Application lifecycle managementazienda

Elenco application lifecycle managementazienda

  • About the company: per importante realtà storicà, leader nel proprio settore di riferimento, i nostri recruitment engineer ricercano un it application manageri nostri recruitment engineer selezionano i migliori profili it per prestigiose società di consulenza informatica, banche, aziende di servizi, gruppi manifatturieri, start-up di eccellenza e digital dna companycore responsibilities: supportare lo sviluppo e l’innovazione dei differenti processi aziendali; stimolare la flessibilità operativa; snellire l’integrazione dei vari software e gestionali; contrarre i tempi e i costi necessari agli interventi di manutenzione; limitare la possibilità di commettere errori; generare considerevoli vantaggi competitivitechyon: information technology recruitment experts | head hunter techyon è il primo head hunter esclusivamente specializzato nella ricerca e selezione di professionisti senior e manager nel segmento information technologymust have: competenza ambito software gestionali/erp, crm, bi esperienza di project management/application management o affini conoscenza di microsoft sql ed utilizzo del pacchetto office avanzato conoscenza della contabilità / ciclo attivo / ciclo passivo / fatturazione titolo di studio in discipline informatiche (diploma o laurea breve) buon livello lingua inglese nice to have: buone doti relazionali e comunicative autonomia decisionale buone capacità di lavoro in team predisposizione al problem solving e raggiungimento degli obiettivi location: jesi, smart working flessibile

  • Per ampliamento del nostro team ricerchiamo un / una: application architect cosa farai: all’ interno del dipartimento di application development, parteciperai in modo determinante alla re-ingegnerizzazione di una piattaforma web atta a raccogliere ed elaborare grandi quantità di dati, provenienti da misurazioni di campo, relative a livelli di inquinamento ambientale e monitoraggio continuo di strumentazione specificala sede del progetto è in provincia di varese (la location esatta sarà comunicata in fase di qualification call) "il presente annuncio è rivolto a entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi e , e a persone di tutte le età e tutte le nazionalità, ai sensi dei decreti legislativi ecompetenze richieste: laurea specialistica in informatica o ingegneria informatica significativa esperienza nel disegno di architetture applicative complesse, basate su rdbms, web interfaces e integrazione / data-exchange tra piattaforme eterogenee per scope e tecnologia comprovata esperienza nella progettazione di architetture applicative web based, in particolare sullo stack tecnologico apache / php / java ottima conoscenza di rdbms, con preferenza per oracle o mysql comprovata capacità ed esperienza nella raccolta e analisi di requisiti progettuali e stesura di specifiche tecniche dettagliate e strutturate ottimo livello di conoscenza della lingua inglese (livello c1/b2) la sede del progetto è in provincia di varese (la location esatta sarà comunicata in fase di qualification call) dovresti candidarti se: vuoi partecipare consolidare le tue competenze all’interno di un team internazionale ed eterogeneo per esperienze e seniority vuoi intraprendere un reale percorso di crescita professionale e di continua formazione, disegnato su misura rispetto al tuo piano di carriera ed alle tue aspettative e’ prevista assunzione diretta a tempo indeterminato, ccnl commerciogruppo scai persegue un trend di costante crescita basato principalmente sul continuo aggiornamento di competenze delle proprie risorse, attraverso percorsi di formazione e certificazione personalizzati in modo specifico sul piano di carriera e sulle aspettative individualigruppo scai é un network italiano di 16 aziende specializzate in information technology e management consulting, posizionato tra le prime 30 it companies italiane di medio-grandi dimensionicon 15 sedi su tutto il territorio italiano ed un organico di circa dipendenti, gruppo scai supporta le più importanti organizzazioni in ambito banking, insurance, pa, telco, media e utility in progetti di digital transformation basati sui driver di innovazione più attuali tra cui big data, artificial intelligence, internet of things, smart home, robotic process automation, cloud computing

