Multinational airport

Elenco multinational airport

  • airport libreria modulare cattelan italia la libreria airport cattelan italia è una libreria componibile con fissaggio a muro, accessoriabile con mensole, contenitori e ripiani scrivaniastruttura libreria airport cattelan italia: la libreria airport cattelan italia è realizzata con montanti e staffe in acciaio verniciato goffrato nelle seguenti finiture: bianco (gfm71); nero (gfm73); titanio (gfm11); bronzo (gfm18); grafite (gfm69)cattelan airport prezzo, moduli, design italiano la libreria componibile airport cattelan presenta montati in acciaio, bronzo, graphite, ripiani in legno verniciato, disponibile in noce o rovere bruciato, una libreria moderna, versatile e funzionale, dal design modulare, creata e disegnata dal celebre fondatore dell'azienda e designer giorgio cattelan nel 2014airport è una libreria modulare estremamente versatile e moderna, grazie ai vari ripiani e box contenitori accessoriabili, è facilmente adattabile ad ambienti moderni e di designla libreria airport presenta un sistema flessibile e personalizzabile per ogni stile di arredo, può essere acquistata con fissaggio a muro o a soffitto, in versione angolare e centraleairport design by giorgio cattelan 2014 la libreria airport cattelan è un opera del celebre designer e fondatore dell'azienda, giorgio cattelan, nato a thiene, ultimo di sette fratelli figli di un celebre falegname di vicenza, ha proseguito la tradizione di famiglia dedicando l'intera vita alla creazione e la produzione di mobili di design conosciuti oggi in italia e all'esteroripiani e contenitori in legno verniciato goffrato nelle seguenti finiture: graphite (gf69) bianco (gf71) noce canaletto (nc) rovere bruciato (rb) brushed bronze brushed grey misure libreria airport cattelan italia: la libreria airport cattelan italia è disponibile nelle seguenti dimensioni: composizione 1: composizione 2: composizione 3: composizione 4: tempi di consegna: tempo stimato per la produzione e la consegna del prodotto 7/9 settimane lavorative dal pagamento ricevutolibreria componibile a pali con fissaggio a pavimento o soffitto in base alle vostre esigenze, chiamata anche libreria divisoria, grazie ai suoi montanti realizzati in acciaio la libreria airport offre infinite possibilitĂ  di personalizzazione e composizionitra le principali caratteristiche di airport elenchiamo: scelta dei ripiani montatura a parete o soffitto altezza su misura infinite possibilitĂ  di composizioni finiture a scelta del cliente su arredare moderno troverete composizioni standard oppure potrete selezionare le vostre combinazioni direttamente nella pagina del prodottoarredare moderno propone la airport nella versione con fissaggio a muro in 4 diverse composizione: composizione 1: costituita da 2 staffe a muro / 3 ripiani da 110x29 cm / 1 ripiano scrivania da 110x60 cm / 2 staffe a / 8 reggipiano b composizione 2: costituita da 3 staffe a muro / 3 ripiani da 110x29 cm / 3 ripiani