Konzepten analyse

Elenco konzepten analyse

  • ImpĂ©ratifs sur le poste: expĂ©rience dans la conduite d'inspections et d'audits formations global wind organisation (travail en hauteur, lutte contre l'incendie, premiers secours et ergonomie) et sit (initiation Ă  la sĂ©curitĂ© pour les techniciens) anglais courant capacitĂ© Ă  escalader des wtg rĂ©munĂ©ration selon profil et avantages grouperejoignez nos Ă©quipes sur ces postes Ă  pourvoir prochainement pouvant ĂȘtre basĂ©s sur la rĂ©gion du havre ou du nord de la francel’expertise d’intertek est dĂ©ployĂ©e au travers de prestations innovantes et sur mesure avec constance, prĂ©cision, dynamisme et passion, pour permettre Ă  nos clients d’avancer en toute sĂ©curitĂ©reprĂ©senter le client et ĂȘtre un ambassadeur de la qualitĂ© rĂ©soudre les problĂšmes et s'assurer de la complĂ©tude des ncr (rapports de non-conformitĂ©) ou les cir (rapports d'inspection des composants) participer Ă  l’élaboration de toute autre procĂ©dure visant Ă  maintenir un environnement de travail sĂ»r vous bĂ©nĂ©ficiez d’une formation supĂ©rieure technique dans un domaine liĂ© Ă  l'ingĂ©nierie de la santĂ©, de la sĂ©curitĂ© ou de la qualitĂ© ou ĂȘtes certifiĂ© dans un ou plusieurs domaines (ex: certification santĂ© et sĂ©curitĂ© de la construction; sĂ©curitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©rale, etcintertek, groupe international (ftse ans d’existence ( collaborateurs, implantations dans plus de 100 pays) compte parmi les prestataires de services leaders de l’assurance qualitĂ© totale (assurance, tests, inspections, audits et certifications) pour les opĂ©rations et les chaĂźnes d’approvisionnement de nos clients, les industries du monde entiervos missions et responsabilitĂ©s: lancer toutes les alertes hse et mener les enquĂȘtes sur les incidents afin d’apporter des modifications nĂ©cessaires permettant d’éviter que de futurs incidents ne se produisent dĂ©velopper et communiquer le programme d’accueil hse du site fournir une approche proactive pour identifier les risques potentiels pour la sĂ©curitĂ© et aider Ă  l'Ă©laboration de stratĂ©gies de rĂ©solution assurer le reporting des incidents et informations pertinentes au rqse rĂ©gional etre le garant de la fonctionnalitĂ© du plan d'intervention d'urgence du site participer aux rĂ©unions du dĂ©partement qse, anticiper les Ă©ventuels risques Ă  venir et collaborer avec les comitĂ©s de sĂ©curitĂ© des sites monter sur la turbine/Ă©olienne de maniĂšre hebdomadaire pour assurer les contrĂŽles collaborer Ă  distance ou en proximitĂ© avec les Ă©quipes et sous-traitants d’autres sites projets soutenir l'Ă©quipe de projet lors de la configuration du site, de l'installation, de la prĂ©-mise en service, de la mise en service et lors de tout entretien et/ou rĂ©paration des turbines soutenir le responsable de site dans la rĂ©alisation des tĂąches d'assurance qualitĂ© des fournisseurs (Ă©valuations sur site, audits de performance ou les Ă©valuations finales via les processus de qualification et de sĂ©lection des fournisseurs prc-pur-sqs)pour notre business lines “industry services” nous recherchons des responsables qualitĂ©, sĂ©curitĂ© et environnement pour les projets Ă  venir dans les domaines des Ă©oliennesmĂ©thodologie et rigueur, sens de l’analyse, qualitĂ©s relationnelles et rĂ©dactionnelles, fiabilitĂ© et sens de l’amĂ©lioration continue) ou avez une expĂ©rience de 3 ans minimum dans l'Ă©olien, l'Ă©nergie, la construction/fabrication industrielle ou civileles clĂ©s de votre rĂ©ussite sur ce poste ? connaissance approfondie des normes et rĂ©glementations en matiĂšre de qualitĂ©, de sĂ©curitĂ© et de santĂ© pour le pays identifiĂ© expertise Ă©prouvĂ©e dans l'Ă©valuation / l'analyse / la solution des dangers sur les chantiers, les Ă©valuations des risques, les enquĂȘtes sur les incidents et l'analyse des causes Ă  l'aide de diffĂ©rentes mĂ©thodologies dĂ©veloppement/mise en Ɠuvre de processus et de procĂ©dures, y compris des plans complets de qualitĂ©, de sĂ©curitĂ© et d'environnementvenez donner vie Ă  la qualitĂ© et la sĂ©curitĂ©, durablement

