Iptv and vod content digital tv channels

Elenco iptv and vod content digital tv channels

  • Mini digital tv stick indoor sdr+dab+fm dvb-t tuner antenna wireless with remote control receiver hdtv usb 2


    18959999084472656 €

  • 3vnet weight5ggross weight13gproduct size32*24*11mmpackage size93*138mmfeatures:8-channel input and output expansioneach io supports independent configuration of digital i/o, adc, servo control, rgb led control modesio2 is an io extended unit, based on stm32f030 main controller, using i2c communication interface and providing 8 io expansiondigital i/oadc inputservo control (pwm)rgb led controli2c communication interface:supports configuration of i2c addressapplications:io expansionservo controlmultiple lighting controlmultiple analog signal acquisitionpackage included:1 x extio2 units on the same i2c bus to extend more io resourcesdescription:iext54mmiosupport modedigital input/output, adc, servo control, rgb led controlio input/output level support3supports configuration of device i2c address, which means that users can mount multiple extspecificationparametersmcustm32f030i2c address0x45(default)number of io extensions8io interface pin spacing2suitable for multiple digital/analog signal acquisition, with lighting/servo control applications


    8869999885559082 €

  • Xiaomi tv stick con supporto 4k e telecomando - 1gb/8gb, android tv 11 take your snacks and drinks and enjoy your favorite tv shows and movies!


    669000015258789 €

  • ) a curated list of content from broadcast and streaming channels, personalized to you) its all you need to discover tons of different content in one place and get maximum enjoymentthe sleek one remote control keeps it simple, allowing you to quickly search all your favorite content from your set-top box to game console, apps, and even live tvcosì non dovrai più distogliere lo sguardo dal tv per dare unocchiata al tuo cellularenow, its easy to get to your favorite content easily, without having to open an appscegli un posto qualunque nella stanza: con ultra viewing angle avrai immagini sempre uniformi, anche di lato al tvaccess various content with one remote (row) smart hub & one remote control (availability of the feature may vary by regionaccess various content with one remote (us) smart hub & one remote control (availability of the feature may vary by regionava amplifica le voci nella scena per dialoghi più chiari; potrai così guardare la tv senza perdere il filo del discorsoda oggi potrai accedere rapidamente ai tuoi contenuti preferiti, avere delle risposte e persino controllare il tuo tv e gli altri dispositivi connessi della casalelegante telecomando one remote control ti semplifica la vita, consentendoti di cercare rapidamente tutti i tuoi contenuti preferiti, dal decoder alla console di gioco, dalle app alla tv dal vivopiù contenuti contemporaneamente multi view la tecnologia multi view divide lo schermo del tv in due: da un lato visualizza i contenuti che stai guardando, dallaltro effettua il mirroring del tuo dispositivo mobilela perfetta soluzione di stile cavo one invisible connection e staffa no gap wall-mount un cavo praticamente invisibile per appendere il tuo tv a filo della parete e collegare tutti i dispositivi esterni, ottenendo un risultato esteticamente gradevoleimmagini impeccabili in ogni ambiente luminosità adattiva con ia grazie a una regolazione automatica della luminosità, questa tecnologia si adatta attivamente allambiente di visione, garantendo immagini perfette a prescindere dal momento della giornata o dai contenuti visualizzaticoncediti dettagli realistici grazie a un contrasto eccezionale) sono tutto ciò che ti serve per accedere a uninfinità di contenuti diversi da un unico posto e trarre così il massimo divertimento) un elenco di contenuti completo creato su misura per te: dalle emittenti televisive ai canali in streamingcheck before useper godere in ogni momento di tutto il realismo 8kspend time watching, not searching (india) universal guide (availability of the feature may vary by regionper un mondo di nuove possibilitàgarantisce inoltre unottima visibilità anche nelle scene più buie e un audio perfettamente sincronizzato con lazionele migliori immagini samsung hdr, dai colori brillanti ai dettagli più scuri quantum hdr 4000 quantum hdr 4000 definisce un nuovo standard in termini di ricchezza di dettagli e luminosità, per una resa cromatica più ricca e accurata e un contrasto più profondo con dettagli nitidialtoparlanti dedicati rivolti verso lalto e laterali creano un effetto sonoro immersivo che porta dritto al cuore dellazioneil sistema ai upscaling crea consistenze perfette, bordi realistici e riduce il rumore pixel per pixel, per un risultato assolutamente realisticotrasforma in 8k ciò che ami 8k ai upscaling grazie al machine learning, il potente processore quantum 8k innalza lo standard di riproduzione di vari tipi di fonti e risoluzioni alla qualità 8kintelligenza al servizio della perfezione processore quantum 8k il potente processore firmato samsung crea la migliore esperienza visiva di sempre grazie a un intelligente sistema di upscaling 8k e alla funzione adaptive picturerendi la tua casa smart con qled app smartthings tieni sotto controllo la tua casa smart con lapp smartthingse per aiutarti a scalare la vetta della classifica, amd freesync riduce i problemi di tearing e stutteringguarda di più, cerca di meno universal guide (la disponibilità della funzione può variare in base al paesela visione migliore da ogni angolazione ultra viewing angle ammira ogni dettaglio da qualsiasi angolazioneun unico telecomando per vari contenuti smart hub e one remote control (la disponibilità della funzione può variare in base al paeseverifica prima dellusola mappatura tonale dinamica di hdr10+ regola colori e contrasti di ogni singola scena, per poter apprezzare ogni minima sfumaturacontrasto preciso per una profondità e una ricchezza di dettagli eccezionali direct full array pro zone di retroilluminazione altamente concentrate regolano automaticamente ogni singola scena per offrire il massimo livello di dettaglio possibile nelle scene buie e luminoseil suono che segue limmagine object tracking sound+ (ots+) goditi un audio cinematografico assolutamente realistico che segue il movimento degli oggetti sulla scenabasta dire ciò che desidericollegandosi ai dispositivi e ai sensori iot, il qled permette di accendere le luci, controllare cosa cè in frigo e persino avviare laspirapolvere robot comodamente dal divanoscopri la potenza di ogni singolo frame con un livello di nitidezza di 33 milioni di pixel per una risoluzione quattro volte la qualità 4kparla e sarai accontentato più assistenti vocali con il comando vocale tutto diventa più semplicebordi neri pressoché inesistenti e un telaio ultrasottile per eliminare ogni tipo di distrazione e regalare unesperienza di visione totalmente immersivaaccedere ai tuoi contenuti preferiti non è mai stato così semplice; e non serve nemmeno aprire unappscopri un nuovo modo di vedere la realtà la vera risoluzione 8k accedi a un nuovo livello di risoluzione e lasciati trasportare in una nuova dimensione della realtà grazie a schermi di grandi dimensioninon perdere nessun dialogo amplificatore intelligente della voce (ava) i rumori dellambiente domestico possono disturbare lesperienza di visionescopri la potenza di un futuro oltre ogni confine visione a tutto schermo infinity screen spingi al limite la tua esperienza di visione con una cornice praticamente invisibileassumi il controllo e conquista più vittorie real game enhancer+ vivi unesperienza di gioco ottimizzata senza bisogno di fare nulla: extra motion clarity riduce aloni ed effetto mosso nelle scene di gioco ad alta velocità dazioneun miliardo di sfumature di colore per immagini brillanti 100% di volume colore firmato quantum dot la tecnologia quantum dot regala le immagini più belle di semprecon il 100% di volume colore, quantum dot cattura la luce e la trasforma in colori mozzafiato che conservano tutto il loro realismo a ogni livello di luminositàspend time watching, not searching (us) universal guide (availability of the feature may vary by region