da 160x29 cm / 2 staffe a / 12 reggipiano b composizione 3: costituita da 3 staffe a muro / 4 ripiani da 160x29 cm, un ripiano da 210x60 cm / 1 ripiano 110x29 cm / 1 contenitore 160x29x36 cm / 6 staffe a / 14 reggipiano b composizione 4: costituita da 3 staffe a muro / 1 ripiani da 260x29 cm / 3 ripiani da 110x60 cm / 1 ripiano scrivania 110x60 cm / 1 contenitore 160x29x36 cm / 3 staffe a / 13 reggipiano b su richiesta è possibile personalizzare e configurare nuove composizioni, per ulteriori informazioni contattare il nostro servizio clientiscopri le novitĂ  di cattelan 2022, l'arredo design per tutti gli ambienti di casa il made in italy delle proposte di arredo cattelan, icona dell'arredamento moderno, scopri il catalogo completo delle nuove proposte 2022, nuove finiture di arredi storici come la libreria airport, tavoli moderni, madie sospese, sedie e divani di ultima generazione, consolle allungabili, librerie e scrivanie, scopri tutti i nuovi prodotti cattelan italia 2022 perchè scegliere una libreria modulare? linee pulite, colori neutri, scelta della composizione, il numero dei contenitori e delle mensole, finiture e colori, la scelta di una libreria componibile è sicuramente un ottimo consiglio, per chi vuole abbellire il proprio salotto in modo personalizzato, con il massimo risparmio e l'eleganza che dona una libreria di questo generein questo periodo le consegne da parte delle aziende produttrici potrebbero subire ritardiun pratico contenitore dalle linee moderne da dedicare alla collezione di libri e riviste, oppure da utilizzare come divisore per spazi grandi e open space, perfetto per la zona giorno, per l'ufficio o sale d'attesacostruita con materiali di prima qualitĂ , con una vasta gamma di finiture tra cui scegliere, ben 11 tipologie di legno, dal rovere al mogano, noce, quercia rossa, frassino, betulla, acero, ciliegio, faggio e molti altri, oppure acciaio, bronzo e alluminio nelle versioni grey e bronze brushedsu arredare moderno potrete scegliere di arredare la cucina, il salotto o l'ufficio potendo scegliere tra numerose librerie componibili dei brand italiani piĂą amati e conosciuti, realizzate in legno, metallo, vetro, pvc, metallo, selezionando il numero di mensole e contenitori direttamente sul nostro sito webcattelan è sinonimo di prestigio in italia e all'estero, l'azienda è presente in ben 150 paesi di tutto il mondoad esempio potrete selezionare il numero dei montanti e dei ripiani, il numero di staffe per il fissaggio al muro, la lunghezza delle staffe, l'altezza finale della libreria, il numero di contenitori e l'acquisto dei montanti x per la parete produttore cattelan italia arredare moderno è fornitore ufficiale del brand cattelan italia, azienda italiana di prestigio fondata nel 1979, che si occupa principalmente di complementi d'arredo e mobili di fascia alta, dai tavoli per la cucina o la sala da pranzo alle siede, divani, madie e chaise longue, prodotti raffinati, funzionali, e di design