  • Permis b indispensablela mobilitĂ© du futur est l’enjeu majeur de notre transformation et depuis plus de 55 ans, nous sommes collaborateurs Ă  mettre Ă  profit nos compĂ©tences pour satisfaire nos clients et imaginer les mobilitĂ©s de demain avec innovationvous intervenez rapidement et efficacement sur les vĂ©hicules (services rapides)passionnĂ©(e) de mĂ©canique et d’automobile avec d’excellentes connaissances en mĂ©canique, technologies Ă©lectriques et Ă©lectroniquesvous ĂȘtes issu d’une formation type: bac professionnel « maintenance automobile »,bts «aprĂšs-vente automobile »,certificat de qualification professionnelle « technicien electricien electronicien automobile » (cqp) vous justifiez d’une expĂ©rience rĂ©ussieplus qu’un groupe, rejoignez un cadre de travail confortable avec des conditions de travail optimalesnotre cƓur de mĂ©tier ? distribution (neuf et occasion), rĂ©paration et location de vĂ©hicules notre orientation ? ĂȘtre fournisseur de toutes les mobilitĂ©s notre fil conducteur ? la qualitĂ© de la relation clients notre fibre ? bienveillance, esprit d’équipe et crĂ©ativitĂ© le groupe jean lain est acteur de la diversitĂ© au travail, nos postes sont ouverts Ă  touschez jean lain mobilitĂ©s, nous sommes avant tout une famille investie dans un projet collectif au service de nos clients et de nos collaborateurs: jean lain s’occupe de vous, jean lain s’occupe de toutvous ĂȘtes Ă  l'aise dans la recherche de pannes et avez un bon esprit d'analysejean lain propose divers avantages (tickets restaurant, bons cadeaux de noĂ«l, carte de remise locale, participation, accompagnement rh, prime cooptation, offre mobilitĂ© et cafĂ© a volontĂ© !)nous vous assurons un parcours d’intĂ©gration individualisĂ©, et un suivi tout au long de votre carriĂšre (entretiens annuels, plan de progression, formation, opportunitĂ©s en interne) « 95% des collaborateurs sont fiers de travailler chez nous »a l’aise avec la mĂ©thodologie du diagnostic et d’analyse fonctionnelle et structurelleet si nous Ă©tions faits ‘lain’ pour l’autre ? rattachĂ© au responsable aprĂšs vente du site de grĂ©sy sur aix, vous: vous rĂ©aliserez les diffĂ©rents contrĂŽles et essais et Ă©tablir un diagnostic de dysfonctionnement vous effectuerez les opĂ©rations de maintenance ou rĂ©paration vous effectuerez la rĂ©paration ou le remplacement de piĂšces mĂ©caniques, Ă©lectriques et Ă©lectroniques vous poserez des accessoires sur les vĂ©hicules vous remplirez les bordereaux d’ordres de rĂ©paration vous travaillez dans le respect des procĂ©dures en vigueur dans l’entreprise (rĂ©daction des or, consignes iso, utilisation des epi, tri des dĂ©chets, 