    82907998046875 €

  • ) a curated list of content from broadcast and streaming channels, personalized to you) it's all you need to discover tons of different content in one place and get maximum enjoymentthe sleek one remote control keeps it simple, allowing you to quickly search all your favorite content from your set-top box to game console, apps, and even live tvcosì non dovrai più distogliere lo sguardo dal tv per dare un'occhiata al tuo cellularenow, it's easy to get to your favorite content easily, without having to open an appscegli un posto qualunque nella stanza: con ultra viewing angle avrai immagini sempre uniformi, anche di lato al tvaccess various content with one remote (row) smart hub & one remote control (availability of the feature may vary by regionaccess various content with one remote (us) smart hub & one remote control (availability of the feature may vary by regionava amplifica le voci nella scena per dialoghi più chiari; potrai così guardare la tv senza perdere il filo del discorsoda oggi potrai accedere rapidamente ai tuoi contenuti preferiti, avere delle risposte e persino controllare il tuo tv e gli altri dispositivi connessi della casal'elegante telecomando one remote control ti semplifica la vita, consentendoti di cercare rapidamente tutti i tuoi contenuti preferiti, dal decoder alla console di gioco, dalle app alla tv dal vivopiù contenuti contemporaneamente multi view la tecnologia multi view divide lo schermo del tv in due: da un lato visualizza i contenuti che stai guardando, dall'altro effettua il mirroring del tuo dispositivo mobilela perfetta soluzione di stile cavo one invisible connection e staffa no gap wall-mount un cavo praticamente invisibile per appendere il tuo tv a filo della parete e collegare tutti i dispositivi esterni, ottenendo un risultato esteticamente gradevoleil suono che segue l'immagine object tracking sound+ (ots+) goditi un audio cinematografico assolutamente realistico che segue il movimento degli oggetti sulla scenaconcediti dettagli realistici grazie a un contrasto eccezionale) un elenco di contenuti completo creato su misura per te: dalle emittenti televisive ai canali in streamingcheck before useper godere in ogni momento di tutto il realismo 8kspend time watching, not searching (india) universal guide (availability of the feature may vary by regionper un mondo di nuove possibilità) sono tutto ciò che ti serve per accedere a un'infinità di contenuti diversi da un unico posto e trarre così il massimo divertimentoimmagini impeccabili in ogni ambiente luminosità adattiva con ia grazie a una regolazione automatica della luminosità, questa tecnologia si adatta attivamente all'ambiente di visione, garantendo immagini perfette a prescindere dal momento della giornata o dai contenuti visualizzatile migliori immagini samsung hdr, dai colori brillanti ai dettagli più scuri quantum hdr 4000 quantum hdr 4000 definisce un nuovo standard in termini di ricchezza di dettagli e luminosità, per una resa cromatica più ricca e accurata e un contrasto più profondo con dettagli nitidiil sistema ai upscaling crea consistenze perfette, bordi realistici e riduce il rumore pixel per pixel, per un risultato assolutamente realisticotrasforma in 8k ciò che ami 8k ai upscaling grazie al machine learning, il potente processore quantum 8k innalza lo standard di riproduzione di vari tipi di fonti e risoluzioni alla qualità 8kassumi il controllo e conquista più vittorie real game enhancer+ vivi un'esperienza di gioco ottimizzata senza bisogno di fare nulla: extra motion clarity riduce aloni ed effetto mosso nelle scene di gioco ad alta velocità d'azioneaccedere ai tuoi contenuti preferiti non è mai stato così semplice; e non serve nemmeno aprire un'appintelligenza al servizio della perfezione processore quantum 8k il potente processore firmato samsung crea la migliore esperienza visiva di sempre grazie a un intelligente sistema di upscaling 8k e alla funzione adaptive picturee per aiutarti a scalare la vetta della classifica, amd freesync riduce i problemi di tearing e stutteringrendi la tua casa smart con qled app smartthings tieni sotto controllo la tua casa smart con l'app smartthingsguarda di più, cerca di meno universal guide (la disponibilità della funzione può variare in base al paesegarantisce inoltre un'ottima visibilità anche nelle scene più buie e un audio perfettamente sincronizzato con l'azionela visione migliore da ogni angolazione ultra viewing angle ammira ogni dettaglio da qualsiasi angolazioneun unico telecomando per vari contenuti smart hub e one remote control (la disponibilità della funzione può variare in base al paesela mappatura tonale dinamica di hdr10+ regola colori e contrasti di ogni singola scena, per poter apprezzare ogni minima sfumaturacontrasto preciso per una profondità e una ricchezza di dettagli eccezionali direct full array pro zone di retroilluminazione altamente concentrate regolano automaticamente ogni singola scena per offrire il massimo livello di dettaglio possibile nelle scene buie e luminosespend time watching, not searching (us) universal guide (availability of the feature may vary by regionbordi neri pressoché inesistenti e un telaio ultrasottile per eliminare ogni tipo di distrazione e regalare un'esperienza di visione totalmente immersivabasta dire ciò che desideriscopri la potenza di ogni singolo frame con un livello di nitidezza di 33 milioni di pixel per una risoluzione quattro volte la qualità 4kparla e sarai accontentato più assistenti vocali con il comando vocale tutto diventa più sempliceverifica prima dell'usoscopri un nuovo modo di vedere la realtà la vera risoluzione 8k accedi a un nuovo livello di risoluzione e lasciati trasportare in una nuova dimensione della realtà grazie a schermi di grandi dimensioniscopri la potenza di un futuro oltre ogni confine visione a tutto schermo infinity screen spingi al limite la tua esperienza di visione con una cornice praticamente invisibileun miliardo di sfumature di colore per immagini brillanti 100% di volume colore firmato quantum dot la tecnologia quantum dot regala le immagini più belle di semprenon perdere nessun dialogo amplificatore intelligente della voce (ava) i rumori dell'ambiente domestico possono disturbare l'esperienza di visionecollegandosi ai dispositivi e ai sensori iot, il qled permette di accendere le luci, controllare cosa c'è in frigo e persino avviare l'aspirapolvere robot comodamente dal divanocon il 100% di volume colore, quantum dot cattura la luce e la trasforma in colori mozzafiato che conservano tutto il loro realismo a ogni livello di luminositàaltoparlanti dedicati rivolti verso l'alto e laterali creano un effetto sonoro immersivo che porta dritto al cuore dell'azione


