Must understand the full stack application lifecycle

Elenco must understand the full stack application lifecycle

  • must have: ottima conoscenza di c#, aspabout the company: per un'importante realtà specializzataa nella realizzazione di progetti tecnologici e digitali, i nostri recruitment engineer ricercano uno sviluppatore full stacki nostri recruitment engineer selezionano i migliori profili it per prestigiose società di consulenza informatica, banche, aziende di servizi, gruppi manifatturieri, start-up di eccellenza e digital dna companynet; ottima conoscenza sql; buona conoscenza entity framework; buona conoscenza della lingua inglese nice to have: buona conoscenza javascript, jquery, html5, css; buona conoscenza dei processi gestionali e crm; conoscenza di project management; conoscenza delle tecniche/concetti agilecore responsibilities: progettazione e realizzazione di strutture dati su database relazionali; design e implementazione object oriented in ambiente web; attività di sviluppo con codice c# e framework asptechyon: information technology recruitment experts | head hunter techyon è il primo head hunter iesclusivamente specializzato nella ricerca e selezione di professionisti senior e manager nel segmento information technologylocation: padova (possibilità di smart working)

  • Il lavoro può essere anche svolto in full remoteper il rafforzamento della nostra factory ricerchiamo un/una: full stack developer cosa farai: sarai inserito all'interno del team di sviluppo e ti occuperai di evolutive relative a web applicationci aspettiamo che tu possegga le seguenti competenze ed esperienze: laurea in ingegneria informatica o affini conoscenza dei linguaggi front-end fondamentali come javascript, html e csscompetenza con linguaggi e framework back-end come python, flaskfamiliarità con motori di ricerca e analisi come elasticsearch"il presente annuncio è rivolto a entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi e , e a persone di tutte le età e tutte le nazionalità, ai sensi dei decreti legislativi enato a torino nel , il gruppo scai è un network di 15 aziende che operano nel mondo dell'ict e della system integration, con sedi in tutta italia e progetti di respiro internazionalel'assunzione preferenziale è a tempo indeterminato, ccnl commercio, con inquadramento e retribuzioni commisurati alla reale rispondenza ai requisiti della ricerca, tuttavia si valutano anche profili freelance in partita ivaconoscenza degli strumenti di controllo delle versioni del codice come git o svnfamiliarità con la tecnologia di database come mongodbcon i ricavi che ad oggi superano i 100 milioni di euro, è stato caratterizzato da importanti cicli di crescita sia in termini crescita organica, oltre dipendenti, sia di nuove acquisizioni, grazie ad una forte accelerazione ed una altrettanto forte spinta verso la digital innovation e l’experience designbuona conoscenza di framework e librerie javascript come angular e bootstrap

  • Nello specifico ricerchiamo: sviluppatori senior java full stack le risorse entreranno a far parte di una società dinamica in un contesto internazionale, in progetti di carattere tecnologicamente innovativoi candidati ideali sono in possesso dei seguenti requisiti: - java - spring - spring boot - spring batch - sql - sql server - jenkins - jira offriamo: prospettiva di lavoro in una realtà dinamica formata da giovani professionisti inserimento in un team internazionale di sviluppo e analisi su progetti ad alto contenuto innovativo corsi di formazione mirati in aula o on line (scai academy) e training on the job crescita personale, professionale ed economica commisurata alle competenze acquisite tipologia di contratto: tempo indeterminato full time, ccnl commercio commisurato alla effettiva seniority del candidato sede di lavoro: smart working o nelle sedi di bari, cosenza, materanato a torino nel , il gruppo scai è un network di 15 aziende che operano nel mondo dell'ict e della system integration, con sedi in tutta italia e progetti di respiro internazionalescai lab, società del gruppo scai, consulenza aziendale informatica, è alla ricerca di nuovi talenti da inserire presso un nostro prestigioso cliente in ambito finanziario e di sistemi di pagamento digitalecon i ricavi che ad oggi superano i 100 milioni di euro, è stato caratterizzato da importanti cicli di crescita sia in termini crescita organica, oltre dipendenti, sia di nuove acquisizioni, grazie ad una forte accelerazione ed una altrettanto forte spinta verso la digital innovation e l’experience design

  • full stack developer python (area industria 40) il full stack developer python, si occuperà di componenti web e server e il suo bagaglio di conoscenze dovrà comprendere: sistemi operativi windows (client e server) e linux (client e server) linguaggi e framework web: html, javascript, vue, angular ambienti server: python, nodejs, mysql, mongodb oltre a sviluppare codice nell'area di propria competenza (python), il candidato full stack developer dovrà anche essere in grado di: - gestire, strutturare e interrogare un dbms (sql e nosql) - eseguire i principali test di sicurezza - configurare un sistema operativo linux - impostare un server per l’hosting del progetto e il relativo repository git per il versioning titolo di studio: preferibilmente laurea almeno triennale in discipline tecniche conoscenza dell'inglese: indispensabile la comprensione dell'inglese tecnico scritto conoscenze preferenziali: linguaggi per lo sviluppo su dispositivi mobile, conoscenza di java e/o c# seniority: almeno 1 anno nell'area di competenza per il profilo junior, almeno 4 per il profilo senioruna giovane impresa che coniuga la competenza nell'innovazione con l'esperienza pluridecennale nel mercato della tecnologia,esperta nell'utilizzo delle nuove tecnologie negli ambiti più nevralgici della vita d'impresa

