Balance sheet of two divisions

Elenco balance sheet of two divisions

  • Fondato nel 2014 da josef fares, regista e creatore del gioco pluripremiato brothers: a tale of two sonsaffronta il viaggio più pazzesco della tua vita in it takes twoit takes two it takes two supporta la tecnologia smart delivery: acquistandolo una volta sola, potrai giocare sia su xbox one, sia su xbox series x|sit takes two è sviluppato dal pluripremiato studio hazelight, leader nel settore del gioco cooperativogameplay fuori dagli schemi: da aspirapolveri fuori controllo ad affascinanti guru damore; con it takes two non sai mai cosa dovrai affrontareit takes two supporta la tecnologia smart delivery: acquistandolo una volta sola, potrai giocare sia su xbox one, sia su xbox series x|sit takes two supporta la tecnologia smart delivery: acquistandolo una volta sola, potrai giocare sia su xbox one, sia su xbox series x|sscegli il co-op locale o online con il gioco in split-screen, e affronta sfide sempre nuove in cui la collaborazione sarà lunica via duscitaunisci le forze e parti in compagnia per unavventura che ricorderai per sempreinsieme, intrappolati in un mondo fantastico in cui gli imprevisti si celano dietro ogni angolo, dovranno superare ogni sfida per salvare la propria relazione in pericoloincontra un gruppo di variegati personaggi teneri e bizzarripadroneggia al meglio le abilità uniche e conesse dei personaggi in ogni nuovo livellouna storia universale sulle relazioni: scopri una storia toccante e sentita sulle sfide del vivere in armoniahazelight intende sfidare i limiti creativi di ciò che è considerato possibile fare nei videogiochivivrete una storia toccante e affronterete una miriade di sfide divertentissimescopri esperienze di gioco innovative e indimenticabili, pensate da sviluppatori creativi che amano incantare e ispirareinvita un amico a giocare gratis con il pass amici**, collaborate per superare numerose sfide incredibili con un gameplay fuori dagli schemiparti per la più folle avventura della tua vita con it takes two, unavventura platform che rivoluziona il genere, creata appositamente per il co-opnel 2018, hazelight ha rilasciato a way out, vincitore del bafta, il primo gioco di azione e avventura ad essere esclusivamente co-op, facente parte del programma ea originalsimmergiti in questa storia toccante e divertente, in cui la narrazione e il gameplay sono strettamente legati in unesperienza metaforica unica nel suo generericco di sfide innovative e nuove abilità personaggio da scoprire ad ogni livello, vivrai una fusione metaforica tra gameplay e narrazione che sfiderà i limiti dello storytelling interattivocaratteristiche principali: la perfezione del co-op: invita un amico a giocare gratis con il pass amici**, e vivi unemozionante avventura creata appositamente per due personeinformazioni su ea originals: ea originals aiuta portare alla ribalda alcuni degli studi di videogiochi più appassionati, indipendenti e talentuosi al mondocombatti contro le code pelose di scoiattoli gangstar, pilota un paio di mutandoni, fai il dj in una discoteca ronzante, e guida una slitta dentro un globo di neve magicogioca nei panni di cody e may, una coppia ai ferri corti, due esseri umani che un incantesimo ha trasformato in bamboleti porterà in un viaggio folle e incredibile dove avrai solo una certezza: insieme siamo miglioriinvita un amico a giocare gratuitamente con il pass amici**aiutatevi per superare una lunga serie di ostacoli imprevedibili e momenti esilarantiinformazioni su hazelight: hazelight è uno studio di videogiochi indipendente pluripremiato con sede a stoccolma, in sveziaaiuta cody e may a scoprire come superare le proprie differenze