  • Builds a high performing delivery machinecsm or psm (advantageous) educated to degree level (advantageous) a degree in a computer related subject (advantageous) relevant professional qualifications (advantageous) experience 5+ years of experience working as an agile project manager, iteration manager and/or scrum master 3+ years of experience working in any software development team role experience working with agile delivery methods experience working with a cross-functional software development team skills an inspired sense of shared purpose within the project team a defined roadmap and well understood success criteria aligned to delivery needs consistent transparent, and accessible communications to all stakeholders internal and external realistic and regular expectation setting and negotiation risk mitigation people support and growth creation of deployment systems/processes to reduce-friction-with external dependencies reduced cycle time of stories from grooming through deployment clear escalation paths for issue management through project stakeholders clear “definition of done2 continuous team reflection and improvement creation of cross-functional teams that have the right balance of skills and capacity to be autonomous and performantopen gi is a leading software development company and a trusted partner to the general insurance industryleads a team to successfully deliver to stakeholder expectationsemotional intelligence: recognises, understands and manages their own emotions and recognizes, understands, shares and influences the emotions of othersable to execute plans through to actionincludes tracking of work, management of risks, and remediation of issuesstakeholder management: identify, analyse, plan and implement actions that engage and build relationships as well as sustain them long term through effective expectation management, so as to enable each party to reach their goalsthis includes the practices, techniques and tools that support those principles, and an understanding of when things may or may not be applicable in a situation or contextshows curiosity and has a keen interest to drive learning for themselves and othersbuild high performing teams: enable a group of people who share a common vision, goals, metrics and who collaborate, challenge and hold each other accountable, to achieve outstanding resultsour values are central to this vision, as they represent how we collaborate how we work together in synergy and continually deliver for our customers: accountability: we take personal pride in finding solutions and achieving results innovation: we lead the market by being proactive, product-led, and forward-thinking teamwork: we work collaboratively, recognizing and celebrating success trust: we build trust on integrity, transparency, and respect benefits package competitive salary depending on skills and experience company pension bonus opportunity life assurance and critical illness cover cycle to work scheme perkbox – an exclusive platform offering a wide range of discounts and benefits holiday entitlement of 25 days per annum, increasing to 26 days per annum after three years of service & a holiday purchase scheme a hybrid approach to work opportunity for a more flexible approach to start, finish, and lunchtimes to allow you to better manage events outside of work social clubs - whether you’re into your cycling, crafts, or other hobbies, we have a number of groups at open gi where individuals who enjoy the same pursuits can get together wellbeing – wills at work scheme, employee assistance programme and mental health first aiders to apply for this role please click the apply button and send us your covering letter and cvhaving timely, actionable and meaningful conversations about performance for the purpose of shaping behaviours and fostering learning, with the goal of strengthening confidence and improving the effectiveness of self and othersservant leadership: leads by exampleagile & lean principles: guide and champion lean and agile principles for achieving quality, adaptability, speed & alignmentbased across the uk and europe, our support and development services make us a truly diverse organization that offers a range of it solutions to insurance brokers, insurers, and managing general agentscontinuously evolving the plan to reflect current reality of the project and view of the future scope management: embrace flexibility in requirements change to maximize the stakeholder value whilst balancing management of delivery and expectations of required objectives within a defined timeframecontinuous delivery planning: create a realistic, achievable roadmap showing how and when the project goals will be met along with the required milestones, mitigations, activities and resources requiredunderstanding which scope management techniques to employ based on the impact of the changecontinuous improvement: advances by ongoing, incremental improvement through continuous learning, questioning the status quo and trying out creative and novel ideasyour key responsibilities delivery management: manage and ensure the progress of project work, "continuous flow" and adherence to team commitmentscollaboration: works jointly with others to co-create and achieve a common goalserves the needs of the team by serving its team membersestablish a strong partnership with product owner and tech lead to ensure effective prioritization that balances business value, quality and other constraintsresponsible for managing scope, schedule, budget and quality levers; managing dependencies and raids within the team and across the organisationthis includes personal follow through, making and defending difficult decisions and trade-offs, removing blockers, driving collective progressput the needs of others first and help people develop and perform as highly as possiblefacilitation: steer team and stakeholders to work well, both in defining a common vision, making decisions, achieving their goals and creating a relational climate where trust prevails and communication is fluid, empathic and honestownership & accountability: takes personal accountability and ownership for their workaptitudes drives to outcomes: focuses on results and desired outcomes and how best to achieve themgiving & receiving feedback: solicit and engage with feedback on a continuous basispersistent to complete tasks and a strong commitment to take action that moves things along to ensure delivery of objectivesunderstand individuals, their motivations and provide them the support needed so they can excel in their rolesmission and values our mission is to be both the technology partner and employer of choice for the uk general insurance marketrisk management: map and comprehend the risks involved in several dimensions of the work, aiming to prevent them by reducing and mitigating them when possiblethis includes learning, practicing and experimenting with tools, techniques and frameworks that foster collaborative working environments