  • Questa prestigiosa realtà organizzativa, cerca un/una application engineer, appartenente alle categorie protette (laltair (https://wwwsede di lavoro: torino nordorario: full timetipologia contrattuale: tempo indeterminatoconsente alle organizzazioni di quasi tutti i settori industriali di competere in modo più efficace in un mondo connesso, creando al contempo un futuro più sostenibilecon oltre ingegneri, scienziati e pensatori creativi in 25 paesi, aiuta a risolvere le sfide più difficili per i clienti e fornisce un servizio di eccellenza nel campo dell’innovazione e della trasformazione(applicazioni strutturali); capacità di collaborare con tutti i livelli di utenti tecnici e di gestione; eccellenti capacità di presentazione; attitudine a risolvere problemi di ingegneria; buone capacità di comunicazione (orale e scritta) in italiano e inglese; forti capacità interpersonalilaurea o master in ingegneria meccanica/aerospaziale/automotive; gradita esperienza pregressa in simulazione virtuale cprogettare e condurre presentazioni e dimostrazioni dei prodotti altair, che includono training standard e/o personalizzati, q&a e discussioni tecniche con il cliente; proporre servizi di consulenza a clienti che necessitano di assistenza per risolvere problemi impegnativi e costruire soluzioni di elevata complessità; eseguire progetti di servizi di consulenza end-to-end, con il supporto di specialisti tecnici senior e responsabili di programma; gestire le aspettative dei clienti per assicurare la massima soddisfazione dei prodotti e dei servizi altair; fare da tramite tra i clienti e il team di sviluppo software per guidare le richieste di nuove funzionalità nelle future release di prodotto; creare contenuti digitali sotto forma di white paper, video, modelli di esempio e demo o workflow e pubblicarli utilizzando la piattaforma altair one; discutere potenziali opportunità di vendita ed effettuare analisi tecniche e qualificazione di potenziali progetti dei clienti, in rari casi, in loco con il clientecom/) è un'azienda tecnologica globale che fornisce soluzioni software e cloud nelle aree dello sviluppo prodotto, del calcolo ad alte prestazioni (hpc) e dell'intelligenza artificiale (ai)

  • Per un progetto a forte carattere innovativo, in collaborazione con partner internazionale, ricerchiamo un/una: analista funzionale e application tester cosa farai: traduzione dei requisiti utente in requisiti funzionali recepimento delle linee guida architetturali, infrastrutturali e di sicurezza compilazione della documentazione a supporto dell’analisi funzionale definizione della strategia di test, garantendo l'adozione di processi standard e l'automazione laddove possibile coordinamento, esecuzione e documentazione dei system integration test e degli user acceptance test validazione del software e gestione delle segnalazioni relative ai bug knowledge transfer verso gli utenti e il team di supporto (manualistica e training) la risorsa ideale possiede: comprensione delle logiche dell’organizzazione comprensione dei processi di business (relazione il team di solution) comprensione dei sistemi it (relazione con gli sviluppatori) eccellenti capacità comunicative (sia con gruppi interni che con i fornitori) ottime capacità di analisi e di sintesi produzione della documentazione a supporto dell’analisi funzionale conoscenza delle metodologie di test e dei tool a supporto conoscenza dei concetti di programmazione e basi dati capacità di lavorare su progetti più o meno complessi con attenzione al rispetto delle scadenze buone capacità di gestire e organizzare dei gruppi di lavoro capacità di lavorare in autonomia e in gruppo orientamento all'obiettivo intraprendenza e spirito di iniziativa ottima conoscenza del pacchetto office conoscenza dell’italiano e dell’inglese scritto e parlato (b2) dovresti candidarti se: vuoi partecipare a un progetto di sviluppo applicativo considerato altamente strategico per l’azienda e per il gruppo di cui fa parte, apportando le tue competenze e confrontandoti con professionisti esperti che possono certamente abilitare il tuo sviluppo professionalesede: assago - san giuliano milanese con una quota del 40% di smart working "il presente annuncio è rivolto a entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi e , e a persone di tutte le età e tutte le nazionalità, ai sensi dei decreti legislativi evuoi intraprendere un reale percorso di continua formazione, disegnato su misura rispetto al tuo piano di carriera ed alle tue aspettative e’ prevista assunzione diretta a tempo indeterminato, ccnl commercionato a torino nel , il gruppo scai è un network di 15 aziende che operano nel mondo dell'ict e della system integration, con sedi in tutta italia e progetti di respiro internazionalecon i ricavi che ad oggi superano i 100 milioni di euro, è stato caratterizzato da importanti cicli di crescita sia in termini crescita organica, oltre dipendenti, sia di nuove acquisizioni, grazie ad una forte accelerazione ed una altrettanto forte spinta verso la digital innovation e l’experience design

