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  • Realizza le tue aspirazioni professionali ed entra a far parte del mondo zucchetti! a supporto del team di post vendita della sede di lodi, siamo alla ricerca di risorse junior da inserire nel ruolo di help desk in ambito hrse credi di possedere questi valori non vediamo l’ora di incontrarti! vuoi scoprire come si lavora in zucchetti? seguici su instagram e metti mi piace alla nostra pagina facebook! #bezucchettisiamo al fianco dei nostri clienti con circa 30 sedi e piĂą di partner in tutta italia così da garantire un supporto costante e tempestivoil nostro obiettivo? realizzare soluzioni di successo per i nostri clientiottime doti relazionali e comunicative; esperienze pregresse, anche brevi di customer care o supporto clienti; ottima conoscenza del pacchetto office; preferibile conoscenza della lingua inglese; preferibile ma non indispensabile conoscenza di sql, dei sistemi operativi e database relazionali piĂą diffusiinoltre, con piĂą di 350 partner nel mondo, supportiamo le necessitĂ  dei clienti con sedi e filiali all’estero in austria, brasile, bulgaria, francia, germania, romania, spagna, svizzera, uk, usazucchetti è la prima software house italiana e da oltre 40 anni aziende, professionisti e associazioni di categoria trovano in zucchetti un partner che realizza soluzioni con la tecnologia piĂą avanzata per garantire un vantaggio competitivocompletano il profilo resistenza allo stress, capacitĂ  di team working e proattivitĂ seniority: esperienza minima workplace: ibrido la chiave del successo della nostra attivitĂ  sono le persone che lavorano in azienda: disponibilitĂ -flessibilitĂ , coraggio-sinceritĂ , creativitĂ -buon senso, delega-qualitĂ , innovazione-successo, passione-entusiasmo sono le nostre carte vincentila figura supporterĂ  i clienti tramite contatto remoto (mail, telefono e sistema di ticketing) nell’utilizzo della soluzione applicativa hcm, dedicata al mondo delle risorse umane; il software modulare garantisce un’offerta completa per le esigenze di pmi, grandi aziende e multinazionali nei seguenti flussi: selezione, talent acquisition, formazione, e-learning, valutazione e compensation

  • Per la sede di padova stiamo selezionando un* help desk di ii livello per attivitĂ  di monitoraggio e accettazione delle richieste di assistenza per i servizi di application managementnet e/o java e/o c#) e di scripting (vbscript e/o javascript) conocenza linguaggi di presentation (html e/o asp) conoscenza linguaggio sql per interrogazione database esperienza con db sql e/o oracle buona conoscenza lingua inglese scritta e parlata buone capacacitĂ  relazionali e di lavoro in team problem solving e capacitĂ  di gestire elevati carichi di lavoro e scadenze curiositĂ  e propensione all’aggiornamento continuo (con partecipazione a gruppi/seminari su nuove tecnologie) occasione perfetta per help desk in cerca di un ambiente di lavoro giovane e dinamico che offre opportunitĂ  di formazione e crescita professionaleprincipali responsabilitĂ  comprensione del problema e prima risposta tecnica al cliente; in caso di problematiche complesse segnalazione alla figura tecnica di riferimento e avvio della procedura prevista, mantenendo comunque il presidio sul rispetto degli sla; assistenza in remoto per verificare il problema con il cliente o aggiornare il prodotto installato e controllare codice e database; offerta contratto a tempo indeterminato full time 40 ore range retributivo stimato da k in funzione della seniority e competenze emerse in sede di colloquio contesto di software factory orientato all' innovazione tecnologica e alla qualitĂ  del codice formazione continua su nuove tecnologie e strumenti lavoro con metodologia agile possibilitĂ  di lavorare in team con professionisti di alto livello su diversi linguaggi di programmazione 40% smart working diploma e/o laurea in ambito tecnico/informatico o formazione in linea con la figura ricercata gradita esperienza pregressa come help desk i/ii livello in contesti it conoscenza so client e server conoscenza base linguaggi programmazione (vbseguici sui nostri canali per scoprire tutte le job opportunities e ricevere consigli di carriera dai nostri recruiter! facebook: https://wwwi nostri recruiter sono a disposizione per analizzare il percorso professionale e le aspettative dei professionisti agevolandone il contatto con le aziende o con il mondo delle start-up in cerca di professionisti digitaliil nostro cliente è azienda italiana di riferimento per l’ enterprise content managementlavoro digitale italia è un punto di riferimento per lo sviluppo delle carriere dei professionisti del mondo digital in italiame/lavorodigitaleitalia linkedin: https://wwwl'obiettivo di lavoro digitale italia è mettere i migliori professionisti del mondo digital italiano in contatto con le aziende che possono aiutarli a realizzarsi professionalmentecon oltre 300 collaboratori e una presenza trasversale nei settori industria, gdo, servizi e pubblica amministrazione, da oltre 30 anni offre soluzioni per la gestione documentale, il workflow e la conservazione digitale disponibili on premises, in cloud o tramite configurazioni mistecom/company/lavoro-digitale-italiacom/groups/lavorodigitaleitalia/ telegram: https://t

  • Realizza le tue aspirazioni professionali ed entra a far parte del mondo zucchetti! siamo alla ricerca di una risorsa da inserire come help desk per la nostra sede di bolognase credi di possedere questi valori non vediamo l’ora di incontrarti! vuoi scoprire come si lavora in zucchetti? seguici su instagram e metti mi piace alla nostra pagina facebook! #bezucchettisiamo al fianco dei nostri clienti con circa 30 sedi e piĂą di partner in tutta italia così da garantire un supporto costante e tempestivoil nostro obiettivo? realizzare soluzioni di successo per i nostri clientidiploma o laurea a indirizzo informatico e/o elettronico; conoscenza dei sistemi operativi linux e windows; conoscenza del pacchetto microsoft office; conoscenza di postgres, sql server e oracle; ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese; buona conoscenza della lingua spagnolacompletano il profilo attitudine al lavoro in team, pazienza, empatia, resistenza a situazioni di forte stress e ottime capacitĂ  relazionalicompito principale dell’assistenza sw è di supportare gli utenti nell’utilizzo degli applicativi zucchettiinoltre, con piĂą di 350 partner nel mondo, supportiamo le necessitĂ  dei clienti con sedi e filiali all’estero in austria, brasile, bulgaria, francia, germania, romania, spagna, svizzera, uk, usala chiave del successo della nostra attivitĂ  sono le persone che lavorano in azienda: disponibilitĂ -flessibilitĂ , coraggio-sinceritĂ , creativitĂ -buon senso, delega-qualitĂ , innovazione-successo, passione-entusiasmo sono le nostre carte vincentila risorsa verrĂ  inserita a supporto del team di post vendita di zucchetti axess e si occuperĂ  prevalentemente dei partner dell'area italiana ed esteri in lingua inglesezucchetti è la prima software house italiana e da oltre 40 anni aziende, professionisti e associazioni di categoria trovano in zucchetti un partner che realizza soluzioni con la tecnologia piĂą avanzata per garantire un vantaggio competitivoworkplace: ibridoseniority: esperienza minima

  • ) ottima conoscenza sistema operativo windows (win10 e win7 principalmente) e ambiente microsoft (pacchetto office) conoscenza buona dei sistemi citrix (workspace e vpn/gateway) buona conoscenza principi di asset management (hw) preferibili un paio d'anni di esperienza nella mansione di help desk 2°livcore informatica è alla ricerca di due tecnici help desk it - 2° livello per la gestione delle seguenti attivitĂ : gestione ticket (incident, service requests) tramite applicativi itsm (remedy, service now) installazione e sostituzione macchine (attivitĂ  onsite e/o remota con l'utente finale) installazione e gestione software/applicativi vari gestione di hardware e cablaggi nelle postazioni di lavoro (pdl) e nelle macchine (desktop, laptop, workstationè previsto un iniziale inserimento con ccnl metalmeccanico con livello d2 o c2 in base all'esperienza/formazione/competenze della risorsaimpiego full timesoft skills richieste: troubleshooting e problem solvingcore informatica è una societĂ  specializzata nei servizi di supporto tecnico e di consulenza ad aziende di ogni dimensione, garantendo la perfetta funzionalitĂ  delle loro strutture informatichela societĂ  ha piĂą di venti anni di esperienza nel curare la gestione e l'evoluzione degli ambienti it sulle piattaforme eterogenee di clienti pubblici e privatiluogo di lavoro: trieste c/o cliente ramo assicurativo

  • Studio albarello situato a cologna veneta (vr) seleziona per importante azienda operante nel settore metalmeccanico con sede a minerbe (vr) un/a impiegato/a tecnico - help desk la risorsa sarĂ  inserita nell’ufficio tecnico e si occuperĂ  di programmazione tramite linguaggio c, connettendosi da remoto per dare assistenza al clientediploma/laurea ad indirizzo informatico o meccanico conoscenza del linguaggio c di programmazione buona conoscenza della lingua inglese preferibile pregressa esperienza nella mansione orario di lavoro: full-timesi offre inserimento diretto in aziendaluogo di lavoro: minerbe (vr) contratto offerto: tempo determinato, scopo assunzione ad indeterminatol’annuncio è rivolto ad ambo i sessi (d) e nel rispetto di quanto disposto dall’artsi occuperĂ  inoltre del collaudo dei macchinari

