Hifidelio pro server

Elenco hifidelio pro server

  • È possibile memorizzare migliaia di lungometraggi ad alta definizione e un numero ancora maggiore di foto sul proprio server privato, trasformando il sistema in un cloud domesticocon carichi di lavoro utente fino a 180 tb/anno per le unità ironwolf e fino a 300 tb/anno per le unità ironwolf pro, tutti possono tranquillamente caricare e scaricare dati dal server nasdominare il contenuto multimediale è possibile realizzare il proprio impero multimediale nas privato con le unità ironwolfle unità ironwolf sono ottimizzate per sistemi nas in ambienti raid che utilizzano più unità e sono quindi in grado di gestire non solo le vibrazioni, ma anche lelevato carico di lavoro utente tipico di una rete con un traffico di dati sostenutoironwolf + il potere della tecnologia agilearray - unità disco ottimizzate per sistemi nas al fine di garantire la migliore esperienza possibilei sensori di rilevamento delle vibrazioni rotazionali sono forniti di serie nelle unità ironwolf pro per consentire alle aziende e ai professionisti creativi di ottenere prestazioni costanti negli anni a venirele unità ironwolf e ironwolf pro sono dei compagni ideali per il sistema nas, poiché supportano laccesso remoto 24×7, il backup e la condivisione dei file ovunque, per una più facile collaborazioneespansione del sistema nas aziendale una fiorente piccola azienda ha bisogno di un sistema di memorizzazione in grado di crescere allo stesso ritmoalla registrazione è possibile, inoltre, scegliere di estendere la coperturale unità ironwolf pro includono il servizio di recupero dati rescue per 2 anni1 i dati sono importanti e un piano rescue offre la massima tranquillità in caso di perdita di dati accidentale o di danno meccanicomigliore affidabilità globale del sistema grazie a utili opzioni di prevenzione, intervento o recuperotecnologia di supporto per più utenti, fino a 180 tb/anno per le unità ironwolf e fino a 300 tb/anno per le unità ironwolf prorisultati migliori grazie allottimizzazione per supporto di più utenti è possibile ottenere risultati migliori con il sistema nas grazie allottimizzazione per supporto di più utentiper ambienti con più alloggiamenti e sistemi nas con sensore di rilevamento delle vibrazioni rotazionali integrato le unità ironwolf, le migliori nella classe, sono dotate di sensori di rilevamento delle vibrazioni rotazionali nei modelli con capacità elevata per garantire le prestazioni negli chassis nas con più alloggiamentile unità ironwolf e ironwolf pro offrono capacità di memorizzazione leader nella classe, fino a 12 tb, e le prestazioni necessarie per riprodurre contenuto ad alta definizione con il sistema nasironwolf health management in sistemi nas compatibili contribuisce a garantire lintegrità continua dei dati - il bilanciamento dellunità con i sensori di rilevamento delle vibrazioni rotazionali consente di gestire le vibrazioni in un sistema con più alloggiamenti, assicurando affidabilità e prestazioni costanti nel tempo - prestazioni raid ottimizzate per garantire i massimi tempi di risposta e di attività con i comandi per il recupero in casi di errore offerti dalla tecnologia erc per sistemi nas - la gestione avanzata del consumo energetico consente di risparmiare e di fornire la giusta alimentazione, quando necessario protezione attiva dei dati con ironwolf health management nei sistemi nas abilitati più diffusi ironwolf health management funziona su sistemi nas compatibili come synology e asustorla tecnologia di supporto per più utenti e gli estremi carichi di lavoro utente consentono alle unità ironwolf di garantire prestazioni e scalabilità aziendalicon unità disco ironwolf o ironwolf pro supportatele unità ironwolf sono pensate per aiutare professionisti creativi e piccole aziendescalabili le unità ironwolf e ironwolf pro sono la risposta a qualsiasi esigenza nascreatività ovunque con le unità ironwolf e un sistema nas un sistema di memorizzazione ampliabile e affidabile che aiuta i professionisti creativi a rispettare la tabella di marciail piano rescue fornisce accesso a un team internazionale che include i migliori esperti di recupero dati al mondo con lacquisto e la registrazione di ununità ironwolf pro è possibile attivare il piano rescue incluso e usufruire di una copertura di 2 annile unità ironwolf e ironwolf pro sono pensante per le agenzie in crescita che hanno bisogno di più spazio di memorizzazione perché sono progettate per rispondere alle sfide di scalabilità dei sistemi nassempre disponibili e in funzione, le unità ironwolf sono dotate di tecnologia agilearray per assicurare unaffidabilità e unagilità ottimale del sistema