    82907998046875 €

  • The successful candidate will drive customer engagement and revenue through identification and delivery of insight driven, inspiring and innovative content and advertising campaignsa good understanding of all social channels is required to be able to create and deliver a full strategy and tactical planwhilst they are professional and committed, it is also a fun, friendly and sociable environment to be inour client: our client are a well-respected wholesale and retail business, and have been around for over 50 yearskey responsibilities: create and manage the social media strategy to grow sales, traffic to the website and engagement, whilst driving a consistent brand message manage all existing social media accounts (facebook, twitter, instagram, and linkedin) plus introduce new platforms in line with team and business objectivesthey operate a hybrid working policy and encourage people to take ownership of there career and role shaping as they see fit to help the businessdevelop engaging, creative, innovative content for regularly scheduled posts manage paid advertising in line with set budgets, focusing on roi support team marketing campaigns as part of a wider multi-channel approach manage artwork and content through working closely with the in-house creative team and external designer to support social activity work alongside the wider marketing team and other departments to create a strong content schedule manage timely responses to audience comments either directly or through our customer service team review and manage social media partnerships regularly research and analyse social media trends to incorporate into your own activity monitor, report and take effective action on kpi performance communicating to relevant stakeholders as required you will bring: previous experience in a social media role which spans multiple social channels previous experience with social paid advertising with strong understanding of audience segmentation experience in paid advertising generating and interpreting reports highly organised and responsible for own deadlines strong analytical skills competent managing a sizeable budget creatively minded excellent written communication skills exceptional attention to detail and accuracy have the aptitude and ability to learn quickly and hit the ground running flexibility confidence what you get in return: £24k-£28k doestarting out as a small retail shop, they have expanded in both range and size, they pride themselves on delivering customer excellence and providing innovative new solutionsyou must also have strong analytical skills to report effectively on campaign and platform performanceyou must be highly organised and able to manage various tasks simultaneously, with exceptional attention to detailthe marketing team is dynamic, energetic and hardworking, which is vital within the fast-paced environment they work inthe role: we are seeking an experienced social media coordinator to lead the clients social media marketing strategy and manage the associated budgetthrough the supportive nature of the team they like encouraging and sharing best practices to enable each other to do the best job possiblesummer bbq, company bonus plan, pension scheme, health planother benefits include: 5 weeks holiday, free company events throughout the year e