  • Il system engineer addetto all'help desk lavorerĂ  a supporto degli utenti finali eseguendo attivitĂ  di gestione ordinaria e supportando tutte le fasi di erogazione del servizio, in particolare gestione workspace (sistemi operativi client da windows 7 in su)beantech è alla ricerca di un system engineer addetto al service desk da inserire nel proprio team presso la sede di udinemust have: buona conoscenza sistemi operativi linux buona conoscenza sistemi operativi windows server buone competenze interpersonali, sopratutto di comunicazione conoscenza pacchetto office attitudine al problem solving inglese b2 nice to have: gradita conoscenza sistema operativo windows server e active directory disponibilitĂ  a trasferte di breve durata se credi di avere le caratteristiche giuste, inviaci la tua candidatura, con autorizzazione ai sensi del gdprbeantech è il partner informatico che può aiutare a gestire l’intera filiera del dato sia nell’azienda che nella fabbrica con un’ offerta di soluzioni a 360 gradi che vanno dall’acquisizione dati all’architettura it, dagli sviluppi software personalizzati alla gestione dei processi interni, dall’analisi del business all’implementazione di sofisticati algoritmi di intelligenza artificialebeantech pone al centro dell’attenzione le esigenze concrete, trovando assieme alle aziende gli strumenti digitali piĂą adatti in una logica di collaborazione e condivisione fra dipartimenti e funzioni ma anche in relazione con gli obiettivi aziendaligrazie alla conoscenza dell’ it ed all’ esperienza maturata in centinaia di progetti, beantech offre soluzioni innovative che permettono di migliorare il business attraverso la crescita del fatturato e la diminuzione dei costi, fino ad ottimizzare gli aspetti piĂą indiretti ma altrettanto importanti quali l’aumento dell’efficienza e la riduzione degli sprechi, l’incremento della soddisfazione dei propri clienti ed il miglioramento della loro conoscenzacosa troverai: formazione e certificazioni ms ambiente giovane e dinamico, troverai nuovi amici oltre che colleghi progetti basati sui piĂą avanzati stack tecnologicil’obiettivo è mettere passione ed approccio al servizio del cliente, non come un semplice fornitore, bensì come un partner di businessbeantech è una realtĂ  informatica che, da venti anni, affianca le aziende nelle sfide della digital transformation e le aiuta a cogliere le opportunitĂ  dell’industry 4sarai inserito in un contesto aziendale dinamico, in cui potrai fare il lavoro che ti appassiona in una realtĂ  italiana di successo con un team it di spessore con cui confrontarti ogni giorno

  • This is not the windows server 2019 software productbuy windows server 2019 user cals for your business windows server 2019 user cals are the client access licenses for windows server 2019 and are available from mr key shops catalogyoull get a customized price list, so you can start partnering with mr key shop and grow your digital business! find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements for the requirements, check the product page for microsoft windows server 2019windows server 2019 user cals: buy your licenses from mr key shop at competitive priceswarning: this page is related to user cal licenses for windows server 2019 that you can buy in bundles including 1-50 unitsour business culture is focused on a 100% eco-friendly practice: mr key shop never ships physical goods, therefore we can help reduce pollutants and wastewe are 100% green! whats a cal license? what do i need windows server 2019 user cals for? cals (client access licenses) are those licenses you need to deploy to your customers or it staff to let them access services or tools provided by our server instance running windows server 2019what will i get if i buy windows server 2019 user cals from mr key shops catalog? once you buy your windows server 2019 user cal bundle, youll get everything via email in a few seconds: - your windows server 2019 user cal licenses in the desired amount - clear and accurate instructions to deploy and activate your licenses - invoice - free english-speaking customer support are you a reseller? work with us! if you are a reseller working with digital products such as windows server 2019 cal, visit the official page of mkreseller - the reseller program designed for digital professionals like you - or mail us at sales@mrkeyshopsee our catalog for the best digital software like windows 11 professional, office 2021 professional, or microsoft sql server 2019 at the best prices! receive and activate windows server 2019 user cals within a few seconds one of the benefits of mr key shop is our fast service and this is one of the pillars our company is built oneach order is covered by our full money-back warranty so that you can shop from mr key shop with full confidence! deploy windows server 2019 user cals and enjoy all the benefits of mr key shop by purchasing windows server 2019 user cals from mr key shop, youll enjoy three key advantages: huge savings, no downtime, and a crucial benefit to the environmentthe digital world is on your hand with mr key shop, even for your windows server 2019 user cal licenses mr key shop is one of the pioneers of the digital world - for over 18 years we have been committed to offering the best digital products at the most competitive pricesbuy your digital product from us and receive it in a few seconds via email with our digital delivery systemcal license bundles available from mr key shop include 1-50 users (user cals) and 1-50 devices (device cals)youll also receive a full set of instructions to proceed with no external help, however, in case of doubt or if you are not certain about which type and how many cal licenses you need, contact our free english-speaking customer serviceyour orders are processed in full safety with ssl-secured payment methodsmore than 350k customers have been satisfied with our service, as witnessed by our excellent raging on trustpilotthis way, you can save both money and time to activate and deploy your licenseenjoy all the benefits of one of the best digital stores, including secure payments, instant delivery, 100% genuine licenses, a full money-back warranty, and our free english-speaking customer servicethese are our three pillars: fast service, a reliable store, and full professionalism across your experiencebuy your cal license bundle for your business at a low price, with instant deliveryalternatively, you can buy the server 2019 device cal licenses, for unique and discrete devicesour professional team is always at work to offer you fast, reliable, and cost-effective service: we built a 100% authorized store where you can find licenses that are always genuine and guaranteedwe rely on the best platforms, like paypal, stripe, amazon, google, and apple pay, so that your experience as a user can always be positive and seamlessthis reflects our digital ethics and bounds to our 100% sustainable approachfurthermore, our digital delivery system is designed to let you save time too: buy, pay safely, and get what you ordered right awaymr key shop is committed to letting you save over your budget with premium and cost-effective digital licensesyour user cals must be distributed to your users with discrete credentials: only licensed users may access the server


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  • Work with us and grow as a reseller as youll provide your customers with the best from the digital world at unbeatable prices! find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements check the windows server 2022 page for all the system requirementsgo to this page if youre looking for a license for microsoft windows server 2022here you can buy the best software available, from operating systems like microsoft windows 11 professional to productivity suites like office 2021 professional, and businesses can get the best versions of windows server and windows sql server at the best prices, with the confidence of always acquiring genuine licensesall orders are digitally processed within a few seconds from the purchase, with free english-speaking customer support buy the windows server 2022 user cal licenses in digital for your business if your company has any instances of microsoft windows server 2022, you can buy the windows server 2022 user cal licenses to be deployed to single users and grant them access to the features and services provided by our business serverbuy the windows server 2022 user cal licenses available from mr key shop at the best price, with ssl-secure payments, and a full money-back warrantyactivate your windows server 2022 user cal licenses right away with mr key shop mr key shops digital delivery system allows you to activate or deploy the windows server 2022 user cal licenses right after the purchase - a huge benefit for dynamic businesses like yours! shop at the best price and get all you need via email: your user cal license bundle, together with clear and simple instructions to proceed to activate them with no external helpmoreover, we implemented our automated digital delivery system to allow you to activate and deploy windows server 2022 user cals within a few seconds from your orderonly mr key shop lets you save over your budget and cut downtime; furthermore, since we dont ship any physical goods, you can help us protect the environmentwhat will i get if i order windows server 2022 user cals from mr key shop? at the end of your secure transaction, youll get a recap email for your user cal licenses for windows server 2022, with: - your windows server 2022 user cal licenses in the requested amount - clear and accurate instructions for deployment and activation - invoice - free english-speaking customer service are you a reseller? mr key shop wants you! partner with mr key shop! join our mkreseller program sending a mail at sales@mrkeyshopour prices are unparalleled, with instant digital delivery - see all the benefits of mr key shop! warning: this page is related to user cal licenses for windows server 2022our digital mindset is bound to our strict ecological ethics: 100% digital delivery allows us to refrain from polluting and producing waste because were proud to be an eco-friendly business! whats a cal license? why should i buy windows server 2022 user cal from mr key shop? cal licenses allow the authorized clients to access services and tools provided by servers where an instance of windows server 2022 is runningin case of doubt, our free english-speaking technical support service is at your disposal! with mr key shop, the digital world is on your hand, even for your user cal licenses for windows server 2022 the world is more and more digita lbuying windows server 2022 user cals from mr key shop is a smart move because you can conveniently order packs spanning from 1 to 50 licenses as required, for your total flexibility ! furthermore, you can activate the required licenses as you need them, with no time limitseach product is covered by our full money-back warranty, so you can always shop from mr key shop with full peace of mind! deploy and implement your windows server 2022 user cal licenses with no downtime mr key shop relies on a team of professionals always looking for the best digital products at the lowest pricesyou can deploy them for individual users with unique credentialscom and get your customized price listuser cals are linked to single users with credentials and can be deployed to your it staff or customers, according to your requirementswe built our company over the values of speed, professionalism, and reliability; our store is 100% authorized offers a catalog rich with premium digital productswith us, you can save up to 70% compared to other stores or first-party catalogsif youre not certain about which and how many licenses you need, ask your it experts or contact our free english-speaking customer servicemr key shop only accepts tracked and ssl-secured payments, through the best providers like amazon, google, and apple pay, as well as paypal and stripetime has proved us right: over 350k users successfully served in the world and an excellent rating on trustpilot are the results we achieved with passion and commitmentinstead, for device cal licenses, visit this pagemore than 18 years ago, we already acknowledged the potential of this new scenario, so we founded mr key shop, aiming to offer 100% digital products and solutions


