Our big data advanced analytics

Elenco our big data advanced analytics

  • ) e delle tecnologie big data piĂą diffusele risorse selezionate, saranno inserite all’interno di un percorso formativo (academy) finalizzato all’apprendimento dei vari aspetti di gestione del dato (data modeling, data governance, data quality etcnell’ambito del potenziamento del nostro competence center di rende, jakala ricerca giovani talenti con una forte passione per il mondo dei big data, interessati ad intraprendere un percorso di carriera come junior data engineeral termine della formazione, il percorso prevede l’inserimento all’interno del nostro team di data engineers su progetti di digital transformationrequisiti il candidato ideale possiede: laurea magistrale o triennale preferibilmente in ingegneria gestionale, ingegneria informatica, informatica, matematica, statistica oppure un curriculum affine alle tematiche tecnologiche buone capacitĂ  analitiche e di sintesi forte passione per le tecnologie big data e di gestione del dato completano il profilo: spiccate capacitĂ  analitiche conoscenza delle tecnologie big data piĂą diffuse forte orientamento al risultato problem solving e orientamento a lavorare per obiettivi team working spiccate capacitĂ  relazionali precisione e cura del dettaglio altre informazioni cosa offriamo: percorso di academy con tirocinio retribuito finalizzato all'inserimento in azienda ambiente di lavoro stimolante che favorisce la crescita professionale e i percorsi di carriera elevata autonomia e responsabilitĂ  rapporto diretto con il management aziendale e con i clienti coinvolgimento su progetti per clienti prestigiosi appartenenti a diversi settori, anche a livello internazionale continua attivitĂ  di ricerca e sviluppo sede di lavoro: rendela missione di jakala è creare un vantaggio competitivo per i suoi clienti, con un impatto misurabile sulla top line, grazie al miglior utilizzo combinato di dati, advanced e location analytics, tecnologie, contenuti e progettazione dell’esperienza del clientejob description jakala è la prima societĂ  martech italiana che offre ai propri clienti supporto in ambito strategico, analytics, digital e technology

  • AttivitĂ : analisi di big data con azure databricks platform; sviluppo dei processi di etl con tecnologie microsoft quali azure databricks platform, azure synapse analytics, azure data factory e azure data lake storagerequisiti tecnici: azure data factory databricks azure devops power bi data lake storage synapse scala/sql altre informazioni: inquadramento commisurato in base all'effettiva esperienzawe are #buildingthefuture… what about you? per la business line digital solutions siamo alla ricerca di professionisti azure big data engineer per importanti progetti in ambito palo scopo che guida le nostre azioni è il pieno soddisfacimento delle esigenze del cliente, garantendo sempre l’assoluta eccellenza delle soluzioni e la massima affidabilitĂ  dei risultatidgs fornisce servizi e soluzioni di valore in ambito cyber security, digital solutions e management consultinglinguaggi utilizzati: sql, python/sparkdgs vanta oltre 500 clienti, la maggior parte dei quali di classe enterprise, attivi nei principali segmenti di mercato: pubblica amministrazione, banche e assicurazioni, industria, energia e utility, trasporti e telecomunicazioninel caso in cui il tuo curriculum sia valutato in linea rispetto alla posizione, organizzeremo un primo incontro per approfondire la reciproca conoscenzadiversamente conserveremo il tuo curriculum all'interno del nostro database e sarĂ  nostra premura ricontattarti in futuro, qualora si aprissero opportunitĂ  coerenti con il tuo percorso e le tue competenzel’obiettivo è quello di progettare le migliori soluzioni ict, capaci di risolvere le sfide tecnologiche del nuovo millennio, facendo dell’innovazione e dell’eccellenza le peculiaritĂ  del nostro brandi nostri core values riflettono la cultura ed i valori condivisi dall’intero gruppo, come fari che guidano costantemente le nostre azioni e le decisioni che prendiamo

  • You will be involved in supporting the data management of all commercial department of the group and you will be responsible for our master data set and data practices, analysis and development of reports as well as troubleshooting data issuesgroupm is looking for a digital trading data analyst to join our groupm digital trading officewe are looking for someone with previous experience as a data analyst who can share best practices and guide us on our data journey and who has a deep understanding of popular data analysis tools and databasesyour main tasks will be: collaborating with teams and agencies to collect and analyze data structuring large data sets to find usable information identifying patterns and trends in data sets managing the digital trading database ensuring information is accurate and up to date who you are: affinity for numbers, leveraging a data-driven and analytical approach good knowledge of data gathering, cleaning, and transforming techniques excellent attention to detail ability to think out of the box organizational skills and the ability to work in high-pressure situations, handling multiple tasks and projects at once teamwork and collaborator who is not afraid to ask questions understanding of how digital trends affect our businessthis will be an exciting role that will require a deep analytics skill and a real passion about numbers and data, aimed to supporting the definition of benchmark and kpi performancestaying up to date on digital trends while proactively identifying new ways to solve business problems, using technology and other digital toolsproficient in microsoft excel, power point and powerbi good in english if you don’t tick all the above but are a hard worker eager for this role and opportunity, we want to hear from you! location wpp campus in milan (plus the option for smart working some of the time)

  • Stiamo ricercando un azure data platform engineer per la nostre sedi di bologna e milanoil/la candidato/a in linea con la posizione possiede le seguenti caratteristiche: 3/4 anni di esperienza maturata preferibilmente in societĂ  di consulenza laurea specialistica in materie stem: informatica, ingegneria, matematica, statistica conoscenza dei principali linguaggi e metodologie d’interrogazione e modellazione dati comprovata esperienza nello sviluppo di architetture dati basate sulla piattaforma azure esperienza pratica di configurazione e sviluppo sui principali servizi azure ed in particolare su azure analysis services, power bi, azure data factory, synapse analytics, sql azure, databricks sql server conoscenza di uno o piĂą linguaggi di programmazione quali: scala, python, java, nodejs conoscenza dei concetti del data warehouse conoscenza dei principi sui big data costituirĂ  titolo preferenziale: certificazione azure: azure data engineer associate e/o azure solutions architect esperienza su altre piattaforme cloud e su architetture dati ibride (aws, gcp) completano il profilo: spiccate capacitĂ  analitiche e attitudine al problem solving intraprendenza e autonomia propensione al lavoro in team e alle relazioni ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese al candidato selezionato verrĂ  offerto un percorso di carriera e crescita strutturato, per obiettivi, con processi formativi consolidati; oltre a pacchetti welfare dedicati e fruibili sul territorio nazionale e ticket restaurantsiamo una data driven transformation company specializzata in design e delivery di soluzioni, metodologie, algoritmi e tecnologie capaci di trasformare e potenziare le aziende clienti con la valorizzazione del principale e piĂą abbondante asset del mercato odierno: i datisede di lavoro: bologna e milano (con possibilitĂ  di smart working) inquadramento: contratto di lavoro dipendente a tempo indeterminato i candidati ambosessi (d13 del gdpr (regolamento ue )il candidato si muove in autonomia e con autorevolezza all’interno di team multifunzionali, con un ruolo di responsabilitĂ , agendo in maniera positiva sulla condivisione delle competenze ed esperienze nei confronti dei colleghi piĂą junioril profilo selezionato sarĂ  focalizzato sull'implementazioe tecnica di sfidanti attivitĂ  progettuali, prendendo parte al coordinamento del team di progetto e in supporto alle figure dei client leader nella gestione del cliente finale13 del decreto legislativo 30 giugno , n196 “codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali” e dell’artcon sedi a bologna, roma, milano e londra, vantiamo una struttura di oltre 300 professionisti altamente specializzatila nostra realtĂ  nasce da un gruppo di ricercatori universitari e siamo oggi partner strategico di oltre 150 aziende clienti e di tutti i piĂą importanti vendor tecnologici internazionali) sono invitati ad inviare il curriculum comprensivo di autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi dell’artabbiamo all’attivo piĂą di progetti di successo realizzati in oltre 15 anni di crescita costante e continua