  • Profilo full stack developer php (area gestionale) il full stack developer php, si occuperà di componenti web e server e il suo bagaglio di conoscenze dovrà comprendere: sistemi operativi windows (client e server) e linux (client e server) linguaggi e framework web: html, javascript, vue, angular ambienti server: php, laravel, mysql oltre a sviluppare codice nell'area di propria competenza (php), il candidato full stack developer dovrà anche essere in grado di: - gestire, strutturare e interrogare un dbms (sql e nosql) - eseguire i principali test di sicurezza - configurare un sistema operativo linux - impostare un server per l’hosting del progetto e il relativo repository git per il versioning titolo di studio: preferibilmente laurea almeno triennale in discipline tecniche conoscenza dell'inglese: indispensabile la comprensione dell'inglese tecnico scritto conoscenze preferenziali: linguaggi per lo sviluppo su dispositivi mobile, conoscenza di java e/o c# seniority: almeno 1 anno nell'area di competenza per il profilo junior, almeno 4 per il profilo senioruna giovane impresa che coniuga la competenza nell'innovazione con l'esperienza pluridecennale nel mercato della tecnologia,esperta nell'utilizzo delle nuove tecnologie negli ambiti più nevralgici della vita d'impresa

  • Per ampliamento del nostro team di lavoro ricerchiamo un / una: full stack software developer [le soluzioni sono ingegnerizzata su stack tecnologico microsoft /sede: full remote "il presente annuncio è rivolto a entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi e , e a persone di tutte le età e tutte le nazionalità, ai sensi dei decreti legislativi eimportante partner di prodottonet /azure e gestite in collaborazione con un nsgruppo scai persegue un trend di costante crescita basato principalmente sul continuo aggiornamento di competenze delle proprie risorse, attraverso percorsi di formazione e certificazione personalizzati in modo specifico sul piano di carriera e sulle aspettative individualijs) buona conoscenza delle metodologie rwd (responsive web design) buona conoscenza html5 e css3 back end ottima conoscenzavuoi intraprendere un reale percorso di continua formazione, disegnato su misura rispetto al tuo piano di carriera ed alle tue aspettative e’ prevista assunzione diretta a tempo indeterminato, ccnl commerciocosa ci aspettiamo da te: vorremmo incontrare professionisti dello sviluppo software in possesso delle seguenti competenze: front end: ottima conoscenza javascript e principali framework di front-end (ad esempio vuegruppo scai é un network italiano di 16 aziende specializzate in information technology e management consulting, posizionato tra le prime 30 it companies italiane di medio-grandi dimensionidovresti candidarti se: vuoi partecipare a un progetto di sviluppo applicativo considerato altamente strategico per l’azienda e per il gruppo di cui fa parte, apportando le tue competenze e confrontandoti con professionisti esperti che possono certamente abilitare il tuo sviluppo professionalenet mvc: sarà considerata altamente preferenziale una valutabile esperienza sunet core] cosa farai: ti occuperai di realizzare applicazioni che variano tra un'ampia gamma di settori, tra cui automotive, agricultural and construction equipment, components and production systems, travel & cruises fino alla gestione del business after salesnet core significativa esperienza nella progettazione di applicazioni basate su web services (restful api) buona conoscenza entity framework (o, in alternativa nhibernate) buona conoscenza rdbms (ms sql server, mysql) gradito il possesso di una laurea specialistica in informatica o ingegneria informatica e un’esperienza pregressa in ruoli e contesti analoghi non inferiore a 3 annicon 15 sedi su tutto il territorio italiano ed un organico di circa dipendenti, gruppo scai supporta le più importanti organizzazioni in ambito banking, insurance, pa, telco, media e utility in progetti di digital transformation basati sui driver di innovazione più attuali tra cui big data, artificial intelligence, internet of things, smart home, robotic process automation, cloud computing

  • Siamo alla ricerca di 3 java full stack developer da inserire su progettualità per prestigiosi clienti internazionalisi offre un ambiente di lavoro caratterizzato da grande attenzione al clima aziendale, all’empatia, e alla componente umana; smart working (quello vero); attività su progettualità reali ed innovative da subito, adeguatamente seguiti e supportati dal management nexid; formazione sulle metodologie, i tool e le tecnologie usate in nexid con possibilità di ottenere svariate certificazioni; un percorso di crescita professionale in ambito digital e innovazione; forma contrattuale e retribuzione concordabili in sede di colloquio e commisurabili alle effettive skill del candidatonexidevo, è la società che si occupa degli aspetti di sviluppo e delivery dei progetti del gruppo nixidil candidato ideale dovrebbe avere almeno 5 anni di esperienza con java j2ee ed essere autonomo per quanto riguarda la maggior parte dei seguenti elementi/linguaggi: java8 (qualcosa in java10) microservizi macchine a stati docker jdbc, jpa webservices rest e soap spring batch jax-rs jwt spring mvc pagine web (jsp, html) webservices rest e soap angularjs ed angular 2+ springboot (springdata e hibernate, springjms, string statemachine, logback) springcloud (eureka, zullproxy) sistemi di cache (hazlecast, infinispan) db sql server ed elasticsearch jenkins jira microsoft sql server pl/sql jboss wildfly linux javascript jquerynexid è una digital company che supporta le aziende nella trasformazione digitale avendo le competenze e capacità per gestire progetti end to end e from vision to execution

