
Elenco hygiene

  • Risciacquo igienico per rimuovere i batteri funzione hygiene la funzione hygiene può essere attivata insieme ad alcuni programmi per ottenere la massima igiene: in questo modo viene prolungato il risciacquo finale, mentre la temperatura dellacqua viene aumentata fino a 70˚c, assicurando un lavaggio più efficace ed eliminando germi e batteriin questo modo potrai risparmiare tempo e denaro con carichi parziali e con la soddisfazione di trovare sempre i piatti puliti in qualsiasi momentoricavando più posto nel cestello inferiore è possibile caricare piatti di varie forme e dimensioni, incluse pentole, piatti da portata e di grandi dimensionila funzione carico parziale ti assicura una maggiore flessibilità e ti permette di caricare solo la zona inferioremonitoraggio semplice e intuitivo del lavaggio ampio schermo led finalmente un sistema semplice e intuitivo per lavare i piatti con ampio display a led di facile lettura che consente di controllare con una sola occhiata (anche a distanza) stato del lavaggio, impostazioni, tempo rimanente e stato di avanzamento e monitorare agevolmente landamento della lavastoviglie) il programma express wash della durata di 60 minuti ti consente di lavare e asciugare i piatti molto più rapidamenterisparmia tempo e denaro con i carichi parziali funzione carico parziale ora non dovrai più aspettare che la lavastoviglie sia piena per azionarlaè la soluzione ideale per carichi ridotti di stoviglie parzialmente sporche che non necessitano un lavaggio intensivo, come tazze, posate e piatti della cena; il ciclo completo di lavaggio e asciugatura dura solo 60 minutipiatti, posate e utensili da cucina saranno quindi sicuri per qualsiasi utilizzorisparmia tempo con il programma lava e asciuga di 60 minuti programma express wash (60 mincarica facilmente e lava in sicurezza le posate terzo cestello flessibile il terzo cestello flessibile situato nella parte superiore della lavastoviglie mette a disposizione uno spazio dedicato per oggetti piccoli e leggeri, come posate e utensili, permettendo di posizionarli in sicurezza e lavarli alla perfezione grazie ai potenti getti dacquaspazio flessibile per piatti di grandi dimensioni facile regolazione dellaltezza lo spazio interno può essere configurato in maniera flessibile in altezza e consente di alzare o abbassare rapidamente e con un unico gesto il cestello superiore di 5 cm


    6797999877929688 €

  • Sterilizzazione delle stoviglie hygiene care risciacquo igienico per eliminare germi e battericon alcuni programmi*, lopzione hygiene care prolunga il risciacquo finale e aumenta la temperatura dellacqua a 70 ˚ccon la funzione auto pulizia puoi lavarla premendo semplicemente un pulsante: il programma rimuove lo sporco e i batteri responsabili dei cattivi odori che si formano allinterno del vano, impiegando soltanto acqua, senza aggiungere detergenti aggressiviil sistema kitchen fit presenta una cerniera roto-traslante che consente al rivestimento della porta di scorrere verso lalto quando lo sportello è apertocosì, diversamente dai modelli a cerniera fissa, potrai montare questa lavastoviglie in qualunque cucina, anche in quelle con zoccolo molto bassomaggiore praticità previousnext soft railing grazie al sistema soft railing, estrarre cestelli colmi di piatti non è mai stato così facile e sicuromeravigliosamente semplice, sempre efficiente grazie a unelevata classe energetica, questa lavastoviglie assicura stoviglie perfette facendoti risparmiare energia, tempo e faticaprevenzione di pericolose perdite dacqua aqua stop la funzione di sicurezza aqua stop previene gli eventuali danni causati dalla fuoriuscita accidentale di acqua: se rileva minime tracce di acqua, interrompe lalimentazione idrica ed elettrica, arrestando la lavastovigliesportello scorrevole elegante e armonioso porta scorrevole kitchen fit assicurati che la lavastoviglie si integri perfettamente nellarredo della tua cucinail sistema si avvale di guide dotate di cuscinetti a sfera per ridurre lattrito e consentire movimenti più fluidi e scorrevoli, con il minimo sforzo anche in caso di carichi pesantiapertura automatica per espellere il vapore e velocizzare il processo di asciugatura auto open la funzione auto open garantisce stoviglie sempre pulite e splendentiquesto permette una pulizia più profonda ed elimina il 99,999% dei batteri**un sistema che ha dimostrato di consumare meno energia senza compromettere le prestazioni di lavaggio o sacrificare la funzionalitàinterno fresco e pulito auto pulizia mantieni la tua lavastoviglie pulita e igienizzata con un occhio di riguardo per lambiente - e per le tue tascheuna volta completato il processo di risciacquo e asciugatura, lo sportello si apre automaticamente di 10 cm per espellere il vapore senza rovinare il top della cucina e garantendo così risultati migliori e più rapidi rispetto ai metodi tradizionali, soprattutto per gli oggetti in plastica e di dimensioni ridotteper avere piatti, posate e utensili da cucina sempre sicuri da usarecosì facendo, previene le scosse elettriche e i costosi danni causati dallacquai cestelli scorrono con un movimento fluido e si possono configurare per caricare oggetti di varie dimensionie lo sportello si apre da solo: più comodo di così! meno energia, stessa efficacia efficienza energetica elevata meno energia, ma un lavaggio sempre efficace delle stoviglie grazie allelevata classe di efficienza energetica b/c, ai sensi del nuovo sistema europeo di etichettatura energetica, in vigore dal 2021in più, grazie a un minore scuotimento, riduce il rischio di caduta delle stoviglie


