Kpis preparation

Elenco kpis preparation

  • Main taks and responsabilities general administration: track and manage deliverables and timelines related to grants, contracts, vendors, and partners monitor grant administration to ensure compliance with reporting and expenditure requirements supervise compliance of administrative documents and their proper filing ensure the smooth flow of administrative information and data to the hq supervise flow of administrative information from project partners and the compliance with mou design and implement administrative routines, procedures, and systems to increase efficiencies ensure compliance with local operational manual, sops and develop procedures to implement organizational policies, including those related to hr management accounting: supervise and approve regular accounting, including monthly reconciliations, monthly and yearly closing of accounts, monthly journal entries financial reporting support the preparation of financial reports, in coordination with hq and administrative team, to ensure conformity with donors’ procedures supervise and approve annual financial report budget and planning: collaborate with the country representative, sectors coordinators and project managers to develop budgets collaborate with the project managers and sector coordinators to monitor actual and forecasted expenses against budget to avoid under and overspending on the projects monitor financial flows of the projects coordinate the preparation and constantly monitor/update of core budget of weworld-gvc in mozambique procurement: coordinate the preparation and launch of tender dossier check the proper filing of procurement procedures collaborate with project managers to update procurement tables verifies that all projects’ procurement dossier is complete, and supervises its correct archiving audit and expenditure verification: ensure the timely preparation of all projects’ documents during audits and or project expenditure verifications collaborate to the management of financial audit performed on the projects supervise yearly financial audit on general accounting for local authorities prepare information and be directly responsible for any assessment/audit performed by donor on weworld-gvc administrative procedure human resources: supervise administrative and finance local personnel to complete routine tasks and provide for their capacity building participate in analysing staffing needs & costs, compensation & benefits, and performance review practices supervise compliance with all ww-gvc employment regulations relating to payroll, health insurance, work insurance, employee benefits support country director to monitor and revise where necessary salary scale, as well as supervising staff leaves, holidays, overtime and contractual obligations requirements qualifications and knowledge degree in economics, political science or related fields good knowledge of main donors’ administrative rules and procurement procedures (echo, ue, un, aics) excellent knowledge of written and spoken italian knowledge of written and spoken portuguese/spanish is preferred full professional competency in microsoft office suite, especially word, excel and outlook professional experience at least 2 year of previous professional experience in similar roles skills and abilities planning, reporting, monitoring and evaluation skills organization and teamwork skills ability to support and train staff to enhance skills proactive and dynamic attitude ability to adapt and work under constraint, under pressure and in complex and multicultural contexts good listening and communication skills positive attitude to work, self-reflective, motivated, inspired, collegial strong commitment to the mission of weworld-gvc demonstrates integrity with regards to ngo values and ethical standards displays cultural, gender, religion, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability treats all people fairly without favoritismpresent in 29 countries with 128 projects, weworld-gvc operates in the following areas of assistance: human rights (gender equality, prevention and combating violence against children and women, migration), humanitarian aid (prevention, emergency relief and rehabilitation), food security, access to water, health and hygiene, education, global citizenship education, quality teaching and international volunteeringsupports people overcoming emergencies and guarantees a life with dignity, opportunities and a better future through human and economic development programs, in the framework of the agendait is required to work in close cooperation with the project managers and the country representativetheir responsibilities include financial reports, accounting, verification of supporting documents, procurement, human resources, planning and budgetingweworld-gvc works mostly with girls, boys, women and youth, actors of change in every community for a fairer and more inclusive worlddeadline: 28 april starting date: mid-may/june gross salary: to be defined according to the candidate’s profile working context weworld-gvc has been working in mozambique since with development and emergency projects in the fields of education, food security and drr in the provinces of maputo, gaza, inhambane, manica, zambĂ©zia and cabo delgadoat present, our main donors in the country are italy (aics), the eu (echo), the un (unicef, wfp, undp and fao) and swiss cooperationthe country finance manager will be responsible for the administrative management of the projects funded by different donors implemented in mozambiqueweworld-gvc carries out emergency projects in the provinces of manica and cabo delgado; a three-year project to mitigate niño drought effects in the province of maputo starting in and in it has been intervening in response to idai and kenneth cyclone to assist affected populations and in it has been intervening in response to covid-19, social cohesion and peacebuilding in cabo delgado provinceweworld-gvc, recently constituted from the merger of two ngos, is an italian secular and independent organization working since in international cooperation and humanitarian aidposition: country finance manager mozambique location: maputo type of contract: a first 4 (four) month collaboration contract subject to verification of the achievement of specific objectives (these objectives will be agreed upon arrival on assignment); a second collaboration contract of 8 (eight) months renewable, following the positive evaluation of the first three months of contractat present, the main donors are italy (aics), the eu (dg echo), unicef, ocha, and belgium (dgd)joining the weworld-gvc team means being part of the development of a dynamic organisation where the contribution of each staff member is promoted and valued, working together towards the collective achievement of shared goals and vision

  • The paid media specialist will be responsible for liaising with clients, managing strategy and successful execution of the paid media campaigns towards the kpis agreed with the clients working with the account executives and managers on the accountskey responsibilities - develop excellent relationships with the clients, through developing an in-depth understanding of their businesses - ensure the delivery against the set kpis and contractual requirements - execution of paid search, display and social campaigns, depending on the clients’ needs and objectives - 5+ years of experience in a digital/media agency - very strong knowledge of search engine marketing / ppc (google and bing ads, primarily) and social ads (facebook and instagram primarily) - excellent communication skills (verbal and written) - fluency in english is a must - excellent skills on google analytics both in terms of implementation review and performance analysis - experience with the ad serving and trafficking tools (eif you are looking for an international company with people that share the same digital passion as you do, 77agency could be the place for you! we are looking for a talented and experienced paid media manager with excellent paid media and communication skills to join our growing team of international media experts at our milan office77agency, part of jakala group, is an international and innovative digital marketing agency with offices in milan, rome, london and rigadoubleclick campaign manager or adform) - high level of proficiency in ms office - excellent organizational, project management and problem-solving skills - a love of uncovering trends in data and analysis - confident and articulate presenter, with the ability to present to senior clients and internal agency teams - has a great attention to detail - has a positive attitude, is self-confident, and welcomes new challengeswe have accumulated experience in a wide range of industries over the last 17 years, with particular strengths in the finance, luxury, hospitality, e-commerce and entertainment areaswe are pleased to be accredited by the industry as a google premier partner, bing select partner and facebook marketing partnerwe are a full-service digital agency with specialisation in sem, seo, social media, digital pr, media buying, creative services, design and development as well as propriety technology development