    2351999969482422 €

  • Protezione totale ideale per server dopo anni di successi della serie dialog, riello ups presenta la sua evoluzione: la serie sentinel prorielo ups da sempre sensibile al risparmio energetico ha introdotto nella serie sentinel pro il pulsante di spegnimento per ridurre a zero il consumo nei periodi di prolungata inattività (eco line) sentinel pro è disponibile nei modelli da 700va, 1000va, 1500va, 2200va e 3000vanelle applicazioni di business continuity che richiedono lunghi tempi di funzionamento da batteria, è possibile espandere lautonomia arrivando a svariate ore con lutilizzo delle versioni er dotate di caricabatterie potenziatoapprezzerete sentinel pro per il design unico e moderno e per i miglioramenti di prestazioni introdotti dalla costante ricerca tecnologica nei laboratori di riello upslinverter è stato completamente ridisegnato così pure lo stadio di controllo a microprocessore per dare una migliore efficienza e maggiori possibilità di configurazionemassima espandibilità, sentinel pro ha di serie la porta usb; è dotata di uno slot di espansione per lutilizzo delle schede di conversione di protocollo o la scheda con contatti a relèla sezione del sinottico è stata completamente riprogettata inserendo un display lcd che visualizza oltre allo stato dellups tutte le letture dingresso uscita e batteriasentinel pro utilizza la tecnologia on-line doppia conversione che è lespressione della massima affidabilità e della massima protezione per i carichi critici come server, applicazioni it e voce-dati


    6777000122070312 €

  • Caratteristiche principali • per local area network (lan), elettromedicali, processi industriali, server virtuali, stufe a pellet, termocamini, caldaie per riscaldamento domestico • rectifier ad igbt • compatibilità con gruppo elettrogeno • bypass statico • elevato rendimento e basso costo di esercizio • sistema di ricarica batterie gestito da microprocessore • software di gestione ups viewpower compatibile con windows, unix, linux, ecccodice della singola batteria di ricambio 17nxba9a00001 - 17nxba9a00001til microprocessore integrato permette allups (software di gestione viewpower) di comunicare con il pc, tramite linterfaccia seriale rs232/usb, consentendo di monitorarne in ogni momento lo stato di funzionamento e di programmarne la chiusura ed il salvataggio dei datievitare questi problemi significa aumentare la vita media di tutti i dispositivi collegati e poter salvare il proprio lavoro in tutta tranquillità in caso di interruzione di linea elettricalunità online pro led 4la scheda opzionale snmp permette di poter posizionare questi ups in ambiente ufficio o industrialenilox online pro led è un ups con tecnologia a doppia conversione, con uscita ad onda sinusoidale pura, da 4attraverso il display led è inoltre possibile monitorare immediatamente i parametri fondamentali di funzionamento150w, perfetto per proteggere server, workstation, reti lan e computer da blackout e filtrando i disturbi della rete elettrica: proprio questi ultimi, molto frequenti, sono molto dannosi per gli apparati elettronici e nel tempo provocano guastilo chassis in metallo garantisce maggiore schermatura da eventuali disturbi elettromagneticila tecnologia online, a differenza degli ups line interactive, consente di annullare i tempi di intervento in caso si mancanza di rete elettrica: questo grazie al fatto che il gruppo di continuità agisce sempre in doppia conversione150w monta 6 batteria da 9ah


    8682000122070312 €

  • Caratteristiche principali • per local area network (lan), elettromedicali, processi industriali, server virtuali, stufe a pellet, termocamini, caldaie per riscaldamento domestico • rectifier ad igbt • compatibilità con gruppo elettrogeno • bypass statico • elevato rendimento e basso costo di esercizio • sistema di ricarica batterie gestito da microprocessore • software di gestione ups viewpower compatibile con windows, unix, linux, eccil microprocessore integrato permette allups (software di gestione viewpower) di comunicare con il pc, tramite linterfaccia seriale rs232/usb, consentendo di monitorarne in ogni momento lo stato di funzionamento e di programmarne la chiusura ed il salvataggio dei dati000va/700w, perfetto per proteggere server, workstation, reti lan e computer da blackout e filtrando i disturbi della rete elettrica: proprio questi ultimi, molto frequenti, sono molto dannosi per gli apparati elettronici e nel tempo provocano guasticodice della singola batteria di ricambio 17nxba7a00001 - 17nxba7a00001tevitare questi problemi significa aumentare la vita media di tutti i dispositivi collegati e poter salvare il proprio lavoro in tutta tranquillità in caso di interruzione di linea elettricanilox online pro led è un ups con tecnologia a doppia conversione, con uscita ad onda sinusoidale pura, da 1la scheda opzionale snmp permette di poter posizionare questi ups in ambiente ufficio o industrialeattraverso il display led è inoltre possibile monitorare immediatamente i parametri fondamentali di funzionamentolo chassis in metallo garantisce maggiore schermatura da eventuali disturbi elettromagnetici000va/700w monta una batteria da 7ahla tecnologia online, a differenza degli ups line interactive, consente di annullare i tempi di intervento in caso si mancanza di rete elettrica: questo grazie al fatto che il gruppo di continuità agisce sempre in doppia conversionelunità online pro led 1