    7910999755859375 €

  • Programma hygiene 99,9% il programma certificato hygiene 99,9% risponde ad ogni esigenza di lavaggio consentendo di sterilizzare le stoviglie a 75°c e igienizzandole perfettamente anche per bambini o soggetti allergiciprogramma silent grazie al sistema idraulico, alla forma del fondo della vasca e allutilizzo di motori sempre più performanti, selezionando questo programma il ciclo di lavaggio riduce la rumorosità fino a -2 dbcesto flexiduo i due inserti mobili che lo compongono, scorrendo su guide distinte e dotati di maniglia per una migliore prensilità, possono essere regolati singolarmente, in base al tipo di stoviglie da lavare, e garantire, così, la massima flessibilità di caricoprogramma full express programma express di lavaggio e asciugatura in soli 60 minuti, perfetto per luso quotidianoprogramma clean and shine la funzione clean&shine, grazie ad un risciacquo aggiuntivo, consente di ottenere stoviglie ancora più lucentiprogramma express 27 sviluppato appositamente per stoviglie poco sporche che si vogliono lavare subito dopo lutilizzo, il programma rapido lava in soli 27 minutidesign la nuova lavastoviglie smeg risponde a sofisticate esigenze di lavaggio interpretando una costante evoluzione in termini estetici, funzionali e di efficienza energeticasistema di lavaggio planetarium il dispositivo, costituito da un supporto circolare e da un irroratore, attraverso il doppio movimento simultaneo ad elevato regime di rotazione permette allacqua di raggiungere capillarmente tutti i punti della vasca per risultati di lavaggio eccellenti e con contenuti consumi idriciprogramma self clean un programma automatico studiato per la pulizia e manutenzione della macchinaprogramma teglie appositamente studiato per il lavaggio delle teglie da forno, il programma trays consente di lavare in maniera ottimale le stoviglie più ingombrantiprogramma self clean il programma self clean è studiato per mantenere le performance di lavaggio inalterate nel tempo, completando un ciclo di autopulizia della lavastoviglie