  • Vous ĂȘtes reconnu pour votre rigueur dans le suivi des rĂšgles et processau quotidien, vous ĂȘtes en charge de / d': suivre le planning de nettoyage des vĂ©hicules rĂ©aliser des prĂ©parations esthĂ©tiques des vĂ©hicules: nettoyage, lustrage
 effectuer le nettoyage intĂ©rieur (siĂšges, tableau de bord etc
) et extĂ©rieur (carrosserie, jantes etc
) informer l’atelier mĂ©canique ou carrosserie en cas d’anomalie dĂ©tectĂ©e poser les plaques d’immatriculation et rĂ©aliser le plein de carburant pour la bonne prise en main du client rĂ©aliser des mises Ă  la route des vĂ©hicules neufs selon un mode opĂ©ratoire dĂ©fini ref: sp1 vous possĂ©dez idĂ©alement une premiĂšre expĂ©rience en tant que prĂ©parateur automobile, vous ayant permis d’acquĂ©rir des compĂ©tences mĂ©tierla mobilitĂ© du futur est l’enjeu majeur de notre transformation et depuis plus de 55 ans, nous sommes collaborateurs Ă  mettre Ă  profit nos compĂ©tences pour satisfaire nos clients et imaginer les mobilitĂ©s de demain avec innovationun parcours d’intĂ©gration individualisĂ© et un suivi tout au long de votre carriĂšre un salaire fixe complĂ©tĂ© d’une rĂ©munĂ©ration variable qui rĂ©compense vos performances, divers avantages (titres restaurant, bons cadeaux de noĂ«l, participation, accompagnement rh, prime cooptation, perspectives d’évolution, offre mobilitĂ© et cafĂ© Ă  volontĂ©)notre cƓur de mĂ©tier ? distribution (neuf et occasion), rĂ©paration et location de vĂ©hicules notre orientation ? ĂȘtre fournisseur de toutes les mobilitĂ©s notre fil conducteur ? la qualitĂ© de la relation clients notre fibre ? bienveillance, esprit d’équipe et crĂ©ativitĂ© le groupe jean lain est acteur de la diversitĂ© au travail, nos postes sont ouverts Ă  tousvotre rapiditĂ© d’exĂ©cution et de finition vous permettront de dĂ©velopper la qualitĂ© de nos serviceset si nous Ă©tions faits ‘lain’ pour l’autre ? rattachĂ©(e) Ă  thierry, responsable prĂ©paration du site audi annemasse, vous assurez la prĂ©paration esthĂ©tique du vĂ©hicule clientce que nous proposons du matĂ©riel et un environnement de travail de qualitĂ©vous connaissez les rĂšgles d’hygiĂšne et de propretĂ© et savez manipuler les produits de nettoyage et d’entretienchez jean lain mobilitĂ©s, nous sommes avant tout une famille investie dans un projet collectif au service de nos clients et de nos collaborateurs: jean lain s’occupe de vous, jean lain s’occupe de tout

  • 7l, 1200w improve your food preparation, and save precious time with kenwoods fantastic stand mixer! next to k-beater, it comes with a dough hook and whisks attachment for various food preparationimpastatrice kenwood chef xl kvl4100s - capacitĂŁ della ciotola 6bowl is made of brushed stainless steel and has a large capacity of 6,7 litersit can be used as a kneader, mixer, beater, or whipper


    35720001220703125 €

  • Al fine di potenziare la propria presenza sul mercato, si ricerca la figura di: field manager (fm) scopo nel rispetto delle indicazioni ricevute dalla business unit, garantire il raggiungimento dei kpis assegnati all’intera rete di informatori medici scientifici del farmaco (italia), attraverso la predisposizione di una strategia adeguata agli obiettivi relativi al listino dei farmaci equivalenti e il coordinamento attivo ed efficace di otto area managerforte competenza nella gestione attivo degli area manager, supportandone lo sviluppo e la soddisfazione professionalelinguistiche saper comunicare in modo chiaro e preciso saper parlare in pubblico anche in modo interattivo buona conoscenza della lingua inglese formazione formazione in conformitĂ  alle classi di lauree previste dal dpromuovere la cultura del lavoro etico e di squadraprofilo competenze professionali precedenza esperienza nel ruolo di field manager, preferibilmente a livello nazionale, coordinando un team di area manager, saper trasmettere alla rete in modo efficace gli obiettivi di performance territoriale, ispirandola e supportandola al loro raggiungimento capacitĂ  di analizzare sia analiticamente sia sinteticamente dati e trend di mercato, sapendo trasferire alla rete in modo chiaro e specifico i temi rilevantisupportare gli am nella corretta valutazione di dati, informazioni e trend di mercato, relativi alla loro area di competenza, verificando i piani di trasferimento efficace a ciascuna squadraassistere gli area manager per curare e sviluppare, in modo pertinente al raggiungimento degli obiettivi, i networks locali e nazionali, al fine di promuovere una collaborazione proficua e duratura con opinion leaders e tutti i principali stakeholdersverificare la corretta applicazione delle policy e delle indicazioni aziendali, facilitando la comunicazione e lo scambio tra il field e l’organizzazioneinformare tempestivamente l’azienda in merito a problematiche relative alla performance, alla motivazione, o alla soddisfazione professionale degli isf e degli am, anche finalizzate al contenimento del turn-over e alla promozione della cultura del valorecompetenze personali leadership personale; capacitĂ  di comunicazione efficace e adeguata alla complessitĂ  del ruolo e agli stakeholders anche istituzionali; forte capacitĂ  di coaching e di people development orientamento allo sviluppo del team e ai risultati predisposizione all’utilizzo dei nuovi media compattivitĂ  trasferire agli area manager, assicurandone poi l’adeguata implementazione territoriale, gli obiettivi, le indicazioni e le linee guida, monitorando il raggiungimento degli obiettivi assegnatidal jakin group raggruppa a livello internazionale quattro societĂ , attive nel settore dei servizi alle principali multinazionali farmaceutiche, con focus particolare sull’informazione medico scientifica, il market access e la distribuzionearea di competenza: italia inquadramento: collaborazione di consulenza a partita iva data di inizio: maggio viaggi e trasferte secondo programmazione periodica, a livello nazionale saltuariamente presso la sede in svizzera selezione e assunzione avverranno ai sensi della lpartendo dall’analisi di risultati e obiettivi delle aree geografiche, individuare strategie e modelli efficaci, potenziativi, alternativi o correttivi, da condividere con la business unitcapacitĂ  di stabilire relazioni durature di networking e di collaborazionecon cadenza regolare, affiancare gli area manager nella verifica analitica e nella valutazione delle azioni intraprese da parte degli informatori sui territori di competenza, della loro efficacia territoriale, analizzando criticitĂ  e opportunitĂ 

