Customer service settore it

Elenco customer service settore it

  • Logical job, società specializzata in consulenza hr con un forte orientamento nella valorizzazione del capitale umano, ricerca per importante ufficio internazionale un addetto customer service con breve esperienza nel settore trasporti camionisticipossibilità di smart working dopo iniziale training in sedeil candidato si occuperà di coordinare le attività di relazione con i clienti, gestendo il servizio di informazione al cliente per dettagli relativi agli ordini e al loro stato di avanzamentobreve esperienza in ambito trasporti camionistici capacità di lavoro in team conoscenza del pacchetto office buona conoscenza della lingua inglese tipo di contratto: inserimento a tempo determinato per un anno con finalità di assunzione a tempo indeterminato

  • Esperienza pregressa di 2/3 anni in ruolo analogo o come addetto/a customer servicespace work seleziona addetto/a customer service tecnico per azienda specializzata nella produzione e commercializzazione di distributori automaticisede di lavoro: provincia di brescia referente della selezione: dottsi occuperà di supportare da remoto la risoluzione del guasto tecnico e della modifica di configurazioni o spiegazioni del prodottorequisiti richiesti: diploma di istituto tecnico, elettronico/informaticol’azienda offre: contratto di assunzioneinquadramento e retribuzione commisurati all’esperienzasaper pianificare e lavorare per obiettiviavere abilità nell’uso del telefono e del pacchetto office; è gradita la competenza nell’uso di un crmdescrizione dell’attività: la persona inserita dovrà gestire l’assistenza remota al cliente per la risoluzione dei guasti e occuparsi della raccolta delle esigenze del clientedovrà gestire gli impegni di magazzino per la spedizione del materiale e la creazione di reportistiche ad hocavere conoscenza base di elettronica, informatica, meccanicaavrà la responsabilità di aprire un eventuale ticket di guasto e di controllare i ticket chiusi e l’emissione dei documenti di scarico di magazzinossa francesca bonari l'offerta di lavoro qui pubblicata si rivolge a candidati di entrambi i sessi ai sensi della legge (d

  • Azienda in grande crescita ricerca operatori customer servicerequisiti del candidato: - diploma o laurea - conoscenza del pacchetto office la risorsa assunta svolgerà le seguenti mansioni: - gestione delle attività di customer care - risoluzione immediata dei problemi su servizi e prodotti - cooperazione con il dipartimento di produzione e logistica - costruire relazioni funzionali con i clienti - attività di reportistica l’azienda offre iniziale percorso di formazione di breve durata, retribuito e mirato all'assunzionela sede di lavoro sarà foggiacontratto di lavoro: full time, tempo determinato

  • Logical job, società specializzata in consulenza hr con un forte orientamento nella valorizzazione del capitale umano, ricerca per importante ufficio internazionale un addetto customer servicebreve esperienza in ambito trasporti e logistica capacità di lavoro in team conoscenza del pacchetto office buona conoscenza della lingua inglese tipo di contratto: inserimento a tempo determinato per un anno con finalità di assunzione a tempo indeterminatoil candidato si occuperà di coordinare le attività di relazione con i clienti, gestendo il servizio di informazione al cliente per dettagli relativi agli ordini e al loro stato di avanzamentopossibilità di smart working dopo iniziale training in sede

  • Azienda a foggia ricerca una risorsa per customer serviceluogo di lavoro: foggia previsto iniziale percorso di formazione retribuito e mirato all'assunzione inserimento determinato con orario full-time se interessati, candidarsi allegando il cv) • aggiornamento delle anagrafiche clienti • assicura una corretta gestione del servizio di tutto il ciclo dell’ordine emesso al cliente (controlla le tempistiche, l'evasione degli ordini e si assicura del corretto livello di servizio dedicato) • monitora le giacenze in magazzino e gestisce eventuali reclami dei clientirequisiti richiesti: • diploma o laurea; • abilità nell'uso di sistemi informatici, e pacchetto office; • abilità nel gestire il cliente tramite mail e telefonoil profilo avrà le seguenti responsabilità: • monitoraggio dell’avanzamento dell’ordine (emissione ordine, conferma d’ordine etc

  • Esperienza pregressa di 2/3 anni in ruolo analogo o come addetto/a customer servicespace work seleziona addetto/a customer service tecnico per azienda specializzata nella produzione e commercializzazione di distributori automaticissa francesca bonari l'offerta di lavoro qui pubblicata si rivolge a candidati di entrambi i sessi ai sensi della legge (dsede di lavoro: provincia di brescia referente della selezione: dottsi occuperà di supportare da remoto la risoluzione del guasto tecnico e della modifica di configurazioni o spiegazioni del prodottoavrà la responsabilità di aprire un eventuale ticket di guasto e di controllare i ticket chiusi e l’emissione dei documenti di scarico di magazzinorequisiti richiesti: diploma di istituto tecnico, elettronico/informaticoinquadramento e retribuzione commisurati all’esperienzait/jobs/addettoa_customer_service_tecnico__rif__/it/saper pianificare e lavorare per obiettividovrà gestire gli impegni di magazzino per la spedizione del materiale e la creazione di reportistiche ad hocavere conoscenza base di elettronica, informatica, meccanicaavere abilità nell’uso del telefono e del pacchetto office; è gradita la competenza nell’uso di un crml’azienda offre: contratto di assunzionedescrizione dell’attività: la persona inserita dovrà gestire l’assistenza remota al cliente per la risoluzione dei guasti e occuparsi della raccolta delle esigenze del cliente) per partecipare alla selezione candidarsi all’annuncio https://spacework

  • Siamo alla ricerca di un/a customer service che, inserito/a all'interno del team sales di dacom, azienda del gruppo esprinet leader nella distribuzione specializzata di prodotti e soluzioni per l’automatic identification and data capture (aidc), avrà modo di gestire l’intero ciclo dell’ordine a 360 gradi, dall’inserimento all’evasione dello stesso risolvendo eventuali problematiche e/o necessità ad essi connessi; avrà, inoltre, la possibilità di interfacciarsi con diverse strutture aziendali quali sales, marketing & logisticnello specifico si occuperà di: • assistenza diretta ai clienti b2b tramite telefonate, e-mail, chat per la tempestiva evasione degli ordini, fornendo risposte precise e puntuali alle richieste di informazioni su prodotti e/o assortimenti; • allineamento costante con gli stakeholders interni all'azienda, quali account, brand manager e dipartimento logistica per la risoluzione di eventuali criticità e/o domande da parte dei clienti; • inserimento ed aggiornamento degli ordini clienti; • fornire il necessario supporto al cliente, in ottica di customer centricity, raccogliendo e gestendo, inoltre, reclami ed eventuali problematicheabbiamo conquistato la leadership puntando sull’innovazione e sulla capacità dei nostri collaboratori di tendere a risultati eccellentila nostra vision è quella di semplificare la vita a persone e organizzazioni, ampliando e facilitando la distribuzione e la fruizione della tecnologia• comprovata esperienza di almeno 1 anno maturata nel ruolo c/o aziende strutturate; • buona conoscenza del pacchetto office, in particolare excel; • buona conoscenza della lingua inglese; • orientamento al cliente e al teamworking, ottime capacità relazionali e di comunicazione; • buone doti di ascolto e problem solving, capacità di mediazione e gestione dello stress; • la conoscenza di prodotti e soluzioni per l’automatic identification and data capture (aidc) sarà considerata un plusesprinet è un’azienda multinazionale leader in italia e spagna nella distribuzione "business-to-business" di information technology e consumer electronics a reseller it, var, system integrator, negozi specializzati, retailer e portali di e-commerce con circa rivenditori clienti, oltre 600 brand in portafoglio e 17 punti vendita (esprivillage) sul territorio nazionalesede di lavoro: cornaredo (mi)