  • Comprovata esperienza di ideazione e sviluppo di soluzioni analitiche buone capacitĂ  comunicative scritte e orali conoscenza della lingua inglese nice to have: dottorato di ricerca in materie quantitative competenze su architetture big data e relativi linguaggi di programmazione conoscenza di java location: roma (zona eur)about the company: per una realtĂ  it technology di roma che opera nel settore insurance, i nostri recruitment engineer ricercano un senior data scientist core responsibilities: lavorare con i diversi stakeholder all’interno della compagnia e identificare in ambito analytics le opportunitĂ  di sviluppo, di estrazione di valore dai dati e di indirizzamento delle soluzioni di business analizzare dati, ideare e addestrare modelli basati su machine learning ottimizzare le performance attese dei modelli creati e individuare le potenzialitĂ  delle fonti dati a disposizione coordinarsi con gli altri team del gruppo per mettere a terra in maniera funzionale ed efficace i modelli prodotti ideare e sviluppare dashboard e tool di monitoraggio dell’andamento delle performance dei modelli seguire e affiancare i colleghi data scientist junior must have: laurea in materia scientifica (fisica, matematica, ingegneria, informatica, etc) esperienza di almeno 3-4 in ambito data science (un eventuale dottorato di ricerca verrĂ  considerato adeguatamente qualora congruo come argomenti e contenuti) forte predisposizione al problem solving ed esperienza in analisi dati esperienza di utilizzo di linguaggi di programmazione statistica (r, python, etc) per la manipolazione dei dati profonda conoscenza di algoritmi di machine learning, deep learning, clustering e modelli predittivi comprovata conoscenza dei principali database relazionali e nontechyon: information technology recruitment experts | head hunter techyon è il primo head hunter esclusivamente specializzato nella ricerca e selezione di professionisti e manager nel segmento information technologyi nostri recruitment engineer selezionano i migliori profili it per prestigiose societĂ  di consulenza informatica, banche, aziende di servizi, gruppi manifatturieri, start-up di eccellenza e digital dna company

  • Conoscenza di strumenti e framework big data (hadoop, spark, …)contribuirai all'evoluzione di una moderna architettura dei dati insieme a un team di data engineercomprensione dei modelli di dati (data warehouse, data lake o qualsiasi loro versione piĂą recente)la risorsa inserita avrĂ  l'opportunitĂ  di lavorare su un'enorme quantitĂ  di dati (oltre 6 milioni di annunci live, oltre 40 milioni di visualizzazioni di pagina giornaliere) e la moderna big data platform li gestisceavrai mano libera nel tuo lavoro, pur avendo il supporto di un team affiatato di data engineers1 in italia che permette di comprare e vendere online in completa sicurezza grazie alla protezione acquisti, ricerca una risorsa come data engineer, appartenente alle categorie protette (lsarai responsabile dell'espansione e dell'ottimizzazione dell' architettura dati (condutture e operazioni ml), supportando data scientist, analisti di dati e ingegneri software con architetture e servizi di consegna dati ottimalibudget personale di formazione per partecipare a conferenze ed eventiremunerazione totale competitivaopportunitĂ  di carriera e crescita internazionaleottima conoscenza di almeno un linguaggio di programmazione tra scala e pythonl'esperienza precedente con kafka è un vantaggiopausa con frutta sana, bevande e caffè (quando lavori dall'ufficio)creerai solidi flussi di lavoro per addestrare, valutare e distribuire algoritmi di machine learning su larga scalaconoscenza degli strumenti di gestione delle pipeline e dei flussi di lavoro (airflow, argo workflows, …)lavora con il framework di definizione degli obiettivi di okrpiano sanitario, piano di welfare e iniziative per il benesserecollaborazione impegnativa con team globaliriposati dopo una lunga giornata di lavoro giocando a biliardino o a ping pong con i tuoi colleghilavora con tecnologie e risorse all'avanguardiacreerai lavori etl per estrarre dati da diverse fonti e renderli disponibili e utilizzabilibuona conoscenza di postgres, possibilmente in un'installazione di aws redshiftsiederai vicino ai tuoi utenti di dati e osserva il reale impatto del tuo lavoro: lavoriamo in una metodologia agile in team interfunzionali tra cui analisti/scienziati, sviluppatori software, product owner e ux designergiornata tipica in azienda: progetterai set di dati complessi per supportare l'evoluzione di subito attraverso i datisede di lavoro: milano, smart working fino a 5 gg previa autorizzazione del manager, ma con la possibilitĂ  di andare in sede qualche voltaesperienza con strumenti ci/cd (jenkins, travis, argo cd, terraformtipologia contrattuale: contratto da valutare in base alla seniority della risorsa trovata4+ anni di esperienza nell'ingegneria dei dati o in campi correlatibenefits: gift card da 300€ per la tua postazione remotabuon livello di conoscenza della lingua inglese (b2/c1)monitorerai le prestazioni, eseguire analisi delle cause principali sui guasti ed evolvere la nostra infrastruttura per ridurre al minimo il tempo che dedichiamo alla gestione dei bugti siederai vicino agli utenti dei dati e vedrai il vero impatto del tuo lavoroticket restaurant (anche se lavori da remoto)esperienza pratica con modelli di progettazione, codifica e test orientati agli oggettiarea relax con ping-pong e biliardino, ovviamentel'esperienza di ml ops è un vantaggio

  • Per rafforzare il team di consulenti dell'azienda cliente, siamo alla ricerca di un/a web analytics architect) ottima conoscenza di google data studio e delle possibilitĂ  di connessione alle differenti sorgenti di datobuone conoscenze dei prodotti della google marketing platform (in particolare google cloud storage e google big query) capacitĂ  nella pianificazione a lungo termine di strategie di tagging di web analytics finalizzate non solo all'implementazione dei tracciamenti richiesti ma anche alla soliditĂ  e manutenzione degli stessi costituiscono titolo preferenziale ma non obbligatorio: certificazione di google analytics aver lavorato, negli ultimi 12 mesi, su almeno 6 progetti in cui si è utilizzato una piattaforma di tag management (di cui almeno 2 su google tag manager) gestendo le implementazioni base e abilitanti per google analyticsrequisiti obbligatori per candidarsi: esperienza di almeno 2 anni in posizione simile in agenzia (o azienda) conoscenza avanzata di google analytics universal e ottima conoscenza di google analytics 4 conoscenza delle logiche di funzionamento di adserver, dmp e di altre piattaforme di advertising laurea in statistica, informatica, ingegneria informatica o comunque cultura equivalentebuona conoscenza di adobe analytics conoscenza del linguaggio di programmazione python e/o r aver frequentato e superato, durante il periodo di studi, almeno un corso inerente l'architettura dell'informazioneimplementazione completa della soluzione server side di una piattaforma di tag managementconoscenza dell'html e di applicativi single page applicationin alternativa, comprovata esperienza nel campo dello sviluppo web conoscenza del linguaggio javascript, del framework jquery e della tecnica ajaximportante agenzia di consulenza strategica digitale focalizzata sul performance marketingconoscenza del linguaggio sql buona conoscenza del linguaggio python buone abilitĂ  di comunicazione orale e scritta in lingua italiana buone conoscenze di almeno uno strumento di business intelligence (microsoft power bi, tableau, qlik