  • Responsibilities will include: managing the production of content, including drafting, editing and publishing across multiple channels owning the content pipeline day-to-day management of own projects and campaigns; liaison with consultants, tracking, measurement management and delivery of projects, email campaigns and other marketing operations publishing monthly emails on hubspot and having responsibility for content on the company website writing, reviewing and editing content with focus on the content, structure and language liaison and management of relationship with pr agency management of events including leading on meetings, advising on structure and managing content where appropriatewe are currently looking for a senior marketing executive to join the marketing team to manage marketing and communication content to support campaigns and events across the businessexposure to journalism and content, article writing at any levelan understanding of the financial services industry is desirable but not essential experience of managing content production expertise in managing web content, backend and user interface proven experience of using different mediums of communication and expertise in the content and delivery of the message experience of hubspot or other similar system advanced knowledge of microsoft packages especially powerpoint excellent stakeholder management skills and a proven ability to collaborate effectively with teams across an organisation given the technical nature of the work we do, exceptional written and oral communication skills, and high attention-to-detail are paramountbeing a 2nd pair of eyes to review any marketing content or materials to be published ensuring correct branding and format is adhered to for all communication experience in identifying interesting topics and writing content in a compelling, engaging and articulate way liaising with internal clients at all levels provide any other ad-hoc administrative support to the marketing team, as requiredif you are highly pro-active with a good editorial eye and a natural interest in news and trends to translate these into interesting articles, this could be the role for youwe specialise in helping clients solve difficult and interesting problems, so we look for people who thrive on intellectual challenge, can roll up their sleeves to delve into issues and get satisfaction from helping clients, conduct a thorough analysis of a problem and translate that into practical adviceideally, we are looking for someone who is a strong team player with a ‘can do’ attitude and happy to roll up their sleeves to get involved in anything and everything marketing relatedin return we offer the opportunity to work in an entrepreneurial, fast moving, stimulating environment strong career development support – mentoring, coaching, relevant training and development the opportunity to work closely with, and learn from, our team of marketing experts who are truly committed to assisting your development a small informal company environment with minimal bureaucracy a competitive salary, performance-related discretionary bonus, and generous flexible benefits package bovill currently enjoys a hybrid working environment with a minimum of two days per week in the officesuccessful candidates will have: ideally 3+ years’ experience in a similar role, preferably in professional servicesexperience in a pr agency, professional services or financial institutionbovill is an independent, specialist financial services regulatory consultancy with a global offering

  • Alma laboris: digital marketing management and strategic communications per favorire la crescita professionale, alma laboris business school propone il percorso formativo in digital marketing management and strategic communications (320h di formazione, 160h project work, 640 in azienda) l’obiettivo di: fornire conoscenze tecniche, attraverso l’esame di numerosi casi aziendali, esercitazioni pratiche e la presenza di esperti del settore; costruire opportunità di carriera, con il supporto gratuito di consulenti qualificati; sono tanti più di 40 gli sbocchi occupazionali per cui è pensato il percorso formativo di alta formazione in digital marketing management and strategic communications di alma laboris business school: junior product manager, product manager, marketing analyst, marketing coordinator, marketing consultant, marketing manager, marketing specialist, brand manager, content manager, content marketing manager, content marketing producer content specialist, content strategist, content writer, digital marketing manager, digital strategist, internet marketing specialist, paid search manager, sem manager, sem specialist, seo manager, seo specialist web marketing manager, web marketing specialist, campaign manager, demand generation manager, e-commerce content specialist, e-commerce marketing analyst, corporate communications assistant, corporate communications manager, marketing communications specialist, media relations coordinator, public relations manager, digital product marketing manager, portfolio marketing manager, product marketing manager, senior product marketing manager, community manager, engagement manager, multimedia communications specialist, social media editor, social media manager, social media marketing manager, social media strategistle principali materie trattate nel percorso formativo: il contesto azienda fondamenti di marketing management digital marketing management strategic communications il project management per la digital strategy l’evoluzione del marketing: tips and trends opportunità di carriera: alma laboris business school rappresenta un punto di riferimento per i partecipanti del percorso formativo di alta formazionela carriera dei discenti è al centro delle nostre attività, grazie a un servizio placement gratuito che nel corso degli anni ha rappresentato per i profili che ne hanno beneficiato un acceleratore verso il raggiungimento di obiettivi professionali sempre più ambiziosicon la candidatura all'annuncio riceverà info sulle attività formativeagevolazioni entro il 21 giugnoil percorso formativo prevede 640 ore di tirocinio in aziendesei interessato/a? invia la candidatura e potrai fissare un colloquio di orientamento (gratuito e non vincolante) con la business school, in cui valutare le opportunità di carriera legate al tuo profilo

  • Alma laboris: digital marketing management and strategic communications per favorire la crescita professionale, alma laboris business school propone il percorso formativo in digital marketing management and strategic communications (320h di formazione, 160h project work, 640 in azienda) l’obiettivo di: fornire conoscenze tecniche, attraverso l’esame di numerosi casi aziendali, esercitazioni pratiche e la presenza di esperti del settore; costruire opportunità di carriera, con il supporto gratuito di consulenti qualificati; sono tanti più di 40 gli sbocchi occupazionali per cui è pensato il percorso formativo di alta formazione in digital marketing management and strategic communications di alma laboris business school: junior product manager, product manager, marketing analyst, marketing coordinator, marketing consultant, marketing manager, marketing specialist, brand manager, content manager, content marketing manager, content marketing producer content specialist, content strategist, content writer, digital marketing manager, digital strategist, internet marketing specialist, paid search manager, sem manager, sem specialist, seo manager, seo specialist web marketing manager, web marketing specialist, campaign manager, demand generation manager, e-commerce content specialist, e-commerce marketing analyst, corporate communications assistant, corporate communications manager, marketing communications specialist, media relations coordinator, public relations manager, digital product marketing manager, portfolio marketing manager, product marketing manager, senior product marketing manager, community manager, engagement manager, multimedia communications specialist, social media editor, social media manager, social media marketing manager, social media strategistle principali materie trattate nel master: il contesto azienda fondamenti di marketing management digital marketing management strategic communications il project management per la digital strategy l’evoluzione del marketing: tips and trends opportunità di carriera: alma laboris business school rappresenta un punto di riferimento per i partecipanti del percorso formativo di alta formazionela carriera dei discenti è al centro delle nostre attività, grazie a un servizio placement gratuito che nel corso degli anni ha rappresentato per i profili che ne hanno beneficiato un acceleratore verso il raggiungimento di obiettivi professionali sempre più ambiziosicon la candidatura all'annuncio riceverà info sulle attività formativeagevolazioni entro il 21 giugnoil percorso formativo prevede 640 ore di tirocinio in aziendesei interessato/a? invia la candidatura e potrai fissare un colloquio di orientamento (gratuito e non vincolante) con la business school, in cui valutare le opportunità di carriera legate al tuo profilo

