Pacth respect

Elenco pacth respect

  • Kerastase chroma absolu bain chroma respect Ăš un detergente delicato, senza solfati, per tutti i tipi di capelli colorati da sottili a mediutilizzo distribuire una piccola quantitĂ  di prodotto sui capelli bagnatiemulsionare, massaggiare a mani piatte e risciacquare accuratamente i capellirisultati colore intenso, vibrante ed extra luminosotecnologia i migliori ingredienti per trattare i capelli colorati e ridurre i danni legati al colore: acido tartarico: riduce lo stress ossidativo sui capelli e li protegge dai danni esterni (raggi uv, ambientali, inquinamento)aminoacidi: penetrano nella corteccia e ricostruiscono il capello dall'internouna texture leggera che deterge i capelli con delicatezza e li idrata intensamente, rispettando il colore e proteggendolo dallo sbiadimentocentella asiatica: rigenera completamente i capelli, dalle radici alle puntecapelli piĂč forti e rigenerati dall'internoacido lattico: ripara la superficie per ridurre il crespo e donare brillantezza


    29299999237060547 €

  • Kerastase chroma absolu bain riche chroma respect Ăš un ricco detergente per tutti i tipi di capelli colorati, in particolare di struttura spessautilizzodistribuire una piccola quantitĂ  di prodotto sui capelli bagnatiemulsionare, massaggiare a mani piatte e risciacquare accuratamente i capellirisultaticolore intenso, vibrante ed extra luminosoaminoacidi: penetrano nella corteccia e ricostruiscono il capello dall'internouna texture cremosa che deterge i capelli con delicatezza e li nutre intensamente, rispettando il colore e proteggendolo dallo sbiadimentocapelli piĂč forti e rigenerati dall'internocentella asiatica: rigenera completamente i capelli, dalle radici alle puntetecnologiai migliori ingredienti per trattare i capelli colorati e ridurre i danni legati al colore: acido tartarico: riduce lo stress ossidativo sui capelli e li protegge dai danni esterni (raggi uv, ambientali, inquinamento)acido lattico: ripara la superficie per ridurre il crespo e donare brillantezza


    29299999237060547 €

  • Dotata di un materasso in memory foam che permette la corretta posizione sdraiata del piccolo, la nostra piĂč grande navicella cybex non Ăš solo super spaziosa, ma offre anche un luogo confortevole e riparato per il tuo bambinola maniglia per il trasporto della navicella s Ăš posizionata soprail tettuccio parasole per facilitare il trasporto e il fissaggio al telaio del passegginola navicella cot s cybex puĂČ essere attaccata al telaio del passeggino balios sla cappottina con visiera parasole offre protezione solare e antivento con upf50 + per il tuo piccolodurante i primi mesi del bambino (dalla nascita fino a circa 6 mesi), la navicella Ăš il lettino perfetto in movimento


    1599499969482422 €

  • Infine lo schienale Ăš reclinabile, perfetto per i pisolini dei neonatiil passeggino leggero cybex eezy s Ăš ultra compatto, progettato per i genitori che adorano viaggiareideale per le passeggiate in cittĂ  o in vacanza, cybex eezy s offre funzionalitĂ  intelligenti che rendono la vita piĂč facile per i genitori e ugualmente confortevole per i loro piccoli un vero e proprio passeggino salvaspazio, cybex eezy s si chiude con una sola mano e, da chiuso, resta in piedi da solo e occupa poco spazioapri la confezione e trovi: 1 passeggino 1 capottina 1 cestello portaoggettiinfatti questo passeggino Ăš adatto anche dalla nascita, agganciando un ovetto cybex


    32995001220703125 €

  • Acheminement de documents administratifs auprĂšs des banques conduire les clients dans le respect des horaires "navette clients" achats divers demandĂ©s par la direction / magasin (promocash, piĂšces
) titulaire du permis b, nous mettons Ă  disposition un vĂ©hicule d’entreprise pour les dĂ©placements liĂ©s aux missions du postevous aurez pour mission de: gestion complĂšte des correspondances Ă©crites et colis entre nos diffĂ©rentes concessions de chambĂ©ry affranchissement du courrier de la sociĂ©tĂ©alors si vous: ĂȘtes dynamique, aimez travailler en autonomie et avez une bonne prĂ©sentationla mobilitĂ© du futur est l’enjeu majeur de notre transformation et depuis plus de 55 ans, nous sommes collaborateurs Ă  mettre Ă  profit nos compĂ©tences pour satisfaire nos clients et imaginer les mobilitĂ©s de demain avec innovationhoraires de travail: du lundi au vendredi 8h-12h et 14h-18hchez jean lain mobilitĂ©s, nous sommes avant tout une famille investie dans un projet collectif au service de nos clients et de nos collaborateurs: jean lain s’occupe de vous, jean lain s’occupe de toutet si nous Ă©tions faits ‘lain’ pour l’autre ? dans le cadre d’un remplacement de congĂ©s, nous recherchons un coursier h/f pour une pĂ©riode du 13 au 29 avrilnotre cƓur de mĂ©tier ? distribution (neuf et occasion), rĂ©paration et location de vĂ©hicules notre orientation ? ĂȘtre fournisseur de toutes les mobilitĂ©s notre fil conducteur ? la qualitĂ© de la relation clients notre fibre ? bienveillance, esprit d’équipe et crĂ©ativitĂ© le groupe jean lain est acteur de la diversitĂ© au travail, nos postes sont ouverts Ă  tousrĂ©munĂ©ration: smic et surtout vous incarnez la jean lain attitude (la bienveillance, la crĂ©ativitĂ©, la reconnaissance, la fiertĂ©, l’autonomie et la performance), accompagnĂ©(e) d’ un sourire et d’une bonne humeur, qui seront votre clĂ© de rĂ©ussite ! pour finir, c’est grĂące Ă  la diversitĂ© et pluralitĂ© de nos Ă©quipes, que nous serons plus performants ! donc n’attendez plus, ce poste est fait pour vous ! vos avantages: en rejoignant le groupe jean lain mobilitĂ©s vous pourrez bĂ©nĂ©ficier de nombreux avantages tels que: - des tickets restaurant dĂ©matĂ©rialisĂ©s - une prise en charge financiĂšre sur vos vacances, activitĂ©s culturelles et sportives et autres (permis de conduire) - irp auto - une Ă©quipe accueillante prĂȘte Ă  partager son expĂ©rience !mais nous recherchons Ă©galement un savoir-ĂȘtre

