency offers for sale in a residential complex with swimming poolapartamento en el primer piso, compuesto por una sala de estar con cocina americana, pasillo, dormitorio doble, baño y terrazaappartamento posto al piano primo, composto da soggiorno con angolo cottura, disimpegno, camera matrimoniale, bagno e verandala propiedad se encuentra en la zona cĂ©ntrica, junto a todos los servicios principales, como supermercados, bares, paradas de transporte pĂşblico y colegiosthe property includes a cellardie immobilienagentur obycasa cerveteri bietet zum verkauf eine wohnanlage mit swimmingpool anclasse energetica: n/dapartment on the first floor, composed of a living room with kitchenette, hallway, double bedroom, bathroom and verandala propiedad incluye una bodegala agencia inmobiliaria obycasa cerveteri pone a la venta en conjunto residencial con piscinaappartement au premier Ă©tage, composĂ© d'un sĂ©jour avec coin cuisine, couloir, chambre double, salle de bain et vĂ©randal'agenzia immobiliare obycasa cerveteri, propone in… l'agenzia immobiliare obycasa cerveteri, propone in vendita in complesso residenziale con piscinacondizioni immobile: buone dimensione: 56 mq stanze: 1 bagni: 1 inserzionista: agenzia obycasa di cerveteriwohnung im ersten stock, bestehend aus einem wohnzimmer mit kochnische, diele, schlafzimmer mit doppelbett, bad und verandala propriĂ©tĂ© est situĂ©e dans la zone centrale, Ă  cĂ´tĂ© de tous les principaux services, tels que les supermarchĂ©s, les bars, les arrĂŞts de transports en commun et les Ă©colesdas anwesen befindet sich im zentralen bereich, neben allen wichtigen dienstleistungen wie supermärkten, bars, haltestellen der öffentlichen verkehrsmittel und schulen

    89 €

  • Le nuove risorse impareranno le migliori tecniche di marketing diretto e di public speaking al fine di informare e fidelizzare la clientela rispetto ai brand partner, incontrando direttamente l’utente finale in zone appositamente studiate e durante eventi di settore (es: fiere, manifestazioni, in aree residenziali d2d e piazze cittadine, per mezzo di stand/infopoint in centri commerciali e vie dello shopping)lm inserisce a supporto del proprio staff milanese: hostess e promoter interessati ad un percorso di crescita professionale e continuativonon è richiesta esperienza pregressa nel ruolo fisso mensile + inserimento di 12 mesi 1° colloquio in video chiamata

  • We also support the delivery of public sector services with a particular focus on health, social housing and educationsend your cv to to discuss your opportunitiesfor further information please download the job description attached belowsalary ÂŁ30k - ÂŁ40k doe benefits: flexible working with the option to work from office / home location early finish friday free onsite parking subsidised costa coffee onsite canteen employee development programmes refer a friend scheme upto ÂŁ benefits platform - gym membership, cycle to work, retail discounts plus many more fan club awards – employee recognition programme – winners get ÂŁ250 of vouchers every quarter closing date: 26th april we endeavour to respond to all applications within two weeks of the closing datethis role is ideally based in our head office in lytham but we are flexible and are happy to have this role as fully remote, this can discussed further at interviewas business intelligence analyst you will engage with internal and external stakeholders to support requirements gathering, bug management and deploying bi improvements across inencoto be successful in the role you will have: experience of ms sql server & ssis workflow management experience across at least one programming language experience of working within a bi/ reporting or analysis function working knowledge of ssrs, power bi or other business reporting and visualization tools demonstrable ability to write and optimize t-sql statements advanced / intermediate knowledge or ms excel ablility to express ideas orally & written effectively ablility to ensure stakeholders are receiving relevant and timely data experience adapting to change well and to make suggestions for improvement if this role sounds like your next career move, hit apply or equally if you would like more information contact our talent teamnot the job for you? did you know inenco offers many varied and interesting roles: energy, trading, analysis, consultancy, finance, sales, sustainability and complianceour customers include leading organisations across sectors from manufacturing to hospitality and retail to logisticsyour objective as business intelligence analyst is to work collaboratively with business users and other members of the bi team to deliver reporting outcomes that meet the internal and external customers’ needs effectivelyyou will: implement code changes to inenco’s bi & data systems develop relationships with internal & external clients to support the delivery and understanding of bi reports & dashboards prepare changes to reports & bi tools for deployment collect requirements and manage workflows required to keep inenco data workflows in sync contribute to resolution of data & reporting issues enhance documentation of reporting & dashboard outcomes reduce level of change against existing reports & dashboards this is a fixed term role for 6 months to support with qlik and sql reporting and will be reviewed and possibly extendedinenco has over 50 years of consultancy experience working in energy and utilities management; responding to the changing needs of our customersthis gives us the expertise and insight to help successfully control costs, improve margins, achieve regulatory compliance and protect operational resilience