  • ), per propria azienda cliente, operante in ambito it, è alla ricerca della seguente figura professionale: tecnico commerciale settore it• massima disponibilità a rimanere costantemente al passo con le innovazioni, aggiornandosi, sia su tematiche tecniche partecipando a corsi formativi e visitando fiere di settoremansioni: • contattare clienti attuali e potenziali per presentare i servizi e i prodotti offerti dall'azienda • preparare ed effettuare presentazioni tecniche spiegando i prodotti o servizi a clienti già presenti o potenziali • comprendere le richieste del cliente e consigliare i prodotti o servizi appropriati • gestire gli accordi di vendita, tenendo conto dei costi di installazione, consegna e manutenzione di attrezzature o servizi • raggiungere e superare i kpi per il territorio e le attività assegnate • tenere traccia delle attività di vendita e scrivere relativi rapporti requisiti richiesti: • esperienza nel ruolo di tecnico commerciale per aziende nel settore informatico (gestionali aziendali, assistenza software, stampanti multifunzione, toner e prodotti di consumo), svolta recentemente • diploma o laurea, meglio se in ambito informatico • esperienza in tecniche di vendita • massima capacità di autogestire e organizzare il proprio lavorogescolabor, società di ricerca e selezione di personale qualificato (autcompletano il profilo: • residenza o domicilio in provincia di vicenza o padova • zona operativa: padova-vicenza-verona • patente b, automunito • conoscere il territorio e il tessuto produttivo offerta: • retribuzione e inquadramento saranno discussi in fase di colloquio • la ricerca è aperta sia ad agenti con partita iva, che a candidati interessati a contratto dipendente • ottimi incentivi e bonus per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi sede di lavoro: • vicenza, con spostamento sul territorio

  • Biomedica, chimica, biologia, fisica ed elettronica con almeno 4 / 6 anni di esperienza nell’area serviceper il nostro cliente, azienda multinazionale leader nel settore dei dispositivi medici e strumentazione scientifica con prodotti di alta qualità e un eccellente customer service, per il rafforzamento della propria struttura dell’area service, ricerchiamo il seguente profilo: team leader service medical devices il candidato ideale ha preferibilmente una laurea triennale o cultura equivalente in ingriportando al service manager, avrà le seguenti responsabilità: garantire il miglior supporto al cliente (fornitura del livello di servizio, manutenzione preventiva, soluzioni di prodotto, rapporti con i clienti per la vendita dei servizi, servizi di laboratorio) attraverso un'efficace gestione delle risorse e, quando necessario, la presenza sul campo; assicurare la gestione delle risorse di assistenza sul field (team persone) per raggiungere gli obiettivi di fatturato e redditività; interfacciarsi periodicamente con il service delivery manager e /o regional manager per monitorare le performance dell’area, la customer satisfaction, il corretto utilizzo delle risorse e le opportunità di sviluppo del business; identificare key metrics e piani d’azione per approfondire la conoscenza dei clienti e coordinarsi con l’area sales per condividere e spingere al raggiungimento di soluzioni strategiche attraverso visite e incontri con i clienti; riportare il feedback del cliente al team per garantire che vengano intraprese adeguate azioni, condividendo le best practices con i team di assistenza; promuovere un’atmosfera di lavoro di squadra ed essere d’esempio per rafforzare le relazioni e le partnership con i clienti; stabilire kpi e obiettivi per i tecnici dell'assistenza, effettuando revisioni regolari, formando direttamente il personale e garantendo che vengano forniti formazione e sviluppo adeguati; promuovere lo sviluppo dei talenti attraverso un supporto e affiancamento attivoheadquarter: milanosi è occupato/a di riparazioni, manutenzione in loco, installazione di strumenti di laboratoriocompletano il profilo: forte orientamento al cliente e ai risultati, leadership, problem-solving e change management / capacità di innovazione, business e financial acumen, capacità di lavorare in teamdovendo presidiare tutto il territorio nazionale, verranno valutati candidati in tutta italiaha maturato inoltre un’esperienza di successo nella gestione di un teambuona conoscenza della lingua inglese

  • La risorsa dovrà occuparsi delle vendite e della gestione dei diversi canali dei clienti, si occuperà del customer care, di svolgere attività di marketing diretto e promozione di prodotti o attività commercialiagenzia per il lavoro, ricerca per azienda cliente, operante nel settore della produzione, stoccaggio, distribuzione e commercializzazione dei surgelati, con sede a striano (na), un “commerciale marketing" da inserire all’interno del proprio organicosiamo un’agenzia autorizzata dal ministero del lavoro e accreditata presso l’anpal (agenzia nazionale per le politiche attive del lavoro)sede aziendale: striano (na) il presente annuncio è rivolto ad entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi e , e a persone di tutte le età e tutte le nazionalità, ai sensi dei decreti legislativi e· diploma; · buon utilizzo del pc (pacchetto msoffice, gestionale aziendale, gestione e-mail); · conoscenza della lingua inglese; · residenza a striano (na) o zone limitrofe completano il profilo: · ottima capacità comunicativa e relazionale; · propensione alla vendita; · attitudine al rapporto con il cliente; · capacità di lavorare in team; · attitudine alla risoluzione dei problemi; · flessibilità e adattabilità; · capacità organizzative; · buona gestione del tempoin particolare ci occupiamo di intermediazione, di ricerca e selezione del personale, svolgendo attività di consulenza finalizzata all’individuazione di candidature idonee a ricoprire posizioni lavorative su specifico incarico del committente, e di supporto alla ricollocazione professionalecontratto offerto: tempo determinato con possibilità di proroga e stabilizzazione orario di lavoro: full timegesfor rappresenta un punto di riferimento nel mercato del lavoro, grazie alla conoscenza accurata del tessuto imprenditoriale nazionale, alla competenza acquisita nella gestione delle risorse umane e all’ organizzazione flessibile ed efficientesi dedicherà alla ricerca ed acquisizione di nuovi clienti ed all’ acquisizione di ordini in entrata