  • Skills & competencies exceptional customer handling skills exemplary verbal and written communication skills problem solving skills essential and ability to deal with complexity coupled with managing a high workload able to work under pressure strong it capability to include microsoft office and excel ability to analyse data and basic reporting skills personal attributes professional business disposition and of smart appearance highly motivated individual who approaches work with a positive attitudein return, we offer a starting salary of ÂŁplease note that you must have been a resident in the uk for the past 5 years to be able to work in this position due to secruity vetting requirementsuk/forensic-science-careers/to coordinate an efficient exhibit management and storage system to include booking in and returns with emphasis on continuous improvementthe closing date for this position is 3rd may but we reserve the right to close the vacancy early if we have sufficient applicants to progress to the next stage, so make sure to get your application in early if you're interested!able to work on their own initiative and with exceptional attention to detail well-developed interpersonal skills will be essentialhigh level of honesty and integrity strong work ethic and commitment team player and willingness to support others qualifications & experience gcse maths & english essential, a levels or equivalent desirableduties & responsibilities support the csd manager in providing a day to day csd administrative service to the heads of department and their teamsyour role will be full time (37 hours per week) based in our office in wymondham, norfolkcoordinate an efficient telephone, postal and stationery service coordination of meeting room and company vehicle booking administration to support other general administration tasks as requiredwe at kfs are currently seeking a submissions officer who will provide a comprehensive administration and operational support to our customer services department and the wider kfs teamthis role is an excellent and exciting opportunity to join our customer services team in a unique sectorour team of forensic scientists are experienced in the interpretation and reporting of a wide range of evidence types in support of criminal investigationslogistics scheduling, driver communications and general logistics administration support to meet, greet and register all kfs visitors in adherence with kfs security policy and guidelineswe pride ourselves on delivering a quality service and building strong working relationships with our customer basethis is a broad customer facing role, which will provide a highly professional and exceptional service to customers both internally and externallywe also offer numerous company benefits, which are listed on our careers page https://wwwprevious experience in related working environment is essentialto respond to customer queries and, follow departmental procedures with a high level of accuracy in what is a strictly regulated environmentthe tasks associated with this role are wide ranging and therefore job holders will be required to be flexible and demonstrate effective teamwork in achieving the day to day work objectives of the departmentkfs are one of the leading forensic providers in the uk

  • Closing date: be driven and motivated to deliver on the bcha business plan enjoy working in a diverse and sometimes complex organisation be an inspirational leader with strong people management skills) be able to work collaboratively with stakeholders across the organisation resilient, have a positive attitude and be solutions focused organised, with good time management skills to prioritise and achieve objectives be a strategic thinker & financially astute to achieve the business plans able to develop and support individuals using a coaching style of management excellent communication skills, written and verbal able to problem solve, analyse options and make confident decisionsbcha is a south west based charitable housing association with a continuing mission to meet housing need and end homelessnessour overall aim is to ‘deter unsuitable applicants from applying for roles with children and adults, and we will ensure that all candidates are treated fairly, consistently and in compliance with current legislationwe need someone who shares our goals to be the professional lead for all aspects of housing service development and engagement with customerswe have properties across the south west providing affordable homes and temporary accommodation to a wide range of individuals, supporting them to lead independent, fulfilled lives and experience in a ‘technical property services’ environmentyou will collaborate closely with colleagues and partners to enable and embed a solutions-focused, diligent approach to existing and new challengesin this role you will be managing the tenancy services teams across dorset and devonbcha is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of people, and expects all employees and volunteers to share this commitmentthis is great opportunity to: establish clear strategies, improving systems and processes and leading teams to deliver high quality services lead the on the delivery of our goals from the bcha business plan in line with best practice (also ensuring compliance with statutory, legal, regulatory and professional requirements) provide modern, relevant and accessible services for customers inspire, lead and develop teams using supportive coaching styles and reflective practice to create a culture of continuous improvement, innovation and best practice take a key strategic role in business growth relating to housing management prioritise financial inclusion for customers, ensuring they can access financial aid available to them be the champion for inclusion activities for customers across the organisation bcha safer recruitment: safeguarding children and adults is our first priority and we will ensure we follow safer recruitment proceduresas an employer, we will do everything possible to prevent unsuitable people obtaining employment with bchabcha are committed to developing affordable and sustainable homes and being a landlord of choice

