Invio via email le
Elenco invio via email le
Saranno valutate in via principale le offerte sullintero "lotto unico complessivo", in via subordinata (in assenza di offerte sul lotto complessivocerchi casa allasta? ti sei già informato? astexte, la soluzione! cosa aspetti?" classe energetica: g
spese: 0
anno: 0
camere: 0
tipo cucina:
mq: 268
giardino: , 0 mq
box: 0
ubicazione: via doberdò, città studi/ lambrate/ udine/ loreto, milano, , italia
latitudine: 452 posti moto al piano primo interrato, n2 autorimesse e n3 autorimesse al piano terra, n51955 longitudine: 91 posto moto al piano secondo interratolotto unico complessivo composto da nper chi acquista come prima casa, sono previste agevolazionilimmobile viene venduto dal tribunale tramite asta giudiziaria e il prezzo indicato si riferisce allofferta minima7 autorimesse e nMilano (Lombardia)
768750 €
Il condominio è disposto all'incrocio di due strade: è infatti situato sull'angolo tra corso europa e via timavocerchi casa all'asta ? ti sei già informato ? pensi che il mutuo al 100% sia solo una pubblicità ? astexte, la soluzione! cosa aspetti ? hai una casa pignorata ? possiamo aiutarti ! chiamaci allo 02 80896785 classe energetica: in fase di valutazione
spese: 0
anno: 0
camere: 3
tipo cucina:
mq: 147
giardino: , 0 mq
box: 23
ubicazione: via timavo, sturla, genova, , italia
latitudine: 41l'immobile oggetto del presente procedimento ricade all'interno di un edificio condominiale, per cui ha in comune con gli altri appartamenti l'ingresso ed il vano scale, che come già anticipato si trovano generalmente in buono statole condizioni dell'edificio e dell'atrio e vano scala sono buone e di piacevole aspettol'immobile viene venduto dal tribunale tramite asta giudiziaria e il prezzo indicato si riferisce all'offerta minimabene 1, lotto 1: l'appartamento si trova al terzo piano di un edificio che presenta quattro piani oltre al piano interrato e ed al piano terraper chi acquista come prima casa, sono previste agevolazionil'appartamento è generalmente in buono stato, se si escludono alcune cavillature e l'angolo di un locale che presenta l'ammaloramento di una porzione di intonaco; si tratta comunque di vizi di poco conto, a cui si puó facilmente rimediare92043 longitudine: 12la zona è servita dai mezzi pubblici ed ha disponibili numerose attività commercialiGenova (Liguria)
241000 €
Ampia autorimessa al piano s1 di 68 mq posta all'interno di un maggiore complesso polifunzionale, denominato “i quadrati”, edificato negli anni '90 sito in sassuolo (mo), racchiuso tra via circonvallazione nord-est, via ragazzi del ‘99 e via decorati al valore, posto a poco più di 1 km dal centro storico cittadino e con immediato accesso alla principale arteria viaria localeassistenza tecnico - legale - ricerca immobili ed invio settimanale per email o whatsapp - studio della perizia e della documentazione - accertamenti catastali per eventuali abusi edilizi - accompagnamento visita immobile - disbrigo pratiche per la partecipazione - assistenza e presenza il giorno della vendita - rilascio del decreto di trasferimento in tempi brevi - assistenza per il saldo prezzo - compilazione f24 per tasse - disbrigo pratiche per eventuale sanatoria - assistenza alla consegna immobile per maggiori informazioni puoi contattarci 0536/882059 o 327/3363328 - info@ilventaglioit classe energetica:
spese: 0
anno: 0
camere: 0
tipo cucina:
mq: 68
giardino: , 0 mq
box: 0
ubicazione: , , sassuolo, , italia
latitudine: longitudinei nostri servizi: prima consulenza per offrire chiarimenti sulle aste ed ascoltare le tue esigenze immobiliariit le foto pubblicate potrebbero non corrispondere all'immobile specifico, i documenti ufficiali sono visionabili in filialeper maggiori informazioni puoi contattarci 0536/882059 o 327/3363328 - info@ilventaglioItalia
20000 €
Ampia autorimessa al piano s1 di 70 mq posta all'interno di un maggiore complesso polifunzionale, denominato “i quadrati”, edificato negli anni '90 sito in sassuolo (mo), racchiuso tra via circonvallazione nord-est, via ragazzi del ‘99 e via decorati al valore, posto a poco più di 1 km dal centro storico cittadino e con immediato accesso alla principale arteria viaria localeassistenza tecnico - legale - ricerca immobili ed invio settimanale per email o whatsapp - studio della perizia e della documentazione - accertamenti catastali per eventuali abusi edilizi - accompagnamento visita immobile - disbrigo pratiche per la partecipazione - assistenza e presenza il giorno della vendita - rilascio del decreto di trasferimento in tempi brevi - assistenza per il saldo prezzo - compilazione f24 per tasse - disbrigo pratiche per eventuale sanatoria - assistenza alla consegna immobile per maggiori informazioni puoi contattarci 0536/882059 o 327/3363328 - info@ilventaglioit classe energetica:
spese: 0
anno: 0
camere: 0
tipo cucina:
mq: 70
giardino: , 0 mq
box: 0
ubicazione: , , sassuolo, , italia
latitudine: longitudinei nostri servizi: prima consulenza per offrire chiarimenti sulle aste ed ascoltare le tue esigenze immobiliariit le foto pubblicate potrebbero non corrispondere all'immobile specifico, i documenti ufficiali sono visionabili in filialeper maggiori informazioni puoi contattarci 0536/882059 o 327/3363328 - info@ilventaglioItalia
21000 €
Ampia autorimessa al piano s1 di 411 mq posta all'interno di un maggiore complesso polifunzionale, denominato “i quadrati”, edificato negli anni '90 sito in sassuolo (mo), racchiuso tra via circonvallazione nord-est, via ragazzi del ‘99 e via decorati al valore, posto a poco più di 1 km dal centro storico cittadino e con immediato accesso alla principale arteria viaria localeassistenza tecnico - legale - ricerca immobili ed invio settimanale per email o whatsapp - studio della perizia e della documentazione - accertamenti catastali per eventuali abusi edilizi - accompagnamento visita immobile - disbrigo pratiche per la partecipazione - assistenza e presenza il giorno della vendita - rilascio del decreto di trasferimento in tempi brevi - assistenza per il saldo prezzo - compilazione f24 per tasse - disbrigo pratiche per eventuale sanatoria - assistenza alla consegna immobile per maggiori informazioni puoi contattarci 0536/882059 o 327/3363328 - info@ilventaglioi nostri servizi: prima consulenza per offrire chiarimenti sulle aste ed ascoltare le tue esigenze immobiliariit classe energetica:
spese: 0
anno: 0
camere: 0
tipo cucina:
mq: 411
giardino: , 0 mq
box: 0
ubicazione: , , sassuolo, , italia
latitudine: longitudineit le foto pubblicate potrebbero non corrispondere all'immobile specifico, i documenti ufficiali sono visionabili in filialeper maggiori informazioni puoi contattarci 0536/882059 o 327/3363328 - info@ilventaglioItalia
103000 €
Trattasi di piena ed intera proprietà di un magazzino al piano s1, di 43 mq posto all'interno di un maggiore complesso polifunzionale, edificato negli anni '90 e denominato “somada”, sito in sassuolo (mo), via mazzini nassistenza tecnico - legale - ricerca immobili ed invio settimanale per email o whatsapp - studio della perizia e della documentazione - accertamenti catastali per eventuali abusi edilizi - accompagnamento visita immobile - disbrigo pratiche per la partecipazione - assistenza e presenza il giorno della vendita - rilascio del decreto di trasferimento in tempi brevi - assistenza per il saldo prezzo - compilazione f24 per tasse - disbrigo pratiche per eventuale sanatoria - assistenza alla consegna immobile per maggiori informazioni puoi contattarci 0536/882059 o 327/3363328 - info@ilventaglio192, posto a circa 700 metri dal centro storico cittadino e comodo alla principale arteria viaria locale (circonvallazione)i nostri servizi: prima consulenza per offrire chiarimenti sulle aste ed ascoltare le tue esigenze immobiliariit classe energetica:
spese: 0
anno: 0
camere: 0
tipo cucina:
mq: 43
giardino: , 0 mq
box: 0
ubicazione: , , sassuolo, , italia
latitudine: longitudineit le foto pubblicate potrebbero non corrispondere all'immobile specifico, i documenti ufficiali sono visionabili in filialeper maggiori informazioni puoi contattarci 0536/882059 o 327/3363328 - info@ilventaglioItalia
8000 €
Trattasi di piena ed intera proprietà di un negozio al grezzo al piano t, di 61 mq posto all'interno di un maggiore complesso polifunzionale, edificato negli anni '90 e denominato “somada”, sito in sassuolo (mo), via mazzini nassistenza tecnico - legale - ricerca immobili ed invio settimanale per email o whatsapp - studio della perizia e della documentazione - accertamenti catastali per eventuali abusi edilizi - accompagnamento visita immobile - disbrigo pratiche per la partecipazione - assistenza e presenza il giorno della vendita - rilascio del decreto di trasferimento in tempi brevi - assistenza per il saldo prezzo - compilazione f24 per tasse - disbrigo pratiche per eventuale sanatoria - assistenza alla consegna immobile per maggiori informazioni puoi contattarci 0536/882059 o 327/3363328 - info@ilventaglioi nostri servizi: prima consulenza per offrire chiarimenti sulle aste ed ascoltare le tue esigenze immobiliariit classe energetica:
spese: 0
anno: 0
camere: 0
tipo cucina:
mq: 66
giardino: , 0 mq
box: 0
ubicazione: , , sassuolo, , italia
latitudine: longitudineit le foto pubblicate potrebbero non corrispondere all'immobile specifico, i documenti ufficiali sono visionabili in filiale184/b, posto a circa 700 metri dal centro storico cittadino e comodo alla principale arteria viaria locale (circonvallazione)per maggiori informazioni puoi contattarci 0536/882059 o 327/3363328 - info@ilventaglioItalia
30000 €
Trattasi di piena ed intera proprietà di un negozio al grezzo al piano t, di 66 mq posto all'interno di un maggiore complesso polifunzionale, edificato negli anni '90 e denominato “somada”, sito in sassuolo (mo), via mazzini nassistenza tecnico - legale - ricerca immobili ed invio settimanale per email o whatsapp - studio della perizia e della documentazione - accertamenti catastali per eventuali abusi edilizi - accompagnamento visita immobile - disbrigo pratiche per la partecipazione - assistenza e presenza il giorno della vendita - rilascio del decreto di trasferimento in tempi brevi - assistenza per il saldo prezzo - compilazione f24 per tasse - disbrigo pratiche per eventuale sanatoria - assistenza alla consegna immobile per maggiori informazioni puoi contattarci 0536/882059 o 327/3363328 - info@ilventaglioi nostri servizi: prima consulenza per offrire chiarimenti sulle aste ed ascoltare le tue esigenze immobiliariit classe energetica:
spese: 0
anno: 0
camere: 0
tipo cucina:
mq: 66
