Wordpress docker

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  • Vuoi esserci anche tu? mansioni: progettazione, creazione e manutenzione dei siti web del gruppo definizione dell'architettura generale di nuovi siti internet, secondo principi di accessibilità e usabilità sviluppo del layout web (font, immagini, colori) codifica wordpress, html e css a partire dai layout grafici caricamento e gestione dei contenuti delle pagine web ottimizzazione seo realizzazione progetti grafici per web (grafiche per header, post) gestione hosting e dominio ottima conoscenza di wordpress conoscenza dei linguaggi di programmazione e tool di progettazione web (html, cssda noi successo e potenzialità, sfida e fatica diventano esperienze tangibili: si vive la puglia, nella sua essenza più profondadal , anno di apertura, borgo egnazia è parte di leading hotel of the world e ha ricevuto una serie di prestigiosi riconoscimenti tra cui i premi “best hotel of the year” di virtuoso nel e “most life changing experience” di condè nast uk nelborgo egnazia crede nel lavoro, nella crescita e investe in nuove risorsequi unicità e autenticità si fondono per creare qualcosa di inedito e speciale, introvabile altrove, che riesce a combinare le più genuine tradizioni locali a servizi di altissimo livello) conoscenze seo/sem senso estetico e creatività nella realizzazione di layout grafici capacità di utilizzo professionale di programmi di elaborazione grafica (photoshop, illustrator) conoscenza dei principi di usabilità dei siti internet conoscenza della lingua inglese precisione, affidabilità e puntualità nella consegna dei progetti autonomia e attitudine alla pianificazionea savelletri di fasano si trova borgo egnazia: un luogo meraviglioso, liberamente ispirato nelle forme, nei materiali e nei colori a un tipico paese puglieseborgo egnazia propone un diverso concetto di ospitalità e benessere, basato su esperienze locali ed autentiche, immersi nell’incomparabile bellezza della campagna puglieseè sentirsi un po’ a casa, è un’opportunità di crescitalavorare con noi significa far parte di una grande azienda, in cui si respira aria di famiglia e per questo si viene valorizzati come personea luglio , in occasione della 23° edizione dei world’s best awards di travel + leisure borgo egnazia è al primo posto nella categoria top italian resort, al quarto nella categoria top 10 european resort hotels ed è tra i top 100 hotel di tutto il mondo (al 43mo posto)

  • Altre conoscenze richieste: pacchetto office adobe photoshop, indesign programmi di editing video wordpress fotografia e video uso di mailchimp inserimento direttopossiede una ottima conoscenza sia scritta sia parlata della lingua ingleseper formare è un' agenzia per il lavoro autorizzata dal ministero del lavoro allo svolgimento di attività di intermediazione ai sensi dell'art) e categorie protettela persona che stiamo selezionando si occuperà: organizzare il piano editoriale elaborare piani di comunicazione elaborare contenuti pubblicare e monitorare il livello di engagement dei propri contenuti il/la candidato/a ideale: possiede una formazione in ambito umanistico con laureall presente annuncio è rivolto a candidati ambosessi (lricerchiamo per il nostro cliente operante nel settore della climatizzazione un social media content creator da inserire nell'area marketing che possa occuparsi dello sviluppo e della creazione dei contenuti di comunicazionecontratto da definire con l'aziendazona di lavoro: milano nord

  • La figura professionale si occuperà di: gestione canali social media creazione e programmazione contenuti per social media monitoraggio risultati competenze richieste: grande confidenza con il mondo social media (instagram, tik tok, facebook, twitter, telegram, linkedin, youtube) conoscenza della piattaforma wordpress conoscenza del mondo newsletter copywriting creazione di contenuti per le principali piattaforme social padronanza di google drive e google workspace il livello contrattuale e la retribuzione saranno commisurati a seconda delle competenze ed esperienze maturateper prestigiosa azienda di trento selezioniamo un/a impiegato/a commerciale e marketingil candidato ideale è una persona autonoma e proattiva, con grandi capacità organizzative e forte propensione al lavoro in team e su progetti già avviati

