Direttore operations

Elenco direttore operations

  • Prestigiosa multinazionale, leader di settore, ci ha incaricato di cercare: industrial engineer (mes specialist) il ruolo, a riporto del direttore operations, prevede: • la gestione delle attività di implementazione del sistema mes e della relativa integrazione con il sistema gestionale jde; • le analisi dei flussi produttivi al fine di individuare ambiti di miglioramento; • la definizione e misurazione dei kpi per l’analisi delle prestazioni; • le analisi di tracciabilità prodotto/processo; • la rilevazione delle dichiarazioni produttive (relative a tempi, volumi, parametri di processo); • la partecipazione attiva allo sviluppo di progettualità relative ad industria 4) ad inviare il proprio cv via mail, specificando il consenso al trattamento dei dati personali (artdesideriamo entrare in contatto con candidati/e, laureati/e in ingegneria gestionale o in ingegneria informatica e dell’automazione, che abbiano maturato una esperienza di 4/5 anni in aziende manifatturiere, su progetti di introduzione ed implementazione di soluzioni a supporto delle operations, con buone conoscenze sulle tematiche di gestione della produzione, tracciabilità in ambito qualità, logistica e gestione dei magazzini, tecniche di lean manufacturing, protocolli informatici di automazione ed in possesso di una buona conoscenza della lingua inglesecompletano il profilo in ricerca buone doti relazionali e comunicative, flessibilità e capacità di gestire differenti progetti in parallelo, autonomia e doti organizzative sede di lavoro: provincia di varese per candidarsi all’offerta invitiamo gli interessati ambosessi (l

  • Descrizione dell’attività: il plant manager, riporterà al direttore operationsssa laura cocca l' offerta di lavoro qui pubblicata si rivolge a candidati di entrambi i sessi ai sensi della legge (dsi occuperà in particolare di: - pianificare e definire il processo produttivo, con particolare attenzione alla gestione dei tempi e dei costi; - creare e monitorare le fasi di redazione dei budget di produzione, focalizzandosi nello sviluppo e raggiungimento dei kpi; - definire la capacità produttiva degli impianti, determinandone i consumi specifici; - implementare e pianificare azioni correttive volte a migliorare l’efficacia e l’efficienza dei processi produttivi - autorizzare le attività di manutenzione straordinaria, proponendo investimenti strutturali volti al miglioramento continuo; - collaborare con le altre direzioni aziendali nella fase di progettazione ed implementazione degli impianti produttivi requisiti richiesti: laurea in ingegneria industriale, gestionale o similispace work seleziona plant manager per azienda nel settore foodinquadramento e retribuzione commisurati all’esperienzaoltre alla gestione del personale e degli impianti, si occupa di analizzare i dati di produzione per trovare eventuali spazi di miglioramentoè richiesta esperienza di almeno 5 anni in aziende alimentariè preferibile la conoscenza della lingua inglese e di erp (sap/as400)l’azienda offre: contratto di assunzioneit/jobs/plant_manager_rif__/it/) per partecipare alla selezione candidarsi all’annuncio https://spaceworkla capacità di pianificazione e time-management, la capacità di analisi e relativo problem solving ne completano il profilosede di lavoro: brescia referente della selezione: dott

  • Il direttore operativo si occuperà di: · gestione e coordinamento ufficio operativi interni; · gestione dei rapporti con i fornitori; · gestione operativajob camere srl, filiale di milano, ricerca per azienda cliente un/un direttore operativo per strutture ricettive e alberghiere del territorio del nord e centro italiajob camere srl, filiale di milano, ricerca per azienda cliente un/un direttore operativo per strutture ricettive e alberghiere del territorio del nord e centro italiarequisiti richiesti: · esperienza nel settore turistico alberghiero; · esperienza diretta all'interno del mondo "operativo" e con competenze maturate nel ruolo di direttore operativo; · spiccate capacità di gestione del team operativoil direttore operativo si occuperà della gestione dei vari appalti e del coordinamento del lavoro dei referenti; si interfaccerà con gli uffici e con la figura commerciale per la gestione e organizzazione dell’operativitàzone di lavoro: area nord e centro italiainquadramento e retribuzione da concordareorario di lavoro: full-timeil profilo che stiamo cercando ha una consolidata esperienza pregressa nel ruolo ed è in grado di gestire il lavoro in autonomia, conosce in maniera approfondita il settore turistico e alberghierorichiesta disponibilità immediata

  • Job camere srl ricerca per azienda cliente un/un direttore operativo per strutture ricettive e alberghiere del territorio del nord e centro italiajob camere srl ricerca per azienda cliente un/un direttore operativo per strutture ricettive e alberghiere del territorio del nord e centro italiail direttore operativo si occuperà di: · gestione e coordinamento ufficio operativi interni; · gestione dei rapporti con i fornitori; · gestione operativarequisiti richiesti: · esperienza nel settore turistico alberghiero; · esperienza diretta all'interno del mondo "operativo" e con competenze maturate nel ruolo di direttore operativo; · spiccate capacità di gestione del team operativoil direttore operativo si occuperà della gestione dei vari appalti e del coordinamento del lavoro dei referenti; si interfaccerà con gli uffici e con la figura commerciale per la gestione e organizzazione dell’operativitàzone di lavoro: area nord e centro italiainquadramento e retribuzione da concordareorario di lavoro: full-timeil profilo che stiamo cercando ha una consolidata esperienza pregressa nel ruolo ed è in grado di gestire il lavoro in autonomia, conosce in maniera approfondita il settore turistico e alberghiero

  • Job camere srl ricerca per azienda cliente un/un direttore operativo per strutture ricettive e alberghiere del territorio del nord e centro italiajob camere srl ricerca per azienda cliente un/un direttore operativo per strutture ricettive e alberghiere del territorio del nord e centro italiail direttore operativo si occuperà di: · gestione e coordinamento ufficio operativi interni; · gestione dei rapporti con i fornitori; · gestione operativarequisiti richiesti: · esperienza nel settore turistico alberghiero; · esperienza diretta all'interno del mondo "operativo" e con competenze maturate nel ruolo di direttore operativo; · spiccate capacità di gestione del team operativoil direttore operativo si occuperà della gestione dei vari appalti e del coordinamento del lavoro dei referenti; si interfaccerà con gli uffici e con la figura commerciale per la gestione e organizzazione dell’operativitàzone di lavoro: area nord e centro italiainquadramento e retribuzione da concordareorario di lavoro: full-timeil profilo che stiamo cercando ha una consolidata esperienza pregressa nel ruolo ed è in grado di gestire il lavoro in autonomia, conosce in maniera approfondita il settore turistico e alberghierorichiesta disponibilità immediata