  • Scatola tv android 11 2supporta xtream iptv, stalker iptv per gtplayer01 * carta di tf1*rj45dc in (dc5v / 2a)caratteristiche del software:sistema operativoscatola tv android 11grafica 3dsupporto per opengl es 31 fino a 4kx2k@60fps-profilo avs21b / g / n / ac,bt41 down-mixingindicatore ledaccensione: blu; standby: rosso; ir led: bluwi-fi+btsupporto wifi 20processore grafico 5dsupporta più formati video 4:2:0, 4:2:2 e 4:4:4 e più pixeldecodifica video/immagine-av1 mp-10@l5265/vp9 60fps 10 bit, 4k av1 60fps, 4k av1 60fps 10 bit decoder video; elaborazione video hdr 10, hdr 10+ e hlgdecodifica audiosupporta mp3, aac, wma, rm, flac, dolby audio opzionale, dts opzionale e programmabile con 71 (4k a 60 fps)av out (jack da 3,5 mm * 14 mm a 4 pin)2 * host usb 2il sistema è gt ui, voice assistcaratteristica principale:1265 hevc mp-10@l51telecomandovoce standard bluetooth + telecomando a infrarossipannello posteriorehdmi 2wifi integrato 2telecomando vocale standard bluetooth;3cn hardware:processoreamlogic 905w2,64-bit quad core arm@ cortex a35gpubraccio g31 mp2 pentacoreram2g ddriiirom16gemmcdecodifica videohw uhd 4k h265/vp9 60 fps a 10 bitsito web di supporto tecnico: www8g integrato ieee 802decodificatore video hw uhd 4k hchat skype, picasa, youtube, sfarfallio, facebook, film online, eccamlogic s905w2 2gbram + 16gbrom51 fino a 4kx2k@60fps-vp9 profile-2 fino a 4kx2k@6ofps-h


    6118000030517578 €

  • Our design process is highly iterative and collaborative, and we fuse the best and brightest minds in our business in an environment which embraces creativity and innovationunderstanding of basic human interface guidelines, standards, and best practices familiarity with design and prototyping tools (sketch, figma, adobe cc suite etc) effective communication skills (conversation and writing), especially focused presenting and defending designs and decisions if you live and breathe user interface & interaction, love solving problems and thrive on new products and redesigns, this is a great opportunity for youdeltatre is a leading end-to-end provider of premium products and services for global sport and media operatorswe serve both end-to-end clients and those who want to internalise part of their platform through products and componentsworking alongside other ux and design professionals, business analysts and technical specialists, you will be responsible for delivering best-in-class ux/ui for video streaming applications for entertainment and sports brandsthe video experiences unit at deltatre is a leading provider of products and services delivering television, film and sports content over the internet, as well as comprehensive end-to-end solutionsdepending on the role this may include a written test and interviewjoin a design team who work for the biggest names & brands in sports and entertainment delivering our world class solutions and creating experiences that ignite passion and enhance the moments that matter most to fanspeople today expect to be delighted by the digital products they use, demanding experiences that are seamless, authentic and live up to a brand’s promisewe push boundaries every day to offer the most reliable, scalable, engaging end-to-end offerings that continually meet and exceed fan expectations and maximise client valueopen, flexible attitude and embodies a can-do spirit in collaborating with other designers, developers and extended team members a degree in graphic design or user experience related field would be an advantagewe help our partners to clarify their vision, identifying what drive’s value for their customers and translate that into lasting designsyou must have a portfolio showcasing your experience across one or many of the following platforms: responsive web, ios, android or tv platformsas of november , if it suits your role at deltatre, you can work full time from home/remotely, from the office, or a combination within the same country as your contracted office of employmentsome of our company perks: global company with huge growth potential small, creative, close-knit engineering/tech team who love to collaborate unlimited contract – hpp (fulltime permanent employment) meal allowance (czk 55/day to be paid within your salary) multisport card full remote + a contribution to buy equipment which makes your work from home more comfortable 25 working days per year vacation entitlement 5 sick days – per calendar year team events sponsored by the company free refreshments in the office we are committed to ensuring that we provide equal opportunities for allplease note that we will only contact successfully shortlisted candidateshave a minimum of 2 years of experience working in ux/ui designdeltatre provides strategy, planning, consultancy across all stages of our client's lifecyclewe are currently looking to find a talented ux/ui designer to join the design delivery studio in londonplease let us know if you need us to make any adjustments or if you have any special requirements for the interview processunderpinned by data, we're able to determine the best experiences to drive business growthwe're fully flexible