  • Isco srl, agenzia per il lavoro, per ampliamento organico interno ricerca una risorsa da inserire come programmatore informaticola risorsa si occuperà di: attività di analisi e gestione progetti; sviluppo di applicazioni web in ambiente lamp (linux, apache, mysql, php); gestione e manutenzione piattaforme cloud; sviluppo app mobile ibride; sviluppo e manutenzione siti in wordpress; assistenza interna hardware e softwarerequisiti: titolo di studio secondario o laurea trien

  • Creazione content seo oriented grazie ad un'approfondita conoscenza dei tool di supporto per l'analisi di performance e keywords analizzare, verificare, incrementare link in ingresso verso il sito e-commerce, capacità di preparare il benchmark della concorrenza e supportare ottimizzazioni tecniche del sito interfacciandosi con i programmatori del gruppo must have: esperienza di almeno 3-5 anni nella gestione di attività seo, con budget di medie/grandi dimensioni laurea conoscenza approfondita di google search console, di tool specifici di seo e di wordpress ottima conoscenza di google analytics, con spiccate doti analitiche e forte orientamento ai kpi, capacità di identificare best practices, potenzialità ed azioni correttive e creare reporting periodici a supporto del progetto autonomia nella gestione di progetti e capacità di condivisione di progetti e risultati esperienza in mercati b2b ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese spiccate doti analitiche e data driven entusiasmo, autonomia, proattività, capacità di lavorare in team problem-solving mindset, capacità organizzative e gestionali propensione alla formazione continua determinazione e capacità di lavorare per obiettivi location: dintorni di biella (bi) further information: si offrono 2-3 giorni a settimana in smart workingabout the company: per realtà multinazionale leader del settor consumer goods per ufficio i nostri recruitment engineers ricercano un seo specialist core responsibilities: siamo alla ricerca di una figura professionale che, coordinandosi con il responsabile, gestisce in modo autonomo il progetto aziendale di seo, con l’obiettivo di generare flussi di traffico qualificato, conversioni ed acquisire nuovi clienti in linea con le strategie di business e i targets aziendalii nostri recruitment engineer selezionano i migliori profili it per prestigiose società di consulenza informatica, banche, aziende di servizi, gruppi manifatturieri, start-up di eccellenza e digital dna companytechyon: information technology recruitment experts | head hunter techyon è il primo head hunter esclusivamente specializzato nella ricerca e selezione di professionisti senior e manager nel segmento information technologyin particolare è richiesto: attività di seo on page: content e site optimization off page: link building e digital pr)implementazione di ottimizzazioni di content tramite il cms in uso e coordinamento con un’agenzia esterna per le attività a sostegno del progetto

  • 80
    150,00 € 100,00 € iva inclusa
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    in offerta!in offerta!
    base tavolo in ferro ghisa 060/ a bologna, ancona, venezia, siracura, torino, roma, treviso, trieste, pordenone, vicenza, brescia, perugia, bergamo
    base tavolo in ferro ghisa 060/ a bologna, ancona, venezia, siracura, torino, roma, treviso, trieste, pordenone, vicenza, brescia, perugia, bergamo
    190,00 € 183,00 €
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    basamento tondo a gradini diametro 60
    basamento tondo a gradini diametro 60
    148,00 € 130,00 € iva inclusa
    aggiungi al carrello
    copyright 2022 tutti i diritti riservati a eventodesign di vincenzo cuglietta
    joyas shop theme di athemeart - proudly powered by wordpress
    il punto di forza della base in ghisa mod 110q è la possibilità di personalizzarla in base alle richieste del cliente, è infatti possibile dotarla di 4 piedini regolabili, scegliere il colore ral che più si preferisce e nel caso in cui vogliate utilizzare dei piani in vetro verrà fornita con l’apposito platorello di fissaggio80
    base tavolo bistrot in ferro per piano tavolo tondo max d
    trasporto gratis in tutta italia dal 24 agosto al 24 settembre 2022 ignora

    perché solo la base ?
    nel mondo dell’arredo contract e horeca i tavoli vengono venduti scorporati in basi e piani
    per queste personalizzazioni contattaci senza impegno!