    315 €

  • Caratteristiche principali • per local area network (lan), elettromedicali, processi industriali, server virtuali, stufe a pellet, termocamini, caldaie per riscaldamento domestico • rectifier ad igbt • compatibilità con gruppo elettrogeno • bypass statico • elevato rendimento e basso costo di esercizio • sistema di ricarica batterie gestito da microprocessore • software di gestione ups viewpower compatibile con windows, unix, linux, ecc050w monta due batteria da 9ahil microprocessore integrato permette all''ups (software di gestione viewpower) di comunicare con il pc, tramite l''interfaccia seriale rs232/usb, consentendo di monitorarne in ogni momento lo stato di funzionamento e di programmarne la chiusura ed il salvataggio dei daticodice della singola batteria di ricambio 17nxba9a00001 - 17nxba9a00001tevitare questi problemi significa aumentare la vita media di tutti i dispositivi collegati e poter salvare il proprio lavoro in tutta tranquillità in caso di interruzione di linea elettricanilox online pro led è un ups con tecnologia a doppia conversione, con uscita ad onda sinusoidale pura, da 1la scheda opzionale snmp permette di poter posizionare questi ups in ambiente ufficio o industrialeattraverso il display led è inoltre possibile monitorare immediatamente i parametri fondamentali di funzionamentolo chassis in metallo garantisce maggiore schermatura da eventuali disturbi elettromagneticil'unità online pro led 1la tecnologia online, a differenza degli ups line interactive, consente di annullare i tempi di intervento in caso si mancanza di rete elettrica: questo grazie al fatto che il gruppo di continuità agisce sempre in doppia conversione050w, perfetto per proteggere server, workstation, reti lan e computer da blackout e filtrando i disturbi della rete elettrica: proprio questi ultimi, molto frequenti, sono molto dannosi per gli apparati elettronici e nel tempo provocano guasti


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  • Caratteristiche principali • per local area network (lan), elettromedicali, processi industriali, server virtuali, stufe a pellet, termocamini, caldaie per riscaldamento domestico • rectifier ad igbt • compatibilità con gruppo elettrogeno • bypass statico • elevato rendimento e basso costo di esercizio • sistema di ricarica batterie gestito da microprocessore • software di gestione ups viewpower compatibile con windows, unix, linux, ecc100w monta 4 batterie da 9ahcodice della singola batteria di ricambio 17nxba9a00001 - 17nxba9a00001til microprocessore integrato permette allups (software di gestione viewpower) di comunicare con il pc, tramite linterfaccia seriale rs232/usb, consentendo di monitorarne in ogni momento lo stato di funzionamento e di programmarne la chiusura ed il salvataggio dei datievitare questi problemi significa aumentare la vita media di tutti i dispositivi collegati e poter salvare il proprio lavoro in tutta tranquillità in caso di interruzione di linea elettricanilox presenta la nuova linea di ups premium con 3 anni di garanzia on site e nessuna spesa per ritiro/consegna del prodotto ! nilox online pro led è un ups con tecnologia a doppia conversione, con uscita ad onda sinusoidale pura, da 3la scheda opzionale snmp permette di poter posizionare questi ups in ambiente ufficio o industrialeattraverso il display led è inoltre possibile monitorare immediatamente i parametri fondamentali di funzionamentolo chassis in metallo garantisce maggiore schermatura da eventuali disturbi elettromagneticil’unità online pro led 3la tecnologia online, a differenza degli ups line interactive, consente di annullare i tempi di intervento in caso si mancanza di rete elettrica: questo grazie al fatto che il gruppo di continuità agisce sempre in doppia conversione10w, perfetto per proteggere server, workstation, reti lan e computer da blackout e filtrando i disturbi della rete elettrica: proprio questi ultimi, molto frequenti, sono molto dannosi per gli apparati elettronici e nel tempo provocano guasti


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  • Caratteristiche principali • per local area network (lan), elettromedicali, processi industriali, server virtuali, stufe a pellet, termocamini, caldaie per riscaldamento domestico • rectifier ad igbt • compatibilità con gruppo elettrogeno • bypass statico • elevato rendimento e basso costo di esercizio • sistema di ricarica batterie gestito da microprocessore • software di gestione ups viewpower compatibile con windows, unix, linux, ecc050w monta due batteria da 9ahcodice della singola batteria di ricambio 17nxba9a00001 - 17nxba9a00001til microprocessore integrato permette allups (software di gestione viewpower) di comunicare con il pc, tramite linterfaccia seriale rs232/usb, consentendo di monitorarne in ogni momento lo stato di funzionamento e di programmarne la chiusura ed il salvataggio dei datievitare questi problemi significa aumentare la vita media di tutti i dispositivi collegati e poter salvare il proprio lavoro in tutta tranquillità in caso di interruzione di linea elettricanilox online pro led è un ups con tecnologia a doppia conversione, con uscita ad onda sinusoidale pura, da 1la scheda opzionale snmp permette di poter posizionare questi ups in ambiente ufficio o industrialeattraverso il display led è inoltre possibile monitorare immediatamente i parametri fondamentali di funzionamentolo chassis in metallo garantisce maggiore schermatura da eventuali disturbi elettromagneticila tecnologia online, a differenza degli ups line interactive, consente di annullare i tempi di intervento in caso si mancanza di rete elettrica: questo grazie al fatto che il gruppo di continuità agisce sempre in doppia conversionelunità online pro led 1050w, perfetto per proteggere server, workstation, reti lan e computer da blackout e filtrando i disturbi della rete elettrica: proprio questi ultimi, molto frequenti, sono molto dannosi per gli apparati elettronici e nel tempo provocano guasti