  • Opportunityjob srl ricerca per azienda cliente operante nel settore bancario operatori call centerrequisito preferenziale risulterà la maturata esperienza nel call center e nell' assistenza clienticontratto part-time o possibilità full-timeretribuzione ed inquadramento contrattuale commisurata all'esperienzaluogo di lavoro - lissone (provincia di monza e brianza) il candidato ideale con cui si desidera entrare in contatto possiede le seguenti caratteristiche: - propensione all'apprendimento e voglia di imparare; - ottime capacità comunicative; -equilibrio, energia/dinamismo/vivacità intellettuale, buone capacità relazionali e comunicative finalizzate al raggiungimento degli obbiettivi; - predisposizione a lavorare in team; -buona conoscenza dei principali strumenti informatici -orientamento al cliente, problem solving e alta motivazione al ruolo completano il profilola risorsa selezionata si occuperà del contatto telefonico e della gestione della documentazione, su un database profilato di clienti (che hanno già mostrato interesse per l'azienda) finalizzato alla promozione di servizi e assistenzalead profilatioffriamo: - formazione interna iniziale e continua

  • S&you, brand internazionale dedicato al professional staffing e alla ricerca e selezione di personale qualificato e di middle management, ricerca, per multinazionale produttrice di veicoli industriali, una figura di meccanico con patente c per gestione centro assistenza clienti la risorsa, che opererà presso customer service center aziendale, si occuperà di: - movimentazione interna dei mezzi (spostamenti, carichi su bisarche); - lavaggio mezzi e semplici interventi di manutenzione e riparazione; - controllo generale preluogo di lavoro: modena (mo)consegna ai clienti; - dimostrazioni ai clienti e demo tour; - organizzazione trasporti; - gestione aperture e chiusure plant; - emissione e gestione ddt, resi, carichi e scarichi, conto lavoro, ecc,; - consegna mezzi ai clienti (occasionalmente presso loro sedi)per lo svolgimento dell’attività lavorativa oggetto del presente annuncio è necessario il possesso del green passsi richiede: - patente di guida b e c; - esperienza pregressa come autista camion e/o meccanico in officina camion - dimestichezza con pc e ddt) sono invitati a leggere l'informativa privacy regolamento (ue) auta partire dal 15 febbraio , ai soggetti che hanno compiuto il 50° anno di età è richiesto il possesso del super green passi candidati ambosessi (lai sensi e per gli effetti del davranno canale preferenziale candidati con i seguenti requisiti: - conoscenza di macchinari industriali per il sollevamento; - formazione antincendio e primo soccorsosi offre assunzione a tempo indeterminato, con inquadramento e retribuzione commisurati all’esperienza maturata

  • Review and approve service hours and overtimereview projects and define sow for service teamresponds promptly to customer needs to meet commitmentsresponsibilities: manage all functions of the service departmentsassist customer care coordinator in resource identification and planningaligns organization and resources to deliver on customer commitmentsdevelop and deliver in-house training for service team including service procedures, company’s policies and procedures, and machine-specific trainingcustomer service:focuses on serving customers as the organization’s top priorityensure that service department has all necessary tools and equipmentmaintain customer satisfaction and company’s good standing through pre-service planning and post-service follow upreview service reports and ensure administration of reports and invoices on a timely basiswork in collaboration with the hr department to maintain best practices for service departmentmarchesini group usa, a leading supplier of aseptic, primary, and secondary automatic packaging equipment, is searching for an experienced service manager to manage our team of us technicians and their deployment on service projects as well as administration of the departmentindustry experience & tenure: 10 years’ field service experience and knowledge of pharmaceutical packaging equipment and 5 years in related management experiencecollaboration and teamwork: balances team and individual responsibilitiescompetencies: adaptability: adapts to changes in the work environmentthe marchesini group designs and builds stand-alone machines and customised lines for packaging pharmaceuticals and cosmeticsbrings strong network connections and relationshipsit was back in that massimo marchesini had the original idea of building packaging machines and built his first one in his garage at homeexpert communication: excellent verbal and written communication skillsplanning/organizing:: prioritizes and plans work activities while efficiently managing timemotivation:sets and achieves challenging goalswill not sponsor visasliaise with sales and after sales teams on upcoming projects and installssuperior people/customer relationship skills as well as strong interpersonal skillsgathers and analyses information skilfully and develops alternative solutionsunderstands needs, creates distinctive value, and builds meaningful relationshipsprovide feedback to management for department improvement and efficiencycreate detailed reports for upper managementdisplays orientation to profitabilitystrategic thinking: develops and implements strategic priorities to achieve organizational goalsadapts strategy to changing conditionsnotable requirements and considerations for position: applicant must have a pre-existing legal us work statusmanages competing demands and changes approach or method to best fit the situationinnovation: displays original thinking and creativity and meets challenges with resourcefulnesssalary: negotiable please email resume tomanage emergency calls and warranty workdemonstrates persistence and overcomes obstacles and measures self against standard of excellencework with management for tradeshow preparations and set upability to travel full benefits package including health, pension, 401k and paid vacation timeability to read and understand european blueprints and pneumatic diagramsa self-starter and team player who is motivated to succeeddriven to create value for customerslearning: curious, open-minded and an avid listener who welcomes broad input, criticism and feedbacksoftware proficiencies: microsoft o365 including excel, word, onedrive, outlook, powerpoint, project manager, sharepoint, teams, crm systemcontributes to building a positive team spiritmust be fluent in english – reading, writing and speaking must be fluent in italian – speaking must be able to read and understand european electrical schematics for new machine installation and troubleshootingtravel 50%+ high school diploma or general education degree (ged) and “industry experience & tenure” as outlinedproblem solving:identifies and resolves problems in a timely mannerpivotal experience & expertise functional experience: brings strong commercial experienceover the years, various companies that were complementary to his business merged and were even taken over, thus transforming the marchesini group from the once small local company to the impressive multinational enterprise it is today, capable of creating packaging technologies for the most important products of the pharma and beauty industriesdemonstrates an independent, results-driven work ethicpromote/sell maintenance programs to existing customersdemonstrates knowledge of market and competitionbusiness acumen: understands business implications of decisionsmaintain neat and orderly warehouse and workshopunderstands organization's strengths & weaknessesparticipate in interviewing and training of the new employees as well as coordination of training sessions accordinglyaligns work with strategic goalsanalyses market and competition and identifies external threats and opportunities

  • You will be taking responsibility for all administration through the vehicle rental lifecycle and play a key role in a busy office environment assisting to provide a prompt and professional service to customers and visitorsdo you enjoy working in a fast-paced environment? are you looking for a varied role, with a competitive salary, progression opportunities and be able to make your mark on a rapidly expanding business? if so, keep reading! we are looking for a knowledgeable and enthusiastic part time customer services advisor to join our team of like-minded individuals within the dash drive rental division of our companywhy should you work with us? no two days are the same… what are we looking for? organised with good attention to detail your communication and customer service skills are second to none there is a problem? you see this as a challenge waiting to be overcome! you understand the need to be flexible in your working hours to get the job done our commitment to you in return we offer a competitive salary as well as the opportunity to develop and grow your career to the next level and most importantly ensure you are happy as a much-valued member of the dash group team! hours of work: hours per week variable between monday - saturday salary: £10 per hour want to know more about the role? a full job description can be downloaded from the careers page on the dash group websitewe are a family run business based in redruth, our working environment is dynamic, fast-moving, and responsive to our client’s needs, but it’s not all work and no play here; we all work hard and take a lot of pride in what we achieve but also like to have fun too! keen to learn more about us? click here to explore our full range of servicesyou will assist us during an important period of organic growthwe are forward-thinking with a culture of continuous growth and improvement - in our products, services, and our peopleready to apply? upload your covering letter, previous salary details and cv to https://www