    27399999618530273 €

  • Le parole dordine per il nuovo call of duty saranno realismo, autenticità e intensità cinematograficacall of duty® torna alle origini ed è ambientato nel più grande conflitto bellico della storia e dove tutto è iniziato, la seconda guerra mondialecall of duty: wwii riporta il franchise alle sue origini con unemozionante storia che celebra lindimenticabile eroismo dei soldati che hanno combattuto insieme in una guerra che ha cambiato il mondo per sempreil multiplayer di call of duty: wwii porta ai giocatori i frenetici combattimenti piedi a terra, ambientati in alcuni dei luoghi più iconici della seconda guerra mondiale, con un arsenale di armi originali dellepocail multiplayer presenta inoltre un nuovo approccio per la creazione del personaggio e delle classi chiamata divisions; war, una nuova modalità storia per il gioco in multiplayer; headquarters, unarea social inedita in cui i giocatori di call of duty possono interagire e socializzare fra lorola nuova modalità nazi zombies cooperativa invece, avrà una storia che promette alte dosi di adrenalinail team ha concentrato ogni suo sforzo nel valorizzare leroismo e il sacrificio dei soldati impegnati nella seconda guerra mondialeuna storia avvincente e una modalità multiplayer estremamente innovativa metteranno i giocatori nei panni di soldati che hanno combattuto per la libertà, in un mondo sullorlo della tiranniacon una grafica e un sound mozzafiato, i giocatori sbarcheranno sulle spiagge della normandia durante il d-day, marceranno attraverso la francia per liberare parigi ed infine avanzeranno verso la germania per alcune delle battaglie più epiche di tutti i tempilo stato dellarte dei giochi di guerra sulla seconda guerra mondiale include inoltre nazi zombies, una nuova modalità cooperativa con una storia originale creata appositamenteoltre al ritorno con i piedi per terra, il multiplayer offre nuove modalità di gioco e innovazioni significative sul fronte del gameplay, e le mappe saranno ambientate in luoghi estremamente iconiciil nuovo titolo di activision è un accurato ritratto della seconda guerra mondiale, vista dalla prospettiva della 1° divisione fanteria, a cui fa da contorno una varietà di altri personaggii giocatori attraverseranno leuropa per una missione di vitale importanza per il successo degli alleati


    32 €

  • Purpose of the role within this framework, weworld-gvc seeks to recruit a project manager to and lead the implementation of the two projectsjoining the weworld-gvc team means being part of the development of a dynamic organisation where the contribution of each staff member is promoted and valued, working together towards the collective achievement of shared goals and visionimplementation of other specific tasks assigned by the line manager and preparation and transmission of additional information requested by hq)weworld-gvc, recently constituted from the merger of two ngos, is an italian secular and independent organization working since in international cooperation and humanitarian aidunder the direct line management of the head of programmes/program manager, the project manager will be responsible for successfully implementing weworld-gvc’s components of the projects, in close cooperation with the project partners and the consortium coordinators, beneficiaries, and stakeholdersposition: project manager – water development reporting to: head of programmes/program manager collaborating with: water advisor, senior hydraulic engineer, and support departments managing: field team of 5-6 individuals location: lebanon, bekaa, zahle office with frequent visit to field areas type of contract: a first 3 (three) month collaboration contract subject to verification of the achievement of specific objectives (these objectives will be agreed together with the country representative upon arrival on assignment); a second collaboration contract of 9 (nine) months renewable, following the positive evaluation of the first three months of contract starting date: asap gross salary: to be defined according to the candidate’s profile application deadline: 25 april working context weworld-gvc started operating in lebanon in and has refined its water governance program for over seven yearscurrently is implementing two multi-year water projects supporting public water and wastewater services through funding by afd and eu-madadweworld-gvc works mostly with girls, boys, women and youth, actors of change in every community for a fairer and more inclusive worldsupports people overcoming emergencies and guarantees a life with dignity, opportunities and a better future through human and economic development programs, in the framework of the agendamain functions and duties projects management (70%) plan and supervise the implementation of projects’ activities ensuring effective delivery in line with all donors’ regulations, lebanese legislation and professional standards ensure satisfactory management of project budgets in collaboration with finance and logistics conduct procurement processes in collaboration with the logistics and finance department closely monitor the contracted works and directly liaise with the consultants and contractors initiate and conduct assessments, baseline surveys, beneficiaries satisfaction surveys and end line surveys ensuring stakeholder participation plan and supervise the implementation of communication and behavioural change campaigns monitor and assess the progress of implementation of activities and devise corrective measures as and when required, ensure that project impact is maximized and lessons learnt are continuously documented and shared ensure timeliness and accuracy of internal and external reporting, in collaboration with the meal department communication, coordination and representation (15%) ensure effective coordination with support departments establish and maintain networks with operational and institutional interlocutors involved in the realization of the project represent weworld-gvc at relevant public, coordination and representation meetings involving local stakeholders, authorities, international agencies and ngos prepare visits of donor representatives / hq visitors / other stakeholders whenever requested participate in all consortium relevant meetings, as well as relevant sector meetings or other relevant coordination bodies in the target areas team management and hr (15%) ensure the appropriate staffing of the project, planning and implementing specific actions to recruit, manage and motivate staff ensure that directly line managed staff have clearly defined objectives, understand their responsibilities and receive meaningful feedback on their performance provide support and advice to project staff, ensuring clarity over project plans and priorities and encouraging effective teamwork establish and maintain a collaborative and high performing working environmentother tasks provide inputs for the update weworld-gvc strategies, by conducting needs assessments when relevant contribute to the development of competitive and responsive project proposals the duties and responsibilities set forth above are not exhaustive and the role holder may be required to perform additional duties (iessential requirements qualifications and knowledge advanced university degree or equivalent in the field of water management, development studies, project management fluency in written and spoken english professional experience at least 4 years of experience in project management in development programs proven experience with impact-driven implementation of activities and team management, as well as logistics, meal and budgeting for programs above 1 m eur skills and abilities strong interpersonal relationships and good communication and leadership skills ability to perform under stress condition capacity to work autonomously and in problems prevention/resolution proven organizational skills and ability to effectively manage multiple tasks while fostering quality, team spirit and positive working relationships with colleagues integrity in line with the humanitarian principles and ethical standards cultural, gender, religion, and age sensitivity and adaptability strong commitment to weworld-gvc mission desirable requirements previous experience in lebanon or in the middle east previous experience in water programs availability to commit for a long-term deploymentpresent in 29 countries with 128 projects, weworld-gvc operates in the following areas of assistance: human rights (gender equality, prevention and combating violence against children and women, migration), humanitarian aid (prevention, emergency relief and rehabilitation), food security, access to water, health and hygiene, education, global citizenship education, quality teaching and international volunteeringits approach is three-folded, and builds on (i) infrastructural interventions to improve service delivery, (ii) capacity building to water establishments’ local offices, and (iii) community engagement to promote water accountability and public participationat present, the main donors are italy (aics), the eu (dg echo), unicef, ocha, and belgium (dgd)