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  • microsoft windows storage server 2012 standard for business windows storage server is based on windows server system (in our catalog you can find windows server 2012 and all the other versions) and is optimized for nas devicesorder microsoft windows storage server 2012 standard from mr key shopinstall windows storage server 2012 standard in digital format you can install windows storage server 2012 standard within a few minutes from your orderwindows storage server 2012 standard features include: - active directory lightweight directory services (ad lds) - failover clustering - data deduplication - virtualization, with 2 vms - dynamic host configuration protocol (dhcp) - windows internet name service (wins) download microsoft windows storage server 2012 standard instantly download microsoft windows storage server 2012 standard after your order from mr key shop: we developed an instant delivery system designed to help you save time, one of your most valuable resourceswork with mr key shop and grow your business! find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus supported hardware specs - architecture: x64 - pcu sockets: 2 per license - ram: up to 2tb - disks (count/interfaces/ raid types): unlimited/unlimited/unlimited - max user count: unlimited minimum system requirements processor: x64, 1windows storage server 2012 standard offers a platform designed to build custom storage appliances with your hardware in mindyoull be able to get your storage appliances up and running in no time and help us protect the environmentpurchase microsoft windows storage server 2012 standard by purchasing microsoft windows storage server 2012 standard from mr key shop, youll save over the list price and be able to set up your storage appliance right away with our automated delivery systemwhat is included with my order for microsoft windows storage server 2012 standard placed on mr key shop? order microsoft windows storage server 2012 standard from mr key shop and save! at the end of the checkout, youll get the following directly in your inbox: - the license(s) for microsoft windows storage server 2012 standard you ordered (1 license per appliance) - official download link to the setup iso file for microsoft windows storage server 2012 standard - clear and accurate instructions to download, install and activate microsoft windows storage server 2012 standard on your storage appliance - invoice - free english-speaking customer service are you a reseller? offer your customer the best at the lowest price! if you are a reseller for products like windows storage server 2016 standard visit the mkreseller program page or mail us at sales@mrkeyshoppurchase your licenses for microsoft windows storage server 2012 standard from mr key shop, obtain them immediately in your inbox, and save over costsyour license for microsoft windows storage server 2012 standard will be linked to your microsoft account, and you will be able to reinstall or restore your product with no further product keys to be boughtyoull obtain everything you need right away so that you can set up your storage appliance with no downtime: an official download link to the iso file for windows storage server 2012 standard, a 100% genuine license, and clear, accurate instructions allowing you to proceed with no external supportwe do not ship physical goods, this way we reduce our footprint: mr key shop is eco-friendly, just like you! what licenses for microsoft windows storage server 2012 standard are available from mr key shop? mr key shop exclusively offers products with perpetual licenses, both for retail and business software4ghz ram: 512mb storage: 32gbinstant digital email delivery, with free english-speaking customer carebut, in case of doubt or issues, our free english-speaking customer service is always at your disposal ! all orders placed on mr key shop are covered by our full money-back warrantycom and youll receive a custom price list as soon as possiblewe only offer genuine guaranteed licenses, with our full money-back warrantymr key shop is a cutting-edge company in the digital segment and our objective is to keep our customer satisfaction at the highest levels! heres why you can rely on us for your next storage server 2021 standard purchasedigital delivery is our core value that drove our instant delivery systemour official store and catalog only offer premium digital licenses, 100% genuine and legit, at very competitive pricesthis is another huge benefit of mr key shop


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  • Ricerchiamo per la sede centrale di civitavecchia un tecnico hardware & software (profilo junior) obiettivo della posizione garantire tempestiva ed efficace risposta, nell’ambito delle direttive e linee guida fornite dal responsabile servizi per l’utente e start up, alle richieste di intervento per chiamata diretta o pervenute all’help desk aziendale da parte del personale mondo convenienza, risolvendo le criticitĂ  di natura it afferenti all’installazione e manutenzione di hardware e softwarein particolare dovrĂ : -assicurare, nell’ambito delle direttive e linee guida fornite dal responsabile, l'assistenza informatica, da remoto o in loco, nella risoluzione delle criticitĂ  segnalate dal personale di mondo convenienza all’help desk o tramite chiamata diretta; -garantire l’installazione e la manutenzione delle attrezzature e degli applicativi informatici a supporto dell’operativitĂ  quotidiana, assicurando la sostituzione delle attrezzature informatiche obsolete, tramite la migrazione dei dati e degli account degli utenti sulle nuove attrezzature in dotazionemondo convenienza è una azienda italiana specializzata nella grande distribuzione organizzata di mobili e complementi d'arredo al miglior rapporto qualitĂ  - prezzo sul mercato, per rendere la casa un progetto alla portata di tuttidal il brand si affaccia al mercato home furniture spagnolo, con l’apertura di 3 punti vendita e 3 hub logistici tra madrid e barcellonail candidato ideale è un giovane diplomato con una formazione tecnica ed un’esperienza anche breve in posizione analoga sono richieste altresì le seguenti conoscenze • assemblaggio pc; • installazione, configurazione dei sistemi operativi client piĂą comuni (win xp, win 7 ecccompletano il profilo doti organizzative, flessibilitĂ , gestione dello stress); • installazione, configurazione client posta elettronica comuni; • installazione, conoscenze reti lan su cavo e wifi di tipo small office/home office (soho)); • installazione, configurazione periferiche comuni (esstampanti, modem etce’ richiesta, all'occorrenza, disponibilitĂ  a trasferte e, quando richiesto, reperibilitĂ  (1 volta ogni 2 mesi) oltre al possesso della patente b ed essere automuniti sede di lavoro: civitavecchia (rm) orario di lavoro: full timeun successo consolidato nel tempo, costruito sull’expertise di fornitori storici (l’85% dei quali ubicati in italia), e su modelli d’innovazione sempre piĂą all’avanguardia e customer-based); • installazione, configurazione applicativi comuni (espacchetti office etcinfatti, dal mondo convenienza ha intrapreso un percorso di digitalizzazione che sta abbracciando progressivamente ogni settore aziendale, con l’obiettivo di offrire ai clienti un’esperienza d’acquisto omnicanale e personalizzatanei suoi 35 anni di attivitĂ , infatti, mondo convenienza è arrivata nelle case di milioni di famiglie, grazie al lavoro e alla passione dei suoi collaboratori e ad una solida visione della famiglia carosil’avventura mondo convenienza inizia nel a civitavecchia, per poi estendersi in tutto il lazio e, progressivamente, nel resto d’italia, in cui ora conta 45 punti vendita e 41 hub logistici

  • Multinazionale specializzata in soluzioni di automazione per i laboratori di analisi, ricerca una risorsa in qualitĂ  di ict service desk specialist junior, appartenente alle categorie protette (ldiploma in informatica; un anno di esperienza pregressa in ruoli similari è gradita; buona conoscenza di windows 10; passione per l'informatica; precisione, pazienza e capacitĂ  di lavorare per prioritĂ la risorsa inserita si occuperĂ  delle seguenti mansioni: gestire le postazioni di lavoro e prepararle; lavorare al service desk, gestire le stampanti e i dispositivi mobili; gestire e mantenere l'infrastruttura del cliente; creare procedure per gli utenti; lavorare per kpi su service desk; gestione attivitĂ  di ticketingorario: part time/full timesede di lavoro: val della torre

  • This gives us the expertise and insight to help successfully control costs, improve margins, achieve regulatory compliance and protect operational resilienceyour role as service desk engineer is an integral part of the technology department, you will support the business by managing, maintaining and improving the technical systems and processes for both inenco’s customer facing services and the corporate services as used by internal users400 users) experience of a technical services environment, preferably within an itil based environment working knowledge of corporate telephony solutions technical knowledge of systems; dns, mail, voip, databases, monitoring platforms, virtualisation, cloud solutions and san data storage in-depth working knowledge of windows platform based technologies (windows server, exchange, ad, group policies, dhcp, office365 etcqualified or working towards either an mcsa or mcse or hold similar level professional qualifications previous experience of working within technical operation or engineering teams that supports a business of a similar sizewe have an exciting opportunity for someone who has good it skills with knowledge and experience looking to further their it careerthis is a support position the majority of your work will involve managing the support queue, answering support calls, troubleshooting, installation of hardware, software, and network connectionsfor further information please download the job description attached belowsalary: ÂŁ23k - ÂŁ27k pa benefits: annual pay related appraisals 23 days holidays plus bank holidays, raising by extra day each year to max 28 days (option to buy and sell holidays) flexible working with the option to work from office / home location after probabtion early finish friday subsidised costa coffee onsite canteen employee development programmes refer a friend scheme upto ÂŁ benefits platform - gym membership, cycle to work, retail discounts plus many more fan club awards – employee recognition programme – winners get ÂŁ250 of vouchers every quarter closing date: 27th april if you have any questions please contactable to express ideas orally & written effectively, with respect for others if this role sounds like your next career move, hit apply or equally if you would like more information contact our talent teamour customers include leading organisations across sectors from manufacturing to hospitality and retail to logisticsinenco has over 50 years of consultancy experience working in energy and utilities management; responding to the changing needs of our customers) working knowledge of networking: routing, switching, ethernet, broadband, snmp, qos, firewalls and wireless technologies etcwe also support the delivery of public sector services with a particular focus on health, social housing and education