    base 048f in ferro
    dimensioni base: 480 x 480 mm
    dimensione piano consigliata: 1000 x 1000 / 1200 x 1200 mm
    la sua altezza di 72 cm è perfetta per locali con posti a sedere come bar e ristorantini

    se stai pianificando di rinnovare il tuo locale o sei prossimo all’apertura fai un investimento duraturo per la tua attività e acquista la base tavolo in ghisa mod 110q43 per piano max 80×80 diam
    insomma, le basi tavolo sono un investimento duraturo nel tempo per la vostra attività, vi garantiranno tutta la praticità di poter gestire i coperti senza il disturbo delle gambe dei tavoli tradizionali e la flessibilità per gestire al meglio gli spazi interni ed esterni del vostro locale!

    altezza: 720 mm
    peso: ∼ 21,3 kg con crociera “star” ∼ 25,7 kg con piastra “forte”
    dimensioni base: 480 x 480 mm
    dimensione piano consigliata: 1000 x 1000 / 1200 x 1200 mm
    in dotazione:
    crociera “star” – in alluminio pressofuso (colore standard: nero)
    4 piedini fissi

    altre altezze standard:
    – 720 mm (21,3 kg con crociera “star” ∼ 25,7 kg con piastra “forte”)

    prodotti correlati
    in offerta!in offerta!
    base in ghisa verniciata effetto rame antico
    base in ghisa verniciata effetto rame antico
    195,00 € 103,00 € iva inclusa
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    in offerta!in offerta!
    base tavolo bistrot in ferro per piano tavolo tondo max d
    pratica ed elegante si può abbinare a tutte le tipologie di piano tavolo grazie alla crociera “star” in dotazione, inoltre viene fornita con 4 feltrini adesivi e 4 tappi in abs per ottimizzarene la stabilità

    dai un’occhiata anche ai nostri piani tavolo da abbinare alla base
    per la pulizia consigliamo di pulire con un panno umido ed evitare di utilizzare detergenti troppo aggressivila base tavolo in ferro è perfetta per il vostro localequesto per la naturale differenze di usura tra le due parti, i piani d’appoggio infatti sono soggetti a graffi e ad un invecchiamento prematuro rispetto alle basi che sono molto più resistenti e durature nel tempo
    inoltre in caso di rinnovo locali le basi possono essere verniciate o mantenute mentre i piani possono essere sostituiti senza dover riacquistare tutta la la struttura80 cm tornita verniciata bianco diam

    Abbadia San Salvatore (Toscana)

    88 €

  • 70
    180,00 € 94,88 € iva inclusa
    aggiungi al carrello
    copyright 2022 tutti i diritti riservati a eventodesign di vincenzo cuglietta
    joyas shop theme di athemeart - proudly powered by wordpress70
    base piatta verniciata ruggine 40×40 per piano max 70×70 diam2003/b
    106,24 € 98,00 € iva inclusa
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    in offerta!in offerta!
    base tornita in ghisa verniciata effetto rame antico
    base tornita in ghisa verniciata effetto rame antico
    225,00 € 115,00 € iva inclusa
    aggiungi al carrello
    in offerta!in offerta!
    base piatta verniciata ruggine 40×40 per piano max 70×70 diam
    trasporto gratis in tutta italia dal 24 agosto al 24 settembre 2022 ignorabase tavolo in ferro ghisa 060/ a bologna, ancona, venezia, siracura, torino, roma, treviso, trieste, pordenone, vicenza, brescia, perugia, bergamo
    190,00 €183,00 €
    es060 tinta nero

    altezza della base cm 73 per massimo piano quadrato cm 100×110

    base tavolo in ferro ghisa 060/ a bologna, ancona, venezia, siracura, torino, roma, treviso, trieste, pordenone, vicenza, brescia, perugia, bergamo quantità

    aggiungi alla lista dei desideri
    aggiungi al preventivo
    cod: 060/
    categorie: basi, basi in fusione di ghisa
    tag: base in ferro per piano tavolo max 100x100
    informazioni aggiuntive
    recensioni (0)
    base tavolo in ferro ghisa mod060

    altezza della base cm 73 per massimo piano quadrato cm 100×110

    prodotti correlati
    in offerta!in offerta!
    base in ghisa verniciata effetto rame antico
    base in ghisa verniciata effetto rame antico
    195,00 € 103,00 € iva inclusa
    aggiungi al carrello
    in offerta!in offerta!
    modrata da 31,64 € per 6 mesi consoisyinfo
    taeg max 15,01%, spesa complessiva max 190,58€
    base tavolo in ferro ghisa mod