  • Net c# 4+ years of experience in back-end development architecting public apis, open api (swagger specs) high performance and scaled services microservices and event-driven architecturevideo experiences serves both end-to-end clients and those who wants to internalize part of their platform through products and componentswe're an end-to-end provider of premium products and services for global sport and media operatorswe run everything in aws in a mixture of cloud services, containers, and virtual machinesdepending on the role this normally includes a written test and interviewwe're fully flexiblewould you like to work on a back-end designed to withstand millions of concurrent users? learn latest technologies and innovate? in a small team where every contribution counts? if you like that, read on! axis is an over-the-top (ott) platform used by leading telecom, cable, broadcast and media companies all around the globe to offer and deliver their catalogues and channels to end-users via axis apps for phones, tvs, tablets, pcs, consoles… basically any device where people watch videoswe are looking for someone who is: driven to push the boundaries and lead change and performance communicative to leave no-one in the dark and to manage other engineers successfully reliable so we know that we can rely on you when we need to deliver on time passionate about the latest technologies and standards proactive to suggest improvements, identify and fix potential issues we need you to know most of these things well: bsc in computer science or similar experience strong written and verbal communication in english 3+ year of commercial back-end experience inplease let us know if you need us to make any adjustments or if you have any special requirements for the interview processgrpc) and asynchronous (ewe push boundaries every day to offer the most reliable, scalable, engaging end-to-end offerings that continually meet and exceed fan expectations and maximise client valuethe video experiences unit is leading ott products and services provider delivering best-of-breed products and components as well as comprehensive end-to-end solutionsas of november , if it suits your role at deltatre, you can work full time from home/remotely, from the office, or a combination within the same country as your contracted office of employmentaxis product team is mainly based in prague and turin but has colleagues in other places around europe toonet core (server side) cloud technologies (ideally aws) docker, containers (ideally hosted in ecs/eks) unit/integration/component tests http, caching sql, sql server or other rdbms mongodb or other document dbs … and we will probably love you if you know about some of these too: kubernetes or similar container orchestrator service discovery, service mesh modern synchronous (erecruiters – we have handled this one internally! thanksnet based, but we have some important nodedeltatre provides strategy, planning, consultancy across all stages of our client's lifecyclewe are a proud team that tries hard to meet commitments and loves to celebrate successes! our technology stack is mostlyapacha kafka) communication technologies/protocols ability to problem solve complex technical issues app (client-side) development experience redis or other in-memory key-value dbs git power user powershell power user what's in it for you global company with huge growth potential small, creative, close-knit engineering/tech team who love to collaborate meal allowance multisport card full remote + a contribution to buy equipment which makes your work from home more comfortable 25 working days per year vacation entitlement 5 sick days – per calendar year team events sponsored by the company free refreshments in the office we are committed to ensuring that we provide equal opportunities for allwe are a group of talented developers, infrastructure engineers, qas, business analysts and product owners who will work with you, challenge you and support you on an everyday basisplease note that we will only contact successfully shortlisted candidatesjs components toounderpinned by data we're able to determine the best experiences to drive business growthwe try to be agile driven, progressive, respectful, and continuously improving how we workall these apps are powered by the backend that you will work on plus an editorial interface used by our clients to manage their offering and to configure the appswe continuously upgrade our technologies to the latest versions and best practices, but we need to maintain and evolve some legacy systems as well