  • Heating consists of a wood stove and two fireplacesgarabiolo is part of the municipality of maccagno con pino and veddascathere are also stairs connecting the two unitsconnected with a staircase there is a ground area consisting of two small rooms with a small balcony overlooking the valleyper visite chiamare 3474229948 the property consists of an independent village house, two minutes walk from the main road, on 3 floorson the upper floor there is a three-room apartment, composed of a kitchen with fireplace, (north side), living room, bedroom overlooking lake maggiore and a bathroomin garabiolo there is an international community of people who have elected the country as a secondary residence or retired from germagna, holland, denmark and switzerlanda garabiolo esiste una comunità internazionale di persone che hanno eletto il paese a dimora secondaria o pensionati provenienti da germania, olanda, danimarca e svizzerariscaldamento indipendente a pelletthe gas supply is already on the nearroad and the connection can easily be madeha un clima molto mite, grazie alla montagna alle spalle che la protegge dai venti, e dalla insolazione per tutto il giorno verso la vallata e il lago maggioregarabiolo fa parte del comune di maccagno con pino e veddasca, in provincia di varese, nella regione lombardiala zona è ben esposta al sole, e si colloca tra le cime delle montagne e il lagoe' in corso di ristrutturazione, con interventi dii risparmio energeticothe house has been partially renovated, the upper part must be finisheddista 34 km e mezz'ora da locarnoclasse prevista ala casa ha la facciata nuova, e rappresenta l'architettura naturale dei luoghion the ground floor there is a large living room with fireplace and terrace, the kitchen and a bathroomit can be transformed into the bedrooms area by obtaining 3 bedrooms with a balcony, or in an independent apartmentcertificato attuale d pre ristrutturazionethe house is sold with various wooded plots in garabiolocollegata con una scala la zona taverna è composta da due stanzette con un balconcino che si affaccia sulla vallesorge a 535 m sul livello del mareclima asciutto e soleggiato, ottimo anche come casa vacanzadista 5,11km dalla forcora, 6,30km da pino lago maggiore, 6,2 km da zenna confine con la svizzeragarabiolo casa vista lago maggiore l' immobile è costituito da una casa di paese, indipendente, a due minuti a piedi dalla strada provinciale, su 3 pianiit is completely exposed to the sun and with a partial lake view from the balconiesla strada non è percorsa da auto ed è silenziosail riscaldamento composto da una stufe a pellet classe 5 o 4starsil piano superiore un trilocale, composto da cucina con caminetto, (lato nord), soggiorno, camera con affaccio verso il lago maggiore e un bagnoal piano terra un ampio soggiorno con stufa a pellet nel camino, e terrazzo, la cucina e un bagnocall 347 4229948 classe energetica: d 175 kwh/m2 a
    spese: 0
    anno: 1800
    camere: 3
    riscaldamento: autonomo
    tipo cucina:
    mq: 165
    giardino: , 0 mq
    box: 0
    ubicazione: , , maccagno con pino e veddasca, , italia
    latitudine: longitudinee' completamente esposta al sole e con parziale vista lago dai balconisi puó trasformare nella zona notte ottenendo 3 camere da letto con balcone, oppure in un appartamento indipendente