  • Nell’ambito di un ampio progetto di digitalizzazione e riorganizzazione dei processi aziendali, siamo alla ricerca di un application & operation manager in grado di seguire la progettazione, lo sviluppo e la gestione dei principali moduli di oracle retail sulla base delle esigenze del business e nel rispetto dei vincoli tecnicicontinua anche la lunga tradizione di bata di essere sensibile alle differenze culturali e nazionali e le consente di funzionare con orgoglio come azienda inclusiva in ogni paese in cui operasin dalla sua fondazione nel da parte di thomas bata, la società ha costantemente dimostrato il suo impegno verso modelli di business responsabili e innovativi nella convinzione che il capitale non sia solo denaro, ma, soprattutto, persone, conoscenze e valori fondamentalioggi, i principi pionieristici di bata consentono all'azienda di adattarsi rapidamente ai cambiamenti del mercatoazienda globale con oltre dipendenti, oltre negozi in più di 70 paesi in tutto il mondo, bata fornisce le migliori scarpe al miglior rapporto qualità-prezzo, supportate da un servizio impareggiabile, da oltre 120 anniil/la candidato/a, inserito/a nella funzione information technology di un gruppo internazionale della grande distribuzione fashion, si occuperà di analizzare, sviluppare e gestire i seguenti moduli della piattaforma oracle retail suite: xoffice (xadmin + xcenter) v16 e successive xstore eftlink orce integration layer con external provider (crm, e-commerce, etc) in particolare, sarà responsabile di: ottimizzare l'infrastruttura aziendale per supportare la gestione della domanda strategica del business, anche attraverso la definizione e il monitoraggio di kpi analizzare e valutare le proposte evolutive della direzione aziendale e definire i driver decisionali convalidare, le soluzioni applicative e architetturali proposte dai fornitori e dai system integrators, dal punto di vista funzionale e di compliance alle policy di sicurezza aziendale e di legge del deploymen t dei progetti ottimizzazione dell’architettura aziendale e del relativo supporto hd2 esperienza di almeno tre anni nell’implementazione del ciclo di vita di oracle xstore pos esperienza nella gestione dei problemi di supporto l2_l3 su oracle xstore conoscenze tecniche su db oracle esperienza e competenza nelle tecnologie j2ee esperienza in build deployment, packaging e shell scripting esperienza in data migration, rollouts laurea in scienze informatiche, ingegneria informatica/gestionale o discipline equivalenti completano il profilo: buona conoscenza della lingua inglese ottime doti di pianificazione e programmazione tenendo conto di obiettivi e scadenze leadership, abilità organizzative, capacità negoziale e orientamento al cliente (interno ed esterno) cosa offriamo: - luogo di lavoro: limena (pd) - modalità di lavoro ibrida dopo il primo periodo di onboardingil gruppo bata è uno dei principali produttori e rivenditori al mondo di calzature di qualità

  • 1 pcs nfc function send message quick starts application smart ring geometric pattern stainless steel mens ring


    5679999828338623 €

  • Lubricant application blade  ricoh mpc3003<mpc3503<mpc4503<mpc5503<mpc6003  6302  ricoh mpc3003, mpc3503, mpc3004, mpc3504 cet6302 n/a


    14850000381469727 €

  • Brand: ricoh lubricant application blade ricoh mpc3003,mpc3503,mpc4503,mpc5503,mpc6003 6302 ricoh mpc3003, mpc3503, mpc3004, mpc3504 cet6302 n/asizes: dddd box: 20 color: black certificate: iso9001 comp


  • Brand: xerox cet311013 oil application pad w/o holder xerox versalink c7020,versalink c7025,versalink c7030, versalink b7025,versalink b7030,versalink b7035 xerox apeosport v2060,apeosport v3060,apeosport v3065 xerox docucentre v2060,docucentre v3060,docucentre v3065, docucentre sc2022, docucentre sc2020, docucentre v c2265, docucentre v c2263sizes: dddd box: 50 color: black certificate: ce rohs iso9001 comp


  • Brand: ricoh cet6326 oil application pad (oem) ricoh mpc4503,mpc5503,mpc6003, mpc3003,mpc3503, mpc2003,mpc2503,mpc2011spsizes: dddd box: 10 color: black certificate: ce rohs iso9001 comp