  • Alma laboris: digital marketing management and strategic communications per favorire la crescita professionale, alma laboris business school propone il percorso formativo in digital marketing management and strategic communications (320h di formazione, 160h project work, 640 in azienda) l’obiettivo di: fornire conoscenze tecniche, attraverso l’esame di numerosi casi aziendali, esercitazioni pratiche e la presenza di esperti del settore; costruire opportunitĂ  di carriera, con il supporto gratuito di consulenti qualificati; sono tanti piĂą di 40 gli sbocchi occupazionali per cui è pensato il percorso formativo di alta formazione in digital marketing management and strategic communications di alma laboris business school: junior product manager, product manager, marketing analyst, marketing coordinator, marketing consultant, marketing manager, marketing specialist, brand manager, content manager, content marketing manager, content marketing producer content specialist, content strategist, content writer, digital marketing manager, digital strategist, internet marketing specialist, paid search manager, sem manager, sem specialist, seo manager, seo specialist web marketing manager, web marketing specialist, campaign manager, demand generation manager, e-commerce content specialist, e-commerce marketing analyst, corporate communications assistant, corporate communications manager, marketing communications specialist, media relations coordinator, public relations manager, digital product marketing manager, portfolio marketing manager, product marketing manager, senior product marketing manager, community manager, engagement manager, multimedia communications specialist, social media editor, social media manager, social media marketing manager, social media strategistla carriera dei discenti è al centro delle nostre attivitĂ , grazie a un servizio placement gratuito che nel corso degli anni ha rappresentato per i profili che ne hanno beneficiato un acceleratore verso il raggiungimento di obiettivi professionali sempre piĂą ambiziosile principali materie trattate nel percorso formativo: il contesto azienda fondamenti di marketing management digital marketing management strategic communications il project management per la digital strategy l’evoluzione del marketing: tips and trends opportunitĂ  di carriera: alma laboris business school rappresenta un punto di riferimento per i partecipanti del percorso formativo di alta formazioneil percorso formativo prevede 640 ore di tirocinio in aziendecon la candidatura all'annuncio riceverĂ  info sulle attivitĂ  formativeagevolazioni entro il 21 giugnosei interessato/a? invia la candidatura e potrai fissare un colloquio di orientamento (gratuito e non vincolante) con la business school, in cui valutare le opportunitĂ  di carriera legate al tuo profilo

  • Alma laboris: digital marketing management and strategic communications per favorire la crescita professionale, alma laboris business school propone il percorso formativo in digital marketing management and strategic communications (320h di formazione, 160h project work, 640 in azienda) l’obiettivo di: fornire conoscenze tecniche, attraverso l’esame di numerosi casi aziendali, esercitazioni pratiche e la presenza di esperti del settore; costruire opportunitĂ  di carriera, con il supporto gratuito di consulenti qualificati; sono tanti piĂą di 40 gli sbocchi occupazionali per cui è pensato il percorso formativo di alta formazione in digital marketing management and strategic communications di alma laboris business school: junior product manager, product manager, marketing analyst, marketing coordinator, marketing consultant, marketing manager, marketing specialist, brand manager, content manager, content marketing manager, content marketing producer content specialist, content strategist, content writer, digital marketing manager, digital strategist, internet marketing specialist, paid search manager, sem manager, sem specialist, seo manager, seo specialist web marketing manager, web marketing specialist, campaign manager, demand generation manager, e-commerce content specialist, e-commerce marketing analyst, corporate communications assistant, corporate communications manager, marketing communications specialist, media relations coordinator, public relations manager, digital product marketing manager, portfolio marketing manager, product marketing manager, senior product marketing manager, community manager, engagement manager, multimedia communications specialist, social media editor, social media manager, social media marketing manager, social media strategistla carriera dei discenti è al centro delle nostre attivitĂ , grazie a un servizio placement gratuito che nel corso degli anni ha rappresentato per i profili che ne hanno beneficiato un acceleratore verso il raggiungimento di obiettivi professionali sempre piĂą ambiziosile principali materie trattate nel master: il contesto azienda fondamenti di marketing management digital marketing management strategic communications il project management per la digital strategy l’evoluzione del marketing: tips and trends opportunitĂ  di carriera: alma laboris business school rappresenta un punto di riferimento per i partecipanti del percorso formativo di alta formazioneil percorso formativo prevede 640 ore di tirocinio in aziendecon la candidatura all'annuncio riceverĂ  info sulle attivitĂ  formativeagevolazioni entro il 21 giugnosei interessato/a? invia la candidatura e potrai fissare un colloquio di orientamento (gratuito e non vincolante) con la business school, in cui valutare le opportunitĂ  di carriera legate al tuo profilo