  • Youll save time and money, and youll help us protect the environmentwork with mr key shop and grow your business! find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus minimum system requirements processor: x64, 1install windows storage server 2016 workgroup in digital format installing windows storage server 2016 workgroup in no time is possible with our automatic delivery system immediately after your paymentyou can increase productivity and performance across your departments with windows storage server 2016 workgroupbased on windows server (see our catalog for windows server 2016 and all the other available versions), it was specifically built for nas (network attached storage) devices across your companybuy microsoft windows storage server 2016 workgroup from mr key shop and immediately obtain your licenses via emailmicrosoft windows storage server 2016 workgroup for business storage server 2016 workgroup is the right choice for your businessbuy microsoft windows storage server 2016 workgroup from mr key shop and enjoy our benefits, like free english-speaking customer serviceplus, enjoy instant delivery after the purchase and a full money-back warranty purchase microsoft windows storage server 2016 workgroup purchase microsoft windows storage server 2016 workgroup from mr key shop at a very competitive price and increase productivity across your businesswindows storage server 2016 workgroup is a “light” version of storage server 2016 and features the following: - 1 cpu - support for up to 6 hard disks and up to 32gb ram - 50 users - 250 concurrent connections download microsoft windows storage server 2016 workgroup download microsoft windows storage server 2016 workgroup immediately after your purchase from mr key shopin case of doubt or issues, our customer care will help you throughout all the required steps with no extra feeswhat will i get when i buy microsoft windows storage server 2016 workgroup from mr key shop? once you order microsoft windows storage server 2016 workgroup from mr key shop, youll get everything you need digitally in your inbox: - your license(s) for microsoft windows storage server 2016 workgroup you ordered (1 license per appliance) - official download link to the setup iso file for microsoft windows storage server 2016 workgroup - clear and complete instructions on how to download microsoft windows storage server 2016 workgroup and then install and activate it on the storage appliance - invoice - free english-speaking customer care are you a reseller? offer your customer the best at the lowest price! if you are a reseller for products like windows storage server 2016 workgroup, go to the mkreseller program page or mail us at sales@mrkeyshopall licenses for microsoft windows storage server 2016 workgroup are perpetual, therefore you can reinstall or restore your appliance with no further product keys to be orderedyou can immediately set up your storage appliance with your official download link to the iso file for windows storage server 2016 workgroup, a 100% genuine license, and complete and simple instructions well send you via emailsince we will never ship physical goods, we can reduce our footprint by avoiding pollution and waste: mr key shop is an eco-friendly company, just like you! are licenses for microsoft windows storage server 2016 workgroup restricted or subject to expiration? mr key shop only offers perpetual licenses both for retail and business products4ghz ram: 512mb storage: 32gball your orders placed on mr key shop are covered by our full money-back warrantyour authorized store offers a catalog of premium software, always covered by genuine licenses at unmatched pricescom and youll receive a custom price list as soon as possibleyou can set up your storage appliance within a few seconds after you receive your digital order in your inbox, complete with full instructionswe worked hard to let you proceed with no further help, however, you can always count on our free english-speaking customer careyoull only need your credentials: this is one of the key benefits of mr key shopthis system allows you to build custom storage appliances according to your hardwareour catalog only offers genuine licenses with secure paymentsmr key shop is a 100% digital companycontact us for all your needs


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  • microsoft windows storage server 2016 standard for business windows storage server 2016 is based on the windows server system (in our catalog you can find windows server 2016 and all the other versions) and is specifically built for nas devices000+ users) - instant file sync on windows 10 clients - smb 3work with mr key shop and offer the best software at the best price! find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus minimum system requirements processor: x64, 1with windows storage server 2016 you can build storage appliances to address your specific hardware requisiteswe only offer genuine licenses at very competitive prices buy microsoft windows storage server 2016 standard now you can buy microsoft windows storage server 2016 standard from mr key shop and save significantlythe benefits offered by windows storage server 2016 standard include: - large-scale support for active directory (1windows storage server 2016 standard feature can address all your needs across your company and it department1 - qos performance monitoring and policymaking via hyper-v download microsoft windows storage server 2016 standard purchase and immediately download microsoft windows storage server 2016 standard: this is one of the benefits of mr key shopour technical team will help you in case of issues or with tips about the ideal product for youshop now and enjoy all mr key shops benefits! what will i get by ordering microsoft windows storage server 2016 standard from mr key shop? proceed with your order and purchase microsoft windows storage server 2016 standard from mr key shopwhen you purchase your licenses for microsoft windows storage server 2016 standard from mr key shop, you obtain them in real-time via emailthis way you can save over your budget and eliminate downtime, configure your storage appliances, as well as help us protect the environmentinstall windows storage server 2016 standard in digital format you can install windows storage server 2016 standard in no time and have it up and running right away in your business department thanks to our instant delivery system - our customers receive their orders in a few minutes right in their inboxbuy microsoft windows storage server 2016 standard from mr key shop and get your product within a few minutes via email, with free english-speaking customer serviceyou will save money and time because you immediately get what you need in your email inbox: - your license(s) for microsoft windows storage server 2016 standard you ordered (1 license per appliance) - official download link to the setup iso file for microsoft windows storage server 2016 standard - clear and complete instructions on how to download microsoft windows storage server 2016 standard and then install and activate it on the storage appliance - invoice - free english-speaking customer care are you a reseller? offer your customer the best at the lowest price! if you are a reseller for products like windows storage server 2016 standard, we have designed the mkreseller program for your needstherefore, your licenses for microsoft windows storage server 2016 standard are associated with your credentials, and youll be able to reinstall or restore your appliances with no further product keys neededthe official download link to the iso file for windows storage server 2016 standard, a 100% genuine license, and clear and accurate instructions will let you configure your storage appliance in full autonomymr key shop is an eco-friendly company and, since we ditched physical transport methods, we can reduce pollution and waste! is there any limit in place for microsoft windows storage server 2016 standard? nomail us at sales@mrkeyshopwe know how much you care about time optimization, therefore youll immediately receive in your inbox all the elements you need to set up your storage appliance right away after you purchasewe built an officially authorized store where youll always find the best digital licenses, legit and genuine, at the best prices aroundcom and youll receive a custom price list as soon as possibleour objective is to offer the best products at unmatched prices - were constantly looking for the best deals for our customers4ghz ram: 512mb network: gigabit (10/100/1000baset) ethernet, 1gbps connection recommended storage: 32gbmr key shops catalog exclusively includes products with perpetual licenses, both for retail and business usershowever, if you need it, our free english-speaking customer service will be more than happy to support you! each order placed on mr key shop is covered by our full money-back warrantydigital delivery is a crucial part of our business culturethis version will be supported until january 2022, with extended support up to 2027furthermore, youll have the opportunity to set up your storage appliance right away