  • Il candidato scelto si occuperà delle seguenti mansioni: svolgimento delle attività assegnate in conformità agli sla concordati, garantendo qualità, puntualità, efficienza nel lavoro svolto, utilizzando strumenti, tecniche e competenze in modo appropriato, sulla base delle diverse casistiche operative da affrontare, utilizzando gli strumenti di ticket & task management aziendali gestione degli accounts & permission sui sistemi & servizi utilizzati in azienda, garantendo sempre i fondamentali principi di sicurezza supporto del responsabile it di gruppo su progetti specifici partecipazione all’implementazione di progetti di gruppo che coinvolgono le aziende italiane partecipazione all’integrazione delle aziende di nuova acquisizione il candidato ideale dovrà possedere le seguenti competenze: conoscenza dei sistemi operativi windows o superiore; windows server r2 o superiore; linux (server) conoscenza di microsoft sqlserver o superiore competenze di programmazione (c sharp; html; css; t-sql; asp mvc; bash) buona conoscenza del pacchetto office (suite office, excel, word, powerpoint) competenze in attività di customer service interno ed esterno titolo preferenziale: esperienza nel settore trasporti e logistica conoscenza minima della lingua inglese, parlata e scritta tipo di contratto: full time l'inquadramento e la retribuzione verranno valutate in fase di colloquio e commisurate alle effettive esperienze del candidatological job società specializzata in consulenza hr con un forte orientamento nella valorizzazione del capitale umano, ricerca per importante ufficio internazionale un impiegato it senior

  • Excellent management and interpersonal skills demonstrate a consistent focus on uncompromising performance and customer service5 hours between 8am and 8pm monday to friday, work will be split between home and office based in sheffield (s3 postcode area) offering a salary of upto £ per annum + ote successful applicants will be required to complete ccj/dbs and other background checks prior to starting employmentdevelop and maintain individual and team-based performance measurement systems to support the effective management of individual productivity, collection and revenue performanceassess telephone calls (live and retrospective) and system entries for quality, compliance and effectivenesswe work with some of the largest retail, banking and commercial businesses around the uk to help recover overdue debts and arrange payment solutions, helping people clear their debtsprovide formal and informal feedback to individuals as necessarycredit style is part of the bristow & sutor group – employing over 450 people, in debt recovery, throughout the ukas part of our ambitious growth plans, we are looking to strengthen our team based from offices just north of sheffield city centreassist the operations manager with the day-to-day management of the collections teams and the development of new processes and procedures previous experience in coaching and training collections teams with a proven track record of improving individual and collective performances is essentiallead performance improvement and personal development activity where necessarydevelop and monitor key performance indicators to provide timely management information to the operations manager and promote a proactive approach to under performanceset objectives in monthly reviews and take responsibility for the assessment timetablestrong it skills – we use different technologies and systems and need you to pick these up quickly this a full-time permanent role working 37provide training sessions to both individuals and groups

  • La risorsa inizialmente si occuperà delle attività di back office commerciale e del customer service per i clienti di lingua tedesca e, successivamente, si occuperà della gestione delle aziende clienti e delle trattative commercialila risorsa inizialmente si occuperà delle attività di back office commerciale e del customer service per i clienti di lingua tedesca e, successivamente, si occuperà della gestione delle aziende clienti e delle trattative commercialijob camere srl - agenzia per il lavoro- filiale di pieve di soligo cerca export manager junior con conoscenza della lingua tedesca per importante azienda del settore arredamento in zona pieve di soligojob camere srl - agenzia per il lavoro- filiale di pieve di soligo cerca export manager junior con conoscenza della lingua tedesca per importante azienda del settore arredamento in zona pieve di soligosi offre iniziale contratto a tempo determinato con prospettiva di assunzione a tempo indeterminatosi offre iniziale contratto a tempo determinato con prospettiva di assunzione a tempo indeterminato

  • Instant digital email delivery, with free english-speaking customer carebut, in case of doubt or issues, our free english-speaking customer service is always at your disposal ! all orders placed on mr key shop are covered by our full money-back warrantymr key shop is a cutting-edge company in the digital segment and our objective is to keep our customer satisfaction at the highest levels! heres why you can rely on us for your next storage server 2021 standard purchasewhat is included with my order for microsoft windows storage server 2012 standard placed on mr key shop? order microsoft windows storage server 2012 standard from mr key shop and save! at the end of the checkout, youll get the following directly in your inbox: - the license(s) for microsoft windows storage server 2012 standard you ordered (1 license per appliance) - official download link to the setup iso file for microsoft windows storage server 2012 standard - clear and accurate instructions to download, install and activate microsoft windows storage server 2012 standard on your storage appliance - invoice - free english-speaking customer service are you a reseller? offer your customer the best at the lowest price! if you are a reseller for products like windows storage server 2016 standard visit the mkreseller program page or mail us at sales@mrkeyshopwindows storage server 2012 standard features include: - active directory lightweight directory services (ad lds) - failover clustering - data deduplication - virtualization, with 2 vms - dynamic host configuration protocol (dhcp) - windows internet name service (wins) download microsoft windows storage server 2012 standard instantly download microsoft windows storage server 2012 standard after your order from mr key shop: we developed an instant delivery system designed to help you save time, one of your most valuable resourcesyoull be able to get your storage appliances up and running in no time and help us protect the environmentwork with mr key shop and grow your business! find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus supported hardware specs - architecture: x64 - pcu sockets: 2 per license - ram: up to 2tb - disks (count/interfaces/ raid types): unlimited/unlimited/unlimited - max user count: unlimited minimum system requirements processor: x64, 1youll obtain everything you need right away so that you can set up your storage appliance with no downtime: an official download link to the iso file for windows storage server 2012 standard, a 100% genuine license, and clear, accurate instructions allowing you to proceed with no external supportthis is another huge benefit of mr key shopwe do not ship physical goods, this way we reduce our footprint: mr key shop is eco-friendly, just like you! what licenses for microsoft windows storage server 2012 standard are available from mr key shop? mr key shop exclusively offers products with perpetual licenses, both for retail and business softwarepurchase microsoft windows storage server 2012 standard by purchasing microsoft windows storage server 2012 standard from mr key shop, youll save over the list price and be able to set up your storage appliance right away with our automated delivery systemwindows storage server 2012 standard offers a platform designed to build custom storage appliances with your hardware in mindmicrosoft windows storage server 2012 standard for business windows storage server is based on windows server system (in our catalog you can find windows server 2012 and all the other versions) and is optimized for nas devicesorder microsoft windows storage server 2012 standard from mr key shopyour license for microsoft windows storage server 2012 standard will be linked to your microsoft account, and you will be able to reinstall or restore your product with no further product keys to be boughtour official store and catalog only offer premium digital licenses, 100% genuine and legit, at very competitive pricescom and youll receive a custom price list as soon as possible4ghz ram: 512mb storage: 32gbdigital delivery is our core value that drove our instant delivery systemwe only offer genuine guaranteed licenses, with our full money-back warrantypurchase your licenses for microsoft windows storage server 2012 standard from mr key shop, obtain them immediately in your inbox, and save over costsinstall windows storage server 2012 standard in digital format you can install windows storage server 2012 standard within a few minutes from your order