  • Il seggiolino auto aton m i-size offre la piĂč recente tecnologia di sicurezza disponibilelaton m i-size Ăš adatto per neonati e bambini di altezza compresa tra 45 cm e 87 cm (max 13 kg)insieme al sistema lse installato con base m (disponibile come accessorio), il seggiolino per bambini Ăš conforme alla nuova normativa i-sizesistema modulare linea m poggiatesta regolabile in altezza in 11 posizioni con guide cinture integrate riduttore neonato rimovibile aton m i-size offre un riduttore rimovibile che assicura la posizione piĂč piana possibile per i neonati ed i bambini prematurie alla scocca ad alto assorbimento di energia, lelaborato safety concept aiuta a proteggere il bambinoi-size (ece r-129) Ăš il nuovo standard ue per la sicurezza dei bambini, che rende obbligatorio il trasporto contro il senso di marcia fino a quando il bambino non raggiunge i 15 mesiil poggiatesta regolabile in altezza, le cinture con i morbidi cuscinetti e la capottina xxl garantiscono viaggi confortevoli


    2299499969482422 €

  • Girare la seduta Ăš semplice e veloce grazie ai bottoni memorypoggiagambe regolabile: per una posizione comoda sia da distesi e sia da sedutiquando non utilizzi balios s, puĂČ essere facilmente richiuso grazie alla sua funzione di chiusura ad una mano (41 x 60 x 75) anche quando la seduta Ăš rivolta fronte genitorecon il passeggino cybex balios s con maniglione in pelle brown, ovunque vogliate andare, passeggiate fluide e rilassanti sono garantite: una guida agile e confortevole su ciottoli sconnessi, fuoristrada, su marciapiedi, pavimenti lisci o in campagna,Ăš assicurata dalle ruote trekkingquando Ăš chiuso sta in piedi da solo per poter essere riposto facilmentefunzione seggiolone: si adatta perfettamente allaltezza dei tavolilunitĂ  di seduta reversibile, i pulsanti di memoria o il meccanismo di chiusura con una sola mano e la posizione interamente sdraiata dello schienale rendono balios s il compagno perfettocestello capiente: puĂČ portare fino a 5 kgtre posizioni di reclinazione assicurano che il tuo bambino sia sempre nella posizione piĂč confortevoletessuto traspirante lavabile in lavatrice a 30°clintelligente funzione di reclinazione offre inoltre una posizione totalmente piana rendendo balios s omologato dalla nascitamaniglione telescopico regolabile in 4 posizioni: si adatta allaltezza di qualsiasi genitoricappottina xxl con finestrella e retina: offre riparo dal vento e protezione solare upf50+ e visiera estendibileblocco ruote frontali per maggiore stabilitĂ  sulle superfici irregolariseduta fronte mamma o seduta fronte mondo