  • Settore: metalmeccanico fascia dipendenti: fascia fatturato: milioni località: desenzano s/g (bs) per conto di un'azienda metalmeccanica operante nel settore hvac, ricerchiamo un responsabile operations riportando alla direzione e coordinando un team di 8 persone (un coordinatore acquisti, un coordinatore di produzione, quattro assemblatori meccanici/elettrici, un collaudatore ed un magazziniere) assicurerà la pianificazione, l’organizzazione e il coordinamento delle operazioni produttive, la gestione dello stabilimento per quanto concerne persone, mezzi e materialilaurea in ingegneria gestionale, meccanica o cultura equivalente esperienza di almeno 4 anni maturata nel ruolo di responsabile della pianificazione o delle operations all'interno di contesti industriali mediamente strutturati esperienza pregressa nel coordinamento di piccoli team di lavoro buona conoscenza della lingua inglese, da utilizzare per lo più nella forma scritta conoscenza di software erp e pacchetto office, con particolare riguardo agli applicativi excel l'azienda offre un contratto di assunzione a tempo indeterminato ed una retribuzione commisurata alle competenze ed alle esperienze maturatecoordinerà e controllerà le variabili di produzione in termini di ore, rendimento e collaborazione del personale, proponendo inoltre interventi per migliorare la produttività, l’efficienza e la qualità del sistema di produzioneorganizzerà e controllerà che la merce sia consegnata nelle quantità programmate, con le caratteristiche qualitative previste e nei tempi stabiliti; monitorerà la definizione dei livelli di scorta in relazione all’andamento degli ordinilgs ) i candidati sono invitati a prendere visione dell’informativa sul trattamento dei dati personali al seguente indirizzo https://wwwsarà responsabile di garantire la realizzazione delle produzioni programmate e la loro qualità, nei tempi e ai costi stabilitiricercherà e selezionerà nuove e più convenienti fonti di approvvigionamento, eseguendo la valutazione economica e qualitativa delle offerte, svolgendo le trattative sui prezzi, le condizioni di pagamento e coordinando la ripartizione degli ordini tra i vari fornitorisovrintenderà le attività di pianificazione degli acquisti a breve termine, al fine di garantire il regolare svolgimento del ciclo produttivoverificherà l’effettiva possibilità di produzione, valutando la disponibilità di semilavorati, dei carichi di lavoro, delle risorse umane disponibiliit/privacy-policy/ autorizzazione ricerca & selezione ddr 330 delcoordinerà ed assicurerà la movimentazione dei materiali in termini di ricevimento, stoccaggio, rotazione, conservazione, uscita dal magazzino e correttezza contabileannuncio rivolto a candidati ambosessi (d

  • We currently have a vacancy in our operations department for a trainee euroopean logistics operative at our witham, essex sitesimarco worldwide logistics is a family-owned business that was established indata extraction from third party systemtaking bookings from customers and inputting into the systemwe have a dedicated team of staff who have experience in providing tailored logistic, freight, distribution, and warehousing services to companies of all sizes and across all industry sectors, throughout the uk, europe and worldwideraising export paperworkday to day role liaising with clients, overseas agents and internal departmentscharge and costing shipmentshours of work monday to friday hour lunch) requirements proven experience within a similar role desirable experience within a logistics or transport company would be an added advantage a reliable individual with good communication skills both written and verbal enjoy working within a team but have good organisational skills to prioritise your own workload high level of customer service ability to work unsupervised and under pressure good organisation and ability to work to deadline is essential diligent with a high level of accuracy high attention to detail numerate experience with microsoft packages salary and benefits salary depending on level of experience 31 days annual holiday, including bank holidays contributory pension scheme on-site parking employee assistance programmeresolving and managing queries and complaints courteously and efficientlycompiling shipment data in excel for the departmentchecking customer invoices to ensure customs compliance

  • We currently have a vacancy in our operations department for a trainee euroopean logistics operative at our bristol sitesimarco worldwide logistics is a family-owned business that was established indata extraction from third party systemtaking bookings from customers and inputting into the systemwe have a dedicated team of staff who have experience in providing tailored logistic, freight, distribution, and warehousing services to companies of all sizes and across all industry sectors, throughout the uk, europe and worldwideraising export paperworkday to day role liaising with clients, overseas agents and internal departmentscharge and costing shipmentshours of work monday to friday hour lunch) requirements proven experience within a similar role desirable experience within a logistics or transport company would be an added advantage a reliable individual with good communication skills both written and verbal enjoy working within a team but have good organisational skills to prioritise your own workload high level of customer service ability to work unsupervised and under pressure good organisation and ability to work to deadline is essential diligent with a high level of accuracy high attention to detail numerate experience with microsoft packages salary and benefits salary depending on level of experience 31 days annual holiday, including bank holidays contributory pension scheme on-site parking employee assistance programmeresolving and managing queries and complaints courteously and efficientlycompiling shipment data in excel for the departmentchecking customer invoices to ensure customs compliance

  • Per importante cliente operante nel settore delle energie rinnovabili, ricerchiamo una figura di project and operations manager pianificazione delle attività delle fasi di operation della commessa, dalla firma del contratto preliminare notarile in avanti; supporto alla individuazione, contrattazione e gestione di consulenti, progettisti e fornitori; gestione del personale e delle risorse necessarie per il completamento puntuale del progetto, compresa l’installazione e la manutenzione degli impianti; gestione degli attuali impianti fotovoltaici in esercizio; supervisione reportistica; laureato (preferibilmente in ingegneria) almeno 5 anni di esperienza in figura professionale simile, nel settore della produzione di energia fotovoltaica, eolica e idroelettrica; in grado di agire con autonomia; disponibile alle trasferte

  • Job camere, agenzia per il lavoro, filiale di atessa, ricerca per azienda cliente direttore commerciale la risorsa si occuperà del coordinamento del dipartimento commerciale per azienda operante nell’ambito componentistica in legno; tra le sue attività l’incrementa zione delle vendite attraverso l’acquisizione di nuovi clienti e gestione di quelli già acquisiti, analizzare il mercato e proporre strategie di vendita, redigere report sulle attività svolte e analizzare i bisogni dei clienti attraverso contatti periodici e presentare e vendere le migliori soluzioni elaborate dall’aziendajob camere, agenzia per il lavoro, filiale di atessa, ricerca per azienda cliente direttore commerciale la risorsa si occuperà del coordinamento del dipartimento commerciale per azienda operante nell’ambito componentistica in legno; tra le sue attività l’incrementa zione delle vendite attraverso l’acquisizione di nuovi clienti e gestione di quelli già acquisiti, analizzare il mercato e proporre strategie di vendita, redigere report sulle attività svolte e analizzare i bisogni dei clienti attraverso contatti periodici e presentare e vendere le migliori soluzioni elaborate dall’azienda