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the digital world is closer to you with mr key shop we have strongly believed in the advantages of digital delivery since the foundation of mr key shop, over 18 years agohowever, our digital delivery system, which we refine every day since the birth of our store, also has another relevant purpose: to protect the environmentover 350,000 users have safely bought from our catalog, rewarding us with an excellent rating on trustpilotsince day one, we have satisfied our customers and provided a professional, authorized and reliable digital servicewe have set up a system that can always guarantee you a pleasant and quick purchase with a full money-back guaranteeit is the only store where you can buy products and activate them within seconds, with maximum security guaranteed by purchasing platforms protected with an ssl certificaterds user cal licenses authorize specific users to access remote resources by using username and passwordit can be your internal it team, who needs to access a remote desktop for various reasons (maintenance, support, data recovery), or your customers accessing an rds-based paid service (remote support, etcthat is primarily because our store focuses on three pillars: simplicity, speed, and safetyonly 100% genuine products with a full money-back guaranteemoreover, only with mr key shop, you can save up to 70% on the list price for your premium digital products, with the advantage of not having to wait to activate themthroughout this process, waiting times are minimized, and activation become immediateyou can buy from us with the utmost safety, knowing that you always have a team of experts ready to answer any of your questions, clarify any doubts and solve any problem


    9998999786376953 €

  • 1, windows server 2008 r2, windows server 2008 r2 sp1, windows server 2012, windows server 2012 r2, windows server 2019 standard/datacenter processor: x64 (amd opteron, amd athlon 64, intel xeon supporting intel em64t, intel pentium iv with em64t support) ram: at least 1gb (recommended 4gb) storage: at least 6gbwarning ! microsoft sql server 2019 standard is also available in 2 core versionmicrosoft sql server 2019 standard/2 core per business microsoft sql server 2019 standard is the latest development of sql server, even more performing and functional for businesses like yoursyoull instantly obtain the download link and complete instructions allowing you to download and activate sql server in no timedatabase in memory for unparalleled performance and scalability youll also benefit from many more features: buy and download microsoft sql server 2019 now for your business, enjoy all its enhancements, and save over the suggested price! download microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core buying from mr key shop means downloading microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core within a few seconds from the transactioninstall microsoft sql server 2019 standard/2 core in digital format mr key shop is an affirmed and reliable brand in the digital marketthe 2019 standard edition of microsoft sql server (or 2 core) brings several new features, including: - scalable big data solution - data virtualization with polybase - smart database: sql server features improve performance and scalability across all db workloads without altering application or database designsbuy microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core from mr key shops catalog and get your 100% guaranteed license with instant digital deliveryno further license to be bought, a huge benefit for your budget! what will i get when i order microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core from mr key shop? ordering microsoft sql server 2019 from mr key shop is the best choice: youll save money and time! and youll get immediately all you need via email: - your license(s) for microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core - official download link to the setup iso file for microsoft sql server 2019 - clear and accurate guidance to download, install and activate microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core - invoice - free english-speaking customer service are you a reseller? offer the best products at the best prices! if you resell software like microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core, join our reseller program mkreseller, or mail us now at sales@mrkeyshopwhen you add your product to the cart, ensure to select microsoft sql server 2019 standard or microsoft sql server 2019 standard 2 core according to your specific needs! for example, if you need licenses for more servers, you can buy the 2 core package that you can use to assign two licenses for two different serverspurchasing microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core, you wont have any expiry date for your licenses, since they wont be linked to a single set of hardwarework with mr key shop and grow your business! find more products for your business in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn e backup & recovery: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile - backup and recovery software - aomei microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server system requirements operating system: windows 10, windows 7, windows 7 service pack 1, windows 8, windows 8ssl-secured payments and a full money-back warranty are just some of the benefits of our store, which also offers free english-speaking customer service buy microsoft sql server 2019 standard/2core you can buy microsoft sql server 2019 standard from mr key shop and immediately obtain your 100% genuine license to get to work to your relational database within a few minutes from your purchaseyou can rely on mr key shop with confidence and obtain the best business software, like microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core: you will stay within your budget and cut downtimemr key shop is a 100% eco-friendly company! what licenses for microsoft sql server 2019 standard/2 core are available from mr key shop? mr key shops catalog is only covered by perpetual licensesat the platform level, you can work with different development languages, data types, operating systems, and processing environments, both locally and in the cloudfor over 18 years, our company has served and helped more than 350k customers, offering premium software products at competitive pricesfurthermore, we can protect the environment from pollution and waste, because we wont ship any physical goodsyoull receive everything via email, including your 100% genuine and guaranteed licensehowever, in case of doubt, questions, or issues, contact our technical support, always at your disposal for free and in english ! furthermore, all orders placed on mr key shop are covered by our full money-back warrantyyou wont have to wait for the courier - just go to your inbox, follow the instructions, and proceed to download, install and activate your productour instant delivery system allows you to use sql 2019 with no hasslecom to get a personalized price listdigital delivery ensures that your orders are sent within a few seconds from your purchaseif you need to reinstall or restore your seat, just reuse your credentials