    45995001220703125 €

  • Our values are central to this vision, as they represent how we collaborate how we work together in synergy and continually deliver for our customers: accountability: we take personal pride in finding solutions and achieving results innovation: we lead the market by being proactive, product-led, and forward-thinking teamwork: we work collaboratively, recognizing and celebrating success trust: we build trust on integrity, transparency, and respect benefits package competitive salary depending on skills and experience company pension bonus opportunity life assurance and critical illness cover cycle to work scheme perkbox – an exclusive platform offering a wide range of discounts and benefits holiday entitlement of 25 days per annum, increasing to 26 days per annum after three years of service & a holiday purchase scheme a hybrid approach to work opportunity for a more flexible approach to start, finish, and lunchtimes to allow you to better manage events outside of work social clubs - whether you’re into your cycling, crafts, or other hobbies, we have a number of groups at open gi where individuals who enjoy the same pursuits can get together wellbeing – wills at work scheme, employee assistance programme and mental health first aiders to apply for this role please click the apply button and send us your covering letter and cvbuilds a high performing delivery machineservant leadership: leads by exampleestablish a strong partnership with product owner and tech lead to ensure effective prioritization that balances business value, quality and other constraintsbuild high performing teams: enable a group of people who share a common vision, goals, metrics and who collaborate, challenge and hold each other accountable, to achieve outstanding resultsownership & accountability: takes personal accountability and ownership for their workresponsible for managing scope, schedule, budget and quality levers; managing dependencies and raids within the team and across the organisationincludes tracking of work, management of risks, and remediation of issuesunderstand individuals, their motivations and provide them the support needed so they can excel in their rolescontinuous improvement: advances by ongoing, incremental improvement through continuous learning, questioning the status quo and trying out creative and novel ideasrisk management: map and comprehend the risks involved in several dimensions of the work, aiming to prevent them by reducing and mitigating them when possibleshows curiosity and has a keen interest to drive learning for themselves and othersaptitudes drives to outcomes: focuses on results and desired outcomes and how best to achieve themmission and values our mission is to be both the technology partner and employer of choice for the uk general insurance marketserves the needs of the team by serving its team membersable to execute plans through to actionbased across the uk and europe, our support and development services make us a truly diverse organization that offers a range of it solutions to insurance brokers, insurers, and managing general agentsthis includes personal follow through, making and defending difficult decisions and trade-offs, removing blockers, driving collective progressemotional intelligence: recognises, understands and manages their own emotions and recognizes, understands, shares and influences the emotions of othersunderstanding which scope management techniques to employ based on the impact of the changehaving timely, actionable and meaningful conversations about performance for the purpose of shaping behaviours and fostering learning, with the goal of strengthening confidence and improving the effectiveness of self and othersagile & lean principles: guide and champion lean and agile principles for achieving quality, adaptability, speed & alignmentpersistent to complete tasks and a strong commitment to take action that moves things along to ensure delivery of objectivesyour key responsibilities delivery management: manage and ensure the progress of project work, "continuous flow" and adherence to team commitmentsstakeholder management: identify, analyse, plan and implement actions that engage and build relationships as well as sustain them long term through effective expectation management, so as to enable each party to reach their goalsfacilitation: steer team and stakeholders to work well, both in defining a common vision, making decisions, achieving their goals and creating a relational climate where trust prevails and communication is fluid, empathic and honestgiving & receiving feedback: solicit and engage with feedback on a continuous basiscontinuously evolving the plan to reflect current reality of the project and view of the future scope management: embrace flexibility in requirements change to maximize the stakeholder value whilst balancing management of delivery and expectations of required objectives within a defined timeframethis includes learning, practicing and experimenting with tools, techniques and frameworks that foster collaborative working environmentsput the needs of others first and help people develop and perform as highly as possiblecollaboration: works jointly with others to co-create and achieve a common goalleads a team to successfully deliver to stakeholder expectationsthis includes the practices, techniques and tools that support those principles, and an understanding of when things may or may not be applicable in a situation or contextcontinuous delivery planning: create a realistic, achievable roadmap showing how and when the project goals will be met along with the required milestones, mitigations, activities and resources requiredcsm or psm (advantageous) educated to degree level (advantageous) a degree in a computer related subject (advantageous) relevant professional qualifications (advantageous) experience 5+ years of experience working as an agile project manager, iteration manager and/or scrum master 3+ years of experience working in any software development team role experience working with agile delivery methods experience working with a cross-functional software development team skills an inspired sense of shared purpose within the project team a defined roadmap and well understood success criteria aligned to delivery needs consistent transparent, and accessible communications to all stakeholders internal and external realistic and regular expectation setting and negotiation risk mitigation people support and growth creation of deployment systems/processes to reduce-friction-with external dependencies reduced cycle time of stories from grooming through deployment clear escalation paths for issue management through project stakeholders clear “definition of done2 continuous team reflection and improvement creation of cross-functional teams that have the right balance of skills and capacity to be autonomous and performantopen gi is a leading software development company and a trusted partner to the general insurance industry

  • Et si nous Ă©tions faits ‘lain’ pour l’autre ? rattachĂ© au responsable aprĂšs vente du site de grĂ©sy sur aix, vous: vous rĂ©aliserez les diffĂ©rents contrĂŽles et essais et Ă©tablir un diagnostic de dysfonctionnement vous effectuerez les opĂ©rations de maintenance ou rĂ©paration vous effectuerez la rĂ©paration ou le remplacement de piĂšces mĂ©caniques, Ă©lectriques et Ă©lectroniques vous poserez des accessoires sur les vĂ©hicules vous remplirez les bordereaux d’ordres de rĂ©paration vous travaillez dans le respect des procĂ©dures en vigueur dans l’entreprise (rĂ©daction des or, consignes iso, utilisation des epi, tri des dĂ©chets, 
)permis b indispensablepassionnĂ©(e) de mĂ©canique et d’automobile avec d’excellentes connaissances en mĂ©canique, technologies Ă©lectriques et Ă©lectroniquesvous intervenez rapidement et efficacement sur les vĂ©hicules (services rapides)plus qu’un groupe, rejoignez un cadre de travail confortable avec des conditions de travail optimalesla mobilitĂ© du futur est l’enjeu majeur de notre transformation et depuis plus de 55 ans, nous sommes collaborateurs Ă  mettre Ă  profit nos compĂ©tences pour satisfaire nos clients et imaginer les mobilitĂ©s de demain avec innovationvous ĂȘtes issu d’une formation type: bac professionnel « maintenance automobile »,bts «aprĂšs-vente automobile »,certificat de qualification professionnelle « technicien electricien electronicien automobile » (cqp) vous justifiez d’une expĂ©rience rĂ©ussiea l’aise avec la mĂ©thodologie du diagnostic et d’analyse fonctionnelle et structurellechez jean lain mobilitĂ©s, nous sommes avant tout une famille investie dans un projet collectif au service de nos clients et de nos collaborateurs: jean lain s’occupe de vous, jean lain s’occupe de toutnous vous assurons un parcours d’intĂ©gration individualisĂ©, et un suivi tout au long de votre carriĂšre (entretiens annuels, plan de progression, formation, opportunitĂ©s en interne) « 95% des collaborateurs sont fiers de travailler chez nous »notre cƓur de mĂ©tier ? distribution (neuf et occasion), rĂ©paration et location de vĂ©hicules notre orientation ? ĂȘtre fournisseur de toutes les mobilitĂ©s notre fil conducteur ? la qualitĂ© de la relation clients notre fibre ? bienveillance, esprit d’équipe et crĂ©ativitĂ© le groupe jean lain est acteur de la diversitĂ© au travail, nos postes sont ouverts Ă  tousjean lain propose divers avantages (tickets restaurant, bons cadeaux de noĂ«l, carte de remise locale, participation, accompagnement rh, prime cooptation, offre mobilitĂ© et cafĂ© a volontĂ© !)vous ĂȘtes Ă  l'aise dans la recherche de pannes et avez un bon esprit d'analyse