    925 €

  • Programma hygiene il programma hygiene pulisce ed igienizza efficacemente i piatti e gli utensili da cucina più sporchi, lavando con un flusso dacqua a temperatura elevata pari circa a 70 ℃filtro abt il filtro in materiale antibatterico, previene laccumulo di microrganismi e batteri allinterno della vasca, garantendo un alto livello di protezione della salutegrazie al loro design le lavastoviglie midea si adattano a qualsiasi tipo di arredamentodual zone wash in base alle effettive esigenze di lavaggio, puoi impostare la tua lavastoviglie con funzione lavaggio solo nella zona superiore o inferioremotore inverter il motore inverter quattro ottimizza lefficienza di lavaggio, riducendo le tempistiche e garantendo una bassa rumorositàla tecnologia inverter quattro il motore inverter quattro ottimizza lefficienza di lavaggio, riducendo le tempistiche e garantendo una bassa rumorositàle lavastoviglie da libera installazione sono comode e pratiche perché puoi posizionarle allinterno della tua cucina in maniera flessibilele numerose funzioni e i programmi specializzati, rendono le lavastoviglie particolarmente flessibili e adatte al lavaggio quotidianoauto wash la funzione auto wash rileva il livello di sporco controllando in maniera intelligente il consumo di acqua, al fine di garantire stoviglie sempre pulite riducendo i consumifunzione auto door open la funzione di apertura automatica è unalternativa per ottimizzare lasciugatura, e può essere annullata in base alle esigenze del consumatoredual zone wash in base alle effettive esigenze di lavaggio, puoi impostare la tua lavastoviglie con funzione lavaggio solo nella zona superiore o inferiorechild lock la funzione child lock protegge i tuoi bambini da incidenti inaspettati, come scottature con il vapore durante aperture imprevistequesta funzionalità ti permette di ottenere un notevole risparmio sui costi energeticiquesta funzionalità ti permette di congruo/notevole risparmio sui costi energeticidelay start la funzione delay start ti permette di impostare il timer ritardando il lavaggio delle stoviglie da 1 a 24 ore, avviando ad esempio automaticamente il programma di notte quando si dorme


    432 €

  • Stick your tongue out, then scrape it by the concave side of the scraper gently from inside to tip5*6cmmaterial: stainless steelfeatures:-light wieght,and easy to usestainless steel scraper head, healthy, durable, anti-rust, anti-corrosionitem type:tongue scrapercolor:silversize:approx 13package included:1 x tongue scraperscrapes your tongue gentlly but can effectively remove food debris especially gunk and prevent generating concealprevents bad breath as well as other oral health problemsgargle with waterimproves oral hygiene, and promotes fresh breathrepeat step 2 for several times according to your tongue condition


    653000020980835 €

  • Stainless steel reusable tongue scraper for adults and kids let this reusable tongue scraper solve your oral problems very easilywhether you want to clear out the white-coated layer on your tongue or maintain better oral hygiene, it can help you with both casesthe "u" shaped curve is flexible enough to twist and turn, which means it can scrap all the corners of your tongue


    12899999618530273 €

  • Features:● safety and effective cleaning: dogness automatic portable dog paw cleaner cup is constructed of 157 food-grade soft silicone bristles, gentle, elastic and durable for deep cleaning & caring, which has two-way rotation for all-round cleaning to keep the paws hygienedescription:item: pet foot washing cupmaterial: abs, siliconecolor: white, pink, blueproduct weig● rechargeable high capacity battery: one button automatic pet paw cleaning, usb charging with built-in 2000mah rechargeable lithium battery, a fully charged of 2 hours will last for 10 days,usb cable included● dual speeds & two-way rotation: dual speeds and two-way mode can meet the pets need of different washing and caring scenarios, such as swamp, sand, bottom mud, jungle, etc,pressing first time is basic cleaning, pressing the second time is deep cleaningwhich will not harm the pets claws during the operation● simple & easy to use: add some water and shampoo (if you prefer) to the automatic paw washing cup, insert the dogs mud paws, press the automatic button, the soft and effective silicone brush will help remove dust and dirt from the dogs claws, first gear is basic cleaning, second gear is deep cleaning, no need to manually twist and turn● easy disassembling & cleaning: food-grade silicone material for easy disassembling and cleaning to avoid dirt and bacteria growing,3 steps to wash the cleaner,remove the cover of washer firstly,remove the silicone brush pad and wash the brushes directly