  • Brand: kyocera cet7420 oil application pad w/o holder kyocera ecosys p2235dn, ecosys p2235dw, ecosys p2040dn, ecosys p2040dw, ecosys p2335d,ecosys p2335dn,ecosys p2335dw, ecosys m2040dn,ecosys m2135dn,ecosys m2635dn,ecosys m2635dw,ecosys m2540dn,ecosys m2540dw,ecosys m2640idw,ecosys m2735dw, ecosys p2235dn,ecosys p2235dw,ecosys p2040dn,ecosys p2040dwsizes: 44mmx29mmx23mm box: 50 color: brown certificate: iso9001 comp


  • Brand: ricoh cet6325 oil application pad (oem) ricoh aficio mpc3002, aficio mpc3502, aficio mpc4502, aficio mpc5502sizes: dddd box: 25 color: black certificate: iso9001 comp


  • Brand: xerox cet311018 oil application pad w/o holder xerox xerox phaser 3610dn,phaser 3610n,workcentre 3615dn,workcentre 3655s,workcentre 3655x, versalink b400,versalink b405sizes: dddd box: 20 color: white certificate: ce rohs iso9001 comp


  • Maintain lifecycle of both user accounts and user hardwareperform daily system monitoring, verifying the integrity and availability of all hardware, server resources, systems and key processes, reviewing system and application logs and verifying completion of scheduled jobs such as backupsinternal systems support includes it infrastructure of offices and end-user services (pcs, phones, mobile devices, e-mail)to ensure information technology helps users work efficiently and simplifies their daily routinemaintain existing server infrastructure in accordance with operational proceduresjob purpose: to contribute to the availability, integrity and security of the tungsten it servicessupport and maintain internal infrastructure and applicationsthis includes provisioning new infrastructure, monitoring the existing platform, planning upgrades, and maintaining backupsmaintain operational, configuration, or other proceduresperform ongoing performance tuning, hardware upgrades, and resource optimisation as requiredconfigure cpu, memory, and disk partitions as requiredthe tungsten network also provides users with real-time spend analysis through analytics, and offers access to early payment, a form of alternative finance for businessesmanage end-user requests via ticketing-based service desk to resolve any it related issues (examples: microsoft 365, active directory, voip telephony, etcinstall new / rebuild existing desktop and laptop computers as well as configure hardware, peripherals, operating system, etckey responsibilities: act as the first line of defence against it related issues and ensure users can work free from problemsabout us: we are a secure e-invoicing platform that brings businesses and their suppliers closer together with unique technology that revolutionises invoice processing, maximises efficiency and improves cashflow managementensuring compliance with tungsten network support and information security policies and associated standard operating procedures experience and knowledge: required basic knowledge and understanding of: networking firewalls routers switches windows active directory ad forests ad domains dns dhcp virtualisation vmware (vsphere, vcentre) vmware horizon view – vdi aws workspaces security backup/restoration ip phone system, voip required basic experience with the following operating systems: windows 10 windows 7 mac os x windows server personality & attributes: attention to detail passion for it enthusiastic committed strong team player excellent communication skills organised problem solverin accordance with standards and project/operational requirements

  • Maintain lifecycle of both user accounts and user hardwareperform daily system monitoring, verifying the integrity and availability of all hardware, server resources, systems and key processes, reviewing system and application logs and verifying completion of scheduled jobs such as backupsinternal systems support includes it infrastructure of offices and end-user services (pcs, phones, mobile devices, e-mail)to ensure information technology helps users work efficiently and simplifies their daily routinemaintain existing server infrastructure in accordance with operational proceduresjob purpose: to contribute to the availability, integrity and security of the tungsten it servicessupport and maintain internal infrastructure and applicationsthis includes provisioning new infrastructure, monitoring the existing platform, planning upgrades, and maintaining backupsmaintain operational, configuration, or other proceduresperform ongoing performance tuning, hardware upgrades, and resource optimisation as requiredconfigure cpu, memory, and disk partitions as requiredthe tungsten network also provides users with real-time spend analysis through analytics, and offers access to early payment, a form of alternative finance for businessesensuring compliance with tungsten network support and information security policies and associated standard operating procedures experience and knowledge: required basic knowledge and understanding of: networking firewalls routers switches windows active directory ad forests ad domains dns dhcp virtualisation vmware (vsphere, vcentre) vmware horizon view – vdi aws workspaces security backup/restoration ip phone system, voip required basic experience with the following operating systems: • windows 10 • windows 7 • mac os x • windows servermanage end-user requests via ticketing-based service desk to resolve any it related issues (examples: microsoft 365, active directory, voip telephony, etcinstall new / rebuild existing desktop and laptop computers as well as configure hardware, peripherals, operating system, etckey responsibilities: act as the first line of defence against it related issues and ensure users can work free from problemsabout us: we are a secure e-invoicing platform that brings businesses and their suppliers closer together with unique technology that revolutionises invoice processing, maximises efficiency and improves cashflow managementin accordance with standards and project/operational requirements