  • Space work seleziona direttore tecnico per azienda produttrice di macchine utensilissa martina bettariga per partecipare alla selezione candidarsi all’annuncio https://spaceworkit/jobs/__direttore_tecnico_/it/ l' offerta di lavoro qui pubblicata si rivolge a candidati di entrambi i sessi ai sensi della legge (ddefinirà, quindi, i target della funzione e stabilirà i piani di sviluppo dei progetti, presidiando le attività di progettazione ed industrializzazione dei prodottirequisiti richiesti: laurea in ingegneria meccanicainquadramento e retribuzione commisurati all’esperienzasede di lavoro: provincia di brescia referente della selezione: dottsi richiedono inoltre ottime competenze tecniche con conoscenza delle macchine utensili, ottima padronanza dell’inglese e buon utilizzo del pacchetto officeesperienza pregressa in ruolo analogo e preferibile background da progettista, possibilmente maturato in aziende produttrici di macchine utensili, transfer/plurimandrino o similicompletano il profilo ottime capacità relazionali nell’interfaccia con il cliente, autorevolezza, proattività ed orientamento al risultato, problem solving e doti organizzative e di coordinamentol’azienda offre: contratto di assunzioneoperando nel rispetto delle direttive ricevute, coordinerà il team di progettazione incaricato di ideare nuove macchine o sviluppare miglioramenti tecnologici, organizzando le attività tecnichenello specifico collaborerà con la direzione per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi generali e di quelli tecnicicoordinerà, inoltre, anche le società di progettazione esterne, gestendo gli adeguamenti normativi delle macchinedescrizione dell’attivita’: la persona inserita avrà la responsabilità di coordinare l’ufficio tecnicoparteciperà alle trattative con i clienti, al fine di comprenderne le esigenze ed eventualmente suggerire correttivi e adattamenti tecnici specificiavrà la responsabilità di assegnare ai collaboratori obiettivi e compiti, promuovendo la competenza professionale e valutandone i risultati

  • Per la nostra sede di lainate (mi), siamo alla ricerca di un direttore tecnicola risorsa, lavorando a stretto contatto con la direzione affari regolatori e dpc e riportando al direttore dell’area, si occuperà degli adempimenti e del controllo dei processi di magazzinocontratto di assunzione commisurato all’esperienzasi occuperà nel dettaglio di: gestione della conformità normativa nella distribuzione all’ingrosso di prodotti farmaceutici e parafarmaceutici; monitoraggio dei trasporti; gestione delle sostanze stupefacenti (dpr e s“la farmacia dei farmacisti ": un concetto che sintetizza in modo efficace lo spirito, la filosofia di unico, uno dei maggiori distributori farmaceutici nel nostro paese interamente di proprietà dei farmacistilaurea in farmacia o chimica tecnologie farmaceutiche e iscrizione all’ordine; conoscenza della normativa di settore e delle procedure aziendali; interesse per le aree funzionali e le procedure tipiche di un magazzino; ottima conoscenza del pacchetto office (in particolare excel, ppt); buone doti di leadership, autorevolezza e affidabilità; elevate capacità comunicative e relazionali; capacità di lavoro di team; proattività e predisposizione a lavorare per obiettivi); gestione di resi, invendibili e rifiuti gestione dei registri; archiviazione documenti; disciplina del sistema di autocontrollo aziendale (reg ce ); interfaccia enti ispettivi locali e clienti; formazione al personale di magazzino; gestione locale della distribuzione per conto; controllo operativo safetyunico è una struttura moderna ed agile che si avvale di esperienze e know how consolidati, avendo alle spalle la lunga e prestigiosa storia delle realtà che hanno concorso a costituirla

  • Ciac da direttore da cinema per carnevale e feste scolasticheil miglior servizio online e rimborso garantitoun vero eroe non è un eroe per i suoi muscoli, ma per il suo cuore, e questo sei tugodi con i costumi e accessori delle tue serie tv preferite dei tuoi cartoni animati preferiti e i tuoi supereroi preferiti


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  • Per progetti orientati verso la riqualificazione energetica di strutture pubbliche e della costruzione di impianti energetici per l'efficientamento energetico stiamo attualmente ricercando una figura di: assistente al permitting la risorsa, alle dirette dipendenze del direttore della bu, dovrà supportare il dipartimento nelle attività di coordinamento e gestione dei processi autorizzativi primari e secondari, relativamente alla costruzione e realizzazione di impianti di produzione energeticail gruppo progeco next offre servizi ad alto valore aggiunto nelle seguenti aree: multidisciplinary engineering service operations & maintenance wind & solar energy service project management e field service inspection & expediting training & progeco next academy technical recruiting il nostro principale obiettivo è quello di supportare al meglio i nostri clienti, diventando assieme a loro protagonisti nel processo di transizione energetica, coinvolgendo nei nostri team le migliori risorse, consapevoli che la qualità di una azienda si misura dall’eccellenza e dalla passione delle persone che ne sono parte integranteprogeco next (www13 gdpr (regolamento ue )soft skills: ottime doti comunicative ed interpersonali; buona capacità di organizzazione e gestione delle tempistiche; orientamento al risultato; puntualità e precisioneè un gruppo internazionale attivo su mercato sin dal nei settori oil & gas, green energy e petrolchimicoprincipali responsabilità: verifica della documentazione necessaria per avviare le attività di installazione degli impianti; gestione della reperibilità e archiviazione della documentazione tecnica in merito ad eventuali regolamenti edilizi, permessi, requisiti tariffari, ispezioni, regolamenti e procedure comunali; valutazione e verifica di tutti i requisiti necessari per ottenere i rilasci e altri certificati richiesti; gestione e verifica di eventuali revisioni tecniche sulla documentazione presentataorario di lavoro: full time sede di lavoro: milano - zona foro bonaparte l’offerta economico-contrattuale sarà commisurata alla reale esperienza del candidatoper candidarsi all'offerta invitiamo gli interessati ambosessi (l) a candidarsi all'annuncio, specificando il consenso al trattamento dei dati personali (dlgsl’azienda opera con filiali dirette in oltre 13 paesi, con oltre 200 dipendenti e tra i suoi principali clienti annovera realtà internazionali, tra cui enel, eni, ge, snam, saipem, technip, ansaldo, siemens, edf, baker hughes etclaurea in ingegneria o giurisprudenza; minimo 2 anni di esperienza nel coordinamento e nella gestione di processi autorizzativi primari e secondari; pregressa esperienza come “permitting” per riqualificazione energetica; conoscenza impianti di: teleriscaldamento, teleraffrescamento, cogenerazione (piccola e media taglia), biomassa, fotovoltaici, pompe di calore e sistemi di efficientamento dei processi e dei buildings (sistema involucro/impianti); capacità nella gestione della documentazione necessaria per i permessi di costruzione ed installazione impianti; disponibilità immediatasuccessivamente pes scom), nata come evoluzione della società progeco s