  • CapacitĂ  di creare e comunicare chiare kpis per il controllo ‘end to end’ dei progettila missione di jakala Ăš creare un vantaggio competitivo per i suoi clienti, con un impatto misurabile sulla top line, grazie al miglior utilizzo combinato di dati, advanced e location analytics, tecnologie, contenut i e progettazione dell’esperienza del clienteconoscenza dei processi di delivery itle principali responsabilitĂ  riguarderanno: creare ed eseguire i piani di sviluppo adattandoli per rispondere alla necessitĂ  del clientenell'ambito del potenziamento della divisione technology engagement delivery solutions, dedicata alla creazione di soluzioni web in ambito engagement per le aziende clienti, jakala Ăš alla ricerca di un technical project manager che avrĂ  la responsabilitĂ  di gestire i progetti assegnati guidando un team di delivery attraverso la definizione e la pianificazione di tutte le fasi di progetto, con attenzione nella gestione e controllo dei costi, benefici e rischicompletano il profilo: spiccate capacitĂ  analitiche forte orientamento al risultato problem solving e orientamento a lavorare per obiettivi attitudine al project management team working spiccate capacitĂ  relazionali buona conoscenza della lingua inglese cosa offriamo: elevata autonomia e responsabilitĂ  rapporto diretto con il management aziendale e con i clienti coinvolgimento su progetti per clienti prestigiosi appartenenti a diversi settori, anche a livello internazionale continua attivitĂ  di ricerca e sviluppo contratto e retribuzione commisurati ad esperienza e competenza del candidato sede di lavoro: milano, torino, romacompleta il profilo un background tecnico, che gli consenta di comprendere, seppur ad alto livello, tutti gli aspetti inerenti un progetto software e di integrazionegestire l’operativitĂ  giornaliera dei progetti di cui sarĂ  responsabile anticipare e gestire i rischi di progetto assicurare la riuscita del progetto secondo i costi e gli standard di qualitĂ  definitisupportare le strutture di business nella fase di presales fornendo un contributo sia per quanto riguarda la preparazione delle proposte che per la loro discussione esperienza pregressa di almeno 5 anni nella gestione di progetti it complessi abilitĂ  di gestire risorse remote in un contesto internazionalesarĂ  inoltre il punto di riferimento tecnico nella relazione con tutti gli stakeholder di progetto, sia interni che del cliente, sia dell’area business che tecnica e avrĂ  la responsabilitĂ  di gestire i rapporti con i fornitori esternijakala Ăš la prima societĂ  martech italiana che offre ai propri clienti supporto in ambito strategico, analytics, digital e technologybackground tecnico (competenze architetturali, frontend, backend, integrazioni e processi) capacitĂ  di ottimizzare e industrializzare i processi di delivery implementando un approccio di ‘continuo miglioramento’ basato su feedback interni ed esterni

  • CapacitĂ  di creare e comunicare chiare kpis per il controllo ‘end to end’ dei progetticompletano il profilo: spiccate capacitĂ  analitiche forte orientamento al risultato problem solving e orientamento a lavorare per obiettivi attitudine al project management team working spiccate capacitĂ  relazionali buona conoscenza della lingua inglese cosa offriamo: elevata autonomia e responsabilitĂ  rapporto diretto con il management aziendale e con i clienti coinvolgimento su progetti per clienti prestigiosi appartenenti a diversi settori, anche a livello internazionale continua attivitĂ  di ricerca e sviluppo contratto e retribuzione commisurati ad esperienza e competenza del candidato sede di lavoro: milano, torino, romala missione di jakala Ăš creare un vantaggio competitivo per i suoi clienti, con un impatto misurabile sulla top line, grazie al miglior utilizzo combinato di dati, advanced e location analytics, tecnologie, contenut i e progettazione dell’esperienza del clienteconoscenza dei processi di delivery itle principali responsabilitĂ  riguarderanno: creare ed eseguire i piani di sviluppo adattandoli per rispondere alla necessitĂ  del clientenell'ambito del potenziamento della divisione technology engagement delivery solutions, dedicata alla creazione di soluzioni web in ambito engagement per le aziende clienti, jakala Ăš alla ricerca di un technical project manager che avrĂ  la responsabilitĂ  di gestire i progetti assegnati guidando un team di delivery attraverso la definizione e la pianificazione di tutte le fasi di progetto, con attenzione nella gestione e controllo dei costi, benefici e rischicompleta il profilo un background tecnico, che gli consenta di comprendere, seppur ad alto livello, tutti gli aspetti inerenti un progetto software e di integrazionegestire l’operativitĂ  giornaliera dei progetti di cui sarĂ  responsabile anticipare e gestire i rischi di progetto assicurare la riuscita del progetto secondo i costi e gli standard di qualitĂ  definitisupportare le strutture di business nella fase di presales fornendo un contributo sia per quanto riguarda la preparazione delle proposte che per la loro discussione esperienza pregressa di almeno 5 anni nella gestione di progetti it complessi abilitĂ  di gestire risorse remote in un contesto internazionalesarĂ  inoltre il punto di riferimento tecnico nella relazione con tutti gli stakeholder di progetto, sia interni che del cliente, sia dell’area business che tecnica e avrĂ  la responsabilitĂ  di gestire i rapporti con i fornitori esternijakala Ăš la prima societĂ  martech italiana che offre ai propri clienti supporto in ambito strategico, analytics, digital e technologybackground tecnico (competenze architetturali, frontend, backend, integrazioni e processi) capacitĂ  di ottimizzare e industrializzare i processi di delivery implementando un approccio di ‘continuo miglioramento’ basato su feedback interni ed esterni