  • Partner with peers in the logistic and production organization and corporate sap global delivery team to determine business process and solution design leveraging the capabilities of the sap material management and production planning with specific focus on the logistic execution module; translate overall business process design established during blueprinting to sap pp/mm configurations; collaborate with representatives of other sap functional areas to ensure end to end process integration and consistency; act as the frontline, single point of contact with the user community, service delivery of sap pp/mm application support, and operationsmanaging incidents through its lifecycle until closure; muste have: minimum of 5 years sap experience, with specific experience in sap mm and sap pp; experience using sap implementation methods, asap, and solution manager; business process analysis and redesign experience: strong business analysis skills; process mapping; business process redesign and implementation; nice to have: construction or project oriented industry experience is a plus; experiences with the sap le modules is a plus; 1+ full cycle implementation projects including: scoping and planning, process design, configuration, testing, deployment, and post go-live support; location: vittorio veneto (tv)about the company: for a renowned and international company our recruitment engineers are looking for a sap pp/mm consultantcore responsibilities: act as internal consultant and design architect for sap pp/mm global solutiontechyon is the first head hunter exclusively specialized in search and selection of senior professionals and managers in the field of information technologyour recruitment engineers select the best it profiles for prestigious it consulting firms, banks, service companies, manufacturing groups, start-ups of excellence and digital dna companies

  • Deltatre provides strategy, planning, consultancy across all stages of our client's lifecycleproven experience in working on client site ability to work in a fast-paced environment and confidently handle deadlines, priorities and constraints experience of scrum or any other agile methodology experience of the software delivery lifecycle must be proactive and show due diligence effective communication skillsplease note that we will only contact successfully shortlisted candidatescritical thinking - while discovering the problem / business need to be solved, you must listen to stakeholder needs but also critically consider those needs and ask probing questions until the real need is surfaced, understood and documentedcompetencies and skills essential minimum of 2-3 years’ experience as a business analyst excellent customer-facing skillsas of november , if it suits your role at deltatre, you can work full time from home/remotely, from the office, or a combination within the same country as your contracted office of employmentdepending on the role this normally includes a written test and interviewproblem solving - bas facilitate a shared understanding of the problem and business need, and ensure they understand the scope of the projectrole responsibilities: undertake the formal requirements analysis of functional and non-functional requirements, translating them into the appropriate product documentation, including user stories and uml facilitate the elicitation requirements using a number of techniques such as online and face to face meetings and workshops outline the parameters of the project, and determine potential solutions ability to communicate (verbal and written) at all levels, with external and internal stakeholders proficient in writing user stories, scenarios, acceptance criteria, uml and concept design take responsibility for the quality, accuracy, completeness and usability of requirements in the form of user stories and any project artefacts work with customer product owners and project managers, ux&d, qa and technical teams to validate captured requirements support team members throughout the product life cycle, including pro-active raising of issues, dependencies and risks to either the senior business analyst and/or project manager work in a highly collaborative and multi-disciplinary agile/scrum framework core skills effective communication – be clear and concise in your day-to-day communication, be able to express yourself within a multi-national team, ask good solid questions, listen to the answers (really listen)we push boundaries every day to offer the most reliable, scalable, engaging end-to-end offerings that continually meet and exceed fan expectations and maximise client valuethe role needs you to be customer facing, therefore a professional approach to your tasks and activities is a mustthe role requires a business analyst with outstanding business analysis capabilities, experience and a hands-on, positive, can-do attitudeunderpinned by data we're able to determine the best experiences to drive business growthplease let us know if you need us to make any adjustments or if you have any special requirements for the interview processability to work in a fast-paced environment and confidently handle deadlines, priorities and constraints must be adaptable and flexible in their approach to both project and non-project work desirable worked within a technical analysis of large scale projects with an emphasis on back and front-end systems and third-party integration extensive experience with preparing and conducting workshops online and face to face hands-on experience with jira and confluence background or experience in broadcast and media is a plus, though other areas will also be considered background or experience of working in an agency is desirable, though other areas will also be consideredas an effective communicator, you must be able to facilitate workshops, internal and external meetings, ask the right questions, and actively listen and take in new informationwe're fully flexiblewe're an end-to-end provider of premium products and services for global sport and media operatorsyou’ll work to deadlines and juggle multiple tasks, which gives lots of variety the role is largely office-based but travel is expected as we are a global organisation and we have world-wide clients – we take into account current global situation with covid as the well-being of our employees is paramount work with some of the top names in media, broadcasting and sport become passionate about technology and digital video on demand and live streaming applicationsthe ability to be a strong communicator in a virtual setting (via conference calls or web meetings) is equally importanthands-on experience with jira and confluence what's in it for you global company with huge growth potential small, creative, close-knit engineering/tech team who love to collaborate meal allowance multisport card full remote + a contribution to buy equipment which makes your work from home more comfortable 25 working days per year vacation entitlement 5 sick days – per calendar year team events sponsored by the company free refreshments in the office we are committed to ensuring that we provide equal opportunities for allwhat to expect you could make significant change and impact within your role, making a substantial difference to the success of our company and your project and ba team, which can be very rewarding for the right personas a ba, you will facilitate the technical teams regarding what is in and out of scopewe will support you in your career progressionthis is for a well-known sporting brand based in usa who has an award-winning app in the market, they have a strong presence in the sports and entertainment field in north america and europeyour focus must be on owning the requirements and being able to articulate these to cross-functional teams, such as developers, designers and test team memberswe are looking for talented individuals who can contribute to their assigned project and also contribute to the growth of the global ba teamwe are a supportive and inclusive organisation with a wealth of experience in streaming sport and entertainment content; we are looking for someone who can utilise their core ba skills and experience and also develop new and existing skillsrecruiters – we have handled this one internally! thanks