  • Under the supervision of the labour superintendent, they will need to plan, organise and manage labour required for terminal operationsan exciting opportunity has arisen within our operations department for a labour planner, to be based out of london gateway stanford-le-hope, essexkey responsibilities: working with the labour superintendent and the operations management team, and through own efforts, establish the daily demand for labour and ensure that the requirements are met and that the correct numbers of staff with the right skills are present on the shifts planned in planning labour, take into account the demands for labour on a longer-term basis to ensure that short term deployment does not impact upon more urgent longer-term needs monitor, record and ensure the effectiveness of labour deployment deploy labour, with high attention to cost control at all times ensure overtime, under hours are within the target agreed by operations management actively identify opportunities to improve labour efficiencies & effectiveness and implement improvement suggestions in conjunction with the hc department, administrate operations labour resource, holiday and sickness arrangements liaise with company representatives for agencies supplying contract labour with regards to labour resourcing if additional resources are required for a shift maintain records for financial reports and other management reports as required work with the training department to ensure that skill levels are appropriate supply labour statistics on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis responsibility for updating and maintaining computerised systems used for the management of terminal labour resourcing maintain total confidentiality regarding all phone calls and conversations with employees and management keep and maintain labour key performance indicators as agreed by operations management (examples: overtime hours, under time hours, leave, moves per man working hours, gang utilisation, lashers per gang, moves, etcalso, whilst adhering to terminal policies, procedures and the working time directiveyou will receive cover for all kinds of treatments including eye care and dentistry, specialist consultations, x-ray etc • 4 x salary life assurance – creating financial security for you and your family • 2 onsite gyms / showers facilities • onsite catering facilities • regular family eventsdp world in the uk is at the heart of britain’s trading future, providing the right trading infrastructure, smart logistical solutions and the benefits of freeport status to our customers) qualifications & experience: • a level standard maths and english or equivalent – desirable • port industry experience –essential • ability to interface at all departmental levels, and present clear and concise reports • excellent organisational skills to deal with last minute changes to the work schedule • good communication and influencing skills to ensure that all resource requirements are met for each shift • ability to establish, build and maintain stakeholder relations • ability to work autonomously and as an effective member of a team • excellent attention to detail qualities • ability to build relationships with all departments within the organisation and achieve buy in and ownership to quality standards / initiatives • ability to problem solve • ‘completer / finisher’ mindset • intermediate level it skills outlook, excel, word and power point as well as rostering systems • flexibility will be required in this role which will include working shifts and overtime to meet business requirements • generous annual leave allowance (25 days – excluding bank holidays) • attractive annual bonus schememaximise efficiency and effectiveness whilst considering commercial, operational and safety factors(10 %) • flexible benefits platform allowing you to pick and choose the benefits that suit you • professional membership subscription - fee paid for by us • health cash plan – low-cost insurance package that provides cash back towards healthcare bills and a wide range of other wellbeing benefitsreporting to the labour superintendent, the labour planner will support the planning and deployment of adequate manpower resources, to meet the requirements of the terminal operation

  • Clashes to be discussed with relevant operations managementan exciting opportunity has arisen within our operations department for a berth planner, to be based out of london gateway in stanford-le-hope, essexreporting to the vessel & rail superintendent, the berth planner will ensure an effective terminal berth plan is delivered, in conjunction with planning manager, for the efficient execution of terminal operations• rail scheduling to be updated in xps ensuring a minimum of 2 weeks advance data available • focal point for the day to day scheduling of vessel movements • cost focused, in conjunction with planning manager, balancing commercial reasoning with cost when deploying labour & thus ensuring the operation is run efficiently with cost per box kept within budget • gain an understanding on the planned maintenance schedule and agree what engineer department what can be released on a day to day basis • build excellent rapport with internal customers, shipping lines, vessel agencies, harbor authority and other key stakeholders • request vessel move-count information & crane splits in advance, allowing accurate labour ordering to minimise disruption to operations and cost • discuss the current and next day berth plans at the daily operations briefings • gain a full understanding of navis ship editor and be responsible for managing the ship structure (nsd file) library • ensure that required management information and statistics are maintained and available • ordering of reefer sub-contract labour on a day to day basis • send advance plan on a daily basis, of equipment outages that will impact the execution team • to be an ambassador for the company always, internally and externally • a degree in a numerate subject • marne certificate of competency or equivalent industry experience • sound knowledge of terminal operations • proficient in navis n4, xps, ms word and ms excel • effective customer service skills to deliver exceptional standards, whilst aligning with terminal objectives • excellent interpersonal, influencing and communications skills, due to close contact with customers • excellent planning and organisational skills, with a high level of attention to detail • solid negotiation skills when dealing with customers • generous annual leave allowance (25 days – excluding bank holidays) • attractive annual bonus schemeyou will receive cover for all kinds of treatments including eye care and dentistry, specialist consultations, x-ray etc • 4 x salary life assurance – creating financial security for you and your family • 2 onsite gyms / showers facilities • onsite catering facilities • regular family eventsdp world in the uk is at the heart of britain’s trading future, providing the right trading infrastructure, smart logistical solutions and the benefits of freeport status to our customersto include duties such as: • ensuring close cooperation & planning with the engineering department for planned outage of machinery or yard space for maintenance purposes • liaise with shipping lines, agents and authorities to ensure fluid movement of vessels into and out of the port considering both financial and commercial impact of the business key responsibilities & accountabilities: • excellent customer service skills with the ability to communicate to all levels of the business • ensure vessel & rail plan maintained, running seven-day berthing plan, constantly updated as changes occur(10 %) • flexible benefits platform allowing you to pick and choose the benefits that suit you • professional membership subscription - fee paid for by us • health cash plan – low-cost insurance package that provides cash back towards healthcare bills and a wide range of other wellbeing benefitsberth planning to take account of commercial obligationsthey are to consider the financial, commercial & operational factors, as well as ensuring compliance with safety