  • Nexid, digital company che supporta le aziende nella trasformazione digitale avendo le competenze e capacità per gestire progetti end to end e from vision to execution, è alla ricerca di java developer full stack per ampliare il proprio teamsi offre: un ambiente di lavoro caratterizzato da grande attenzione al clima aziendale, all’empatia, e alla componente umana; smart working (quello vero); attività su progettualità reali ed innovative da subito, adeguatamente seguiti e supportati dal management nexid; formazione sulle metodologie, i tool e le tecnologie usate in nexid con possibilità di ottenere svariate certificazioni; un percorso di crescita professionale in ambito digital e innovazione; forma contrattuale e retribuzione concordabili in sede di colloquio e commisurabili alle effettive skill del candidatoil candidato ideale dovrebbe avere almeno 5 anni di esperienza con java j2ee ed essere autonomo per quanto riguarda la maggior parte dei seguenti elementi/linguaggi: java8 (qualcosa in java10) microservizi macchine a stati docker jdbc, jpa webservices rest e soap spring batch jax-rs jwt spring mvc pagine web (jsp, html) webservices rest e soap angularjs ed angular 2+ springboot (springdata e hibernate, springjms, string statemachine, logback) springcloud (eureka, zullproxy) sistemi di cache (hazlecast, infinispan) db sql server ed elasticsearch jenkins jira microsoft sql server pl/sql jboss wildfly linux javascript jquery

    Bergamo (Lombardia)

  • Nexid è digital company che supporta le aziende nella trasformazione digitale avendo le competenze e capacità per gestire progetti end to end e from vision to execution ed è alla ricerca di java developer full stack per ampliare il proprio teamil candidato ideale dovrebbe avere almeno 5 anni di esperienza con java j2ee ed essere autonomo per quanto riguarda la maggior parte dei seguenti elementi/linguaggi: spring mvc pagine web (jsp, html) webservices rest e soap angularjs ed angular 2+ springboot (springdata e hibernate, springjms, string statemachine, logback) springcloud (eureka, zullproxy) sistemi di cache (hazlecast, infinispan) db sql server ed elasticsearch jenkins jira microsoft sql server pl/sql jboss wildfly linux javascript jquery si offre: un ambiente di lavoro caratterizzato da grande attenzione al clima aziendale, all’empatia, e alla componente umana; smart working  (quello vero); attività su progettualità reali ed innovative da subito, adeguatamente seguiti e supportati dal management nexid; formazione sulle metodologie, i tool e le tecnologie usate in nexid con possibilità di ottenere svariate certificazioni; un percorso di crescita professionale in ambito digital e innovazione; forma contrattuale e retribuzione concordabili in sede di colloquio e commisurabili alle effettive skill del candidato

    Milano (Lombardia)

  • Problem solving - bas facilitate a shared understanding of the problem and business need, and ensure they understand the scope of the projectthe role needs you to be customer facing, therefore a professional approach to your tasks and activities is a mustas of november , if it suits your role at deltatre, you can work full time from home/remotely, from the office, or a combination within the same country as your contracted office of employmentdepending on the role this normally includes a written test and interviewdeltatre provides strategy, planning, consultancy across all stages of our client's lifecyclewe are looking for talented individuals who can contribute to their assigned project and also contribute to the growth of the global ba teamyour focus must be on owning the requirements and being able to articulate these to cross-functional teams, such as developers, designers and test team memberscritical thinking - while discovering the problem / business need to be solved, you must listen to stakeholder needs but also critically consider those needs and ask probing questions until the real need is surfaced, understood and documentedas an effective communicator, you must be able to facilitate workshops, internal and external meetings, ask the right questions, and actively listen and take in new informationunderpinned by data we're able to determine the best experiences to drive business growthproven experience in working on client site ability to work in a fast-paced environment and confidently handle deadlines, priorities and constraints experience of scrum or any other agile methodology experience of the software delivery lifecycle must be proactive and show due diligence effective communication skillsas a ba, you will facilitate the technical teams regarding what is in and out of scopethis is for a well-known sporting brand based in usa who has an award-winning app in the market, they have a strong presence in the sports and entertainment field in north america and europethe role requires a business analyst with outstanding business analysis capabilities, experience and a hands-on, positive, can-do attituderole responsibilities: undertake the formal requirements analysis of functional and non-functional requirements, translating them into the appropriate product documentation, including user stories and uml facilitate the elicitation requirements using a number of techniques such as online and face to face meetings and workshops outline the parameters of the project, and determine potential solutions ability to communicate (verbal and written) at all levels, with external and internal stakeholders proficient in writing user stories, scenarios, acceptance criteria, uml and concept design take responsibility for the quality, accuracy, completeness and usability of requirements in the form of user stories and any project artefacts work with customer product owners and project managers, ux&d, qa and technical teams to validate captured requirements support team members throughout the product life cycle, including pro-active raising of issues, dependencies and risks to either the senior business analyst and/or project manager work in a highly collaborative and multi-disciplinary agile/scrum framework core skills effective communication – be clear and concise in your day-to-day communication, be able to express yourself within a multi-national team, ask good solid questions, listen to the answers (really listen)what to expect you could make significant change and impact within your role, making a substantial difference to the success of our company and your project and ba team, which can be very rewarding for the right personthe ability to be a strong communicator in a virtual setting (via conference calls or web meetings) is equally importantplease let us know if you need us to make any adjustments or if you have any special requirements for the interview processwe push boundaries every day to offer the most reliable, scalable, engaging end-to-end offerings that continually meet and exceed fan expectations and maximise client valueyou’ll work to deadlines and juggle multiple tasks, which gives lots of variety the role is largely office-based but travel is expected as we are a global organisation and we have world-wide clients – we take into account current global situation with covid as the well-being of our employees is paramount work with some of the top names in media, broadcasting and sport become passionate about technology and digital video on demand and live streaming applicationshands-on experience with jira and confluence what's in it for you global company with huge growth potential small, creative, close-knit engineering/tech team who love to collaborate meal allowance multisport card full remote + a contribution to buy equipment which makes your work from home more comfortable 25 working days per year vacation entitlement 5 sick days – per calendar year team events sponsored by the company free refreshments in the office we are committed to ensuring that we provide equal opportunities for allability to work in a fast-paced environment and confidently handle deadlines, priorities and constraints must be adaptable and flexible in their approach to both project and non-project work desirable worked within a technical analysis of large scale projects with an emphasis on back and front-end systems and third-party integration extensive experience with preparing and conducting workshops online and face to face hands-on experience with jira and confluence background or experience in broadcast and media is a plus, though other areas will also be considered background or experience of working in an agency is desirable, though other areas will also be consideredplease note that we will only contact successfully shortlisted candidatescompetencies and skills essential minimum of 2-3 years’ experience as a business analyst excellent customer-facing skillswe're fully flexiblewe're an end-to-end provider of premium products and services for global sport and media operatorswe will support you in your career progressionwe are a supportive and inclusive organisation with a wealth of experience in streaming sport and entertainment content; we are looking for someone who can utilise their core ba skills and experience and also develop new and existing skillsrecruiters – we have handled this one internally! thanks