    1200 €

  • Immersed in the large natural amphitheater located in the heart of the pisan mountain characterized by mediterranean scrub woods and terraces for the cultivation of olive trees, within a small via del borgo di montemagno, whose origins date back to the early middle ages we find this ancient residential building of modest size consisting of two floors plus basement and atticalong with the building, a plot of square meters with about 80 olive trees is for saleon the attic floor, suggestive for the view over the whole valley until reaching the sea, we find two large rooms where it is possible to create additional bedrooms and bathroomin the basement floor with independent access, there are large rooms characterized by vaults and arches, on the ground floor where we find the housing part with more access from the main road consisting of traditional entrance, living room, dining room, kitchen, small hallway, bathroom, room with exclusive bathroom, from a stone staircase we arrive at the first floor where the sleeping area is housed with three bedrooms, large living room and two bathroomsnel piano sottostrada con accesso indipendente, ci sono ampi vani caratterizzati da volte ed archi, al piano terra dove troviamo la parte abitativa con più accessi dalla strada principale composta da ingresso tradizionale, soggiorno, sala da pranzo, cucina abitabile, piccolo disimpegno, bagno, camera con bagno esclusivo, da scala in pietra arriviamo al piano primo dove è ospitata la zona notte con tre camere ampio soggiorno e due bagnirif: lb62 - mq: 360 - locali: 12 - classe energetica: g - consumo: kwh/m2stato immobile: da ristrutturare composto da 12vani cucina: abitabile montemagno - calci immerso nel grande anfiteatro naturale posto nel cuore del monte pisano caratterizzato da boschi di macchia mediterranea e terrazzamenti per la coltivazione di olivi, all'interno di una piccola via del borgo di montemagno, le cui origini risalgono all'alto medioevo troviamo questo antico palazzo residenziale di modeste dimensioni costituito da due piani oltre piano sottostrada e soffittasuggestive property, also ideal for hospitality purposesfor information or visits, contact the agencyal piano mansarda suggestiva per la vista su tutta la vallata fino a raggiungere il mare troviamo du ampi vani dove è possibile realizzare ulteriori camere e bagnoin the immediate vicinity there is a large public car park with a children's park and a bus stopinserzionista: la casa per tenelle immediate vicinanze si trova grande parcheggio pubblico con parco per bambini e fermata autobusimmobile suggestivo, ideale anche per scopo ricettivol'immobile necessita di lavori di ristrutturazione in piccola parte già eseguiti dall'attuale proprietariothe property needs renovation works in a small part already carried out by the current ownerper informazioni o visite rivolgersi in agenziainsieme al fabbricato è in vendita un terreno di mq con circa 80 piante di ulivo