    1702550048828125 €

  • airport libreria modulare cattelan italia la libreria airport cattelan italia è una libreria componibile con fissaggio a muro, accessoriabile con mensole, contenitori e ripiani scrivaniastruttura libreria airport cattelan italia: la libreria airport cattelan italia è realizzata con montanti e staffe in acciaio verniciato goffrato nelle seguenti finiture: bianco (gfm71); nero (gfm73); titanio (gfm11); bronzo (gfm18); grafite (gfm69)cattelan airport prezzo, moduli, design italiano la libreria componibile airport cattelan presenta montati in acciaio, bronzo, graphite, ripiani in legno verniciato, disponibile in noce o rovere bruciato, una libreria moderna, versatile e funzionale, dal design modulare, creata e disegnata dal celebre fondatore dellazienda e designer giorgio cattelan nel 2014airport è una libreria modulare estremamente versatile e moderna, grazie ai vari ripiani e box contenitori accessoriabili, è facilmente adattabile ad ambienti moderni e di designla libreria airport presenta un sistema flessibile e personalizzabile per ogni stile di arredo, può essere acquistata con fissaggio a muro o a soffitto, in versione angolare e centraleairport design by giorgio cattelan 2014 la libreria airport cattelan è un opera del celebre designer e fondatore dellazienda, giorgio cattelan, nato a thiene, ultimo di sette fratelli figli di un celebre falegname di vicenza, ha proseguito la tradizione di famiglia dedicando lintera vita alla creazione e la produzione di mobili di design conosciuti oggi in italia e allesteroripiani e contenitori in legno verniciato goffrato nelle seguenti finiture: graphite (gf69) bianco (gf71) noce canaletto (nc) rovere bruciato (rb) brushed bronze brushed grey misure libreria airport cattelan italia: la libreria airport cattelan italia è disponibile nelle seguenti dimensioni: composizione 1: composizione 2: composizione 3: composizione 4: tempi di consegna: tempo stimato per la produzione e la consegna del prodotto 7/9 settimane lavorative dal pagamento ricevutolibreria componibile a pali con fissaggio a pavimento o soffitto in base alle vostre esigenze, chiamata anche libreria divisoria, grazie ai suoi montanti realizzati in acciaio la libreria airport offre infinite possibilitĂ  di personalizzazione e composizionitra le principali caratteristiche di airport elenchiamo: scelta dei ripiani montatura a parete o soffitto altezza su misura infinite possibilitĂ  di composizioni finiture a scelta del cliente su arredare moderno troverete composizioni standard oppure potrete selezionare le vostre combinazioni direttamente nella pagina del prodottoarredare moderno propone la airport nella versione con fissaggio a muro in 4 diverse composizione: composizione 1: costituita da 2 staffe a muro / 3 ripiani da 110x29 cm / 1 ripiano scrivania da 110x60 cm / 2 staffe a / 8 reggipiano b composizione 2: costituita da 3 staffe a muro / 3 ripiani da 110x29 cm / 3 ripiani da 160x29 cm / 2 staffe a / 12 reggipiano b composizione 3: costituita da 3 staffe a muro / 4 ripiani da 160x29 cm, un ripiano da 210x60 cm / 1 ripiano 110x29 cm / 1 contenitore 160x29x36 cm / 6 staffe a / 14 reggipiano b composizione 4: costituita da 3 staffe a muro / 1 ripiani da 260x29 cm / 3 ripiani da 110x60 cm / 1 ripiano scrivania 110x60 cm / 1 contenitore 160x29x36 cm / 3 staffe a / 13 reggipiano b su richiesta è possibile personalizzare e configurare nuove composizioni, per ulteriori informazioni contattare il nostro servizio clientiscopri le novitĂ  di cattelan 2022, larredo design per tutti gli ambienti di casa il made in italy delle proposte di arredo cattelan, icona dellarredamento moderno, scopri il catalogo completo delle nuove proposte 2022, nuove finiture di arredi storici come la libreria airport, tavoli moderni, madie sospese, sedie e divani di ultima generazione, consolle allungabili, librerie e scrivanie, scopri tutti i nuovi prodotti cattelan italia 2022 perchè scegliere una libreria modulare? linee pulite, colori neutri, scelta della composizione, il numero dei contenitori e delle mensole, finiture e colori, la scelta di una libreria componibile è sicuramente un ottimo consiglio, per chi vuole abbellire il proprio salotto in modo personalizzato, con il massimo risparmio e leleganza che dona una libreria di questo generein questo periodo le consegne da parte delle aziende produttrici potrebbero subire ritardisu arredare moderno potrete scegliere di arredare la cucina, il salotto o lufficio potendo scegliere tra numerose librerie componibili dei brand italiani piĂą amati e conosciuti, realizzate in legno, metallo, vetro, pvc, metallo, selezionando il numero di mensole e contenitori direttamente sul nostro sito webad esempio potrete selezionare il numero dei montanti e dei ripiani, il numero di staffe per il fissaggio al muro, la lunghezza delle staffe, laltezza finale della libreria, il numero di contenitori e lacquisto dei montanti x per la parete produttore cattelan italia arredare moderno è fornitore ufficiale del brand cattelan italia, azienda italiana di prestigio fondata nel 1979, che si occupa principalmente di complementi darredo e mobili di fascia alta, dai tavoli per la cucina o la sala da pranzo alle siede, divani, madie e chaise longue, prodotti raffinati, funzionali, e di designcostruita con materiali di prima qualitĂ , con una vasta gamma di finiture tra cui scegliere, ben 11 tipologie di legno, dal rovere al mogano, noce, quercia rossa, frassino, betulla, acero, ciliegio, faggio e molti altri, oppure acciaio, bronzo e alluminio nelle versioni grey e bronze brushedcattelan è sinonimo di prestigio in italia e allestero, lazienda è presente in ben 150 paesi di tutto il mondoun pratico contenitore dalle linee moderne da dedicare alla collezione di libri e riviste, oppure da utilizzare come divisore per spazi grandi e open space, perfetto per la zona giorno, per lufficio o sale dattesa