    7562999725341797 €

  • Supports people overcoming emergencies and guarantees a life with dignity, opportunities and a better future through human and economic development programs, in the framework of the agendaweworld-gvc works mostly with girls, boys, women and youth, actors of change in every community for a fairer and more inclusive worldposition: country finance manager mozambique location: maputo type of contract: a first 4 (four) month collaboration contract subject to verification of the achievement of specific objectives (these objectives will be agreed upon arrival on assignment); a second collaboration contract of 8 (eight) months renewable, following the positive evaluation of the first three months of contractweworld-gvc carries out emergency projects in the provinces of manica and cabo delgado; a three-year project to mitigate niño drought effects in the province of maputo starting in and in it has been intervening in response to idai and kenneth cyclone to assist affected populations and in it has been intervening in response to covid-19, social cohesion and peacebuilding in cabo delgado provinceat present, the main donors are italy (aics), the eu (dg echo), unicef, ocha, and belgium (dgd)at present, our main donors in the country are italy (aics), the eu (echo), the un (unicef, wfp, undp and fao) and swiss cooperationdeadline: 28 april starting date: mid-may/june gross salary: to be defined according to the candidate’s profile working context weworld-gvc has been working in mozambique since with development and emergency projects in the fields of education, food security and drr in the provinces of maputo, gaza, inhambane, manica, zambézia and cabo delgadomain taks and responsabilities general administration: track and manage deliverables and timelines related to grants, contracts, vendors, and partners monitor grant administration to ensure compliance with reporting and expenditure requirements supervise compliance of administrative documents and their proper filing ensure the smooth flow of administrative information and data to the hq supervise flow of administrative information from project partners and the compliance with mou design and implement administrative routines, procedures, and systems to increase efficiencies ensure compliance with local operational manual, sops and develop procedures to implement organizational policies, including those related to hr management accounting: supervise and approve regular accounting, including monthly reconciliations, monthly and yearly closing of accounts, monthly journal entries financial reporting support the preparation of financial reports, in coordination with hq and administrative team, to ensure conformity with donors’ procedures supervise and approve annual financial report budget and planning: collaborate with the country representative, sectors coordinators and project managers to develop budgets collaborate with the project managers and sector coordinators to monitor actual and forecasted expenses against budget to avoid under and overspending on the projects monitor financial flows of the projects coordinate the preparation and constantly monitor/update of core budget of weworld-gvc in mozambique procurement: coordinate the preparation and launch of tender dossier check the proper filing of procurement procedures collaborate with project managers to update procurement tables verifies that all projects’ procurement dossier is complete, and supervises its correct archiving audit and expenditure verification: ensure the timely preparation of all projects’ documents during audits and or project expenditure verifications collaborate to the management of financial audit performed on the projects supervise yearly financial audit on general accounting for local authorities prepare information and be directly responsible for any assessment/audit performed by donor on weworld-gvc administrative procedure human resources: supervise administrative and finance local personnel to complete routine tasks and provide for their capacity building participate in analysing staffing needs & costs, compensation & benefits, and performance review practices supervise compliance with all ww-gvc employment regulations relating to payroll, health insurance, work insurance, employee benefits support country director to monitor and revise where necessary salary scale, as well as supervising staff leaves, holidays, overtime and contractual obligations requirements qualifications and knowledge degree in economics, political science or related fields good knowledge of main donors’ administrative rules and procurement procedures (echo, ue, un, aics) excellent knowledge of written and spoken italian knowledge of written and spoken portuguese/spanish is preferred full professional competency in microsoft office suite, especially word, excel and outlook professional experience at least 2 year of previous professional experience in similar roles skills and abilities planning, reporting, monitoring and evaluation skills organization and teamwork skills ability to support and train staff to enhance skills proactive and dynamic attitude ability to adapt and work under constraint, under pressure and in complex and multicultural contexts good listening and communication skills positive attitude to work, self-reflective, motivated, inspired, collegial strong commitment to the mission of weworld-gvc demonstrates integrity with regards to ngo values and ethical standards displays cultural, gender, religion, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability treats all people fairly without favoritismjoining the weworld-gvc team means being part of the development of a dynamic organisation where the contribution of each staff member is promoted and valued, working together towards the collective achievement of shared goals and visionweworld-gvc, recently constituted from the merger of two ngos, is an italian secular and independent organization working since in international cooperation and humanitarian aidit is required to work in close cooperation with the project managers and the country representativepresent in 29 countries with 128 projects, weworld-gvc operates in the following areas of assistance: human rights (gender equality, prevention and combating violence against children and women, migration), humanitarian aid (prevention, emergency relief and rehabilitation), food security, access to water, health and hygiene, education, global citizenship education, quality teaching and international volunteeringthe country finance manager will be responsible for the administrative management of the projects funded by different donors implemented in mozambiquetheir responsibilities include financial reports, accounting, verification of supporting documents, procurement, human resources, planning and budgeting