  • Easeus todo backup advanced server is the best software for companies running server machines where crucial data must be securedand remember: each order is covered by our full money-back warrantydiscover all our benefits, like a full money-back warranty and free english-speaking technical support! mr key shop is an official easeus reseller easeus todo backup advanced server easeus todo backup advanced server is one of the most advanced todo backup enterprise editions, the popular easeus business suiteyou can save up to 70% on the official msrps across our catalogmr key shop is your go-to store for digital software, discover all our benefits now! a premium solution for your servers with easeus todo backup advanced server easeus todo backup advanced server is a premium enterprise server backup & recovery solutionpurchase easeus todo backup advanced server from mr key shop at a special pricewhat are you waiting for? explore the digital world with mr key shop! protect the environment and your data with easeus todo backup advanced server from mr key shop protecting your data also means including them in highly-effective backup & recovery plansfurthermore, each order is fully guaranteed and you can always rely on our technical supportwe chose to ditch the physical transport systems, offering our products via digital delivery onlyfor this reason, at mr key shop weve adopted a 100% green approach since our foundationyoull never lose any data from your database or key email in your enterprise mail systemif we dont take care of our planet today, well never be able to flourish as a speciesfor you, our eco-friendly policy means further benefits: lower prices (no shipping costs) and fast delivery via emailpurchase easeus todo backup advanced server from mr key shop now and save on the price list! download, install and activate easeus todo backup advanced server is fast and easy with mr key shop with the fast service offered by mr key shop, you can download, install and activate easeus todo backup advanced server in no timeeaseus products offer you an even more extraordinary digital life, with a full range of file recovery, data backup, partition management, transfer products, and morethe advanced features let you centralize operations in a single machine, run all the tasks from a clear and simple interface, as well as manage processes across sql and exchange serverswith easeus todo backup advanced server, you can run all the basic tasks like backup/recovery for file systems, disks, partitions, and email inboxes, disk cloning, os migrations, cloud backups, centralized server management, and morethis is especially true if uptime and business continuity are your top priorities - youll be able to ensure them both with easeus! we want to reach the same level of environmental protection because earth is our homethe brands professionalism is equal to mr key shops: were official easeus resellers with our 18+ years of experience in the digital industry, with over 350k delighted customers across the globe and an average rating of excellent on trustpilot (2,000+ positive reviews, score of 4the process is fast and easy: complete your purchase with secure payments (paypal, stripe, amazon/google/apple pay, credit/debit cards) and receive your order right in your email inbox with all you need to download easeus todo backup advanced server and complete all the setup, activation, and running stepswe need your help too! are you a reseller? introducing mkreseller, an opportunity you shouldnt miss! if youre working in the digital world too and provide your clients with software products and licenses, you shouldnt miss the opportunity to become a member of our mkreseller partner programthis is why easeus chose us as their official partner! whats included with easeus todo backup advanced server purchased from mr key shop? complete your secure checkout and get all you need in your inbox, so that you can immediately make the most out of your easeus todo backup advanced server solution: - your easeus todo backup server license - official download links - clear and simple instructions on how to download, install, and activate your easeus todo backup advanced server software - invoice - free, english-speaking technical support find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements supported platforms microsoft windows - windows 10/8from your 100% genuine and guaranteed license to clear and simple instructions, everything is at hand in your email, including official and malware-free download links, as well as your invoicefor this reason, easeus means quality and an intuitive approach to the business worldquality, customer protection, and ease of use are also mr key shops pillars1/8/7/vista/xp - windows server 2022 - windows server 2019 - windows server 2016 - windows server 2012 - windows server 2008 - windows server 2003 - windows server sbs 2003 - windows server sbs 2008 ms sql server - sql server 2019 - 2017, 2016, 2014 - 2012, 2008 r2 - 2008, 2005 ms exchange server - exchange server 2003 - 2007 - 2010 - 2013 - 2016 storage media: - hdds - ssds - usb drives - memory cards - cloud services - physical and/or virtual environments - applicationsif you want to expand your software portfolio and implement a 360-degree security strategy, you can purchase the best vpns, backup & disaster recovery services, as well as enterprise software like sql server and microsoft windows storage server at unparalleled price pointsa huge benefit for larger enterprise operational environmentsfor example, you can buy windows 11 at a fraction of the original price, order and install office 2021 within a few seconds from your purchase, as well as adopt one of the best antivirus brands in the marketthe support team is at your disposal in english and free of charge even to help you choose the best software according to your requirements, use them efficiently, and solve any doubts or issues that may arisewe want to help reduce pollution and waste from real-world production and distributionthese are crucial benefits for those who look for an enterprise-grade solution with the same ease-of-use and user-friendly interfaces seen in retail programs designed for home usersplus, you can perform backup & recovery operations to e from exchange and sql serversvisit the official mkreseller program page now, or mail us at for more info about this initiativesave on the price list and shop with confidence from one of easeus official resellersthis translates to significant benefits for you: as a reliable, professional, and 100% authorized store, we offer you genuine and guaranteed licenses with unbeatable pricesdigital delivery is how we can make a differenceabout easeus easeus is a popular and acknowledged backup & disaster recovery brandwith us, youll only get 100% genuine licenses, pay via secure and tracked methods, and receive each order right in your inboxwe designed a unique journey to help you grow your business and successfully serve your customers9 | 5 stars out of 5)with easeus, these tasks become easy, even for amateur users, still maintaining professional-grade efficacy