giardino: , 0 mq
box: 0
ubicazione: , , sassuolo, , italia
latitudine: longitudineit le foto pubblicate potrebbero non corrispondere all'immobile specifico, i documenti ufficiali sono visionabili in filiale184/a, posto a circa 700 metri dal centro storico cittadino e comodo alla principale arteria viaria locale (circonvallazione)per maggiori informazioni puoi contattarci 0536/882059 o 327/3363328 - info@ilventaglioItalia
32000 €
Trattasi di piena ed intera proprietà di un ufficio al grezzo al piano 1, di 62 mq posto all'interno di un maggiore complesso polifunzionale, edificato negli anni '90 e denominato “somada”, sito in sassuolo (mo), via mazzini nassistenza tecnico - legale - ricerca immobili ed invio settimanale per email o whatsapp - studio della perizia e della documentazione - accertamenti catastali per eventuali abusi edilizi - accompagnamento visita immobile - disbrigo pratiche per la partecipazione - assistenza e presenza il giorno della vendita - rilascio del decreto di trasferimento in tempi brevi - assistenza per il saldo prezzo - compilazione f24 per tasse - disbrigo pratiche per eventuale sanatoria - assistenza alla consegna immobile per maggiori informazioni puoi contattarci 0536/882059 o 327/3363328 - info@ilventaglio182/c, posto a circa 700 metri dal centro storico cittadino e comodo alla principale arteria viaria locale (circonvallazione)i nostri servizi: prima consulenza per offrire chiarimenti sulle aste ed ascoltare le tue esigenze immobiliariit classe energetica:
spese: 0
anno: 0
camere: 0
tipo cucina:
mq: 62
giardino: , 0 mq
box: 0
ubicazione: , , sassuolo, , italia
latitudine: longitudineit le foto pubblicate potrebbero non corrispondere all'immobile specifico, i documenti ufficiali sono visionabili in filialeper maggiori informazioni puoi contattarci 0536/882059 o 327/3363328 - info@ilventaglioItalia
27000 €
Assistenza tecnico - legale - ricerca immobili ed invio settimanale per email o whatsapp - studio della perizia e della documentazione - accertamenti catastali per eventuali abusi edilizi - accompagnamento visita immobile - disbrigo pratiche per la partecipazione - assistenza e presenza il giorno della vendita - rilascio del decreto di trasferimento in tempi brevi - assistenza per il saldo prezzo - compilazione f24 per tasse - disbrigo pratiche per eventuale sanatoria - assistenza alla consegna immobile per maggiori informazioni puoi contattarci 0536/882059 o 327/3363328 - info@ilventagliotrattasi di piena ed intera proprietà di un ufficio al piano1, di 95mq posto allinterno di un maggiore complesso polifunzionale, edificato negli anni 90 e denominato “somada”, sito in sassuolo (mo), via mazzini, posto a circa 700 metri dal centro storico cittadino e comodo alla principale arteria viaria locale (circonvallazione)it classe energetica:
spese: 0
anno: 0
camere: 0
tipo cucina:
mq: 95
giardino: , 0 mq
box: 0
ubicazione: , , sassuolo, , italia
latitudine: longitudinei nostri servizi: prima consulenza per offrire chiarimenti sulle aste ed ascoltare le tue esigenze immobiliariit le foto pubblicate potrebbero non corrispondere allimmobile specifico, i documenti ufficiali sono visionabili in filialeper maggiori informazioni puoi contattarci 0536/882059 o 327/3363328 - info@ilventaglioItalia
83000 €
Trattasi di piena ed intera proprietà di un negozio al piano t, di 101 mq posto all'interno di un maggiore complesso polifunzionale, edificato negli anni '90 e denominato “somada”, sito in sassuolo (mo), via mazzini nassistenza tecnico - legale - ricerca immobili ed invio settimanale per email o whatsapp - studio della perizia e della documentazione - accertamenti catastali per eventuali abusi edilizi - accompagnamento visita immobile - disbrigo pratiche per la partecipazione - assistenza e presenza il giorno della vendita - rilascio del decreto di trasferimento in tempi brevi - assistenza per il saldo prezzo - compilazione f24 per tasse - disbrigo pratiche per eventuale sanatoria - assistenza alla consegna immobile per maggiori informazioni puoi contattarci 0536/882059 o 327/3363328 - info@ilventaglioit classe energetica:
spese: 0
anno: 0
camere: 0
tipo cucina:
mq: 101
giardino: , 0 mq
box: 0
ubicazione: , , sassuolo, , italia
latitudine: longitudinei nostri servizi: prima consulenza per offrire chiarimenti sulle aste ed ascoltare le tue esigenze immobiliari180, posto a circa 700 metri dal centro storico cittadino e comodo alla principale arteria viaria locale (circonvallazione)it le foto pubblicate potrebbero non corrispondere all'immobile specifico, i documenti ufficiali sono visionabili in filialeper maggiori informazioni puoi contattarci 0536/882059 o 327/3363328 - info@ilventaglioItalia
93000 €
Trattasi di piena ed intera proprietà di un ufficio al grezzo al piano 2, di 61mq mq posto allinterno di un maggiore complesso polifunzionale, edificato negli anni 90 e denominato “somada”, sito in sassuolo (mo), via mazzini nassistenza tecnico - legale - ricerca immobili ed invio settimanale per email o whatsapp - studio della perizia e della documentazione - accertamenti catastali per eventuali abusi edilizi - accompagnamento visita immobile - disbrigo pratiche per la partecipazione - assistenza e presenza il giorno della vendita - rilascio del decreto di trasferimento in tempi brevi - assistenza per il saldo prezzo - compilazione f24 per tasse - disbrigo pratiche per eventuale sanatoria - assistenza alla consegna immobile per maggiori informazioni puoi contattarci 0536/882059 o 327/3363328 - info@ilventaglioit classe energetica:
spese: 0
anno: 0
camere: 0
tipo cucina:
mq: 61
giardino: , 0 mq
box: 0
ubicazione: , , sassuolo, , italia
latitudine: longitudinei nostri servizi: prima consulenza per offrire chiarimenti sulle aste ed ascoltare le tue esigenze immobiliari178, posto a circa 700 metri dal centro storico cittadino e comodo alla principale arteria viaria locale (circonvallazione)it le foto pubblicate potrebbero non corrispondere allimmobile specifico, i documenti ufficiali sono visionabili in filialeper maggiori informazioni puoi contattarci 0536/882059 o 327/3363328 - info@ilventaglioItalia
27000 €
Nb: well send the email to the address you selected only once the payment is confirmedby delivering our products strictly via email, we help reduce pollution and let you save on shipping costsyou or another family member) - input the email address well send the gift card to - choose the sent and received date for the email containing your gift card - choose the amount among the suggested valueswhat you receive by purchasing a holiday gift card from mr key shop just like with the standard gift cards, when you purchase one of mr key shops holiday gift cards, youll get your order in real-time via emailwith us, youll always pay via secure methods, get each order in real-time, and benefit from our full money-back warrantyhelp us make the world greener, choose mr key shops digital delivery and take a step further: send your gift card via email, do not print ithowever, we recommend choosing digital delivery, this way you wont waste paper and help save our planet! how to redeem mr key shops holiday gift cards did you give or receive a holiday gift card by mr key shop? redeeming is super-easy! all you need to do is the following: - add your selected product(s) to the shopping cart - proceed with the checkout - input the gift card code in the "promo code" field - complete your order once you finish, your order will be finalized and the product will be immediately delivered via emailremember: your gift cards never expire! - click preview to check the email including your gift card before you send it - once youre satisfied with the result, add the gift card to your shopping cart and proceed with the checkout just like youd do with any other product across mr key shops catalogare you still on the fence? contact our free english-speaking technical support and get personalized recommendations! mr key shops holiday gift cards: an original present idea for those you love can you smell the holidays around the corner? christmas is getting closer and you dont know what gift to pick for people you love? are you looking for gift ideas that are both novel and useful? mr key shop has you covered: order a holiday gift card and let the people you care about choose the best genuine and guaranteed software from the best digital store in the market! what are mr key shops holiday gift cards? just like standard mr key shops vouchers, holiday gift cards let you make a special gift for the people you love and cherish, by choosing the amount and delivery method (via email or printed on a card or wherever you like)the sent date will be the one you have chosen during the previous stagewe can help you choose the best software solutions according to your needsfor example, you can buy windows 11 at an unparalleled price, or order and download office 2021 or office for mac in real-timethis way, youll avoid wasting paperour team can help you and the recipients of the vouchers choose the best software solutions according to the available hardware and specific needsweve successfully served over 350k customers across the world and were looking forward to offering you the best from our catalog toowere a 100% authorized and professional store; with us, you can save up to 70% on all the software in our catalog, always with genuine and guaranteed licensesthe voucher recipient can redeem it for any product across our encompassing software catalog; perhaps they want to get a new antivirus for their computer, or install one of the best vpns to protect anonymity and privacy and, why not?, watch streaming content from exclusive international catalogs or enjoy their favorite shows in their mother-tongue while being abroadsystem requirements whats better than an appreciated christmas present? one thats easy to buy, we say! if you choose to order a holiday gift card from mr key shop, youll never have to worry about hardware requirements because the recipient will choose their product according to their needs, even with the help of our technical support!mr key shops holiday gift cards: an original present for who you love and the planet weve been a 100% eco-friendly business since our first day of business: weve opted in for digital delivery as our sole distribution channel, this way, we wont contribute to the production of pollutants and wastewhen you choose mr key shop for your christmas presents, youll make a difference in the environmental protection effortsthis is the philosophy weve pursued since our inceptionyou can also send your gift card