    1702550048828125 €

  • Dettagli curati e praticitĂ : è questo il segreto delle librerie airportairport è una libreria modulare firmata da giorgio cattelan, realizzata con montanti in metallo e mensole in legno, disponibile in varie finiturela composizione proposta è a parete, con montanti e staffe in metallo gfm69 goffrato grafite e ripiani in legno rb rovere bruciatoessenzialitĂ  ed eleganzaestremamente pratico anche il box contenitore 160x29xh36 cm con finitura in legno rb rovere bruciatocomposizione come in immaginefinitura struttura metallo gfm69 goffrato grafite, ripiani e contenitore in legno rb rovere bruciato


    4819 €

  • airport è una libreria modulare firmata da giorgio cattelan, realizzata con montanti in metallo e mensole in legno, disponibile in varie finitureè possibile collocare la libreria anche a pareteil prezzo include:3 montanti4 mensole 110 cm2 mensole 160 cm1 mensola 260 cmkit di montaggio kit reggipianooffre la possibilitĂ  di alloggiare oggetti o elementi di decoro, ma senza rinunciare allo stile e al glamourpratica e raffinata, questa libreria è un dettaglio accattivante nel livingvi proponiamo la versione con fissaggio a soffitto, composta da tre montanti e sette mensole di misure diverse


    2523 €

  • Zaino in tessuto riciclato con fantasia grafica graffiti trash airportapertura con cerniera superiore ed interno con scomparto per laptop, tasca organizer in retedimensioni: 46 cm x 15 cm x 29 cmtasca a parete con cerniera in verticaleimbottitura ergonomica in rete posteriore, manico superiore in tessuto e bretelle imbottite regolabili


    89 €

  • Classe con design promozionale accattivante come airporttre vagoni per il trasporto locale della deutsche bundesbahn (db), comunemente noti come argentaticlasse e un vagone 1