  • Streamline your backup and recovery operations with aomei backupper professional with the high level of accuracy and professionalism of the aomei brand, you can run all your backup operations for files, disks, systems, and partitions - directly from aomei backupper professional operating panel, fast and easy! you can sync your files in different ways, according to your needs - from basic tasks to specular sync, where your backup location will mirror all the edits done to the original files (remove, add, modify, etcmoreover, aomei backup professional is 100% compatible with windows 11 ! this software tool also supports install recovery and creates exact file copies via synchronizationfrom us, you can buy a wide range of 100% genuine and guaranteed products, saving up to 70% on the official price listswere aomei official reseller, and here you can save and always get 100% genuine licensesall these tools are designed to help you protect your data from incidents, breaches, ransomware, and hardware failurevisit the official mkreseller program page now, or mail us at sales@mrkeyshopwhats included with each aomei backupper professional order from mr key shop? complete your secure checkout and get all you need in your inbox, so that you can immediately make the most out of aomei backupper professional: - your aomei backupper professional license - official download links - clear and simple instructions on how to download, install, and activate your aomei backupper professional software - invoice - free, english-speaking technical support find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements operating system: - windows 11, windows 10/8we enriched our catalog with the best backup & recovery solutions, including aomei backupper professional and much morefor example, you can purchase windows 11 professional at a fraction of the msrp, as well as you can order office 2021 professional and office 2021 home & business for mac saving significantlymr key shop is an official aomei reseller aomei backupper professional: fully protect your data breakdowns, theft, or violations can have a huge impactyou can clone systems, manage images, and much more, including planning and fast creation of bootable media - all this has been designed to be used by home and professional (non-enterprise) userscom for more info about this initiative1/8/7/vista/xp - windows server 2022/2019/2016/2012/2011/2008/2003 (r2 included), sbs 2011/2008/2003with aomei backupper professional, you can protect your data in full, with powerful backup & recovery tools that ensure continuous protection for your dataa huge benefit for you, for us, and especially for the environment: were a 100% eco-friendly company, and you can help us with this crucial missionshop from mr key shop with confidence, resting assured that youll always obtain original and genuine products, with a full money-back warranty and a professional technical support service, that will help you both before and after your purchase, free of charge and in english ! choose aomei backupper professional, protect your data, and help us make the world greener with aomei backupper professional, you can protect your data against accidental loss, failure, and much morefully protect your data with aomei backupper professional (single pc edition), sync all your files and folders, and clone your systemif youre looking for a more enterprise-oriented product, please see aomei backupper workstation); real-time sync includes operation monitoring, while bidirectional sync will replicate all the data from origin to destination foldersdownload, install and activate aomei backupper professional right away with mr key shop, you can always count on a timely and secure digital delivery service: download, install and activate aomei backupper professional right after your purchase - a huge benefit to get your backup & recovery strategy up and running with no downtimeorder your license right away and receive it within a few seconds from your secure purchase, with a full money-back warranty, and free english-speaking technical supportdigital delivery lets you save time (instant arrival) and money (no shipping fees), and lets us do our part in reducing pollutants and packaging wasteabout aomei as a company, aomei has a very clear mission of “ always keep global data safer ”weve opted for fully digital service since our foundationare you a reseller? introducing mkreseller, an opportunity you shouldnt miss! if youre working in the digital world too and provide your clients with software products and licenses, you shouldnt miss the opportunity to become a member of our mkreseller partner programpurchase your aomei backupper professional (1 pc) license now and create your backup & recovery tasks in no time, significantly saving on the msrp with mr key shop! caution: the license for aomei backupper professional on sale from this page is intended for 1 single pcbackups are crucial to business continuity strategies and help you keep documents and other important files always availableaomeis professional stance and quality are mirrored by mr key shop, one of the official brand reseller: with more than 18 years in the digital channels, over 350 satisfied customers and an excellent rating on trustpilot (4furthermore, by purchasing aomei backupper professional from mr key shop, youll give your contribution to our environmental causeto complete your library of programs and tools, you can choose among the best antivirus and vpn services in the market, and pro-grade software like windows storage server and microsoft sql server 2019this goal is achieved with a range of software products professionally designed for backup & recovery operations, as well as disaster recovery and partition management, with all the features you can expect to better protect your dataeven home users can benefit from a complete backup and recovery tool, including disaster recoverypurchase aomei backupper professional from mr key shop nowaomei backupper professional is best suited for home and freelance users, as well as professionals and consultants9 | 5 stars out of 5), were proud to offer aomeis productswe designed a unique journey to help you grow your business and successfully serve your customerswith a culture focused on users and honesty, respect, and accountability, aomei chose mr key shop as official partner because we share the same crucial valuescomplete your secure checkout with reliable and safe payment methods, including paypal, stripe, apple, google, and amazon pay, as well as credit/debit cards and go to your inbox: here, youll conveniently find a recap email with all you need, like a download link, instructions, and you brand new, 100% genuine and guaranteed licensein case of disk damage, you can always count on the system clone feature


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  • operations with easeus deploy manager server are fast and straightforward, even in case of bare-metal deployment to multiple servers: youll never have to manually install your os to each single machineeaseus deploy manager server, the ideal solution for system deployment easeus deploy manager server is a professional suite which simplifies os management, deployment, and distribution operations to multiple servers at oncechoose mr key shop for your genuine and guaranteed premium software! optimize your operations with easeus deploy manager server and help us protect the planet the server ecosystem is delicate and requires care and workthe checkout process is simple and straightforward as well: order, pay with one of our professional and dependable providers like paypal, stripe, amazon/google/apple pay or credit/debit card, and instantly receive your order via emailsince our first day of business, weve ditched the physical good transport system, therefore, we help reduce pollutants and wastemr key shop is an official easeus reseller easeus deploy manager server with easeus deploy manager server, you can manage system deployment to your server with a few clicksfurthermore, we offer professional tools and suites, including microsoft sql server, windows storage server, and the best backup & recovery solutions like easeus deploy manager serverdigital delivery is the only distribution channel we useamong mr key shops benefits: tracked and secure payments, instant delivery, and a full money-back warranty for each orderdesigned for system administrators with the same user-friendly approach of the other brands products, easeus deploy manager server is one of the best tools in the market for server deployment management, and one of the easiest-to-use products of this categoryyou can see this on trustpilot, where we achieved an average rating of excellent, as supported by 2k+ positive reviews (4for this reason, weve always adopted a 100% digital approach to our businessthis means that, with us, you can save on the shipping costs and get your products in real-time via email, as well as help us make a difference in the world! were a 100% eco-friendly company and you can be so with us too! are you a reseller? introducing mkreseller, an opportunity you shouldnt miss! if youre working in the digital world too and provide your clients with software products and licenses, you shouldnt miss the opportunity to become a member of our mkreseller partner programif youre looking for deeper security, you can choose one of the best antiviruses and one of the best vpnsquality, customer protection, and ease of use are also mr key shops pillarsfor example, you can buy windows 11 at a low price, order and download office 2021 and office 2021 for mac right awaycom for more info about this initiativethis is why easeus chose mr key shop as official partner and resellerour planets ecosystem needs care and protection tooorder easeus deploy manager server from mr key shop now, save on the msrp, and get fully operational within a few minutes! download, install and activate easeus deploy manager server is fast and easy with mr key shop thanks to mr key shop, you can download, install and activate easeus deploy manager server within a few minutes from the purchasemr key shop follows the same philosophy: professional yet intuitive and user-centric servicefor you, this is a further benefit because you can save up to 70% across our catalogmr key shop professional service also extends to our full money-back warranty and technical support team, at your disposal for free and in english, both for post-sale service and to help you choose the best software according to your hardware and requirementsthanks to this professional solution from easeus, you can import systems on new and existing servers, with the possibility to recover windows to your preferred status, even on different hardwarethis is a significant benefit because youll be operational right awayvisit the official mkreseller program page now, or mail us at sales@mrkeyshopa server infrastructure with dozens of units is a high-profile management challengewith us, you can save significantly on the price list and always get 100% genuine licenseseaseus products offer you an even more extraordinary digital life, with a full range of file recovery, data backup, partition management, transfer products, and morethis is proven by 18+ years of service in the digital market, with over 350k satisfied customers across the globewith tools like easeus deploy manager server, you can manage system distribution, even of bare-metal type, on all your servers from a single, centralized app, with a few clicks and with no complexitiesthis is why easeus chose us as their official partner! whats included with easeus deploy manager server purchased from mr key shop? complete your secure checkout and get all you need in your inbox, so that you can immediately make the most out of your easeus deploy manager server solution: - your easeus deploy manager server license - official download links - clear and simple instructions on how to download, install, and activate your easeus deploy manager server software - invoice - free, english-speaking technical support find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements supported operating systems: - windows server 2019 - windows server 2016 - windows server 2012 r2 - windows server 2012 - windows server sbs 2011 - windows server sbs 2008 - windows server 2008 - windows server sbs 2003 - windows server 2003 - windows 11/10/8about easeus easeus is a popular and acknowledged backup & disaster recovery brandremember: you can always rely on our free english-speaking technical supportwe designed a unique journey to help you grow your business and successfully serve your customersbuy easeus deploy manager server now from mr key shop, one of the brands official resellers9 | 5 stars out of 5)mr key shop is your top destination for digital softwarewith easeus, these tasks become easy, even for amateur users, still maintaining professional-grade efficacyyoull find attached your activation key - always genuine and guaranteed, clear and simple instructions on the whole setup process, secure and official download links, as well as your invoice