  • We have managed this because the elica group is now in a class of its own in the market thanks to its experience, attention to design, refinement in the use of materials and its interest in state-of-the-art technologies that guarantee maximum efficiency and energy savingsthe company has been active since the s under the chairmanship of francesco casoliat least bachelor’s degree; - at least 5 years of experience in structured companies (preferably in international contexts); - knowledge of the main processes of the logistics function; - knowledge of the main management tools used in the logistics function; - fluent in written and spoken english; - positive and business partnering approach; - open-minded and innovative mindset; - data driven and problem-solving approach; - team working and communication skills; - curiosity, proactivity and agilityover employees play their part in helping us produce about 17 million items a year between hoods and electric motorswe are currently in the process of recruiting a candidate to cover a position of logistics directorthe impact: s/he guides the group logistics processes, ensuring the on-time delivery of the products required by the market, at the expected distribution cost with effective inventory management and ensuring their integrity with a transport policy appropriate to the quality and regulatory requirements setmain activities and accountabilities: - define the three-year logistics strategic plan and the annual budget with particular focus on the service level, maximizing the economic and financial efficiency of logistics processes; - guarantee the achievement of the targets defined for the logistics area at group level in line with the guidelines defined with the coo and shared with the other functions involved, through the definition of an action plan aimed at achieving the main targets (measured with specific kpis); - supervise the logistical plans of the various subsidiaries ensuring that local execution is in line with the level of service expected at the predetermined competitiveness; - supervise demand planning and production planning activities to guarantee markets demand and optimize operational resources; - supervise all central and local warehouse activities in line with current regulations and the procedures defined at group level; - guarantee the best service to internal customers in the context of logistics activities, supporting them in solving problems that require escalation; - ensure that the areas of competence are structured and the activities are carried out in line with the group's objectives and strategies, in collaboration with the hr function and the operations department; - ensure that the team has a set of appropriate skills in line with the needs by bridging any gaps through targeted training; - create a work environment that encourages to communicate, delegate, work towards objectives and be accountable in carrying out daily activitiesour production platform centres around five countries including italy, poland, mexico, india and china and makes us the outright leaders in the world in the sector of hoods and among the leaders in europe in the design, production and distribution of electric motors for hoods and heating system boilersour expertise has led us to revolutionise the traditional image of kitchen hoodswe have transformed them from simple accessories into unique design items capable of improving the quality of life of those who choose our products

  • Informations liĂ©es au poste: 42h/semaine, du lundi au samedi avec un jour de repos dans la semaineĂȘtes dynamique, enthousiaste et volontaire avez un excellent sens relationnel et de rĂ©elles qualitĂ©s d’écoute ĂȘtes soucieux (se) de la qualitĂ© de nos services et de la satisfaction de nos clients permis b indispensable jean lain mobilitĂ© vous offre un cadre de travail confortable au sein d’un univers en pleine mutation ! vous bĂ©nĂ©ficierez d’un cadre de travail confortable, des locaux agrĂ©ables, des Ă©quipes bienveillantes, de conditions de travail et de divers avantages (une mutuelle compĂ©titive, des tickets restaurant dĂ©matĂ©rialisĂ©s, bons cadeaux de noĂ«l, participation aux bĂ©nĂ©fices, accompagnement rh, prime cooptation, offre mobilitĂ© et cafĂ© Ă  volontĂ© !)et si nous Ă©tions faits ‘lain’ pour l’autre ? rattachĂ©(e) Ă  maxime, le responsable commercial du site, vous intĂ©grez l'Ă©quipe de vente) animation salon d’attente sav promotion et explication de la technologie hybride vous ĂȘtes chargĂ© de vĂ©hiculer l’image de la marque et les valeurs de l’entreprise auprĂšs de nos clientsnous vous assurons un parcours d’intĂ©gration individualisĂ©, et un suivi tout au long de votre carriĂšre (entretiens annuels, plan de progression, formation, opportunitĂ©s en interne) rejoignez un groupe qui se dĂ©veloppe, et qui accompagne ses collaborateurs dans leur Ă©volution !la mobilitĂ© du futur est l’enjeu majeur de notre transformation et depuis plus de 55 ans, nous sommes collaborateurs Ă  mettre Ă  profit nos compĂ©tences pour satisfaire nos clients et imaginer les mobilitĂ©s de demain avec innovationintĂ©ressĂ©(e) par ce poste ? nous recherchons avant tout une personne motivĂ©e et curieuse, avide de nouvelles technologies et attirĂ©e par l'environnement automobilegrĂące Ă  des formations rĂ©guliĂšres, vous vous tenez au courant des nouveautĂ©s produits, de la concurrence et des Ă©volutionsnotre cƓur de mĂ©tier ? distribution (neuf et occasion), rĂ©paration et location de vĂ©hicules notre orientation ? ĂȘtre fournisseur de toutes les mobilitĂ©s notre fil conducteur ? la qualitĂ© de la relation clients notre fibre ? bienveillance, esprit d’équipe et crĂ©ativitĂ© le groupe jean lain est acteur de la diversitĂ© au travail, nos postes sont ouverts Ă  tousau-delĂ  de votre savoir-faire, c'est votre savoir-ĂȘtre qui fera la diffĂ©rence ! vous justifiez d'une expĂ©rience rĂ©ussie au contact d'une clientĂšle premiumau quotidien, vos missions seront les suivante: accueillir et renseigner les clients prĂ©senter le vĂ©hicule en expliquant chacune des fonctions, options et technologies suivre le planning de prĂ©paration des vĂ©hicules en coordination avec le secrĂ©tariat commercial contrĂŽler le vĂ©hicule avant livraison et vous assurer de son Ă©tat de propretĂ© prĂ©parer l’arrivĂ©e des clients pour la rĂ©ception de leur vĂ©hicule, assurer un accueil irrĂ©prochable et gĂ©rer l’aire de livraison explication et mise en Ɠuvre des services connectĂ©s accompagner le client en essai (adaptation bva, expĂ©rience hybride, gps, radars de stationnement, rĂ©gulateur de vitesse, distancerĂ©munĂ©ration fixe + variablevotre rĂŽle est d'accompagner nos clients dans la dĂ©couverte dynamique de l'univers toyota de l'avant-vente Ă  la livraison de leur vĂ©hiculechez jean lain mobilitĂ©s, nous sommes avant tout une famille investie dans un projet collectif au service de nos clients et de nos collaborateurs: jean lain s’occupe de vous, jean lain s’occupe de tout