  • Bcha is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of people, and expects all employees and volunteers to share this commitment **we are open to flexible working arrangements** closing date 12 noon on to be successful in the role you need to: be driven and motivated to deliver the strategy enjoy working in a diverse and sometimes complex organisation be an inspirational leader with strong people management skills be able to work collaboratively with stakeholders across the organisation resilient, have a positive attitude and be solutions focused organised, with good time management skills to prioritise and achieve objectives be a strategic thinker & financially astute to achieve the business plans able to develop and support individuals using a coaching style of management excellent communication skills, written and verbal able to problem solve, analyse options and make confident decisionsbcha is a south west based charitable housing association with a continuing mission to meet housing need and end homelessnessour overall aim is to ‘deter unsuitable applicants from applying for roles with children and adults, and we will ensure that all candidates are treated fairly, consistently and in compliance with current legislationbcha are committed to delivering on our digital transformation strategy and need someone to drive this forwardas our leading digital expert you will collaborate closely with heads of service to enable and embed digital innovations for the benefits of customers and colleagueswe have properties across the south west providing affordable homes and temporary accommodation to a wide range of individuals, supporting them to lead independent, fulfilled lives and experience in a ‘technical property services’ environmentas an employer, we will do everything possible to prevent unsuitable people obtaining employment with bchathis is great opportunity to; lead the review and implementation of an ambitious digital strategy provide modern, relevant and accessible services for both customers and colleagues rationalise and improve the specialist platforms we use lead, manage and support our in-house it team ensure colleagues have the equipment, software and tools needed for their role maximise the end users experience and capabilities and embed our systems bcha safer recruitment: safeguarding children and adults is our first priority and we will ensure we follow safer recruitment procedures

  • Collaborate with other solution architects and development managers to improve the software development process and the ci/cd pipeline must have: bachelor’s degree in a technical or scientific discipline above average communication skills (written and verbal) experience in organizing own team activities based on available experience and skills and given deadlines proven ability to analyse specific functional and business requirements and to estimate time/resource needs based on team skills and experience more than 5 years of experience in autonomous design and development of web based applications using java with spring frameworkprevious knowledge and experience using of graphql will be a plus experience of advanced gui frameworks based on graphic components (ereactjs) knowledge of container-based and microservices architectures with related deployment and monitoring processes and technologies (edefine product high-level design guidelines and select frameworks and libraries to be adoptedproven ability to design complex systems in a software product context previous experience with rest apis or soap web-services and integration projectsabout the company: for an important global procure to pay company, our recruitment engineers are looking for 1 java solution/software architectkubernetes, helm) good ability to read/write/speak technical english needed to work in an international global organization location: milancore responsibilities: the role is actually a software architect position reporting to the product development manager in the milan office, which is part of the global j1 engineering teamdedicate part of the time for technologies scouting ‱ define technical coding standards for the team, coding best practices, as well as development tools to be used supervise and coordinate the assigned team and collaborate with product development manager to evaluate developers' performance participate to functional discussions with product managers/ product owners and provide estimates required for the evolution of existing functionality and development of new onestechyon: information technology recruitment experts | head hunter techyon is the first head hunter exclusively specialized in search and selection of senior professionals and managers in the field of information technologysmart or full remote workingour recruitment engineers select the best it profiles for prestigious it consulting firms, banks, service companies, manufacturing groups, start-ups of excellence and digital dna companiesplease apply attaching an updated cv in english language