  • Core responsibilities: contribute to the design of the embedded software system architecture providing guidance on their correct use in the product development lifecycle develop the applications for a networked linux-based embedded medical device develop and optimize drivers for interfacing with the peripherals, both internally developed or ots implement best practices for managing the lifecycle of the deliverable software design and write automated tests for code quality promote and actively participate in teamwork to research innovative technology solutions create comprehensive and compliant documentation for design assurance purposes must have: excellent mastery of modern c++ language for embedded software development mastery of concurrency and parallel programming understanding networking protocols and technologies (ip, iso/osi, tcp stack) good knowledge of the linux operating system (debian / petalinux) knowledge and understanding of rest apis and alternative data exchange technologies knowledge of the founding principles of software engineering, design patterns and, preferably, of "test driven development" techniques excellent command of written english language good command of spoken english language nice to have: knowledge of the go or python programming languages experience with docker for local development and testing experience with video processing stacks gnu/linux shell scripting good knowledge of the yocto project vhdl programming on fpgas, preferably using xilinx® vivado design suite ide knowledge of medical device software software life cycle processes according to iec location: pordenone + smartworkingabout the company: for a global leader surgical solutions company our recruitment engineers are looking for a c++ embedded software developerour recruitment engineers select the best it profiles for prestigious it consulting firms, banks, service companies, manufacturing groups, start-ups of excellence and digital dna companiestechyon: information technology recruitment experts | head hunter techyon is the first head hunter which exclusively specializes in the search and selection of professionals and managers in the information technology field