    369989990234375 €

  • Furthermore, you can always count on our free english-speaking customer service and our full money-back warrantyreceive all you need instantly on your e-mail, with free, english-speaking customer service!why is mr key shop the best choice to purchase bitdefender total security 2023? our goal is to provide you with a premium service at the best price point1 product key for bitdefender total security 2023 - download link - clear and complete instructions to install and activate your product - english-speaking customer service, 100% free - invoice are you a reseller? join mkreseller now if you care about your business and look for premium and popular products, join mkreseller, our exclusive reseller programwe also want to do our part in reducing the environment caused by the transport of goods: purchasing your digital products and receiving them in your inbox, we can reduce the polluting agents and waste productionhere in mr key shop, we believe in a green world, help us make this dream true! what happens to my subscription if i need to format my computer or replace a device? initializing your devices, formatting a computer, or even replacing your machine are all unpleasant scenarios, but they may happen in your everyday lifeas long as you stay within the device limit of your plan, you can always reinstall bitdefender total security 2023 and access the app with your credentials5 mb of disk free spacecom for more info and a price list other bitdefender versions: bitdefender internet security - bitdefender antivirus plus - bitdefender antivirus for mac - bitdefender mobile security for android find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements operating systems windows 7 - windows 8 - windows 10 - windows 11 supported browsers internet explorer 11 or higher - firefox - google chrome - safari (only mac os and ios) - microsoft edge (based on chromium) - microsoft edge hardware 2gb ram for windows 7 and higher - 2fortunately, the product keys for bitdefender total security 2023 you purchase from mr key shop are bound to your accountmails us at sales@mrkeyshopfull security against zero-day attacks! purchase your genuine and guaranteed license from mr key shop, pay via secure transactions with a full money-back warrantybitdefender total security 2023 offers you all the key features of their popular antivirus, plus other utilities like a system optimization tool, a firewall to protect your network traffic, online monitoring via parental control, and, most importantly, the flexibility to install your software on windows, android, macos, and ios devicesprotect yourself against zero-day attacks, safeguard your familys online activities and keep your data safe from ransomware through multilayer protectionwindows operating systems and microsoft office suite are also available in our storecompatibility: pc - mac bitdefender total security 2023, effective and effortless! who said that an effective security system must be resource-intensive too? bitdefender total security 2023 has a minimal impact over your system performance, but protects you from ransomware, helping you monitor your familys online activities, children included, with enhanced tools against phishing, advanced threats like zero-day attacks, antispam systems, anti-theft, a vpn for your privacy and much morewhen you purchase your product key, in a few seconds you will receive an e-mail containing the instructions to download, install and activate your bitdefender total security 2023a full suite within a single multi-platform product you can use with all your home devicesprotect all your devices with a single productbuy bitdefender total security 2023purchase bitdefender total security 2023 buy and install bitdefender total security 2023, a comprehensive product that protects all your devices and platforms, with no impact on system performanceconvenient and easy! *visit our antivirus catalog to discover all the security suites available once i complete my bitdefender total security 2023 purchase from mr key shop, what will i get? the product is delivered within seconds directly via email, thus avoiding the environmental impact of shipping physical goodsupdate your pc with the latest version of windows 10, or windows 11 operating system and install microsoft office 2019 suite or microsoft office 2021 suite to bring the performance of your device to the topwere committed to offering quality products such as bitdefender total security 2023 via secure and guaranteed payment methods


    29989999771118164 €

  • All our licenses are genuine, with instant email delivery, and free english-speaking customer service purchase windows server 2019 device cals for your business windows server 2019 device cal licenses are available from mr key shops catalogdeploy windows server 2019 device cal in no time our team is committed to finding the best digital licenses at the lowest prices, as well as ensuring premium and fast serviceyou can choose your bundles including 1-50 licenses, if you are not sure about which and how many licenses you need, contact our technical support! once i order the windows server 2019 device cal licenses, what will i obtain? once you purchase windows server 2019 device cals, youll get an email with the following: - your windows server 2019 device cal licenses in the chosen bundle - clear and simple instructions to deploy and activate your cals - invoice - free english-speaking customer service are you a reseller? join mr key shops family! visit now the official page of mkreseller, the reseller program we have created for digital professionals like you, or send an email to sales@mrkeyshophowever, in case of issues or if you are not sure about the amount or type of cals you need to buy for your business, contact our free english-speaking customer support! with mr key shop, the digital world is on hand, even for windows server 2019 device cals for over 18 years, mr key shop has been the one-stop shop in the digital marketyou wont have to wait for the courier, avoiding all the physical transport systems inconveniences: no delays, no lost shipments! once you receive our email (within a few seconds from your purchase), youll be able to use your licenses with no downtimebuy windows server 2019 device cals for your business and save moneymr key shop offers you the benefit of saving over your digital licenses and receiving them within a few seconds from the purchase with our instant delivery systemsave over the price list and activate your digital licenses within a few seconds from your purchasewe are among the first businesses that believed in digital delivery for premium softwarepartner with us, offer your customers the best of the digital world at low prices, and grow your business! find more products in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server backup and recovery software: aomei - easeus system requirements visit the microsoft windows server 2019 page for the minimum system requirementsthis is the reason why were proud to be a 100% eco-friendly company! what are the cal licenses? why do i need windows server 2019 device cals? cals are the licenses you have to deploy to your customers or internal teams to let them access services and/or tools from your server instance with windows server 2019 runninghere you can buy your digital cals including 1-50 unitsdevice cal licenses are aimed at single devices, while user cals are allocated to discrete users with unique credentialssave up to 70% compared to other stores of first-party catalogsweve already delighted more than 350k customers around the world, with a rating of excellent on trustpilot: buy windows server 2019 device cals with confidence from mr key shop, save with our genuine and cost-effective digital licenses, pay via secure and ssl-encrypted methods (paypal, stripe, amazon, google, apple pay) with a full money-back warranty, and receive your orders within a few seconds from the purchaseour prices are unmatched, just like our digital delivery system: buy your device cal licenses for windows server 2019, stay within your budget, and cut downtimemr key shop lets you enjoy all the benefits of the digital world at unparalleled pricesbuy windows server 2019 device cals for your business and save time and money! warning: this page relates to the device cal licenses for microsoft windows server 2019once you complete your order, well send you an email with the windows server 2019 device cal license bundle you ordered, including accurate and yet simple instructions you can follow with no further helpif youre looking for user cals, visit this pagediscover mr key shops catalog, including windows 11 professional, office 2021 professional, and microsoft sql server 2019com for your tailor-made price listorder and activate windows server 2019 device cals within a few seconds speed, professionalism, and reliability are three pillars that drive mr key shop in all our effortsif you need a license for windows server 2019, click herethis way, only authorized users or devices will be able to use such featuresenjoy now all the benefits of mr key shop: competitive prices, secure payments, and a full money-back warrantythis is our value system, furthermore, our digital ethics are bound to our ecological culture: we have ditched real-world transport since our inception, therefore we can cut pollution and waste