    Nuoro (Sardegna)

    80 €

  • Nice to have: conocimientos de dockermonitorización y supervisión de la infraestructura de redes en las diferentes sedes corporativasnuestros recruitment engineers seleccionan los mejores perfiles it para prestigiosas empresas de consultoría, bancos, empresas de servicios, grupos de fabricación, start-ups y empresas de digital dna companyexperiencia mínima de 2 años en el ámbito cloudcore responsibilities: gestión de la infraestructura en la nubeabout the company: para empresa del sector finanzas, nuestros recruitment engineer se encuentran en la búsqueda de un cloud specialistnivel de inglés altoconocimientos de kuberneteshabilidad con la gestión de clientesmust have: grado en ingeniería informática o similarlocation: madridhabilidad para el trabajo en equipoinstalación y configuración de los sistemas informáticos corporativos (hardware y software) según las necesidades empresarialestechyon: information technology recruitment experts | head hunter techyon es el primer head hunter exclusivamente especializado en la búsqueda y selección de profesionales senior y managers en el ámbito de information technologyconocimientos de los sistemas operativos más utilizados (centos, windows server)

  • Net multithreading and parallelization sql and/or nosql databases catch our attention with experience in: cloud platforms building api services docker containers our multi-discipline team’s talent and personality is key to our successthe video experiences business unit at deltatre is a leading ott products and services provider delivering best-of-breed products and components as well as comprehensive end-to-end solutionsdaily, we pioneer new ways for consumers to interact with technology and take pride in delivering world-class experiences on emerging technologiesrecruiters – we have handled this one internally! thanksas of november , if it suits your role at deltatre, you can work full time from home/remotely, from the office, or a combination within the same country as your contracted office of employmentnet professionals in the over-the-top (ott) industryour premium ott platforms used by leading media, cable, broadcast and telecom companies as well as major sports organizations all around the globe to offer and deliver their video catalogs and channels to end-users via wide range of client apps for phones, tvs, tablets, pcs, consoles… basically any device where people watch videosplease note that we will only contact successfully shortlisted candidatesthe backend team comprises of the most talentedwhat's in it for you global company with huge growth potential small, creative, close-knit engineering/tech team who love to collaborate meal allowance multisport card full remote + a contribution to buy equipment which makes your work from home more comfortable 25 working days per year vacation entitlement 5 sick days – per calendar year team events sponsored by the company free refreshments in the office we are committed to ensuring that we provide equal opportunities for allwe’re deltatre - come join us! we're fully flexiblewe're an end-to-end provider of premium products and services for global sport and media operatorswe thoroughly enjoy collaborating with each other and have a passionate and fun culture! we are looking for a passionate junior developer who has a love for technology, and experience within the following disciplineswe look for talented individuals with good analytical and problem-solving skills, strong work ethic, integrity, friendliness and attention to detailour premium software products and uxd consultancy are the principal choice of leading telecom, cable, broadcast, media and aviation companiesplease let us know if you need us to make any adjustments or if you have any special requirements for the interview processall these apps are powered by the backend solution built with wide range of modern technologies and designed to withstand millions of concurrent usersdepending on the role this normally includes a written test and interview