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  • Sql) e pre-processing / cleansing dei dati conoscenza di linguaggi o tool di data science (esper il potenziamento dell’area data lab stiamo cercando data scientist che vogliano entrare a far parte di un team di specialisti dedicato allo sviluppo di prodotti e soluzioni innovative basate su banche dati microterritoriali proprietarie uniche in italia, che permettono alle aziende di incrementare le vendite e ridurre il cost to serve grazie a una migliore conoscenza di territorio, reti di vendita, clienti e prospectla missione di jakala è creare un vantaggio competitivo per i suoi clienti, con un impatto misurabile sulla top line, grazie al miglior utilizzo combinato di dati, advanced e location analytics, tecnologie, contenut i e progettazione dell’esperienza del clienteil candidato ideale possiede forte attitudine quantitativa e passione per il mondo dei dati precisione e cura del dettaglio laurea in scienze statistiche, data science, geografia economica, econometria o titoli di studio affini con eccellenti risultati accademici solide basi statistiche e conoscenza di principali metodi di estrazione (esle risorse saranno inserite in un contesto fortemente dinamico e “data-intensive” dove potranno mettere a frutto, con un elevato grado di autonomia, le proprie conoscenze di analisi statistiche e/o geografiche contribuendo allo sviluppo dell’offerta dati aziendale e supportando l’attivitĂ  delle aree di business advisory, location intelligence e data & aiconoscenza di data platform quali gcp, aws e azure passione per il mondo della consulenza strategica interesse nei confronti delle principali tematiche in area business analysis, performance optimization, customer experience management, crm, network development, loyalty & engagement design ottima capacitĂ  di sintetizzare e rappresentare un problema, oltre che di svilupparne la risoluzione attraverso slide e metodi di “data storitelling” capacitĂ  di sviluppare business case cosa offriamo ambiente di lavoro stimolante che favorisce la crescita professionale confronto con colleghi di diverse esperienze formative e professionali coinvolgimento su progetti per clienti prestigiosi appartenenti a diversi settori, anche a livello internazionale continua attivitĂ  di ricerca e sviluppo e coinvolgimento nello sviluppo di prodotti proprietari sviluppo e miglioramento delle proprie capacitĂ  analitiche approfondimento della conoscenza di diversi linguaggi o tool di data science, analisi geografica e bi sede di lavoro: milano centro) conoscenza microsoft office suite (excel®, powerpoint®, access®, word®) ottima capacitĂ  di problem setting e problem solving completano il profilo familiaritĂ  con i principali tool di bi (powerbi, tableau, qlikview) familiaritĂ  con tematiche di business intelligence, dwh, eccsas, python, r, eccjakala è la prima societĂ  martech italiana che offre ai propri clienti supporto in ambito strategico, analytics, digital e technology

  • Easeus data recovery wizard professional is easy to use and recovers 100% of data with easeus data recovery wizard professional, you can recover all your data after a crash, accidental deletion, formatting, or other incidentsall is managed in a non-destructive way, through a technically advanced piece of software produced by data management specialistspurchase easeus data recovery wizard professional at the best price with mr key shop and recover all lost datawe wish we could recover our environment so easily tooeaseus data recovery wizard professional makes no exception: through an intuitive interface, it will let you recover your data with just a few clicksthis is proven by our fast and efficient service, which has been awarded by our customers who rated us as excellent on trustpilot (4our emails always include official and secure download links and your invoicesafely shop from us with secure payments and our full money-back warrantyin case of doubt, you can always count on our free english-speaking technical supportfor this reason, mr key shop has ditched the physical transport system since our inceptionand remember: our free english-speaking technical support is always at your disposal! mr key shop is an official easeus reseller easeus data recovery wizard professional with easeus data recovery wizard professional, you can easily recover lost or removed data, even after formatting your storage mediaeach transaction is secure and guaranteed, and all products are covered by our full money-back warrantydownload, install and activate easeus data recovery wizard professional at ease with mr key shop with mr key shop, you can download, install and activate easeus data recovery wizard professional in a few stepswait no further: choose mr key shop for your digital shopping and save on the best genuine software on sale! recover any file with easeus data recovery wizard professional and help us protect the environment with easeus data recovery wizard professional, youll recover all your lost data with a few clickswe opted in for digital delivery as our unique distribution channel; this way, we can reduce pollution and wastethis is a huge opportunity for you: with us, youll save up to 70% across our catalog, including easeus productscompatible with over 1,000 file types, easeus data recovery wizard professional allows you to recover documents, videos, images, email messages, audio files, and much moreeaseus products offer you an even more extraordinary digital life, with a full range of file recovery, data backup, partition management, transfer products, and moremr key shop offers an intuitive and user-friendly experience as well: our store is easy to navigate, offers straightforward transactions, but always with the highest professional approach possiblethe good news is that, with easeus data recovery wizard professional, nothing is lost for good! no matter which support you need to recover, may it be a hdd, a ssd, a memory card, or other storage devices, easeus data recovery wizard professional will recover all the lost files with a few clicks, thanks to the tidy and user-friendly uiat the end of your purchase, go to your email inbox, and follow the instructions attached to your recap email to download easeus data recovery wizard professional and install it in a few easy stepsthis is why easeus chose us as their official partner ! whats included with easeus data recovery wizard professional purchased from mr key shop? complete your secure checkout and get all you need in your inbox, so that you can immediately make the most out of your easeus data recovery wizard professional solution: - your easeus data recovery wizard professional license - official download links - clear and simple instructions on how to download, install, and activate your easeus data recovery wizard professional technician software - invoice - free, english-speaking technical support find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements supported operating systems: windows 11/10/8/7, windows server 2022/2019/2016/2012/2008/2003 supported storage media: hdds, ssds, external drives, pcs and laptops, flash drives, memory cards, other media (cameras, zip drives, etca huge benefit that combines with one of higher importance: by choosing us, you can make a difference in protecting the environment too! were and will always be a 100% eco-friendly company ! are you a reseller? introducing mkreseller, an opportunity you shouldnt miss! if youre working in the digital world too and provide your clients with software products and licenses, you shouldnt miss the opportunity to become a member of our mkreseller partner programa complete and professional solution which allows you to prevent irreversible loss of crucial documentscomplete your secure checkout and youll immediately receive your recap email with all you need to gowere official easeus resellers and only offer 100% genuine and guaranteed productsquality, customer protection, and ease of use are also mr key shops pillarssometimes, a system crash, a human error, or other incidents can cause the loss of important filescom for more info about this initiativeeach transaction is straightforward but secure, and all payments are only processed with the best platforms in the market: you can choose among paypal, stripe, amazon/apple/google pay, or you can pay via credit/debit cardeaseus is well-known for its backup/recovery/partition management tools: they all combine user-friendly interfaces with fully-fledged, professional featuresif you need to expand your professional software library, you can choose among the best database and storage management solutions, like windows storage server and microsoft sql server 2019for you, this means receiving your orders in real-time via email, cutting down shipping costssuch a professional attitude has been acknowledged by easeus as well, since they chose us as official resellers for their brandvisit the official mkreseller program page now, or mail us at sales@mrkeyshopsince we cant make the world greener with a single click, we want to help protect the planet anyway with concrete actionsabout easeus easeus is a popular and acknowledged backup & disaster recovery brandfor system security, we offer a wide range of vpn and antivirus tools, as well as the best backup & recovery programsyoull always receive your orders in the form of 100% genuine and guaranteed digital licenseswe designed a unique journey to help you grow your business and successfully serve your customersfor over 18 years, weve successfully served more than 350k users in the world, as you can read across over 2k positive reviews we received on the independent rating service9 | 5 stars out of 5)with easeus, these tasks become easy, even for amateur users, still maintaining professional-grade efficacyfor example, you can purchase windows 11 professional at an unparalleled price, order and download office 2021 professional and office 2021 home & business for mac in real-time