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  • Accountabilities: support the end to end okrs of customer operations by flexing to work on projects, incidents and spike periods in all teamswe like it here and we’re sure you will too! our corporate website has lots more information - check it out! wwwkeep accurate reconding of all work undertaken to ensure that your outputs are clearly documented and at an audit standardlottoland benefits: competitive salary annual bonus based on company performance 25 days holiday and 12 days gibraltar bank holidays international premium healthcare subsidised gym membership within a variety of locations in gibraltar continuous learning/development opportunities and progressive career pathsit’s an exquisite part of the world, filled with luscious coastline, amazing surfing spots, delicious food and unique andalusian customs, traditions and cultural heritagelottolandcorporatefollow the standard operating procedures in line with policy and regulatory requirementslottoland is the world’s leading online lotto provider, we are a disrupter that offers jackpots in the hundreds of millions giving 13 million customers worldwide the chance to win enormous record breaking pay-outsunderstanding of kyc regulationsgrit and determination is a prerequisite for all lottolanderswork on the solutions identified for incidents affecting players, undertaking player reviews and protecting the company from any risksflex between processes and ensure that teams work in priority order depending on impact to players/ the businesshonesty, integrity and trust are a giventailored relocation packages to meet your needs to support your transition our culture: lottoland is a dynamic, creative and technologically advanced organisationcom this position is advertised as an internal vacancy for exisiting lottoland employeeslottoland could be just the place for youevery day is an adventure and you’ll be joining others who have made the leap for this unique lifestyle opportunityremember you do not have to tick all boxes these are just an example of skills/experience that may support you in the role! a subtropical mediterranean climate, eclectic cultural influences, breathtaking landscapes, and beautiful beaches make gibraltar the perfect european holiday getaway – so imagine how special it is to live here! furthermore, since gibraltar wages buy an almost luxury standard of living in the south of spain, many people who work here actually commute from one of the nearby towns on the costa del solemployees are empowered to do their best but held accountable for their actionsmanagers need to inspire and develop their teams to get the most out of themcomputer skillsadapt and adhere to changes in procudures to ensure the team works to the one agreed process at all timesraise sars with the company mlro, identifying individual player suspicion and group trendsability to work independently or remotely if requiredfluent in englishputting customers first is key to lottoland’s success as is collaboration across the businesspassion for innovation is a strength that is valued in lottoland employeesability to stay focused with spike volumes (target driven)attention to detailinternal position right to work in gibraltar no agenices at this time pleaseundertake thorough training in all teams within customer operations, staying up to date with training to ensure you can work on all processes at short notice as requiredwork as a team to achieve all okrs set, share workloads fairly and communicate efficiently as a team to meet expectationsfollow our core values and behaviours, leading by example under the gin september lottoland was awarded with a guinness world record for the ‘largest online gambling payout ever’ of €90 million! take a look at our vacancies below and start your journey with the world leading lotto betting company, revolutionising the gaming industry…contact lottoland today! the flex exectuive's role is to review player documentation and make decisions to protect the company from fraud or additional risk

  • Develop and monitor key performance indicators to provide timely management information to the operations manager and promote a proactive approach to under performanceassist the operations manager with the day-to-day management of the collections teams and the development of new processes and procedures previous experience in coaching and training collections teams with a proven track record of improving individual and collective performances is essentiallead performance improvement and personal development activity where necessaryset objectives in monthly reviews and take responsibility for the assessment timetableas part of our ambitious growth plans, we are looking to strengthen our team based from offices just north of sheffield city centrewe work with some of the largest retail, banking and commercial businesses around the uk to help recover overdue debts and arrange payment solutions, helping people clear their debtsassess telephone calls (live and retrospective) and system entries for quality, compliance and effectivenessstrong it skills – we use different technologies and systems and need you to pick these up quickly this a full-time permanent role working 37develop and maintain individual and team-based performance measurement systems to support the effective management of individual productivity, collection and revenue performancecredit style is part of the bristow & sutor group – employing over 450 people, in debt recovery, throughout the ukprovide formal and informal feedback to individuals as necessary5 hours between 8am and 8pm monday to friday, work will be split between home and office based in sheffield (s3 postcode area) offering a salary of upto £ per annum + ote successful applicants will be required to complete ccj/dbs and other background checks prior to starting employmentexcellent management and interpersonal skills demonstrate a consistent focus on uncompromising performance and customer serviceprovide training sessions to both individuals and groups

  • We are looking for a treasury and finance manager who, working with the cfo, will be involved in the following activities: support to development of company tms to support cash flow activities monthly cash flow reporting 3 months rolling monthly / quarterly / yearly internal reporting, variance analysis vs actual / budget analyse cash management operations, support in identifying and recommending areas for improvement monitor payments activities provide support to develop and implement f/x hedging strategy be responsible in managing banking relationships with italian and international banks including bank system reporting, account balances, corporate guarantees, kyc maintenance in collaboration with the cfo, coordinate internal resources and external consultants on extraordinary operations (m&a, capital increase) support the cfo on shareholders and other stakeholders management preparation of documentation for the bod education & experience: master’s degree in economics, finance, business administration at least 7 - 8 years experience in finance functions of which 3 - 4 in treasury / cash flow management role, preferably in industrial companies fluent in english, both written and spoken chinese speaker is definitively a plus proficiency in excel skills excellent interpersonal and communication skills, with the ability to build relationships with different stakeholders ability to work under pressure and deliver to tight deadlines with “can do” attitude; able to work independently and within a cross-functional team, managing multiple priorities and deadlines in a fast-paced environment what we offer you a permanent full-time contract an ambitious employer; we only want the best for you; professional experience in an international environment with frequent contact with other colleagues and partner around the world; strengthen cross-functional communication skills; learning & development programs; be part of the young (36 on avgenergy/sustainability/familyworking/) a fast career track like only few other companies can match; always room for new ideas! location: hybrid remote (from italy) and milan we are an equal opportunity employerpeople with disability status are encouraged to applyit operates through its three global business lines: nhoa energy, free2move esolutions and atlante(formerly electro power systems - engie eps), global player in energy storage and e-mobility, active in the construction of the largest fast and ultra-fast charging infrastructure in southern europe, develops technologies enabling the transition towards clean energy and sustainable mobility, shaping the future of a next generation living in harmony with our planet) and international (+20 nationalities) group and work in a dynamic and fast-moving environment; a revolutionary way of remote working that meets your needs (https://nhoaborn in as a technological spin-off of the politecnico di torino and milano, nhoa leverages its best-in-class technology and engineering edge, developed in over 15 years of r&d, paired with strategic partnerships and global procurement, to deliver the most competitive tailor-made turn-key solutions that allow the integration of renewable sources with all forms of energy storage, from batteries to hydrogen and even electric vehiclesnhoa, with offices in france, the united states and australia, maintains entirely in italy research, development and production of its technologies