    269 €

  • Responsibilities: develop, generate and manage sales activity for multinational accounts as well as small to mid-size customers with the emphasisover the years, various companies that were complementary to his business merged and were even taken over, thus transforming the marchesini group from the once small local company to the impressive multinational enterprise it is today, capable of creating packaging technologies for the most important products of the pharma and beauty industriesmaintain and manage customer data base and reports in crmdrive growing sales in expanding marketbusiness acumen: understands business implications of decisionsmotivation: sets and achieves challenging goalsdemonstrates an independent, results-driven work ethicexpert communication: excellent verbal and written communication skillsitalian/spanish language - not a requirement but an advantage full benefits package including health, pension, 401k and paid vacation timecustomer service: focuses on serving customers as the organization’s top prioritysalary: negotiable please email resume toafter sales forecast planningcreate and maintain strong working customer relationscontributes to building a positive team spiritcollaboration and teamwork: balances team and individual responsibilitiesnotable requirements and considerations for position: applicant must have a pre-existing legal us work statusadapts strategy to changing conditionsit was back in that massimo marchesini had the original idea of building packaging machines and built his first one in his garage at homecompetencies: adaptability: adapts to changes in the work environmenta self-starter and team player who is motivated to succeedsell and promote formats, modifications, and sla contractsplanning/organizing: prioritizes and plans work activities while efficiently managing timepivotal experience & expertise functional experience: brings strong commercial experienceproblem solving:identifies and resolves problems in a timely mannerdisplays orientation to profitabilityindustry experience & tenure: 5 years’ broad experience and knowledge of pharmaceutical packaging equipment and processesmanages competing demands and changes approach or method to best fit the situationwill not sponsor visasinnovation: displays original thinking and creativity and meets challenges with resourcefulnessdriven to create value for customerssoftware proficiencies: microsoft o365 including excel, word, onedrive, outlook, powerpoint, project manager, sharepoint, teamsresponds promptly to customer needs to meet commitmentsaligns work with strategic goalslearning: curious, open-minded and an avid listener who welcomes broad input, criticism and feedbackaligns organization and resources to deliver on customer commitmentsgathers and analyses information skilfully and develops alternative solutionsdemonstrates persistence and overcomes obstacles and measures self against standard of excellenceunderstands needs, creates distinctive value, and builds meaningful relationshipsmarchesini group usa, a leading supplier of aseptic, primary, and secondary automatic packaging equipment, is searching for, is searching for an experienced after sales – regional sales manager to generate and handle sales with emphasis on sales of modification and formats in designated territory within north americaanalyses market and competition and identifies external threats and opportunitiesbrings strong network connections and relationshipsstrategic thinking: develops and implements strategic priorities to achieve organizational goalsthe marchesini group designs and builds stand-alone machines and customised lines for packaging pharmaceuticals and cosmeticsdemonstrates knowledge of market and competitionunderstands organization's strengths & weaknessestravel 50%+ high school diploma or general education degree (ged) and “industry experience & tenure” as outlinedsuperior people/customer relationship skills as well as strong interpersonal skills

  • About the company: for a multinational corporation leader in climate solutions, our recruitment engineers are looking for a mobile software developerhe will also ask to collaborate with the management to identify, prioritize and execute tasks in the software development life cyclehis main responsibility will be to develop high-quality software, producing clean and efficient codeour recruitment engineers select the best it profiles for prestigious it consulting firms, banks, service companies, manufacturing groups, start-ups of excellence and digital dna companiescore responsibilities: the candidate, working with other team members, will be involved in the design and development of our iot mobile applicationmust have: degree in electrical or software engineering minimum of 1 year experience using a mobile cross platform framework knowledge of xamarin forms or xamarin android and xamarin ios, in case this qualification is missing high motivation to learn the technology is required knowledge of c# knowledge of git and versioning best practices knowledge of devops practices and tools for continuous deployment (bonus if azure devops) nice to have: familiarity with agile software development familiarity with oop and design patterns location: near venicetechyon: information technology recruitment experts | head hunter techyon is the first head hunter which exclusively specializes in the search and selection of senior professionals and managers in the information technology field

  • Our customer, part of the first brandtech group, is a global data consultancy multinational company focused on developing innovative solutions for the strategic use of data and technology, in order to increase clients’ marketing roi and improve customer acquisition and retentionin order to grow and to pursue additional market opportunities, we are looking for: consulting manager – milan, italy the best candidates have a master’s degree in economics or engineering and proven experience in project management, with significant experiences in consulting firms or digital/media agencies, working with international companieshigh understanding of web analytics, media performance and cloud for marketing performance; strong knowledge of the adtech/martech landscape (players and trends); past experience or good knowledge of luxury cpg and automotive industriesyou should be fluent in english; french is a plusthe successful candidate will be ambitious, hard-working and independent, with an high level of energy and commitmentplace of work: milan, italyessential duties and responsibilities: develop and run milano office during its inception stage being responsible for local business strategy and operating plan; meet sales and financial targets, with fully responsibility on p&l; drive significant future growth for the italian organization; build a team of consultants to help deliver projects and develop new business opportunities manage relationship with clients, technology partners and head office