  • Able to express ideas orally & written effectively, with respect for others if this role sounds like your next career move, hit apply or equally if you would like more information contact our talent teamthis gives us the expertise and insight to help successfully control costs, improve margins, achieve regulatory compliance and protect operational resilienceyour role as service desk engineer is an integral part of the technology department, you will support the business by managing, maintaining and improving the technical systems and processes for both inenco’s customer facing services and the corporate services as used by internal usersqualified or working towards either an mcsa or mcse or hold similar level professional qualifications previous experience of working within technical operation or engineering teams that supports a business of a similar sizewe have an exciting opportunity for someone who has good it skills with knowledge and experience looking to further their it careerthis is a support position the majority of your work will involve managing the support queue, answering support calls, troubleshooting, installation of hardware, software, and network connections400 users) experience of a technical services environment, preferably within an itil based environment working knowledge of corporate telephony solutions technical knowledge of systems; dns, mail, voip, databases, monitoring platforms, virtualisation, cloud solutions and san data storage in-depth working knowledge of windows platform based technologies (windows server, exchange, ad, group policies, dhcp, office365 etcfor further information please download the job description attached belowsalary: ÂŁ23k - ÂŁ27k pa benefits: annual pay related appraisals 23 days holidays plus bank holidays, raising by extra day each year to max 28 days (option to buy and sell holidays) flexible working with the option to work from office / home location after probabtion early finish friday subsidised costa coffee onsite canteen employee development programmes refer a friend scheme upto ÂŁ benefits platform - gym membership, cycle to work, retail discounts plus many more fan club awards – employee recognition programme – winners get ÂŁ250 of vouchers every quarter closing date: 27th april if you have any questions please contactour customers include leading organisations across sectors from manufacturing to hospitality and retail to logisticsinenco has over 50 years of consultancy experience working in energy and utilities management; responding to the changing needs of our customers) working knowledge of networking: routing, switching, ethernet, broadband, snmp, qos, firewalls and wireless technologies etcwe also support the delivery of public sector services with a particular focus on health, social housing and education

  • Optimise interaction and respect accessibility standards while designing for different means of control: mouse, touch, keyboard, tv remote, voicewe push boundaries every day to offer the most reliable, scalable, engaging end-to-end offerings that continually meet and exceed fan expectations and maximise client valueyou’ll be happy to learn something new every daywhat we are expecting from you: you are skilled and knowledgeableplease note that we will only contact successfully shortlisted candidatesposition the video experiences unit (vxp) is a leading ott products and services provider delivering best-of-breed products and components as well as comprehensive end-to-end solutionsturn sketches into detailed, well-documented designstranslate requirements in to intuitive tv, responsive and mobile app designsshape new product featuresyou are flexible and open-mindedyou are a user advocateunderpinned by data, we're able to determine the best experiences to drive business growthyou’ll speak english with teams across prague, london, turin, and aroundpresent ideas to the team, collect feedback, and validate assumptions through user flows, wireframes, and interactive prototypescan demonstrate solid experience using figma, sketch, zeplin & abstractyou are organisedyou’ll bring empathy and a positive attitude to the teamyou’ll collaborate with designers, developers, business analysts, qa specialists, and product managersyou are curiousyou are a great communicatoryou are motivated and friendlywe serve both end-to-end clients and those who wants to internalise part of their platform through products and componentsstay up to date with design guidelines, recommendations, and trends across widely used platforms: ios, android, tvos, android tv, rokudeltatre provides strategy, planning, consultancy across all stages of our client's lifecyclereview the results across all devicesyou’ll enjoy iterating to come up with the best solutionyou’ll clarify and document your decisions to help others build out your ideas efficientlyyou are a team playeryou’ll design intuitive, friendly, accessible interfacesresponsibilities design holistic video experiences across a wide array of devices and screen formats: from the web, mobile, and tablet to the latest tvs and gaming consolesplease let us know if you need us to make any adjustments or if you have any special requirements for the interview processdeltatre is a leading end-to-end provider of premium products and services for global sport and media operatorscreate documentation, annotated wireframes, storyboards and flow diagrams for development handover familiar with agile frameworks evolve products based on users’ needs, customer feedback, and usability testingyou’ve designed cohesive digital products in various shapes and formsas a product designer you'll be at the heart of our client-facing design studio where you’ll be working alongside experienced product professionals, and hand-in-hand with developers, business analysts, and product owners to create, build and ship world-class ott video experience platforms for some of the world’s biggest sports and entertainment brandsmaintaining the design system by building modular, reusable components that work well togetherexchange insight and feedback with fellow designersdepending on the role this normally includes a written test and interviewhelp engineers fine-tune their implementationyou have a great online portfolio of work some of our company perks: global company with huge growth potential small, creative, close-knit engineering/tech team who love to collaborate unlimited contract – hpp (fulltime permanent employment) meal allowance (czk 55/day to be paid within your salary) multisport card full remote + a contribution to buy equipment which makes your work from home more comfortable 25 working days per year vacation entitlement 5 sick days – per calendar year team events sponsored by the company free refreshments in the office we are committed to ensuring that we provide equal opportunities for all