  • Js docker containers continuous integration (like bamboo ci server) continuous deployment (like octopus deploy) our multi-discipline team’s talent and personality is key to our successif you love programming and can demonstrate great software engineering experience – we would love you to join our teamplease note that we will only contact successfully shortlisted candidatesnet framework (v4we are looking for a passionate developer who has a love for technology, and experience within the following disciplineswe're an end-to-end provider of premium products and services for global sport and media operatorsdaily, we pioneer new ways for consumers to interact with technology and take pride in delivering world-class experiences on emerging technologiesour premium ott platforms used by leading media, cable, broadcast and telecom companies as well as major sports organizations all around the globe to offer and deliver their video catalogs and channels to end-users via wide range of client apps for phones, tvs, tablets, pcs, consoles… basically any device where people watch videoswe look for talented individuals with the right combination of a ‘can do’ approach, strong work ethic, integrity, friendliness and attention to detailwe're fully flexiblewe push boundaries every day to offer the most reliable, scalable, engaging end-to-end offerings that continually meet and exceed fan expectations and maximise client valueyou will be a part of the team responsible for designing and building new features, resolving issues, taking care about continuous integration and deployment and permanently improving all aspects of deliveryrecruiters – we have handled this one internally! thankswe thoroughly enjoy collaborating with each other and have a passionate and fun culture! your role you will be working on delivering back-end solution built with wide range of modern technologies and designed to withstand millions of concurrent usersas of november , if it suits your role at deltatre, you can work full time from home/remotely, from the office, or a combination within the same country as your contracted office of employmentunderpinned by data we're able to determine the best experiences to drive business growththe backend team comprises of the most talentedall these apps are powered by the backend that you will work on plus an editorial interface used by our clients to manage their offering and to configure the appsnet professionals in the over-the-top (ott) industrydeltatre provides strategy, planning, consultancy across all stages of our client's lifecyclesome of our company perks: global company with huge growth potential small, creative, close-knit engineering/tech team who love to collaborate meal allowance multisport card full remote + a contribution to buy equipment which makes your work from home more comfortable 25 working days per year vacation entitlement 5 sick days – per calendar year team events sponsored by the company free refreshments in the office we are committed to ensuring that we provide equal opportunities for all1+) rest apis using web api multithreading and parallelization nosql databases (preferably mongodb) sql, rdbms (preferably ms sql) catch our attention with experience in: cloud platforms aws/azure building high performance/scalable api nodeplease let us know if you need us to make any adjustments or if you have any special requirements for the interview processdepending on the role this normally includes a written test and interview

  • Net based, but we have some important nodeaxis product team is mainly based in prague and turin but has colleagues in other places around europe toowe are looking for someone who is: driven to push the boundaries and lead change and performance communicative to leave no-one in the dark and to manage other engineers successfully reliable so we know that we can rely on you when we need to deliver on time passionate about the latest technologies and standards proactive to suggest improvements, identify and fix potential issues we need you to know most of these things well: bsc in computer science or similar experience strong written and verbal communication in english 3+ year of commercial back-end experience inplease note that we will only contact successfully shortlisted candidateswe're an end-to-end provider of premium products and services for global sport and media operatorsnet c# 4+ years of experience in back-end development architecting public apis, open api (swagger specs) high performance and scaled services microservices and event-driven architecturenet core (server side) cloud technologies (ideally aws) docker, containers (ideally hosted in ecs/eks) unit/integration/component tests http, caching sql, sql server or other rdbms mongodb or other document dbs … and we will probably love you if you know about some of these too: kubernetes or similar container orchestrator service discovery, service mesh modern synchronous (ewe run everything in aws in a mixture of cloud services, containers, and virtual machineswe try to be agile driven, progressive, respectful, and continuously improving how we workwe're fully flexiblewe continuously upgrade our technologies to the latest versions and best practices, but we need to maintain and evolve some legacy systems as wellwe push boundaries every day to offer the most reliable, scalable, engaging end-to-end offerings that continually meet and exceed fan expectations and maximise client valuewould you like to work on a back-end designed to withstand millions of concurrent users? learn latest technologies and innovate? in a small team where every contribution counts? if you like that, read on! axis is an over-the-top (ott) platform used by leading telecom, cable, broadcast and media companies all around the globe to offer and deliver their catalogues and channels to end-users via axis apps for phones, tvs, tablets, pcs, consoles… basically any device where people watch videosthe video experiences unit is leading ott products and services provider delivering best-of-breed products and components as well as comprehensive end-to-end solutionsrecruiters – we have handled this one internally! thanksas of november , if it suits your role at deltatre, you can work full time from home/remotely, from the office, or a combination within the same country as your contracted office of employmentunderpinned by data we're able to determine the best experiences to drive business growthvideo experiences serves both end-to-end clients and those who wants to internalize part of their platform through products and componentsall these apps are powered by the backend that you will work on plus an editorial interface used by our clients to manage their offering and to configure the appsapacha kafka) communication technologies/protocols ability to problem solve complex technical issues app (client-side) development experience redis or other in-memory key-value dbs git power user powershell power user what's in it for you global company with huge growth potential small, creative, close-knit engineering/tech team who love to collaborate meal allowance multisport card full remote + a contribution to buy equipment which makes your work from home more comfortable 25 working days per year vacation entitlement 5 sick days – per calendar year team events sponsored by the company free refreshments in the office we are committed to ensuring that we provide equal opportunities for alldeltatre provides strategy, planning, consultancy across all stages of our client's lifecyclewe are a proud team that tries hard to meet commitments and loves to celebrate successes! our technology stack is mostlygrpc) and asynchronous (ewe are a group of talented developers, infrastructure engineers, qas, business analysts and product owners who will work with you, challenge you and support you on an everyday basisjs components tooplease let us know if you need us to make any adjustments or if you have any special requirements for the interview processdepending on the role this normally includes a written test and interview