to your own inbox to print it and deliver it by handthis is a novel gift idea that can be very usefulamong the first businesses that adopted digital delivery for retail and business software, our store got an average rating of excellent on trustpilot, with a score of 4how do mr key shops holiday gift cards work? just like the standard gift cards, you can purchase mr key shops holiday gift cards like youd do for any other software product in the catalogunlike the basic gift cards, mr key shops holiday gift cards let you choose a thematic graphic template so you can personalize your voucher with a touch of christmas magic! put one of mr key shops holiday gift cards under the christmas tree for the people you love9 (5 stars out of 5) and more than 2k positive reviewswhen you shop for mr key shops holiday gift cards, youll experience the same shopping journey youll get when you order a software productthe same applies to the recipients of your mr key shop gift cards! is technology a valid, original gift idea for women? technology is a passion for millions of people, regardless of genderlet the people you love find a voucher under their christmas tree and let them choose among the best software products for their systemsthis is what you get: - your holiday gift card code - instructions on how to redeem the voucher - invoice in case of doubt or if you want to learn more, please check the faq section before you proceedin this case, mr key shops holiday gift cards can be the solutiontherefore, you can rest assured youll make the same secure transactions, with the best payment methods (paypal, stripe, amazon/apple/google pay, credit/debit cards), with a full money-back warranty and our free english-speaking technical supportspoilt for choice? no problem: purchase a gift card, youll choose the amount and you can use it whenever you need itgift anxiety? with mr key shops holiday gift cards youll hit the right spot! purchase your holiday gift card and get it right in your inbox to print it or send it digitally to the recipient, with all mr key shops warranties both for the transaction and the productsfurthermore, youll receive your orders in real-time, directly in your inboxin our catalog, youll also find the best antivirus and vpn brands, as well as business products like sql server, microsoft windows server, and the best backup and recovery solutionsa great way to say happy holidays since the recipient will be able to enjoy the gift at once! about mr key shop for over 18 years, mr key shop has been operative in the digital software marketto purchase one of mr key shops holiday gift cards: - go to the gift cards section - choose the graphical layout for your voucher - input first and last name of the person who will send the gift (iif the most important women in your life love it & tech and use many devices, giving them a holiday gift card can be an excellent, original gift ideaas we said, mr key shops gift cards are 100% unisex products, and the choice mainly depends on the recipients tasteswith mr key shops holiday gift cards, you can make a novel and useful gift! if youre looking for gift ideas for the holiday season, visit our store and see which software you can present or choose with your gift card! in case of doubt, contact our technical support team: our service is free and english-speakingwhether its a man or a woman, if your tech-lover has everything they can desire, it can be difficult to surprise them with a truly original gift idea
Assistenza tecnico - legale - ricerca immobili ed invio settimanale per email o whatsapp - studio della perizia e della documentazione - accertamenti catastali per eventuali abusi edilizi - accompagnamento visita immobile - disbrigo pratiche per la partecipazione - assistenza e presenza il giorno della vendita - rilascio del decreto di trasferimento in tempi brevi - assistenza per il saldo prezzo - compilazione f24 per tasse - disbrigo pratiche per eventuale sanatoria - assistenza alla consegna immobile per maggiori informazioni puoi contattarci 0536/882059 o 327/3363328 - info@ilventagliosuperficie commerciale complessiva mqit classe energetica: g
spese: 0
anno: 0
camere: 0
tipo cucina:
mq: 167
giardino: , 0 mq
box: 0
ubicazione: , , carpi, , italia
latitudine: longitudineappartamento al piano terzo ed in parte sottotetto composto da ingresso, ampio soggiorno collegato ad una sala da pranzo, cucina abitabile con ampio ripostiglio non abitabile ricavato dal sottotetto, locale disimpegno-pranzo coperto da un grande lucernaio in parte apribile, due camere da letto, due bagni e guardaroba; autorimessa e posto auto scoperto al piano terrai nostri servizi: prima consulenza per offrire chiarimenti sulle aste ed ascoltare le tue esigenze immobiliariit le foto pubblicate potrebbero non corrispondere all'immobile specifico, i documenti ufficiali sono visionabili in filialeper maggiori informazioni puoi contattarci 0536/882059 o 327/3363328 - info@ilventaglioItalia
225750 €
Assistenza tecnico - legale - ricerca immobili ed invio settimanale per email o whatsapp - studio della perizia e della documentazione - accertamenti catastali per eventuali abusi edilizi - accompagnamento visita immobile - disbrigo pratiche per la partecipazione - assistenza e presenza il giorno della vendita - rilascio del decreto di trasferimento in tempi brevi - assistenza per il saldo prezzo - compilazione f24 per tasse - disbrigo pratiche per eventuale sanatoria - assistenza alla consegna immobile per maggiori informazioni puoi contattarci 0536/882059 o 327/3363328 - info@ilventaglioabitazione terra-cielo composta da soggiorno con angolo cottura, disimpegno, camera e bagno al piano terra; due camere e ripostiglio al piano primo e soprastante sottotetto non praticabile; area cortiliva esclusivait classe energetica: g
spese: 0
anno: 0
camere: 0
tipo cucina:
mq: 102
giardino: , 0 mq
box: 0
ubicazione: , , formigine, , italia
latitudine: longitudinei nostri servizi: prima consulenza per offrire chiarimenti sulle aste ed ascoltare le tue esigenze immobiliari102; area cortiliva cait le foto pubblicate potrebbero non corrispondere all'immobile specifico, i documenti ufficiali sono visionabili in filialesuperfici commerciali: appartamento caper maggiori informazioni puoi contattarci 0536/882059 o 327/3363328 - info@ilventaglioItalia
104250 €
Assistenza tecnico - legale - ricerca immobili ed invio settimanale per email o whatsapp - studio della perizia e della documentazione - accertamenti catastali per eventuali abusi edilizi - accompagnamento visita immobile - disbrigo pratiche per la partecipazione - assistenza e presenza il giorno della vendita - rilascio del decreto di trasferimento in tempi brevi - assistenza per il saldo prezzo - compilazione f24 per tasse - disbrigo pratiche per eventuale sanatoria - assistenza alla consegna immobile per maggiori informazioni puoi contattarci 0536/882059 o 327/3363328 - info@ilventaglioi nostri servizi: prima consulenza per offrire chiarimenti sulle aste ed ascoltare le tue esigenze immobiliariappartamento al piano secondo senza ascensore composto da ingresso su soggiorno/pranzo con angolo cottura, due camere, disimpegno, bagnosuperficie commerciale complessiva di cait le foto pubblicate potrebbero non corrispondere all'immobile specifico, i documenti ufficiali sono visionabili in filialeit classe energetica: g
spese: 0
anno: 0
camere: 0
tipo cucina:
mq: 54
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box: 0
ubicazione: , , formigine, , italia
latitudine: longitudineper maggiori informazioni puoi contattarci 0536/882059 o 327/3363328 - info@ilventaglioItalia
20672 €
For you, our eco-friendly policy means further benefits: lower prices (no shipping costs) and fast delivery via emailwe chose to ditch the physical transport systems, offering our products via digital delivery onlyyoull never lose any data from your database or key email in your enterprise mail systemwith us, youll only get 100% genuine licenses, pay via secure and tracked methods, and receive each order right in your inboxwith easeus todo backup advanced server, you can run all the basic tasks like backup/recovery for file systems, disks, partitions, and email inboxes, disk cloning, os migrations, cloud backups, centralized server management, and morethe process is fast and easy: complete your purchase with secure payments (paypal, stripe, amazon/google/apple pay, credit/debit cards) and receive your order right in your email inbox with all you need to download easeus todo backup advanced server and complete all the setup, activation, and running stepsabout easeus easeus is a popular and acknowledged backup & disaster recovery brandpurchase easeus todo backup advanced server from mr key shop at a special priceplus, you can perform backup & recovery operations to e from exchange and sql serverswe designed a unique journey to help you grow your business and successfully serve your customersthese are crucial benefits for those who look for an enterprise-grade solution with the same ease-of-use and user-friendly interfaces seen in retail programs designed for home usersthis translates to significant benefits for you: as a reliable, professional, and 100% authorized store, we offer you genuine and guaranteed licenses with unbeatable pricesquality, customer protection, and ease of use are also mr key shops pillars9 | 5 stars out of 5)we need your help too! are you a reseller? introducing mkreseller, an opportunity you shouldnt miss! if youre working in the digital world too and provide your clients with software products and licenses, you shouldnt miss the opportunity to become a member of our mkreseller partner programthis is why easeus chose us as their official partner! whats included with easeus todo backup advanced server purchased from mr key shop? complete your secure checkout and get all you need in your inbox, so that you can immediately make the most out of your easeus todo backup advanced server solution: - your easeus todo backup server license - official download links - clear and simple instructions on how to download, install, and activate your easeus todo backup advanced server software - invoice - free, english-speaking technical support find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements supported platforms microsoft windows - windows 10/8save on the price list and shop with confidence from one of easeus official resellersyou can save up to 70% on the official msrps across our catalogvisit the official mkreseller program page now, or mail us at for more info about this initiativepurchase