  • Task and duties: contribute to the definition of standard yet flexible charging stations’ configurations and features; define preliminary and executive design of charging stations’ solutions, managing a portfolio of site development projects at various stages of development; support the site selection process, especially with respect to engineering/technical topics, planning, permitting timeframes and/or potential technical redflags; support the development team in liaising with all external stakeholders necessarily part of the development plan: site owners, public/local authorities, local communities, consumers’ groups, planning authorities, fire safety authorities, utilities (for connections and supply), etc; liaise with internal teams (development, procurement, project management etc) and external consultants (specialized engineering firms, planning advisory etcbe quality and customer-experience obsessedthe atlante project is the result of the partnership between nhoa – which develops and invests in the network being owner and operator – free2move esolutions, in the role of supplier of charging technology, and stellantis automotive groupit/en); a fast career track like only few other companies can match; always room for new ideas! location: full remote (from italy) or hybrid remote (from italy) / milan5+ years of relevant work experience in technical design and/or engineering in the field of renewables, energy storage, distribution grid, sub-stations etc we highly favour professionals with some previous experiences in e-mobility / ev charging projects working experience in several of the following areas: ev supply equipment; ev batteries / engineering; grid interconnection; power conversion systems; power system design; energy storage; greenfield, brownfield developments, re-purposing development projects; energy related-real estate developments, tendering / contracting with public authorities, health and safety regulations, grid codes, scheduling, progress measurement, risk assessment, estimating process and planning, electronic document file management
 advanced computer sciences and digital skills of any nature a definitive plusyou will then continue following the engineering of the solutions, detailing the specifications and working with the procurement team for equipment selection and/or tenderingyou will interact with all internal teams of atlante and/or nhoa, and will ensure upkeep of all relevant nhoa’s policies, contractual and quality standards, health, safety & environment requirements, financial targets, as well as schedule commitments from beginning to endcertification in autocad (or similar), project management and bim are considered as a plus while the role is for site development within italy, candidates must be available for international travels, for example to support other offices (france, spain, portugal) fluent in english (spoken and written) is a must; a second language is a plus (french, spanish or portuguese) what we offer you a permanent full-time job an ambitious employer; we only want the best for you; professional experience in an international environment with frequent contact with other colleagues and partner around the world; strengthen cross-functional communication skills; learning & development programs; be part of the young (36 on avgwithin your responsibilities, you will select, appoint and supervise external consultants and contractors as required to complete the detailed engineering, procurement and construction/installation of the charging stationsyou will be in charge of defining the required gird connection(s) and support equipment / modules (eatlante is nhoa’s new global business line dedicated to build the first ev fastcharging network enabled by renewables, energy storage and 100% grid-integrated) and international (+20 nationalities) group and work in a dynamic and fast-moving environment; a revolutionary way of remote working that meets your needs (wwwverifying the requirements of subcontractors also in terms of safety and preparing the necessary safety measures for the site, with the support of the hseq manager; proactively design processes and work methodologies which are digital, replicable, and scalable to the maximum extent possible for all of the technical design, engineering and configuration activities (appropriately segmented by categories)after handover to project management team, you will continue to support as required, including for the commissioning phasemanaging the timing and costs of engineering activities; day to day management of resources and budgets assigned to you; drawing up reports on the closing of the order, in order to capitalize and spread the results, solutions and anything else necessary to increase effectiveness and efficiency in subsequent experiencesyou will be involved from and contribute to the early stages of the site selection and the planning & permitting assisting the development team with designs, specifications and early stage plansyour background: an electrical engineering degree complemented by practical and relevant site development experience (see below) is a mustat atlante you will be in charge of the design, solution configuration and engineering of our charging stationscontribute to the creation or improvement of digital tools and systems as part of your work culture; promote a culture of cost-effectiveness for the benefit of the end-users), direct and supervise their work ensuring timely deliver of their deliverables on budget; provide feedback to the commercial and development teams, for continuous improvement and optimization of site selection and development; contribute to the strategic decisions and goal setting for future site acquisition and developmentwherever possible, you will coordinate the addition of on-site photovoltaic covers

  • We are a big family united by great human values: belief, hope, destiny, trust and respecteveryone in the company contributes to its progress and to make the brand growfor more information about the company, please visit wwwat guess, we are committed to our people and to the world as a team working to be a sustainable global leader in the fashion industrydesigns, markets, distributes and licenses a lifestyle collection of contemporary apparel, denim, handbags, watches, eyewear, footwear and other related consumer productsestablished in , guess began as a jeans company and has since successfully grown into a global lifestyle brandthrough principled leadership, we embrace diversity and cultivate strength, pride and passion for what we dopurpose of the job reporting directly to the mis finance director, our it finance specialist will daily manage piteco and kci application programs, acting in observance of procedures and guidelines, and will contribute to the implementation of the software and of its interfacescore job responsibilities work with business owners to define and analyze new business requirements and operational issues communicate with technical implementation team lead software project implementation provide proactive support towards effectively testing any enhancement and ensuring they meet the objectives coordinate erp interface development and testing manage implementation issues collection of new business requirements work closely with the end-user community to ensure piteco and kci systems are properly and optimally utilized contact the software supports in order to fix the software bugs configure piteco in order to improve end-user activities train end-user community create and maintain appropriate documentation minimum 4-5 years of experience excellent knowledge of piteco knowledge of ibm tm1 planning analytics is considered to be a plus good understanding of finance and treasury processes problem-solving and decision-making skills teamwork attitude proficient in english