  • Over the years, various companies that were complementary to his business merged and were even taken over, thus transforming the marchesini group from the once small local company to the impressive multinational enterprise it is today, capable of creating packaging technologies for the most important products of the pharma and beauty industriesprovide feedback to management for department improvement and efficiencybusiness acumen: understands business implications of decisionsliaise with sales and after sales teams on upcoming projects and installsreview projects and define sow for service teamdemonstrates an independent, results-driven work ethicsoftware proficiencies: microsoft o365 including excel, word, onedrive, outlook, powerpoint, project manager, sharepoint, teams, crm systemexpert communication: excellent verbal and written communication skillsmotivation:sets and achieves challenging goalswork in collaboration with the hr department to maintain best practices for service departmentsalary: negotiable please email resume toreview service reports and ensure administration of reports and invoices on a timely basisability to travel full benefits package including health, pension, 401k and paid vacation timemaintain customer satisfaction and company’s good standing through pre-service planning and post-service follow upcontributes to building a positive team spiritdevelop and deliver in-house training for service team including service procedures, company’s policies and procedures, and machine-specific trainingassist customer care coordinator in resource identification and planningcollaboration and teamwork: balances team and individual responsibilitiescustomer service:focuses on serving customers as the organization’s top prioritynotable requirements and considerations for position: applicant must have a pre-existing legal us work statusadapts strategy to changing conditionsmust be fluent in english – reading, writing and speaking must be fluent in italian – speaking must be able to read and understand european electrical schematics for new machine installation and troubleshootingit was back in that massimo marchesini had the original idea of building packaging machines and built his first one in his garage at homeplanning/organizing:: prioritizes and plans work activities while efficiently managing timework with management for tradeshow preparations and set upcompetencies: adaptability: adapts to changes in the work environmentmarchesini group usa, a leading supplier of aseptic, primary, and secondary automatic packaging equipment, is searching for an experienced service manager to manage our team of us technicians and their deployment on service projects as well as administration of the departmenta self-starter and team player who is motivated to succeedresponsibilities: manage all functions of the service departmentspromote/sell maintenance programs to existing customerspivotal experience & expertise functional experience: brings strong commercial experienceproblem solving:identifies and resolves problems in a timely mannercreate detailed reports for upper managementreview and approve service hours and overtimedisplays orientation to profitabilitymanages competing demands and changes approach or method to best fit the situationwill not sponsor visasinnovation: displays original thinking and creativity and meets challenges with resourcefulnessdriven to create value for customersensure that service department has all necessary tools and equipmentresponds promptly to customer needs to meet commitmentsaligns work with strategic goalslearning: curious, open-minded and an avid listener who welcomes broad input, criticism and feedbackaligns organization and resources to deliver on customer commitmentsmaintain neat and orderly warehouse and workshopmanage emergency calls and warranty workgathers and analyses information skilfully and develops alternative solutionsdemonstrates persistence and overcomes obstacles and measures self against standard of excellenceunderstands needs, creates distinctive value, and builds meaningful relationshipsability to read and understand european blueprints and pneumatic diagramsanalyses market and competition and identifies external threats and opportunitiesparticipate in interviewing and training of the new employees as well as coordination of training sessions accordinglyindustry experience & tenure: 10 years’ field service experience and knowledge of pharmaceutical packaging equipment and 5 years in related management experiencebrings strong network connections and relationshipsstrategic thinking: develops and implements strategic priorities to achieve organizational goalsthe marchesini group designs and builds stand-alone machines and customised lines for packaging pharmaceuticals and cosmeticsdemonstrates knowledge of market and competitionunderstands organization's strengths & weaknessestravel 50%+ high school diploma or general education degree (ged) and “industry experience & tenure” as outlinedsuperior people/customer relationship skills as well as strong interpersonal skills