  • preparation of format and modification quotations for sales staffproblem solving: identifies and resolves problems in a timely mannerstrategic thinking: develops and implements strategic priorities to achieve organizational goalsplanning/organizing: prioritizes and plans work activities while efficiently managing timeinnovation: displays original thinking and creativity and meets challenges with resourcefulnessit was back in that massimo marchesini had the original idea of building packaging machines and built his first one in his garage at homesoftware proficiencies: microsoft o365 including excel, word, onedrive, outlook, powerpoint, project manager, sharepoint, teamsunderstands organization's strengths & weaknessesitalian/spanish language - not a requirement but an advantage salary: negotiable please email resume toexpert communication: excellent verbal and written communication skillsunderstand and support established after sales policies and procedurescustomer service: focuses on serving customers as the organization’s top priorityover the years, various companies that were complementary to his business merged and were even taken over, thus transforming the marchesini group from the once small local company to the impressive multinational enterprise it is today, capable of creating packaging technologies for the most important products of the pharma and beauty industriesthe marchesini group designs and builds stand-alone machines and customised lines for packaging pharmaceuticals and cosmeticsunderstands needs, creates distinctive value, and builds meaningful relationshipsmanages competing demands and changes approach or method to best fit the situationdemonstrates persistence and overcomes obstacles and measures self against standard of excellencedisplays orientation to profitabilityanalyses market and competition and identifies external threats and opportunitiesa self-starter and team player who is motivated to succeedgathers and analyses information skilfully and develops alternative solutionspivotal experience & expertise functional experience: demonstrates an independent, results-driven work ethicbusiness acumen: understands business implications of decisionsindustry experience & tenure: entry level positionresponsibilities: support and work closely with senior sales staff to manage company allocated customer accounts to ensure quality, standards and client expectationscompetencies: adaptability: adapts to changes in the work environmentmarchesini group usa, a leading supplier of aseptic, primary, and secondary automatic packaging equipment, is searching for an entry level after sales associate to support and work with senior sales staff on sales of modification and formats within north americaaligns work with strategic goals of company and after sales departmentsuperior people/customer relationship skills as well as strong interpersonal skillscollaboration and teamwork: balances team and individual responsibilitiescontributes to building a positive team spiritnotable requirements and considerations for position: applicant must have a pre-existing legal us work statuswill not sponsor visasaligns organization and resources to deliver on customer commitmentsdriven to create value for customersprepare sales presentations by compiling data; developing presentation formats and materialslearning: curious, open-minded and an avid listener who welcomes broad input, criticism and feedbackadapts strategy to changing conditionstravel 25%+ high school diploma or general education degree (ged) and “industry experience & tenure” as outlinedattend and participate in sales meetings, conference calls, training programs, and conventions as directedmotivation:sets and achieves challenging goalsresponds promptly to customer needs to meet commitments

  • Con l'obiettivo di ampliare il nostro team di progetto in ambito testing - data preparation a supporto di un nse' previsto inserimento a tempo indeterminato con ccnl commerciocliente strategico, ricerchiamo un test manager possibilmente certificato istqb con competenze pregresse funzionali in ambito bancario e la conoscenza degli strumenti di test automationla sede di lavoro Ăš torino o milano, con modalitĂ  di lavoro ibrido il presente annuncio Ăš rivolto a entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi e , e a persone di tutte le etĂ  e tutte le nazionalitĂ , ai sensi dei decreti legislativi e #li-gi1nato a torino nel , il gruppo scai Ăš un network di 15 aziende che operano nel mondo dell'ict e della system integration, con sedi in tutta italia e progetti di respiro internazionalele competenze ed esperienze ideali per il profilo ricercato sono le seguenti: esperienza non inferiore ai 4 anni nella gestione di progetti it, maturata prevalentemente in societĂ  di consulenza; comprovata esperienza con soluzioni per la creazione di ambienti di automated testing (quali ad esempio microfocus uft, ranorex studio, postman) pregressa esperienza con database e piattaforme di tipo etl preferibile conoscenza delle principali piattaforme e architetture cloud (iaas, paas, saasinquadramento e retribuzione saranno commisurati all'effettiva rispondenza ai requisiti del ruolo ricercato) e devops buona conoscenza della lingua inglese scritta e parlata; attitudine alla relazione con referenti a vari livelli (tecnici e manageriali), proattivitĂ , senso di responsabilitĂ , capacitĂ  di lavoro in teamcon i ricavi che ad oggi superano i 100 milioni di euro, Ăš stato caratterizzato da importanti cicli di crescita sia in termini crescita organica, oltre dipendenti, sia di nuove acquisizioni, grazie ad una forte accelerazione ed una altrettanto forte spinta verso la digital innovation e l’experience design