  • Why should you work with us? no two days are the same… what are we looking for? organised with good attention to detail your communication and customer service skills are second to none there is a problem? you see this as a challenge waiting to be overcome! you understand the need to be flexible in your working hours to get the job done our commitment to you in return we offer a competitive salary as well as the opportunity to develop and grow your career to the next level and most importantly ensure you are happy as a much-valued member of the dash group team! hours of work: hours per week variable between monday - saturday salary: £10 per hour want to know more about the role? a full job description can be downloaded from the careers page on the dash group websiteyou will be taking responsibility for all administration through the vehicle rental lifecycle and play a key role in a busy office environment assisting to provide a prompt and professional service to customers and visitorswe are a family run business based in redruth, our working environment is dynamic, fast-moving, and responsive to our client’s needs, but it’s not all work and no play here; we all work hard and take a lot of pride in what we achieve but also like to have fun too! keen to learn more about us? click here to explore our full range of servicesdo you enjoy working in a fast-paced environment? are you looking for a varied role, with a competitive salary, progression opportunities and be able to make your mark on a rapidly expanding business? if so, keep reading! we are looking for a knowledgeable and enthusiastic part time customer services advisor to join our team of like-minded individuals within the dash drive rental division of our companywe are forward-thinking with a culture of continuous growth and improvement - in our products, services, and our peopleready to apply? upload your covering letter, previous salary details and cv to https://wwwyou will assist us during an important period of organic growth

  • Deltatre provides strategy, planning, consultancy across all stages of our client's lifecycledepending on the role this normally includes a written test and interviewunderpinned by data we're able to determine the best experiences to drive business growthvideo experiences is the unit leading ott products and services provider delivering best-of-breed products and components as well as comprehensive end-to-end solutionsplease let us know if you need us to make any adjustments or if you have any special requirements for the interview processwe push boundaries every day to offer the most reliable, scalable, engaging end-to-end offerings that continually meet and exceed fan expectations and maximise client valuebenefits: global company with huge growth potential small, creative, close-knit engineering/tech team who love to collaborate unlimited contract – hpp (fulltime permanent employment) meal allowance (czk 55/day to be paid within your salary) multisport card full remote + a contribution to buy equipment which makes your work from home more comfortable 25 working days per year vacation entitlement 5 sick days – per calendar year team events sponsored by the company free refreshments in the office we are committed to ensuring that we provide equal opportunities for allas a qa automation engineer on deltatre’s product development team, you will be joining a multi-disciplinary group of practitioners who are responsible for the creation and quality of our video entertainment product suiteto be successful in this role you must have the following experience: 3-4 years’ experience as a software qa automation engineer istqb qualification expertise in testing across server, web or native mobile current or last job in a true saas, ci/cd product environment knowledge of code collaboration such as git and bitbucket pipelines experience in writing automated tests, preferably in javascript experience in testing apis and webservices, and automating them end-to-end experience in automation framework mocha or gradle experience in web automation using nodejs experience working with docker, aws and atlassian’s product suites excellent analytical and problem-solving skills, with proven experience driving issues to resolution advanced experience in defect management and prioritization a love for collaborating and communicating with multi-disciplinary teams in an agile format a good eye for identifying opportunities to add greater value and accuracy to our current testing processes a genuine passion for qualityplease note that we will only contact successfully shortlisted candidatesabout you you are highly organised, excellent at communicating, and are able to multi-task under pressure in a continually changing environmentwe're an end-to-end provider of premium products and services for global sport and media operatorsyou are ruthless when it comes to quality control for releases and love working towards tight deadlinesimportantly, you have a genuine passion for technology and are looking to join a sociable, tight-knit, collaborative, and hard-working team