  • Develop engaging, creative, innovative content for regularly scheduled posts manage paid advertising in line with set budgets, focusing on roi support team marketing campaigns as part of a wider multi-channel approach manage artwork and content through working closely with the in-house creative team and external designer to support social activity work alongside the wider marketing team and other departments to create a strong content schedule manage timely responses to audience comments either directly or through our customer service team review and manage social media partnerships regularly research and analyse social media trends to incorporate into your own activity monitor, report and take effective action on kpi performance communicating to relevant stakeholders as required you will bring: previous experience in a social media role which spans multiple social channels previous experience with social paid advertising with strong understanding of audience segmentation experience in paid advertising generating and interpreting reports highly organised and responsible for own deadlines strong analytical skills competent managing a sizeable budget creatively minded excellent written communication skills exceptional attention to detail and accuracy have the aptitude and ability to learn quickly and hit the ground running flexibility confidence what you get in return: ÂŁ24k-ÂŁ28k doesummer bbq, company bonus plan, pension scheme, health planthey operate a hybrid working policy and encourage people to take ownership of there career and role shaping as they see fit to help the businessour client: our client are a well-respected wholesale and retail business, and have been around for over 50 yearsyou must be highly organised and able to manage various tasks simultaneously, with exceptional attention to detailthe role: we are seeking an experienced social media coordinator to lead the clients social media marketing strategy and manage the associated budgetyou must also have strong analytical skills to report effectively on campaign and platform performancekey responsibilities: create and manage the social media strategy to grow sales, traffic to the website and engagement, whilst driving a consistent brand message manage all existing social media accounts (facebook, twitter, instagram, and linkedin) plus introduce new platforms in line with team and business objectivesstarting out as a small retail shop, they have expanded in both range and size, they pride themselves on delivering customer excellence and providing innovative new solutionsthe successful candidate will drive customer engagement and revenue through identification and delivery of insight driven, inspiring and innovative content and advertising campaignsa good understanding of all social channels is required to be able to create and deliver a full strategy and tactical planwhilst they are professional and committed, it is also a fun, friendly and sociable environment to be inthe marketing team is dynamic, energetic and hardworking, which is vital within the fast-paced environment they work inother benefits include: 5 weeks holiday, free company events throughout the year ethrough the supportive nature of the team they like encouraging and sharing best practices to enable each other to do the best job possible

  • Define, monitor and analyse metrics for this new productour recruitment engineers select the best it profiles for prestigious consulting firms it, banks, service companies, manufacturing groups, excellent start-ups and digital dna companytrack project progress and schedulebackground working with marketing campaigns is a plusengage with internal stakeholders to understand their needs/problems, prioritize and develop a roadmap and coherent backlog that supports itabout the company: for a multinational digital company, our recruitment engineers are looking for a product ownerat least 3 years of product owner experience (working with agile methodologies, scrum, kanban)you have a good technical understanding of software development, including complex environments, and can communicate well with developerscore responsibilities: working with other engineering teams to reach business objectives and solve real user problems, and assuring that scrum methodology and agile best practices are in placemust have: you are fluent in english and spanishyou have an excellent prioritization skills to make tradeoffs while staying on top of your committed backlog and key initiativesyou should be able to create, define and adjust the backlog so that your team can develop a well-built productprevious experience with saas products will be considered a strong plus location: hybrid working, 80% remote | barcelonawork collaboratively with the team and stakeholders and clearly communicate product plans, benefits, and resultsyou have solid experience with agile methodologies and toolswork with other teams to learn, contribute and share work that can be reused on a global basistechyon: information technology recruitment experts | head hunter techyon is the european head hunter exclusively specialized in research and selection of professionals and managers in the information technology segmentnice to have: experience working with marketing team and content teamwilling to enter a fast growing digital company