  • Vous ĂȘtes reconnu(e) pour votre rigueur, votre sens de l’organisation et votre rĂ©activitĂ©rejoignez un groupe qui se dĂ©veloppe, et qui accompagne ses collaborateurs dans leur Ă©volution ! ref: sp1 #jeanlain #recrutement #automobile #vente #jeanlainrecruteetforme #opportunitĂ© #carriĂšrevous maitrisez l'outil informatique et les logiciels du pack office (excel - word - outlook)rattachĂ©(e) au chef de marque hyundai, vos tĂąches quotidiennes sont: - vĂ©rification des bons de commande transmis par les conseillers commerciaux - constitution des dossiers de vente des vĂ©hicules (neufs ou occasions) - saisie informatique sur logiciel spĂ©cifique - prĂ©paration des dossiers de livraison - suivi administratif des dossiers - rapprochement de comptes, relance impayĂ©s - gestion du courrier, archivage, stock vĂ©hicule, mise Ă  jour du crm (logiciel de gestion commerciale)
 au-delĂ  de la formation, nous privilĂ©gions une expĂ©rience rĂ©ussie en tant que secrĂ©taire commerciale, idĂ©alement dans le secteur automobilevous ĂȘtes dotĂ©(e) de bonnes qualitĂ©s relationnelles, apprĂ©ciez le travail en Ă©quipe et ĂȘtes capable de travailler dans un environnement exigeantnous vous assurons un parcours d’intĂ©gration individualisĂ©, et un suivi tout au long de votre carriĂšre (entretiens annuels, plan de progression, formation, opportunitĂ©s en interne)et si nous Ă©tions faits ‘lain’ pour l’autre ? dans le cadre d'un rempalcement, nous recrutons un(e) secrĂ©taire commerciale en cdi pour notre concession hyundai Ă  la motte-servolexla mobilitĂ© du futur est l’enjeu majeur de notre transformation et depuis plus de 55 ans, nous sommes collaborateurs Ă  mettre Ă  profit nos compĂ©tences pour satisfaire nos clients et imaginer les mobilitĂ©s de demain avec innovationjours de travail: lundi au vendredi horaires: de 8h Ă  12h et de 14h Ă  18h (17h le vendredi) chez jean lain, vous bĂ©nĂ©ficierez d’un cadre de travail confortable, de conditions de travail optimales et de divers avantages (tickets restaurant, bons cadeaux de noĂ«l, carte de remise locale, participation, accompagnement rh, prime cooptation, offre mobilitĂ© et cafĂ© a volontĂ© !)notre cƓur de mĂ©tier ? distribution (neuf et occasion), rĂ©paration et location de vĂ©hicules notre orientation ? ĂȘtre fournisseur de toutes les mobilitĂ©s notre fil conducteur ? la qualitĂ© de la relation clients notre fibre ? bienveillance, esprit d’équipe et crĂ©ativitĂ© le groupe jean lain est acteur de la diversitĂ© au travail, nos postes sont ouverts Ă  touschez jean lain mobilitĂ©s, nous sommes avant tout une famille investie dans un projet collectif au service de nos clients et de nos collaborateurs: jean lain s’occupe de vous, jean lain s’occupe de tout

  • Implementation of other specific tasks assigned by the line manager and preparation and transmission of additional information requested by hq)purpose of the role within this framework, weworld-gvc seeks to recruit a project manager to and lead the implementation of the two projectspresent in 29 countries with 128 projects, weworld-gvc operates in the following areas of assistance: human rights (gender equality, prevention and combating violence against children and women, migration), humanitarian aid (prevention, emergency relief and rehabilitation), food security, access to water, health and hygiene, education, global citizenship education, quality teaching and international volunteeringsupports people overcoming emergencies and guarantees a life with dignity, opportunities and a better future through human and economic development programs, in the framework of the agendaits approach is three-folded, and builds on (i) infrastructural interventions to improve service delivery, (ii) capacity building to water establishments’ local offices, and (iii) community engagement to promote water accountability and public participationweworld-gvc works mostly with girls, boys, women and youth, actors of change in every community for a fairer and more inclusive worldmain functions and duties projects management (70%) plan and supervise the implementation of projects’ activities ensuring effective delivery in line with all donors’ regulations, lebanese legislation and professional standards ensure satisfactory management of project budgets in collaboration with finance and logistics conduct procurement processes in collaboration with the logistics and finance department closely monitor the contracted works and directly liaise with the consultants and contractors initiate and conduct assessments, baseline surveys, beneficiaries satisfaction surveys and end line surveys ensuring stakeholder participation plan and supervise the implementation of communication and behavioural change campaigns monitor and assess the progress of implementation of activities and devise corrective measures as and when required, ensure that project impact is maximized and lessons learnt are continuously documented and shared ensure timeliness and accuracy of internal and external reporting, in collaboration with the meal department communication, coordination and representation (15%) ensure effective coordination with support departments establish and maintain networks with operational and institutional interlocutors involved in the realization of the project represent weworld-gvc at relevant public, coordination and representation meetings involving local stakeholders, authorities, international agencies and ngos prepare visits of donor representatives / hq visitors / other stakeholders whenever requested participate in all consortium relevant meetings, as well as relevant sector meetings or other relevant coordination bodies in the target areas team management and hr (15%) ensure the appropriate staffing of the project, planning and implementing specific actions to recruit, manage and motivate staff ensure that directly line managed staff have clearly defined objectives, understand their responsibilities and receive meaningful feedback on their performance provide support and advice to project staff, ensuring clarity over project plans and priorities and encouraging effective teamwork establish and maintain a collaborative and high performing working environmentother tasks provide inputs for the update weworld-gvc strategies, by conducting needs assessments when relevant contribute to the development of competitive and responsive project proposals the duties and responsibilities set forth above are not exhaustive and the role holder may be required to perform additional duties (iessential requirements qualifications and knowledge advanced university degree or equivalent in the field of water management, development studies, project management fluency in written and spoken english professional experience at least 4 years of experience in project management in development programs proven experience with impact-driven implementation of activities and team management, as well as logistics, meal and budgeting for programs above 1 m eur skills and abilities strong interpersonal relationships and good communication and leadership skills ability to perform under stress condition capacity to work autonomously and in problems prevention/resolution proven organizational skills and ability to effectively manage multiple tasks while fostering quality, team spirit and positive working relationships with colleagues integrity in line with the humanitarian principles and ethical standards cultural, gender, religion, and age sensitivity and adaptability strong commitment to weworld-gvc mission desirable requirements previous experience in lebanon or in the middle east previous experience in water programs availability to commit for a long-term deploymentunder the direct line management of the head of programmes/program manager, the project manager will be responsible for successfully implementing weworld-gvc’s components of the projects, in close cooperation with the project partners and the consortium coordinators, beneficiaries, and stakeholdersposition: project manager – water development reporting to: head of programmes/program manager collaborating with: water advisor, senior hydraulic engineer, and support departments managing: field team of 5-6 individuals location: lebanon, bekaa, zahle office with frequent visit to field areas type of contract: a first 3 (three) month collaboration contract subject to verification of the achievement of specific objectives (these objectives will be agreed together with the country representative upon arrival on assignment); a second collaboration contract of 9 (nine) months renewable, following the positive evaluation of the first three months of contract starting date: asap gross salary: to be defined according to the candidate’s profile application deadline: 25 april working context weworld-gvc started operating in lebanon in and has refined its water governance program for over seven yearsweworld-gvc, recently constituted from the merger of two ngos, is an italian secular and independent organization working since in international cooperation and humanitarian aidat present, the main donors are italy (aics), the eu (dg echo), unicef, ocha, and belgium (dgd)currently is implementing two multi-year water projects supporting public water and wastewater services through funding by afd and eu-madadjoining the weworld-gvc team means being part of the development of a dynamic organisation where the contribution of each staff member is promoted and valued, working together towards the collective achievement of shared goals and vision