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the product is delivered within seconds directly via email, thus avoiding the environmental impact of shipping physical goods• outlook 2019: swift management of contacts, appointments, and the ability to have access to updated partner and customer information are essential requirements, particularly in business offices, and this is possible thanks to an exchange server that allows you to keep your data always up-to-the-minutelets work together! system requirements platform windows supported operating systems windows 10 - windows 11 - windows server 2019 processor 3 gb or more of available memory ram 2 gb ram or higher hard disk 3 gb graphic card directx 10 support is required for the gpu-accelerated interface and 1,024 * 768-pixel resolution or higher browser current version of internet explorer, chrome, firefox, microsoft edge or safariit is not a subscription service and therefore does not require periodic renewals for a feeyou can also link files, web pages, audio, video, and much moreyou can create any type of document, for personal or business purposesour secure payment methods gives you a total guarantee and you will receive your software by e-mail after a few minutes of purchasethis software is also equipped with handwriting recognition capabilitiesoffice for mac is also availableoffice 2019 professional plus 32 e 64 bit *important: this version of office 2019 professional is not for mac*skype for business subscription not includedthanks to its wide range of applications, office 2019 pro is suitable for both personal and business purposes, with useful functionalities that apply to all types of text or business documentswhat happens if you format or replace your pc? 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  • About the company: per importante realtà storicà, leader nel proprio settore di riferimento, i nostri recruitment engineer ricercano un it application managermust have: competenza ambito software gestionali/erp, crm, bi esperienza di project management/application management o affini conoscenza di microsoft sql ed utilizzo del pacchetto office avanzato conoscenza della contabilità / ciclo attivo / ciclo passivo / fatturazione titolo di studio in discipline informatiche (diploma o laurea breve) buon livello lingua inglese nice to have: buone doti relazionali e comunicative autonomia decisionale buone capacità di lavoro in team predisposizione al problem solving e raggiungimento degli obiettivi location: jesi, smart working flessibilei nostri recruitment engineer selezionano i migliori profili it per prestigiose società di consulenza informatica, banche, aziende di servizi, gruppi manifatturieri, start-up di eccellenza e digital dna companycore responsibilities: supportare lo sviluppo e l’innovazione dei differenti processi aziendali; stimolare la flessibilità operativa; snellire l’integrazione dei vari software e gestionali; contrarre i tempi e i costi necessari agli interventi di manutenzione; limitare la possibilità di commettere errori; generare considerevoli vantaggi competitivitechyon: information technology recruitment experts | head hunter techyon è il primo head hunter esclusivamente specializzato nella ricerca e selezione di professionisti senior e manager nel segmento information technology

  • the university of law is an internationally recognized expert in the field of lawthe university of law is one of the uk's longest-established specialist providers of legal educationknowledge of the uk education systems specifically is preferredrather than focusing on academic research, our aim is to be thought leaders in the issues that matter to the legal profession and the next generation of practicing lawyersour courses take an in-depth look into key areas of the law and provide a broader overview of the legal system to better contextualize what's being learnedwe can trace our origins to with the formation of leading tutorial firm gibson & weldonthe role holder will be responsible for managing and developing ulaw'sbrand and business in canada, through the utilization of various student recruitment channels including, but not limited to, engagement with educational agents, attendance of recruitment fairs, institutional partnerships, and corporate tie-upsin line with the ulaw's continued expansion strategy, we are looking to recruit an experienced and driven business development manager, to play a fundamental part in further establishing ulaw's as a globally recognized brand, with a focus on the canadian marketwith a rich heritage and a reputation for innovation and contemporary teaching practices, we continuously focus on developing the best legal mindsresponsibilities business development generate new revenue from existing streams and accounts assist in identifying and supporting developing potential business partners and growing existing client relationships to perform potential client research including (but not limited to) meeting/engaging with key players in the industry to actively seek and conduct meetings and presentations with potential clients; to represent ulaw at client/agent meetings, local and national exhibitions, and conferences in order to recruit potential students and build upon stakeholder relationships where applicable other ad-hoc duties as requested for the overall performance of the company customer focus to provide individually-tailored professional advice at all times and be a trusted advisor providing individually-tailored advice to all prospective students consulting students through the full application cycle (direct or via agents): from initial inquiry/conversation through to finalizing and closing their application to study with ulaw exploring possible career paths for students and matching it with specific ulaw offerings handling student inquiries regarding different programs from potential students building commonalities to gain trust and engage potential students/ agents provide outstanding customer service to all students, and all stakeholders, which is timely and efficient, and encourages students to choose ulaw handling student inquiries regarding different programs from potential students’ business partners communication and liaison agency network management, or ‘account management’: develop and train potential agents sourced from fairs, business trips, inquiries, referrals, in general searches in line with business development responsibilities outlined above constant clear and effective liaison and communication with agents and students ensuring that all relevant product developments, including changes to admission, compliance and course requirements or start dates are communicated externally to prepare, assist and deliver in performing customer/agent presentations analysis, reporting and data management to research and provide valid information and market feedback on industry trends, which will become the basis for strategic planning and forecasting for management collect and compare pertinent data on target markets, making recommendations and writing proposals when requested provide management with relevant data, competitor analyses and feedback where relevant assist in presenting strategies for expansion to administer agent accounts and produce reports on local performance in response to management accounts position requirements a university degree in the relevant field is requiredability to travel throughout canadaexcellent verbal and written communication with fluency in englisha minimum of 2 - 3 years experience as a business development manager or similar role is required

