Arduino board
Elenco arduino board
3pcs uno r3 atmega328p development board no cable geekcreit for arduino - products that work with official arduino board
21809999465942383 €
È possibile th o ic smd sul per la prototipazione saldatura, per lutilizzo con il vostro arduino boardè smd per un massimo diil protoshield rende tutto più semplice, creare circuiti da progettare
13989999771118164 €
È possibile th o ic smd sul per la prototipazione saldatura, per l'utilizzo con il vostro arduino boardè smd per un massimo diil protoshield rende tutto più semplice, creare circuiti da progettare
1259000015258789 €
I2c small adapter shield module board geekcreit for arduino - products that work with official arduino boards
18899999856948853 €
Keypad shield blue backlight for robot lcd 1602 board geekcreit for arduino - products that work with official arduino b
5210000038146973 €
5pcs l298n dual h bridge stepper motor driver board geekcreit for arduino - products that work with official arduino boa
15170000076293945 €
2pcs 5v max485 ttl to rs485 converter module board geekcreit for arduino - products that work with official arduino boar
6630000114440918 €
10pcs 5v max485 ttl to rs485 converter module board geekcreit for arduino - products that work with official arduino boa
9479999542236328 €
3pcs gy gps module board 9600 baud rate with antenna geekcreit for arduino - products that work with official arduino bo
21809999465942383 €
20pcs 5v max485 ttl to rs485 converter module board geekcreit for arduino - products that work with official arduino boa
14220000267028809 €
Usb to pin module usb interface converter board geekcreit for arduino - products that work with official arduino boards
5679999828338623 €
3pcs esp8266 wifi development board base expansion board v3 backplane geekcreit for arduino - products that work with of
7579999923706055 €
10pcs esp8266 wifi development board base expansion board v3 backplane geekcreit for arduino - products that work with o
20860000610351562 €
La scheda breakout arduino portenta è progettata per aiutare ingegneri e produttori hardware a creare prototipi e testare connessioni e capacità allinterno delle schede di famiglia portenta (ad es
55 €