    689989990234375 €

  • Buy microsoft sql server 2017 standard microsoft sql server 2017 standard is available from mr key shops catalog1, windows server 2008 r2, windows server 2008 r2 sp1, windows server 2012, windows server 2012 r2, windows server 2017 standard/datacenter processor: x64 (amd opteron, amd athlon 64, intel xeon supporting intel em64t, intel pentium iv with em64t support) ram: at least 1gb (recommended 4gb) storage: at least 6gbsql server 2017 includes: - linux support for sql server - machine learning services - improved query processing - smart differential backup order microsoft sql server 2017 now for your business and enjoy all its benefits, while saving over the msrp! download microsoft sql server 2017 standard with mr key shop, you can immediately download microsoft sql server 2017 standardfinally, you can use sql server features on linux and linux-based docker containersbuying microsoft sql server 2017 standard means maximizing performance across your departments and optimizing their productivitypurchase microsoft sql server 2017 standard now from mr key shop and obtain your 100% genuine license immediatelymicrosoft sql server 2017 standard for business choosing microsoft sql server 2017 for your business is a big step forward to a platform oriented to different development languages, data types, as well as local and cloud storageinstall microsoft sql server 2017 standard in digital format why choose us to buy, download and install microsoft sql server 2017 standard? for more than 18 years, mr key shop has played a key role in the digital marketmr key shop is a 100% eco-friendly company! what licenses for microsoft sql server 2017 standard are sold by mr key shop? as for the whole catalog from mr key shop, all licenses for microsoft sql server 2017 standard are perpetualthis is one of mr key shops key benefits: no further license to be purchased for the same seats! whats included in any order for microsoft sql server 2017 standard placed on mr key shop? buying microsoft sql server 2017 standard from mr key shop is a smart move because you obtain everything you need to download, install and activate sql serveryoull receive: - your license(s) for microsoft sql server 2017 standard ordered - official download link to the iso file for microsoft sql server 2017 standard - clear and complete instructions on how to download, install and activate microsoft sql server 2017 standard - invoice - free english-speaking customer service are you a reseller? offer your customers the best software at low prices! if you are a reseller for products like microsoft sql server 2017 standard, join our reseller program, mkreseller, or mail at sales@mrkeyshopat the end of your order, following the provided instructions, youll be able to download, install and activate sql server within a few minutespartner with mr key shop and grow your business! find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements operating system: windows 10, windows 7, windows 7 service pack 1, windows 8, windows 8buy with full confidence your digital products from mr key shop, just like microsoft sql server 2017 standard: only our store offers you the best business and commercial software at competitive pricesas a further value, you can help protect the environment: our digital culture integrates with our ecological ethicsthis means that you wont see any expiration dates, while the product keys wont be linked to any specific hardware combinationscom for a customized price listenjoy our fast digital service with free english-speaking customer carein case of reinstallation or restoring, you can reuse your licenses with the related credentialsand remember: each order placed on mr key shop is covered by our full money-back warrantyits not just saving, though: youll eliminate any downtime since each order is processed and delivered within a few minutes from the transactionhowever, if you or your it team need support, our free english-speaking customer service is there for youin case of doubt or questions, dont hesitate! contact our technical support that will guide you throughout the post-selling stagesorder your 100% genuine license and receive it right awaywe never ship physical goods, therefore we can contribute to reducing pollution and wastedigital email delivery lets you be up and running in no time, with full safety from tracked payments like paypal, stripe, amazon pay, with ssl protectionyoull obtain everything in your inbox, complete with your genuine and guaranteed license so that you can autonomously install your sql 2017we successfully served over 350k customers and were even more popular across the globeenjoy all the benefits of this modern and performing software for your relational databasesweve been among the pioneers in the digital software delivery segment, offering both accessible prices and a fast service, 100% authorized and legitpay through safe ssl transactions, with a full money-back warranty