    250 €

  • Availability as of end of july 2022 or beginning august 2022this apartment offers all of the space and privacy you could want from being in the center of town! the living area has the dining space and fireplace as its main attractionspenthouse apartment situated at the third and last floor of a small modern condo built in 2008one bathroom (with access to a second terrace) for the two bedrooms and another en-suite for the masterthere are three bedrooms; two with direct access to the large terrace and the master bedroom with its own small balconythe apartment comes partially furnished (kitchen and dining area) and is equipped with floor heating and cooling, centralized vacuum, mosquito screens and two garages89592 longitudine: 12a fully-equipped "hideaway" kitchen gives you the freedom to cook up a storm for your friends and family while hosting them in the more intimate dining area or the more spacious large terrace overlooking the main piazza in maron di brugneraonly 22 minutes from the aviano air force base, this location is the perfect compromise to ensure a reasonable distance from work, while being able to immerse yourself in the italian lifestyleclasse energetica: c 69,72 kwh/m2 a
    spese: 840
    anno: 2009
    camere: 3
    riscaldamento: autonomo
    tipo cucina:
    mq: 130
    giardino: , 0 mq
    box: 41
    ubicazione: via borghetto, maron, brugnera, , italia
    latitudine: 45


    1057 €

  • two trees® cold pei 3d print build surface polyetherimide cold pei sheet 03mm thickness for ender 5 cr-10 ender 3 serie


    11369999885559082 €

  • Feature:the performance of this driver is not comparable to those of l298 motor driver chipsthe driver is composed of two complete half-bridge driver chips + extremely low internal resistance n-channel mosfetthe reliable driving method of the complete two-piece half-bridge driver chip minimizes the switching loss of the mosfetthe mosfet adopts n-channel irf3205 mosfet, uses two dedicated half-bridge driver chips, and uses a bootstrap capacitor for the upper tube, so that the upper tube has enough driving voltage, which can quickly turn on the mosfet channel and improve the acceleration curvature of the motorthe driver is superior to the complex problem of timing coordination and complementary driving problems in the integrated power chip solution with low power margin and other half-bridge combination solutionthe mosfet driver chip has its own hardware braking function and power feedback functionthis driver also has a braking function that can quickly brake the motor, the braking is rapid, the braking is obvious, and the operation is simple to achieve this functionit can quickly brake the motorimprove power utilizationthis driver pays attention to current and efficiency, and effectively exerts motor power and battery lifecan withstand large current overload, the maximum current can reach 30athis can make the car can start quickly and kill the car quicklythe driver can work at 0%-99% pwm modulation duty cycle, so that the motor can get enough driving voltage


    138100004196167 €

  • Saxophone repair parts set sax sheet metal ball set 8 sheet metal ball 1 sheet metal bucket ball long rod wind sheet met


    9580999755859375 €

  • Description:our set of two avocado huggers fit over a half avocado to help keep it fresh longerperfect for saving that second half of an avocadothese customized food huggers are specifically designed for the best preservation of avocadosfeatures:set of 2 creates a tight seal to keep your food fresh longertwo sizes help make sure you are prepared for avocados large and smalleasy storage and space saver5 x 7cmpackage include:2 pcs/set avocado savers coversthe avocado huggers can be used with or without the pitdishwasher safespecifications:material: siliconecolor: yellow greensize: large: 5avocado huggers come with a pit pocket that can be pushed in or out depending if the half you are saving has a pit


    7170000076293945 €

  • 1 3d printersfeatures:* dedicated to the printing platform of voron 0/08mm depth 4mm* symmetrical m3 thread on the back allows installation of 125°c thermal fusewith m3x40 cylindrical screw and 10x20 mould spring using aluminium plate of sufficient thickness, it is not easily deformed even when heated* 8mm aluminium plate thickness, symmetrical m3 thread on the back, 4mm depth* step hole 3mm through, step φ5high surface flatness, ±015mmpackage included:1 x platformparameters:thickness 8mmsize: 120x120mmprocess: cnc + brushed surfacematerial: 6061 aluminiumcompatible with: voron 0/0official bom list specifications* portable installationm3*8 screws are recommended*6061 aluminum alloy, high strength not easily deformed, corrosion resistant