  • Features:● safety and effective cleaning: dogness automatic portable dog paw cleaner cup is constructed of 157 food-grade soft silicone bristles, gentle, elastic and durable for deep cleaning & caring, which has two-way rotation for all-round cleaning to keep the paw's hygienedescription:item: pet foot washing cupmaterial: abs, siliconecolor: white, pink, blueproduct weig● rechargeable high capacity battery: one button automatic pet paw cleaning, usb charging with built-in 2000mah rechargeable lithium battery, a fully charged of 2 hours will last for 10 days,usb cable included● dual speeds & two-way rotation: dual speeds and two-way mode can meet the pets need of different washing and caring scenarios, such as swamp, sand, bottom mud, jungle, etc,pressing first time is basic cleaning, pressing the second time is deep cleaning● simple & easy to use: add some water and shampoo (if you prefer) to the automatic paw washing cup, insert the dog's mud paws, press the automatic button, the soft and effective silicone brush will help remove dust and dirt from the dog's claws, first gear is basic cleaning, second gear is deep cleaning, no need to manually twist and turnwhich will not harm the pet's claws during the operation● easy disassembling & cleaning: food-grade silicone material for easy disassembling and cleaning to avoid dirt and bacteria growing,3 steps to wash the cleaner,remove the cover of washer firstly,remove the silicone brush pad and wash the brushes directly


    7520999908447266 €

  • Item type:zero touch press penmaterial:plasticcolor:green/pink/black/whiteweight:40gfeatures:-avoid touching the objects directly with your hands and maintain hygienedisinfectant can be added to the disinfection stick and reusedwith it, you can complete daily actions such as pressing elevators / opening doors / drawing drawerspackage includes:1 x zero touch press pen


    603000020980835 €

  • Steam hygiene un'opzione speciale per l'igiene del tuo bucatoil vapore rimuove i cattivi odori e rilassa i tessuti, rendendo più facile la stiraturasteam refresh il ciclo ideale per rinfescare i tuoi vestiti in soli 20 minuti senza lavarliprofondità616 mmlarghezza595 mmaltezza850 mmpeso75,8 kglarghezza imballo645 mmprofondità imballo690 mmaltezza imballo890 mmpeso dell'imballo77,5 kgclasse di efficienza energetica (lavaggio)dclasse di efficienza energetica(lavaggio e asciugatura)econsumo di acqua (lavaggio)62 lconsumo di energia per 100 cicli (lavaggio)76 kwhconsumo di acqua (lavaggio e asciugatura)95 lconsumo di energia per 100 cicli (lavaggio e asciugatura)414 kwhscala di efficienza energeticada a a gconsumo di energia per lavaggio1,23 kwhconsumo di energia (lavaggio e asciugatura)6,12 kwhcarico di collegamento1850 wtensione di ingresso ac220 - 240 vfrequenza di ingresso ac50 hztipo di presatipo findicatore del tempo rimanentesìprotezione per i bambinisìlunghezza cavo1,2 mtipo di caricacaricamento frontaleposizionamento dell'apparecchiolibera installazionecolore del prodottoargento, biancocerniera portadestradisplay incorporatosìtecnologia invertersìpannellabilesìtipo di controllopulsanti, manopolariempimento acquafreddo, caldopossibilità di incasso sottopianonocapacità di asciugatura7 kgvelocità di centrifuga massima1600 giri/minclasse di efficienza della centrifugaacapacità di lavaggio9 kgsistema di sicurezza aquastopsìfunzione aggiungi indumento (pausa)sìpartenza differitasìvelocità di centrifuga regolabilesìclasse emissione rumoredsilenziosità (lavaggio)53 dbsilenziosità (centrifuga)83 dbsilenziosità (asciugatura)59 dbmezzo caricosìdurata del ciclo (lavaggio e asciugatura)755 minvelocità di centrifuga minima0,01 giri/minumidità residua44%programma lavaggio capi scurisìprogramma lavaggio a freddosìprogramma lavaggio cotonesìprogramma lavaggio delicati/setasìprogramma lavaggio ecosìprogramma lavaggio lanasìprogramma lavaggio rapidosìprogramma lavaggio a vaporesìprogramma lavaggio sinteticisìprogramma lavaggio bianchisìprogramma solo centrifugasì
    new marca: hotpointil vapore viene immesso nel cestello per rimuovere fino al 99,9% dei batteri più comuni senza additivi chimicimotore inverter grazie alla sua capacità di variare la velocità di rotazione è più efficiente nel controllo della pressione dell'acqua e migliora la silenziosità