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  • Hands-on experience with data studio or another data visualization platformadditional skills: hands-on experience with adobe analytics or mapp/webtrekkhands-on experience working with a data layer in an ecommerce contextyou know and use daily google analytics, google tag manager, bigquery, firebase analytics, google analytics 4, and you are experienced with both data analysis and technical implementationobjective and scope of the role groupm is looking for an experienced digital analytics consultant to manage projects dedicated to large, complex clientsthe selected candidate will follow the digital analytics activities in a multidisciplinary, friendly and collaborative context dedicated to the design and implementation of integrated digital marketing solutions for top-tier clientshands-on experience with javascript and/or other languages such as html, css, and jquerylocation wpp campus in milan (plus the option for smart working some of the time)hands-on experience with tag management solutions such as tealium or tag commanderyou are able to independently implement an sdd/sdr, taking care of all the detailshands-on experience with conversion rate optimization process and toolsrequested hard skills: you are able to develop and communicate clearly, simply and without technical jargon the tagging implementation strategy and logichands-on experience with python and/or ryou speak and write english fluently

  • our instant delivery system allows you to use sql 2019 with no hasslethe 2019 standard edition of microsoft sql server (or 2 core) brings several new features, including: - scalable big data solution - data virtualization with polybase - smart database: sql server features improve performance and scalability across all db workloads without altering application or database designshowever, in case of doubt, questions, or issues, contact our technical support, always at your disposal for free and in english ! furthermore, all orders placed on mr key shop are covered by our full money-back warrantyfor over 18 years, our company has served and helped more than 350k customers, offering premium software products at competitive pricesat the platform level, you can work with different development languages, data types, operating systems, and processing environments, both locally and in the cloudssl-secured payments and a full money-back warranty are just some of the benefits of our store, which also offers free english-speaking customer service buy microsoft sql server 2019 standard/2core you can buy microsoft sql server 2019 standard from mr key shop and immediately obtain your 100% genuine license to get to work to your relational database within a few minutes from your purchaseno further license to be bought, a huge benefit for your budget! what will i get when i order microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core from mr key shop? ordering microsoft sql server 2019 from mr key shop is the best choice: youll save money and time! and youll get immediately all you need via email: - your license(s) for microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core - official download link to the setup iso file for microsoft sql server 2019 - clear and accurate guidance to download, install and activate microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core - invoice - free english-speaking customer service are you a reseller? offer the best products at the best prices! if you resell software like microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core, join our reseller program mkreseller, or mail us now at sales@mrkeyshopyou can rely on mr key shop with confidence and obtain the best business software, like microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core: you will stay within your budget and cut downtimeyoull instantly obtain the download link and complete instructions allowing you to download and activate sql server in no timecom to get a personalized price listif you need to reinstall or restore your seat, just reuse your credentialsdatabase in memory for unparalleled performance and scalability youll also benefit from many more features: buy and download microsoft sql server 2019 now for your business, enjoy all its enhancements, and save over the suggested price! download microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core buying from mr key shop means downloading microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core within a few seconds from the transactioninstall microsoft sql server 2019 standard/2 core in digital format mr key shop is an affirmed and reliable brand in the digital marketfurthermore, we can protect the environment from pollution and waste, because we wont ship any physical goods1, windows server 2008 r2, windows server 2008 r2 sp1, windows server 2012, windows server 2012 r2, windows server 2019 standard/datacenter processor: x64 (amd opteron, amd athlon 64, intel xeon supporting intel em64t, intel pentium iv with em64t support) ram: at least 1gb (recommended 4gb) storage: at least 6gbmr key shop is a 100% eco-friendly company! what licenses for microsoft sql server 2019 standard/2 core are available from mr key shop? mr key shops catalog is only covered by perpetual licensesbuy microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core from mr key shops catalog and get your 100% guaranteed license with instant digital deliverymicrosoft sql server 2019 standard/2 core per business microsoft sql server 2019 standard is the latest development of sql server, even more performing and functional for businesses like yoursyou wont have to wait for the courier - just go to your inbox, follow the instructions, and proceed to download, install and activate your productwarning ! microsoft sql server 2019 standard is also available in 2 core versiondigital delivery ensures that your orders are sent within a few seconds from your purchasework with mr key shop and grow your business! find more products for your business in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn e backup & recovery: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile - backup and recovery software - aomei microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server system requirements operating system: windows 10, windows 7, windows 7 service pack 1, windows 8, windows 8when you add your product to the cart, ensure to select microsoft sql server 2019 standard or microsoft sql server 2019 standard 2 core according to your specific needs! for example, if you need licenses for more servers, you can buy the 2 core package that you can use to assign two licenses for two different serversyoull receive everything via email, including your 100% genuine and guaranteed licensepurchasing microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core, you wont have any expiry date for your licenses, since they wont be linked to a single set of hardware


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  • data studio) and with pogramming languages (etasks, with the tutor support: definition of the tracking architecture create implementation requirements managing tag management platforms creation of standard and dashboard reporting data analysis support in cro and a/b testing projects soft skills analytical mindset problem solving and customer management skills proactivity towards the client and the team with whom there is a strong collaboration technical skills basic knowledge of analytics panels (in particular google analytics) basic knowledge of tag managent solutions nice to have: familiarity with data viz tools (ethe candidate will integrate with the team, with his/her tutor, in the management of projects aimed at supporting the group's clients in improving the performance of their digital assets through the collection of business requirements, the setting of the necessary tracks and the analysis of the data collected