  • Et si nous Ă©tions faits ‘lain’ pour l’autre ? site jean lain carriĂšre rejoignez notre Ă©quipe sur un poste de carrossier h/f en cdi sur seyssinet-pariset quelles seront vos missions ? vous Ă©valuerez l’état des dĂ©gĂąts, transmettre les informations afin d’établir un devis vous dĂ©monterez les Ă©lĂ©ments endommagĂ©s, procĂ©derez Ă  des opĂ©rations de dĂ©bosselage, planage, ponçage
 et remplacerez les pare-chocs ou tĂŽles en trop mauvais Ă©tat vous effectuerez la remise en Ă©tat de chĂąssis vous rĂ©aliserez des contrĂŽles par banc de mesure vous traiterez les surfaces des vĂ©hicules (protection, Ă©tanchĂ©itĂ©, insonorisation) le carrossier doit travailler dans le respect des procĂ©dures en vigueur dans l’entreprise (rĂ©daction des or, consignes iso, utilisation des epi, tri des dĂ©chets, entretien du poste de travail
)» franck mary, responsable sĂ©curitĂ© et environnement jean lain votre profil vous ĂȘtes titulaire d’un cap Ă  bac professionnel rĂ©paration des carrosseries effectuĂ© en apprentissage; vous avez une expĂ©rience confirmĂ©e pour ce mĂ©tier; vous avez le sens de l’esthĂ©tique, vous ĂȘtes rigoureux et minutieux et vous faites preuve d’une grande habiletĂ© manuelle; maĂźtriser le travail des mĂ©taux, des plastiques, etcnous vous assurons un parcours d’intĂ©gration individualisĂ©, et un suivi tout au long de votre carriĂšre (entretiens annuels, plan de progression, formation, opportunitĂ©s en interne)la mobilitĂ© du futur est l’enjeu majeur de notre transformation et depuis plus de 55 ans, nous sommes collaborateurs Ă  mettre Ă  profit nos compĂ©tences pour satisfaire nos clients et imaginer les mobilitĂ©s de demain avec innovationchez jean lain mobilitĂ©s, nous sommes avant tout une famille investie dans un projet collectif au service de nos clients et de nos collaborateurs: jean lain s’occupe de vous, jean lain s’occupe de toutet connaĂźtre les procĂ©dĂ©s d'assemblage au-delĂ  de votre savoir-faire, c’est votre personnalitĂ© qui fera la diffĂ©rence ! rejoignez un groupe qui se dĂ©veloppe, et qui accompagne ses collaborateurs dans leur Ă©volution ! pourquoi nous ? chez jean lain, vous bĂ©nĂ©ficierez d’un cadre de travail confortable, de conditions de travail optimales et de divers avantages (tickets restaurant, bons cadeaux de noĂ«l, participation, accompagnement rh, prime cooptation, offre mobilitĂ© et cafĂ© a volontĂ© !)notre cƓur de mĂ©tier ? distribution (neuf et occasion), rĂ©paration et location de vĂ©hicules notre orientation ? ĂȘtre fournisseur de toutes les mobilitĂ©s notre fil conducteur ? la qualitĂ© de la relation clients notre fibre ? bienveillance, esprit d’équipe et crĂ©ativitĂ© le groupe jean lain est acteur de la diversitĂ© au travail, nos postes sont ouverts Ă  tous« nous mettons Ă  disposition de nos mĂ©caniciens des vĂȘtements de travail adaptĂ©s, nos ateliers sont tempĂ©rĂ©s l’étĂ© et chauffĂ©s l’hiver, les Ă©quipements sont individuels

  • Why magicmotorsport? we are a passionate, brave, and innovative teamour products have been designed to meet any performance challenge and offer solutions to mechatronics looking to outfit their automotive workshops with the latest innovations in the fieldsales assistant appartenente alle categorie protette magicmotorsport is an italian company built on a long-standing passion for motorsportyour role will be to assist our customers, collecting their requests by chat, phone, email and ticket system to satisfy our customer needs and build customer loyaltywe strongly believe in our work and we always tackle it while motivated by the enthusiasm, curiosity, and determination of those who want to leave a mark in the future, with the certainty of those who know, in their hearts, that they can do it  responsabilities: collect and process requests by email, ticket, chat and phone; ensure high levels of customer satisfaction through excellent sales service; provide product information and offering advice on products that'll best meet set requirements; up-sell and cross-sell products; provide proper and competitive quotes; issue invoices (if needed); requirements: proficient knowledge of english (mandatory); good it technical skills; excellent customer orientation and communication skills; outstanding multitasking skills; excellent problem-solving and stress tolerance skills; strong can-do attitude; team player; willingness to adapt to flexible working hours; high school diploma; preferred skills: prior experience in sales; passionate of electronics and computer science; good math skills; what we offer: an innovative, young and dynamic environment; the chance to work in a team where people are passionate about their workdon't miss this opportunity, send us your cv!passion and courage guide magicmotorsport's activities, alongside respect, efficiency, innovation: the company's three core values! we assume that everyone has a talent and our mission is to be able to intercept those that fit together with mms in synergy and give you the opportunity to win, because your victory is our victory! the opportunity we are looking for an enthusiastic sales assistant with a can-do attitude to join our team

    Palermo (Sicilia)