  • Features:adopt the direct digital synthesizer (dds) technology and provide stable, precise, pure and low distortion signals4 inch tft color lcd with 320*240 resolution, simultaneously display parameters and graphics of ch1 and ch299s sweep time; up, down and roundtrip sweep directions)various modulation types: am, fm, pm, ask, fsk and psk modulationssweep function: it can sweep 4 properties of signals including frequency, amplitude, offsets and duty cycle; it has linear and logarithm two sweep types; 0preset waveforms: sine, square (duty cycle adjustable), pulse (pulse width and cycle time can be set accurately), triangle/ramp, cmos(0~12v), four channels ttl, exponential rise, exponential fall, noise, ecg, dc etccan output up to 99 groups of functions / arbitrary waveform, contains 35 groups of preset waveforms and 64 groups of user-defined waveformsenable to store 64 arbitrary waveform data files, each one of waveform storage depth 8192 points * 14bits; (the longer the waveform storage depth, the more detail the waveform is saved, and the signal details can be restored with high precisionthe instrument uses 14-bit high-speed d/a converter chip (5vpp output quantization error is less than 1mv), 250msa/s sample rate, 14bits vertical resolutionvco function (voltage control output): can be achieved by an external input signal: voltage controlling frequency, voltage controlling amplitude, voltage controlling ofadopt magicpulse technology, low jitter(rms)200ps


    15788999938964844 €

  • Rf 3 channels wireless weather station temperature and humidity digital clock with warning alarm meteorological station


    4741999816894531 €

  • In particolare è richiesto: attività di seo on page: content e site optimization off page: link building e digital pr)implementazione di ottimizzazioni di content tramite il cms in uso e coordinamento con un’agenzia esterna per le attività a sostegno del progettoi nostri recruitment engineer selezionano i migliori profili it per prestigiose società di consulenza informatica, banche, aziende di servizi, gruppi manifatturieri, start-up di eccellenza e digital dna companycreazione content seo oriented grazie ad un'approfondita conoscenza dei tool di supporto per l'analisi di performance e keywords analizzare, verificare, incrementare link in ingresso verso il sito e-commerce, capacità di preparare il benchmark della concorrenza e supportare ottimizzazioni tecniche del sito interfacciandosi con i programmatori del gruppo must have: esperienza di almeno 3-5 anni nella gestione di attività seo, con budget di medie/grandi dimensioni laurea conoscenza approfondita di google search console, di tool specifici di seo e di wordpress ottima conoscenza di google analytics, con spiccate doti analitiche e forte orientamento ai kpi, capacità di identificare best practices, potenzialità ed azioni correttive e creare reporting periodici a supporto del progetto autonomia nella gestione di progetti e capacità di condivisione di progetti e risultati esperienza in mercati b2b ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese spiccate doti analitiche e data driven entusiasmo, autonomia, proattività, capacità di lavorare in team problem-solving mindset, capacità organizzative e gestionali propensione alla formazione continua determinazione e capacità di lavorare per obiettivi location: dintorni di biella (bi) further information: si offrono 2-3 giorni a settimana in smart workingtechyon: information technology recruitment experts | head hunter techyon è il primo head hunter esclusivamente specializzato nella ricerca e selezione di professionisti senior e manager nel segmento information technologyabout the company: per realtà multinazionale leader del settor consumer goods per ufficio i nostri recruitment engineers ricercano un seo specialist core responsibilities: siamo alla ricerca di una figura professionale che, coordinandosi con il responsabile, gestisce in modo autonomo il progetto aziendale di seo, con l’obiettivo di generare flussi di traffico qualificato, conversioni ed acquisire nuovi clienti in linea con le strategie di business e i targets aziendali