  • Therefore, mr key shop is a 100% digital store: since our foundation, weve ditched physical goods, opting in for digital delivery as our sole distribution channelall our products are 100% genuine and guaranteed, furthermore, you can save up to 70% across our catalog, which includes the best digital home and pro-grade softwarepay via secure platforms, get your product in real-time, and enjoy all the benefits of our store, like our full money-back warranty and free english-speaking technical support mr key shop is an official easeus reseller easeus data recovery wizard technician easeus data recovery wizard technician is the ideal solution for companies and service providersthanks to easeus data recovery wizard technician, youll enjoy one of the best enterprise data recovery solutions, with the possibility of running disaster recovery in any scenariobrowse mr key shops catalog now and choose the best software at the lowest price! recover data with easeus data recovery wizard technician and help us protect the environment with easeus data recovery wizard technician, you can protect data across your it environment and customer base: thanks to the total and platform-agnostic recovery mechanism, your data will always be available and safe against accidental removal or other incidents, no matter how critical the scenario iseaseus data recovery wizard technician offers an intuitive and user-friendly ui: with a few clicks you can restore data in a wide range of disaster scenarios, furthermore, you can also set safe read-only recovery to ensure the fullest data protection for your customers or it environmentpurchase easeus data recovery wizard technician from mr key shop now and save significantly on the msrpfor over 18 years, weve successfully served hundreds of thousands customers across the globe, who acknowledged the quality of our store on trustpilot, where more than 2k positive reviews confirm our store as excellent (4purchase easeus data recovery wizard technician from mr key shop now and save! download, install and activate easeus data recovery wizard technician is even easier with mr key shop with mr key shops digital service, you can download, install and activate easeus data recovery wizard technician within a few minutes from your purchase on your own, with our complete recap email youll instantly receive at the end of the checkouteaseus data recovery wizard technician is a professional, yet 100% user-friendly solution professional tools dont have to be over-complicateddo you want to expand your professional tool library? purchase windows storage server, microsoft sql server 2019, and more at a discounted price! plus, we extended our catalog with the best backup and recovery tools like easeus data recovery wizard technician and much moreeaseus products offer you an even more extraordinary digital life, with a full range of file recovery, data backup, partition management, transfer products, and morewith professional and smart data recovery service, you can address all your customers and/or enterprise it ecosystem needs, and provide them with consistent and complete supportservice at mr key shop is complete and professional, and includes free english-speaking technical support available before and after each purchase, as well as our full money-back warrantymr key shop pursues the same vision: our store is simple and straightforward, yet highly professional and complete with all the security features you expect from a consolidated and reliable ecommerce like oursthis is why easeus chose us as their official partner ! whats included with easeus data recovery wizard technician purchased from mr key shop? complete your secure checkout and get all you need in your inbox, so that you can immediately make the most out of your easeus data recovery wizard technician solution: - your easeus data recovery wizard technician license - official download links - clear and simple instructions on how to download, install, and activate your easeus data recovery wizard technician software - invoice - free, english-speaking technical support find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements supported operating systems: windows 11/10/8/7, windows server 2022/2019/2016/2012/2008/2003 supported file systems: fat(fat12,fat16,fat32) ext2/ext3/hfs+/refs exfat/ntfs/ntfs5 hardware requirements disk space: at least 32mb for program installation cpu: at least x86 ram: min 128mba double benefit that bounds to a bigger one: together, we can make the world greener! choose mr key shop, a 100% eco-friendly store! are you a reseller? introducing mkreseller, an opportunity you shouldnt miss! if youre working in the digital world too and provide your clients with software products and licenses, you shouldnt miss the opportunity to become a member of our mkreseller partner programdo you need to deploy new anonymity and security policies? choose among the best antivirus and vpn brands in the marketonce you complete your secure transaction, always processed through secure and tracked methods like paypal, stripe, amazon/apple/google play, or credit/debit cards,your recap email will be delivered to your inbox: here youll find attached your activation key, clear and simple instructions with official and clean download link, as well as your invoicequality, customer protection, and ease of use are also mr key shops pillarsyou can rely on mr key shop, were your go-to digital storecom for more info about this initiativewere official easeus resellers and here you can only fine 100% genuine and guaranteed licenses9 | 5 stars out of stars)visit the official mkreseller program page now, or mail us at sales@mrkeyshopwith us, youll always receive your product in real-time via email, and youll never pay for the shipping feesmoreover, the remote nas recovery, as well as from raid configurations, offline secure operations, and unattended automatic recovery, your support options are virtually unlimitedthis is just one of the reasons why we became easeus official resellersat the same time, we want to protect the environment with the same level of efficacythis way, we can reduce pollution and waste, as well as allow you to save money and timeabout easeus easeus is a popular and acknowledged backup & disaster recovery brandwe designed a unique journey to help you grow your business and successfully serve your customersthe highest levels of professionalism of easeus combines with a user-centric attitude, therefore, each software product from the brand is characterized by excellent usabilityfor example, you can purchase windows 11 professional at a fraction of the msrp, order and download office 2021 professional and office 2021 home & business for mac in real-time, and morewith easeus, these tasks become easy, even for amateur users, still maintaining professional-grade efficacyplus, you can benefit from its ease-of-use, which is in line with all easeus products: this way, youll ensure full operativity in a timely manner, without unnecessary burdens


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  • Si afferma inoltre come system integrator, capace di sviluppare progetti complessi nel campo it, data comunication e networkinglaurea in materie tecnico/scientifiche, esperienza in ambito bi e forte passione per l 'advanced analytics e la business intelligence conoscenza di power bi conoscenza di sql dinamicitĂ , efficienza, flessibilitĂ  ed autonomia intraprendenza ed attitudine al problem solving buona conoscenza della lingua inglese, parlata e scritta sede di lavoro: torino (possibilitĂ  di lavorare in modalitĂ  smart working) completano il profilo entusiasmo, proattivitĂ , professionalitĂ , predisposizione al lavoro in team e orientamento al risultatoorbyta è una societĂ  di consulenza informatica nata a torino, un nuovo gruppo che ha come focus l'attenzione per il cliente, la formazione e l'innovazionein orbyta troverai un ambiente giovane e stimolante dove poter sviluppare appieno le tue potenzialitĂ la nostra offerta rispetta le norme sulle paritĂ  di trattamento in materia di occupazione e di condizioni di lavoro (lorbyta si contraddistingue per l’esperienza nello sviluppo e ingegnerizzazione software e governance dei processila nostra missione è guidare il cambiamento, promuovendo la qualitĂ  e valorizzando il business dei nostri clientioperiamo in ambito ict offrendo soluzioni di eccellenza grazie a un team di esperti altamente qualificati capaci di soddisfare le esigenze dei singoli clientiorbyta sta cercando business intelligence consultant da inserire da inserire su progettualitĂ  innovative presso uno dei nostri maggiori clienti su torino (con possibilitĂ  di lavoro in modalitĂ  smart working)tutte le candidature devono essere accompagnate dall'autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali e saranno gestite ai sensi del dseguiamo i nostri dipendenti nel loro sviluppo professionale con percorsi formativiad hoc tramite la nostra space academy, colloqui obiettivi annuali e successive interviste di follow up, inoltre offriamo un career path ben definito per incontrare le ambizioni dei nostri collaboratori e organizziamo costantemente eventi di team building con lo scopo di costruire relazioni volte ad accrescere il senso di appartenenza dei dipendenti dell’aziendagarantiamo retribuzione ed inquadramento contrattuale commisurati all'esperienza, attenzione all'individuo, un ambiente giovane, informale e stimolante