  • Core responsibilities: contribute to the design of the embedded software system architecture providing guidance on their correct use in the product development lifecycle develop the applications for a networked linux-based embedded medical device develop and optimize drivers for interfacing with the peripherals, both internally developed or ots implement best practices for managing the lifecycle of the deliverable software design and write automated tests for code quality promote and actively participate in teamwork to research innovative technology solutions create comprehensive and compliant documentation for design assurance purposes must have: excellent mastery of modern c++ language for embedded software development mastery of concurrency and parallel programming understanding networking protocols and technologies (ip, iso/osi, tcp stack) good knowledge of the linux operating system (debian / petalinux) knowledge and understanding of rest apis and alternative data exchange technologies knowledge of the founding principles of software engineering, design patterns and, preferably, of "test driven development" techniques excellent command of written english language good command of spoken english language nice to have: knowledge of the go or python programming languages experience with docker for local development and testing experience with video processing stacks gnu/linux shell scripting good knowledge of the yocto project vhdl programming on fpgas, preferably using xilinx® vivado design suite ide knowledge of medical device software software life cycle processes according to iec location: pordenone + smartworkingour recruitment engineers select the best it profiles for prestigious it consulting firms, banks, service companies, manufacturing groups, start-ups of excellence and digital dna companiestechyon: information technology recruitment experts | head hunter techyon is the first head hunter which exclusively specializes in the search and selection of professionals and managers in the information technology fieldabout the company: for a global leader surgical solutions company our recruitment engineers are looking for a c++ embedded software developer

  • Linux conoscenza jquery nice to have: conoscenza owasp metodologie di sviluppo sicuro altri db anche non relazionali (mongo, redis) conoscenza docker e concetti di containerizzazione altri linguaggi di programmazione (java, c#, python) conoscenza ambito assicurativo/bancario location: milanoi nostri recruitment engineer selezionano i migliori profili it per prestigiose società di consulenza informatica, banche, aziende di servizi, gruppi manifatturieri, start-up di eccellenza e digital dna companymust have: conoscenza approfondita php e laravel conoscenza approfondita mysql esperienza git stechyon: information technology recruitment experts | head hunter techyon è il primo head hunter esclusivamente specializzato nella ricerca e selezione di professionisti senior e manager nel segmento information technologyabout the company: per importante realtà, specializzata nella progettazione e nello sviluppo software, i nostri recruitment engineer ricercano un sviluppatore senior php/laravel developer core responsibilities: la persona individuata lavorerà all’interno di un team progettuale, dove si occuperà delle attività di sviluppo del software, garantendo qualità e rispetto delle scadenze