    9998999786376953 €

  • Bcha are committed to delivering on our customer engagement strategy and need someone to lead the organisation on a journey with a diverse customer basewe are looking for someone to drive change across the whole organisation putting the customer at the heart of everythingcustomer engagement is central to bcha’s work and we are committed through our 5-year business plan to improving how we engage and involve individuals who use our servicesthis is great opportunity to; lead the work to better understand our customers enabling us to meet our objective of better outcomes for customers by creating better homes, better communities and better lives develop an insight-driven approach, encourage curiosity and innovation to identify service improvements and lead positive changebe driven and motivated to deliver the strategy for customer engagement have knowledge of housing or care sector enjoy working in a diverse and sometimes complex organisation confident and inspiring to our customers be able to work collaboratively with stakeholders across the organisation be resilient, have a positive attitude and be solutions focused organised, with good time management skills to prioritise and achieve objectives be a strategic thinker & financially astute to achieve the business plans have excellent communication skills, written and verbal able to problem solve, analyse options and make confident decisions have experience working in a customer engagement roleprovide modern, relevant and accessible services for customers build strong relationships with customers, earning their trust and respect utilise technology to execute campaigns to drive customer engagement rationalise and improve the specialist platforms to enable customers to have their say work with a fully committed board and executive team drive change across the whole organisation and positively impact our customers experience of the organisationour overall aim is to ‘deter unsuitable applicants from applying for roles with children and adults, and we will ensure that all candidates are treated fairly, consistently and in compliance with current legislationbcha is a south west based charitable housing association with a continuing mission to meet housing need and end homelessnessrepresent our customers at all levels within the organisation work for an organisation that offers flexible working arrangements bcha safer recruitment: safeguarding children and adults is our first priority and we will ensure we follow safer recruitment proceduresbcha is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of people, and expects all employees and volunteers to share this commitment closing date: 8th may by 12 noonwe have properties across the south west providing affordable homes and temporary accommodation to a wide range of individuals, supporting them to lead independent, fulfilled lives and experience in a ‘technical property services’ environmentas an employer, we will do everything possible to prevent unsuitable people obtaining employment with bcha

  • Ssl-secured payments and a full money-back warranty are just some of the benefits of our store, which also offers free english-speaking customer service buy microsoft sql server 2019 standard/2core you can buy microsoft sql server 2019 standard from mr key shop and immediately obtain your 100% genuine license to get to work to your relational database within a few minutes from your purchaseno further license to be bought, a huge benefit for your budget! what will i get when i order microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core from mr key shop? ordering microsoft sql server 2019 from mr key shop is the best choice: youll save money and time! and youll get immediately all you need via email: - your license(s) for microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core - official download link to the setup iso file for microsoft sql server 2019 - clear and accurate guidance to download, install and activate microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core - invoice - free english-speaking customer service are you a reseller? offer the best products at the best prices! if you resell software like microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core, join our reseller program mkreseller, or mail us now at sales@mrkeyshopwork with mr key shop and grow your business! find more products for your business in mr key shops catalog windows operating systems: windows 11 - windows 10 - windows 8 - windows 7 microsoft office suites: office 2021 - office 2019 - office 2016 - office 2013 - office 2010 - office for mac antivirus: kaspersky - eset - mcafee - avast - bitdefender - norton vpn e backup & recovery: vpn for pc - vpn for mac - vpn for mobile - backup and recovery software - aomei microsoft server: windows server - windows server cal - windows server rds cal - microsoft sql server system requirements operating system: windows 10, windows 7, windows 7 service pack 1, windows 8, windows 8warning ! microsoft sql server 2019 standard is also available in 2 core versionwhen you add your product to the cart, ensure to select microsoft sql server 2019 standard or microsoft sql server 2019 standard 2 core according to your specific needs! for example, if you need licenses for more servers, you can buy the 2 core package that you can use to assign two licenses for two different servershowever, in case of doubt, questions, or issues, contact our technical support, always at your disposal for free and in english ! furthermore, all orders placed on mr key shop are covered by our full money-back warrantyour instant delivery system allows you to use sql 2019 with no hasslecom to get a personalized price listfor over 18 years, our company has served and helped more than 350k customers, offering premium software products at competitive pricesinstall microsoft sql server 2019 standard/2 core in digital format mr key shop is an affirmed and reliable brand in the digital marketmr key shop is a 100% eco-friendly company! what licenses for microsoft sql server 2019 standard/2 core are available from mr key shop? mr key shops catalog is only covered by perpetual licensesyoull receive everything via email, including your 100% genuine and guaranteed licenseat the platform level, you can work with different development languages, data types, operating systems, and processing environments, both locally and in the cloudbuy microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core from mr key shops catalog and get your 100% guaranteed license with instant digital deliverydigital delivery ensures that your orders are sent within a few seconds from your purchaseyou can rely on mr key shop with confidence and obtain the best business software, like microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core: you will stay within your budget and cut downtimedatabase in memory for unparalleled performance and scalability youll also benefit from many more features: buy and download microsoft sql server 2019 now for your business, enjoy all its enhancements, and save over the suggested price! download microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core buying from mr key shop means downloading microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core within a few seconds from the transactionthe 2019 standard edition of microsoft sql server (or 2 core) brings several new features, including: - scalable big data solution - data virtualization with polybase - smart database: sql server features improve performance and scalability across all db workloads without altering application or database designsyou wont have to wait for the courier - just go to your inbox, follow the instructions, and proceed to download, install and activate your product1, windows server 2008 r2, windows server 2008 r2 sp1, windows server 2012, windows server 2012 r2, windows server 2019 standard/datacenter processor: x64 (amd opteron, amd athlon 64, intel xeon supporting intel em64t, intel pentium iv with em64t support) ram: at least 1gb (recommended 4gb) storage: at least 6gbpurchasing microsoft sql server 2019 standard or 2 core, you wont have any expiry date for your licenses, since they wont be linked to a single set of hardwareyoull instantly obtain the download link and complete instructions allowing you to download and activate sql server in no timeif you need to reinstall or restore your seat, just reuse your credentialsfurthermore, we can protect the environment from pollution and waste, because we wont ship any physical goodsmicrosoft sql server 2019 standard/2 core per business microsoft sql server 2019 standard is the latest development of sql server, even more performing and functional for businesses like yours