    619989990234375 €

  • 1, windows server 2008 r2, windows server 2008 r2 sp1, windows server 2012, windows server 2012 r2, windows server 2016 standard/datacenter processor: x64 (amd opteron, amd athlon 64, intel xeon supporting intel em64t, intel pentium iv with em64t support) ram: at least 1gb (recommended 4gb) storage: at least 6gbbuy microsoft sql server 2016 standard from mr key shopwhats included with my order for microsoft sql server 2016 standard placed on mr key shop? buying microsoft sql server 2016 standard from mr key shop is great because you immediately receive all you need to download, install and activate sql serverbuy microsoft sql server 2016 standard from mr key shop now you can buy microsoft sql server 2016 standard from mr key shop, significantly saving over the price listmr key shop is a 100% eco-friendly company! are the licenses for microsoft sql server 2016 standard subject to expiration? the licenses available from mr key shops catalog for microsoft sql server 2016 standard are perpetualplus, with mr key shop, you wont have to wait because youll get all you need to set your relational db up right away! microsoft sql server 2016 standard for business microsoft sql server 2016 is the application database platform for businesses like yoursfurthermore microsoft sql server 2016 standard introduces new functionalities, including: - configuration for more tempdb database files during the sql server setup process - oltp in memory: support for foreign key, unique, and check, as well as natively-compiled stored procedures or, not, select distinct, outer join, as well as sub-queries in select - always encrypted: sensible data is only accessed by encryption and the key is never passed to sql server download microsoft sql server 2016 standard buy and download microsoft sql server 2016 standard right after the purchase with mr key shop! were a dynamic company just like yours and we know how valuable is time; for this reason, we built an instant delivery system allowing you to instantly download, install and activate microsoft sql server 2016 standard after your purchasethis is what youll receive in your inbox: - your license(s) for microsoft sql server 2016 standard - official download link to the iso file for microsoft sql server 2016 standard - clear and accurate instructions on how to download microsoft sql server 2016 standard, install it and proceed with activation - invoice - free english-speaking customer service are you a reseller? offer your customers the best software at low prices! if you are a reseller for products like microsoft sql server 2016 standard, join our reseller program, mkreseller, or mail at sales@mrkeyshopthis software offers all the traditional features that made sql server the most used database tool in the world, like oltp, data warehouse management, etcinstall microsoft sql server 2016 standard in digital format mr key shop is a digital company that has been on the market for over 18 yearspartner with mr key shop and grow your business! find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements operating system: windows 10, windows 7, windows 7 service pack 1, windows 8, windows 8whenever you choose to buy microsoft sql server 2016 standard from mr key shop, youll save money and time, paying securely with our ssl tracked methods like paypal; furthermore, youll help protect the environment! our digital ethics is bound to our ecological culture: since we opted out from physical good transportation, we can cut pollutants and wasteour professional store successfully served more than 350k customers with a complete premium software catalog, only including genuine licenses at competitive priceshowever, you can always count on our free english-speaking customer supportno expiry dates, no hardware limitations: your license is linked to a set of credentials, therefore you can reinstall your software whenever you needed, without having to purchase a new product keythis is another huge benefit from mr key shoptogether with your license and an official download link, youll also receive a set of simple instructions to proceed on your ownour free english-speaking customer support is always at your disposal for all your needswith this excellent software, you can get the most out of your databasesand, for your full peace of mind, remember that each order is always covered by our full money-back warrantysave money, instantly receive your order via email with secure payments and a full money-back warrantywe only offer 100% genuine licenses at competitive pricescom for a customized price list