  • Mr key shop is your one-stop shop in the digital marketplacevisit the official mkreseller program page now, or mail us at sales@mrkeyshopto complete your professional software library, you can choose from the best server application packages such as microsoft sql server, windows server, and windows storage serversimply complete the secure transaction by choosing one of the payment platforms from those supported, which include paypal, stripe, amazon/google/apple pay as well as credit/debit cardsand dont forget: every purchase is covered by our full money-back warranty, plus our technical support is always at your disposal for free and in english ! bring your ideas to life easily with microsoft visio 2016 standard microsoft visio 2016 standard is the ideal version for students and, in general, users who do not require the complex automation and advanced features offered by the visio 2016 professional versionfor example, you can buy windows 11 at a fraction of the msrp, order office 2021 and office 2021 for mac and download it in real-time, and get the best antivirus and vpn services for your pccompared with the previous version, visio 2016 standard has some important differences, including: - new visualization options: visio 2016 standard features new visualization options, including the ability to add 3d effects to diagrams for more immersive visualizationif you choose mr key shop as your digital supplier, you decide to stand up for the environment: in fact, we are a 100% eco-friendly company and help protect the planet by relying exclusively on digital deliveryvisio 2016 standard also includes many new templates, including network, process and flow diagrams, to simplify the creation of professional-quality diagramswith mr key shop, you can get quality software at reduced prices, without giving up the professionalism of a premium serviceyoull be able to download microsoft visio 2016 standard right away, since in the email youll find not only your 100% genuine and guaranteed activation key, but also clear and simple instructions that include official and malware-free download links, not to mention the purchase invoicebut one of the most important advantages is that you can use visio 2016 standard together with other microsoft software such as word, excel and powerpoint to create complete documents and presentations, with full compatibility with earlier file formats, such as visio 2013 and 2010, for greater interoperabilityupon completion of the tracked and secured checkout, you will receive your order summary email with everything you need to proceed on your owntogether, we really do make a difference! are you a reseller? introducing mkreseller, an opportunity you shouldnt miss! if youre working in the digital world too and provide your clients with software products and licenses, you shouldnt miss the opportunity to become a member of our mkreseller partner programsecure transactions, full money-back warranty and free english-speaking technical support are our main advantages, find out all the others now microsoft visio 2016 standard microsoft visio 2016 standard is a drawing and editing software with which you can make professional diagrams, schematics, organizational charts, concept maps and other types of visualizationsso, buying from mr key shop allows you to get the highest quality software at competitive prices, always and only with 100% genuine and guaranteed licensesnew data analysis features: visio 2016 standard includes new data analysis features, such as the ability to link data to diagrams and create hierarchical diagrams, for greater understanding of datain fact, thanks to digital delivery, we can send your orders to you in real time and without extra shipping costs, while contributing to the reduction of polluting gases and packaging wasteamong its main features, the improved user interface is worth mentioning: visio 2016 standard features an intuitive user interface that has been improved over previous versions, making it easier to create diagrams and schematicsif you choose to buy microsoft visio 2016 standard from mr key shop, you will also get significant time and money benefits: in fact, with us, you save up to 70% on the entire catalog and get every order in real timecreate diagrams easily with microsoft visio 2016 standard and help us protect the environment microsoft visio 2016 standard is a perfect program for people like you who want to concretize ideas, concepts and projects within eye-catching graphic representations that clearly convey goals and objectivesbuy microsoft vision 2016 standard now from mr key shop and save money! downloading, installing and activating microsoft visio 2016 standard from mr key shop is fast and easy using the intuitive mr key shop store, you can download, install and activate microsoft visio 2016 standard quickly and easilywhats included with microsoft visio 2016 standard purchased from mr key shop? complete your secure checkout and get all you need in your inbox, so that you can immediately make the most out of your microsoft visio 2016 standard: - your microsoft visio 2016 standard license - official download links - clear and simple instructions on how to download, install, and activate your microsoft visio 2016 standard software - invoice - free, english-speaking technical support find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements processor: 1 ghz or higher processor (x86 or x64) ram: at least 2gb for the 32-bit version or 4 gb for the 64-bit version hard disk space: at least 3gb video resolution: at least 1024 x 768 pixels graphics card: directx 10 hardware-accelerated graphics card with a resolution of at least 1024 x 576 pixels operating systems: windows 7 sp1, windows 8, windows 8from us you get only 100% genuine and guaranteed licensesit is no coincidence that, in over 18 years of business, we have received an average rating of excellent on trustpilot, with more than 2,000 positive reviews (4buy microsoft visio 2016 standard from mr key shop and save money9 | 5 stars out of 5)1, windows 10, windows server 2008 r2 sp1, windows server 2012 or windows server 2012 r2 operating systemin addition, with real-time collaboration features, you can work with colleagues in real time, thanks to integration with microsoft teams and sharepointfinally, we offer you a wide range of backup and recovery solutions at unrivaled priceswe designed a unique journey to help you grow your business and successfully serve your customerswith visio 2016 standard, you can still create very attractive and comprehensive visualizations of your projects, such as concept maps, flowcharts and moresecurity enhancements: visio 2016 standard includes security enhancements, such as two-factor authentication, to protect sensitive diagram datacom for more info about this initiative