  • Easeus data recovery wizard bootable media helps you recover lost data in any situation all lose some data sooner or latersecurely recover all your data with easeus data recovery wizard bootable media and help us protect the environment with easeus data recovery wizard bootable media, youll protect your data integrity because you can recover them easily in case of issuedeleting files and data can happen, sometimes, however, consequences can be disastrouseaseus data recovery wizard bootable media is a tool that lets you recover accidentally deleted data and recover fault-state systems with a few, simple stepsfurthermore, each purchase is covered by our full money-back warranty, while our free english-speaking technical support is at your disposal before and after any purchasefor over 18 years, weve successfully served our customers across the globe, and easeus has chosen us as their official reseller due to our proven professional approachfor this reason, mr key shop only relies on digital delivery for our product distributioneach purchase is covered by our full money-back warranty, while our free english-speaking technical support is always at your disposal mr key shop is an official easeus reseller easeus data recovery wizard bootable media easeus data recovery wizard bootable media combines the power of recovery wizard with the flexibility ensured by bootable media creation tools, an effective recovery solution when your systems crash or wont bootweve ditched the physical good transport system since our foundation, to truly help reduce waste and pollutionpurchase easeus data recovery wizard bootable media from mr key shop now and create your disaster recovery bootable unit right nowspeaking of benefits, remember: if you purchase easeus data recovery wizard bootable media from mr key shop, youll save significantly on the msrp! download, install and activate easeus data recovery wizard bootable media fast and easy with mr key shop mr key shop digital store lets you download, install and activate easeus data recovery wizard bootable media in a fast and easy wayfor you, this means saving significantly across the brands price list, but theres more: with us, youll save up to 70% across our catalogeaseus products offer you an even more extraordinary digital life, with a full range of file recovery, data backup, partition management, transfer products, and morewith easeus data recovery wizard bootable media, you wont have to reinstall your os in case of issues, a significant benefit in terms of money and timelooking to expand your security strategy? choose one of the best vpn and antivirus suites in the market, or a backup/recovery solution like easeus data recovery wizard bootable media, always at unparalleled pricesthe process is straightforward: choose your product, pay via one of our 100% secure and guaranteed methods (paypal, stripe, amazon/apple/google pay, credit/debit cards) and get all you need to go via email in real-timewith easeus data recovery wizard bootable media, you can recover them in a 100% safe and professional way, with a bootable media that also help you recover the os without having to format your diskthe same professionalism denotes the whole mr key shop system: our store has been built around the pillars of timeliness, security, and transparency, as proven by other 2k positive reviews on trustpilot, where weve received an average rating of excellent (4this is why easeus chose us as their official partner! whats included with easeus data recovery wizard bootable media purchased from mr key shop? complete your secure checkout and get all you need in your inbox, so that you can immediately make the most out of your easeus data recovery wizard bootable media solution: - your easeus data recovery wizard bootable media license - official download links - clear and simple instructions on how to download, install, and activate your easeus data recovery wizard bootable media software - invoice - free, english-speaking technical support find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements supported operating systems: windows 11/10/8/7, windows server 2022/2019/2016/2012/2008/2003 supported storage media: hdds, ssds, external drives, pcs and laptops, flash drives, memory cards, other media (cameras, zip drives, etcwere a 100% eco-friendly company and together we can make a real difference! are you a reseller? introducing mkreseller, an opportunity you shouldnt miss! if youre working in the digital world too and provide your clients with software products and licenses, you shouldnt miss the opportunity to become a member of our mkreseller partner programyou can benefit from this choice because youll receive your orders in real-time, with no extra shipping costssave with 100% genuine licenses from one of easeus official resellersfurthermore, this tool allows you to recover all files removed from the system disk in a safer wayquality, customer protection, and ease of use are also mr key shops pillarsthe same applies to the professional-grade products, like microsoft sql server 2019 or windows storage servereach transaction is fast and secure: once you complete the checkout, your recap email will be instantly delivered in your inboxcom for more info about this initiativelearn more about the best software tools across mr key shops catalog and remember: with us, youll always get 100% genuine and guaranteed licensesor, you can order and download office 2021 professional or office 2021 home & business for mac in real-timeyou can also recover your os without having to format the storage unitwith us, youll only pay via secure methods and get your digital order within a few secondsvisit the official mkreseller program page now, or mail us at sales@mrkeyshopfor example, you can purchase windows 11 professional at an unbeatable pricewith the same efficacy, we want to protect the environmentabout easeus easeus is a popular and acknowledged backup & disaster recovery brandjust like with any other easeus product, youll benefit from an intuitive yet professional user experience, as expected from any of the industry standard toolswe designed a unique journey to help you grow your business and successfully serve your customersa huge benefit that also means saving time and moneythis is the benefit from choosing a professional store like mr key shopamong the attachments, youll find your 100% genuine and guaranteed activation key, clear and simple instructions complete with official and malware-free download links, as well as your invoice9 | 5 stars out of 5)with easeus, these tasks become easy, even for amateur users, still maintaining professional-grade efficacy


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  • our customers include leading organisations across sectors from manufacturing to hospitality and retail to logisticswe are looking for someone with a strong administrative background to join our client services teamhit apply or equally if you would like more information get in touch with our talent teaminenco has over 50 years of consultancy experience working in energy and utilities management; responding to the changing needs of our customersthe daily tasks and responsibilities of the role are as follows: - chasing suppliers and clients for confirmations and maintain accurate site lists (portfolio) focus on obtaining electronic data wherever feasible entry to be completed in line with appropriate slas ownership of targeted levels of data completeness this is is a 6 months fixed role due to additional workloadsalary: ÂŁ pa benefits: annual pay related appraisals 23 days holidays plus bank holidays, raising by extra day each year to max 28 days (option to buy and sell holidays) flexible working with the option to work from office / home location after probabtion early finish friday subsidised costa coffee onsite canteen employee development programmes refer a friend scheme upto ÂŁ benefits platform - gym membership, cycle to work, retail discounts plus many more fan club awards – employee recognition programme – winners get ÂŁ250 of vouchers every quarter closing date: 11th may we endeavour to respond to all applications within two weeks of the closing datethis gives us the expertise and insight to help successfully control costs, improve margins, achieve regulatory compliance and protect operational resiliencefor further information please download the job description attached belowalthough this is a temporary post it is a great opportunity to increase your skills, experience and knowledge - and a foot in the door for other internal vacancieswe are really invested in your progression and development, we aim to support and promote where possibleyou will be highly organised with strong communication skillsif you have any questions please contactthe successful candidates must be able to demonstrate the following: experience of working in an office environment sound working knowledge of microsoft office confident user of excel organisational skills good communication skills - both verbal and written if this role sounds like your next career move, we want to hear from youwe also support the delivery of public sector services with a particular focus on health, social housing and education

  • Wind chimes deep tonethe beauty of astarins wind chimes blends into the deep bass and bass of our big wind chimes6 aluminum powder coated tubes, each metal tube of this wind chime is manually tuned by our professional tuning experts to achieve excellent musical performancethe thick tube wall creates a longer-lasting deep tone2 inches and the diameter is 1metal wind chimes the metal wind chime is made entirely of aluminum, not only the six tubes, but also the hook, top and wind chime pendulum, all in durable anodized bronze finishdescription: outdoor deep tone wind chimes 45° memorial wind chimes metal pipe wind chimefeatures:- 45 inch large wind chimesthe longest tube of the wind chime is 22this is the perfect comfort for special people in needsometimes a tuned wind chime sounds like the soothing music of church bellsit is also a great gift for special friends or anyone you remember, mothers, neighbors, family members, to express your thoughts and desire for sympathy, get well soon or miss youthanks to expert tuning, the sound is deep and relaxedthe heavy-duty nylon rope high-density firing pin brings clear tone and resonanceeach tube is precisely tuned to the pentatonic scaleenjoy a quiet melody, like a whisper in the wind-deep, rich and full of beautythoughtful sympathy gifts used for the loss of loved ones or celebrating special occasions, such as housewarming, weddings, anniversaries, birthdays or as entertainment gifts