  • Nhoa, with offices in france, the united states and australia, maintains entirely in italy research, development and production of its technologies) and international (+20 nationalities) group and work in a dynamic and fast-moving environment; ‱ a revolutionary way of remote working that meets your needs (wwwfrench appreciated (but not necessary); ‱ discipline and organizational skills; ‱ flexibility; ‱ excellent interpersonal and communications skills; ‱ autonomy; ‱ timeliness; ‱ good knowledge of excel; ‱ knowledge of sap b-one appreciated what we offer you: ‱ a permanent full time contract ‱ an ambitious employer; we only want the best for you; ‱ professional experience in an international environment with frequent contact with other colleagues and partner around the world; ‱ strengthen cross-functional communication skills; ‱ learning & development programs; ‱ be part of the young (36 on avgit operates through its three global business lines: nhoa energy, free2move esolutions and atlanteborn in as a technological spin-off of the politecnico di torino and milano, nhoa leverages its best-in-class technology and engineering edge, developed in over 15 years of r&d, paired with strategic partnerships and global procurement, to deliver the most competitive tailor-made turn-key solutions that allow the integration of renewable sources with all forms of energy storage, from batteries to hydrogen and even electric vehiclesit); ‱ a fast career track like only few other companies can match; ‱ always room for new ideas! location: hybrid remote (from italy) and milan(formerly electro power systems - engie eps), global player in energy storage and e-mobility, active in the construction of the largest fast and ultra-fast charging infrastructure in southern europe, develops technologies enabling the transition towards clean energy and sustainable mobility, shaping the future of a next generation living in harmony with our planetwe are looking for an accounting specialist who, as part of the finance department of nhoa enrgy, will primarily be involved in: ‱ general accounting; ‱ support monthly, quarterly and annual closings following local and ifrs gaap; ‱ accounting of trade receivables and accounts payables; ‱ intercompany reconciliation; ‱ cash management and reporting, supervise payment preparation; ‱ bank reconciliation; ‱ prepare f24 and other government-related returns accurately requirements: the ideal candidate must have ‱ qualified accountant (degree); ‱ 2 to 5 years in accounting (with both local gaap and ifrs) in international corporations; ‱ very good language skills in italian and english

  • We are looking for a treasury and finance manager who, working with the cfo, will be involved in the following activities: support to development of company tms to support cash flow activities monthly cash flow reporting 3 months rolling monthly / quarterly / yearly internal reporting, variance analysis vs actual / budget analyse cash management operations, support in identifying and recommending areas for improvement monitor payments activities provide support to develop and implement f/x hedging strategy be responsible in managing banking relationships with italian and international banks including bank system reporting, account balances, corporate guarantees, kyc maintenance in collaboration with the cfo, coordinate internal resources and external consultants on extraordinary operations (m&a, capital increase) support the cfo on shareholders and other stakeholders management preparation of documentation for the bod education & experience: master’s degree in economics, finance, business administration at least 7 - 8 years experience in finance functions of which 3 - 4 in treasury / cash flow management role, preferably in industrial companies fluent in english, both written and spoken chinese speaker is definitively a plus proficiency in excel skills excellent interpersonal and communication skills, with the ability to build relationships with different stakeholders ability to work under pressure and deliver to tight deadlines with “can do” attitude; able to work independently and within a cross-functional team, managing multiple priorities and deadlines in a fast-paced environment what we offer you a permanent full-time contract an ambitious employer; we only want the best for you; professional experience in an international environment with frequent contact with other colleagues and partner around the world; strengthen cross-functional communication skills; learning & development programs; be part of the young (36 on avgnhoa, with offices in france, the united states and australia, maintains entirely in italy research, development and production of its technologies) and international (+20 nationalities) group and work in a dynamic and fast-moving environment; a revolutionary way of remote working that meets your needs (https://nhoait operates through its three global business lines: nhoa energy, free2move esolutions and atlanteborn in as a technological spin-off of the politecnico di torino and milano, nhoa leverages its best-in-class technology and engineering edge, developed in over 15 years of r&d, paired with strategic partnerships and global procurement, to deliver the most competitive tailor-made turn-key solutions that allow the integration of renewable sources with all forms of energy storage, from batteries to hydrogen and even electric vehicles(formerly electro power systems - engie eps), global player in energy storage and e-mobility, active in the construction of the largest fast and ultra-fast charging infrastructure in southern europe, develops technologies enabling the transition towards clean energy and sustainable mobility, shaping the future of a next generation living in harmony with our planetpeople with disability status are encouraged to applyenergy/sustainability/familyworking/) a fast career track like only few other companies can match; always room for new ideas! location: hybrid remote (from italy) and milan we are an equal opportunity employer