  • The ideal candidate: bsc/ba in business, technology, project management, or relevant field, msc/mba is a plus; proven experience in the role, minimum 5+ years of experience in procurement, purchasing department, operations; consistent experience in strategic supplier management; experience with categories and components in hydraulic systems a strong preference; outstanding team workability: meaningful experience in global settings, where you had concrete opportunity to cooperate with colleagues and different stakeholders at a global level; fluent english and italian (both written and spoken); good interpersonal and communication skills: must be able to engage with staff at all levels of the organization; proficient in the use of ms office: excel and powerpoint for data analysis and presentations; outstanding negotiation ability: facing sometimes differing internal/external stakeholder expectations; results-driven, with a desire to reach goals by overcoming obstacles; ability to work in a high pace context with a proactive mindset; strong communicator and as a team player, you possess strong interpersonal skills and the ability to build strong stakeholder networks; available for domestic and international business trips, if requiredable to ensure the best cost, quality, and delivery sourcing decisionshandling effective and proactive relationship with other relevant functions-departments to forecast and supply to the business; active teamwork with the category teams and bu teams to constantly improve processes, meet-exceed target, share best practices; supplier accountability (50% in italy and 50% abroad)support corrective actions for on-time delivery (otd)own and maintain supplier tooling database, inclinput for budget; project implementationsupplier onboarding as per company’s standards; material availability monitoring: supply and/or quality issues including documentation of supplier performancemonitor forecast versus supplier capacitieslocation: reggio emilia (italy) + domestic/international travelsstandard price for purchase price & price change reporting; own and maintain procurement master data for local / regional sites, including sap data update; create & maintain service level agreementstailor&fox, your hr business partner, on behalf of a global and leading group provider of mobile hydraulic and electrification products and solutions is looking for an experienced: strategic buyer you will have the amazing opportunity to be part of a global purchasing/procurement team and be responsible for the operational procurement activities within the local/regional sitesreporting to the senior procurement manager, you will join international projects with colleagues from hq and other branches/plants in italy, denmark, the uk, the usa, brazil, india, and chinasupport and follow up reimbursement activities; contracts and pricingcoordinate ramp-up and ramp-down of new projectsbased in reggio emilia (italy), you will be ensuring one point of contact towards suppliers and the businesslead time / vmi activitiesthe main challenge is ensuring successfully excellent execution and attention to detail, control to be delivered to timeline while ensuring high quality and cost targets according to the continuous improvement approachkey responsibilities: liaising with various teams and functions (engineering, operations, and procurement)

  • Thanks to a powerful, yet easy-to-use software tool, implementing your professional backup & recovery strategies will be fast and straightforward, with the further benefit of centralizing all your operations from a single main machinethis is why easeus chose us as their official partner! whats included with easeus todo backup server purchased from mr key shop? complete your secure checkout and get all you need in your inbox, so that you can immediately make the most out of your easeus todo backup server solution: - your easeus todo backup server license - official download links - clear and simple instructions on how to download, install, and activate your easeus todo backup server software - invoice - free, english-speaking technical support find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements supported platforms: - microsoft windows - windows 10/8three benefits only an eco-friendly business like mr key shop can grant! are you a reseller? introducing mkreseller, an opportunity you shouldnt miss! if youre working in the digital world too and provide your clients with software products and licenses, you shouldnt miss the opportunity to become a member of our mkreseller partner programwere official easeus reseller and offer 100% genuine and original licenses onlysince 2009, easeus has provided businesses with simple, efficient, and performing software solutionsbuy easeus todo backup server from mr key shop and saveand weve also included the best backup & recovery solutions that allow you to complete your security strategies for the crucial data on your organizations serverseaseus todo backup server with easeus todo backup server, you can build effective backup solutions for your business serversmanage data on your servers efficiently and help us make the world greener protecting your servers also means implementing effective backup strategiesyou wont have to wait for the courier nor you must complete extra steps: install easeus todo backup server right after you download it, activate your product with your brand new license, and youre good to go! if you need assistance, before or after your purchase, you can always count on our free english-speaking technical supportquality, customer protection, and ease of use are also mr key shops pillarsthis way, we help reduce pollution and waste - both are consequences of the physical good transportation, which weve ditched since our foundationremember: you can always pay via credit/debit card if you like tocom for more info about this initiativeyou can also choose among the best antivirus and vpn brands, saving significantly on the msrpsyoull save money and time; together, well help make the world greenera huge advantage because you can use your brand new backup & recovery for servers in no timeserver backups are just a few clicks away with easeus todo backup server dont be fooled by the user-friendly look and how easy you can plan all the backup & recovery tasks on your servers: easeus todo backup server is a professional-grade program, designed to help you optimize workflows without overly-complicated user interfacesour team can also provide you with personalized recommendations according to your software needs and hardware requirements000 positive reviews, with an average rating of excellent (4speaking of protection, we truly care about the environment: our planet is unique and wonderful, its our home and deserves respect and caresuch a choice led us to create one of the most acknowledged digital stores in the world, as well as offer our products at even lower pricesvisit the official mkreseller program page now, or mail us at sales@mrkeyshopeaseus products offer you an even more extraordinary digital life, with a full range of file recovery, data backup, partition management, transfer products, and more1/8/7/vista/xp - windows server 2022 - windows server 2019 - windows server 2016 - windows server 2012 - windows server 2008 - windows server 2003 - windows server sbs 2003 - windows server sbs 2008 storage media: - hdds - ssds - usbs - memory cards - cloud services - physical and/or virtual environments - applicationsthe quality of our service has been also acknowledged in the world, as you can see on trustpilot, where weve received over 2secure transactions, full money-back warranty, and immediate delivery are our key perkslearn more about mr key shops and our benefits: save up to 70% across our catalog, where you can purchase windows 11 at an unparalleled price, order and download office 2021 or office for mac right awaysystem protection is crucial to ensure business continuity, for this reason, mr key shop has extended its catalog to provide you with the best backup & recovery software products like the easeus portfolioand easeus todo backup server is specifically designed for this purposefor this reason, weve chosen the digital delivery approach as our sole distribution channel since our first day of businesseaseus todo backup server follows the tradition set by the award-winning brands programspurchase easeus todo backup server from mr key shop now and save significantly on the msrp, and rest assured youll always get 100% genuine licenses from one of the best easeus authorized resellers! download, install, and activate easeus todo backup server right away - this is mr key shops benefit mr key shop lets you download, install and activate easeus todo backup server within a few seconds from your purchaseonce you open your order email, youll have at hand easy and clear instructions on the whole process, your activation key, official download links (malware-free), as well as your invoicevisit mr key shops catalog now and discover all the benefits waiting for youabout easeus easeus is a popular and acknowledged backup & disaster recovery brandfurthermore, weve expanded our catalog with the best business programs, like windows storage server and microsoft sql serveronce you complete your secure transaction through one of the best payment service providers in the market, like paypal, stripe, and pay services from amazon/google/apple, youll receive your recap email at once, with all you need to complete the setup processthe same level of professionalism denotes mr key shop as well: for over 18 years, weve successfully served over 350k customers across the world, offering the best software tools, always 100% genuine and guaranteed, at unbeatable price pointswith us, youll never pay for shipping and get your products instantly in your emailwe designed a unique journey to help you grow your business and successfully serve your customersyou can restore backup images on different hardware, run backups both locally and offsite, schedule automated tasks, including cloning operations, and much more9 | 5 stars out of 5)with easeus, these tasks become easy, even for amateur users, still maintaining professional-grade efficacydiscover all the benefits of our store, including free english-speaking technical support service, available before and after any purchase