    687300033569336 €

  • Misure big table bonaldo: versione big table 160 versione big table 180 versione big table 200 versione big table 220 versione big table 250 versione big table 300 versione big table 300x120 * big table 160 e 180 - altezza: piano laccato, impiallacciato: 74 cm / massello: 74,50 cm / cristallo, ceramica: 74 cm;* big table 200, 220, 250 e 300 - altezza: piano laccato, impiallacciato: 74,50 cm / massello, legno con bordi naturali: 76 cm / cristallo, ceramica: 74 cm;** big table 200 e 220 - larghezza: piano legno e ceramica: 100 cm / cristallo: 99 cm;** big table 250 - larghezza: piano massello, impiallacciato, laccato, ceramica: 100 cm / cristallo 99 cm / legno con bordi naturali: 110 cm;** big table 300 - larghezza: piano massello, impiallacciato, laccato, cristallo, ceramica lucida: 108 cm / ceramica opaca: 100 cm finiture base tavolo big table bonaldo: finiture piano tavolo big table bonaldo: tempi di consegna big table bonaldo: tempo stimato per la produzione e la consegna del prodotto 7/9 settimane lavorative dal pagamento ricevutotavolo big table bonaldo il tavolo big table di bonaldo ha un design semplice e lineare, ideale per qualsiasi tipo di arredamentobig table è perfetto per arredare con modernitĂ , raffinatezza ed originalitĂ struttura big table bonaldo: le gambe del tavolo big table sono in acciaio verniciato in vari colori, disponibili anche in combinazioni di diversi colori tra di lorobig table è realizzato con struttura e gambe in acciaio verniciato in diverse tonalitĂ  o in acciao corten, bronzo rame o brunitola stabilitĂ  è data dal piano che si presenta in dimensioni e materiali differenti: legno laccato, legno impiallacciato, legno massello, legno con bordi naturali, cristallo acidato e ceramica lucida o opaca, in varie rifinituregambe tagliate al laser in diverse misure e formepiano disponibile in legno laccato, legno impiallacciato, legno massello, legno con bordi naturali, cristallo o ceramica lucida o opaca, in diverse dimensioni e rifiniturele gambe sono tagliate al laser e si presentano in forme geometriche e dimensioni differenti, dando personaltĂ  e dinamismo al tavoloin questo periodo le consegne da parte delle aziende produttrici potrebbero subire ritardi


    20096300048828125 €

  • Misure tavolo allungabile big table bonaldo: versione big table 160/240 versione big table 180/260 versione big table 200/300 * big table 160/240, 180/260, 200/300 e 220/320 - altezza: piano legno o ceramica: 75 cm / cristallo: 74,50 cm** big table 200/300 - larghezza: piano legno e ceramica: 100 cm / cristallo: 99 cm; finiture base tavolo big table bonaldo: finiture piano tavolo big table bonaldo: tempi di consegna tavolo allungabile big table bonaldo: tempo stimato per la produzione e la consegna del prodotto 7/9 settimane lavorative dal pagamento ricevutobig table è perfetto per arredare con modernitĂ , raffinatezza ed originalitĂ struttura tavolo allungabile big table bonaldo: la struttura e le gambe del tavolo allungabile big table sono in acciaio verniciato in vari coloritavolo allungabile big table bonaldo il tavolo allungabile big table di bonaldo ha un design semplice e lineare, ideale per qualsiasi tipo di arredamentobig table è realizzato con struttura e gambe in acciaio verniciato in diverse tonalitĂ la stabilitĂ  è data dal piano che si presenta in dimensioni e materiali differenti: legno laccato o impiallacciato, cristallo acidato e ceramica lucida o opaca, in varie rifiniturele comode prolunghe laterali indipendeti da 20 mm di spessore sono in legno impiallacciato o laccato e permettono di allungare il tavolo con comoditĂ  e facilitĂ piano disponibile in legno laccato o impiallacciato, cristallo o ceramica lucida o opaca, in diverse dimensioni e rifinitureper la versione con piano in cristallo le prolunghe sono in legno laccato verniciate opache in tinta con il pianogambe tagliate al laser in diverse misure e formele prolunghe sono indipendenti e sono in legno impliallacciato o legno laccatole gambe sono tagliate al laser e si presentano in forme geometriche e dimensioni differenti, dando personaltĂ  e dinamismo al tavoloin questo periodo le consegne da parte delle aziende produttrici potrebbero subire ritardi


    40391298828125 €

  • Made in italy lampada big battery dimmerabile e ricaricabilebig battery è liconica lampada da tavolo a led o abat-jour realizzata dal famosissimo designer ferruccio lavianila big battery è dotata di una batteria ricaricabile al litio con cavo micro-usb ed è realizzata in pmma trasparente, la cui grande innovazione è data dal fatto che è 100% ricaricabile tramite una semplice spina elettricala lampada si accende e si spegne con un semplice tocco tramite linterruttore soft touch a “sfioramento” situato alla base sulla parte anteriore della lampadaarticolo di kartellla forma del cappello creerĂ  infatti sulla superficie dappoggio una base di luce circolare e dei raggi di luce sfaccettati che ricordano in qualche modo un sole aztecolampada dalla grande versatilitĂ , grazie alla sua capacitĂ  di vivere in autonomia per molte ore può essere spostata con grande facilitĂ la manutenzione del prodotto è molto semplice, quando non è in carica si può pulire con un panno morbido umido imbevuto di sapone o detersivi liquidi neutri o i prodotti hagerty proposti da zanollidal design quasi fiabesco, elegante con cappello dalla superficie sfaccettata grazie al quale si creano giochi di luci incantevoli e al contempo ammaliantiquesta lampada quando è completamente carica ha una durata di circa 6 orein salotto mentre si guarda la televisione, sul comodino mentre si è in lettura, sulla tavola per una cena alla quale si voglia dare unatmosfera speciale con una luce calda, intima e rilassante oppure può essere una fedele compagna anche allaperto nelle sere destate sul balcone o in giardino quasi fosse una piccola lucciola


    277 €

  • Made in italy lampada big battery dimmerabile e ricaricabilebig battery è l'iconica lampada da tavolo a led o abat-jour realizzata dal famosissimo designer ferruccio lavianila big battery è dotata di una batteria ricaricabile al litio con cavo micro-usb ed è realizzata in pmma trasparente, la cui grande innovazione è data dal fatto che è 100% ricaricabile tramite una semplice spina elettricaarticolo di kartelllampada dalla grande versatilitĂ , grazie alla sua capacitĂ  di vivere in autonomia per molte ore può essere spostata con grande facilitĂ la forma del cappello creerĂ  infatti sulla superficie d'appoggio una base di luce circolare e dei raggi di luce sfaccettati che ricordano in qualche modo un sole aztecola lampada si accende e si spegne con un semplice tocco tramite l'interruttore soft touch a “sfioramento” situato alla base sulla parte anteriore della lampadadal design quasi fiabesco, elegante con cappello dalla superficie sfaccettata grazie al quale si creano giochi di luci incantevoli e al contempo ammaliantila manutenzione del prodotto è molto semplice, quando non è in carica si può pulire con un panno morbido umido imbevuto di sapone o detersivi liquidi neutri o i prodotti hagerty proposti da zanolliquesta lampada quando è completamente carica ha una durata di circa 6 orein salotto mentre si guarda la televisione, sul comodino mentre si è in lettura, sulla tavola per una cena alla quale si voglia dare un'atmosfera speciale con una luce calda, intima e rilassante oppure può essere una fedele compagna anche all'aperto nelle sere d'estate sul balcone o in giardino quasi fosse una piccola lucciola


    277 €

  • Cofanetto contenente: advanced night repair synchronized multirecovery complex serum 30 ml, advanced night repair synchronized multirecovery complex serum 2x15 mlrigeneratore di giovinezzaadvanced night repair 30 ml kit a marchio estee lauder disponibile nelle varianti cofanettoil nostro rivoluzionario siero advanced night repair con la chronolux? power signal technology, offre un rinnovamento visibilmente accelerato velocecollezione con 3 prodotti, di cui un siero fullsizesvegliati con una pelle dallaspetto piĂą giovaneuno degli articoli piĂą apprezzati della categoria trattamento: acquistalo ora e ricevi in 48 oreriduce significativamente i segni del tempo causati dalle aggressioni ambientali a cui siamo sottoposti oggi


    95 €

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