    218700008392334 €

  • Joining the weworld-gvc team means being part of the development of a dynamic organisation where the contribution of each staff member is promoted and valued, working together towards the collective achievement of shared goals and visionposition: country finance manager mozambique location: maputo type of contract: a first 4 (four) month collaboration contract subject to verification of the achievement of specific objectives (these objectives will be agreed upon arrival on assignment); a second collaboration contract of 8 (eight) months renewable, following the positive evaluation of the first three months of contractweworld-gvc, recently constituted from the merger of two ngos, is an italian secular and independent organization working since in international cooperation and humanitarian aidtheir responsibilities include financial reports, accounting, verification of supporting documents, procurement, human resources, planning and budgetingthe country finance manager will be responsible for the administrative management of the projects funded by different donors implemented in mozambiqueweworld-gvc works mostly with girls, boys, women and youth, actors of change in every community for a fairer and more inclusive worlddeadline: 28 april starting date: mid-may/june gross salary: to be defined according to the candidate’s profile working context weworld-gvc has been working in mozambique since with development and emergency projects in the fields of education, food security and drr in the provinces of maputo, gaza, inhambane, manica, zambézia and cabo delgadosupports people overcoming emergencies and guarantees a life with dignity, opportunities and a better future through human and economic development programs, in the framework of the agendamain taks and responsabilities general administration: track and manage deliverables and timelines related to grants, contracts, vendors, and partners monitor grant administration to ensure compliance with reporting and expenditure requirements supervise compliance of administrative documents and their proper filing ensure the smooth flow of administrative information and data to the hq supervise flow of administrative information from project partners and the compliance with mou design and implement administrative routines, procedures, and systems to increase efficiencies ensure compliance with local operational manual, sops and develop procedures to implement organizational policies, including those related to hr management accounting: supervise and approve regular accounting, including monthly reconciliations, monthly and yearly closing of accounts, monthly journal entries financial reporting support the preparation of financial reports, in coordination with hq and administrative team, to ensure conformity with donors’ procedures supervise and approve annual financial report budget and planning: collaborate with the country representative, sectors coordinators and project managers to develop budgets collaborate with the project managers and sector coordinators to monitor actual and forecasted expenses against budget to avoid under and overspending on the projects monitor financial flows of the projects coordinate the preparation and constantly monitor/update of core budget of weworld-gvc in mozambique procurement: coordinate the preparation and launch of tender dossier check the proper filing of procurement procedures collaborate with project managers to update procurement tables verifies that all projects’ procurement dossier is complete, and supervises its correct archiving audit and expenditure verification: ensure the timely preparation of all projects’ documents during audits and or project expenditure verifications collaborate to the management of financial audit performed on the projects supervise yearly financial audit on general accounting for local authorities prepare information and be directly responsible for any assessment/audit performed by donor on weworld-gvc administrative procedure human resources: supervise administrative and finance local personnel to complete routine tasks and provide for their capacity building participate in analysing staffing needs & costs, compensation & benefits, and performance review practices supervise compliance with all ww-gvc employment regulations relating to payroll, health insurance, work insurance, employee benefits support country director to monitor and revise where necessary salary scale, as well as supervising staff leaves, holidays, overtime and contractual obligations requirements qualifications and knowledge degree in economics, political science or related fields good knowledge of main donors’ administrative rules and procurement procedures (echo, ue, un, aics) excellent knowledge of written and spoken italian knowledge of written and spoken portuguese/spanish is preferred full professional competency in microsoft office suite, especially word, excel and outlook professional experience at least 2 year of previous professional experience in similar roles skills and abilities planning, reporting, monitoring and evaluation skills organization and teamwork skills ability to support and train staff to enhance skills proactive and dynamic attitude ability to adapt and work under constraint, under pressure and in complex and multicultural contexts good listening and communication skills positive attitude to work, self-reflective, motivated, inspired, collegial strong commitment to the mission of weworld-gvc demonstrates integrity with regards to ngo values and ethical standards displays cultural, gender, religion, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability treats all people fairly without favoritismweworld-gvc carries out emergency projects in the provinces of manica and cabo delgado; a three-year project to mitigate niño drought effects in the province of maputo starting in and in it has been intervening in response to idai and kenneth cyclone to assist affected populations and in it has been intervening in response to covid-19, social cohesion and peacebuilding in cabo delgado provincepresent in 29 countries with 128 projects, weworld-gvc operates in the following areas of assistance: human rights (gender equality, prevention and combating violence against children and women, migration), humanitarian aid (prevention, emergency relief and rehabilitation), food security, access to water, health and hygiene, education, global citizenship education, quality teaching and international volunteeringat present, our main donors in the country are italy (aics), the eu (echo), the un (unicef, wfp, undp and fao) and swiss cooperationit is required to work in close cooperation with the project managers and the country representativeat present, the main donors are italy (aics), the eu (dg echo), unicef, ocha, and belgium (dgd)