    890989990234375 €

  • windows powershell 5download microsoft windows server 2016 standard buy and download microsoft windows server 2016 standardwindows defender: by default, windows server antimalware is installed and enabled without gui (you can install it later)further features include windows server containers, failover cluster, and moremicrosoft windows server 2016 standard for business this is a modern and up-to-date version of windows server and is based on windows 10, one of the most popular microsoft operating systemsbuy microsoft windows server 2016 standard for your company and save nowbuy microsoft windows server 2016 standard, now available from mr key shoppurchase microsoft windows server 2016 standard purchase microsoft windows server 2016 standard from mr key shop, save over the price list and immediately access all the benefits from this version of windows server with kernel and user interface based on windows 10 (here you can see why you should buy windows 10 for your computer from mr key shop right now)work with mr key shop and cut your costs! find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements processor: x64, 1install windows server 2016 standard in digital format mr key shop is focused on digital deliverymicrosoft windows server 2016 standard digital licenses sold by mr key shop are immediately sent via emailsave time and money, get your seats up and running in a breeze, and help protect the environmentif your company requires a more modern operating environment, with security and remote desktop features, buy windows server 2016 standardthis is one of the many benefits of our digital products! whats included with any order of microsoft windows server 2016 standard placed on mr key shop? once you finish your checkout process for microsoft windows server 2016 standard on mr key shop, well immediately send you everything you need via email: - your license(s) for microsoft windows server 2016 standard you ordered (1 license per seat) - official download link to setup iso file for microsoft windows server 2016 standard - clear and complete instructions on how to download, install and activate microsoft windows server 2016 standard for each seat - invoice - free english-speaking customer service are you a reseller? offer your clients the best at less! if you resell products like windows server 2016 standard, discover the advantages of our mkreseller program dedicated to b2b resellers or contact us at sales@mrkeyshopall microsoft windows server 2016 standard licenses you buy from mr key shop allow you to reuse your credentials to reinstall or restore the relevant seatsbe eco-friendly, just like mr key shop! are there any limitations to the licenses for microsoft windows server 2016 standard sold by mr key shop? no, there arentwell email you a download link to the official iso file for windows server 2016 standard, and youll be able to immediately download, install and activate your new microsoft server operating systemhere are some new features compared to the previous version (windows server 2012 r2, also available in our catalog): - windows 10-based kernel & ui - active directory federation services you can configure ad fs to authenticate users that are stored in a directory system different than ad, also compliant with xsince we dont ship physical goods, we can cut pollutants and wasteif you need help, our free english-speaking customer service is there for you ! finally, all mr key shops products include our full money-back warrantythrough our 100% authorized and professional store we offer your company the best digital products at unbeatable prices4ghz ram: 512mb storage: 32gb network interface: ethernet, minwe exclusively offer genuine licenses at low pricestherefore, you wont need any extra licensesremote desktop services: among the new features, opengl 4500, like ldap or sql databasesall the products included in mr key shops catalog are delivered after purchaseimmediate digital delivery, secure payments, a full money-back warranty, and free english-speaking customer servicea 100% genuine license is attached to the same email, together with clear instructions you and your it team can follow autonomouslythe whole catalog sold by mr key shop includes only perpetual licenses, both for retail and business productsthis system is supported until 2022, with extended support until 2027our catalog includes the best authentic licenses to meet any need without breaking the budgetcom and well send you a customized catalog1 are now supported - iis 10: support for http/2


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  • Conoscenza del sistema operativo windows (versioni ) conoscenza dei principali pacchetti di office automation (excel, word, powerpoint, eccper strutturata realtĂ  di lavis selezioniamo un tecnico informatico la risorsa riportando direttamente alla direzione sistemi informativi, prevede il supporto e l’ottimizzazione dei processi aziendali in ambito logistico e commerciale, help desk rete vendita, con disponibilitĂ  ad operare fuori sede per interventi sporadici presso i punti vendita stessi) buona capacitĂ  di troubleshooting lato sw e hw diploma e o laurea in informatica / materie scientifiche discreta conoscenza della lingua inglese

  • DovrĂ  occuparsi: compiti sistemistici su tecnologie linux (livello) avanzato e troubleshooting help desk di 1° e 2° livello assistenza e manutenzione hardware e software (server, reti, stampanti, cellulari) configurazione windows, office 365, one drive, sharepoint assistenza su gestionale zucchetti "infinity" must have: laurea o diploma in discipline informatiche; 3 anni di esperienza maturata in aziende di medie/grandi dimensioni e/o case software; ottima conoscenza pacchetto office (word, exceli nostri recruitment engineer selezionano i migliori profili it per prestigiose societĂ  di consulenza informatica, banche, aziende di servizi, gruppi manifatturieri, start-up di eccellenza e digital dna companyaccess); ottima conoscenza dei sistemi informatici, dei dispositivi mobili e di altri prodotti tecnologici; conoscenza lingua inglese (scritta e parlata) attitudine al problem solving buone capacitĂ  relazionali e di comunicazione buona conoscenza della lingua inglese location: milano (con possibilitĂ  di smart working)about the company: per importante azienda nel settore delle biotecnologie, i nostri recruiter engineer cercano un it specialist core responsibilities: il candidato sarĂ  di supporto al servizio it nella manutenzione e aggiornamento dei sistemi informatici e nell'assistenza alle varie funzioni aziendali, collaborerĂ  con il responsabile it nella promozione dell'innovazione tecnologica, al fine di aumentare l'efficienza dei processi aziendali internitechyon: information technology recruitment experts | head hunter techyon è il primo head hunter esclusivamente specializzato nella ricerca e selezione di professionisti senior e manager nel segmento information technology

  • 0 o successivi· windows edge, internet explorer 72 profilo s· multidiffusione· disponibile connessione a eazy networking, il servizio cloud fornito da avtech· impostazione del monitor secondario: vga e composito· allarme per funzionalitĂ  scenario· allarme per pop-up e anteprima· servizio ddns gratuitorequisiti minimi del pc· intel core i3 o superiore o equivalente amd· 2gb ram· scheda grafica agp, direct draw, 32mb ram· windows 10, 8, 7, vista / directx 9265 nvr con 8 porte lan rj45 poe · nvr con modalitĂ  di registrazione fino a 240 ips @ 3264 x 2448, fino a 160 mbps· con invio di notifica push video entro 5 secondi dallevento· supporta risoluzione video 3840 x 2160· ingresso video: 8 porta lan poe; uscita: hdmi 4k, vga e video composito· compatibile windows xp, vista, 7 e 8; ios e android· con audio, rs485, porta usb· alimentazione: dc48v / 2265· formato di compressione audio: g711· modalitĂ  di visualizzazione locale / remota: 9ch· modalitĂ  di riproduzione locale / remota: 9ch· riproduzione locale singolo canale· modalitĂ  di registrazione: manuale/eventi/sirena/programma· doppio streaming di dischi· tempo di registrazione: 270 ips @3264x2448 fino a 160mbps· registrazione pre-allarme· ricerca rapida per tempo/eventi· notifiche eventi: push video / push stato / e-mail video / e-mail stato· sicurezza: accesso a utenti multipli con password· accesso remoto: windows edge/internet explorer/chrome/safari su so windows; cms lite, 32ch cms software per so windows; app eagleeyes su dispositivi mobile ios e android· numero massimo di utenti online: 10· compatibile onvif 2l alimentazione della telecamera e la trasmissione video passano attraverso lo stesso cavo ethernet, consentendo di eliminare adattatori di alimentazione per le telecamere durante l intera configurazione del sistema di sorveglianza hdè sufficiente cliccare su un evento per visualizzare l anteprima del filmato con immagini di pre-allarmeoltre al display principale, tramite l uscita hdmi principale, è possibile assegnare un display secondario per mostrare la visualizzazione live, il monitor delle chiamate o il monitor degli eventix o successiviinformazioni ambientali· temperatura operativa: da 10°c a 40°c · umiditĂ  operativa: da 10% a 85%quello piĂą attuale lampeggerĂ  per attirare l attenzione265, la capacitĂ  di registrazione è notevolmente migliorata così come il risparmio di larghezza di banda, per una migliore efficienza e prestazioni rispetto ai sistemi che utilizzano altri formati di compressionela sua funzione scenario consente di integrare diversi dispositivi di allarme per generare diverse azioni mantenendo la registrazione probatoria; questa funzionalitĂ  consente di personalizzare una serie di azioni che verranno eseguite automaticamente dopo un evento specificatograzie all app gratuita eagleeyes è possibile connettere a eazy networking (il servizio cloud fornito da avtech) questo dispositivo4w / max potenza poe totale 123la funzione buddy permette di condividere l accesso al dispositivo ad altre persone; è possibile ricevere notifiche di segnalazioni di accesso/uscita dal dispositivoesistono diversi modelli di scenari per scegliere quando e cosa fare dopo che si è verificato un evento specifico3af): max potenza per porta poe 152w · dimensioni: 260 x 48 x 235caratteristiche· videoregistratore 8 canali hgrazie alla tecnologia di compressione hvideoregistratore nvr 8 canali 4k poe questo videoregistratore nvr è un registratore 9ch con 8 porte poe per consentire l installazione rapida della telecamera5a· poe (ieee802tutti gli eventi sono elencati nel pannello di destra con le icone degli eventi corrispondenti per consentire di riconoscere rapidamente il tipo di evento7 mm (l x h x w)· colore: nerohardware· ingresso video: 8 porte lan poe· uscita video: hdmi (4k2k); vga (1080p); composito· risoluzione video in uscita: 3840 x 2160· audio: microfono in/out· allarme: 4 ingresso / 1 uscita· interfaccia rs485· memoria hdd: hard disk da 10tb· porta usb· porta ethernet: 8 porte lan poe - 10/100mbps; 1 porta wan internet - 1000mbpssoftware· formato di compressione video: h