    689989990234375 €

  • To include duties such as: • ensuring close cooperation & planning with the engineering department for planned outage of machinery or yard space for maintenance purposes • liaise with shipping lines, agents and authorities to ensure fluid movement of vessels into and out of the port considering both financial and commercial impact of the business key responsibilities & accountabilities: • excellent customer service skills with the ability to communicate to all levels of the business • ensure vessel & rail plan maintained, running seven-day berthing plan, constantly updated as changes occur• rail scheduling to be updated in xps ensuring a minimum of 2 weeks advance data available • focal point for the day to day scheduling of vessel movements • cost focused, in conjunction with planning manager, balancing commercial reasoning with cost when deploying labour & thus ensuring the operation is run efficiently with cost per box kept within budget • gain an understanding on the planned maintenance schedule and agree what engineer department what can be released on a day to day basis • build excellent rapport with internal customers, shipping lines, vessel agencies, harbor authority and other key stakeholders • request vessel move-count information & crane splits in advance, allowing accurate labour ordering to minimise disruption to operations and cost • discuss the current and next day berth plans at the daily operations briefings • gain a full understanding of navis ship editor and be responsible for managing the ship structure (nsd file) library • ensure that required management information and statistics are maintained and available • ordering of reefer sub-contract labour on a day to day basis • send advance plan on a daily basis, of equipment outages that will impact the execution team • to be an ambassador for the company always, internally and externally • a degree in a numerate subject • marne certificate of competency or equivalent industry experience • sound knowledge of terminal operations • proficient in navis n4, xps, ms word and ms excel • effective customer service skills to deliver exceptional standards, whilst aligning with terminal objectives • excellent interpersonal, influencing and communications skills, due to close contact with customers • excellent planning and organisational skills, with a high level of attention to detail • solid negotiation skills when dealing with customers • generous annual leave allowance (25 days – excluding bank holidays) • attractive annual bonus schemeclashes to be discussed with relevant operations managementthey are to consider the financial, commercial & operational factors, as well as ensuring compliance with safetyberth planning to take account of commercial obligationsyou will receive cover for all kinds of treatments including eye care and dentistry, specialist consultations, x-ray etc • 4 x salary life assurance – creating financial security for you and your family • 2 onsite gyms / showers facilities • onsite catering facilities • regular family events(10 %) • flexible benefits platform allowing you to pick and choose the benefits that suit you • professional membership subscription - fee paid for by us • health cash plan – low-cost insurance package that provides cash back towards healthcare bills and a wide range of other wellbeing benefitsan exciting opportunity has arisen within our operations department for a berth planner, to be based out of london gateway in stanford-le-hope, essexdp world in the uk is at the heart of britain’s trading future, providing the right trading infrastructure, smart logistical solutions and the benefits of freeport status to our customersreporting to the vessel & rail superintendent, the berth planner will ensure an effective terminal berth plan is delivered, in conjunction with planning manager, for the efficient execution of terminal operations

  • Handling of customer and supplier debt and disconnection issuesongoing and proactive management of customer issues and escalations through effective case management ensuring that clients are kept updated on case status ensuring excellent client satisfactionyour role as client services advisor in our data integrety team is to review and resolve queries relating to our clients property and asset data, achieving 100% client satisfaction across all areas of client service deliveryhit apply or equally if you would like more information contact our talent teamthis role is based at our lytham office – there will be the opportunity for hybrid working where you may work part of the week in the office and part of the week from home upon successful completionsalary: £21k pa benefits: annual pay related appraisals 23 days holidays plus bank holidays, raising by extra day each year to max 28 days (option to buy and sell holidays) flexible working with the option to work from office / home location early finish friday free onsite parking subsidised costa coffee onsite canteen employee development programmes refer a friend scheme upto £ benefits platform - gym membership, cycle to work, retail discounts plus many more fan club awards – employee recognition programme – winners get £250 of vouchers every quarter closing date: 26th april did you know inenco offers many varied and interesting roles: energy, trading, analysis, consultancy, finance, sales, sustainability and compliancesend your cv to and we will be in touch to discuss our opportunitieskey tasks will include: case management resolving client queries ensuring excellent client satisfactioninbound call and email handling and query resolution case queue management, triaging and delegating cases to other team members where applicablehandling change of tenancy(cot) requests including, completion of missing data on forms ensuring that these are complete and accurate for the cot team to processour customers include leading organisations across sectors from manufacturing to hospitality and retail to logisticsfor further information please download the job description attached belowthe successful candidate will be able to demonstrate the below: intermediate energy industry experience and knowledge an advantage strong communication skills – verbal and written to articulate to the client confident in liaising with internal and external stakeholders advanced excel user confident user of in house systems strong problem solving skills ability to keep calm under pressure and balance multiple workstreams adaptability & willingness to learn a can-do attitude numerical aptitude if this role sounds like your next career move, we want to hear from youthis gives us the expertise and insight to help successfully control costs, improve margins, achieve regulatory compliance and protect operational resiliencewe also support the delivery of public sector services with a particular focus on health, social housing and educationinenco has over 50 years of consultancy experience working in energy and utilities management; responding to the changing needs of our customersthis can be discussed further at interviewresolution of standard invoice validation cases passed from data and invoice management teams ensuring net savings are accepted

  • Main duties handling customer enquiries freight quotations taking bookings arranging cargo collections liaising with clients, overseas agents and internal departments trailer load planning dealing with internal & external transport raising files maintaining accurate administrative records resolving and managing queries and complaints courteously and efficiently ensuring site and customer objectives are achieved respond to and deal with customer communication by email and telephonerequired hours of work monday to friday till hour lunch break experience / skills background within logstics or transport background within international logistics import export desired strong administration skills computer literate – understanding of word and excel, and a keen attitude to learn tailor made systems good communication skills and telephone manner ability to work under pressure and to be able to prioritise a busy work schedule high level of customer service ability to work as part of a busy team ability to work on own initiative salary and benefits salary depending on level of experience 31 days annual holiday, including bank holidays contributory pension scheme on-site parking employee assistance programmesimarco worldwide logistics is a family-owned business that was established inwe currently have a vacancy in our operations department for a import/export clerk at our gloucester sitewe have a dedicated team of staff who have experience in providing tailored logistic, freight, distribution, and warehousing services to companies of all sizes and across all industry sectors, throughout the uk, europe and worldwide

  • Main duties handling customer enquiries freight quotations taking bookings arranging cargo collections liaising with clients, overseas agents and internal departments trailer load planning dealing with internal & external transport raising files maintaining accurate administrative records resolving and managing queries and complaints courteously and efficiently ensuring site and customer objectives are achieved respond to and deal with customer communication by email and telephonestrong administration skills computer literate – understanding of word and excel, and a keen attitude to learn tailor made systems good communication skills and telephone manner ability to work under pressure and to be able to prioritise a busy work schedule high level of customer service ability to work as part of a busy team ability to work on own initiative salary and benefits salary depending on level of experience 31 days annual holiday, including bank holidays contributory pension scheme on-site parking employee assistance programmesimarco worldwide logistics is a family-owned business that was established inrequired hours of work monday to friday till hour lunch break unpaid experience / skills background within logstics or transport desired but not essentialwe currently have a vacancy in our operations department for a trainee euroopean logistics operative at our gloucester sitewe have a dedicated team of staff who have experience in providing tailored logistic, freight, distribution, and warehousing services to companies of all sizes and across all industry sectors, throughout the uk, europe and worldwide