  • Over the years, various companies that were complementary to his business merged and were even taken over, thus transforming the marchesini group from the once small local company to the impressive multinational enterprise it is today, capable of creating packaging technologies for the most important products of the pharma and beauty industriesbusiness acumen: understands business implications of decisionsprepare sales presentations by compiling data; developing presentation formats and materialsexpert communication: excellent verbal and written communication skillsmotivation:sets and achieves challenging goalsunderstand and support established after sales policies and procedurespivotal experience & expertise functional experience: demonstrates an independent, results-driven work ethiccustomer service: focuses on serving customers as the organization’s top prioritypreparation of format and modification quotations for sales staffitalian/spanish language - not a requirement but an advantage salary: negotiable please email resume tocontributes to building a positive team spiritcollaboration and teamwork: balances team and individual responsibilitiesnotable requirements and considerations for position: applicant must have a pre-existing legal us work statusmarchesini group usa, a leading supplier of aseptic, primary, and secondary automatic packaging equipment, is searching for an entry level after sales associate to support and work with senior sales staff on sales of modification and formats within north americaadapts strategy to changing conditionsit was back in that massimo marchesini had the original idea of building packaging machines and built his first one in his garage at homecompetencies: adaptability: adapts to changes in the work environmenta self-starter and team player who is motivated to succeedplanning/organizing: prioritizes and plans work activities while efficiently managing timetravel 25%+ high school diploma or general education degree (ged) and “industry experience & tenure” as outlineddisplays orientation to profitabilitymanages competing demands and changes approach or method to best fit the situationwill not sponsor visasinnovation: displays original thinking and creativity and meets challenges with resourcefulnessdriven to create value for customerssoftware proficiencies: microsoft o365 including excel, word, onedrive, outlook, powerpoint, project manager, sharepoint, teamsaligns work with strategic goals of company and after sales departmentresponds promptly to customer needs to meet commitmentsproblem solving: identifies and resolves problems in a timely mannerlearning: curious, open-minded and an avid listener who welcomes broad input, criticism and feedbackaligns organization and resources to deliver on customer commitmentsgathers and analyses information skilfully and develops alternative solutionsattend and participate in sales meetings, conference calls, training programs, and conventions as directeddemonstrates persistence and overcomes obstacles and measures self against standard of excellenceunderstands needs, creates distinctive value, and builds meaningful relationshipsresponsibilities: support and work closely with senior sales staff to manage company allocated customer accounts to ensure quality, standards and client expectationsanalyses market and competition and identifies external threats and opportunitiesindustry experience & tenure: entry level positionstrategic thinking: develops and implements strategic priorities to achieve organizational goalsthe marchesini group designs and builds stand-alone machines and customised lines for packaging pharmaceuticals and cosmeticsunderstands organization's strengths & weaknessessuperior people/customer relationship skills as well as strong interpersonal skills

  • About the company: for a smart multinational it company, our recruitment engineers are looking for a devops engineermust have: bachelor's in computer science or information technology, 4/5 years of experience on programming with python and javascript, experience in linux administration and troubleshooting, knowledge of automation tools like: ansible, terraform, jenkins; and public cloud: aws and azure, solid knowledge of software engineering and computer science principles, knowledge of internet security and data privacy best practices is a plustechyon: information technology recruitment experts | head hunter techyon is the first head hunter which exclusively specializes in the search and selection of professionals and managers in the information technology fieldour recruitment engineers select the best it profiles for prestigious it consulting firms, banks, service companies, manufacturing groups, start-ups of excellence and digital dna companieslocation: milanopossibility of smart workingcore responsibilities: be involved in software packaging, releases, configuration for all company products, be involved in ci/cd pipelines definitions, design, maintenance and improvement, troubleshoot technical or functional issues in a complex environment, experiment an learn new ci/cd technologies, exploring new trends