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  • Plus, you can perform backup & recovery operations to e from exchange and sql serversthe advanced features let you centralize operations in a single machine, run all the tasks from a clear and simple interface, as well as manage processes across sql and exchange serversfrom your 100% genuine and guaranteed license to clear and simple instructions, everything is at hand in your email, including official and malware-free download links, as well as your invoicediscover all our benefits, like a full money-back warranty and free english-speaking technical support! mr key shop is an official easeus reseller easeus todo backup advanced server easeus todo backup advanced server is one of the most advanced todo backup enterprise editions, the popular easeus business suitefor this reason, easeus means quality and an intuitive approach to the business worldeaseus todo backup advanced server is the best software for companies running server machines where crucial data must be securedfor this reason, at mr key shop weve adopted a 100% green approach since our foundationquality, customer protection, and ease of use are also mr key shops pillars1/8/7/vista/xp - windows server 2022 - windows server 2019 - windows server 2016 - windows server 2012 - windows server 2008 - windows server 2003 - windows server sbs 2003 - windows server sbs 2008 ms sql server - sql server 2019 - 2017, 2016, 2014 - 2012, 2008 r2 - 2008, 2005 ms exchange server - exchange server 2003 - 2007 - 2010 - 2013 - 2016 storage media: - hdds - ssds - usb drives - memory cards - cloud services - physical and/or virtual environments - applicationsand remember: each order is covered by our full money-back warrantyif you want to expand your software portfolio and implement a 360-degree security strategy, you can purchase the best vpns, backup & disaster recovery services, as well as enterprise software like sql server and microsoft windows storage server at unparalleled price pointsa huge benefit for larger enterprise operational environmentsfor example, you can buy windows 11 at a fraction of the original price, order and install office 2021 within a few seconds from your purchase, as well as adopt one of the best antivirus brands in the marketif we dont take care of our planet today, well never be able to flourish as a specieswith easeus todo backup advanced server, you can run all the basic tasks like backup/recovery for file systems, disks, partitions, and email inboxes, disk cloning, os migrations, cloud backups, centralized server management, and morefurthermore, each order is fully guaranteed and you can always rely on our technical supportthe support team is at your disposal in english and free of charge even to help you choose the best software according to your requirements, use them efficiently, and solve any doubts or issues that may ariseeaseus products offer you an even more extraordinary digital life, with a full range of file recovery, data backup, partition management, transfer products, and morewe want to help reduce pollution and waste from real-world production and distributionfor you, our eco-friendly policy means further benefits: lower prices (no shipping costs) and fast delivery via emailyou can save up to 70% on the official msrps across our catalogthese are crucial benefits for those who look for an enterprise-grade solution with the same ease-of-use and user-friendly interfaces seen in retail programs designed for home usersvisit the official mkreseller program page now, or mail us at for more info about this initiativesave on the price list and shop with confidence from one of easeus official resellersthe process is fast and easy: complete your purchase with secure payments (paypal, stripe, amazon/google/apple pay, credit/debit cards) and receive your order right in your email inbox with all you need to download easeus todo backup advanced server and complete all the setup, activation, and running stepsthis translates to significant benefits for you: as a reliable, professional, and 100% authorized store, we offer you genuine and guaranteed licenses with unbeatable pricesdigital delivery is how we can make a differencethis is why easeus chose us as their official partner! whats included with easeus todo backup advanced server purchased from mr key shop? complete your secure checkout and get all you need in your inbox, so that you can immediately make the most out of your easeus todo backup advanced server solution: - your easeus todo backup server license - official download links - clear and simple instructions on how to download, install, and activate your easeus todo backup advanced server software - invoice - free, english-speaking technical support find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements supported platforms microsoft windows - windows 10/8about easeus easeus is a popular and acknowledged backup & disaster recovery brandmr key shop is your go-to store for digital software, discover all our benefits now! a premium solution for your servers with easeus todo backup advanced server easeus todo backup advanced server is a premium enterprise server backup & recovery solutionwith us, youll only get 100% genuine licenses, pay via secure and tracked methods, and receive each order right in your inboxpurchase easeus todo backup advanced server from mr key shop at a special pricewe need your help too! are you a reseller? introducing mkreseller, an opportunity you shouldnt miss! if youre working in the digital world too and provide your clients with software products and licenses, you shouldnt miss the opportunity to become a member of our mkreseller partner programwe designed a unique journey to help you grow your business and successfully serve your customersyoull never lose any data from your database or key email in your enterprise mail systemthis is especially true if uptime and business continuity are your top priorities - youll be able to ensure them both with easeus! we want to reach the same level of environmental protection because earth is our homewhat are you waiting for? explore the digital world with mr key shop! protect the environment and your data with easeus todo backup advanced server from mr key shop protecting your data also means including them in highly-effective backup & recovery plansthe brands professionalism is equal to mr key shops: were official easeus resellers with our 18+ years of experience in the digital industry, with over 350k delighted customers across the globe and an average rating of excellent on trustpilot (2,000+ positive reviews, score of 49 | 5 stars out of 5)purchase easeus todo backup advanced server from mr key shop now and save on the price list! download, install and activate easeus todo backup advanced server is fast and easy with mr key shop with the fast service offered by mr key shop, you can download, install and activate easeus todo backup advanced server in no timewith easeus, these tasks become easy, even for amateur users, still maintaining professional-grade efficacywe chose to ditch the physical transport systems, offering our products via digital delivery only


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