  • We're an end-to-end provider of premium products and services for global sport and media operatorswe are a supportive and inclusive organisation with a wealth of experience in streaming sport and entertainment content; we are looking for someone who can utilise their core ba skills and experience and also develop new and existing skillsas an effective communicator, you must be able to facilitate workshops, internal and external meetings, ask the right questions, and actively listen and take in new informationability to work in a fast-paced environment and confidently handle deadlines, priorities and constraints must be adaptable and flexible in their approach to both project and non-project work desirable worked within a technical analysis of large scale projects with an emphasis on back and front-end systems and third-party integration extensive experience with preparing and conducting workshops online and face to face hands-on experience with jira and confluence background or experience in broadcast and media is a plus, though other areas will also be considered background or experience of working in an agency is desirable, though other areas will also be consideredproblem solving - bas facilitate a shared understanding of the problem and business need, and ensure they understand the scope of the projectdepending on the role this normally includes a written test and interviewrole responsibilities: undertake the formal requirements analysis of functional and non-functional requirements, translating them into the appropriate product documentation, including user stories and uml facilitate the elicitation requirements using a number of techniques such as online and face to face meetings and workshops outline the parameters of the project, and determine potential solutions ability to communicate (verbal and written) at all levels, with external and internal stakeholders proficient in writing user stories, scenarios, acceptance criteria, uml and concept design take responsibility for the quality, accuracy, completeness and usability of requirements in the form of user stories and any project artefacts work with customer product owners and project managers, ux&d, qa and technical teams to validate captured requirements support team members throughout the product life cycle, including pro-active raising of issues, dependencies and risks to either the senior business analyst and/or project manager work in a highly collaborative and multi-disciplinary agile/scrum framework core skills effective communication – be clear and concise in your day-to-day communication, be able to express yourself within a multi-national team, ask good solid questions, listen to the answers (really listen)your focus must be on owning the requirements and being able to articulate these to cross-functional teams, such as developers, designers and test team memberswe push boundaries every day to offer the most reliable, scalable, engaging end-to-end offerings that continually meet and exceed fan expectations and maximise client valuewhat to expect you could make significant change and impact within your role, making a substantial difference to the success of our company and your project and ba team, which can be very rewarding for the right personyou’ll work to deadlines and juggle multiple tasks, which gives lots of variety the role is largely office-based but travel is expected as we are a global organisation and we have world-wide clients – we take into account current global situation with covid as the well-being of our employees is paramount work with some of the top names in media, broadcasting and sport become passionate about technology and digital video on demand and live streaming applicationsproven experience in working on client site ability to work in a fast-paced environment and confidently handle deadlines, priorities and constraints experience of scrum or any other agile methodology experience of the software delivery lifecycle must be proactive and show due diligence effective communication skillscompetencies and skills essential minimum of 2-3 years’ experience as a business analyst excellent customer-facing skillsthis is for a well-known sporting brand based in usa who has an award-winning app in the market, they have a strong presence in the sports and entertainment field in north america and europeas a ba, you will facilitate the technical teams regarding what is in and out of scopethe role requires a business analyst with outstanding business analysis capabilities, experience and a hands-on, positive, can-do attitudecritical thinking - while discovering the problem / business need to be solved, you must listen to stakeholder needs but also critically consider those needs and ask probing questions until the real need is surfaced, understood and documentedthe role needs you to be customer facing, therefore a professional approach to your tasks and activities is a mustwe are looking for talented individuals who can contribute to their assigned project and also contribute to the growth of the global ba teamhands-on experience with jira and confluence what's in it for you global company with huge growth potential small, creative, close-knit engineering/tech team who love to collaborate meal allowance multisport card full remote + a contribution to buy equipment which makes your work from home more comfortable 25 working days per year vacation entitlement 5 sick days – per calendar year team events sponsored by the company free refreshments in the office we are committed to ensuring that we provide equal opportunities for allrecruiters – we have handled this one internally! thanksas of november , if it suits your role at deltatre, you can work full time from home/remotely, from the office, or a combination within the same country as your contracted office of employmentwe will support you in your career progressionunderpinned by data we're able to determine the best experiences to drive business growthplease note that we will only contact successfully shortlisted candidatesdeltatre provides strategy, planning, consultancy across all stages of our client's lifecyclethe ability to be a strong communicator in a virtual setting (via conference calls or web meetings) is equally importantplease let us know if you need us to make any adjustments or if you have any special requirements for the interview processwe're fully flexible

  • Attitudinal and behavioural insights regarding products or featurestheir objective will be to provide evidence to internal stakeholders and clients that the proposed products and features are likely to provide end-user value and that developed products and features meet end-users' needsdeltatre is a leading end-to-end provider of premium products and services for global sport and media operatorswe serve both end-to-end clients and those who want to internalise part of their platform through products and componentsthe video experiences unit at deltatre is a leading provider of products and services delivering television, film and sports content over the internet, as well as comprehensive end-to-end solutionsconduct secondary user research including find and analyse existing relevant audience research find and review relevant competing or adjacent digital products produce reports on all research tailored for appropriate audiences work with ux designers & product managers to identify clear use cases and associated goals, user objectives and define measures of success recommend and implement best-practice user research methodologies mentor and collaborate with designers in executing user research methods strong stakeholder skills, ability to frame research into stakeholder facing output and present findings both internally and externally to clients where required significant experience as a ux researcher in software development understanding of available quantitative measures, when to apply, and limitations ofdepending on the role this may include a written test and interviewwe push boundaries every day to offer the most reliable, scalable, engaging end-to-end offerings that continually meet and exceed fan expectations and maximise client valueimagine shaping the future of experiences reaching millions of viewers and fans around the worldtesting user response and understanding of a high-level explanation or prototype of a feature usability testingthe ux researcher will work collaboratively across the unit and beyond with the internal units to solve complex user problems and help influence the direction & strategy of our products based on measurable valueresponsibilities help us create desirable, intuitive and market leading products that generate real value for our clients and their customers gathering insights on market trends, changing user needs and behaviours to inform our products’ development working across multiple functions, especially with uxd & product mangers conducting primary research, interviews, workshops, user testing (qual & quant – knowing where each adds value) and helping to gather client feedback on initiatives conduct primary user research including contextual inquiryour product team would like to hire a ux researcher to find and document high-value end-user needs that our clients can target as part of their value propositionwill need some flexibility of hours to conduct research in other countries ability to deep dive and define user personas, behavioural archetypes and build consensus and alignment on customer needs some of our company perks: global company with huge growth potential small, creative, close-knit engineering/tech team who love to collaborate unlimited contract – hpp (fulltime permanent employment) meal allowance (czk 55/day to be paid within your salary) multisport card full remote + a contribution to buy equipment which makes your work from home more comfortable 25 working days per year vacation entitlement 5 sick days – per calendar year team events sponsored by the company free refreshments in the office we are committed to ensuring that we provide equal opportunities for allas of november , if it suits your role at deltatre, you can work full time from home/remotely, from the office, or a combination within the same country as your contracted office of employmentjoin our product team to become a part of this adventureplease note that we will only contact successfully shortlisted candidatesdeltatre provides strategy, planning, consultancy across all stages of our client's lifecycleconcept testingplease let us know if you need us to make any adjustments or if you have any special requirements for the interview processtesting user ability to conduct certain tasks using a productunderpinned by data, we're able to determine the best experiences to drive business growthwe're fully flexible

  • Hantek dso4204b digital storage oscilloscope 4 channels 200mhz bandwidth 7inch dso4204b 1gsa/s record length 64k


    4363800048828125 €

  • Hantek 4 channels 70mhz bandwidth digital storage oscilloscopes usb portable automotive oscilloscope 6074bc/6074bc/6074b