    559989990234375 €

  • 1, windows server 2008 r2, windows server 2008 r2 sp1, windows server 2012, windows server 2012 r2 processor: intel processor, minbuy microsoft sql server 2014 standard from mr key shops catalogstaying up-to-date is crucial, and you can do it with us! microsoft sql server 2014 standard for business microsoft sql server 2014 is an application database platform designed for business as wellbuy microsoft sql server 2014 standard from mr key shop buy microsoft sql server 2014 standard from mr key shop, save over the recommended price, and manage your relational database in no timewhen you shop from mr key shop, youll get your sql server 2014 standard license within a few minutes after purchaseright after your transaction, youll get the following in your inbox: - the license(s) for microsoft sql server 2014 standard you ordered - official download link to the iso file for microsoft sql server 2014 standard - clear and complete instructions on how to download, install and activate microsoft sql server 2014 standard - invoice - free english-speaking customer service are you a reseller? offer your customers the best products at the lowest prices! if youre a reseller for products like microsoft sql server 2014 standard, join our reseller program, mkreseller, mail us at sales@mrkeyshopinstall microsoft sql server 2014 standard in digital format for over 18 years, mr key shop has been the one-stop shop for the digital marketthus, even the microsoft sql server 2014 standard licenses purchased from mr key shop allow you to reuse your credentials in case of reinstallation: you wont have to buy new product keys - this is another huge benefit from mr key shop! what will i get when i purchase microsoft sql server 2014 standard from mr key shop? order microsoft sql server 2014 standard from mr key shop at a unparalleled price and get things done fasterpartner with mr key shop and grow your business! find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements operating system: windows 10, windows 7, windows 7 service pack 1, windows 8, windows 8the new features of microsoft sql server 2014 standard include: - buffer pool extension (requires the 64-bit installation) - oltp in memory: create tables in memory safely and increase performance - improved cardinality estimate: better execution plans for higher performance - always-on failover cluster: now supporting dual nodes download microsoft sql server 2014 standard purchase and download microsoft sql server 2014 standard right after the purchase with mr key shop! low prices and instant delivery are just two of the key benefits you can get from shopping from us; instantly receive your official download link to the iso file for microsoft sql server 2014 standard, a 100% genuine and guaranteed license with step-by-step guidance to let you set your database up in a few minutesmr key shop is a 100% eco-friendly company, just like yours! are the microsoft sql server 2014 standard licenses from mr key shops catalog perpetual? exactly! our products are covered by perpetual licenses and this also applies to business and retail softwarebuy your microsoft sql server 2014 standard license from mr key shop with confidence: youll save time and money, and youll help us protect the environment ! our 100% digital delivery system allows us to cut pollutants and waste generated by the physical transport system we have ditched since day oneenjoy our ssl secure payment methods, receive your order right after your purchase, with a full money-back warranty and free english-speaking customer servicemoreover, youll get access to all services and business intelligence tools for analysis solutions and data report managementour 100% authorized and professional store offers you a catalog chock-full of premium software, with genuine licenses at unmatched pricesyou can process oltps, manage data warehouses and large e-commerce storesbenefit from our speed, professionalism, and all the perks of the digital evolution1ghz or higher ram: at least 512mb (recommended 4gb) storage: at least 4com and get your customized price list asaphowever, you can always get in touch with free english-speaking customer service ! plus, all your orders placed on mr key shop are covered by our full money-back warranty, for your complete peace of mind


    519989990234375 €

  • Device cal licenses are used to authenticate a discrete device that will be able to connect to the server instance, in this case, windows server 2012buy windows server 2012 device cals - only the best for your business you can buy windows server 2012 device cal in a few simple stepsmr key shop integrated its catalog with windows server 2012 device cal licenseswarning: this page only relates to the device cal licenses for windows server 2012buy, receive, and activate windows server 2012 device cal in a few seconds you can activate windows server 2012 device cals in no time with our 100% digital systemsthese are bundles including 1-50 licenses you can buy to activate single devices to grant access to a server instance running microsoft windows server 2012, which is available from this pagebuy windows server 2012 device cals - your client access licenses are available from mr key shopfind more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements visit the windows server 2012 product page for the system requirementsthis is why were a 100% eco-friendly company! what does cal mean? why should i need a windows server 2012 device cal license? cal stands for client access license - a license allowing a client to access tools/services provided by a given serveronce you open your recap email, youll find everything you need to deploy and distribute your windows server 2012 device cal licensesshop with confidence for your windows server 2012 device cals from mr key shop, save money, and enjoy your digital products right away! the digital world is at your disposal with mr key shop, for windows server 2012 device cals too! weve been your one-stop shop for the digital world for over 18 yearswhat will i receive when i order windows server 2012 device cals from mr key shop? once you purchase your windows server 2012 device cals, youll get a recap email including: - your windows server 2012 device cal licenses in the desired amount - clear and simple instructions on how to deploy and activate your device cals - invoice - free english-speaking customer service mr key shop has something for resellers like you! if youre a reseller, enroll in our mkreseller program! join mr key shops family, distribute the best digital software at the lowest prices, and grow your businessits always at your disposal for free ! finally, each order is covered by our money-back warranty - and now you know why mr key shop is your best choice ! deploy windows server 2012 device cals right away and protect the environment the benefits of timeliness and cost-effectiveness from our service are even more valuable because, since we ditched the physical good transport system, mr key shop allows you to further save on your orderyoull never have to pay any extra shipping fees, cutting downtime to zero ! no couriers to wait for, no anxiety in case of delays or lost parcels, just the benefit from opening your email and having all you need on hand ! this is the key to our digital ethics, deeply rooted in our business culture focused on sustainability: since we have opted out from transport systems since mr key shops d1, we can cut pollutants and wastealternatively, you can order your bundles with 1-50 user cal licenses to authorized nominal users by going to this pageour team of experts is always searching for the best digital products, at the lowest prices, to ensure huge savings to all our userswe only offer the best for your business, at competitive prices with our instant delivery system to always ensure your fullest satisfactionpurchase your digital products at the best price, pay safely with secured methods, and receive your product within a few seconds from the transactionour catalog lets you save up to 70% compared to other stores or first-party catalogsuser cals, instead, allow the authentication of nominal users with unique credentialsfurthermore, we fine-tuned our digital delivery system to let you get your order in your inbox within a few seconds from the purchaseshop with mr key shop and enjoy all the benefits from our professional storeone of the key benefits from mr key shop is our simple user experience: buy your product, pay via a secured ssl method (paypal, stripe, amazon, google, apple pay, and more), and instantly receive your order through our digital delivery mechanismthats it! our store is outstanding for its user-friendliness and how we professionally process each purchase: with us, you get premium, genuine, and guaranteed licenses at unbeatable pricesthis is just one of the big benefits you can enjoy by shopping from mr key shopthis is why we got a rating of excellent on trustpilotin case of doubt, contact our free english-speaking customer servicefor more info, visit the mkreseller page or mail us at sales@mrkeyshopeach order is covered by our full money-back warranty and our free english-speaking customer care is always at your disposalhowever, in case of issues or doubt, dont hesitate to contact our english-speaking technical supportyour license bundle (1-50, depending on the amount ordered) is accompanied by clear instructions that allow you to proceed autonomouslyaccording to your needs, you can buy bundles including 1-50 licenses that you can activate when needed, with no time limits350k+ customers trusted us, and we provided them with our premium service