easeus todo backup advanced server from mr key shop now and save on the price list! download, install and activate easeus todo backup advanced server is fast and easy with mr key shop with the fast service offered by mr key shop, you can download, install and activate easeus todo backup advanced server in no timeif you want to expand your software portfolio and implement a 360-degree security strategy, you can purchase the best vpns, backup & disaster recovery services, as well as enterprise software like sql server and microsoft windows storage server at unparalleled price pointsa huge benefit for larger enterprise operational environmentsand remember: each order is covered by our full money-back warrantythe support team is at your disposal in english and free of charge even to help you choose the best software according to your requirements, use them efficiently, and solve any doubts or issues that may arisediscover all our benefits, like a full money-back warranty and free english-speaking technical support! mr key shop is an official easeus reseller easeus todo backup advanced server easeus todo backup advanced server is one of the most advanced todo backup enterprise editions, the popular easeus business suiteif we dont take care of our planet today, well never be able to flourish as a specieseaseus products offer you an even more extraordinary digital life, with a full range of file recovery, data backup, partition management, transfer products, and morewe want to help reduce pollution and waste from real-world production and distributionthe advanced features let you centralize operations in a single machine, run all the tasks from a clear and simple interface, as well as manage processes across sql and exchange serversfurthermore, each order is fully guaranteed and you can always rely on our technical supportthis is especially true if uptime and business continuity are your top priorities - youll be able to ensure them both with easeus! we want to reach the same level of environmental protection because earth is our homefor example, you can buy windows 11 at a fraction of the original price, order and install office 2021 within a few seconds from your purchase, as well as adopt one of the best antivirus brands in the marketwhat are you waiting for? explore the digital world with mr key shop! protect the environment and your data with easeus todo backup advanced server from mr key shop protecting your data also means including them in highly-effective backup & recovery planswith easeus, these tasks become easy, even for amateur users, still maintaining professional-grade efficacyfor this reason, at mr key shop weve adopted a 100% green approach since our foundationfor this reason, easeus means quality and an intuitive approach to the business worldmr key shop is your go-to store for digital software, discover all our benefits now! a premium solution for your servers with easeus todo backup advanced server easeus todo backup advanced server is a premium enterprise server backup & recovery solutionthe brands professionalism is equal to mr key shops: were official easeus resellers with our 18+ years of experience in the digital industry, with over 350k delighted customers across the globe and an average rating of excellent on trustpilot (2,000+ positive reviews, score of 4digital delivery is how we can make a differenceeaseus todo backup advanced server is the best software for companies running server machines where crucial data must be secured1/8/7/vista/xp - windows server 2022 - windows server 2019 - windows server 2016 - windows server 2012 - windows server 2008 - windows server 2003 - windows server sbs 2003 - windows server sbs 2008 ms sql server - sql server 2019 - 2017, 2016, 2014 - 2012, 2008 r2 - 2008, 2005 ms exchange server - exchange server 2003 - 2007 - 2010 - 2013 - 2016 storage media: - hdds - ssds - usb drives - memory cards - cloud services - physical and/or virtual environments - applicationsfrom your 100% genuine and guaranteed license to clear and simple instructions, everything is at hand in your email, including official and malware-free download links, as well as your invoice
289989990234375 €
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Regardless of the payment platform you choose, every transaction is protected and tracked with the industrys best security technology, and delivery is made instantly via emailadded to these are access from multiple devices via the cloud and support for tags and categories for classifying informationin your order confirmation email you will find your 100% genuine and guaranteed activation key, clear and complete instructions on all steps to download microsoft onenote 2013, install and activate it, and your purchase invoiceas a result, you will always receive your orders digitally via email, we never ship physical goods, and this allows us to offer you an even more competitive price list, as you will never pay shipping costsdiscover all the benefits of our store: secure payments, real-time email delivery, full money-back warranty, and free english-speaking technical support microsoft onenote 2013 microsoft onenote 2013 is the standalone version of the excellent personal notes and information organization program included in microsoft office 20139 | 5 out of 5 stars) and over 2,000 positive reviews confirming the quality of our servicethanks to the section and page structure, organizing information becomes easy and intuitive, which is ideal if you are planning a complex design that requires some nesting of contentwe designed a unique journey to help you grow your business and successfully serve your customerscome and discover the entire mr key shop catalog and remember: our technical support is at your complete disposal, free-of-charge and in english, even before you make your purchasesin this way, you can unleash your creativity, create drafts and sketches of your projects and share them with other users, either to receive feedback or to collaborate on its implementationbuy microsoft onenote 2013 now from mr key shop, save even more on the list price, and take your notes to the next level! downloading, installing and activating microsoft onenote 2013 in seconds is possible with mr key shop with mr key shop, you can download, install and activate microsoft onenote 2013 within seconds from your secure purchasewe have been operating from the digital marketplace for over 18 years and have successfully served over 350 thousand customerschoose your product, add it to your shopping cart and complete the transaction by selecting one of the best payment service providers on the market supported by mr key shop: paypal, stripe, amazon/apple/google pay, as well as credit/debit cardscom for more info about this initiativewe are a 100% eco-friendly company, and our ecological commitment is manifested in our adoption of digital delivery as the sole distribution channel for our productssince it integrates with the other tools in the office 2013 suite, it will be so easy to integrate office tables or word documentsfinally, the best backup and recovery solutions will allow you to complete your software equipment for data security as welloffice integration and the ability to insert content from other applications are additional benefits of microsoft onenote 2013youll also be able to choose from the best antivirus and vpns while saving considerably on official list pricesjust as on word, youll also have text formatting tools to make your notes even more readable, as well as drawing tools, ideal for making sketches on the flybuy microsoft onenote 2013 at the best price on mr key shop0 driver or later screen resolution: 1024 x 576 or higher resolutionwhats included with microsoft onenote 2013 purchased from mr key shop? complete your secure checkout and get all you need in your inbox, so that you can immediately make the most out of your microsoft onenote 2013 solution: - your microsoft onenote 2013 license - official download links - clear and simple instructions on how to download, install, and activate your microsoft onenote 2013 software - invoice - free, english-speaking technical support find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements operating system: windows 7, windows 8 or windows 10 processor: 1ghz or faster processor ram: 1gb ram (32-bit) or 2gb ram (64-bit) hard disk space: 3gb of available space graphics card: directx 9 graphics card with wddm 1this standalone version of onenote 2013 is ideal if you are not interested in using the entire office 2013 package and if you want to harness the power of advanced notes while spending less than the full suiteyou can enrich your notes using text, images, audio and video, making microsoft onenote 2013 a versatile solution for collecting and managing informationhere we have an average rating of excellent (4join the world of mr key shop: from us you save up to 70% on the entire catalog, including microsoft onenote 2013just as effectively, we want to contribute to the environmental cause by reducing the production of pollutants and packaging wastea significant benefit for you, a concrete contribution to environmental protection! are you a reseller? introducing mkreseller, an opportunity you shouldnt miss! if youre working in the digital world too and provide your clients with software products and licenses, you shouldnt miss the opportunity to become a member of our mkreseller partner programthis is one of the advantages of our storeplease note: if you are looking for the entire office package, visit the microsoft office section of mr key shop, here you will find various editions divided by year and category to help you choose the version that best suits your needsanother notable feature is the ability to share notes with other users and collaborate in real time, not to mention powerful search to quickly find the information you wantvisit the official mkreseller program page now, or mail us at sales@mrkeyshopmr key shop is a professional and authorized store, your one-stop shop in the digital marketplace! unleash your creativity with microsoft onenote 2013 with its clean and intuitive user interface, you can take notes, organize information and find the items you need easilyyou can find the same ease of use on mr key shop, one of the most user-loved stores, as you can see on trustpilotwe can provide you with personalized suggestions on the best software to order based on your specific needs! enhance your notes with microsoft onenote 2013 and help us protect the environment with the ability to add voice notes, media clips, and, most importantly, collaborate with other users on your notes, microsoft onenote 2013 is a very powerful tool that goes beyond the basic functions of its ancestor, windows notepadtake your notes to the next level and share your ideas with friends, family and colleaguesin addition, we have expanded the catalog with the most important business programs, such as windows storage server and microsoft sql serverwith microsoft onenote 2013, you go beyond the regular notepad, as you can take notes with text, images, audio and videofor example, you can buy windows 11 at an unprecedented price, order and download office 2021 or office for mac in seconds