    46070001220703125 €

  • Camomile ph-neutral hand cleaning gel - 100ml with this hand sanitizing gel, you have access to proper hygiene while traveling or at work


    7699999809265137 €

  • Prosilk hand cleaning gel - aloe vera - 100ml enjoy proper hygiene anywhere with the prosilk hand sanitizer


    7699999809265137 €

  • La mobilité du futur est l’enjeu majeur de notre transformation et depuis plus de 55 ans, nous sommes collaborateurs à mettre à profit nos compétences pour satisfaire nos clients et imaginer les mobilités de demain avec innovationvous êtes reconnu pour votre rigueur dans le suivi des règles et processau quotidien, vous êtes en charge de / d': suivre le planning de nettoyage des véhicules réaliser des préparations esthétiques des véhicules: nettoyage, lustrage… effectuer le nettoyage intérieur (sièges, tableau de bord etc…) et extérieur (carrosserie, jantes etc…) informer l’atelier mécanique ou carrosserie en cas d’anomalie détectée poser les plaques d’immatriculation et réaliser le plein de carburant pour la bonne prise en main du client réaliser des mises à la route des véhicules neufs selon un mode opératoire défini ref: sp1 vous possédez idéalement une première expérience en tant que préparateur automobile, vous ayant permis d’acquérir des compétences métiernotre cœur de métier ? distribution (neuf et occasion), réparation et location de véhicules notre orientation ? être fournisseur de toutes les mobilités notre fil conducteur ? la qualité de la relation clients notre fibre ? bienveillance, esprit d’équipe et créativité le groupe jean lain est acteur de la diversité au travail, nos postes sont ouverts à tousce que nous proposons du matériel et un environnement de travail de qualitéet si nous étions faits ‘lain’ pour l’autre ? rattaché(e) à thierry, responsable préparation du site audi annemasse, vous assurez la préparation esthétique du véhicule clientchez jean lain mobilités, nous sommes avant tout une famille investie dans un projet collectif au service de nos clients et de nos collaborateurs: jean lain s’occupe de vous, jean lain s’occupe de toutvotre rapidité d’exécution et de finition vous permettront de développer la qualité de nos servicesun parcours d’intégration individualisé et un suivi tout au long de votre carrière un salaire fixe complété d’une rémunération variable qui récompense vos performances, divers avantages (titres restaurant, bons cadeaux de noël, participation, accompagnement rh, prime cooptation, perspectives d’évolution, offre mobilité et café à volonté)vous connaissez les règles d’hygiène et de propreté et savez manipuler les produits de nettoyage et d’entretien