    599900016784668 €

  • This is not the windows server 2019 software productbuy windows server 2019 user cals for your business windows server 2019 user cals are the client access licenses for windows server 2019 and are available from mr key shops catalogalternatively, you can buy the server 2019 device cal licenses, for unique and discrete deviceswindows server 2019 user cals: buy your licenses from mr key shop at competitive priceswe are 100% green! whats a cal license? what do i need windows server 2019 user cals for? cals (client access licenses) are those licenses you need to deploy to your customers or it staff to let them access services or tools provided by our server instance running windows server 2019your user cals must be distributed to your users with discrete credentials: only licensed users may access the serverwarning: this page is related to user cal licenses for windows server 2019 that you can buy in bundles including 1-50 unitsyoull get a customized price list, so you can start partnering with mr key shop and grow your digital business! find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements for the requirements, check the product page for microsoft windows server 2019what will i get if i buy windows server 2019 user cals from mr key shops catalog? once you buy your windows server 2019 user cal bundle, youll get everything via email in a few seconds: - your windows server 2019 user cal licenses in the desired amount - clear and accurate instructions to deploy and activate your licenses - invoice - free english-speaking customer support are you a reseller? work with us! if you are a reseller working with digital products such as windows server 2019 cal, visit the official page of mkreseller - the reseller program designed for digital professionals like you - or mail us at sales@mrkeyshopsee our catalog for the best digital software like windows 11 professional, office 2021 professional, or microsoft sql server 2019 at the best prices! receive and activate windows server 2019 user cals within a few seconds one of the benefits of mr key shop is our fast service and this is one of the pillars our company is built oneach order is covered by our full money-back warranty so that you can shop from mr key shop with full confidence! deploy windows server 2019 user cals and enjoy all the benefits of mr key shop by purchasing windows server 2019 user cals from mr key shop, youll enjoy three key advantages: huge savings, no downtime, and a crucial benefit to the environmentthe digital world is on your hand with mr key shop, even for your windows server 2019 user cal licenses mr key shop is one of the pioneers of the digital world - for over 18 years we have been committed to offering the best digital products at the most competitive pricesyoull also receive a full set of instructions to proceed with no external help, however, in case of doubt or if you are not certain about which type and how many cal licenses you need, contact our free english-speaking customer servicewe rely on the best platforms, like paypal, stripe, amazon, google, and apple pay, so that your experience as a user can always be positive and seamlessmore than 350k customers have been satisfied with our service, as witnessed by our excellent raging on trustpilotour business culture is focused on a 100% eco-friendly practice: mr key shop never ships physical goods, therefore we can help reduce pollutants and wastethis reflects our digital ethics and bounds to our 100% sustainable approachenjoy all the benefits of one of the best digital stores, including secure payments, instant delivery, 100% genuine licenses, a full money-back warranty, and our free english-speaking customer servicethese are our three pillars: fast service, a reliable store, and full professionalism across your experienceour professional team is always at work to offer you fast, reliable, and cost-effective service: we built a 100% authorized store where you can find licenses that are always genuine and guaranteedbuy your cal license bundle for your business at a low price, with instant deliverycal license bundles available from mr key shop include 1-50 users (user cals) and 1-50 devices (device cals)your orders are processed in full safety with ssl-secured payment methodsthis way, you can save both money and time to activate and deploy your licensemr key shop is committed to letting you save over your budget with premium and cost-effective digital licensesfurthermore, our digital delivery system is designed to let you save time too: buy, pay safely, and get what you ordered right awaybuy your digital product from us and receive it in a few seconds via email with our digital delivery system


    9998999786376953 €

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