  • Vous assurez les renĂ©gociations auprĂšs des sociĂ©tĂ©s de financement, - vous tenez un suivi et reporting rĂ©guliers que vous prĂ©sentez Ă  votre responsable - vous vous assurez du respect des process interne pour les resitutionscette fonction suppose une pluralitĂ© de contacts en interne, c’est votre personnalitĂ©, votre aisance relationnelle, votre adaptabilitĂ© et votre sens du commerce qui feront la diffĂ©rence ! nous recherchons avant tout, un savoir ĂȘtre: alors si vous - aimez ĂȘtes proactif(ve), - ĂȘtes reconnu(e) pour votre excellent relationnel transverse et esprit d'Ă©quipe une expĂ©rience sur un poste similaire ainsi qu'une formation banque ou finance seront des atouts non nĂ©gligeables Ă  l’obtention de ce posteet surtout vous incarnez la jean lain attitude (la bienveillance, la crĂ©ativitĂ©, la reconnaissance, la fiertĂ©, l’autonomie et la performance), accompagnĂ©(e) d’un sourire et d’une bonne humeur ! pour finir, c’est grĂące Ă  la diversitĂ© et pluralitĂ© de nos Ă©quipes, que nous serons plus performants ! donc n’attendez plus, ce poste est fait pour vous ! vos avantages en alternance: en rejoignant le groupe jean lain mobilitĂ©s vous pourrez bĂ©nĂ©ficier de nombreux avantages tels que: - des tickets restaurant dĂ©matĂ©rialisĂ©s - une prise en charge financiĂšre sur vos vacances, activitĂ©s culturelles et sportives et autres (permis de conduire) - irp auto - une aide au logement (garants / aide au loyer) - action logement - une Ă©quipe accueillante prĂȘte Ă  partager son expĂ©rience ! - un parcours d'intĂ©gration dĂ©diĂ© et un suivi tout au long de votre contrat rejoignez un groupe qui se dĂ©veloppe, et qui accompagne ses collaborateurs dans leur Ă©volution ! ref: sp1en tant qu'interface entre les conseillers commerciaux et les sociĂ©tĂ©s de financement, vous serez en charge de gĂ©rer les renĂ©gociations et les transferts des contrat ainsi que de rĂ©aliser les relances et restitutions des vĂ©hicules de nos clientsrattachĂ©(e) directement Ă  david, notre responsable financement, vous assurez l’ensemble des tĂąches liĂ©es Ă  l’activitĂ© de votre pĂ©rimĂštrequelles seront vos missions ? - sensibiliser les vendeurs au niveau des fins de financement (locations options d’achat et crĂ©dit)la mobilitĂ© du futur est l’enjeu majeur de notre transformation et depuis plus de 55 ans, nous sommes collaborateurs Ă  mettre Ă  profit nos compĂ©tences pour satisfaire nos clients et imaginer les mobilitĂ©s de demain avec innovationet si nous Ă©tions faits ‘lain’ pour l’autre ? dans le cadre d’une crĂ©ation de poste, jean lain mobilitĂ©s recrute un(e) assistant(e) fin de financement h/f en cdi basĂ© au siĂšge Ă  chambĂ©rychez jean lain mobilitĂ©s, nous sommes avant tout une famille investie dans un projet collectif au service de nos clients et de nos collaborateurs: jean lain s’occupe de vous, jean lain s’occupe de toutvous suivez les fins de contrats de location - vous suivez les reventes de loa en fin de contratnotre cƓur de mĂ©tier ? distribution (neuf et occasion), rĂ©paration et location de vĂ©hicules notre orientation ? ĂȘtre fournisseur de toutes les mobilitĂ©s notre fil conducteur ? la qualitĂ© de la relation clients notre fibre ? bienveillance, esprit d’équipe et crĂ©ativitĂ© le groupe jean lain est acteur de la diversitĂ© au travail, nos postes sont ouverts Ă  tous

  • Provide modern, relevant and accessible services for customers build strong relationships with customers, earning their trust and respect utilise technology to execute campaigns to drive customer engagement rationalise and improve the specialist platforms to enable customers to have their say work with a fully committed board and executive team drive change across the whole organisation and positively impact our customers experience of the organisationbcha is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of people, and expects all employees and volunteers to share this commitment closing date: 8th may by 12 noonbe driven and motivated to deliver the strategy for customer engagement have knowledge of housing or care sector enjoy working in a diverse and sometimes complex organisation confident and inspiring to our customers be able to work collaboratively with stakeholders across the organisation be resilient, have a positive attitude and be solutions focused organised, with good time management skills to prioritise and achieve objectives be a strategic thinker & financially astute to achieve the business plans have excellent communication skills, written and verbal able to problem solve, analyse options and make confident decisions have experience working in a customer engagement rolebcha is a south west based charitable housing association with a continuing mission to meet housing need and end homelessnessthis is great opportunity to; lead the work to better understand our customers enabling us to meet our objective of better outcomes for customers by creating better homes, better communities and better lives develop an insight-driven approach, encourage curiosity and innovation to identify service improvements and lead positive changecustomer engagement is central to bcha’s work and we are committed through our 5-year business plan to improving how we engage and involve individuals who use our servicesas an employer, we will do everything possible to prevent unsuitable people obtaining employment with bchawe have properties across the south west providing affordable homes and temporary accommodation to a wide range of individuals, supporting them to lead independent, fulfilled lives and experience in a ‘technical property services’ environmentwe are looking for someone to drive change across the whole organisation putting the customer at the heart of everythingour overall aim is to ‘deter unsuitable applicants from applying for roles with children and adults, and we will ensure that all candidates are treated fairly, consistently and in compliance with current legislationbcha are committed to delivering on our customer engagement strategy and need someone to lead the organisation on a journey with a diverse customer baserepresent our customers at all levels within the organisation work for an organisation that offers flexible working arrangements bcha safer recruitment: safeguarding children and adults is our first priority and we will ensure we follow safer recruitment procedures