  • Le nuove risorse impareranno le migliori tecniche di marketing diretto e di public speaking al fine di informare e fidelizzare la clientela rispetto ai brand partner, incontrando direttamente l’utente finale in zone appositamente studiate e durante eventi di settore (es: fiere, manifestazioni, in aree residenziali d2d e piazze cittadine, per mezzo di stand/infopoint in centri commerciali e vie dello shopping)c-team inserisce a supporto del proprio staff milanese: hostess e promoter interessati ad un percorso di crescita professionale e continuativo1° colloquio in video chiamatafisso mensile + inserimento di 12 mesinon è richiesta esperienza pregressa nel ruolo

  • Wide application, the uv light is used for personal daily necessities, hand, tableware, desks, public places, cars, etc270 wavelength strong sterilization disinfection, it can sterilize within 3-5 seconds in distance of 5mm83)peso100gil pacchetto include: 1 x uv lampada per sterilizzazionespecifica:nomemini lampada di sterilizzazione uvccolorerosso, giallo, blu, verdemateriale addominalibatteriapulsante 2 pezzi x incorporato batterie (non incluso)lunghezza donda270/365 nmdimensione 7ddescrizione:mini portatile led uv sterilizzatore eliminatore portatile lampada per viaggi attivitĂ  allaperto scuola di casa caratteristica:- mini e portatile, comodo da usare ovunque e in qualsiasi momentointernally equipped with 2 button batteries can be sterilized for 3 minutes and can be opened 500 timesla luce ultravioletta led funziona a batteria e ci sono quattro colori tra cui scegliere, come rosso, giallo, blu, verdela lunghezza donda 365 non è antibatterica, ma può essere fatta per rimuovere gas nocivi, rimozione degli odori, rilevazione di denaro,mosquito repellentthis lamp can remove odors, the musty smell- uccide le cose che causano raffreddori, lanugine, allergie eccla luce ultravioletta led è realizzata in materiale addominali, che è resistente, non tossico e sicuro da usarela dimensione della luce ultravioletta led è mini, è comoda e portatile da trasportare quando si desidera uscire


    14 €

  • We also support the delivery of public sector services with a particular focus on health, social housing and educationsend your cv to and we will be in touch to discuss our opportunitiesyour role as client services advisor in our data integrety team is to review and resolve queries relating to our clients property and asset data, achieving 100% client satisfaction across all areas of client service deliveryfor further information please download the job description attached belowresolution of standard invoice validation cases passed from data and invoice management teams ensuring net savings are acceptedhandling of customer and supplier debt and disconnection issuesongoing and proactive management of customer issues and escalations through effective case management ensuring that clients are kept updated on case status ensuring excellent client satisfactionthis can be discussed further at interviewthis role is based at our lytham office – there will be the opportunity for hybrid working where you may work part of the week in the office and part of the week from home upon successful completionhandling change of tenancy(cot) requests including, completion of missing data on forms ensuring that these are complete and accurate for the cot team to processour customers include leading organisations across sectors from manufacturing to hospitality and retail to logisticsthe successful candidate will be able to demonstrate the below: intermediate energy industry experience and knowledge an advantage strong communication skills – verbal and written to articulate to the client confident in liaising with internal and external stakeholders advanced excel user confident user of in house systems strong problem solving skills ability to keep calm under pressure and balance multiple workstreams adaptability & willingness to learn a can-do attitude numerical aptitude if this role sounds like your next career move, we want to hear from youinbound call and email handling and query resolution case queue management, triaging and delegating cases to other team members where applicablehit apply or equally if you would like more information contact our talent teamsalary: ÂŁ21k pa benefits: annual pay related appraisals 23 days holidays plus bank holidays, raising by extra day each year to max 28 days (option to buy and sell holidays) flexible working with the option to work from office / home location early finish friday free onsite parking subsidised costa coffee onsite canteen employee development programmes refer a friend scheme upto ÂŁ benefits platform - gym membership, cycle to work, retail discounts plus many more fan club awards – employee recognition programme – winners get ÂŁ250 of vouchers every quarter closing date: 26th april did you know inenco offers many varied and interesting roles: energy, trading, analysis, consultancy, finance, sales, sustainability and compliancekey tasks will include: case management resolving client queries ensuring excellent client satisfactioninenco has over 50 years of consultancy experience working in energy and utilities management; responding to the changing needs of our customersthis gives us the expertise and insight to help successfully control costs, improve margins, achieve regulatory compliance and protect operational resilience

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