  • Depuis plus de 40 ans, cyrillus cultive l'Ă©lĂ©gance Ă  la française en crĂ©ant des collections toujours plus chics et authentiques, « dans l'air du temps »en s'appuyant sur la qualitĂ© et un savoir-faire, les collections cyrillus reflĂštent le parfait Ă©quilibre entre tendances de mode et chic intemporel qui dĂ©passe les frontiĂšres des tendances et du tempssi tu organisĂ©(e), autonome, proactif (ve), rĂ©actif (ve), maĂźtrises l'anglais et les outils bureautiques tu aimes le travail en Ă©quipe et dispose d’un esprit commercial, alors tu es la personne qu’il nous faut ! type de contrat: stage conventionnĂ© temps plein de 6 mois (pas d’alternance) date de dĂ©marrage: mai/juin lieu: villeneuve d’ascq (59), mĂ©tro les prĂšsstage de 6 mois (pas d'alternance) au sein de notre direction de l’offre produits-achats, tu seras rattachĂ© (e) Ă  virginie, notre chef de produit/acheteuse maisontoutes les crĂ©ations cyrillus sont des modĂšles exclusifs imaginĂ©s et dessinĂ©s, en france, par nos stylistes et modĂ©listesa ce titre, tu interviendras principalement sur les tĂąches suivantes: analyses et Ă©tudes: analyses des ventes hebdomadaires en collaboration avec la chef de produit et la gestionnaire du secteur analyses quantitatives et qualitatives produits diverses veille concurrentielle mapping de collection storecheck concurrence gestion opĂ©rationnelle de la collection: crĂ©ation et rĂ©fĂ©rencement des produits dans les outils mise Ă  jour des outils de cotation: (reconduits, crĂ©ation de nouvelle rĂ©fĂ©rence etc) gestion des types photos suivi de la mise en ligne des produits participation au dĂ©veloppement de la collection participation Ă  la crĂ©ation des produits avec la cdp force de propositions sur certains rayons gestion du circuit des Ă©chantillons de dĂ©veloppement et de mise au point suivi de livraisons de certains rayons suivi des livraisons: relances fournisseurs pour dates de livraison, retard etc echanges rĂ©guliers avec l’import sur les conditions de livraison, pb de container etc suivi des livraisons et cadencements des dates gestion des pĂ©nalitĂ©s en lien avec la cdp gestion des litiges qualitĂ© en coopĂ©ration avec les Ă©quipes qualitĂ© gestion flux produits coordination des Ă©chantillons pour les shootings catalogues suivi des prĂȘts Ă©chantillons (service presse, comm, merch
) gestion du showroom assurer la rĂ©ception des Ă©chantillons assurer la bonne tenue du showroom prĂ©paration des envois pour les shoots en formation supĂ©rieure bac+4/5, type ecole de commerce ou Ă©quivalent, tu es reconnu(e) pour ta grande sensibilitĂ© produit et notamment dans l’univers de la maison/dĂ©coration, tu es Ă  l’aise avec les chiffres et excelrejoindre cyrillus, c'est vivre une expĂ©rience personnelle et professionnelle oĂč les valeurs: famille, culture, ouverture et authenticitĂ© sont nos moteurs au quotidienun soin particulier est apportĂ© au choix des matiĂšres et Ă  la minutie des finitions

  • Services - ai confini del mondoeu - tel 010 5958889 / 3400700338/ 3357416810 lripasso e potenziamento intensivo in lingua inglese: 6 ore di corso tutti i giorni oltre ad attivitĂ  sportive, ludiche e intrattenimento serale esclusivamente in lingua inglese con insegnanti madrelingua per le scuole medie e licei (11 - 17 anni) in varigotti: pacchetto all inclusive con pensione completa in albergo boutique, assicurazione, corso di lingua, attivitĂ , intrattenimento serale - iscrizioni entro il 30 giugno 22 - info: segreteria@liservices

    Abbiategrasso (Lombardia)

    535 €

  • Dpf ffiprog+ programmer dpf off(4)adapters testiprog+ programmer adapters test(2)airbag resetiprog+ programmer airbag reset(3)5function:-working with odometers on obdii connector only for honda-working with odometers on the table through adapters-work with multimedia unlocking the tape recorder-work with keys (immo, transponders), copying, preparation, unlocking-work with immo-key auto dumps-working with the airbag computer, deleting crash data-transfer readings from miles to km-read and write processors and its used in cars-removing the particulate filter in the dump-working with keys to the intercom-realign pin cod from dump (some brands)-control board number, + scripts full base numberability to update!-all adapters are tested for performance!8 main functions of iprog pro plus:(1)mcuiprog+ programmer mcu(8)immoiprog+ programmer immo(6)newest iprog+ programmer support immo + mileage correction + airbag reset iprog pro till 2019 replace carprog/digiprog/tango v77airbag,carradio,dpf off, ecu,immo key, mil to km, pinabs,pincode smatra3,pincode sensor speed limit,odo adjust,eeprom,mcu,fujutsu,microchip,necv850,blr,can,crc_cript,ibutton,sd_unlocker,testmileage correctioniprog+ programmer mileage correction(9)description:name: automobile fault diagnosis instrumentvoltage: 12 (v)working temperature: 56 (℃model: iprogsize: 14key programmeriprog+ programmer key programming function(7)eepromiprog+ programmer eeprom(5)pin absiprog+ programmer pin absiprog pro prog


    14210000610351562 €

  • Misure: h 2,65, l1 2,94, l2 2,64, p 5,30 prenotate una visita! arenzano (ge) - via cesare festa box for sale we offer for sale, in the terralba district, a 15 sqm garage with a mezzanine for 9 sqm with removable bars, automatic gate, comfortable maneuvering area, electrical system and water preparationexcellent investment opportunitymeasurements: h 2arenzano (ge) - via cesare festa box in vendita proponiamo in vendita, nel quartiere di terralba, un box auto di 15 mq soppalcato per 9 mq con sbarre rimovibili, cancello automatico, comoda area di manovra, impianto elettrico e predisposizione acquaspese condominiali circa 10€ al mesemonthly charges around € 100 per year30 book a visit!
    tipo di proprietĂ : box / garage
    arenzano, arenzano, genova
    agenzia: remax empire
    mq: 15
    camere: bagni:
    condizioni: originale / abitabileottima occasione di investimento

    Arenzano (Liguria)

    32000 €

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