  • Agenzia per il lavoro, ricerca per azienda cliente, operante nel settore della produzione, stoccaggio, distribuzione e commercializzazione dei surgelati, con sede a striano (na), un “responsabile marketing” da inserire all’interno del proprio organicocompletano il profilo: · capacità di interazione e comunicazione scritta/orale; · flessibilità; · attitudine alla risoluzione dei problemi; · capacità di leadership; la risorsa si occuperà di intrattenere rapporti interni con il reparto commerciale, customer service, direttori commerciali, e rapporti esterni con stampa, clienti, agenzie di grafica e pubblicità, oltre che organizzatori fiere ed eventisiamo un’agenzia autorizzata dal ministero del lavoro e accreditata presso l’anpal (agenzia nazionale per le politiche attive del lavoro)in particolare ci occupiamo di intermediazione, di ricerca e selezione del personale, svolgendo attività di consulenza finalizzata all’individuazione di candidature idonee a ricoprire posizioni lavorative su specifico incarico del committente, e di supporto alla ricollocazione professionalegesfor rappresenta un punto di riferimento nel mercato del lavoro, grazie alla conoscenza accurata del tessuto imprenditoriale nazionale, alla competenza acquisita nella gestione delle risorse umane e all’ organizzazione flessibile ed efficienterequisiti richiesti: · laurea in marketing, comunicazione e affini; · esperienza pregressa nel ruolo di almeno 2 anni; · conoscenza della lingua inglese scritta e parlata; · buon utilizzo pacchetto ms office; · disponibilità a trasferte per eventi e fiere aziendali; · residenza a striano (na) o zone limitrofealtre informazioni: contratto offerto: tempo determinato con possibilità di stabilizzazione; orario di lavoro: full time; sede aziendale: striano (na) il presente annuncio è rivolto ad entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi e , e a persone di tutte le età e tutte le nazionalità, ai sensi dei decreti legislativi esi occuperà, inoltre, della gestione del budget, della definizione delle strategie e del piano marketing

  • Con il nostro expertise in customer service, vendita e marketing face-to-face, i nostri team lavorano per portare a compimento le proprie funzioni in supporto di tutti quegli enti umanitari dei quali sposiamo la missionla nostra organizzazione fa inoltre parte di un network di 700 aziende presenti su tutto il territorio nazionale ed internazionale (russia, brasile, cina, usa, canada, hong kong, asia, europa), legate ad una multinazionale con esperienza pluridecennale nel settoreviene fondata agli inizi del grazie all’impegno di un giovane imprenditore che, dopo aver conseguito una brillante carriera presso una multinazionale specializzata nel direct marketing, ha raggiunto la sfera manageriale fondando la propria aziendain mediterraneo, crediamo e per questo investiamo nelle personeun team di esperti, supporterà tutti i nuovi collaboratori tramite una formazione aziendale costante e gratuita, teorica e pratica sul prodotto, sulle strategie di marketing e di comunicazioneun ambiente giovane, dinamico e solidale per tutti i nostri partnersi richiede: · buona padronanza della lingua italiana; · capacità di team working e leadership; · problem solving; · attitudine alla vendita; · domicilio a milano e/o provincia; · disponibilità immediatanon richiediamo esperienza pregressadato l'alto numero di candidature ricevute, verrà data priorità ai candidati in linea con i requisiti richiestida quel giorno, mediterraneo marketing ha realizzato campagne per l’acquisizione di donatori di alta qualità per i nostri clienti charity, tra i quali vantiamo organizzazioni come save the children, unhcr (alto commissariato onu per i rifugiati), wwf e telethon italiamediterraneo marketing è un’azienda specializzata nella pianificazione, nel management e nell’esecuzione di campagne marketing finalizzate al fundraising per i più importanti operatori umanitariselezioniamo un candidato con propensione al contatto con il pubblico per gestire, all'interno di negozi e centri commerciali, campagne promozionali e pubblicitarie, garantendo proattività e capacità relazionalicrediamo in un approccio innovativo, collaborativo e incentrato sulla persona, offrendo: - opportunità di carriera per i nostri collaboratori, con possibilità di ricoprire ruoli manageriali

  • Addetto/a vendite, receptionist, hostess, steward, call center, volantinaggio, volontariato, cassiere/a, commesso/a, cameriere/a, assistete di sala, attività sportive di squadra, assistenza alla clientela, customer service) e diploma in materie umanistiche/sociali e/o laurea in marketing e comunicazioneil/la candidato/a ideale possiede: - predisposizione al contatto diretto col pubblico; - ottime doti comunicative e relazionali; - forte motivazione; la risorsa, formata e supportata, si occuperà delle campagne di marketing dei nostri clienti - le più importanti realtà nel settore charity - rivolgendosi a diversi target di persone) costituirà titolo preferenziale ma non indispensabile aver maturato esperienza a c ontatto con il pubblico / la clientela – anche breve (esl’attività di informazione & promozione sarà svolta in team/gruppi e a diretto contatto col pubblico in location autorizzate di forte affluenza (centri commerciali, eventi e fiere, stazioni, catene della gdo, piazze e street cittadine, etcnecessario domicilio a milano e disponibilità di almeno 3 giorni pieni a settimana (diamo priorità a chi offre disponibilità a tempo pieno)loa - realtà di direct marketing - seleziona addetti al marketing per ampliamento dell’organico interno, su milano

  • Addetto/a vendite, receptionist, hostess, steward, call center, volantinaggio, volontariato, cassiere/a, commesso/a, cameriere/a, assistete di sala, attività sportive di squadra, assistenza alla clientela, customer service) e diploma in materie umanistiche/sociali e/o laurea in marketing e comunicazioneil/la candidato/a ideale possiede: - predisposizione al contatto diretto col pubblico; - ottime doti comunicative e relazionali; - forte motivazione; la risorsa, formata e supportata, si occuperà delle campagne di marketing dei nostri clienti - le più importanti realtà nel settore charity - rivolgendosi a diversi target di persone) costituirà titolo preferenziale ma non indispensabile aver maturato esperienza a c ontatto con il pubblico / la clientela – anche breve (esl’attività di informazione & promozione sarà svolta in team/gruppi e a diretto contatto col pubblico in location autorizzate di forte affluenza (centri commerciali, eventi e fiere, stazioni, catene della gdo, piazze e street cittadine, etcrealtà di direct marketing - seleziona brand ambassador per ampliamento dell’organico interno, su padovanecessario domicilio a padova o vicinanze e disponibilità di almeno 3 giorni pieni a settimana (diamo priorità a chi offre disponibilità a tempo pieno)

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