  • About the company: for a multinational digital company, our recruitment engineers are looking for a product ownercore responsibilities: working with other engineering teams to reach business objectives and solve real user problems, and assuring that scrum methodology and agile best practices are in placemust have: you are fluent in english and spanishyou have an excellent prioritization skills to make tradeoffs while staying on top of your committed backlog and key initiativeswilling to enter a fast growing digital companytrack project progress and scheduledefine, monitor and analyse metrics for this new productengage with internal stakeholders to understand their needs/problems, prioritize and develop a roadmap and coherent backlog that supports ittechyon: information technology recruitment experts | head hunter techyon is the european head hunter exclusively specialized in research and selection of professionals and managers in the information technology segmentwork with other teams to learn, contribute and share work that can be reused on a global basisat least 3 years of product owner experience (working with agile methodologies, scrum, kanban)you have solid experience with agile methodologies and toolswork collaboratively with the team and stakeholders and clearly communicate product plans, benefits, and resultsbackground working with marketing campaigns is a plusyou have a good technical understanding of software development, including complex environments, and can communicate well with developersour recruitment engineers select the best it profiles for prestigious consulting firms it, banks, service companies, manufacturing groups, excellent start-ups and digital dna companynice to have: experience working with marketing team and content teamprevious experience with saas products will be considered a strong plus location: hybrid working, 80% remote | barcelonayou should be able to create, define and adjust the backlog so that your team can develop a well-built product

  • Space work selects project manager for a multinational oil and energy companymartina bettariga the offer is intended for candidates of both sexes pursuant to law (d) to apply: https://spaceworkdegree and salary commensurate with experiencerequirements: - degree in engineering, preferably mechanicaldefine the budget and coordinate the work teams involved in the projects, planning and scheduling the company's objectiveswillingness to travel 30% of the timeresponsibilities: - ensure the proper execution of the project, with particular reference to planning and monitoring, in order to ensure compliance with the contractual commitments made with the clientseveral years of experience in a similar role, preferably in medium-large plant engineering companies in the oil & gas sectorthe company offers: employment contractfluent englishplace of work: province of bergamo selection contact: drorganisational and leadership skills, ability to work in a team and strong problem solving skillsit/jobs/project_manager_rif__/it/coordinate the company's internal resources, responsible for the production/design processmanage relations with the main suppliers of machines and auxiliary services, supporting the engineering, procurement and production functions for related activities, in particular taking care of the exchange of technical information between the various suppliers to ensure full functional integration between each supply

  • About the company: for a multinational company, leader in log and lumber scanning for the global wood processing industry, our recruitment engineers are looking for a software engineerlocation: province of venicecore responsibilities: design, adaptation and implementation of their software to meet needs customer specifications, customization and commissioning of their solutions within the production line directly in the field, software development and implementation for new machine features, for example computer vision and ux / ui design, collaboration in all phases of projects: start-up, testing, delivery, commissioning e software optimization, collaboration with customer support and the sales area in defining specific requirements of the software, drafting of software documentationinfo: fixed-term contract at the beginning with the transform into permanent contract after 1 yeartechyon: information technology recruitment experts | head hunter techyon is the first head hunter exclusively specialized in research and selection of senior professionals and managers in the information technology segmentnice to have: a systematic, independent and precise way of workingin this role you will implement, validate and optimize their software on the basis to the needs of industry, contributing to the success of their innovative companyour recruitment engineers select the best it profiles for prestigious consulting firms it, banks, service companies, manufacturing groups, excellent start-ups and digital dna companyas a software engineer in their technical and operational teams, you will become an expert of their scanning and optimization systems for the food sector, having the opportunity to see the 360 ° industrial processesmust have: bachelor of information engineering or similar, a major in image processing is an advantage, good knowledge of c / c ++, familiarity with the microsoft visual studio development environment and knowledge of vision artificial and image processing are an advantage, good command of english and italian, knowledge of german is an advantage, ability to work in an autonomous and structured way with an orientation to the needs of the customer, curious and open-minded, willing to travel abroad frequently, problem-solving skills, strong interpersonal and communication skills, driving license b

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