29989999771118164 €
You can rely on our digital delivery system and instantly receive your licenses via email with free english-speaking technical supportif your company needs to provide remote desktop services to your customers and staff, you can buy, for example, the windows server 2019 rds user cals, and receive them immediately via emailour digital delivery system is fast: as soon as the secure payment is confirmed, a recap message will be sent to you via email containing everything you need: your windows server 2019 rds user cal license package (in bundles of 1, 5, 10, 20, and 50 units), clear and precise instructions on how to activate and distribute them, your official purchase invoice and access to our free customer supportactivate your windows server 2019 rds user cal licenses in digital format now our store offers you a flawless shopping experience: buy your product and pay via secure and tracked payment methods such as paypal, stripe, amazon pay, google, apple, etconly 100% genuine products with a full money-back guaranteewe have set up a system that can always guarantee you a pleasant and quick purchase with a full money-back guaranteedo you want to authorize individual devices? buy windows server 2019 rds device cal mr key shop offers user cal and device cal license packages in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 20, and 50 units, with a chance of activating only the necessary licenses, without time limits, that is another notable advantage of our digital storewhat does an rds user cal do for windows server 2019? server systems, such as windows server 2019, include a service known as rds, which stands for remote desktop servicethat is primarily because our store focuses on three pillars: simplicity, speed, and safetyover 350,000 users have safely bought from our catalog, rewarding us with an excellent rating on trustpilotcom for more informationthat is why it is essential to have an access control system in place: cals are also set to ensure only authorized users or devices can access the servers resourcesit can be your internal it team, who needs to access a remote desktop for various reasons (maintenance, support, data recovery), or your customers accessing an rds-based paid service (remote support, etcand you will immediately receive your digital license directly in your inboxit is the only store where you can buy products and activate them within seconds, with maximum security guaranteed by purchasing platforms protected with an ssl certificatefind more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements visit the windows server 2019 page, select your operating system version to review the system requirements, and even purchase an original digital license at a discounted pricewith us, you can offer your customers the best of the digital world at unbeatable prices and growth for your businesspurchase windows server 2019 rds user cal and activate your licenses immediately with mr key shopbuy safely from mr key shop, save on the standard price, and activate your licenses right away! the digital world is closer to you with mr key shop we have strongly believed in the advantages of digital delivery since the foundation of mr key shop, over 18 years agoall the main products from microsoft catalog are available on mr key shop: windows operating systems, including the latest addition windows 11 professional, office productivity suites like office 2021 professional and office 2021 home & business for mac, microsoft server products like sql server 2019, storage server, windows server 2019, all related user cal and device cal licenseswe have decided to rely exclusively on digital delivery especially because mr key shop is a 100% eco-friendly companychoose mr key shop as a supplier for your company, save up to 70% compared to official stores or third-party resellers, and always get 100% original and guaranteed licensesmoreover, only with mr key shop, you can save up to 70% on the list price for your premium digital products, with the advantage of not having to wait to activate themsince day one, we have satisfied our customers and provided a professional, authorized and reliable digital serviceyou can buy from us with the utmost safety, knowing that you always have a team of experts ready to answer any of your questions, clarify any doubts and solve any problemhowever, our digital delivery system, which we refine every day since the birth of our store, also has another relevant purpose: to protect the environmentthe advantage of delivering products exclusively through a digital channel, in addition to reducing downtime, allows us to reduce the emission of polluting gases and packaging waste typical of physical transport systemsbuy windows server 2019 rds user cal for your business at the best price would you like to buy windows server 2019 rds user cal at a competitive price for your company? mr key shop has in its catalog several bundles of rds user cal licenses for windows server 2019 for any requirementrds user cal licenses authorize specific users to access remote resources by using username and passwordand, by choosing us, you can be it too, while enjoying the benefits from speed, professionalism, and reliability that only the best digital stores can ensurediscover all the benefits from mr key shopwhat do you get with windows server 2019 user cal from mr key shop? purchase microsoft windows server 2019 user cal, and at the end of checkout, you will receive an e-mail summary of your order from mr key shop containing the following: - your windows server 2019 rds user cal license package - comprehensive and easy instructions on how to activate and distribute them - invoice - free technical support are you a reseller? mkreseller is the program made especially for you if you are a reseller and distribute quality software and digital licenses, join the mkreseller program, designed just for professionals like youyou can visit us now on the official mkreseller page or mail us at sales@mrkeyshopthroughout this process, waiting times are minimized, and activation become immediatefor over 18 years, mr key shop has been your one-stop shop for the digital world ! deploy windows server 2019 rds user cal and protect the environment for dynamic companies like yours, saving time and money by accessing the best professional software on the market with the ability to be operational within seconds from the purchase are irreplaceable values, and we at mr key shop know this as wellour experts are always on the lookout for the best digital licensesas the name suggests, these are remote desktop services allowing users connected to the internet or the corporate network to remotely access local resources of a desktop, hosted on the server, just as if they were physically in its presence
9998999786376953 €
Receive your order via email instantly, with a full money-back warrantyeach license for microsoft windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup is delivered right after the purchase via emailbuy microsoft windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup buy microsoft windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup from mr key shop and save over the msrp! you can immediately set up your storage appliance thanks to our digital email delivery immediately after your purchaseyoull receive our email with an official download link to the iso file for windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup, one 100% genuine and guaranteed license, together with a set of instructions we specifically designed to let you proceed with no further helpthis is one of the key benefits of mr key shop! once i order microsoft windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup from mr key shop, what can i expect? after your digital order for microsoft windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup from our store, well send you an email with everything you need to proceed: - your license(s) for microsoft windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup you ordered (1 license per appliance) - official download link to the setup iso file for microsoft windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup - clear and complete instructions on how to download microsoft windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup and then install and activate it on the storage appliance - invoice - free english-speaking customer care are you a reseller? offer your customer the best at the lowest price! if you are a reseller for products like windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup, join our mkreseller program dedicated to b2b customers or mail us at sales@mrkeyshopfurthermore, we can protect the environmentpurchase microsoft windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup from mr key shopsince we abandoned the physical good transport system, we reduce our footprint, cutting down pollutants and wastesave time and stay within your budget for your development area and enjoy the performance ensured by storage server 2012 r2 workgroupmr key shop is an eco-friendly company! what kind of licenses for microsoft windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup are available from mr key shop? mr key shop only offers perpetual licenses, both for consumers and businessesthis way, you can proceed to install and set up your storage appliance with no hasslemicrosoft windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup for business windows storage server is based on windows server (see windows server 2012 and all the other versions available from our catalog), the r2 version is an updated iteration designed for network attached storage (nas) devices across your companywork with mr key shop and grow your business! find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus supported hardware specs - architecture: x64 - cpu socket: 1 - ram: 32gb - disks (count/interfaces/ raid types0): 6/no external sass /unlimited - max user count: 50 minimum system requirements processor: x64, 1install windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup in digital format installing windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup in digital format è possible, also reducing downtime and cutting down costsall licenses are linked to a microsoft account, and you can deactivate the previous setup and then proceed with the new one using the same credentialsmr key shop is a 100% digital company and our professional authorized store offers a complete catalog with the best software in digital delivery, all guaranteed and 100% genuine, at very competitive pricesin case of doubt or issues, our free english-speaking customer service is always there for you! all orders placed on mr key shop are covered by our full money-back warrantyall licenses are 100% guaranteed, with secure payments and free english-speaking customer service4ghz ram: 512mb storage: 32gbwindows storage server allows you to build your customized storage appliances according to your hardwarewindows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup features the following: - virtualization (2 vms) - domain merging - branchcache peer-to-peer - active directory lightweight directory services (ad lds) download microsoft windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup download microsoft windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup fast after your transaction on mr key shopcom and youll receive a custom price list as soon as possibleour licenses for microsoft windows storage server 2012 r2 workgroup allow you to reinstall or restore your appliance with no further product key to be purchased
399989990234375 €
For you, this means receiving your orders in real-time via email, cutting down shipping costscomplete your secure checkout and youll immediately receive your recap email with all you need to goat the end of your purchase, go to your email inbox, and follow the instructions attached to your recap email to download easeus data recovery wizard professional and install it in a few easy stepscompatible with over 1,000 file types, easeus data recovery wizard professional allows you to recover documents, videos, images, email messages, audio files, and much moreeach transaction is straightforward but secure, and all payments are only processed with the best platforms in the market: you can choose among paypal, stripe, amazon/apple/google pay, or you can pay via credit/debit cardwait no further: choose mr key shop for your digital shopping and save on the best genuine software on sale! recover any file with easeus data recovery wizard professional and help us protect the environment with easeus data recovery wizard professional, youll recover all your lost data with a few clicksabout easeus easeus is a popular and acknowledged backup & disaster recovery brandeaseus data recovery wizard professional is easy to use and recovers 100% of data with easeus data recovery wizard professional, you can recover all your data after a crash, accidental deletion, formatting, or other incidentswe opted in for digital delivery as our unique distribution channel; this way, we can reduce pollution and wastethe good news is that, with easeus data recovery wizard professional, nothing is lost for good! no matter which support you need to recover, may it be a hdd, a ssd, a memory card, or other storage devices, easeus data recovery wizard professional will recover all the lost files with a few clicks, thanks to the tidy and user-friendly uia huge benefit that combines with one of higher importance: by choosing us, you can make a difference in protecting the environment too! were and will always be a 100% eco-friendly company ! are you a reseller? introducing mkreseller, an opportunity you shouldnt miss! if youre working in the digital world too and provide your clients with software products and licenses, you shouldnt miss the opportunity to become a member of our mkreseller partner programand remember: our free english-speaking technical support is always at your disposal! mr key shop is an official easeus reseller easeus data recovery wizard professional with easeus data recovery wizard professional, you can easily recover lost or removed data, even after formatting your storage mediawe designed a unique journey to help you grow your business and successfully serve your customersyoull always receive your orders in the form of 100% genuine and guaranteed digital licenseswe wish we could recover our environment so easily toosafely shop from us with secure payments and our full money-back warrantyfor system security, we offer a wide range of vpn and antivirus tools, as well as the best backup & recovery programsquality, customer protection, and ease of use are also mr key shops pillarssometimes, a system crash, a human error, or other incidents can cause the loss of important files9 | 5 stars out of 5)com for more info about this initiativefor example, you can purchase windows 11 professional at an unparalleled price, order and download office 2021 professional and office 2021 home & business for mac in real-timedownload, install and activate easeus data recovery wizard professional at ease with mr key shop with mr key shop, you can download, install and activate easeus data recovery wizard professional in a few stepseach transaction is secure and guaranteed, and all products are covered by our full money-back warrantysuch a professional attitude has been acknowledged by easeus as well, since they chose us as official resellers for their brandwere official easeus resellers and only offer 100% genuine and guaranteed productsin case of doubt, you can always count on our free english-speaking technical supportall is managed in a non-destructive way, through a technically advanced piece of software produced by data management specialistseaseus is well-known for its backup/recovery/partition management tools: they all combine user-friendly interfaces with fully-fledged, professional featuresthis is a huge opportunity for you: with us, youll save up to 70% across our catalog, including easeus productseaseus products offer you an even more extraordinary digital life, with a full range of file recovery, data backup, partition management, transfer products, and moreif you need to expand your professional software library, you can choose among the best database and storage management solutions, like windows storage server and microsoft sql server 2019a complete and professional solution which allows you to prevent irreversible loss of crucial documentspurchase easeus data recovery wizard professional at the best price with mr key shop and recover all lost datathis is proven by our fast and efficient service, which has been awarded by our customers who rated us as excellent on trustpilot (4since we cant make the world greener with a single click, we want to help protect the planet anyway with concrete actionsfor over 18 years, weve successfully served more than 350k users in the world, as you can read across over 2k positive reviews we received on the independent rating servicewith easeus, these tasks become easy, even for amateur users, still maintaining professional-grade efficacyfor this reason, mr key shop has ditched the physical transport system since our inceptionour emails always include official and secure download links and your invoicemr key shop offers an intuitive and user-friendly experience as well: our store is easy to navigate, offers straightforward transactions, but always with the highest professional approach possiblevisit the official mkreseller program page now, or mail us at sales@mrkeyshopeaseus data recovery wizard professional makes no exception: through an intuitive interface, it will let you recover your data with just a few clicksthis is why easeus chose us as their official partner ! whats included with easeus data recovery wizard professional purchased from mr key shop? complete your secure checkout and get all you need in your inbox, so that you can immediately make the most out of your easeus data recovery wizard professional solution: - your easeus data recovery wizard professional license - official download links - clear and simple instructions on how to download, install, and activate your easeus data recovery wizard professional technician software - invoice - free, english-speaking technical support find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements supported operating systems: windows 11/10/8/7, windows server 2022/2019/2016/2012/2008/2003 supported storage media: hdds, ssds, external drives, pcs and laptops, flash drives, memory cards, other media (cameras, zip drives, etc
6598999786376953 €
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When you purchase your licenses for microsoft windows storage server 2016 standard from mr key shop, you obtain them in real-time via emailbuy microsoft windows storage server 2016 standard from mr key shop and get your product within a few minutes via email, with free english-speaking customer service1 - qos performance monitoring and policymaking via hyper-v download microsoft windows storage server 2016 standard purchase and immediately download microsoft windows storage server 2016 standard: this is one of the benefits of mr key shopyou will save money and time because you immediately get what you need in your email inbox: - your license(s) for microsoft windows storage server 2016 standard you ordered (1 license per appliance) - official download link to the setup iso file for microsoft windows storage server 2016 standard - clear and complete instructions on how to download microsoft windows storage server 2016 standard and then install and activate it on the storage appliance - invoice - free english-speaking customer care are you a reseller? offer your customer the best at the lowest price! if you are a reseller for products like windows storage server 2016 standard, we have designed the mkreseller program for your needswith windows storage server 2016 you can build storage appliances to address your specific hardware requisitesinstall windows storage server 2016 standard in digital format you can install windows storage server 2016 standard in no time and have it up and running right away in your business department thanks to our instant delivery system - our customers receive their orders in a few minutes right in their inboxmr key shop is an eco-friendly company and, since we ditched