    16125999450683594 €

  • digital zoom: supportinfrared remote7 lens industry live digital camera3the head can be adjusted 220 ° up and down, and 360 ° swivelfull 1080p hdmi usb digital cameras, industry live digital camera, equipped with 35mm 1/3" cs mount cctv lens ir f1it can show the live image directly on any hdmi monitor, projector or tvdotted line: 2 lines, color, width, position can be setsharpness contrast color gain: supportmono negative film: supportmirror: horizontal and vertical mirrorlanguage: english/simplified chinese/french/spanish/japanese/germanand other languagesb value setting independentexposure: automatic/manualspecification:item type: microscope camera module: 2307sensor: 14mp cmosoptical format: 1/23 inchpixel size: 1335μminterface: hdmi (type a)small memory cardhdmi image resolution: 14mpvideo resolution: 2k at 30fps 1080p at 60fpshdmi resolution: 1920 x 1080p 60fpshdmi scale: support 4: 3,16: 9,16: 10 screenusb2ae value can be setcross line: 8 lines, color, width, position can be setscale line: 2 lines33cm+33cm retractable long arms,180°/135° can be adjusted0 (drive free): 1920 x 1080 at 30fps 1280 x 720 at 30fps 640 x 510 at 30fpssmall memory card: up to 128gb (not included)awb: awb color correction/automatic/manualrhdmi usb camera features:high quality, high resolution, clear images1080p 1920*1080 video camerahdmi usb video modelindustry cmos camera7 manual zoom manual iris camera lenshdmi usb camera 35mm f1


    21710000610351562 €

  • Kotuko è una digital agency di respiro internazionale con sedi a milano, aosta, zaandam (nl) e cracovia (pl)la sua mission consiste nell'accompagnare le aziende nel proprio percorso di evoluzione digitale, offrendo molteplici servizi erogati dalle due main business: digital marketing (e-commerce strategy, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, content marketing, social media, direct email marketing, brand reputation management) e digital transformation (e-commerce development, website development, app development, system integration, blockchain, augmented reality)la figura sarà inserita nel gruppo di lavoro dell’area paid e si occuperà dell’analisi, dell’impostazione e della gestione di campagne adv basate su obiettivi di performance, svolgendo la propria attività sulle principali piattaforme di digital advertisingcosa offriamo: contratto a tempo indeterminato, full-time; ral commisurata al livello di esperienza; ambiente di lavoro smart e stimolante, aperto al confronto; team di giovani professionisti e appassionati del proprio lavoro; buoni pasto; corsi di formazione professionale; possibilità di remote working (fino a un massimo di 12 giorni al mese); foorban: frigo smart in azienda con possibilità di acquisto di piatti pronti e sani; frutta fresca settimanale e calcio-balilla in pausa pranzocerchiamo profili appassionati del mondo dei motori di ricerca, con orientamento al risultato, buone capacità strategiche e capacità di lavorare in teamper la nostra sede di milano siamo alla ricerca di un paid media specialist che si occuperà della gestione multicanale di campagne a pagamento search, social e display, principalmente su google ads, bing ads, facebook e linkedintitoli preferenziali: precedente esperienza all’interno di agenzie di web marketing e/o centri media; certificazioni google ads / facebook / analytics; esperienza su altri canali di adv come criteo, marketplace, programmatic e google 360; buona conoscenza di google tag manager e google search console) e video; capacità nel gestire campagne a performance in ambito nazionale e internazionale; ottime capacità di analisi logiche su dati e conoscenza di piattaforme di monitoraggio, in particolar modo google analytics 4; ottime capacità di problem solving; ottima conoscenza dei pacchetti microsoft e google; ottima conoscenza di google datastudio; buona conoscenza della lingua inglesesei il nostro candidato ideale se hai: esperienza nella gestione di campagne adv con obiettivi di awareness, lead generation ed e-commerce sulle principali piattaforme di adv, attraverso campagne su reti di ricerca, display, shopping, social (meta, linkedin ads, etcl’eventuale conoscenza di un’altra lingua straniera sarà un requisito preferenziale

  • 0 audio speaker protection board delay 2 channels dc12-16v dc protection board for class a digital amplifier di


    9479999542236328 €

  • 264 (8 bit) hardware decoding● digital measuring device for signal strength and qualitygtmedia v8 finder2 is a dvb-s/s2 and mpeg-2/4 hwith its compact size, light weight, intuitive users interface, long battery operational hours and rich feature set, the meter provides all functions needed for installation and verification of digital satellite tv service to residential homes or multi-dwelling units2, unicable, 0/22khz tone● speaker integrated● support both av out and av in● support both hdmi out ● support real-time power display, with low power reminder● supports youtube for usb wifi 25 inch high definition lcd screen,● fully dvb-s2x/s2/s, mpeg-2/mpeg-4 compliant● support h4g● lnb short protect● 74v/4000mah li-ion battery included● support type-c charging interface, support multi-protocol fast charging, max 18w● support typec reverse charging● software upgrade via usb port● easy to carryspecificationstransmission standardsdvb-s2x/s2/s,mpeg-2,mpeg-4,h264supports softcam: fastest biss auto roll, powervu auto rollsupport ccm,vcm, acm, multi-stream, t2-mi, single/multi-plpsatellite input/demodulationconnector typef typeinput frequency950 to 2150 mhzsignal input level-65 to -25 dbmband switch controlsupports presetting all satellite information● support loop search● spectrum analyzer● supports scan of auto, blind, manual or nit● sound for locking signal● auto calculate angle of az,el● supports diseqc 1264(8 bit) compliant handheld satellite meter


    552599983215332 €

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