  • La nostra felpa con cappuccio nb athletics unisex out of bounds è tutta una questione di comfortparticolari: pile di cotone pesante vestibilità ampia progettata per coprire il torace, la vita e i fianchi, progettata per comfort e facilità con felpa con cappuccio tasca frontale maniche lunghe con polsini a coste orlo a coste etichetta con logo cucita sulla cucitura laterale ampio logo new balance sul davanti e sulla manica 100% cotoneil logo stampato sul petto e sulla manica le dona un'estetica molto moderna, oltre che molto stilequesta versatile felpa con cappuccio è realizzata in pesante pile di cotone e ha una vestibilità comoda che ti farà sentire a tuo agio


    8091000366210938 €

  • An understanding of the financial services industry is desirable but not essential experience of managing content production expertise in managing web content, backend and user interface proven experience of using different mediums of communication and expertise in the content and delivery of the message experience of hubspot or other similar system advanced knowledge of microsoft packages especially powerpoint excellent stakeholder management skills and a proven ability to collaborate effectively with teams across an organisation given the technical nature of the work we do, exceptional written and oral communication skills, and high attention-to-detail are paramountresponsibilities will include: managing the production of content, including drafting, editing and publishing across multiple channels owning the content pipeline day-to-day management of own projects and campaigns; liaison with consultants, tracking, measurement management and delivery of projects, email campaigns and other marketing operations publishing monthly emails on hubspot and having responsibility for content on the company website writing, reviewing and editing content with focus on the content, structure and language liaison and management of relationship with pr agency management of events including leading on meetings, advising on structure and managing content where appropriatein return we offer the opportunity to work in an entrepreneurial, fast moving, stimulating environment strong career development support – mentoring, coaching, relevant training and development the opportunity to work closely with, and learn from, our team of marketing experts who are truly committed to assisting your development a small informal company environment with minimal bureaucracy a competitive salary, performance-related discretionary bonus, and generous flexible benefits package bovill currently enjoys a hybrid working environment with a minimum of two days per week in the officewe specialise in helping clients solve difficult and interesting problems, so we look for people who thrive on intellectual challenge, can roll up their sleeves to delve into issues and get satisfaction from helping clients, conduct a thorough analysis of a problem and translate that into practical advicebeing a 2nd pair of eyes to review any marketing content or materials to be published ensuring correct branding and format is adhered to for all communication experience in identifying interesting topics and writing content in a compelling, engaging and articulate way liaising with internal clients at all levels provide any other ad-hoc administrative support to the marketing team, as requiredideally, we are looking for someone who is a strong team player with a ‘can do’ attitude and happy to roll up their sleeves to get involved in anything and everything marketing relatedexposure to journalism and content, article writing at any levelsuccessful candidates will have: ideally 3+ years’ experience in a similar role, preferably in professional servicesbovill is an independent, specialist financial services regulatory consultancy with a global offeringexperience in a pr agency, professional services or financial institutionif you are highly pro-active with a good editorial eye and a natural interest in news and trends to translate these into interesting articles, this could be the role for youwe are currently looking for a senior marketing executive to join the marketing team to manage marketing and communication content to support campaigns and events across the business

  • Introduce:sprague-6510 stage ktv speakers two highs, two middles, one channel, five-way frequency divider, the shocking sound quality is born for fever, and the ingenuity is full of materialsfeature:brand: spraguemodel: 6510power: 250wfrequency response: 47hz-25khzimpedance: 4-8 ohmssize: 135*102*28(mm)net weight: 311g/pcpackage includes:1 x ktv stage speaker divideradjust the switch to meet different needsit uses 4 high temperature resistant large skeleton inductors, and uses special capacitors for audio, which increases the high audio frequency


    14789999961853027 €

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Ricerche relazionate balance sheet of two divisions