  • 0 o successivi· windows edge, internet explorer 7265 nvr con 4 porte lan rj45 poe · nvr con modalitĂ  di registrazione fino a 240 ips @ 3264 x 2448, fino a 160 mbps· supporta risoluzione video 3840 x 2160· ingresso video: 4 porte lan poe; uscita: hdmi 4k, vga e video composito· compatibile windows xp, vista, 7 e 8; ios e android· con audio, rs485, porta usb· alimentazione: dc48v / 2265· formato di compressione audio: g711· modalitĂ  di visualizzazione locale / remota: 4ch· modalitĂ  di riproduzione locale / remota: 4ch· riproduzione locale singolo canale· modalitĂ  di registrazione: manuale/eventi/sirena/programma· doppio streaming di dischi· tempo di registrazione: 270 ips @3264x2448 fino a 160mbps· registrazione pre-allarme· ricerca rapida per tempo/eventi· notifiche eventi: push stato / e-mail video / e-mail stato· sicurezza: accesso a utenti multipli con password· accesso remoto: windows edge/internet explorer/chrome/safari su so windows; cms lite, 32ch cms software per so windows; app eagleeyes su dispositivi mobile ios e android· numero massimo di utenti online: 20· multidiffusione· disponibile connessione a eazy networking, il servizio cloud fornito da avtech· impostazione del monitor secondario: vga e composito· allarme per funzionalitĂ  scenario· allarme per pop-up e anteprima· servizio ddns gratuitorequisiti minimi del pc· intel core i3 o superiore o equivalente amd· 2gb ram· scheda grafica agp, direct draw, 32mb ram· windows 10, 8, 7, vista / directx 9l alimentazione della telecamera e la trasmissione video passano attraverso lo stesso cavo ethernet, consentendo di eliminare adattatori di alimentazione per le telecamere durante l intera configurazione del sistema di sorveglianza hdè sufficiente cliccare su un evento per visualizzare l anteprima del filmato con immagini di pre-allarmeoltre al display principale, tramite l uscita hdmi principale, è possibile assegnare un display secondario per mostrare la visualizzazione live, il monitor delle chiamate o il monitor degli eventix o successiviinformazioni ambientali· temperatura operativa: da 10°c a 40°c · umiditĂ  operativa: da 10% a 85%quello piĂą attuale lampeggerĂ  per attirare l attenzione265, la capacitĂ  di registrazione è notevolmente migliorata così come il risparmio di larghezza di banda, per una migliore efficienza e prestazioni rispetto ai sistemi che utilizzano altri formati di compressionela sua funzione scenario consente di integrare diversi dispositivi di allarme per generare diverse azioni mantenendo la registrazione probatoria; questa funzionalitĂ  consente di personalizzare una serie di azioni che verranno eseguite automaticamente dopo un evento specificatograzie all app gratuita eagleeyes è possibile connettere a eazy networking (il servizio cloud fornito da avtech) questo dispositivo4w / max potenza poe totale 123la funzione buddy permette di condividere l accesso al dispositivo ad altre persone; è possibile ricevere notifiche di segnalazioni di accesso/uscita dal dispositivoesistono diversi modelli di scenari per scegliere quando e cosa fare dopo che si è verificato un evento specifico3af): max potenza per porta poe 157 mm (l x h x w)· colore: nerohardware· ingresso video: 4 porte lan poe· uscita video: hdmi (4k2k); vga (1080p); composito· risoluzione video in uscita: 3840 x 2160· audio: microfono in/out· allarme: 4 ingresso / 1 uscita· interfaccia rs485· memoria hdd: hard disk da 10tb· porta usb· espandibile con un cavo da sata a esata· porta ethernet: 4 porte lan poe - 10/100mbps; 1 porta wan internet - 1000mbpssoftware· formato di compressione video: h2w · dimensioni: 260 x 48 x 235grazie alla tecnologia di compressione h5a· poe (ieee802videoregistratore nvr 4 canali 4k poe dgh1104 questo videoregistratore nvr è un registratore 4ch poe per consentire l installazione rapida della telecameratutti gli eventi sono elencati nel pannello di destra con le icone degli eventi corrispondenti per consentire di riconoscere rapidamente il tipo di eventocaratteristiche· videoregistratore 4 canali h


  • 0 o successivi· windows edge, internet explorer 72 profilo s· multidiffusione· disponibile connessione a eazy networking, il servizio cloud fornito da avtech· impostazione del monitor secondario: vga e composito· allarme per funzionalitĂ  scenario· allarme per pop-up e anteprima· servizio ddns gratuitorequisiti minimi del pc· intel core i3 o superiore o equivalente amd· 2gb ram· scheda grafica agp, direct draw, 32mb ram· windows 10, 8, 7, vista / directx 9265 nvr con 8 porte lan rj45 poe · nvr con modalitĂ  di registrazione fino a 240 ips @ 3264 x 2448, fino a 160 mbps· con invio di notifica push video entro 5 secondi dall'evento· supporta risoluzione video 3840 x 2160· ingresso video: 8 porta lan poe; uscita: hdmi 4k, vga e video composito· compatibile windows xp, vista, 7 e 8; ios e android· con audio, rs485, porta usb· alimentazione: dc48v / 2265· formato di compressione audio: g711· modalitĂ  di visualizzazione locale / remota: 9ch· modalitĂ  di riproduzione locale / remota: 9ch· riproduzione locale singolo canale· modalitĂ  di registrazione: manuale/eventi/sirena/programma· doppio streaming di dischi· tempo di registrazione: 270 ips @3264x2448 fino a 160mbps· registrazione pre-allarme· ricerca rapida per tempo/eventi· notifiche eventi: push video / push stato / e-mail video / e-mail stato· sicurezza: accesso a utenti multipli con password· accesso remoto: windows edge/internet explorer/chrome/safari su so windows; cms lite, 32ch cms software per so windows; app eagleeyes su dispositivi mobile ios e android· numero massimo di utenti online: 10· compatibile onvif 2l alimentazione della telecamera e la trasmissione video passano attraverso lo stesso cavo ethernet, consentendo di eliminare adattatori di alimentazione per le telecamere durante l intera configurazione del sistema di sorveglianza hdè sufficiente cliccare su un evento per visualizzare l anteprima del filmato con immagini di pre-allarmeoltre al display principale, tramite l uscita hdmi principale, è possibile assegnare un display secondario per mostrare la visualizzazione live, il monitor delle chiamate o il monitor degli eventix o successiviinformazioni ambientali· temperatura operativa: da 10°c a 40°c · umiditĂ  operativa: da 10% a 85%quello piĂą attuale lampeggerĂ  per attirare l attenzione265, la capacitĂ  di registrazione è notevolmente migliorata così come il risparmio di larghezza di banda, per una migliore efficienza e prestazioni rispetto ai sistemi che utilizzano altri formati di compressionela sua funzione scenario consente di integrare diversi dispositivi di allarme per generare diverse azioni mantenendo la registrazione probatoria; questa funzionalitĂ  consente di personalizzare una serie di azioni che verranno eseguite automaticamente dopo un evento specificatograzie all app gratuita eagleeyes è possibile connettere a eazy networking (il servizio cloud fornito da avtech) questo dispositivo4w / max potenza poe totale 123la funzione buddy permette di condividere l accesso al dispositivo ad altre persone; è possibile ricevere notifiche di segnalazioni di accesso/uscita dal dispositivoesistono diversi modelli di scenari per scegliere quando e cosa fare dopo che si è verificato un evento specifico3af): max potenza per porta poe 152w · dimensioni: 260 x 48 x 235caratteristiche· videoregistratore 8 canali hgrazie alla tecnologia di compressione hvideoregistratore nvr 8 canali 4k poe questo videoregistratore nvr è un registratore 9ch con 8 porte poe per consentire l installazione rapida della telecamera5a· poe (ieee802tutti gli eventi sono elencati nel pannello di destra con le icone degli eventi corrispondenti per consentire di riconoscere rapidamente il tipo di evento7 mm (l x h x w)· colore: nerohardware· ingresso video: 8 porte lan poe· uscita video: hdmi (4k2k); vga (1080p); composito· risoluzione video in uscita: 3840 x 2160· audio: microfono in/out· allarme: 4 ingresso / 1 uscita· interfaccia rs485· memoria hdd: hard disk da 10tb· porta usb· porta ethernet: 8 porte lan poe - 10/100mbps; 1 porta wan internet - 1000mbpssoftware· formato di compressione video: h