  • Uk/careers/ to submit your application now! please note - part of the application/onboarding process will include a licence check and a dbs check to confirm your suitability for the rolea good appreciation of health & safety is a must too, along with excellent driving skills – and we will ask you to take a driving assessment as part of your applicationwe work extremely hard and are very passionate about the work we dowe take a lot of pride in working to be the best logistics company in the south west, whilst having a lot of fun doing itin this role you’ll be delivering a multitude of items to our customers doors, providing exceptional levels of customer service, and connecting directly with our customers as the face of dashfantastic rates of pay! full time hours quality, well maintained vehicles to drive discounts on company products (% varies based on product) a clean, modern yard and warehouse facility do you enjoy visiting new places? are you looking for a fast-paced role where you can use your own initiative, whilst working alongside a supportive and energetic team? then we want to hear from you today! why work for dash? everyday is a new adventure… what will you be doing? loading and unloading vehicles and general parcel sorting checking your items on your hand-held device – reporting anything amiss to your manager checking your vehicle is ready for the busy day ahead completing your deliveries as per your hand-held deviceyou must have a current driving licence and a winning way with people from all walks of life! our commitment to you salary: £ per hour holiday: 28 days holiday pro rata ready to apply? head over to https://wwwas part of a 2 person crew, you will deliver, assemble and install a wide range of home furnishings, electrical products and sports equipment, ensuring every delivery is made with the highest level of customer servicenot forgetting the all-important company standards and health & safety procedures of course once back at the depot - unload and sort any remaining deliveries update your manager about your day clean your van ready for the next adventure! what we expect from you our multi drop drivers are ambassadors for our businessif you want to learn and grow whilst working in a competitive, fun, sometimes stressful, yet always exciting environment you will fit in perfectly

  • Uk/careers/ to submit your application now! please note - part of the application/onboarding process will include a licence check and a dbs check to confirm your suitability for the rolea good appreciation of health & safety is a must too, along with excellent driving skills – and we will ask you to take a driving assessment as part of your applicationwe work extremely hard and are very passionate about the work we dowe take a lot of pride in working to be the best logistics company in the south west, whilst having a lot of fun doing itin this role you’ll be delivering a multitude of items to our customers doors, providing exceptional levels of customer service, and connecting directly with our customers as the face of dashnot forgetting the all-important company standards and health & safety procedures of course once back at the depot - unload and sort any remaining deliveries update your manager about your day clean you van ready for the next adventure! what we expect from you our multi drop drivers are ambassadors for our businessyou must have a current driving licence and a winning way with people from all walks of life! our commitment to you salary: £ per hour holiday: 28 days holiday pro rata ready to apply? head over to https://wwwfantastic rates of pay! full time hours quality, well maintained vehicles to drive discounts on company products (% varies based on product) a clean, modern yard and warehouse facility multi drop delivery driver do you enjoy visiting new places? are you looking for a fast-paced role where you can use your own initiative, whilst working alongside a supportive and energetic team? then we want to hear from you today! why work for dash? everyday is a new adventure… what will you be doing? loading and unloading vehicles and general parcel sorting checking your items on your hand-held device – reporting anything amiss to your manager checking your vehicle is ready for the busy day ahead completing your deliveries as per your hand-held deviceif you want to learn and grow whilst working in a competitive, fun, sometimes stressful, yet always exciting environment you will fit in perfectly

  • You will be taking responsibility for all administration through the vehicle rental lifecycle and play a key role in a busy office environment assisting to provide a prompt and professional service to customers and visitorswe are forward-thinking with a culture of continuous growth and improvement - in our products, services, and our peoplewe are a family run business based in redruth, our working environment is dynamic, fast-moving, and responsive to our client’s needs, but it’s not all work and no play here; we all work hard and take a lot of pride in what we achieve but also like to have fun too! keen to learn more about us? click here to explore our full range of servicesdo you enjoy working in a fast-paced environment? are you looking for a varied role, with a competitive salary, progression opportunities and be able to make your mark on a rapidly expanding business? if so, keep reading! we are looking for a knowledgeable and enthusiastic part time customer services advisor to join our team of like-minded individuals within the dash drive rental division of our companyready to apply? upload your covering letter, previous salary details and cv to https://wwwwhy should you work with us? no two days are the same… what are we looking for? organised with good attention to detail your communication and customer service skills are second to none there is a problem? you see this as a challenge waiting to be overcome! you understand the need to be flexible in your working hours to get the job done our commitment to you in return we offer a competitive salary as well as the opportunity to develop and grow your career to the next level and most importantly ensure you are happy as a much-valued member of the dash group team! hours of work: hours per week variable between monday - saturday salary: £10 per hour want to know more about the role? a full job description can be downloaded from the careers page on the dash group websiteyou will assist us during an important period of organic growth

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Ricerche relazionate application lifecycle managementazienda