  • Whether we are developing sites or supporting people with housing, learning or living skills, we believe in equality, the importance of every individual and the right to be valued and treated with dignity and respectour doors are open to everyonesouth west based charitable housing association bcha was founded over 50 years ago with a continuing mission to meet housing need and end homelessnesswe additionally support with accessing health care, maximising income, budgeting, debt management and accessing other support servicesit is a role where you can really make a differenceemotionally intelligent flexible to changeto provide intensive personalised support and case management to people with multiple and complex needs using the plymouth alliance (tpa) principlesbcha safer recruitment: safeguarding children and adults is our first priority and we will ensure we follow safer recruitment proceduresas an employer, we will do everything possible to prevent unsuitable people obtaining employment with bchathe team work with customers in vulnerable situations and complex customers who are either homeless, at risk of homelessness, or who are tenancy ready and require support with accommodation seeking; there is also an element of resettlement work involvedwe can offer you the opportunity to: work within a small professional team in a friendly and supportive environment; achieve real job satisfaction in a rewarding and challenging role; focus on building trusting relationships with our customers; receive full training in trauma informed approaches, managing mental health, substance misuse and accommodation services; liaise with external providers to access services that support customers you can add real value as part of a small team of professionals who build positive, trusting and respectful relationships with our customers who are preparing to move forward towards independencebcha is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of people, and expects all employees and volunteers to share this commitmentit would be great if you have previous experience of working with homeless and or other socially excluded people and a good understanding of safeguarding issueslooks at ways to improve systems and procedures for the benefit of the customer and to be more efficientwe aim to achieve this through the building and provision of affordable and secure homes, and by supporting individuals to take control and lead independent, fulfilled livesthe team work primarily within the local hospitals, b&b emergency accommodation provided by the local authority, and bcha move on accommodationyou will also have the energy and enthusiasm to provide positive support and trauma informed care to those who need our supportour overall aim is to ‘deter unsuitable applicants from applying for roles with children and adults, and we will ensure that all candidates are treated fairly, consistently and in compliance with current legislationa working knowledge of the issues affecting people with complex needs and the potential impact on people’s physical, emotional and psychological wellbeing able to demonstrate that you put the alliance first principle and one common goal at the heart of all you do able to demonstrate you are an effective team worker (and able to work effectively on your own, if required) able to make sound decisions it literate a completer/finisher a creative, flexible, compassionate, patient and sensitive approach to working with people who have experienced multiple disadvantages innovative and proactive

  • In our team we want proactive, curious, determined, careful, open minded and energetic peopleinitiative and spirit of collaboration are appreciated and shared qualitiesin order to support the growth of the company, we are looking for: sw developer your responsibilities: sw development c / c ++ / python / php, etc) how the selection process works: register, just 2 minutes upload your cv and any other documents to support your application self-assess your technical skills if your profile is online you will be called for the interviewvalues that have to be lived and shared every dayknowledge requirements: knowledge of cybersecurity issues for devices master’s degree in electronic engineering/ information technology experience of at least 3 years in a similar role work permit (no study) valid for italy availability to work in italy and abroad for long period predisposition for project team work, but with the ability to work independently as wellin collaboration with hw and mechanical designerserre group is a lively and active company in the field of design and consulting of industrial services applied to the automotive, railway, industrial, ict and telco sectorsability to read wiring diagrams and use of the main electronic laboratory instruments (multimeter, oscilloscope, bench power supplies, etcthe activities are proposed to the customer through on-site support or in work package modewe design the future together with those who choose to collaborate with usour founding values are energy, respect, resilience, empathy

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  • Le samsung galaxy s22 5g garantit Ă©galement une visibilitĂ© maximale en extĂ©rieur et dans toutes les conditions de luminositĂ©, avec un respect maximal des couleurs: ceci est possible grĂące Ă  lĂ©cran infinity-o 120hz, avec la technologie dynamic amoled 2x et vision boostermais aussi des vidĂ©os ultra-dĂ©finies et plus stables que jamais, car langle de correction ois a Ă©tĂ© amĂ©liorĂ© de 58 %samsung galaxy s22 5g dispose dun compartiment photo exceptionnel: triple optique (50 mp grand angle, 12 mp ultra grand angle et 10 mp tĂ©lĂ©objectif avec zoom optique 3x) avec technologie auto framerate et systĂšme nightography pour des portraits extraordinaires mĂȘme dans lobscuritĂ©


    749 €

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    4550000190734863 €

  • Dimensioni tabella: 10x12cmottima resistenza e durata nel tempoadesivitĂ  garantita, dettagli precisi e colori brillantiadesivo super-sagomato per personalizzare la tua auto, la tua moto, il tuo casco eccadesivi stickers "respect for bikers"


    4550000190734863 €

  • Frasi che ti possono ispirare: cuore a e b: “
finally together
” cuore a: “love herecco allora limportanza del portachiavi a cuore che potrĂ  essere spezzato dai due componenti della coppia come un vero proprio rito di buona sorte, un genere di talismano contro le avversitĂ  che protegga la loro unioneportachiavi divisibile in argento con ciondolo a forma di cuore che si spezza in due parti” cuore b: “respect himarticolo della selezione zanolliun piccolo dono, uno per ciascuno per felicitarsi con loro della nuova strada intrapresa” cuore b: “love you mostper chi ama stupire cĂš la possibilitĂ  di personalizzare il portachiavi con unincisione, con una frase uguale per entrambe le parti, differente o che si completi unendo le due metà” cuore a e b: “avrĂČ cura di te
” cuore a: “cause all of me
” cuore b: “
loves all of you” cuore a e b: “omnia vincit amor” cuore a: “love you morese invece si desidera che le incisioni sulle due metĂ  del cuore siano differenti si prega di specificarlo nelle note finali dellordineuna metĂ  ad uno e laltra metĂ  allaltro da custodire gelosamentedue innamorati cercano spesso regali dal forte significato simbolico che testimonino limportanza del loro amore e che siano squisitamente personali ed espressione stessa della coppia e del proprio legameregalo spesso scelto anche da amici e famigliari piĂč stretti per una coppia, che sia per il loro fidanzamento o per la decisione di andare a vivere insiememade in italy note particolari: in caso di assenza di indicazioni, il testo dellincisione che andrĂ  ad essere eseguito sarĂ  identico su entrambe le parti


    145 €

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