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  • About the company: per innovativa azienda remote native in cui poter lavorare in totale remote working, i nostri recruitment engineer ricercano un sofware atchitect must have: conoscere tutte le applicazioni che saranno sviluppate sullo stack mean (framework nest)i nostri recruitment engineer selezionano i migliori profili it per prestigiose società di consulenza informatica, banche, aziende di servizi, gruppi manifatturieri, start-up di eccellenza e digital dna companylocation: roma / remoteaver gestito un team (anche piccolo)sarà chiamato a gestire più team agile, eseguire code review e sviluppare / impostare i moduli più criticiavere esperienza nello sviluppo tddavere esperienza o comunque saper valutare la soluzione più congeniale in termini di architettura ma anche di pipeline ci/cd e soluzioni in cloud (confrontandosi con il devops)sarà una figura importante e di riferimento all'interno del gruppo, in quanto team leadertechyon: information technology recruitment experts | head hunter techyon è il primo head hunter esclusivamente specializzato nella ricerca e selezione di professionisti senior e manager nel segmento information technologydeve padroneggiare l'architettura a micro serviziavere esperienza in termini di sicurezza (vedi tecniche owasp)avere solida esperienza con database nosql

  • Lottoland could be just the place for youimproved customer satisfaction from: stakeholders/owners who request the automation of a workflow, the end-users of those workflowsmust have 2+ year’s experience in atlassian administrator roleimprove the return on investment by handling licensing and atlassian spendlottoland is the world’s leading online lotto provider, we are a disrupter that offers jackpots in the hundreds of millions giving 13 million customers worldwide the chance to win enormous record breaking pay-outsunderstand the current tool process, gather requirements, investigate potential solutions, analyze impact, communicate with stakeholders, and implement solutions, all in accordance with current best practices and industry standardsputting customers first is key to lottoland’s success as is collaboration across the businessmanagers need to inspire and develop their teams to get the most out of themgood experience of writing and supporting custom jql to help teams get the information they needremember you do not have to tick all boxes these are just an example of skills/experience that may support you in the role! a subtropical mediterranean climate, eclectic cultural influences, breathtaking landscapes, and beautiful beaches make gibraltar the perfect european holiday getaway – so imagine how special it is to live here! furthermore, since gibraltar wages buy an almost luxury standard of living in the south of spain, many people who work here actually commute from one of the nearby towns on the costa del solin september lottoland was awarded with a guinness world record for the ‘largest online gambling payout ever’ of €90 million! take a look at our vacancies below and start your journey with the world leading lotto betting company, revolutionising the gaming industry…contact lottoland today! responsibilities manage atlassian settings, including users, groups, roles and permissionsevery day is an adventure and you’ll be joining others who have made the leap for this unique lifestyle opportunitycreate and maintain custom dashboards and jira filters for end users, encouraging reuse and a consistent experience across the businessotherwise good knowledge of general it skills and concepts to support the rest of the team with infrastructure issues, including: networks, wi-fi & security, windows and linux (ubuntu) servers, advanced troubleshooting to assist helpdesk, active directory, azure mdm with intune and jamf, optimising workflows and processesit’s an exquisite part of the world, filled with luscious coastline, amazing surfing spots, delicious food and unique andalusian customs, traditions and cultural heritagemeasures of success reduced costs of collaboration tools and increased value-for-moneylottolandcorporatepassion for innovation is a strength that is valued in lottoland employeeslottoland benefits: competitive salary annual bonus based on company performance 25 days holiday and 12 days gibraltar bank holidays international premium healthcare subsidised gym membership within a variety of locations in gibraltar continuous learning/development opportunities and progressive career pathsexperience of other workspace and collaboration tools, including: microsoft 365 (in particular sharepoint online), aha, asana, agile methods, change & configuration managementdevelop training materials and deliver training to power userswrite and maintain technical documentation such as user manuals, system documentation, and training materialstailored relocation packages to meet your needs to support your transition our culture: lottoland is a dynamic, creative and technologically advanced organisationconfigure jira software, including jira core and jira service desk / jira service managementcom right to work in gibraltar no agencies at this time pleasehelp teams to set up and manage slas, issue types, etcability to prioritize across various tasks and manage changes in daily workloadreview requested jira adds-ons, plugins and extensions and fitness for purpose, including any security and privacy implicationsfor more efficient ticket handlingwe like it here and we’re sure you will too! our corporate website has lots more information - check it out! wwwnice to have experience with okta sso integrationexperience with jira service deskextensive knowledge of administering atlassian applications in medium-to-large businessdesire to work in a diverse environment, interacting with many roles and teams made up of passionate industry experts working toward a common goalexperience customizing workflows, setting up dashboards, and generating reportsatlassian certificationgrit and determination is a prerequisite for all lottolandersimprove team jira metrics (especially cost-per-ticket) with optimised workflowshonesty, integrity and trust are a givenemployees are empowered to do their best but held accountable for their actionsunderstanding of system administration principles (monitoring, network, storage, scripting)knowledge and experience in implementing jira plug-ins, including gliphy, lucidchart, etcreview and configure current service desk portal for easier navigation by users