  • We are looking for a treasury and finance manager who, working with the cfo, will be involved in the following activities: support to development of company tms to support cash flow activities monthly cash flow reporting 3 months rolling monthly / quarterly / yearly internal reporting, variance analysis vs actual / budget analyse cash management operations, support in identifying and recommending areas for improvement monitor payments activities provide support to develop and implement f/x hedging strategy be responsible in managing banking relationships with italian and international banks including bank system reporting, account balances, corporate guarantees, kyc maintenance in collaboration with the cfo, coordinate internal resources and external consultants on extraordinary operations (m&a, capital increase) support the cfo on shareholders and other stakeholders management preparation of documentation for the bod education & experience: master’s degree in economics, finance, business administration at least 7 - 8 years experience in finance functions of which 3 - 4 in treasury / cash flow management role, preferably in industrial companies fluent in english, both written and spoken chinese speaker is definitively a plus proficiency in excel skills excellent interpersonal and communication skills, with the ability to build relationships with different stakeholders ability to work under pressure and deliver to tight deadlines with “can do” attitude; able to work independently and within a cross-functional team, managing multiple priorities and deadlines in a fast-paced environment what we offer you a permanent full-time contract an ambitious employer; we only want the best for you; professional experience in an international environment with frequent contact with other colleagues and partner around the world; strengthen cross-functional communication skills; learning & development programs; be part of the young (36 on avgenergy/sustainability/familyworking/) a fast career track like only few other companies can match; always room for new ideas! location: hybrid remote (from italy) and milan we are an equal opportunity employerpeople with disability status are encouraged to applyit operates through its three global business lines: nhoa energy, free2move esolutions and atlante(formerly electro power systems - engie eps), global player in energy storage and e-mobility, active in the construction of the largest fast and ultra-fast charging infrastructure in southern europe, develops technologies enabling the transition towards clean energy and sustainable mobility, shaping the future of a next generation living in harmony with our planet) and international (+20 nationalities) group and work in a dynamic and fast-moving environment; a revolutionary way of remote working that meets your needs (https://nhoaborn in as a technological spin-off of the politecnico di torino and milano, nhoa leverages its best-in-class technology and engineering edge, developed in over 15 years of r&d, paired with strategic partnerships and global procurement, to deliver the most competitive tailor-made turn-key solutions that allow the integration of renewable sources with all forms of energy storage, from batteries to hydrogen and even electric vehiclesnhoa, with offices in france, the united states and australia, maintains entirely in italy research, development and production of its technologies

  • Conduct secondary user research including find and analyse existing relevant audience research find and review relevant competing or adjacent digital products produce reports on all research tailored for appropriate audiences work with ux designers & product managers to identify clear use cases and associated goals, user objectives and define measures of success recommend and implement best-practice user research methodologies mentor and collaborate with designers in executing user research methods strong stakeholder skills, ability to frame research into stakeholder facing output and present findings both internally and externally to clients where required significant experience as a ux researcher in software development understanding of available quantitative measures, when to apply, and limitations ofthe ux researcher will work collaboratively across the unit and beyond with the internal units to solve complex user problems and help influence the direction & strategy of our products based on measurable valueattitudinal and behavioural insights regarding products or featureswe push boundaries every day to offer the most reliable, scalable, engaging end-to-end offerings that continually meet and exceed fan expectations and maximise client valueresponsibilities help us create desirable, intuitive and market leading products that generate real value for our clients and their customers gathering insights on market trends, changing user needs and behaviours to inform our products’ development working across multiple functions, especially with uxd & product mangers conducting primary research, interviews, workshops, user testing (qual & quant – knowing where each adds value) and helping to gather client feedback on initiatives conduct primary user research including contextual inquirytesting user response and understanding of a high-level explanation or prototype of a feature usability testingtheir objective will be to provide evidence to internal stakeholders and clients that the proposed products and features are likely to provide end-user value and that developed products and features meet end-users' needstesting user ability to conduct certain tasks using a productwe serve both end-to-end clients and those who want to internalise part of their platform through products and componentsdeltatre provides strategy, planning, consultancy across all stages of our client's lifecycleimagine shaping the future of experiences reaching millions of viewers and fans around the worldwill need some flexibility of hours to conduct research in other countries ability to deep dive and define user personas, behavioural archetypes and build consensus and alignment on customer needs some of our company perks: global company with huge growth potential small, creative, close-knit engineering/tech team who love to collaborate unlimited contract – hpp (fulltime permanent employment) meal allowance (czk 55/day to be paid within your salary) multisport card full remote + a contribution to buy equipment which makes your work from home more comfortable 25 working days per year vacation entitlement 5 sick days – per calendar year team events sponsored by the company free refreshments in the office we are committed to ensuring that we provide equal opportunities for allplease note that we will only contact successfully shortlisted candidatesthe video experiences unit at deltatre is a leading provider of products and services delivering television, film and sports content over the internet, as well as comprehensive end-to-end solutionsdeltatre is a leading end-to-end provider of premium products and services for global sport and media operatorsas of november , if it suits your role at deltatre, you can work full time from home/remotely, from the office, or a combination within the same country as your contracted office of employmentunderpinned by data, we're able to determine the best experiences to drive business growthwe're fully flexibleour product team would like to hire a ux researcher to find and document high-value end-user needs that our clients can target as part of their value propositiondepending on the role this may include a written test and interviewplease let us know if you need us to make any adjustments or if you have any special requirements for the interview processjoin our product team to become a part of this adventureconcept testing