  • Buy microsoft windows server 2022 rds user cals now and savecom for more info! find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements visit the page for microsoft windows server 2022 to see the system requirementsbuy microsoft windows server 2022 rds user cals at the best price mr key shop expands its catalog with windows server 2022 rds user cals you can order at the best price and in bundles of 1, 5, 10, 20, and 50 user licenses you can use whenever you want to authorize single users to access your remote desktop services on windows server! mr key shop is your one-stop-shop for windows server 2022 rds calsyou can buy your windows server 2022 rds user cals in bundles with 1, 10, 20, and 50 licenseswhat are the user cal licenses for windows server 2022 rds? why do i need them? microsoft windows server 2022 is a piece of software designed for companies like yours, managing and offering remote services through a server instanceactivate windows server 2022 rds user cals within minutes for your business user cals for windows server 2022 rds, available from mr key shops catalog, are ready to use: complete your order and deploy them thanks to our instant digital delivery systemdeploy your windows server 2022 rds user cals and make the world greener time-saving service and accessible prices are two of the pillars underlying our 100% digital and authorized storeif your company uses the remote desktop service (rds) platform from windows server, rds user cals allow selected users to access the remote desktop, just like they were in front of the machine hosted by the serverthis is another great benefit from our store! what will i receive when i buy my windows server 2022 rds user cal licenses from mr key shop? once you purchase your microsoft windows server 2022 rds user cal license bundle, youll get a recap email including the following: - your windows server 2022 rds user cal licenses in the desired amount - clear and simple instructions for license deployment and activation - invoice - free english-speaking customer service are you a reseller? join the mkreseller program and grow your business! if you are a reseller of digital software and licenses like windows server 2022 rds user cals, enroll in our mkreseller program we built for professionals like you! join mr key shops family, offer your customers the best of the digital world at the lowest prices, and grow your business! visit the official page for the mkreseller program or mail us at sales@mrkeyshopthis offers huge benefits, but theres more: under our strict ecological ethics, we ditched physical transport systems and shipments, not only to ensure the best prices and remove downtime from the equation (no couriers, no delays) but also to help save the planetweve been among the first companies believing in the digital delivery strategy for premium software like microsoft operating systems (find out whats new in windows 11 professional), office productivity suites, including the latest office 2021, the best antivirus brands like eset, avast, and more, and now even backup & recovery productscompetitive prices and secure payments with a full money-back warrantythis is the benefit from mr key shop! pay using tracked methods, with ssl encryption and through the most appreciated and reliable platforms, like paypal, stripe, amazon pay, as well as google and apple pay; each order is covered by our money-back warranty, therefore you can always shop from our store with confidence! the digital world is yours with mr key shop! for over 18 years, mr key shop has been an acknowledged presence in the digital marketget your 100% genuine licenses via email in a second and enjoy all the benefits from the digital world with mr key shop, including our free english-speaking customer supportweve delighted more than 350k customers who awarded us on trustpilot with a rating of excellentby allocating licenses, you authorize a user or a device to access your servers features and servicesfurthermore, our free english-speaking customer service is always at your disposalthese fall into two different types: user, for single users with credentials made of a username and a password, and device, for unique devicesif you need to authorize devices, you can buy rds device calsthe advantage is that you can control server access; furthermore, all the licenses sold by mr key shop can be activated when needed, with no time limitsthis way, you can ensure rds service access both for your it staff and your customers, if you offer paid remote desktop servicesour digital delivery system ensures full timeliness: after your order, youll get all you need, from your license (or bundle) to step-by-step activation instructions, official download links (where relevant), all conveniently packed in one single recap emailsince we do not add to the waste and pollution production, we can proudly say were a 100% eco-friendly company, and we value the environment just like youin turn, we honor their trust every day: our professionals always look for the best digital licenses, always genuine and guaranteed, at unbeatable pricesto grant access to your services, you need to activate cals or client access licenseshowever, mr key shop follows further guidelines, like timeliness and professionalism, in the scope of our digital culture guiding us since our inception


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  • Purchase microsoft windows server 2012 essentials from mr key shopmicrosoft windows server 2012 essentials is the best choice for your companymicrosoft windows server 2012 essentials for companies if your companys requirements include only 1-25 user management, microsoft windows server 2012 essentials is your go-to choicebuy microsoft windows server 2012 essentials buy microsoft windows server 2012 essentials from mr key shop and you will save on the msrp with no compromise over the new features provided by the essentials edition of windows server 2012work with mr key shop and cut your costs! find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements processor: x64, 1as for all the other windows server 2012 editions, extended support ends in january 2023download microsoft windows server 2012 essentials your company deserves the best: save time and money, purchase, and immediately download microsoft windows server 2012 essentials right after your order from mr key shopyoull be able to install your new microsoft windows server operating system right away with your new 100% genuine licenseonce you complete your transaction, well immediately send you an official download link to windows server 2012 essentials iso filesome of the main features of windows server 2012 essentials for your business are: - 250 rras and 50 ias connections, 2 ias server groups - refs: a file system designed to ntfs - it also includes write-mode for windows server 2012install windows server 2012 essentials in digital format just like your company, mr key shop is 100% committed to digital deliverywhat will i get after ordering microsoft windows server 2012 essentials from mr key shop? when you purchase your microsoft windows server 2012 essentials license(s) from mr key shop, youll immediately get some benefits, like huge savings, but first of all, you will be able to download, install and activate windows server 2012 essentials within a few minutes since youll receive everything you need in your inbox: - microsoft windows server 2012 essentials license(s) you ordered - official download link to the setup iso file for microsoft windows server 2012 essentials - clear and complete instructions on how to download, install and activate microsoft windows server 2012 essentials for each required seat - invoice - free english-speaking customer service are you a reseller? provide your customer with the best products! if youre a reseller and your catalog includes products like windows server 2012 essentials, we have developed the mkreseller reseller program especially for youplus, youll receive simple and accurate instructions, designed to help your it department install your new os with no hassle or externaldo microsoft windows server 2012 essentials licenses have an expiration date? our catalog, encompassing both retail and business products, offers perpetual licenses onlywhen you purchase microsoft windows server 2012 essentials from mr key shop, you can reinstall or restore your seats using the related credentialsbeyond all time and budget benefits, your company can also be eco-friendly, just like mr key shop! such a benefit is granted by our digital strategy: each product key for microsoft windows server 2012 essentials sold by mr key shop will be sent to your inbox in digital formatcompared to previous versions, further news features include simplified server management, smb 34ghz ram: 512mb storage: 32gbthis version is one of the most appreciated software products by global it departments, with interesting improvements compared to the standard edition (also included in our catalog)therefore, you wont have to activate extra licenses or buy more product keysfurthermore, by removing the physical transport process, we also contribute to environmental protection by reducing pollutants and packaging wastecom and well timely send you a tailor-made catalogin case of doubt, however, contact our free english-speaking customer service! and remember, all your orders are covered by mr key shops full money-back warrantyactive directory: now the trash bin has a new guiyou can set different password policies for each domain, as well as safely clone domain controllersonce you deactivate the previous setup, your team will be able to proceed with a new installation, saving time and money100% genuine licenses with secure payments methods and a full money-back warrantyeach order is digitally delivered within a few seconds from purchase, with free english-speaking customer serviceeach delivery is immediate, with no intermediate stagewrite us at sales@mrkeyshopfor this reason, we can provide top-notch products at budget-friendly prices


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  • If you need a license for windows server 2019, click herebuy windows server 2019 device cals for your business and save moneypartner with us, offer your customers the best of the digital world at low prices, and grow your business! find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements visit the microsoft windows server 2019 page for the minimum system requirementsbuy windows server 2019 device cals for your business and save time and money! warning: this page relates to the device cal licenses for microsoft windows server 2019once you complete your order, well send you an email with the windows server 2019 device cal license bundle you ordered, including accurate and yet simple instructions you can follow with no further helpdiscover mr key shops catalog, including windows 11 professional, office 2021 professional, and microsoft sql server 2019all our licenses are genuine, with instant email delivery, and free english-speaking customer service purchase windows server 2019 device cals for your business windows server 2019 device cal licenses are available from mr key shops catalogour prices are unmatched, just like our digital delivery system: buy your device cal licenses for windows server 2019, stay within your budget, and cut downtimeorder and activate windows server 2019 device cals within a few seconds speed, professionalism, and reliability are three pillars that drive mr key shop in all our effortsthis is the reason why were proud to be a 100% eco-friendly company! what are the cal licenses? why do i need windows server 2019 device cals? cals are the licenses you have to deploy to your customers or internal teams to let them access services and/or tools from your server instance with windows server 2019 runningdeploy windows server 2019 device cal in no time our team is committed to finding the best digital licenses at the lowest prices, as well as ensuring premium and fast serviceyou can choose your bundles including 1-50 licenses, if you are not sure about which and how many licenses you need, contact our technical support! once i order the windows server 2019 device cal licenses, what will i obtain? once you purchase windows server 2019 device cals, youll get an email with the following: - your windows server 2019 device cal licenses in the chosen bundle - clear and simple instructions to deploy and activate your cals - invoice - free english-speaking customer service are you a reseller? join mr key shops family! visit now the official page of mkreseller, the reseller program we have created for digital professionals like you, or send an email to sales@mrkeyshophowever, in case of issues or if you are not sure about the amount or type of cals you need to buy for your business, contact our free english-speaking customer support! with mr key shop, the digital world is on hand, even for windows server 2019 device cals for over 18 years, mr key shop has been the one-stop shop in the digital marketweve already delighted more than 350k customers around the world, with a rating of excellent on trustpilot: buy windows server 2019 device cals with confidence from mr key shop, save with our genuine and cost-effective digital licenses, pay via secure and ssl-encrypted methods (paypal, stripe, amazon, google, apple pay) with a full money-back warranty, and receive your orders within a few seconds from the purchaseif youre looking for user cals, visit this pagemr key shop offers you the benefit of saving over your digital licenses and receiving them within a few seconds from the purchase with our instant delivery systemsave up to 70% compared to other stores of first-party catalogsenjoy now all the benefits of mr key shop: competitive prices, secure payments, and a full money-back warrantythis is our value system, furthermore, our digital ethics are bound to our ecological culture: we have ditched real-world transport since our inception, therefore we can cut pollution and wastehere you can buy your digital cals including 1-50 unitsyou wont have to wait for the courier, avoiding all the physical transport systems inconveniences: no delays, no lost shipments! once you receive our email (within a few seconds from your purchase), youll be able to use your licenses with no downtimedevice cal licenses are aimed at single devices, while user cals are allocated to discrete users with unique credentialssave over the price list and activate your digital licenses within a few seconds from your purchasemr key shop lets you enjoy all the benefits of the digital world at unparalleled pricesthis way, only authorized users or devices will be able to use such featurescom for your tailor-made price listwe are among the first businesses that believed in digital delivery for premium software