physical transport methods, we can reduce pollution and waste! is there any limit in place for microsoft windows storage server 2016 standard? nowe know how much you care about time optimization, therefore youll immediately receive in your inbox all the elements you need to set up your storage appliance right away after you purchasethis version will be supported until january 2022, with extended support up to 2027digital delivery is a crucial part of our business culturethis way you can save over your budget and eliminate downtime, configure your storage appliances, as well as help us protect the environmentfurthermore, youll have the opportunity to set up your storage appliance right awaywork with mr key shop and offer the best software at the best price! find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus minimum system requirements processor: x64, 1microsoft windows storage server 2016 standard for business windows storage server 2016 is based on the windows server system (in our catalog you can find windows server 2016 and all the other versions) and is specifically built for nas devicesour objective is to offer the best products at unmatched prices - were constantly looking for the best deals for our customers000+ users) - instant file sync on windows 10 clients - smb 3therefore, your licenses for microsoft windows storage server 2016 standard are associated with your credentials, and youll be able to reinstall or restore your appliances with no further product keys neededshop now and enjoy all mr key shops benefits! what will i get by ordering microsoft windows storage server 2016 standard from mr key shop? proceed with your order and purchase microsoft windows storage server 2016 standard from mr key shopmail us at sales@mrkeyshopmr key shops catalog exclusively includes products with perpetual licenses, both for retail and business usersthe benefits offered by windows storage server 2016 standard include: - large-scale support for active directory (1com and youll receive a custom price list as soon as possiblewe only offer genuine licenses at very competitive prices buy microsoft windows storage server 2016 standard now you can buy microsoft windows storage server 2016 standard from mr key shop and save significantlywindows storage server 2016 standard feature can address all your needs across your company and it departmenthowever, if you need it, our free english-speaking customer service will be more than happy to support you! each order placed on mr key shop is covered by our full money-back warrantyour technical team will help you in case of issues or with tips about the ideal product for youwe built an officially authorized store where youll always find the best digital licenses, legit and genuine, at the best prices aroundthe official download link to the iso file for windows storage server 2016 standard, a 100% genuine license, and clear and accurate instructions will let you configure your storage appliance in full autonomy4ghz ram: 512mb network: gigabit (10/100/1000baset) ethernet, 1gbps connection recommended storage: 32gb
890989990234375 €
Microsoft windows server 2016 standard digital licenses sold by mr key shop are immediately sent via emailwell email you a download link to the official iso file for windows server 2016 standard, and youll be able to immediately download, install and activate your new microsoft server operating systemthis is one of the many benefits of our digital products! whats included with any order of microsoft windows server 2016 standard placed on mr key shop? once you finish your checkout process for microsoft windows server 2016 standard on mr key shop, well immediately send you everything you need via email: - your license(s) for microsoft windows server 2016 standard you ordered (1 license per seat) - official download link to setup iso file for microsoft windows server 2016 standard - clear and complete instructions on how to download, install and activate microsoft windows server 2016 standard for each seat - invoice - free english-speaking customer service are you a reseller? offer your clients the best at less! if you resell products like windows server 2016 standard, discover the advantages of our mkreseller program dedicated to b2b resellers or contact us at sales@mrkeyshopfurther features include windows server containers, failover cluster, and moreinstall windows server 2016 standard in digital format mr key shop is focused on digital delivery500, like ldap or sql databasessave time and money, get your seats up and running in a breeze, and help protect the environmentbe eco-friendly, just like mr key shop! are there any limitations to the licenses for microsoft windows server 2016 standard sold by mr key shop? no, there arentbuy microsoft windows server 2016 standard for your company and save nowthe whole catalog sold by mr key shop includes only perpetual licenses, both for retail and business productsthis system is supported until 2022, with extended support until 20274ghz ram: 512mb storage: 32gb network interface: ethernet, minwindows defender: by default, windows server antimalware is installed and enabled without gui (you can install it later)purchase microsoft windows server 2016 standard purchase microsoft windows server 2016 standard from mr key shop, save over the price list and immediately access all the benefits from this version of windows server with kernel and user interface based on windows 10 (here you can see why you should buy windows 10 for your computer from mr key shop right now)buy microsoft windows server 2016 standard, now available from mr key shopall microsoft windows server 2016 standard licenses you buy from mr key shop allow you to reuse your credentials to reinstall or restore the relevant seatsif you need help, our free english-speaking customer service is there for you ! finally, all mr key shops products include our full money-back warrantyimmediate digital delivery, secure payments, a full money-back warranty, and free english-speaking customer serviceour catalog includes the best authentic licenses to meet any need without breaking the budgetwork with mr key shop and cut your costs! find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements processor: x64, 11 are now supported - iis 10: support for http/2therefore, you wont need any extra licensessince we dont ship physical goods, we can cut pollutants and wastewindows powershell 5we exclusively offer genuine licenses at low pricesremote desktop services: among the new features, opengl 4if your company requires a more modern operating environment, with security and remote desktop features, buy windows server 2016 standardhere are some new features compared to the previous version (windows server 2012 r2, also available in our catalog): - windows 10-based kernel & ui - active directory federation services you can configure ad fs to authenticate users that are stored in a directory system different than ad, also compliant with xthrough our 100% authorized and professional store we offer your company the best digital products at unbeatable pricesmicrosoft windows server 2016 standard for business this is a modern and up-to-date version of windows server and is based on windows 10, one of the most popular microsoft operating systemsdownload microsoft windows server 2016 standard buy and download microsoft windows server 2016 standarda 100% genuine license is attached to the same email, together with clear instructions you and your it team can follow autonomouslycom and well send you a customized catalogall the products included in mr key shops catalog are delivered after purchase
279989990234375 €
Regardless of your preferred payment method, you are always assured of purchasing 100% genuine and guaranteed products through a simple and secure purchase process with immediate delivery via emailwith us you will find only 100% genuine and guaranteed licenses, with real-time email delivery and full money-back warrantywe are a 100% eco-friendly company and we have always followed a 100% digital policy: with us, products are never shipped physically, but only and exclusively by emailin fact, immediately after your order is confirmed, you receive your email with everything you need to immediately download visio 2013 professional: your genuine and guaranteed activation key, step-by-step instructions with official, malware-free download links, as well as your purchase invoicemicrosoft visio 2013 professional breathes new life into your ideas with microsoft visio 2013 professional, you can easily share your ideas, as well as collaborate with your teams on project development, thanks to super-simple flowcharts that are easy to create and share via major office applications, for maximum compatibilityin addition, if you choose mr key shop to purchase microsoft visio 2013 professional, you will also contribute to our commitment to protecting the environmentwe are a professional store and we also offer you free english-speaking technical support, before and after every order microsoft visio 2013 professional microsoft visio 2013 professional is software that allows you to easily create templates, flowcharts, concept maps, network diagrams, organization chart diagrams and morechoose microsoft visio 2013 professional at mr key shop and help us protect the environment microsoft visio 2013 professional is a solution that allows you to present ideas, projects, designs, concept maps and more in visual formmr key shop is your ultimate resource for high-quality digital softwarewe designed a unique journey to help you grow your business and successfully serve your customersfinally, from us you will find the best backup & recovery solutions for both home and business userswhats included with each microsoft visio 2013 professional order from mr key shop? complete your secure checkout and get all you need in your inbox, so that you can immediately make the most out of your microsoft visio 2013 professional: - your microsoft visio 2013 professional license - official download links - clear and simple instructions on how to download, install, and activate your microsoft visio 2013 professional - invoice - free, english-speaking technical support find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements operating system: windows 7, windows 8, windows server 2008 r2 or windows server 2012 processor: 1ghz (x86 or x64) or higher ram: 1gb (32-bit) or 2gb (64-bit) or higher hard disk space: 3gb of free space video card: microsoft directx 9 video card with wddm 1purchase microsoft visio 