  • This role will report to the shift supervisor90 per hour *rate payable for 18 years plus* want to know more about the role? a full job description can be downloaded from the careers page on the dash group websiteflexible days/evenings with the ability to cover holiday and sickness salary: £9this is bringing together many hands to make light work! why should you work with us? no two days are the same… what are we looking for? you have great customer service skills good attention to detail a proactive can-do attitude there is a problem? you see this as a challenge waiting to be overcome! you understand the need to be flexible in your working hours to get the job done our commitment to you in return we offer a competitive salary as well as the opportunity to develop and grow your career to the next level and most importantly ensure you are happy as a much-valued member of the dash group team! hours of work: 16 hours a weekthe retail shop assistant plays a key role in a busy environment providing a prompt and professional service to customersdo you have a passion for retail? are you looking for a varied role, with a competitive salary, progression opportunities and the autonomy to make your mark on a rapidly expanding business? if so, keep reading! we are looking for an enthusiastic retail assistant to join our team of like-minded individuals within the dash convenience stores division of our companywe are a family run business based in redruth, our working environment is dynamic, fast-moving, and responsive to our client’s needs, but it’s not all work and no play here; we all work hard and take a lot of pride in what we achieve but also like to have fun too! keen to learn more about us? click here to explore our full range of serviceswe are forward-thinking with a culture of continuous growth and improvement - in our products, services, and our peopleready to apply? upload your covering letter, previous salary details and cv to https://wwwthis role isn’t heavy lifting

  • Per ampliamento del nostro team ricerchiamo un / una: application architect cosa farai: all’ interno del dipartimento di application development, parteciperai in modo determinante alla re-ingegnerizzazione di una piattaforma web atta a raccogliere ed elaborare grandi quantità di dati, provenienti da misurazioni di campo, relative a livelli di inquinamento ambientale e monitoraggio continuo di strumentazione specificacompetenze richieste: laurea specialistica in informatica o ingegneria informatica significativa esperienza nel disegno di architetture applicative complesse, basate su rdbms, web interfaces e integrazione / data-exchange tra piattaforme eterogenee per scope e tecnologia comprovata esperienza nella progettazione di architetture applicative web based, in particolare sullo stack tecnologico apache / php / java ottima conoscenza di rdbms, con preferenza per oracle o mysql comprovata capacità ed esperienza nella raccolta e analisi di requisiti progettuali e stesura di specifiche tecniche dettagliate e strutturate ottimo livello di conoscenza della lingua inglese (livello c1/b2) la sede del progetto è in provincia di varese (la location esatta sarà comunicata in fase di qualification call) dovresti candidarti se: vuoi partecipare consolidare le tue competenze all’interno di un team internazionale ed eterogeneo per esperienze e seniority vuoi intraprendere un reale percorso di crescita professionale e di continua formazione, disegnato su misura rispetto al tuo piano di carriera ed alle tue aspettative e’ prevista assunzione diretta a tempo indeterminato, ccnl commerciola sede del progetto è in provincia di varese (la location esatta sarà comunicata in fase di qualification call) "il presente annuncio è rivolto a entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi e , e a persone di tutte le età e tutte le nazionalità, ai sensi dei decreti legislativi egruppo scai persegue un trend di costante crescita basato principalmente sul continuo aggiornamento di competenze delle proprie risorse, attraverso percorsi di formazione e certificazione personalizzati in modo specifico sul piano di carriera e sulle aspettative individualigruppo scai é un network italiano di 16 aziende specializzate in information technology e management consulting, posizionato tra le prime 30 it companies italiane di medio-grandi dimensionicon 15 sedi su tutto il territorio italiano ed un organico di circa dipendenti, gruppo scai supporta le più importanti organizzazioni in ambito banking, insurance, pa, telco, media e utility in progetti di digital transformation basati sui driver di innovazione più attuali tra cui big data, artificial intelligence, internet of things, smart home, robotic process automation, cloud computing

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  • Contribute to the analysis of functional specificationscontribute to the development of product performance improvements as well as to the engineering of existing productstechyon: information technology recruitment experts | head hunter techyon is the first head hunter which exclusively specializes in the search and selection of professionals and managers in the information technology fieldcore responsibilities: responsible for working in the automation team focused to design, develop and integrate automated solutions in support of the masco group complete product portfolio, based on plc, hmi, scada and dcs technologiesabout the company: for an innovative reality, an industrial and engineering company working in pharmaceutics, our recruitment engineers are looking for an automation engineerour recruitment engineers select the best it profiles for prestigious it consulting firms, banks, service companies, manufacturing groups, start-ups of excellence and digital dna companiesmust have: university degree in informatics/meccatronics/electronics or technical diploma experience: junior/mid level (up to 3 years of experience) plc, hmi and scada experience, with a focus on siemens and rockwell platformspharma market experiencetest and debug sw solutionssupport sat and fat activitiesenglish b2/c1 nice to have: dcs knowledge (siemens pcs7 in particular)owner of sw development, testing and debugging for automation solutionscollaborate with other teams to achieve project delivery targetscontribute to produce sw documentationit skills: db, sql, network location: milan (1 day on-site per week with km refund) willingness to travel: international, less than 20%

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Ricerche relazionate must understand the full stack application lifecycle