  • Net c# 2+ years of experience in back-end development unit/integration/component tests sql, some rdbms http … and we will probably love you if you know about some of these tooaxis product team is mostly based in prague and turin but has colleagues in other places around europe toonet based, but we have some important nodeplease note that we will only contact successfully shortlisted candidateswe're an end-to-end provider of premium products and services for global sport and media operatorswe run everything in aws in a mixture of cloud services, containers, and virtual machineswe try to be agile driven, progressive, respectful, and continuously improving how we workwe're fully flexiblewe continuously upgrade our technologies to the latest versions and best practices, but we need to maintain and evolve some legacy systems as wellwe push boundaries every day to offer the most reliable, scalable, engaging end-to-end offerings that continually meet and exceed fan expectations and maximise client valuewho are we looking for? someone who is: passionate about the latest technologies and standards flexible to handle even tasks associated with continuous integration or deployment proactive to identify and fix potential issues or to introduce improvements collaborative to reach consensual decisions and to resolve blockers fast we need you to know most of these things well: good written and verbal communication in english 1+ years of back-end experience inthe video experiences unit is leading ott products and services provider delivering best-of-breed products and components as well as comprehensive end-to-end solutionsrecruiters – we have handled this one internally! thanksas of november , if it suits your role at deltatre, you can work full time from home/remotely, from the office, or a combination within the same country as your contracted office of employmentunderpinned by data we're able to determine the best experiences to drive business growthvideo experiences serves both end-to-end clients and those who wants to internalize part of their platform through products and componentsall these apps are powered by the backend that you will work on plus an editorial interface used by our clients to manage their offering and to configure the appsdeltatre provides strategy, planning, consultancy across all stages of our client's lifecyclewe are a proud team that tries hard to meet commitments and loves to celebrate successes! our technology stack is mostlynet core docker, containers, their hosting (like amazon ecs/eks) modern synchronous (like grpc) and asynchronous (like kafka) communication technologies/protocols continuous integration (like bamboo) client-side and server-side caching git power user ability to problem solve complex technical issues cloud technologies (like aws, terraform) document dbs (like mongodb) key-value dbs (like redis) open api (swagger specs) ui development experience some of our company perks: global company with huge growth potential small, creative, close-knit engineering/tech team who love to collaborate unlimited contract – hpp (fulltime permanent employment) meal allowance (czk 55/day to be paid within your salary) multisport card full remote + a contribution to buy equipment which makes your work from home more comfortable 25 working days per year vacation entitlement 5 sick days – per calendar year team events sponsored by the company free refreshments in the office we are committed to ensuring that we provide equal opportunities for allwe are a group of talented developers, infrastructure engineers, qas, business analysts and product owners who will work with you, challenge you and support you on an everyday basisjs components toowould you like to work on back-end that is designed to withstand hundreds of thousands if not millions of concurrent users? in a small team where every contribution counts? on if you’d like that, read on! would you like to work on a back-end designed to withstand millions of concurrent users? learn latest technologies and innovate? in a small team where every contribution counts? if you like that, read on! axis is an over-the-top (ott) platform used by leading telecom, cable, broadcast and media companies all around the globe to offer and deliver their catalogues and channels to end-users via axis apps for phones, tvs, tablets, pcs, consoles… basically any device where people watch videosplease let us know if you need us to make any adjustments or if you have any special requirements for the interview processdepending on the role this normally includes a written test and interview

  • Il candidato ideale dovrebbe avere almeno 5 anni di esperienza con java j2ee ed essere autonomo per quanto riguarda la maggior parte dei seguenti elementi/linguaggi: java8 (qualcosa in java10) microservizi macchine a stati docker jdbc, jpa webservices rest e soap spring batch jax-rs jwt spring mvc pagine web (jsp, html) webservices rest e soap angularjs ed angular 2+ springboot (springdata e hibernate, springjms, string statemachine, logback) springcloud (eureka, zullproxy) sistemi di cache (hazlecast, infinispan) db sql server ed elasticsearch jenkins jira microsoft sql server pl/sql jboss wildfly linux javascript jquerysiamo alla ricerca di 3 java full stack developer da inserire su progettualità per prestigiosi clienti internazionalinexidevo, è la società che si occupa degli aspetti di sviluppo e delivery dei progetti del gruppo nixidnexid è una digital company che supporta le aziende nella trasformazione digitale avendo le competenze e capacità per gestire progetti end to end e from vision to executionsi offre un ambiente di lavoro caratterizzato da grande attenzione al clima aziendale, all’empatia, e alla componente umana; smart working (quello vero); attività su progettualità reali ed innovative da subito, adeguatamente seguiti e supportati dal management nexid; formazione sulle metodologie, i tool e le tecnologie usate in nexid con possibilità di ottenere svariate certificazioni; un percorso di crescita professionale in ambito digital e innovazione; forma contrattuale e retribuzione concordabili in sede di colloquio e commisurabili alle effettive skill del candidato