  • Supports people overcoming emergencies and guarantees a life with dignity, opportunities and a better future through human and economic development programs, in the framework of the agendaimplementation of other specific tasks assigned by the line manager and preparation and transmission of additional information requested by hq)weworld-gvc works mostly with girls, boys, women and youth, actors of change in every community for a fairer and more inclusive worldat present, the main donors are italy (aics), the eu (dg echo), unicef, ocha, and belgium (dgd)essential requirements qualifications and knowledge advanced university degree or equivalent in the field of water management, development studies, project management fluency in written and spoken english professional experience at least 4 years of experience in project management in development programs proven experience with impact-driven implementation of activities and team management, as well as logistics, meal and budgeting for programs above 1 m eur skills and abilities strong interpersonal relationships and good communication and leadership skills ability to perform under stress condition capacity to work autonomously and in problems prevention/resolution proven organizational skills and ability to effectively manage multiple tasks while fostering quality, team spirit and positive working relationships with colleagues integrity in line with the humanitarian principles and ethical standards cultural, gender, religion, and age sensitivity and adaptability strong commitment to weworld-gvc mission desirable requirements previous experience in lebanon or in the middle east previous experience in water programs availability to commit for a long-term deploymentunder the direct line management of the head of programmes/program manager, the project manager will be responsible for successfully implementing weworld-gvc’s components of the projects, in close cooperation with the project partners and the consortium coordinators, beneficiaries, and stakeholdersjoining the weworld-gvc team means being part of the development of a dynamic organisation where the contribution of each staff member is promoted and valued, working together towards the collective achievement of shared goals and visionposition: project manager – water development reporting to: head of programmes/program manager collaborating with: water advisor, senior hydraulic engineer, and support departments managing: field team of 5-6 individuals location: lebanon, bekaa, zahle office with frequent visit to field areas type of contract: a first 3 (three) month collaboration contract subject to verification of the achievement of specific objectives (these objectives will be agreed together with the country representative upon arrival on assignment); a second collaboration contract of 9 (nine) months renewable, following the positive evaluation of the first three months of contract starting date: asap gross salary: to be defined according to the candidate’s profile application deadline: 25 april working context weworld-gvc started operating in lebanon in and has refined its water governance program for over seven yearsweworld-gvc, recently constituted from the merger of two ngos, is an italian secular and independent organization working since in international cooperation and humanitarian aidpurpose of the role within this framework, weworld-gvc seeks to recruit a project manager to and lead the implementation of the two projectsother tasks provide inputs for the update weworld-gvc strategies, by conducting needs assessments when relevant contribute to the development of competitive and responsive project proposals the duties and responsibilities set forth above are not exhaustive and the role holder may be required to perform additional duties (ipresent in 29 countries with 128 projects, weworld-gvc operates in the following areas of assistance: human rights (gender equality, prevention and combating violence against children and women, migration), humanitarian aid (prevention, emergency relief and rehabilitation), food security, access to water, health and hygiene, education, global citizenship education, quality teaching and international volunteeringits approach is three-folded, and builds on (i) infrastructural interventions to improve service delivery, (ii) capacity building to water establishments’ local offices, and (iii) community engagement to promote water accountability and public participationcurrently is implementing two multi-year water projects supporting public water and wastewater services through funding by afd and eu-madadmain functions and duties projects management (70%) plan and supervise the implementation of projects’ activities ensuring effective delivery in line with all donors’ regulations, lebanese legislation and professional standards ensure satisfactory management of project budgets in collaboration with finance and logistics conduct procurement processes in collaboration with the logistics and finance department closely monitor the contracted works and directly liaise with the consultants and contractors initiate and conduct assessments, baseline surveys, beneficiaries satisfaction surveys and end line surveys ensuring stakeholder participation plan and supervise the implementation of communication and behavioural change campaigns monitor and assess the progress of implementation of activities and devise corrective measures as and when required, ensure that project impact is maximized and lessons learnt are continuously documented and shared ensure timeliness and accuracy of internal and external reporting, in collaboration with the meal department communication, coordination and representation (15%) ensure effective coordination with support departments establish and maintain networks with operational and institutional interlocutors involved in the realization of the project represent weworld-gvc at relevant public, coordination and representation meetings involving local stakeholders, authorities, international agencies and ngos prepare visits of donor representatives / hq visitors / other stakeholders whenever requested participate in all consortium relevant meetings, as well as relevant sector meetings or other relevant coordination bodies in the target areas team management and hr (15%) ensure the appropriate staffing of the project, planning and implementing specific actions to recruit, manage and motivate staff ensure that directly line managed staff have clearly defined objectives, understand their responsibilities and receive meaningful feedback on their performance provide support and advice to project staff, ensuring clarity over project plans and priorities and encouraging effective teamwork establish and maintain a collaborative and high performing working environment

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Ricerche relazionate hygiene