  • Be driven and motivated to deliver the strategy for customer engagement have knowledge of housing or care sector enjoy working in a diverse and sometimes complex organisation confident and inspiring to our customers be able to work collaboratively with stakeholders across the organisation be resilient, have a positive attitude and be solutions focused organised, with good time management skills to prioritise and achieve objectives be a strategic thinker & financially astute to achieve the business plans have excellent communication skills, written and verbal able to problem solve, analyse options and make confident decisions have experience working in a customer engagement rolecustomer engagement is central to bcha’s work and we are committed through our 5-year business plan to improving how we engage and involve individuals who use our servicesbcha is a south west based charitable housing association with a continuing mission to meet housing need and end homelessnessthis is great opportunity to; lead the work to better understand our customers enabling us to meet our objective of better outcomes for customers by creating better homes, better communities and better lives develop an insight-driven approach, encourage curiosity and innovation to identify service improvements and lead positive changeour overall aim is to ‘deter unsuitable applicants from applying for roles with children and adults, and we will ensure that all candidates are treated fairly, consistently and in compliance with current legislationas an employer, we will do everything possible to prevent unsuitable people obtaining employment with bchawe have properties across the south west providing affordable homes and temporary accommodation to a wide range of individuals, supporting them to lead independent, fulfilled lives and experience in a ‘technical property services’ environmentrepresent our customers at all levels within the organisation work for an organisation that offers flexible working arrangements bcha safer recruitment: safeguarding children and adults is our first priority and we will ensure we follow safer recruitment proceduresbcha are committed to delivering on our customer engagement strategy and need someone to lead the organisation on a journey with a diverse customer baseprovide modern, relevant and accessible services for customers build strong relationships with customers, earning their trust and respect utilise technology to execute campaigns to drive customer engagement rationalise and improve the specialist platforms to enable customers to have their say work with a fully committed board and executive team drive change across the whole organisation and positively impact our customers experience of the organisationbcha is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of people, and expects all employees and volunteers to share this commitment closing date: 8th may by 12 noonwe are looking for someone to drive change across the whole organisation putting the customer at the heart of everything

  • About the company: for a renowned and international company our recruitment engineers are looking for a sap business intelligence analyst core responsabilities: analyse detailed requirements from the business and then scope, plan, design, test, train and deliver required data and reporting solutions, seeking assistance from other reporting team members as required; ‱ define business requirements in sufficient detail to determine the appropriate designs and development required or to document why the requirement cannot be satisfied; ‱ develop functional design specifications and other detailed enhancement documentation, create and execute unit, integration and acceptance testing plans based on input from business, process owners and it team members; ‱ emphasize strong coordination and planning to assure effective delivery and minimize duplication and gaps where possibleassure deliverables to the business team meet the adoption expectation through the following: high levels of usability, users training sessions, and go-live support; ‱ collaborate with representatives of other sap functional areas to ensure end to end process integration and consistency; must have: strong in sap bw configuration experience; ‱ strong bi implementation skills ‱ admin experience of sap business objects platform; ‱ experience in sap business planning consolidation; ‱ good knowledge and understanding of the data relationships in sap s4hana modules; ‱ desire to learn new modules and work on leading edge projects; ‱ excellent interaction and communication skills: strong presentation/ communication / facilitation skills (oral and written); ‱ willingness to work on international team’s environment, with the ability to work independently; ‱ fluent in english nice to have previous experiences in consultancy firms is a plus; experience in the design of olap functionality experience in microsoft sql server experience in sap / bo data integrator location: vittorio veneto (tv)techyon is the first head hunter exclusively specialized in search and selection of senior professionals and managers in the field of information technologyour recruitment engineers select the best it profiles for prestigious it consulting firms, banks, service companies, manufacturing groups, start-ups of excellence and digital dna companies

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