2013 professional now from mr key shop and save moneytogether we can really make a difference! are you a reseller? introducing mkreseller, an opportunity you shouldnt miss! if youre working in the digital world too and provide your clients with software products and licenses, you shouldnt miss the opportunity to become a member of our mkreseller partner programcom for more info about this initiativenet: framework 3for over 18 years, we have been a benchmark in the digital marketplace, as evidenced by our average rating of excellent on trustpilot (4visio 2013 also offers a wide range of pre-designed shapes and symbols for creating professional diagramsefficiently manage flowcharts and bring your ideas to life at the best pricevisio 2013s improved user interface makes it even easier and more straightforward to useour customers have written more than 2,000 positive reviews about our store, expressing their satisfaction and confirming the quality of our serviceand remember that our catalog offers only and exclusively 100% original and guaranteed softwareimprovements in sharing and collaboration: visio 2013 offers more ways to share and collaborate diagrams, both inside and outside the companyfor us, on the other hand, it means, contributing concretely to the reduction of pollution and packaging wasteideal not only for professionals but also for students looking for visual support for their studies, visio 2013 is a comprehensive yet very easy-to-use tool that integrates seamlessly with office0 driver or later resolution: 1024 x 576 or higherbuy microsoft visio 2013 professional now from mr key shop and save significantly off the list price ! downloading, installing and activating microsoft visio 2013 professional takes little time with mr key shop thanks to mr key shops digital delivery service, you can download, install and activate microsoft visio 2013 professional immediately after your purchasein addition, thanks to the integration with microsoft office you can easily export your diagrams to excel, word and powerpoint, making it easier to publish them as wellif you choose microsoft visio 2013 professional from mr key shop, moreover, you have the advantage of buying this software at the best price, with all the guarantees that only a professional store like ours can offer you, not least of which is free technical support in italian, also available before your orders for personalized advice on the software solutions best suited to your specific needsdiscover all the advantages of mr key shop, such as the possibility to save up to 70% on our entire catalog, including microsoft visio 2013 professionalcomplete your order through a 100% secure and tracked transaction, choose one of the best payment services supported by our store, such as paypal, stripe, amazon/apple/google pay, or pay by credit or debit cardfor example, from us you can buy windows 11 at a fraction of the official price or download and install office 2021 or office 2021 for mac in real-timevisit the official mkreseller program page now, or mail us at sales@mrkeyshopnew shapes and templates: visio 2013 includes a wide range of new pre-designed shapes and templates to help users create even more professional diagramscompared with the previous version, visio 2013 features a number of improvements, including: - revamped user interface: the visio 2013 user interface has been revamped to provide a more intuitive and pleasant user experiencechoose the best tools for your digital security such as vpn and antivirus suites, as well as professional tools such as microsoft sql server and windows storage serverfor you, this means receiving your orders in real time, with an additional advantage given by the absence of shipping costswith diagram templates and dynamic diagrams, microsoft visio 2013 helps you get started with diagram creation, and gives you the ability to create dynamic diagrams that automatically adapt to changes in data9 | 5 out of 5 stars)
11998999786376953 €
Allarme sistema allarme supporta il "motion detection" e "audio detection" con invio mail con foto istantanea e notifiche push sul cellularewi-fi network camera adatto solo per ambienti interni consente il monitoraggio di cosa succede dentro casa sorgente audio a due vie (parla ed ascolta) per interagire con chi è davanti alla telecamera sensore da 1,0 mpx ad alta risoluzione funzione "motion detection" ed invio via mail dellimmagine scattata dalla telecamera e notifiche push con avviso sullo smartphone funzione "sound detection" ed invio via mail dellimmagine scattata dalla telecamera e notifiche push con avviso sullo smartphone sensori ad infrarossi con ir cut che consentono di mantenere la fedeltà dei colori durante il giorno e una nitida visione di notte anche senza luce la telecamera consente una visione panoramica a 360° se posizionata a soffitto o di 180° se posizionata a parete compatibile con il protocollo onvif2sensibilità sensore 1/3 inch cmos sensorilluminazione minima 0visibile da pc supporta sistemi windows based0 facile da installare su smartphone sia su sistema android che ios: scarica lapp, scansiona il qr code, imposta i tuoi parametri, controlla cosa succede in casa possibilità di monitorare più telecamere (sia da pc che da smartphone) facile installazione da pc possibilità di connetterla sia su rete lan che wi-fi possibilità di registrare anche su tf card 64gb max possibilità di impostare parametri: mail, wi-fi, sd card, e allarmi direttamente dal telefono app completamente in italiano descrizione: visibile dal telefono supporta il controllo remoto da telefono con cellulari ios e android4(modalità colori),0input microfono integratoaudio formato codifica adpcm, g711, aacmemoria supporta tf card da 64gbvisualizzazione registrazioni controllo da remoto e download del contenuto dellsd cardmemoria memoria slot per sd cardvantaggi supporta iphone, android, e pcvisitatori on line supporta fino a 4 visitatori on line nello stesso temporisoluzione 960x960pprotocolli ftp,smtp,p2p,tcp/ip, upnpsistema sistema operativo linux osuid technology tecnologia di scansione uid facile da usare, usa licenza apinetwork socket porta ethernet rj-45 10/100mb self-adaptablevideo formato compressione hlenti/ angolo 14(modalità bianco/nero)parametri tecnici alimentazione dc 5v2asoftware da pc possibilità di monitorare più telecamere contemporaneamente; possibilità di creare tre livelli di accesso e fino a 4 utenti contemporaneamente5mm e speaker interno (8ω1w)maximum frame rate 15-25fpsfacile operatività tecnologia plug & play, facile installazione: attacca il cavo della corrente, installa il software, scansiona il codice ed aggiungi la telecameravisione notturna ir-cut dual filter, ir-cut
61869998931884766 €
Keeping pace with technology is possible: receive your original license right away via instant email delivery, along with all the instructions you need to upgrade to windows 10 in few quick and easy steps using the official microsoft toolwhat will i receive if i purchase windows 10 professional 32/64-bit? the product is delivered within seconds directly via email, thus avoiding the environmental impact of shipping physical goodswithin a few minutes of purchase, you will receive an email containing your original microsoft license and all the instructions you need to upgrade in just a few quick and easy stepsto install windows 10, you need to perform a clean setup after you purchase a product key for windows 10you can now move from win 10 home to professionalit is not a subscription service and therefore does not require periodic renewals for a feeupgrade from windows 10 home to windows 10 professional the license you will receive also enables you to upgrade from windows 10 home to professional, if necessarylets work together! system requirements platform windows supported operating systems windows 10 processor 1 ghz or faster processor or soc ram 1 gb ram (32-bit) or 2 gb ram (64-bit) hard disk 16 gb ram (32-bit) or 20 gb ram (64-bit) graphic card directx 9 or higher with wddm 1the procedure will be the official microsoft procedure and will take only a few minutes* keep pace with technology to maintain high standards*important: by purchasing an upgrade to windows 10 professional, the upgrade to the new windows 11 operating system will be freeyou can reuse it forever, bearing in mind that it is valid for one device only and must be therefore deactivated on any previous devices before reactivating on a new devicecompatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit versionsyou cannot upgrade from windows 7, windows 8 and windows 8compatible with: office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 is also available microsoft office for macheres how you can upgrade to windows 10 professional1 to windows 10 any longerfind out more about office 2021upgrading to windows 10 professional will also allow you to install and use microsoft office 2021 suite, elevating your computer to a more advanced levelupgrade to windows 10 professional important; if you want to do a normal installation you need this product: windows 10 professional with its newly implemented and enhanced features, windows 10 professional affords a more streamlined and dynamic work experience, thanks to its many new additional functionalitieswe always recommend installing an antivirus to protect your device, you can choose your antivirus by clicking herecom and well send you a tailor-made price list1 original microsoft activation code for windows 10 professional valid for use in 1 pc (product key) - download link for windows 10 professional 32/64-bit (iso file) - quick and easy installation guide - free technical support - invoice are you a reseller? if youre a reseller, mail us at sales@mrkeyshopby purchasing windows 10 professional, you will own the software permanently without any additional future expenses, and you will enjoy all the benefits of owning an original microsoft license that you can use on your computer or device, even if you format your current device or switch to a new oneplease note that this type of update can only be performed on a genuine microsoft operating system, if you are running a cracked version of a windows operating system you will need to format your computerfind more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus what happens if you format your pc or migrate to a new one? (lifetime license) this microsoft license is a lifetime licensewindows 10 professional is compatible with office 2021 windows 10 professional support office 2021 installation and compatibility
399900016784668 €