  • Video experiences is the unit leading ott products and services provider delivering best-of-breed products and components as well as comprehensive end-to-end solutionsyou are ruthless when it comes to quality control for releases and love working towards tight deadlinesunderpinned by data we're able to determine the best experiences to drive business growthdeltatre provides strategy, planning, consultancy across all stages of our client's lifecycleabout you you are highly organised, excellent at communicating, and are able to multi-task under pressure in a continually changing environmentto be successful in this role you must have the following experience: 3-4 years’ experience as a software qa automation engineer istqb qualification expertise in testing across server, web or native mobile current or last job in a true saas, ci/cd product environment knowledge of code collaboration such as git and bitbucket pipelines experience in writing automated tests, preferably in javascript experience in testing apis and webservices, and automating them end-to-end experience in automation framework mocha or gradle experience in web automation using nodejs experience working with docker, aws and atlassian’s product suites excellent analytical and problem-solving skills, with proven experience driving issues to resolution advanced experience in defect management and prioritization a love for collaborating and communicating with multi-disciplinary teams in an agile format a good eye for identifying opportunities to add greater value and accuracy to our current testing processes a genuine passion for qualitydepending on the role this normally includes a written test and interviewplease note that we will only contact successfully shortlisted candidateswe push boundaries every day to offer the most reliable, scalable, engaging end-to-end offerings that continually meet and exceed fan expectations and maximise client valueimportantly, you have a genuine passion for technology and are looking to join a sociable, tight-knit, collaborative, and hard-working teambenefits: global company with huge growth potential small, creative, close-knit engineering/tech team who love to collaborate unlimited contract – hpp (fulltime permanent employment) meal allowance (czk 55/day to be paid within your salary) multisport card full remote + a contribution to buy equipment which makes your work from home more comfortable 25 working days per year vacation entitlement 5 sick days – per calendar year team events sponsored by the company free refreshments in the office we are committed to ensuring that we provide equal opportunities for allwe're an end-to-end provider of premium products and services for global sport and media operatorsplease let us know if you need us to make any adjustments or if you have any special requirements for the interview processas a qa automation engineer on deltatre’s product development team, you will be joining a multi-disciplinary group of practitioners who are responsible for the creation and quality of our video entertainment product suite

  • Il candidato ideale dovrebbe avere almeno 5 anni di esperienza con java j2ee ed essere autonomo per quanto riguarda la maggior parte dei seguenti elementi/linguaggi: java8 (qualcosa in java10) microservizi macchine a stati docker jdbc, jpa webservices rest e soap spring batch jax-rs jwt spring mvc pagine web (jsp, html) webservices rest e soap angularjs ed angular 2+ springboot (springdata e hibernate, springjms, string statemachine, logback) springcloud (eureka, zullproxy) sistemi di cache (hazlecast, infinispan) db sql server ed elasticsearch jenkins jira microsoft sql server pl/sql jboss wildfly linux javascript jquerynexid, digital company che supporta le aziende nella trasformazione digitale avendo le competenze e capacità per gestire progetti end to end e from vision to execution, è alla ricerca di java developer full stack per ampliare il proprio teamsi offre: un ambiente di lavoro caratterizzato da grande attenzione al clima aziendale, all’empatia, e alla componente umana; smart working (quello vero); attività su progettualità reali ed innovative da subito, adeguatamente seguiti e supportati dal management nexid; formazione sulle metodologie, i tool e le tecnologie usate in nexid con possibilità di ottenere svariate certificazioni; un percorso di crescita professionale in ambito digital e innovazione; forma contrattuale e retribuzione concordabili in sede di colloquio e commisurabili alle effettive skill del candidato

    Bergamo (Lombardia)

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