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  • Buy windows server 2016 rds device cals from mr key shopfind more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements choose your os version by visiting the windows server 2016 page, checking the system requirements, and ordering a license at the best pricehyper-v (windows server virtualization), included in the windows server 2016 os, allows running multiple operating systems as virtual machines in windows and hardware virtualization (each vm runs in different virtual hardware combinations)buy windows server 2016 rds device cals, mr key shop offers you maximum flexibility! as your company grows, you can add more windows server 2016 cals, that can be activated with no due datessee all the benefits of the digital world from mr key shop! order windows server 2016 rds device cals for your business now purchase windows server 2016 rds device cals from mr key shops catalog at competitive pricesthis is the reason why were proud to say mr key shop is a 100% eco-friendly company! what will i get by ordering windows server 2016 rds device cals? order windows server 2016 rds device cal from mr key shopthe digital world is at your hand with mr key shop, trying is believing! deploy your windows server 2016 rds device cals right away and help us save the planet if you know us, you know we work following three pillars: timeliness, security, and simplicityactivate your windows server 2016 rds device cals in digital format your business deserves the best: maximize uptime, remove downtime, and increase your team members productivity in a breeze! mr key shops catalog includes the rds device cals for windows server 2016 at an unmatched pricethis is another great benefit from our store! discover the features from windows server 2016 rds device cals with windows server 2016 rds device cals, you can create desktop sessions with shared resources that are accessible by multiple employees from a pc or personal desktop sessionswe introduced server products, like sql server 2016, storage server, and microsoft windows server 2016, with the relevant user cals and device calsthanks to the vdi feature for windows server 2016, you can create a virtual desktop infrastructure where each user is assigned a personal desktop within the poolfrom our store, you can save up to 70% on our encompassing and ever-growing catalog: from microsoft operating systems like windows 11 professional to productivity suites like office 2021 professional and office 2021 home & business for macthe windows server 2016 cal licenses allow authorizing two types of targets: single users via credentials (username + password), via the user cal 2016 licenses, or unique devices via device cals, namely the license you can order from this pagediscover all the benefits from mr key shop right now! what are the rds device cals? whenever a windows server instance includes the rds service, this means you can deploy a remote desktop on that server, including resources like storage and processingour digital delivery system ensures the highest timeliness: at the end of your order, youll receive in your inbox all you need, from your license bundle of windows server 2016 rds cals to step-by-step guidance to activate them, your official invoice, and the access to our free english-speaking technical supportat the end of the checkout process, youll get a recap email including: - your license bundle for windows server 2016 rds device cals in the requested amount - step-by-step instructions on how to activate and deploy your licenses - invoice - free english-speaking technical support are you a reseller? mkreseller is the program for you! we created a reseller program, mkreseller, built for digital professionals like youorder your rds device cal 2016 licenses for your business, authorize your devices within a few seconds from your order, and enjoy all the benefits from one of the best digital stores in the market! if your company runs a windows server 2016 instance with rds enabled, the device cals from mr key shop are your best option to deploy your cals (client access licenses) right away to your customers and staff deviceswell be more than happy to provide you with all the information you needorder your 1, 5, 10, 20, and 50 license bundles, activate the ones you need and save significantly over the msrpyou can buy the type of cals choosing from device and user, furthermore, you can choose the ideal bundle for your requirementsthe service can be accessed by remote clients via the internet or over the enterprise local networkif you want to grow your business and offer your customers the best digital product at the best prices, visit the official page of the mkreseller program or mail us at sales@mrkeyshopfor example, you can allow your smart-working employees to use a remote desktop, or let your in-house workers access the resources available from a server located in another area of your companys building like they were physically in front of itsave over the suggested price and receive your order right in your email within a few secondsand this is bound to our ecological culture: we have ditched physical shipping since day onethese translate into huge benefits for you and your company: firstly, cost savings with our genuine digital licenses, accurately selected for you, and then time savings, since you can activate your licenses right after the checkoutthus, we implemented our authorized and professional service, with instant digital delivery and all the warranties you can expect from the best stores on the marketfor you, this means no couriers, no delays, no inconveniences, not to mention the extra shipping costs youll never pay forfrom us, you can shop with full confidence, save over your budget, and enjoy our full money-back warrantytime and money are the most valuable assets to your business and here at mr key shop, we know it welllast but not least, our catalog also offers the best antivirus brands in the market, like bitdefender total security and eset nod32our professionalism is renowned, just as your purchases are always guaranteedpay via secure and tracked methods, with a full money-back warranty and free english-speaking technical supportonce an exclusive gaming prerogative, with popular platforms like steam conquering the market, now the digital channel hosts many software stores and vendorsour digital ethics have guided us thoroughly for over 18 yearsmr key shop has already envisioned it over 18 years ago, starting as a 100% digital reseller right from the first day of businessfor us, this means helping save the environment and the planet: we do not pollute or generate wastealternatively, you can authorize your clients to access the paid rds service provided by your organizationtime proved us right: we have successfully served over 350k customers since our inception, and weve been acknowledged as an “ excellent” service on trustpilotfrom official storefronts like microsoft to third-party resellers, software is less and less sold via brick-and-mortar retail stores, in favor of digital delivery via the internetdeploy your rds service in a few seconds, meet your customers requirements in terms of remote access, and allow your staff to work better from their seats, by accessing the remote desktop services as they were physically in front of the remote machine on their desks! the digital world is at your hand with mr key shop digital delivery is an ever-growingly popular concept todayonly a professional store like ours can ensure timelines, safety, savings, and full transparencyavailable bundles include 1, 5, 10, 20, and 50 licenses you can always activate whenever you need themwe strongly believed in the digital market and we operate in it today, with a team of experts always looking for top-notch digital products, always with genuine and guaranteed licenses, at lower prices


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  • microsoft windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup for business windows storage server is based on windows server (see windows server 2012 and all the other versions available from our catalog), the r2 version is an updated iteration designed for network attached storage (nas) devices across your companypurchase microsoft windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup from mr key shopinstall windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup in digital format installing windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup in digital format è possible, also reducing downtime and cutting down costswindows storage server allows you to build your customized storage appliances according to your hardwarework with mr key shop and grow your business! find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus supported hardware specs - architecture: x64 - cpu socket: 1 - ram: 32gb - disks (count/interfaces/ raid types0): 6/no external sass /unlimited - max user count: 50 minimum system requirements processor: x64, 1windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup features the following: - virtualization (2 vms) - domain merging - branchcache peer-to-peer - active directory lightweight directory services (ad lds) download microsoft windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup download microsoft windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup fast after your transaction on mr key shopeach license for microsoft windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup is delivered right after the purchase via emailbuy microsoft windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup buy microsoft windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup from mr key shop and save over the msrp! you can immediately set up your storage appliance thanks to our digital email delivery immediately after your purchaseyoull receive our email with an official download link to the iso file for windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup, one 100% genuine and guaranteed license, together with a set of instructions we specifically designed to let you proceed with no further helpour licenses for microsoft windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup allow you to reinstall or restore your appliance with no further product key to be purchasedthis is one of the key benefits of mr key shop! once i order microsoft windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup from mr key shop, what can i expect? after your digital order for microsoft windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup from our store, well send you an email with everything you need to proceed: - your license(s) for microsoft windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup you ordered (1 license per appliance) - official download link to the setup iso file for microsoft windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup - clear and complete instructions on how to download microsoft windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup and then install and activate it on the storage appliance - invoice - free english-speaking customer care are you a reseller? offer your customer the best at the lowest price! if you are a reseller for products like windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup, join our mkreseller program dedicated to b2b customers or mail us at sales@mrkeyshopmr key shop is an eco-friendly company! what kind of licenses for microsoft windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup are available from mr key shop? mr key shop only offers perpetual licenses, both for consumers and businesses4ghz ram: 512mb storage: 32gbsave time and stay within your budget for your development area and enjoy the performance ensured by storage server 2012 r2 workgroupsince we abandoned the physical good transport system, we reduce our footprint, cutting down pollutants and wastecom and youll receive a custom price list as soon as possiblethis way, you can proceed to install and set up your storage appliance with no hasslereceive your order via email instantly, with a full money-back warrantyfurthermore, we can protect the environmentin case of doubt or issues, our free english-speaking customer service is always there for you! all orders placed on mr key shop are covered by our full money-back warrantymr key shop is a 100% digital company and our professional authorized store offers a complete catalog with the best software in digital delivery, all guaranteed and 100% genuine, at very competitive pricesall licenses are 100% guaranteed, with secure payments and free english-speaking customer serviceall licenses are linked to a microsoft account, and you can deactivate the previous setup and then proceed with the new one using the same credentials


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